
Defines functions simulate_heterogeneity simulate_fixed sim_variable sim_time sim_knot2 simulate_knot sim_continuous2 sim_ordinal2 sim_factor2

Documented in sim_continuous2 sim_factor2 sim_ordinal2 sim_time simulate_fixed simulate_heterogeneity simulate_knot

#' Simulate categorical or factor variables
#' Function that simulates factor or categorical variables.  
#' Is essentially a wrapper around the sample function from base R.
#' @param n A list of sample sizes.
#' @param levels Scalar indicating the number of levels for categorical or
#'   factor variable. Can also specify levels as a character vector.
#' @param var_level The level the variable should be simulated at. This can either 
#'      be 1, 2, or 3 specifying a level 1, level 2, or level 3 variable 
#'      respectively.
#' @param replace TRUE/FALSE indicating whether levels should be sampled with 
#'   replacement. Default is TRUE.
#' @param force_equal TRUE/FALSE indicating if the sample size should be forced
#'     to be equal. Should not be used with the `replace = FALSE` argument.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the sample function.
#' @export 
sim_factor2 <- function(n, levels, var_level = 1, replace = TRUE,
                        force_equal = FALSE,
                        ...) {
  if(force_equal) {
    if(var_level == 1) {
      cat_var = 1
      num_equal <- sum(n[['level1']]) / length(levels)
      if(whole_number(num_equal)) {
        while(any((table(cat_var) - num_equal) != 0)) {
          cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level1']]), 
                                  replace = replace, ...)
      } else {
        while(any(abs(round(table(cat_var) - num_equal)) > 1)) {
          cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level1']]), 
                                  replace = replace, ...)
    } else {
      if(var_level == 2) {
        cat_var = 1
        num_equal <- sum(n[['level2']]) / length(levels)
        if(whole_number(num_equal)) {
          while(any((table(cat_var) - num_equal) != 0)) {
            cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level2']]), 
                                    replace = replace, ...)
        } else {
          while(any(abs(round(table(cat_var) - num_equal)) > 1)) {
            cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level2']]), 
                                    replace = replace, ...)
        cat_var <- rep(cat_var,
                       times = n[['level1']])
      } else {
        cat_var = 1
        num_equal <- n[['level3']] / length(levels)
        if(whole_number(num_equal)) {
          while(any((table(cat_var) - num_equal) != 0)) {
            cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = n[['level3']], 
                                    replace = replace, ...)
        } else {
          while(any(abs(round(table(cat_var) - num_equal)) > 1)) {
            cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = n[['level3']], 
                                    replace = replace, ...)
        cat_var <- rep(cat_var,
                       times = n[['level3_total']])
  } else {
    if(var_level == 1) {
      cat_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level1']]), 
                              replace = replace, ...)
    } else {
      if(var_level == 2) {
        cat_var <- rep(base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level2']]), 
                                    replace = replace, ...),
                       times = n[['level1']])
      } else {
        cat_var <- rep(base::sample(x = levels, size = n[['level3']], 
                                    replace = replace, ...),
                       times = n[['level3_total']])
  cat_var <- factor(cat_var, levels = levels)

#' Simulate discrete variables
#' Function that simulates discrete variables.  
#' Is essentially a wrapper around the sample function from base R.
#' @param n A list of sample sizes.
#' @param levels Scalar indicating the number of levels for discrete variable. 
#'      Can also specify levels as a character vector.
#' @param var_level The level the variable should be simulated at. This can either 
#'      be 1, 2, or 3 specifying a level 1, level 2, or level 3 variable 
#'      respectively.
#' @param replace TRUE/FALSE indicating whether levels should be sampled with 
#'   replacement. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the sample function.
#' @export 
sim_ordinal2 <- function(n, levels, var_level = 1, replace = TRUE,
                         ...) {
  if(var_level == 1) {
    ord_var <- base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level1']]), 
                            replace = replace, ...)
  } else {
    if(var_level == 2) {
      ord_var <- rep(base::sample(x = levels, size = sum(n[['level2']]), 
                                  replace = replace, ...),
                     times = n[['level1']])
    } else {
      ord_var <- rep(base::sample(x = levels, size = n[['level3']], 
                                  replace = replace, ...),
                     times = n[['level3_total']])

#' Simulate continuous variables
#' Function that simulates continuous variables. Any distribution function in 
#' R is supported.
#' @param n A list of sample sizes.
#' @param dist A distribution function. This argument takes a quoted
#'      R distribution function (e.g. 'rnorm'). Default is 'rnorm'.
#' @param var_level The level the variable should be simulated at. This can either 
#'      be 1, 2, or 3 specifying a level 1, level 2, or level 3 variable 
#'      respectively.
#' @param variance The variance for random effect simulation.
#' @param ther_sim A TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether the error simulation 
#'  function should be simulated, that is should the mean and standard deviation
#'  used for standardization be simulated. 
#' @param ther_val A vector of 2 that should include the theoretical mean and 
#'  standard deviation of the generating function.
#' @param ceiling A numeric value that specifies the ceiling (maximum) of an 
#' attribute being generated. Defaults to NULL meaning no ceiling effect. 
#' If a value is specified, any data larger than integer is rounded to 
#' that ceiling value.
#' @param floor A numeric value that specifies the floor (minimum) of an 
#' attribute being generated. Defaults to NULL meaning no floor effect.
#' If a value is specified, any data larger than integer is rounded to 
#' that floor value.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the dist_fun argument.
#' @export 
sim_continuous2 <- function(n, dist = 'rnorm', var_level = 1, 
                            variance = NULL, ther_sim = FALSE, ther_val = NULL, 
                            ceiling = NULL, floor = NULL,
                            ...) {
  if(var_level == 1) {
    cont_var <- unlist(lapply(n[['level1']], FUN = dist, ...))
  } else {
    if(var_level == 2) {
      cont_var <- rep(unlist(lapply(sum(n[['level2']]), FUN = dist, ...)),
                      times = n[['level1']])
    } else {
      cont_var <- rep(unlist(lapply(n[['level3']], FUN = dist, ...)),
                      times = n[['level3_total']])
  if(!is.null(variance)) {
    if(ther_sim) {
      ther_val <- do.call(dist, c(list(n = 10000000), ...))
      ther <- c(mean(ther_val), sd(ther_val))
      cont_var <- standardize(cont_var, ther[1], ther[2])
    if(!is.null(ther_val)) {
      cont_var <- standardize(cont_var, ther_val[1], ther_val[2])
    cont_var <- cont_var %*% chol(c(variance))
  if(!is.null(ceiling)) {
    cont_var <- ifelse(cont_var > ceiling, ceiling, cont_var)
  if(!is.null(floor)) {
    cont_var <- ifelse(cont_var < floor, floor, cont_var)

#' Simulate knot locations
#' Function that generates knot locations. An example of usefulness of this function
#' would be with generation of interrupted time series data. Another application may
#' be with simulation of piecewise linear data structures.
#' @param data Data to pass to the sim_knot2 function to determine knot 
#'   location.
#' @param sim_args A named list with special model formula syntax. See details and examples
#'   for more information. The named list may contain the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item fixed: This is the fixed portion of the model (i.e. covariates)
#'     \item random: This is the random portion of the model (i.e. random effects)
#'     \item error: This is the error (i.e. residual term).
#'   }
#' @param data Mostly internal argument.
#' @export
simulate_knot <- function(data, sim_args) {
          lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['knot']]), function(ii)
                        data = data)

sim_knot2 <- function(data, variable, knot_locations, right = FALSE, ...) {
  if(!right) {
    knot_locat <- c(min(data[[variable]]), knot_locations, (max(data[[variable]]) + 1))
  } else {
    knot_locat <- c((min(data[[variable]]) - 1), knot_locations, (max(data[[variable]])))
  cut(data[[variable]], knot_locat, labels = FALSE, right = right, ...) - 1

#' Simulate Time
#' This function simulates data for the time variable of longitudinal data.
#' @param n Sample size of the levels.
#' @param time_levels The values the time variable should take. If NULL (default),
#'   the time values are discrete integers starting at 0 and going to n - 1.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @export 
sim_time <- function(n, time_levels = NULL, ...) {
  if(is.null(time_levels)) {
            lapply(seq_along(n[['level1']]), function(xx) 
              0:(n[['level1']][xx] - 1)))
  } else {
            lapply(seq_along(n[['level1']]), function(xx)

sim_variable <- function(var_type = c("continuous", "factor", "ordinal", 
                                      'time'), ...) {
  var_type <- match.arg(var_type)
         continuous = sim_continuous2(...),
         factor = sim_factor2(...),
         ordinal = sim_ordinal2(...),
         #knot = sim_knot2(...),
         time = sim_time(...)

#' Tidy fixed effect formula simulation
#' This function simulates the fixed portion of the model using a formula syntax.
#' @param data Data simulated from other functions to pass to this function. Can pass
#'  NULL if first in simulation string.
#' @param sim_args A named list with special model formula syntax. See details and examples
#'   for more information. The named list may contain the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item fixed: This is the fixed portion of the model (i.e. covariates)
#'     \item random: This is the random portion of the model (i.e. random effects)
#'     \item error: This is the error (i.e. residual term).
#'   }
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to error simulation functions.
#' @importFrom purrr modify_if
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export 
simulate_fixed <- function(data, sim_args, ...) {
  if(is.null(parse_formula(sim_args)[['fixed']])) {
    list_formula <- parse_formula(sim_args)
    fixed_list <- lapply(seq_along(list_formula), function(xx) 
    if(comp_list(fixed_list)) {
      fixed_formula <- list_formula[[1]][['fixed']]
    } else {
  } else {
    fixed_formula <- parse_formula(sim_args)[['fixed']]
  fixed_vars <- attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")  
  if(any(grepl('^factor\\(', fixed_vars))) {
    fixed_vars <- gsub("factor\\(|\\)$", "", fixed_vars)
  if(any(grepl('^ns\\(', fixed_vars))) {
    fixed_vars <- gsub("ns\\(|bs\\(|\\,.+\\)$", "", fixed_vars)
  if(any(grepl("^poly\\(", fixed_vars))) {
    fixed_vars <- gsub("poly\\(|\\,.+\\)", "", fixed_vars)
  if(any(grepl("_post$", fixed_vars))) {
    fixed_vars <- fixed_vars[!grepl("_post$", fixed_vars)]
  if(is.null(data)) {
    n <- sample_sizes(sim_args[['sample_size']])
    id_vars <- parse_randomeffect(parse_formula(sim_args)[['randomeffect']])[['cluster_id_vars']]
    multiple_member <- parse_multiplemember(sim_args, parse_randomeffect(parse_formula(sim_args)[['randomeffect']]))
    id_vars <- id_vars[id_vars %ni% multiple_member[['multiple_member_idvars']]]
    ids <- create_ids(n, 
                      c('level1_id', id_vars))
    Xmat <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", 
                    lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['fixed']]), function(ii)
                                  n = n)
  } else {
    n <- compute_samplesize(data, sim_args)
    Xmat <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", 
                    lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['fixed']]), function(ii)
                                  n = n)
  if(!is.null(sim_args[['knot']])) {
    num_knot_vars <- length(sim_args[['knot']])
    knot_names <- names(sim_args[['knot']])
    knot_loc <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(seq_len(num_knot_vars)), function(xx) 
      grep(knot_names[xx], fixed_vars)))
    fixed_vars_knot <- fixed_vars[-knot_loc]
    if(any(grepl(":|^I", fixed_vars_knot))) {
      int_loc <- grep(":|^I", fixed_vars_knot)
      colnames(Xmat) <- fixed_vars_knot[-int_loc]
    } else {
      colnames(Xmat) <- fixed_vars_knot
    Xmat_knot <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", 
                         lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['knot']]), function(ii)
                                       data = Xmat)
    Xmat <- cbind(Xmat, Xmat_knot)
  if(any(grepl(":|^I", fixed_vars))) {
    int_loc <- grep(":|^I", fixed_vars)
    colnames(Xmat) <- fixed_vars[-int_loc]
  } else {
    colnames(Xmat) <- fixed_vars
  # Place holder for post-process effects
  if(any(grepl("_post$", attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")))) {
    detect_ifelse <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['post']]), function(ii) 
      grepl('ifelse', sim_args[['post']][[ii]][['fun']])
    post_names <- names(sim_args[['post']])
    sim_args_post_ifelse <- sim_args[['post']][detect_ifelse]
    sim_args_post_other <- sim_args[['post']][!detect_ifelse]
    if(length(sim_args_post_ifelse) > 0) {
      Xmat_post_ifelse <- do.call("cbind.data.frame",
                                  lapply(seq_along(sim_args_post_ifelse), function(ii)
                                        X = eval(parse(text = paste0('Xmat[["', 
                                        FUN = sim_args_post_ifelse[[ii]][['fun']],
                                        yes = sim_args_post_ifelse[[ii]][['yes']],
                                        no = sim_args_post_ifelse[[ii]][['no']]
      names(Xmat_post_ifelse) <- names(sim_args_post_ifelse)
      Xmat <- cbind(Xmat,
    if(length(sim_args_post_other) > 0) {
      Xmat_tmp <- data.frame(Xmat, ids)
      Xmat_post_other <- #do.call("cbind.data.frame",
        lapply(seq_along(sim_args_post_other), function(ii)
              Xmat_tmp[[sim_args_post_other[[ii]][['variable']]]] ~ Xmat_tmp[[sim_args_post_other[[ii]][['by']]]],
              FUN = sim_args_post_other[[ii]][['fun']]
      #names(Xmat_post_other) <- names(sim_args_post_other)
      Xmat_tmp2 <- do.call("cbind.data.frame",
                           lapply(seq_along(Xmat_post_other), function(ii) 
                             merge(Xmat_tmp, Xmat_post_other[[ii]], 
                                   by = sim_args_post_other[[ii]][['by']], 
                                   all.x = TRUE)
      Xmat <- cbind(Xmat,
  if(any(unlist(lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['fixed']]), function(xx) 
    sim_args[['fixed']][[xx]]$var_type)) == 'factor') | 
    any(grepl("^ns|^poly", attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")))) {
    if(any(grepl('^factor\\(', fixed_vars))) {
      fixed_vars <- gsub("factor\\(|\\)$", "", fixed_vars)
    num_levels <- lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['fixed']]), function(xx) 
    num_levels <- purrr::modify_if(num_levels, is.character, length)
    if(any(unlist(lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['fixed']]), function(xx) 
      num_levels[[xx]] > 1 & 
      sim_args[['fixed']][[xx]][['var_type']] == 'factor'))
    )) {
      fixed_vars_factornames <- attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")
      if(any(grepl('^factor\\(', fixed_vars_factornames))) {
        fixed_vars_factornames <- gsub("factor\\(|\\)$", "", 
      fixed_vars <- factor_names(sim_args, fixed_vars_factornames)
    if(any(grepl("^ns|^poly", attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")))) {
      if(any(grepl("^ns|^poly", fixed_vars))) {
        fixed_vars <- poly_ns_names(sim_args, fixed_vars)
      } else {
        fixed_vars <- poly_ns_names(sim_args, attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels"))
    Omat <- Xmat
    Xmat <- data.frame(model.matrix(fixed_formula, Xmat, ...))
    colnames(Xmat)[2:ncol(Xmat)] <- fixed_vars
    if(any(unlist(lapply(seq_along(sim_args[['fixed']]), function(xx) 
      sim_args[['fixed']][[xx]]$var_type)) == 'factor')) {
      Omat_factor <- Omat[unique_columns(Xmat, Omat)]
      Omat_factor_names <- attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")
      if(any(grepl(":|^I", Omat_factor_names))) {
        Omat_factor_names <- Omat_factor_names[-int_loc]
    } else {
      Omat_factor <- NULL
    if(any(grepl("^ns|^poly", attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")))) {
      fixed_vars_new <- attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels") 
      fixed_vars_poly_ns <- gsub("poly\\(|\\,.+\\)|ns\\(|\\,.+\\)", "", 
                                 fixed_vars_new[grepl("^poly|^ns", fixed_vars_new)]
      if(any(grepl(":", fixed_vars_poly_ns))) { 
        fixed_vars_poly_ns <- fixed_vars_poly_ns[!grepl(":", fixed_vars_poly_ns)]
      Omat_poly_ns <- Omat[ , fixed_vars_poly_ns, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      Omat_poly_ns <- NULL
    Omat <- dplyr::bind_cols(Omat_factor, Omat_poly_ns)
    Xmat <- dplyr::bind_cols(Xmat, Omat)
  } else {
    Xmat <- data.frame(model.matrix(fixed_formula, Xmat, ...))
    if(grepl("^0", as.character(fixed_formula)[2])) {
      colnames(Xmat)[1:ncol(Xmat)] <- attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")
    } else {
      colnames(Xmat)[2:ncol(Xmat)] <- attr(terms(fixed_formula), "term.labels")
  if(is.null(data)) {
    data.frame(Xmat, ids)
  } else {
    data.frame(data, Xmat)

#' Tidy heterogeneity of variance simulation
#' This function simulates heterogeneity of level one error variance.
#' @param data Data simulated from other functions to pass to this function. 
#' This function needs to be specified after `simulate_fixed` and `simulate_error`.
#' @param sim_args A named list with special model formula syntax. See details and examples
#'   for more information. The named list may contain the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item fixed: This is the fixed portion of the model (i.e. covariates)
#'     \item random: This is the random portion of the model (i.e. random effects)
#'     \item error: This is the error (i.e. residual term).
#'   }
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to error simulation functions.
#' @export
simulate_heterogeneity <- function(data, sim_args, ...) {
  heterogeneity_error <- heterogeneity(variance = sim_args[['heterogeneity']][['variance']],
                                       fixef = data, 
                                       variable = sim_args[['heterogeneity']][['variable']],
                                       err = data[['error']])
  data.frame(data[, !(names(data) %in% 'error')], 
             error = heterogeneity_error, orig_error = data[['error']])
lebebr01/simglm documentation built on May 9, 2024, 7:27 p.m.