
Defines functions gamTest

Documented in gamTest

#' @title Perform GAM analysis
#' @description
#' Perform GAM analysis. Relies on mgcv::gam to perform general additive model.
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}}
#' The baseDay function has been added to this package from the smwrBase package.
# \code{\vignette("gamTest_arguments", package="baytrends")}
#' @import mgcv
#' @importFrom lubridate mdy
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom graphics grid lines plot points abline axis.POSIXct
#' @importFrom graphics legend mtext par polygon title
#' @importFrom stats AIC anova as.formula coef coefficients
#' @importFrom stats model.frame pnorm predict pt qnorm qt reshape terms
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
#' @param df data frame
#' @param dep dependent variable
#' @param stat station
#' @param layer layer
#' @param analySpec analytical specifications
#' @param gamTable gam table setting (set to FALSE to turn off table output)
#' @param gamPlot gam plot setting (set to FALSE to turn off plotting)
#' @param gamDiffModel GAM model(s) used for computing differences on sub-annual/multi-period basis
#' @param flow.detrended data generated by detrended.flow.  Default = NA.
#' @param salinity.detrended data generated by detrended.flow.  Default = NA.
#' @return Returns a list with results
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{stat.gam.result --} Data frame with summary results in a tabular format suitable for output to a csv file
#' \item \strong{chng.gam.result --} Data frame with estimate of change for sub-annual differences based on the 
#' settings specified in \code{gamDiffModel}. Includes all data from stat.gam.result and sub-annual estimates of change
#' in a tabular format suitable for output to a csv file. 
#' \item \strong{data --} Data frame of data used in analysis (for example years with large proportion of censored data might be removed from the analysis and not included in this data frame)
#' \item \strong{data.all --} Data frame of all potential data available for analysis
#' \item \strong{iSpec --} List of baytrends analysis settings used for a specific analysis of station and parameter
#' \item \strong{gamOutput0 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 0 (i.e., gam0)
#' \item \strong{gamOutput1 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 1 (i.e., gam1)
#' \item \strong{gamOutput2 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 2 (i.e., gam2)
#' \item \strong{gamOutput3 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 3 (i.e., gam3)
#' \item \strong{gamOutput4 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 4 (i.e., gam4)
#' \item \strong{gamOutput5 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 5 (i.e., gam5)
#' \item \strong{gamOutput6 --}	Results including model predictions for gam formula 6 (i.e., gam6)
#' }
#' \strong{gamOutput* --} For each evaluated model, \code{gamOutput*} (see above
#' element list) is a list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{gamOption --} gam formula ID, i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 corresponding to gam0, gam1, gam2, etc.
#' \item \strong{gamRslt --} mgcv::gam output
#' \item \strong{gamRsltSum --} "summary" of mgcv::gam, i.e., summary(mgcv::gam)
#' \item \strong{gamANOVAtbl --} GAM Analysis of Variance table 
#' \item \strong{gamCoefftbl --} GAM Parameter Coefficients table
#' \item \strong{gamDiagnostics --} GAM Diagnostics table(AIC, RMSE, and Adj. R-squared)
#' \item \strong{perChange --} Estimates of Change table
#' \item \strong{porDiff.regular --} Estimate of change in list format
#' \item \strong{porDiff.adjusted --} Estimate of change adjusted for interventions in list format 
#' \item \strong{predictions --} Data frame of gam predictions (all information used to create baytrends graphics excluding measurements)
#' }
#' @details 
#' Set \code{gamPlot=FALSE} to turn off plotting. Computing the information
#' ("predictions") to create plots is one of the more time consumings aspects of
#' the \code{gamTest} function. Setting \code{gamPlot=FALSE} turns off these
#' computations and speeds up \code{gamTest}. The disadvantage is that no
#' predictions are returned; however, the tabularized results stored in
#' \code{stat.gam.result} and, if requested, \code{chng.gam.result} are still
#' returned.
#' Setting \code{gamPlot} to a value between 1-30 changes the resolution of the
#' resulting figure by setting the interval on which the prediction data set is
#' made. By default \code{gamPlot} is set to 10. That is, a prediction is made
#' every 10th day, or about 36 predictions per year. Values closer to 1 result
#' in larger returned prediction data sets and take more computation time.
#' Values closer to 30 result in smaller returned data sets and take less
#' computation time. Although there is no change in the fitted model, values
#' closer to 30 may have slight degraded figure quality if there is subtantial
#' seasonality in the fitted model since the seasonal minimum and maximum might
#' not be included in the prediction data set and therefore not plotted. Values
#' greater than 30 are treated as 30. Setting \code{gamPlot=30} might be
#' advantangeous when the analysis only requires cursory figure examination.
#' Setting \code{gamTable=FALSE} will turn off table output to the console. This
#' may be advantageous to reduce the amount of output. Since these computations
#' do not significantly affect \code{gamTest} run time, the standard Analysis of
#' Variance, GAM Parameter Coefficients, Diagnostics, and Estimates of Change
#' tables are returned from \code{gamTest} regardless of the \code{gamTable}
#' setting. Many of the values from these tables are also returned as part of 
#' tabularized \code{stat.gam.result}.
#' The default settings for \code{gamDiffModel} (i.e., \code{gamDiffModel=NA})
#' will not result in sub-annual (i.e., seasonal) differences being computed. In
#' this default setting, the returned \code{chng.gam.result} that is returned
#' from \code{gamTest} will be empty. If \code{gamDiffModel} is a value (i.e.,
#' not \code{NA}), then \code{chng.gam.result} will include one row for each
#' combination of years specified in \code{analySpec$gamDiffPeriods}, seasons
#' specified in \code{analySpec$gamDiffSeason}, and the number of models listed
#' in \code{gamDiffModel}. For example \code{gamDiffModel=c(0,1,2)} would
#' result in sub-annual being computed for gam0, gam1, and gam2.
#' \strong{Flow and Salinity Adjustments (gam4).} It is necessary to create and
#' pass properly formatted data via the \code{flow.detrended} and
#' \code{salinity.detrended} arguments to evaluate gam4 models. See
#' \code{\link{detrended.flow}} and \code{\link{detrended.salinity}} for more
#' information on how to create properly formatted data.
#' @examples
#' # Specify parameter and station to analyze
#' dep        <- 'do'
#' stat       <- 'CB5.4'
#' layer      <- 'B'
#' # Prepare data and set up specifications for analysis
#' dfr <- analysisOrganizeData (dataCensored)
#' df        <- dfr[[1]]
#' analySpec <- dfr[[2]]
#' # Apply gamTest 
#' gamResult <- gamTest(df, dep, stat, layer, analySpec=analySpec)
# 2020-03-20 from baytrends_dev02
#' gamPlotDisp(gamResult = gamResult, analySpec = analySpec,
#'             fullModel = 2, seasAvgModel = 2, seasonalModel = 2,
#'             diffType = "regular", obserPlot = TRUE, interventionPlot = TRUE,
#'             seasAvgPlot = TRUE, seasAvgConfIntPlot = FALSE,
#'             seasAvgSigPlot = FALSE, fullModelPlot = TRUE, seasModelPlot = TRUE,
#'             BaseCurrentMeanPlot = FALSE, adjustedPlot = FALSE)
#' # Apply gamTestSeason
#' gamResult2 <- gamTestSeason(df, dep, stat, layer, analySpec=analySpec,
#'                             gamSeasonPlot = c("7/15-8/15", "purple", "range"))
#' gamPlotDispSeason(gamResult = gamResult2, analySpec = analySpec,
#'                   fullModel = 2, seasAvgModel = 2, seasonalModel = 2,
#'                   diffType = "regular", obserPlot = TRUE, interventionPlot = TRUE,
#'                   seasAvgPlot = TRUE, seasAvgConfIntPlot = FALSE,
#'                   seasAvgSigPlot = FALSE, fullModelPlot = FALSE, seasModelPlot = FALSE,
#'                   BaseCurrentMeanPlot = TRUE, adjustedPlot = FALSE, gamSeasonFocus = TRUE)
# ----- Change history -------------------------------------------- ####
# 04Apr2023: JBH: changed || to | to remove coercion to 'logical(1)' warning
# 03Jun2019: JBH: changes to minimize required variables and related QA/QC
# 28Dec2018: JBH: set up doy (q2.doy) for computing seasonal mean  
# 18Jul2018: JBH: added na.rm=TRUE to min/max functions  
# 01May2018: JBH: changed .impute to impute; 
#                 added to stat.gam.result & chng.gam.result: 
#                     + usgs gage id, usgs gage name 
#                     + standard error  
#                 update gamCoeff call to include iSpec
# 04Feb2018: JBH: count number of observations for each intervention
# 05Aug2017: JBH: add hydroTerms used for flow/salinity modeling; removed mn.doy;
#                 added error trap if flow.detrended or salinity.detrended are not loaded
# 04Aug2017: JBH: added flow terms to csv output tables
# 29Jul2017: JBH: inserted merging of flow and/or salinity
# 21Jul2017: JBH: removed gamK_CritSel extraction
# 19Jul2017: JBH: Modified Coefficient table to include comparison of interventions
#                 on an "A->B", "B->C", ... basis [see 19Jul2017 edit in .gamCoeff]
# 22Mar2017: JBH: modified to allow for more printed interventions
# 13Mar2017: JBH: added import and importFrom roxygen statements see above
# 04Feb2017: JBH: updated how 'select' term in gam function assigned
#                 added algorithm to compute number of knots in s(cyear) term
#                 added gamSelect and gamK to csv output
#                 change expectation maximization convergence threshold to argument passed by analySpec
#                 added F-stat evaluation and ANOVA table modification
# 30Nov2016: JBH: corrected yearRangeDropped assignment; update figRes assignment
# 08NOv2016: JBH: set gamPlot default to 10
# 29Oct2016: JBH: updates to allow for migrated to helper functions
# 24Oct2016: JBH: improved is.na check for no returned data to get rid of warning message
# 17Oct2016: JBH: added expectation maximization routines to allow for censored data; added
#                 porDiff to gamOutput list; expanded gamOutputs to allow for 0,...,6
# 08Jul2016: JBH: added select=TRUE to mgcv::GAM call
# 16Jun2016: JBH: minor code reformatting; updated code pick up/pass on returned list
#                 from .gamPlot; corrected code for how nltrnd.pv and seas.pv are assigned to
#                 stat.gam.res1; returned pdat with gamTest output; expanded to handle 4th
#                 gam model
# 09Jun2016: JBH: reduced number of variables associated with gamDiff returned to main program
# 05Jun2016: JBH: cleaned up if-else coding; added argument gamTable to function call
# 04Jun2016: JBH: Inserted argument gamPlot to function call; Added sub-annual/multi-period change
#                 analysis
# 03Jun2016: JBH: Transitioned GAM models to a list
# 18May2016: JBH: Added iSpec and data in list that is returned.
# 27Apr2016: JBH: Explicit use of "::" for non-base functions added.
#' @export
gamTest <-function(df, dep, stat, layer=NA, analySpec, gamTable=TRUE, gamPlot=10, gamDiffModel=NA
                   , flow.detrended=NA
                   , salinity.detrended=NA) {
#  gamTable=TRUE; gamPlot=10; gamDiffModel=NA; flow.detrended=NA; salinity.detrended=NA

# QA/QC entries #### 

  # check for data supporting flw_sal and intervention models #03Jun2019
    # count number of models to evaluate.
    numModels <- nrow(t(sapply(analySpec[['gamModels']],c)))
    has.flw_sal <- has.intervention <- FALSE
    for (iRow in 1:numModels) {
      gamModel.model   <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$model
      has.intervention <- ifelse(grepl('intervention',gamModel.model),TRUE,has.intervention)
      has.flw_sal      <- ifelse(grepl('flw_sal',gamModel.model),TRUE,has.flw_sal)
    if (has.flw_sal & is.na(flow.detrended[1])) {
      warning(paste("Detrended flow data (flow.detrended) not passed as argument"
                    ,"in gamTest, but models included in analySpec include"
                    ,"those with 'flw_sal' term. Consider passing detrended flow"
                    ,"data or reducing models specified in analySpec."),
              immediate. = FALSE, call. = FALSE)

    if (has.flw_sal & is.na(salinity.detrended[1])) {
      warning(paste("Detrended salinity data (salinity.detrended) not passed as argument"
                    ,"in gamTest, but models included in analySpec include"
                    ,"those with 'flw_sal' term. Consider passing detrended salinity"
                    ,"data or reducing models specified in analySpec."),
              immediate. = FALSE, call. = FALSE)

    if (has.intervention & !exists("methodsList", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
      warning(paste("A methods list (methodsList) does not exist in Global"
                    ,"environment; however, models included in analySpec include"
                    ,"an intervention term. Consider creating a methods list"
                    ,"or reducing models specified in analySpec."),
              immediate. = FALSE, call. = FALSE)

# Initialization #####
    # dont use scientific notation in figures
    #set up plot resolution
    if(gamPlot %in% c(1:30)) {
      figRes  <- gamPlot
      gamPlot <- TRUE
    } else if(gamPlot >30) {  #30Nov2016: set figRes to 30
      figRes  <- 30
      gamPlot <- TRUE
    } else if(gamPlot <0) {   
      figRes  <- abs(gamPlot)
      gamPlot <- TRUE
    } else {
      gamPlot <- FALSE

    step.pt <- 'none'

    depVarList  <- analySpec$depVarList
    stationList <- analySpec$stationList
    layerList   <- analySpec$layerList
    obsMin      <- analySpec$obsMin
    obsMinInter <- analySpec$obsMinInter  # 03Jun2019
    alpha       <- analySpec$gamAlpha
    seasons     <- analySpec$gamLegend[analySpec$gamLegend$season, "legend"]
    seasons     <- lubridate::mdy (paste0(seasons ,"/2000"))
    q.doy       <- as.numeric(baseDay(seasons))
    gamPenalty            <- analySpec$gamPenalty               #04Feb2017
    gamPenaltyCrit        <- analySpec$gamPenaltyCrit           #04Feb2017
    gamCoeffDeltaMaxCrit  <- analySpec$gamCoeffDeltaMaxCrit     #04Feb2017
    # gamK_CritSel          <- analySpec$gamK_CritSel             #04Feb2017 #21Jul2017

    #set transform to TRUE/FALSE based on what the dependent variable is
    transform <- depVarList[depVarList$deps==dep,"logTrans"]

    #get the data
    #  remMiss=TRUE
    dfr <-  selectData(df, dep, stat, layer, transform=transform, analySpec = analySpec)

    # return if no data (19,24Oct2016)
    if (is.na(dfr[1]))   return(NA)

    # unpack the returned data; update dep to "ln"+dep if log trans is desired.
    ct0 <- dfr[[1]]
    ct1 <- ct0[ct0$lowCensor,]
    iSpec <- dfr[[2]]
    dep   <- iSpec$dep
    yearBegin <- iSpec$yearBegin
    yearEnd   <- iSpec$yearEnd

    # create doy for computing seasonal mean  #28Dec2018
    seasMean <- unlist(strsplit(analySpec$gamLegend[analySpec$gamLegend$descrip=="seasMean", "legend"], "-"))
    seasMean.myStep   <- 7
    q2.doy    <- as.numeric(baytrends::baseDay(lubridate::mdy (paste0(seasMean ,"/2000"))))
    q2.doy.a1 <- seq(q2.doy[1],q2.doy[2], seasMean.myStep)
    q2.doy.a2 <- seq(q2.doy[2],q2.doy[1],-seasMean.myStep)
    q2.doy    <- c(q2.doy.a1[1:sum(q2.doy.a1<q2.doy.a2)], rev(q2.doy.a2[1:sum(q2.doy.a1>q2.doy.a2)]))
    iSpec$seasMean <- analySpec$seasMean <- seasMean
    iSpec$q2.doy   <- analySpec$q2.doy   <- q2.doy    

    # error trap for minimum observations
    if ( !(dep %in% names(ct1)) )  {
      warning(paste0("Minimum obs. req. not met: ",dep, ", Station: ", stat, ", Layer: ", layer, " not evaluated."))
      .P(" ")
    } else if (sum(!is.na(ct1[ct1$lowCensor,names(ct1)==dep])) < obsMin) {
      warning(paste0("Minimum obs. req. not met: ",dep, ", Station: ", stat, ", Layer: ", layer, " not evaluated."))
      .P(" ")

    # set mgcv:gam select option based on gamPenalty setting and          #04Feb2017
    # level of censoring (iSpec$censorFracSum$fracUnc)
    if(!is.na(gamPenalty[1]) && gamPenalty %in% c(TRUE,FALSE)) {
      selectSetting <- gamPenalty
    } else {
      if (iSpec$censorFracSum$fracUnc <1) {
        selectSetting <- FALSE
      } else {
        selectSetting <- TRUE

    # Initialize stat.gam.result and chng.gam.result
    statLists <- .initializeResults()
    stat.gam.result <- statLists[["stat.gam.result"]]
    chng.gam.result <- chng.gam.resultNA <- statLists[["chng.gam.result"]]

    iRow <- 1 # does 1st model    

# GAM loop: BEGIN #####
  for (iRow in 1:numModels) {
    # iRow<-1

    # GAM loop: model initialization ####
      gamModel.option <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$option
      gamModel.name   <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$name
      gamModel.model  <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$model
      gamModel.deriv  <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$deriv
      gamModel.gamK1  <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$gamK1 #22Jul2017
      gamModel.gamK2  <- analySpec[["gamModels"]][[iRow]]$gamK2 #22Jul2017

      # set whether model includes intervention, flw_sal, gamK1 and/or gamK2 term  #22Jul2017
      intervention <- ifelse (length(grep('intervention',gamModel.model)) == 0, FALSE, TRUE)
      has.gamK1    <- ifelse (length(grep('gamK1',gamModel.model)) == 0, FALSE, TRUE)   #22Jul2017
      has.gamK2    <- ifelse (length(grep('gamK2',gamModel.model)) == 0, FALSE, TRUE)   #22Jul2017
      has.flw_sal  <- ifelse (length(grep('flw_sal',gamModel.model)) == 0, FALSE, TRUE) #22Jul2017

      # compute gamK1 if 'has.gamK1' is TRUE
      gamK1 <- ifelse (has.gamK1, max(gamModel.gamK1[1],
                                     ceiling(gamModel.gamK1[2] * (iSpec$yearEnd - iSpec$yearBegin + 1))) , NA)

      # compute gamK2 if 'has.gamK2' is TRUE
      gamK2 <- ifelse (has.gamK2, max(gamModel.gamK2[1],
                                     ceiling(gamModel.gamK2[2] * (iSpec$yearEnd - iSpec$yearBegin + 1))) , NA)

      # error trap for gamModel.option
      if (!gamModel.option %in% c(0:6) )  {
        stop("GAM model option not valid value from 0-6.")

      # Error trap for intervention term in models: ensure there are at least two levels
      # of intervention in the data with at least analySpec$obsMinInter obs 
      # (21Oct2016, updated 04Feb2018 updated 03Jun2018)
      if (intervention && sum(iSpec$intervenList$Freq > analySpec$obsMinInter) <2) next

    # integrate flow and/or salinity data into data set (ct1)      ####
    # added 29Jul2017
      if(has.flw_sal) {
        # process for flow
        if(iSpec$hydroTermSel=='flow' && !'flw_sal' %in% names(ct1)) {
          #if(!exists("flow.detrended")) next  #05Aug2017
          # format gage ID and list of averaging windows
          gageID     <- paste0('q',iSpec$usgsGageID)
          hydro.var  <- paste0("d",iSpec$flwAvgWin)
          # go to next gam model if gageID isn't in 'flow.detrended' 
          if (!(gageID %in% names(flow.detrended))) next 
          # evaluate correlation and merge best variable back with the data
          ct1.list   <- .mergeFlow(ct1=ct1, iSpec=iSpec, gageID=gageID, hydro.var=hydro.var, 
        # process for salinity
        if(iSpec$hydroTermSel=='salinity' && !'flw_sal' %in% names(ct1)) {
          #if(!exists("salinity.detrended")) next  #05Aug2017
          # go to next gam model if stat isn't in 'salinity.detrended'
          if (!(stat %in% names(salinity.detrended))) next 
          # merge salinity in with the data
          ct1.list   <- .mergeSalinity(ct1=ct1, iSpec=iSpec, salinity.detrended=salinity.detrended)
        # keep rows in ct1, where flw_sal is available
        ct1        <- ct1.list[["ct1"]]
        iSpec      <- ct1.list[["iSpec"]]
        ct1 <- ct1[ !is.na(ct1$flw_sal) , ]

# GAM loop: initialize storage for gam results in 1 model ####
      stat.gam.res1 <-  data.frame(
        station = stat,
        dep = depVarList[depVarList$depsGAM==dep, "deps"],
        layer = layer,
        latitude   = stationList[stationList$stations==stat, "latitude"],
        longitude  = stationList[stationList$stations==stat, "longitude"],
        cbSeg92    = stationList[stationList$stations==stat, "cbSeg92"],
        state      = stationList[stationList$stations==stat, "state"],
        stationGrpName = stationList[stationList$stations==stat, "stationGrpName"],
        parmName   = paste0(depVarList[depVarList$depsGAM==dep, "parmName"],
                            " [",depVarList[depVarList$depsGAM==dep, "parmUnits"], "]"),
        numObservations = iSpec$numObservations,
        yearRng    = paste0(yearBegin ,"-",  yearEnd),
        yearBegin  = yearBegin,
        yearEnd    = yearEnd,
        numYrs     = yearEnd - yearBegin + 1,
        yearRangeDropped = paste0(iSpec$yearRangeDropped[1] ,"-", iSpec$yearRangeDropped[2]), #30Nov2017
        fracLT           = iSpec$censorFracSum$fracLT,        #03Nov2017
        fracUnc          = iSpec$censorFracSum$fracUnc,       #03Nov2017
        fracInt          = iSpec$censorFracSum$fracInt,       #03Nov2017
        fracRecen        = iSpec$censorFracSum$fracRecen,     #03Nov2017
        recensor         = iSpec$recensor,                    #03Nov2017
        depGAM     = dep,
        logTrans   = depVarList[depVarList$depsGAM==dep,"logTrans"],
        gamOption  = gamModel.option,
        gamName    = gamModel.name,
        gamSelect  = selectSetting,   #04Feb2017
        gamK1       = gamK1,
        gamK2       = gamK2,              #04Feb2017 #22Jul2017
        hydroTermSel     = ifelse(has.flw_sal, iSpec$hydroTermSel, NA),           #01May2018 
        hydroTermSel.var = ifelse(has.flw_sal, iSpec$hydroTermSel.var, NA),       #01May2018       
        usgsGageID       = ifelse(has.flw_sal, iSpec$usgsGageID, NA),   #01May2018       
        usgsGageName     = ifelse(has.flw_sal, iSpec$usgsGageName, NA), #01May2018
        mgcvOK        = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #01May2018

# GAM loop: Run GAM w/ Expectation Maximization for Censored Data #####

    # create gam formula
    gamForm  <- as.formula(paste(iSpec$dep, gamModel.model))
    iSpec$gamForm <- paste(iSpec$dep, gamModel.model)
    if(gamTable | !gamPlot==FALSE) {  # only show header if tables or figures are outputted
      .H4(paste(depVarList[depVarList$depsGAM==dep, "parmName"], "-", gamModel.name))

    # impute plausible first guess. (impute in normal space, then convert)
    ct2 <- ct1
    ct2[,iSpec$depOrig] <- if (iSpec$isSurv) impute(ct1[,iSpec$depOrig] ) else ct1[,iSpec$depOrig]
    if(transform) ct2[,iSpec$dep] <- suppressWarnings(log(ct2[,iSpec$depOrig]))

    # run GAM on impute plausible first guess.  #01May2018 added try error trap
    gamRslt <- try(
      mgcv::gam(gamForm, knots=list(doy=c(1,366)),data=ct2, select=selectSetting),
    if(inherits(gamRslt, "try-error")) {
      .P('Warning: mgcv convergence failed')
      stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK <- FALSE
      # next

    # extract statistics from first guess
    if (stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
      gamRsltSum  <- summary(gamRslt)
      gam1        <- gamRslt
      mu          <- predict(gam1)
      sigma       <- sqrt(gam1$sig2)
      gamCoeff1   <- coefficients(gam1)

    # expectation maximization only if censored data exists and 1st plausible guess
    # with mgcv (see above) works without error 
      if (stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK && !iSpec$censorFracSum$fracUnc==1) {

        # # set convergence criteria     #04Feb2017
        # gamCoeffDeltaMaxCrit <- 1e-6   #04Feb2017

        for (expConvIter in 1:50) {
          # get conditional expectation. Both .ExpLNmCens and .ExpNmCens use the 1st
          # and 2nd argument to point to the censored data in normal space so that's why
          # we use ct1 and iSpec$depOrig. mu and sigma are computed from mgcv::gam
          # so are either in log or normal space depending on type of variable. The returned
          # variable ect, is in normal space (note that ect$l == etc$u), so ect is either
          # log transformed [or not] and substituted into ct2[, iSpec$dep]
          if(transform) {
            ct1_tmp <- data.frame(ct1
                                  , left = unSurv(ct1[,iSpec$depOrig])[,1]
                                  , right = unSurv(ct1[,iSpec$depOrig])[,2])
            ect <- .ExpLNmCens(ct1_tmp, iSpec$depOrig, mu, sigma)
            ct2[, iSpec$dep] <- log(ect$l)
          } else {
            ct1_tmp <- data.frame(ct1
                                  , left = unSurv(ct1[,iSpec$depOrig])[,1]
                                  , right = unSurv(ct1[,iSpec$depOrig])[,2])
            ect <- .ExpNmCens(ct1_tmp, iSpec$depOrig, mu, sigma)
            ct2[, iSpec$dep] <- ect$l

          # Run gam on refitted values
          #gamRslt0     <- mgcv::gam(gamForm, knots=list(doy=c(1,366)),data=ct2, select=TRUE)          #04Feb2017
          gamRslt0 <- try(
            mgcv::gam(gamForm, knots=list(doy=c(1,366)),data=ct2, select=selectSetting),
          if(inherits(gamRslt0, "try-error")) {
            .P('Warning: mgcv convergence failed')
            stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK <- FALSE

          # error trap. make sure gamRslt0$sp has results to use
          if ((Inf %in% gamRslt0$sp) || (NaN %in% gamRslt0$sp)) {
            warning(paste0(stat,"/",dep,"/",layer, ': expectation max conv warning'))
          } else {
            gamRslt <- gamRslt0

          # extract statistics
          gamRsltSum  <- summary(gamRslt)
          gam1        <- gamRslt
          mu          <- predict(gam1)
          sigma       <- sqrt(gam1$sig2)
          gamCoeff2   <- coefficients(gam1)

          # compute root-mean-squared-difference in coefficients between iteration,
          # but include an error trap to skip comparison on the iteration
          # if the number of coefficients changes in the evaluation
          if(length(gamCoeff1)==length(gamCoeff2)) gamCoeffDeltaRMSE <- sqrt(mean((gamCoeff1-gamCoeff2)^2))

          # store updated coefficients
          gamCoeff1        <- gamCoeff2

          # break out of loop if convergence criteria is met
          if(gamCoeffDeltaRMSE < gamCoeffDeltaMaxCrit) break

        } # end expConvIter loop 
      } # end if statement to skip expectation maximization

# GAM loop: Compute POR difference and Create Plot #####
    if (stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
      # compute por difference (use full period of record and all seasons) #11Aug2017
      # base.yr.set=NA; test.yr.set=NA; doy.set=NA; alpha=alpha
      por.diff <- gamDiff(gamRslt, iSpec, analySpec, base.yr.set=NA, test.yr.set=NA, doy.set=NA
                          , alpha=alpha
                          , flow.detrended=flow.detrended
                          , salinity.detrended=salinity.detrended)
      # Turn t.deriv to TRUE/FALSE based on which model is being evaluated
      t.deriv <- gamModel.deriv
      # if gamPlot == TRUE, output a plot
      if (gamPlot)   {
        #  pgam <- gamRslt;  tsdat<-ct1;  dayStep=figRes
        gamPlotList <- .gamPlotCalc(dep,ct1,gamRslt,iSpec, analySpec, t.deriv=t.deriv,alpha = alpha,
                                    dayStep=figRes, step.pt=step.pt, q.doy=q.doy
                                    , flow.detrended=flow.detrended, salinity.detrended=salinity.detrended)
        pdat       <- gamPlotList[["pdat"]]
        sa.sig.inc <- gamPlotList[["sa.sig.inc"]]
        sa.sig.dec <- gamPlotList[["sa.sig.dec"]]
        # mn.doy     <- gamPlotList[["mn.doy"]]        #05Aug2017
        # compile temporary list of the gamOutput for this gam model loop (to pass as input to next line)
        gamOutput.tmp <- list(gamOption  = gamModel.option,
                              gamRslt=gamRslt, gamRsltSum=NA, gamANOVAtbl=NA,
                              gamDiagnostics=NA, gamCoefftbl=NA, perChange=NA,
                              porDiff.regular=por.diff[[1]], porDiff.adjusted=por.diff[[2]],
                              predictions = pdat )
        # compile temporary "gamResult" list  #24Jun2019 - put output in correct slot
        stat.gam.tmp <- list(stat.gam.result = NA,  chng.gam.result = NA, data= ct1, data.all=ct0,
                             iSpec = iSpec, gamOutput0 = NA ,
                             gamOutput1 = NA , gamOutput2 = NA , gamOutput3 = NA ,
                             gamOutput4 = NA , gamOutput5 = NA , gamOutput6 = NA )
        stat.gam.tmp[[(paste0("gamOutput",gamModel.option))]] <- gamOutput.tmp
        # set flags for plots significant trends and seasonal components to TRUE/FALSE
        seasAvgSigPlotSel <- ifelse (t.deriv,  TRUE, FALSE)
        seasModelPlotSel  <- ifelse (regexpr('ti',iSpec$gamForm) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
        diffTypeSel       <- ifelse (intervention, 'both', 'regular')
        # output gam figure
        # gamResult=stat.gam.tmp; analySpec=analySpec; fullModel<-seasAvgModel<-seasonalModel<-gamModel.option;
        # obserPlot=TRUE; interventionPlot=TRUE; seasAvgPlot=TRUE; seasAvgConfIntPlot=TRUE;diffType = 'both'
        # seasAvgSigPlot=seasAvgSigPlotSel; fullModelPlot=TRUE;
        # seasModelPlot=seasModelPlotSel; BaseCurrentMeanPlot=TRUE; adjustedPlot=TRUE
        gamPlotDisp(gamResult=stat.gam.tmp, analySpec=analySpec
                    , fullModel=gamModel.option
                    , seasAvgModel=gamModel.option
                    , seasonalModel=gamModel.option
                    , diffType = diffTypeSel,
                    obserPlot=TRUE, interventionPlot=TRUE,
                    seasAvgPlot=TRUE, seasAvgConfIntPlot=TRUE, seasAvgSigPlot=seasAvgSigPlotSel,
                    fullModelPlot=TRUE, seasModelPlot=seasModelPlotSel, BaseCurrentMeanPlot=TRUE,
      } else {
        pdat       <- NA
        sa.sig.inc <- NA
        sa.sig.dec <- NA
        # mn.doy     <- NA      #05Aug2017
# GAM loop: Table output #####
    if (stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
      gamANOVAtbl <- .gamANOVA(gamRslt)
      gamCoefftbl <- .gamCoeff(gamRslt,iSpec) # 01May2018
      aic1 <- AIC(gamRslt)
      gamDiagnosticstbl <- data.frame(AIC = round(aic1,2),
                                      RMSE = round(sqrt(gamRsltSum$scale),4),
                                      AdjRsquare = round(gamRsltSum$r.sq,4) )
      perChangetbl <- .gamDiffPORtbl(por.diff,iSpec)
      #identify min edf in ANOVA table
      edfMinIndex  <- which.min(gamANOVAtbl$df)
      edfMin       <- gamANOVAtbl$df[edfMinIndex]
      edfMinSource <- gamANOVAtbl$source[edfMinIndex]
      # evaluate F-stat in ANOVA table     #04Feb2017
      FstatFlag <- ""
      # selectSetting == FALSE indicates data set has censored data. Rest of the
      # if checks if any df are less than 1 or F > 9e9
      if(selectSetting==FALSE &&
         (min(gamANOVAtbl$df, na.rm=TRUE) < gamPenaltyCrit[1] |  #18Jul2018
          max(gamANOVAtbl$F, na.rm=TRUE) > gamPenaltyCrit[2])) {  #18Jul2018
        # initialize column for note
        gamANOVAtbl$Note <- '-'
        if (length(gamANOVAtbl$df < gamPenaltyCrit[1] |      #18Jul2018
                   gamANOVAtbl$F > gamPenaltyCrit[2]) == 1 &  #18Jul2018
            is.na(gamANOVAtbl$df < gamPenaltyCrit[1] |       #18Jul2018
                  gamANOVAtbl$F > gamPenaltyCrit[2])[1]) {    #18Jul2018
          FstatFlag <- ""                                     #18Jul2018
        } else {
          gamANOVAtbl[gamANOVAtbl$df < gamPenaltyCrit[1] |
                        gamANOVAtbl$F > gamPenaltyCrit[2],"Note"] <- "F-stat maybe unreliable"
          FstatFlag <- "***"
      # Output GAM ANOVA table          #04Feb2017
      if(gamTable) {
        if(selectSetting==FALSE &&
           (min(gamANOVAtbl$df, na.rm=TRUE) < gamPenaltyCrit[1] |  #18Jul2018
            max(gamANOVAtbl$F, na.rm=TRUE) > gamPenaltyCrit[2])) {  #18Jul2018
          .T("GAM Analysis of Variance.")
                             col.names = c("Type","Source","edf","F-stat","p-value","Note"),
        } else {
          .T("GAM Analysis of Variance.")
                             col.names = c("Type","Source","edf","F-stat","p-value"),
        # Output GAM coefficient table  #19Jul2017
        .T("GAM Parameter Coefficients.")
        if(length(gamCoefftbl) ==5) {
                             col.names = c('Parameter','Estimate','Std. Err.','t value','p-value'),
                             align=c("l","r","r","r","r")  ))
        } else if (length(gamCoefftbl) ==10) {
                             col.names = c('Parameter','Estimate','Std. Err.','t value','p-value',
                                           'Int Chg p-val','Int Chg est','Int Lab'),
                             align=c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","l")  ))
        } else {
          print(' ... print fail ...')
        # print Regression Diagnostics table
        .T("GAM Diagnostics.")
                           col.names =c("AIC","RMSE","Adj. R-squared")))
        # print period of record percent change table
        .T(paste0("Estimates of Change from ", iSpec$yearBegin, "-",iSpec$yearEnd,"."))
        if(intervention) {
          print(knitr::kable(perChangetbl[1:7,], align=c("l","c","c"),
                             col.names =c("Calculation","Estimate","Adj. Estimate")))
        } else {
          print(knitr::kable(perChangetbl[1:7,1:2], align=c("l","c","c"),
                             col.names =c("Calculation","Estimate")))

# GAM loop: stat.gam.res1 gathering #####
    if (stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
      # extract parameter coefficients and corresponding p-values (03Nov)
      stat.gam.res1$cyear.coeff        <- if(length(gamRsltSum$p.coeff[names(gamRsltSum$p.coeff)=="cyear"])==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$cyear.pv     <- if(length(gamRsltSum$p.pv[names(gamRsltSum$p.pv)=="cyear"])==0) NA else
      # extract interaction terms # with focus on"A->B, B->C, ..." types of changes 19Jul2017
      stat.gam.res1$interB.label <- if(!("B" %in% iSpec$intervenList$intervention)) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$interB.chgEst        <- if("interventionB" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionB"),"intChg.est.actual"] else NA
      stat.gam.res1$interB.chgEst.pv     <- if("interventionB" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionB"),"intChg.p.value.actual"] else NA
      stat.gam.res1$interC.label <- if(!("C" %in% iSpec$intervenList$intervention)) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$interC.chgEst        <- if("interventionC" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionC"),"intChg.est.actual"] else NA
      stat.gam.res1$interC.chgEst.pv     <- if("interventionC" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionC"),"intChg.p.value.actual"] else NA
      #22Mar2017 added more intervention output terms
      stat.gam.res1$interD.label <- if(!("D" %in% iSpec$intervenList$intervention)) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$interD.chgEst        <- if("interventionD" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionD"),"intChg.est.actual"] else NA
      stat.gam.res1$interD.chgEst.pv     <- if("interventionD" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionD"),"intChg.p.value.actual"] else NA
      stat.gam.res1$interE.label <- if(!("E" %in% iSpec$intervenList$intervention)) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$interE.chgEst        <- if("interventionE" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionE"),"intChg.est.actual"] else NA
      stat.gam.res1$interE.chgEst.pv     <- if("interventionE" %in% gamCoefftbl$source)
        gamCoefftbl[which(gamCoefftbl$source == "interventionE"),"intChg.p.value.actual"] else NA
      # extract p-values from ANOVA table (03Nov2016)
      stat.gam.res1$p.cyear.pv   <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$pTerms.table)=="cyear"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$p.inter.pv   <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$pTerms.table)=="intervention"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$s.cyear.pv   <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="s(cyear)"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$s.doy.pv     <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="s(doy)"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.cyear.doy.pv        <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(cyear,doy)"))==0) NA else
      # extract p values for flow terms #04Aug2017
      stat.gam.res1$s.flw_sal.pv           <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="s(flw_sal)"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.flw_sal.doy         <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(flw_sal,doy)"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.flw_sal.cyear       <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(flw_sal,cyear)"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.flw_sal.doy.cyear   <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(flw_sal,doy,cyear)"))==0) NA else
      # extract p value for ti intervention terms
      stat.gam.res1$ti.interA.pv <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(cyear,doy):interventionA"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.interB.pv <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(cyear,doy):interventionB"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.interC.pv <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(cyear,doy):interventionC"))==0) NA else
      #22Mar2017 added more intervention output terms
      stat.gam.res1$ti.interD.pv <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(cyear,doy):interventionD"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$ti.interE.pv <- if(length(which(rownames(gamRsltSum$s.table)=="ti(cyear,doy):interventionE"))==0) NA else
      stat.gam.res1$edfMin       <- edfMin
      stat.gam.res1$edfMinSource <- edfMinSource
      stat.gam.res1$FstatFlag    <- FstatFlag           #04Feb2017
      # stat.gam.res1$mn.doy       <- mn.doy            #05Aug2017
      stat.gam.res1$sa.sig.inc   <- sa.sig.inc
      stat.gam.res1$sa.sig.dec   <- sa.sig.dec
      #04Nov -- update
      stat.gam.res1$por.diffType    <- ifelse(intervention,"adjusted",'regular')
      por.diff.tmp                  <- if(intervention) {por.diff[[2]]} else {por.diff[[1]]}
      stat.gam.res1$por.bl.mn       <- por.diff.tmp$per.mn[1]
      stat.gam.res1$por.cr.mn       <- por.diff.tmp$per.mn[2]
      stat.gam.res1$por.bl.mn.obs   <- por.diff.tmp$per.mn.obs[1]
      stat.gam.res1$por.cr.mn.obs   <- por.diff.tmp$per.mn.obs[2]
      stat.gam.res1$por.abs.chg     <- por.diff.tmp$diff.est
      stat.gam.res1$por.abs.chg.obs <- por.diff.tmp$diff.est.obs
      stat.gam.res1$por.pct.chg     <- por.diff.tmp$pct.chg
      stat.gam.res1$por.diff.se     <- por.diff.tmp$diff.se   #01May2018
      stat.gam.res1$por.chg.pv      <- por.diff.tmp$diff.pval
      # 03Nov left over from before
      stat.gam.res1$aic        <- gamDiagnosticstbl$AIC
      stat.gam.res1$rmse       <- gamDiagnosticstbl$RMSE
      stat.gam.res1$adjR2      <- gamDiagnosticstbl$AdjRsquare
      # gather results for ith gam model with other results
      #if(!exists("stat.gam.result")) stat.gam.result <- stat.gam.res1 else
    stat.gam.result <- plyr::rbind.fill(stat.gam.result,stat.gam.res1)
# GAM loop: gam model gathering #####
      if (stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
        gamOutput.tmp <- list(gamOption  = gamModel.option,
                              gamRslt=gamRslt, gamRsltSum=gamRsltSum, gamANOVAtbl=gamANOVAtbl,
                              gamDiagnostics=gamDiagnosticstbl, gamCoefftbl=gamCoefftbl,
                              perChange=perChangetbl, porDiff.regular=por.diff[[1]],
                              porDiff.adjusted=por.diff[[2]], predictions = pdat )
      } else {
        gamOutput.tmp <- list(NA)
      if (gamModel.option==0) {
        gamOutput0 <- gamOutput.tmp
      } else if (gamModel.option==1) {
        gamOutput1 <- gamOutput.tmp
      } else if (gamModel.option==2) {
        gamOutput2 <- gamOutput.tmp
      } else if (gamModel.option==3) {
        gamOutput3 <- gamOutput.tmp
      } else if (gamModel.option==4) {
        gamOutput4 <- gamOutput.tmp
      } else if (gamModel.option==5) {
        gamOutput5 <- gamOutput.tmp
      } else if (gamModel.option==6) {
        gamOutput6 <- gamOutput.tmp

# GAM loop: Sub-annual/multi-period change #####
    if(!is.na(gamDiffModel[1]) && (gamModel.option %in% gamDiffModel) ) {
      if(stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
      # loop through all period and season combinations
      for (i1 in 1: nrow(t(sapply(analySpec[['gamDiffPeriods']],c)))) {
        for (i2 in 1: nrow(t(sapply(analySpec[['gamDiffSeasons']],c)))) {
          # i1=1
          # i2=1
          # extract base year(s), test years(s), and month(s) from the list
          base.yr.set <- analySpec[["gamDiffPeriods"]][[i1]]$periodStart
          test.yr.set <- analySpec[["gamDiffPeriods"]][[i1]]$periodEnd
          months  <- analySpec[["gamDiffSeasons"]][[i2]]$seasonMonths
          # set base and/or test years to NA if request is outside range of data (if NA is used
          # then gamDiff will default to using 1st 2 years and/or last 2 years of data)
          if(!is.na(base.yr.set[1])) base.yr.set <- base.yr.set[base.yr.set %in% c(yearBegin:yearEnd)]
          if(!is.na(test.yr.set[1])) test.yr.set <- test.yr.set[test.yr.set %in% c(yearBegin:yearEnd)]
          # do range check on months, if no months provided, assume Jan-Dec;
          # then compute doys for passing off to gamDiff
          if(!is.na(months[1]))      months <- months[months %in% c(1:12)]
          if(is.na(months[1]))       months <-  c(1:12)
          doy.set <- baseDay(as.POSIXct(paste(2000,months,15,sep='-')))
          # Calculate gamDiff  30Sep2017: added analySpec to function call
          sub.gamDiff <- gamDiff(gamRslt, iSpec, analySpec, base.yr.set=base.yr.set
                                 , test.yr.set=test.yr.set, doy.set=doy.set
                                 , alpha=alpha
                                 , flow.detrended=flow.detrended
                                 , salinity.detrended=salinity.detrended)
          #which sub.gamDiff to output
          sub.gamDiff.tmp                  <- if(intervention) {sub.gamDiff[[2]]} else {sub.gamDiff[[1]]}
          # package up results into df
          sub.gamDiff.df1 <- data.frame(
            periodName          = analySpec[["gamDiffPeriods"]][[i1]]$periodName,
            seasonName          = analySpec[["gamDiffSeasons"]][[i2]]$seasonName,
            periodStart         = paste(sub.gamDiff.tmp$base.yr,collapse=" "),
            periodEnd           = paste(sub.gamDiff.tmp$test.yr,collapse=" "),
            seasonMonths        = paste(months,collapse=" "),
            gamDiff.diffType    = ifelse(intervention,"adjusted",'regular'),
            gamDiff.bl.mn       = sub.gamDiff.tmp$per.mn[1] ,
            gamDiff.cr.mn       = sub.gamDiff.tmp$per.mn[2] ,
            gamDiff.bl.mn.obs   = sub.gamDiff.tmp$per.mn.obs[1] ,
            gamDiff.cr.mn.obs   = sub.gamDiff.tmp$per.mn.obs[2] ,
            gamDiff.abs.chg     = sub.gamDiff.tmp$diff.est   ,
            gamDiff.abs.chg.obs = sub.gamDiff.tmp$diff.est.obs   ,
            gamDiff.pct.chg     = sub.gamDiff.tmp$pct.chg ,
            gamDiff.diff.se     = sub.gamDiff.tmp$diff.se ,  #01May2018
            gamDiff.chg.pval    = sub.gamDiff.tmp$diff.pval )
          if(i1==1 && i2==1) sub.gamDiff.df <- sub.gamDiff.df1 else
            sub.gamDiff.df <- rbind(sub.gamDiff.df, sub.gamDiff.df1)
        }  # end gamDiffSeasons loop
      } # end gamDiffPeriods loop
      # GAM loop: Sub-annual/multi-period change: gather results
      #merge base gam results for left-half of table with right half calculated here
      if(stat.gam.res1$mgcvOK) {
        chng.gam.result1 <- merge(stat.gam.res1,sub.gamDiff.df)
      } else {
        chng.gam.result1 <- merge(stat.gam.res1,
      # gather results for ith gam model with other results
      #chng.gam.result <-  rbind(chng.gam.result,  chng.gam.result1)
      if(!exists("chng.gam.result"))  chng.gam.result <- chng.gam.result1 else
        chng.gam.result <- rbind(chng.gam.result,chng.gam.result1)
    } # end sub-annual and multi-period trend analysis

# GAM loop: end #####
  } # end LOOP through each gam model

# Pack up list #####
  if(!exists("chng.gam.result")) chng.gam.result<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput0"))      gamOutput0<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput1"))      gamOutput1<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput2"))      gamOutput2<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput3"))      gamOutput3<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput4"))      gamOutput4<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput5"))      gamOutput5<-data.frame(NA)
  if(!exists("gamOutput6"))      gamOutput6<-data.frame(NA)

  # 21Oct2016 - added check for existence of stat.gam.result
  if(exists("stat.gam.result")) {
   stat.gam.result <- list(stat.gam.result = stat.gam.result,
                          chng.gam.result = chng.gam.result,
                          data            = ct1,
                          data.all        = ct0,
                          iSpec           = iSpec,
                          gamOutput0      = gamOutput0 ,
                          gamOutput1      = gamOutput1 ,
                          gamOutput2      = gamOutput2 ,
                          gamOutput3      = gamOutput3 ,
                          gamOutput4      = gamOutput4 ,
                          gamOutput5      = gamOutput5 ,
                          gamOutput6      = gamOutput6 )
  } else {
    stat.gam.result <- list(stat.gam.result = NA,
                            chng.gam.result = NA,
                            data            = NA,
                            data.all        = NA,
                            iSpec           = NA,
                            gamOutput0      = NA,
                            gamOutput1      = NA,
                            gamOutput2      = NA,
                            gamOutput3      = NA,
                            gamOutput4      = NA,
                            gamOutput5      = NA,
                            gamOutput6      = NA )

# Return #####

leppott/baytrends033 documentation built on July 29, 2024, 11:10 a.m.