
Defines functions mgGeneSetSummaryByGeneUI mgGeneSetSummaryByGene

Documented in mgGeneSetSummaryByGene mgGeneSetSummaryByGeneUI

#' A module to show a tabular view of genesets that contain genes of interest.
#' This provides a shiny module over the [sparrow::geneSetSummaryByGenes()]
#' functionality. It accepts a SparrowResult and a feature query and will
#' enumerate the other genesets in the SparrowResult that include those genes.
#' This is useful when you are exploring GSEA hits and find esoteric results
#' there. You can select some of the "more extreme" genes in that geneset, for
#' instance to see if they belong to another one that makes more sense to you
#' given the biological context of your experiment.
#' When the `genesets_sigonly` checkbox is selected, gene sets with an FDR
#' below the indicated `fdr` are returned, otherwise all gene sets that include
#' any of the feautures in the query are returned.
#' @export
#' @param input,output,session shiny bits
#' @param src A [SparrowResultContainer()]
#' @param features a character vector of feature id's to query
#' @param method,fdr the GSEA method and FDR threshold used to filter the
#'   returned gene sets against. Gene sets with features found in `features`
#'   who don't make the `fdr` cutoff under the specific GSEA `method` will
#'   not be returned
#' @return a reactive list that contains the following reactives
#' \describe{
#'   \item{$others}{
#'     the result from [sparrow::geneSetSummaryByGenes()] given the query
#'     params}
#'   \item{$selected}{the key of the user-selected geneset from the table}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Retrieve some genes to query the result so we can identify other gene sets
#' # they belong to.
#' sres <- sparrow::exampleSparrowResult()
#' set.seed(0xBEEF)
#' query <- sample(sparrow::featureIds(sparrow::geneSetDb(sres)), 10)
#' app <- shiny::shinyApp(
#'   ui = shiny::shinyUI(shiny::fluidPage(
#'     exampleUISetup(),
#'     title = "Gene Set Summary by Gene",
#'     mgGeneSetSummaryByGeneUI("mod"))),
#'   server = function(input, output, session) {
#'     src <- shiny::reactive(SparrowResultContainer(sres))
#'     ftrs <- shiny::reactive(query)
#'     method <- reactive("camera")
#'     fdr <- reactive(0.10)
#'     shiny::callModule(mgGeneSetSummaryByGene, "mod", src, ftrs, method, fdr)
#'   })
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(app)
#' }
mgGeneSetSummaryByGene <- function(input, output, session, src,
                                   features, method, fdr) {
  genesets <- shiny::reactive({
    fids <- shiny::req(features())
    mg <- shiny::req(src()$sr)

    if (input$genesets_sigonly) {
      method <- method()
      max.p <- fdr()
      req(!unselected(method), !unselected(max.p))
    } else {
      method <- NULL
      max.p <- NULL

    if (is(fids, 'data.frame')) {
      fids <- fids$feature_id

    mg.fids <- intersect(fids, sparrow::featureIds(mg))
    if (length(mg.fids)) {
      out <- sparrow::geneSetSummaryByGenes(
        mg, mg.fids, feature.rename = 'symbol',
        method = method, max.p = max.p, as.dt = TRUE)
      out <- out[order(n, decreasing=TRUE)]
    } else {
      out <- NULL

  output$selected_message <- shiny::renderUI({
    fids <- shiny::req(features())
    if (is.null(fids)) {
      n <- 0L
      ngs <- 0L
    } else {
      n <- if (is.vector(fids)) length(fids) else nrow(fids)
      gs <- genesets()
      if (is.null(gs)) {
        ngs <- 0L
      } else {
        ngs <- nrow(genesets())
    shiny::tags$p(sprintf('%d features selected across %d genesets', n, ngs))

  # silence R CMD check notes from data.table NSE mojo
  collection <- active <- name <- NULL
  output$other_genesets <- DT::renderDataTable({
    out <- copy(shiny::req(genesets()))
    mg <- shiny::req(src()$sr)
    out[, collection := factor(collection)]
    out[, active := NULL]
    out[, name := {
      url <- sparrow::geneSetURL(mg, as.character(collection), name)
      xname <- gsub('_', ' ', name)
      html <- '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>'
      ifelse(is.na(url), xname, sprintf(html, url, xname))

    out <- round.dt(out)
    colnames <- if ("padj" %in% colnames(out)) c(FDR = "padj") else NULL
    DT::datatable(setDF(out), filter='top', escape=FALSE,
                  selection=list(mode='single', selected=NA, target='row'),
                  rownames=FALSE, colnames = colnames)

  # the selected geneset
  selected <- shiny::reactive({
    idx <- input$other_genesets_row_last_clicked
    if (!is.null(idx)) {
      others <- genesets()
      xcol <- as.character(others$collection[idx])
      xname <- as.character(others$name[idx])
      sel <- paste(xcol, xname, sep='_::_')
      sparrow::msg("Selected: ", selected)
    } else {
      sel <- NULL

  # Reactives to return
  list(others = genesets, selected = selected)

#' @describeIn mgGeneSetSummaryByGene the UI for the module
#' @export
#' @param id the namespace for the UI element
mgGeneSetSummaryByGeneUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

                         'Show membership for significant gene sets only',
                         value=TRUE, width="100%"),
lianos/sparrow.shiny documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 2:43 a.m.