
Defines functions Convert_by_usr Ind_mod_fix1 Ind_mod_fix Ind_modtype_err AddModLabel Find_cols Sub_raw Add_label

####***AddModLabel: add labels by raw_sequence***#########
Add_label = function(i,df,keys){
    df_sub = df[keys == unique(keys)[i],]
    df_sub$label = i

###***Sub_raw: modified sequence
Sub_raw = function(raw,df1,df2,raws_user){
    user_sub = df1[which(raws_user == raw),]
    ###---***for one raw in raws***---###
    label_sub = df2[with(df2,`Raw file` == raw),]
    label_sub$`Raw file` = user_sub$rawfilepath
    label_sub$`Modified sequence` = gsub('\\(\\w+\\s?\\(\\w\\)\\)|\\(\\w+\\)',
                                         label_sub$`Modified sequence`)

Find_cols = function(df,rex){grep(paste0('^',rex,'$'),colnames(df))}

###***AddModLabel:add modification symbols into sequence***####
AddModLabel = function(i,seqs,poss,modlabel){
    seq = seqs[i]
    pos = as.numeric(poss[[i]])
    split = unlist(strsplit(seq,''))
    mod.res = split[pos]
    split[pos] = paste0(mod.res,modlabel)
    modseq = paste(split,collapse = '')

#Get indicies beyond the mw range of user-specified modification and fixed modification
Ind_modtype_err =  function(MW,flo,cei,c_flo,c_cei){
    mw = as.numeric(MW)
    ind_within = which(flo < mw & mw < cei | c_flo < mw & mw < c_cei)

#get the mw and position within range of fixed modification
Ind_mod_fix =  function(MW,c_flo,c_cei){
    mw = as.numeric(MW)
    ind_within = which(c_flo < mw & mw < c_cei)

#paste mws and positions
Ind_mod_fix1 = function(MW_POS,c_flo,c_cei){
    mw = as.numeric(unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(MW_POS,"[^\\(]\\d+\\.?\\d+[^\\)]")))
    pos = stringr::str_remove_all(string = unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(MW_POS,'\\(\\d+\\)')),pattern = '[\\(\\)]')
    ind_within = which(c_flo < mw & mw < c_cei)
    mw_1 = mw[-ind_within]
    pos_1 = pos[-ind_within]
    pas = paste(paste(mw_1,paste0('(',pos_1,')')),collapse=';')

###***According to each row of the user table,get the subset of flattened file and select
###***columns required by mms2plot

Convert_by_usr <- function(i,table){
    # i is the row number of table
    # table is user_table(dataframe)
    #user_table = user_table[i,]
    user_table = table[i,]
    raw_path = user_table$rawfilepath
    # raw_path = paste0('inst/extdata/',raw_path)
    path_mzid_user = user_table$mzidpath
    # path_mzid_user = paste0('inst/extdata/',path_mzid_user)
    ######******MZID --> flatten file
    mzid = mzID::mzID(path_mzid_user)
    fla = mzID::flatten(mzid)
    fla = fla[with(fla,rank == 1),]#comet,for MSGFPlus,almost every rank was '1'
    # browser()
    ######******filter modification mass shift in flatten file
    inv.col = c("[Ss]tart","[Ee]nd","[Pp]re","[Pp]ost","[Aa]ccession","[Dd]escription")
    num_cols = unlist(lapply(X = inv.col,FUN = Find_cols,df = fla))
    if(length(num_cols) > 0){
        fla = fla[!duplicated(fla[,-num_cols]),]
    # fla = fla[2,]
    mod = subset(fla,fla$modified == TRUE)
    unmod = subset(fla,fla$modified == FALSE)
    ######******Extract all of mw and modified positions
    if( nrow(mod) > 0 ){
        ###***range of mw,only for user_table with single row
        accu_usr = user_table$mass_shift_tolerance
        mw_usr = user_table$mass_shift
        mw_floor = as.numeric(mw_usr) - as.numeric(accu_usr)
        mw_ceiling = as.numeric(mw_usr) + as.numeric(accu_usr)
        fix_c_mw = 57.021464
        c_fixed_floor = as.numeric(fix_c_mw) - as.numeric(accu_usr)
        c_fixed_ceiling = as.numeric(fix_c_mw) + as.numeric(accu_usr)
        mw_pos=mod$modification#mass shift and position
        extra_mw = stringr::str_extract_all(mw_pos,"[^\\(]\\d+\\.?\\d+[^\\)]")
        extra_pos = mapply(FUN = stringr::str_remove_all,
                           string = stringr::str_extract_all(mw_pos,'\\(\\d+\\)'),pattern = '[\\(\\)]')
        #####***Save mw within range [mw-variance,mw+variance]
        #remove mw not within modification specified by user and fixed modification
        inds_correct_ls = lapply(FUN = Ind_modtype_err,X = extra_mw,
                                 flo = mw_floor,cei = mw_ceiling,
                                 c_flo = c_fixed_floor,c_cei = c_fixed_ceiling)
        count_mw = unlist(lapply(extra_mw,length))
        count_correct = unlist(lapply(inds_correct_ls,length))
        inds_correct = which(count_mw == count_correct)
        mod_user_1 = mod[inds_correct,]#subset within mw range and fixed modification mw range
        if( nrow(mod_user_1)>0 ){
            mw_pos_1 = mod_user_1$modification
            extra_mw_1 = stringr::str_extract_all(mw_pos_1,"[^\\(]\\d+\\.?\\d+[^\\)]")
            inds_fix_within = lapply(FUN=Ind_mod_fix,X = extra_mw_1,c_flo = c_fixed_floor,c_cei = c_fixed_ceiling)
            count_fix = unlist(lapply(inds_fix_within,length))
            inds_fix = which(count_fix != 0)
            if(length(inds_fix) > 0){
                mod_fix_within = mod_user_1[inds_fix,]#fix within
                mod_nonfix = mod_user_1[-inds_fix,]#no fix
                mw_pos_2 = mod_fix_within$modification
                extra_mw_2 = stringr::str_extract_all(mw_pos_2,"[^\\(]\\d+\\.?\\d+[^\\)]")
                count_mw_2 = unlist(lapply(extra_mw_2,length))
                #When a peptide has only fixed modification,
                #the modification column will be changed to NA, modified to FALSE, and merged into the unmod subset
                ind_only_fix = which(count_fix[count_fix != 0] == count_mw_2)
                if(length(ind_only_fix) > 0){
                    mod_mul_types = mod_fix_within[-ind_only_fix,]#subset containing fixed and variable modifications simultaneously
                    mod_only_fix = mod_fix_within[ind_only_fix,]#subset has only fixed modification
                    mod_only_fix$modified = FALSE
                    mod_only_fix$modification = NA
                    mw_pos_clean = unlist(lapply(X=mod_mul_types$modification,c_flo=c_fixed_floor,c_cei=c_fixed_ceiling,FUN=Ind_mod_fix1))
                    mod_mul_types$modification = mw_pos_clean
                    mod_1 = rbind(mod_mul_types,mod_nonfix)#merge into mod subset
                    unmod_1 = rbind(mod_only_fix,unmod)#merge into unmod subset
                    mod_mul_types = mod_fix_within
                    mw_pos_clean = unlist(lapply(X=mod_mul_types$modification,c_flo=c_fixed_floor,c_cei=c_fixed_ceiling,FUN=Ind_mod_fix1))
                    mod_mul_types$modification = mw_pos_clean
                    mod_1 = mod_mul_types
                    unmod_1 = unmod
                mod_1 = mod_user_1
                unmod_1 = unmod
            ######******Extract mw and modified position from flatten file******######
            mw_pos_mod_1 = mod_1$modification
            MWs = stringr::str_extract_all(mw_pos_mod_1,"[^\\(]\\d+\\.?\\d+[^\\)]")
            POSs = mapply(FUN = stringr::str_remove_all,
                          string = stringr::str_extract_all(mw_pos_mod_1,'\\(\\d+\\)'),pattern = '[\\(\\)]')
            ######******Get modified sequence with modification labels such as "(ox)"******######
            SEQ = mod_1$pepseq
            modlabel = paste0('(',tolower(user_table$modification),')')
            Modified_seq = mapply(AddModLabel,seq(nrow(mod_1)),MoreArgs = list(seqs=SEQ,poss=POSs,modlabel=modlabel))#modified sequences
            ######******Get the dataframe required by mms2plot******######
            mod_1$`Modified sequence` = Modified_seq
            mod_1$Modifications = user_table$modification
            if(nrow(unmod_1) > 0){
                unmod_1$`Modified sequence` = unmod_1$pepseq
                unmod_1$Modifications = 'Unmodified'
            bind_mod_unmod = rbind(mod_1,unmod_1)  
            # bind_mod_unmod$`Modified sequence` = bind_mod_unmod$pepseq
            # bind_mod_unmod$Modifications = 'Unmodified'
        }else if(nrow(unmod) > 0){
            bind_mod_unmod = unmod
            bind_mod_unmod$`Modified sequence` = bind_mod_unmod$pepseq
            bind_mod_unmod$Modifications = 'Unmodified'
            warning('The mass shift exceeds the threshold , please check the input!!')
            stop('In the search results,there are no PSMs with variable modification that you are interested in...Please check the search process!')
    }else if(nrow(unmod) > 0){
        bind_mod_unmod = unmod
        bind_mod_unmod$`Modified sequence` = bind_mod_unmod$pepseq
        bind_mod_unmod$Modifications = 'Unmodified'
        warning('In the search results,there are no PSMs with variable modification that you are interested in...Please check the search process!')
        stop('In the search results,there are no PSMs with variable modification that you are interested in...Please check the search process!')
    bind_mod_unmod$`Raw file` = raw_path
    cols_pick = c('[Pp]roteins?','[Gg]ene.?[Nn]ames?','[Dd]escription','[Aa]ccession')
    num_cols = unlist(lapply(X = cols_pick,FUN = Find_cols,df = bind_mod_unmod))
    if(length(num_cols) > 0){
        sel = bind_mod_unmod[,num_cols]
        if(length(num_cols) > 1){
            strpaste = apply(X = sel,MARGIN = 1,FUN = paste,collapse = '_')
            strpaste = sel
        GNs = stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_extract(strpaste,'GN=\\w+'),'GN=')
        GNs[which(is.na(GNs))] = stringr::str_extract(strpaste[which(is.na(GNs))],'\\w{2}\\|\\w+\\|\\w+')
        GNs[which(is.na(GNs))] = 'Uncharacterized'
    }else{GNs = 'Uncharacterized'}
    cols_select = c('Raw file','[Aa]cquisitionnum','Modifications','[Pp]epseq',
                    'Modified sequence','[Cc]hargestate')
    num_col = unlist(lapply(X = cols_select,FUN = Find_cols,df = bind_mod_unmod))
    df_mms2plot = cbind(dplyr::select(bind_mod_unmod,all_of(num_col)),GNs)
    colnames(df_mms2plot) = c('Raw file','Scan number','Modifications','Sequence',
                              'Modified sequence','Charge','Gene Names')
lileir/mms2plot documentation built on June 17, 2020, 9:16 a.m.