#' Run Code as an RStudio Job
#' See examples for an introduction. See [the job website](https://lindeloev.github.io/job/) for more examples.
#' See details for some warnings.
#' Note that `job::empty()`is identical to `job::job()` but all arguments default to `NULL`.
#' @aliases job
#' @export
#' @details
#' This is a wrapper around `rstudioapi::jobRunScript`. To control what gets
#' returned, see \code{\link[job]{export}}. By default, all objects that *changed* during
#' the job are returned, i.e., `job::export("changed")`.
#' - **Returning large objects:**`jobRunScript` is very
#' slow at importing and exporting large objects. For exporting back into
#' `globalenv()`, it may be faster to `saveRDS()` results within the job and
#' `readRDS()` them in your environment.
#' @param ... A named or unnamed code block enclosed in curly brackets, `{}`.
#' Named code blocks will assign the that name in `globalenv()`.
#' Unnamed code blocks will assign job variables directly to `globalenv()`
#' upon completion. Control what gets returned using \code{\link[job]{export}} within
#' the code block.
#' @param import Which objects to import into the job.
#' * `"all"`: Import all objects.
#' * `"auto"` (default): Detect which objects are used in the code and import
#' those.
#' * `c(foo, bar, ...)`: A vector of unquoted variables to import into the job.
#' * `c("foo", "bar", ...)`: A vector of quoted variables to import into the job.
#' * `NULL`: import nothing.
#' @param packages Character vector of packages to load in the job. Defaults to
#' all loaded packages in the calling environment. `NULL` loads only default
#' packages. You can combine `packages = NULL` with writing `library(my_package)`
#' in the code block.
#' @param opts List of options to overwrite in the job. Defaults to `options()`,
#' i.e., copy all options to the job. `NULL` uses defaults.
#' @param title The job title. You can write e.g., `"Cross-Validation: {code}"` to
#' include a code snippet in the title. If `title = NULL` (default), the name of the
#' code chunk is used. If `...` is unnamed, the code is shown.
#' @return Invisibly returns the job id on which you can call other `rstudioapi::job*`
#' functions, e.g., `rstudioapi::rstudioapi::jobRemove(job_id)`.
#' @seealso \code{\link[job]{export}}, \code{\link[rstudioapi]{jobRunScript}}
#' @author Jonas Kristoffer Lindeløv, \email{jonas@@lindeloev.dk}
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @examples
#' if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
#' # Unnamed code chunks returns to globalenv()
#' global_var = 5
#' job::job({
#' x = rnorm(global_var)
#' print("This text goes to the job console")
#' m = mean(x)
#' })
#' # later:
#' print(x)
#' print(m)
#' # Named code chunks assign job environment to that name
#' job::job(my_result = {
#' y = rnorm(global_var)
#' sigma = sd(y)
#' }, title = "Title with code: {code}")
#' # later:
#' print(my_result$y)
#' print(my_result$sigma)
#' # Delete everything in the job environment to return nothing.
#' # Useful if text output + file output is primary
#' job::job({
#' some_cars = mtcars[mtcars$cyl > 4, ]
#' print(mean(some_cars$mpg))
#' print(summary(some_cars))
#' # saveRDS(some_cars, "job_result.rds")
#' job::export("none") # return nothing
#' })
#' # Control imports from calling environment (variables, packages, options)
#' my_df = data.frame(names = c("alice", "bob"))
#' ignore_var = 15
#' job::job(result2 = {
#' if (exists("ignore_var") == FALSE)
#' print("ignore_var is not set here")
#' names = rep(my_df$names, global_var)
#' }, import = c(global_var, my_df), packages = NULL, opts = list(mc.cores = 3))
#' # later
#' print(result2$names)
#' }
job = function(..., import = "all", packages = .packages(), opts = options(), title = NULL) {
# The ellipsis combined with the option for unnamed arguments renders
# this a bit convoluted
func_arg_names = c("import", "packages", "opts", "title") # named arguments to this function
args = match.call()[-1] # args excluding function name
if (length(args) == 0)
stop("Must have exactly one code block.")
# Unpack return varname and code
result_varname = names(args)[names(args) %in% func_arg_names == FALSE]
result_varname = result_varname[1] # Use the first from here if there were multiple
if (is.null(result_varname) || result_varname == "") {
result_varname = "R_GlobalEnv" # signals to rstudiapi::jobRunScript() that it should return everything
names(args)[1] = "R_GlobalEnv"
code = args[[1]]
} else {
code = args[[which(names(args) == result_varname)]]
# Assign values to unnamed arguments (name = "") by matching their positional order to args order
n_unnamed = sum(names(args) == "")
if (n_unnamed > 0) {
func_arg_names_pruned = func_arg_names[func_arg_names %in% names(args) == FALSE]
args_unnamed = args[names(args) == ""]
for (i in seq_len(n_unnamed)) {
# Evaluate some; then assign (overwriting previous values)
if (func_arg_names_pruned[i] != "import")
args_unnamed[i][[1]] = eval(args_unnamed[i][[1]])
assign(func_arg_names_pruned[i], args_unnamed[i][[1]])
# To R code
if (code[[1]] != quote(`{`))
stop("invalid code input. Did you remember to put the code in {curly brackets}?")
deparsed_code = deparse(code) # Preserves more info than as.character(). E.g., doesn't convert NA_character_ to NA.
deparsed_code[2:(length(deparsed_code) - 1)] # Remove curly brackets
code_str = paste0(deparsed_code, collapse = "\n")
# Set job title
title_code = paste0("{", substr(code_str, 1, 80), "}")
if (is.null(title)) {
job_title = ifelse(result_varname == "R_GlobalEnv", title_code, result_varname)
} else if (is.atomic(title) & is.character(title)) {
job_title = gsub("{code}", title_code, title, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
stop("`title` must be atomic character or NULL")
# Handle quoted vars etc.
if (is.character(import) == FALSE)
import = as.character(substitute(import))[-1]
import_summary = save_env(
vars = import,
env = parent.frame(),
code_str = code_str
.__jobsettings__ = list(
packages = get_packages(packages),
opts = get_opts(opts),
import = import_summary,
wd = getwd(),
file = gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile()) # Location of the jobsettings. Remove backslashes: Easier to paste() later
suppressWarnings(saveRDS(.__jobsettings__, .__jobsettings__$file, compress = FALSE)) # Ignore warning that some package may not be available when loading
output = paste0("
# Load jobsettings
.__jobsettings__ = readRDS('", .__jobsettings__$file, "') # js = jobsettings
if (length(.__jobsettings__$packages) > 0) {
# Informative and gracefuld handling of loaded packages not in library
packages_not_in_library = .__jobsettings__$packages[!.__jobsettings__$packages %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE)]
if (length(packages_not_in_library) > 0) {
.__jobsettings__$packages = .__jobsettings__$packages[!.__jobsettings__$packages %in% packages_not_in_library]
message('OBS: You need to manually load these uninstalled packages in your job-code: `', paste0(packages_not_in_library, collapse = \"`, `\"), '`.', appendLF = FALSE)
# Load installed packages into the job
message(round(Sys.time()), ': Job started. Attaching installed packages: ', paste0(.__jobsettings__$packages, collapse = ', '), '...', appendLF = FALSE)
invisible(lapply(.__jobsettings__$packages, function(x, ...) suppressMessages(library(x, ...)), character.only = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE))
} else {
message(round(Sys.time()), ': Job started...', appendLF = FALSE)
# Load objects and compute hash
if (length(.__jobsettings__$import$vars) > 0) {
message(' Done.\n', round(Sys.time()), ': Importing ', .__jobsettings__$import$mb, 'MB...', appendLF = FALSE)
load(.__jobsettings__$import$file, envir = sys.frame(sys.nframe())) # Current frame
.__jobsettings__$init_hashes = job:::hash_env(sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
message(' Done.\n', round(Sys.time()), ': Executing job code...')
Sys.sleep(0.4) # RStudio job output lags. This avoids unordered outputs.
", code_str, "
# Fall back on default export
if (is.null(getOption('job.exported')))
if (exists('.__jobsettings__'))
if (length(ls(all.names = TRUE)) == 0) {
message(round(Sys.time()), ': Done.')
} else {
message(round(Sys.time()), ': Done. Exporting ', job:::env_size_mb(ls(all.names = TRUE), sys.frame(sys.nframe())), 'MB: ', paste0(ls(all.names = TRUE), collapse = ', '), '...')
options(warn = -1)")
# Add return_env$.call unless exporting directly to globa
if (result_varname != "R_GlobalEnv") {
output = paste0(
output, "
# Save code to environment for future reference
.jobcode = paste0(\"
# Job started: ", round(Sys.time()), "
", gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", code_str), "
# Job completed: \", round(Sys.time()))
class(.jobcode) = c('jobcode', 'character')")
# Write R code to file and execute it as a job
script_file = tempfile()
write(output, file = script_file)
job_id = rstudioapi::jobRunScript(script_file, job_title, importEnv = FALSE, exportEnv = result_varname)
message("\rJob launched.", rep(" ", 70)) # Replaces import size message
# Return nothing
#' @aliases empty
#' @export
#' @describeIn job `job::job()` but with NULL defaults, i.e., an "empty" job.
empty = function(..., import = NULL, packages = NULL, opts = NULL, title = NULL) {
# List of named arguments
import = substitute(import)
args_list = as.list(environment())
# Add the job code and name
jobargs = match.call()
if (is.null(names(jobargs))) {
args_list = c(list(jobargs[[2]]), args_list) # code as first argument
} else {
args_list[[names(jobargs)[2]]] = jobargs[[2]] # code as named argument
# Call job with these args in parent environment
do.call(job, args_list, envir = parent.frame())
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.