Man pages for linquynus/RCAv2-beta
Reference Component Analysis

buildReferencePanelFunction to build a reference panel from your bulk RNA...
ComputePairWiseDEFind markers (differentially expressed genes) between two...
computeUMAPCompute a umap projection into 2 or 3 dimensions
createRCAObjectCreate RCA object
createRCAObjectFrom10XCreate RCA Object from 10X data
dataClustGenerate cell clusters using hierarchical clustering and...
dataDECompute pairwise DE genes for supervised clustering result.
dataFilterFilter the dataset and remove genes and cells that could be...
dataLogNormaliseLog-transform and normalise data by sequencing depth
dataProjectCompute Reference Component features for clustering analysis
dataSClustGenerate cell clusters using Seurat graph based clustering.
dataSNNGenerate cell clusters using hierarchical clustering and...
doEnrichGoPerform GO enrichment analysis using cluster profiler.
doEnrichKEGGPerform KEGG enrichment analysis using cluster profiler.
estimateCellTypeFromProjectionEstimate the most likely cell type from the projection to the...
estimateCellTypeFromProjectionPerClusterEstimate the most likely cell type from the projection to the...
parameterSpaceSeuratGenerates a data frame showcasing the dependence between...
parameterSpaceSNNGenerates an overview on the dependence of SNN parameters to...
performClusterSpecificQCFilter the dataset and remove genes and cells that could be...
plotClusterQualityPerform cluster specific QC
plotDEHeatmapPlot heatmap of DE genes
plotRCAClusterCompositionPlot bar plots showing the composition of RCA clusters
plotRCAHeatmapPlot heatmap of projection to the RCA panel
plotRCAUMAPPlot umap of projection to the RCA panel
plotRCAUMAP3DPlot umap of projection to the RCA panel
RCA-classRCA Class
VioplotQCForClusterFviolin plot of QC metrics
linquynus/RCAv2-beta documentation built on Aug. 9, 2020, 12:34 a.m.