
# scBinning
# Author : Tri Le <lmtleminh@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom foreach "%do%" "%dopar%"

#' Numeric binning for Credit Scoring
#' This is an easy numerical binning solution for credit scorecard build. It is designed to
#' choose the optimal binning solution by utilizing the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=partykit}{Recursive Partitioning}.
#' This will only bin numeric or integer variables and ignore factor or character variables.
#' @param data A data frame which contains target varible as well as predictor variables.
#' @param target Target variable name.
#' @param n Number of bootstrap iterations. Default 10 times.
#' @param p The minimum percentage of observation per bin. Default 3\%.
#' @param thres Threshold differences of target between bins. Default 0.5\%.
#' @param freqCut Utilizing \code{\link[caret:nearZeroVar]{nearZeroVar}} function. The cutoff for the ratio of the most common value to the second most common value. Default 95/5.
#' @param uniqueCut Utilizing \code{\link[caret:nearZeroVar]{nearZeroVar}} function. The cutoff for the percentage of distinct values out of the number of total samples. Default 10\%.
#' @param best A logical scalar. Use different methods which maximize IV. Default TRUE.
#' @param parallel A logical scalar. Use parallel backend. Default FALSE. In case of Error with pending connections, run the \code{\link{sc.unregister}} function to close all current connections.
#' @return The output is a list of cut plan which can be applied to the orginal data frame via
#'   the \code{\link{predict}} function.
#'   The user can also update the cut plan via the \code{\link{update}} function.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load library
#' library(easysc)
#' # Generate a cut plan which maximize IV via 500 bootstrap resampling
#' cut.plan <- sc.binning(data = df, target = BAD, n = 500, p = 5, best = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)
#' # Update the cut plan
#' update(cut.plan, AGE = c(20, 30, 40))
#' # Apply to the data frame
#' predict(cut.plan, df, keepTarget = TRUE)
#' }
#woe calculation
woeZ <- function(X, y) {
  df <- tibble::tibble(X, yZ = y) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(X) %>%
      pct_bad = sum(yZ)/sum(y),
      pct_good = sum(1-yZ)/sum(1-y),
      woe = log(pct_good/pct_bad),
      iv = (pct_good - pct_bad)*woe
#spb method
superbin <- function(X, y, n = 10, p = 3, thres = .5, parallel = FALSE) {
  data <- data.frame(X, y)
  tree_bin <- function(seed, data) {
    if (seed == 0) b <- 1:nrow(data)
    else {
      b <- sample(nrow(data), nrow(data), replace = T)
    t <- party::ctree(factor(y) ~ ., data = data[b,],
                      controls = party::ctree_control(maxdepth = 2))
  seeds <- c(0, round(runif(n) * as.numeric(paste('1e', ceiling(log10(n)) + 2, sep = '')), 0))
  x <- c()
  if (parallel) {
    mc <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(mc)
    foreach::foreach(s = seeds, .combine = 'c') %dopar% {
      tree_bin(s, data)
    } -> x
  } else {
    foreach::foreach(s = seeds, .combine = 'c') %do% {
      tree_bin(s, data)
    } -> x
  m <- table(x) %>% as.matrix()
  if (!is.null(m) & length(m) > 1) {
    m <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(rownames(m)), Freq = m)
    m[['Check']] <- 1
    for (i in 1:(nrow(m)-1)) {
      if (m[i + 1,'x'] == m[i,'x'] + 1 & m[i + 1, 'Freq'] >= m[i, 'Freq'])
        m[i,'Check'] <- 0
      if (i >= 2) {
        if (m[i - 1,'x'] == m[i,'x'] - 1 & m[i - 1, 'Freq'] >= m[i, 'Freq'])
          m[i,'Check'] <- 0
    m <- m[m[['Check']] == 1,]
    m[['w']] <- (m[['Freq']] - min(m[['Freq']])) / (max(m[['Freq']]) - min(m[['Freq']]))
    m[['w']][is.na(m[['w']])] <- 1
    m <- m[m[['w']] >=.2, 'x']
    woeC <- woeZ(cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, m, Inf)), y)
    len <- length(m)
    findMonotonic <- function(m) {
      l1 <- length(m)
      tbl <- data %>%
        dplyr::mutate(X = cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, m, Inf))) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(X) %>%
          pct_bad = mean(y) * 100,
          pct_n = n()/nrow(data) * 100
      tbl$dif <- c(diff(tbl$pct_bad), 0)
      tbl$sign <- sign(tbl$dif)
      tbl$m <- c(m, m[length(m)])
      tbl$rk <- sign(sum(tbl$sign)) * 1:nrow(tbl)
      reg <- isoreg(tbl$rk, tbl$pct_bad)
      cut <- knots(as.stepfun(reg))
      m <- unique(tbl$m[tbl$rk %in% cut])
      l2 <- length(m)
      if (l1 == l2) {
        m <- unique(tbl$m[abs(tbl$dif) >= thres])
        l2 <- length(m)
      if (l1 == l2) {
        m <- unique(tbl$m[tbl$pct_n >= p])
    while(length(m) > length(findMonotonic(m))) {
      m <- findMonotonic(m)
      woeC <- c(woeC, woeZ(cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, m, Inf)), y))
      len <- c(len, length(m))
  } else {
    m <- rownames(m)
#bpb method - based on this post https://statcompute.wordpress.com/2018/11/25/improving-binning-by-bootstrap-bumping/
bump_bin <- function(X, y, n, p, parallel = FALSE) {
  n1 <- round(p * length(y), 0)
  n2 <- 10
  seeds <- c(0, round(runif(n) * as.numeric(paste('1e', ceiling(log10(n)) + 2, sep = '')), 0))
  df1 <- data.frame(X, y)
  df2 <- df1[!is.na(df1[, 'X']), c('X', 'y')]
  cor <- cor(df2[, 2], df2[, 1], method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs")
  bin <- function(seed, df2) {
    if (seed == 0) b <- 1:nrow(df2)
    else {
      b <- sample(nrow(df2), nrow(df2), replace = T)
    smp <- df2
    reg <- isoreg(smp[, 1], cor / abs(cor) * smp[, 2])
    cut <- knots(as.stepfun(reg))
    df2[['cut']] <- cut(df2[['X']], breaks = unique(cut), include.lowest = T)
    df3 <- Reduce(rbind,
                  lapply(split(df2, df2[['cut']]),
                         function(x) data.frame(n = nrow(x), b = sum(x[['y']]), g = sum(1 - x[['y']]),
                                                maxx = max(x[['X']]), minx = min(x[['X']]))))
    df4 <- df3[which(df3[["n"]] > n1 & df3[["b"]] > n2 & df3[["g"]] > n2), ]
    df2[['good']] <- 1 -  df2[['y']]
    out <- smbinning::smbinning.custom(df2, "good", 'X', cuts = df4[['maxx']][-nrow(df4)])
    if (out == "No Bins") return(NULL)
    out <- out[['ivtable']]
    return(data.frame(iv = out[['IV']][length(out[['IV']])], nbin = nrow(out) - 2,
                      cuts = I(list(df4[['maxx']][-nrow(df4)])),
                      abs_cor = abs(cor(as.numeric(row.names(out)[1:(nrow(out) - 2)]),
                                        out[['WoE']][1:(nrow(out) - 2)], method = "spearman"))))
  if (parallel) {
    mc <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(mc)
    foreach::foreach(s = seeds, .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
      bin(s, df2)
    } -> bump_out
  } else {
    foreach::foreach(s = seeds, .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
      bin(s, df2)
    } -> bump_out
  #bump_out <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(seeds, bin))
  if (is.null(bump_out)) return(NULL)
  cut2 <- bump_out[order(-bump_out["abs_cor"], -bump_out["iv"], bump_out["nbin"]), ]$cuts[[1]]
#establish threshold
thresd <- function(data, m, thres) {
  tbl <- data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(X = cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, m, Inf))) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(X) %>%
      pct_bad = mean(y) * 100,
      pct_n = n()/nrow(data) * 100
  tbl$dif <- c(diff(tbl$pct_bad), 0)
  tbl$m <- c(m, m[length(m)])
  return(unique(tbl$m[abs(tbl$dif) >= thres]))

#unregistering foreach backend
#' @export
sc.unregister <- function(parallel = FALSE) {
  if (parallel) {
    env <- foreach:::.foreachGlobals
    rm(list = ls(name = env), pos = env)
#for numeric binning
#' @export
sc.binning <- function(data, target, n = 10, p = 3, thres = .5, freqCut = 95/5, uniqueCut = 10, best = TRUE, parallel = FALSE) {
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  target <- deparse(substitute(target))
  if (!(target %in% names(data)))
    stop(paste0(target, ' is not exist!'))
  y <- data[[target]]
  data[,target] <- NULL
  bestbin <- function(X, y, n = 10, p = 3, thres = .5, name = NULL, best = T, parallel = FALSE) {
    print(paste0(name, '...'))
    if (!(class(X) %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) | length(unique(X)) <= 4) {
    spb <- superbin(X, y, n, p, thres, parallel)
    if (!is.null(spb)) attr(spb, 'method') <- 'spb'
    finalBin <- spb
    if (best) {
      smb <- smbinning::smbinning(data.frame(X, y), 'y', 'X', p = p / 100)
      #fixing smb give no split
      if (length(smb) == 1) {
        smb.cuts <- 0
        smb.iv <- -1
      } else {
        smb.cuts <- thresd(data.frame(X, y), smb[['cuts']], thres)
        smb.iv <- woeZ(cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, smb.cuts, Inf)), y)
        attr(smb.cuts, 'method') <- 'smb'
      bpb <- bump_bin(X, y, n, p = p / 100, parallel)
      if (is.null(bpb)) {
        bpb.iv <- -1
      } else {
        bpb <- thresd(data.frame(X, y), bpb, thres)
        bpb.iv <- woeZ(cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, bpb, Inf)), y)
        attr(bpb, 'method') <- 'bpb'
      iv <- c(spb = woeZ(cut(X, breaks = c(-Inf, spb, Inf)), y),
              smb = smb.iv,
              bpb = bpb.iv)
      finalBin <- switch(names(which.max(iv)),
                         spb = spb,
                         smb = smb.cuts,
                         bpb = bpb)
  nzv <- caret::nearZeroVar(data, freqCut = freqCut, uniqueCut = uniqueCut,
                            foreach = parallel, allowParallel = parallel)
  data[, nzv] <- 0
  cut_plan <- lapply(names(data), function(x)
    bestbin(data[[x]], y, n, p, thres, x, best, parallel)
  names(cut_plan) <- names(data)
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  diff = end_time - start_time
  attr(cut_plan, 'target') <- target
  structure(cut_plan, class = 'cut.plan')

#' @method update cut.plan
#' @export
#for manual updating
update.cut.plan <- function(cut_plan, ...) {
  un_arg <- list(...)
  if (class(cut_plan) != 'cut.plan') {
    stop('Not a cut plan!')
  } else if (length(un_arg) != 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(un_arg)) {
      if (!is.na(names(cut_plan[names(un_arg)[i]]))) {
        cut_plan[[names(un_arg)[i]]] <- un_arg[[i]]
        attr(cut_plan[names(un_arg)[i]], 'method') <- 'manual'
      } else
        stop('Column names are not matched!')
  } else {
    print('Nothing happens!')

#' @method predict cut.plan
#' @export
#for applying to data frame
predict.cut.plan <- function (cut_plan, data, keepTarget = FALSE) {
  if (class(cut_plan) != 'cut.plan') {
    stop('Not a cut plan!')
  } else {
    NewData <- data.frame(A = rep(0, nrow(data)))
    for (i in 1:length(cut_plan)) {
      if (!is.null(cut_plan[[i]])) {
        if (class(data[[names(cut_plan)[i]]]) %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {
          col <- cut(data[[names(cut_plan)[i]]], breaks = c(-Inf, cut_plan[[i]], Inf))
        } else {
          stop(paste0(names(cut_plan)[i], ' is not numeric'))
      } else if (names(cut_plan)[i] %in% colnames(data)){
        col <- data[,names(cut_plan)[i]]
      } else {
        col <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
      NewData <- cbind(NewData, col)
    NewData['A'] <- NULL
    names(NewData) <- names(cut_plan)
    if (keepTarget & attr(cut_plan, 'target') %in% names(data))
      NewData[attr(cut_plan, 'target')] <- data[attr(cut_plan, 'target')]
    if (!(attr(cut_plan, 'target') %in% names(data)))
      warning(paste0(attr(cut_plan, 'target'), ' is not exist!'))
lmtleminh/easysc documentation built on July 5, 2019, 11:48 a.m.