#' Create a new release on GitHub
#' This must be done **before** a CRAN release.
#' @param bump The bump increment, either "dev", "patch", "minor" or "major".
#' @param is_cran Is this release a CRAN release?
#' @details
#' This function does the following:
#' - bump description.
#' - update default config in inst/
#' - commit
#' - git tag
#' - run `inst/hooks/local/consistent-release-tag.R` hook with --release-mode (passing args to hooks
#' not possible interactively, hence we run in advance).
#' - commit and push with skipping `inst/hooks/local/consistent-release-tag.R`.
#' - autoupdate own config file
#' - bump description with dev
#' - commit and push DESCRIPTION and .pre-commit-config.yaml
#' @section CRAN release:
#' If `is_cran` is `TRUE`, the workflow is changed slightly:
#' - push to release branch, not main.
#' - doesn't run [release_complete()]. This must be done manually after accepted
#' on CRAN.
#' @keywords internal
release_gh <- function(bump = "dev", is_cran = bump != "dev") {
new_dsc <- release_prechecks(bump, is_cran)
if (!is_cran) {
on.exit(sys_call("git", c("checkout", "main")), add = TRUE)
# if we fail, must reset version, if we succeed, it's not stage
# on.exit(sys_call("git", c("reset", "HEAD", '--hard')), add = TRUE)
new_version <- paste0("v", as.character(new_dsc$get_version()))
cli::cli_alert_success("Bumped version.")
path_template_config <- c(
purrr::walk(path_template_config, update_rev_in_config,
new_version = new_version
last_release <- git_last_release()
cli::cli_alert_success("Updated version in default config.")
'commit DESCRIPTION {paste0(path_template_config, collapse = " ")} ',
'-m "{release_msg(last_release, new_version)}"'
env = "SKIP=spell-check,consistent-release-tag"
cli::cli_alert_success("Committed DESCRIPTION and config template")
cli::cli_alert_success("Tagged last commit with release version.")
if (!is_cran) {
git_tag_release(last_release, new_version)
sys_call("./inst/hooks/local/consistent-release-tag.R", "--release-mode")
sys_call("git", "push", env = "SKIP=consistent-release-tag")
cli::cli_alert_success("Pushed commits and tags.")
if (is_cran) {
"Once on CRAN, call `precommit::release_complete(is_cran = TRUE)` to bump to the devel",
} else {
release_complete(ask = FALSE, tag = new_version, is_cran = FALSE)
git_tag_release <- function(last_release, new_version) {
sys_call("git", glue::glue('tag -a {new_version} -m "{release_msg(last_release, new_version)}"'))
sys_call("git", glue::glue("push origin {new_version}"))
git_last_release <- function() {
call_and_capture("git", "tag -l --sort=-taggerdate")$stdout[1]
release_msg <- function(last_release, new_version) {
"Release {new_version}, see NEWS.md for details.\n\n",
"Diff to previous release: ",
#' Complete the release
#' Bumps the version to devel.
#' @param tag The tag to push. `NULL` will derive the tag from `DESCRIPTION`.
#' @keywords internal
release_complete <- function(ask = TRUE, is_cran = ask, tag = NULL) {
if (ask) {
abort_if_not_yes("Did you merge the release branch into main?")
abort_if_not_yes("Did you pull the latest main from origin?")
abort_if_not_yes("Are you on main branch with no changes in worktree?")
if (git_branch_get() != "main") {
rlang::abort("Must be on main to complete the release.")
if (is_cran) {
if (is.null(tag)) {
tag <- paste0("v", desc::desc_get_version())
if (substr(tag, 1, 1) != "v") {
rlang::abort("tag must start with v.")
last_release = git_last_release(), new_version = tag
autoupdate() # only updates if tag is on the main branch
cli::cli_alert_success("Bumped version to dev")
sys_call("git", glue::glue('commit DESCRIPTION .pre-commit-config.yaml -m "use latest release"'),
env = "SKIP=spell-check"
sys_call("git", glue::glue("push"))
cli::cli_alert_success("Committed and pushed dev version.")
if (is_cran) {
cli::cli_ul("Go to GitHub and draft a new release from the tag {tag}.")
release_prechecks <- function(bump, is_cran) {
cli::cli_alert_info("autoupdating hooks.")
old_version <- paste0("v", desc::desc_get_version())
dsc <- desc::description$new()
new_version <- paste0("v", dsc$get_version())
if (is_cran) {
release_branch <- paste0("rc-", new_version)
if (!(release_branch %in% names(git2r::branches()))) {
rlang::abort(paste0("need to be on branch ", release_branch))
abort_if_not_yes("Your target release has version {new_version}, correct?")
abort_if_not_yes("Did you commit NEWS.md for this version ({new_version})?")
#' Updates the hook version ref of \{precommit\} in a `.pre-commit-config` file
#' This is useful in the release process because when releasing a new version,
#' we must make sure the template that is used with `precommit::use_precommit()`
#' is up-to date. Also, after we pushed the release to GitHub, we want to update
#' the hooks from our own hook repo in the source repo too (we could also do that
#' with `precommit::autoupdate()` though).
#' @param new_version The version string of the new version.
#' @param path The path to a pre-commit config file.
#' @keywords internal
update_rev_in_config <- function(new_version,
path = "inst/pre-commit-config.yaml") {
config <- readLines(path)
ours <- grep(paste0("- repo: ", hooks_repo), config, fixed = TRUE)
others <- setdiff(grep("- repo:", config, fixed = TRUE), ours)
next_after_ours <- others[others > ours][1]
rev <- grep("rev:", config)
our_rev <- rev[rev > ours & rev < next_after_ours]
our_rev_without_comments <- gsub("#.*", "", config[our_rev])
if (any(grepl("#", config[our_rev]))) {
rlang::warn("removed comment on rev. Please add manually")
old_version <- trimws(gsub(".*rev:", "", our_rev_without_comments))
if (old_version == new_version) {
message("Nothing to do, old version and new version are identical.")
} else {
message(glue::glue("Replacing {old_version} with {new_version} in {path}"))
config[our_rev] <- gsub(old_version, new_version, config[our_rev])
writeLines(config, path)
abort_if_not_yes <- function(...) {
answer <- usethis::ui_yeah(..., .envir = parent.frame(n = 1))
if (!answer) {
rlang::abort("Assertion failed")
sys_call <- function(...) {
status <- system2(...)
if (status != 0) {
rlang::abort("system2 failed.")
git_branch_set <- function(is_cran) {
if (is_cran) {
branch_name <- paste0("rc-v", desc::desc_get_version())
if (!(branch_name %in% names(git2r::branches()))) "-b",
cli::cli_alert_success("Checked out branch {branch_name} for CRAN release process.")
} else {
if (git_branch_get() != "main") {
"Need to be on branch 'main' to create a release, otherwise autoudate",
"won't use the new ref."
git_assert_even_with_origin <- function() {
tmp <- tempfile()
system2("git", "diff HEAD..origin/main", stdout = tmp)
if (length(readLines(tmp) > 0)) {
rlang::abort("remote main must be even with local main before release process can start.")
git_assert_clean <- function() {
if (length(unlist(git2r::status()) > 0)) {
rlang::abort("Need clean git directory before starting release process.")
git_branch_get <- function() {
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