
# start to make general function

sendplot <- function(mat, plot.calls, x,y, mai.mat=NA, mai.prc=FALSE,
                     xlim=NA, ylim=NA,z=NA,
                     z.value="value",type="scatterplot", plt.extras = NA,
                     x.lbls=NA, y.lbls=NA,
                     x.links=NA, y.links=NA,
                     bound.pt = FALSE, source.plot=NA,
                     fname.root="test",dir="./", header="v2",
                     paint=FALSE, img.prog = NA, up.left=c(288,203),low.right=c(620,940),
                     spot.radius=5, automap=FALSE, automap.method="mode"

   cat("NOTE:  sendplot function is deprecated\n      Please see makeSplot \n\n\n")
  # figure out operating system 
  platform = .Platform$OS.type
  # if source.plot is not specified default to appropriate file
  #  source plot can only by png or ps 
  if(is.na(source.plot) | !(source.plot=="ps" | source.plot=="png")){
    if(platform == "unix") source.plot = "ps"
    if(platform == "windows" | platform == "mac") source.plot = "png"   
  # set up file names

    # begin png file if flagged
      wi = strsplit(resize, "x")[[1]][1]
      hi = strsplit(resize, "x")[[1]][2]
      png(filename=fname.png, width=as.double(wi), height=as.double(hi))
    # begin postscript file if flagged
    # initiate layout
    # lcm(c())

    if(max(as.vector(mat),na.rm=TRUE)>1) nf = layout(mat, respect=TRUE)
    if(mai.prc) mai.def=par("mai")
    # loop over plot calls to place plots in order or 1:n in layout
    for(i in 1:length(plot.calls)){
        # set up plot margins
        cat("setting margins \n")
        if(!mai.prc) par(mai=mai.mat[i,])
        if(mai.prc)  par(mai=mai.mat[i,]*mai.def)            
      # add xlim and ylim arguments to first plot if plot is scatterplot
      if(i==1 & type!="image"){
        plt.call = plot.calls[i]
        xg = grep(pattern="xlim",plt.call)
        yg = grep(pattern="ylim",plt.call)
        if(length(xg)!=0 | length(yg)!=0){
          stop("xlim and ylim should not be specified in plot call for first graph. Please remove these arguments from the plot call and enter as function arguments.")
            if(!exists("xlim")) xlim = range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
            if(!exists("ylim")) ylim = range(y, na.rm=TRUE) 
            ln = nchar(plt.call) 
            plot.calls[i] = paste(substr(plt.call,1,ln-1),", xlim=c(",xlim[1],",",xlim[2],"), ylim=c(",ylim[1],",",ylim[2],"))",sep="")
      }# end if i == 1
      # plot
      # evaluate plot call
      plt = eval.js(plot.calls[i])

      # add points to measure bounds
      if(i==1 & type=="scatterplot" & bound.pt){
        points(xlim[1],ylim[2], pch=22,bg="red",col="red", cex=3)
        points(xlim[2],ylim[1], pch=22,bg="red",col="red", cex=3)
      if(i==1 & type=="image" & bound.pt){
        # changed to blue since default image colors are red and orange
        points(xmin,ymax, pch=22,bg="blue",col="blue", cex=3)
        points(xmax,ymin, pch=22,bg="blue",col="blue", cex=3)

      # evaluate other plotting call if necessary
      # if plt.extras is NA no plotting for all plots
        if(is.na(plt.extras)) plt.extras = rep(NA, length(plot.calls))
      # if there are more plots than plot extras
      # specify no plotting for remaining plots
      if(i>length(plt.extras)) plt.extras = rep(NA, length(plt.extras))

      # cycle through all additional plot calls for current plot
      sub.np = length(plt.extras[[i]])
      for(sp in 1:sub.np){
    }# end for loop over plot calls
    # turn off postscript device

    # convert ps to png if ps was made and on unix OS
    if(source.plot=="ps" & platform=="unix"){
      system(paste("convert ",dir,fname.ps," -size 800x1100 -resize ",resize," ",dir,fname.png,sep=""))
    # if flagged system call to open paint
    # if first time running program to find upper left and lower right corners of main plot
        if(platform=="unix") system(paste("kolourpaint ", dir,fname.png," &", sep=""))
        if(platform=="windows") system(paste("mspaint ", dir,fname.png," &", sep=""))
        if(platform=="mac") cat("automatic open is not supported in this version for MAC OS \n")
        # some other program has been specified to open png image
        system(paste(img.prog, " ", dir, fname.png, " &", sep=""))
  } # end if !automap

  bound.pt = FALSE
  # first make file with additional markers at bounding box 

  # begin png file if flagged
    wi = strsplit(resize, "x")[[1]][1]
    hi = strsplit(resize, "x")[[1]][2]
    png(filename=fname.Dot.png, width=as.double(wi), height=as.double(hi))
  # begin postscript file if flagged
  # initiate layout
  # lcm(c())

  if(max(as.vector(mat),na.rm=TRUE)>1) nf = layout(mat, respect=TRUE)

  if(mai.prc) mai.def=par("mai")

  orig.plots = plot.calls
  # loop over plot calls to place plots in order or 1:n in layout
  for(i in 1:length(plot.calls)){

      # set up plot margins
      cat("setting margins \n")
      if(!mai.prc) par(mai=mai.mat[i,])
      if(mai.prc)  par(mai=mai.mat[i,]*mai.def)            
    # add xlim and ylim arguments to first plot if plot is scatterplot
    if(i==1 & type!="image"){
      plt.call = plot.calls[i]
      xg = grep(pattern="xlim",plt.call)
      yg = grep(pattern="ylim",plt.call)
      if(length(xg)!=0 | length(yg)!=0){
        stop("xlim and ylim should not be specified in plot call for first graph. Please remove these arguments from the plot call and enter as function arguments.")
          if(!exists("xlim")) xlim = range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
          if(!exists("ylim")) ylim = range(y, na.rm=TRUE) 
          ln = nchar(plt.call) 
          plot.calls[i] = paste(substr(plt.call,1,ln-1),", xlim=c(",xlim[1],",",xlim[2],"), ylim=c(",ylim[1],",",ylim[2],"))",sep="")
    }# end if i == 1
    # plot
    # evaluate plot call
    plt = eval.js(plot.calls[i])

    # add points to measure bounds
    if(i==1 & type=="scatterplot"){
      points(xlim[1],ylim[2], pch=21,bg="red",col="red", cex=3)
      points(xlim[2],ylim[1], pch=21,bg="red",col="red", cex=3)
    if(i==1 & type=="image"){
      # changed to blue since default image colors are red and orange
      points(xmin,ymax, pch=21,bg="blue",col="blue", cex=3)
      points(xmax,ymin, pch=21,bg="blue",col="blue", cex=3)

    # evaluate other plotting call if necessary
    # if plt.extras is NA no plotting for all plots
      if(is.na(plt.extras)) plt.extras = rep(NA, length(plot.calls))
    # if there are more plots than plot extras
    # specify no plotting for remaining plots
    if(i>length(plt.extras)) plt.extras = rep(NA, length(plt.extras))

    # cycle through all additional plot calls for current plot
    sub.np = length(plt.extras[[i]])
    for(sp in 1:sub.np){
  }# end for loop over plot calls
  # turn off postscript device
  # convert ps to png if ps was made and on unix OS
  if(source.plot=="ps" & platform=="unix"){
    system(paste("convert ",dir,fname.Dot.ps," -size 800x1100 -resize ",resize," ",dir,fname.Dot.png,sep=""))
    system(paste("convert ",dir,fname.Dot.png, " ", dir,fname.Dot.tif,sep=""))
  # if flagged system call to open paint
  # if first time running program to find upper left and lower right corners of main plot
      if(platform=="unix") system(paste("kolourpaint ", dir,fname.Dot.png," &", sep=""))
      if(platform=="windows") system(paste("mspaint ", dir,fname.Dot.png," &", sep=""))
      if(platform=="mac") cat("automatic open is not supported in this version for MAC OS \n")
      # some other program has been specified to open png image
      system(paste(img.prog, " ", dir, fname.Dot.png, " &", sep=""))


  # now make file without additional markers

  # reset plot calls (without xlim,ylim)
  plot.calls = orig.plots 
  # begin png file if flagged
    wi = strsplit(resize, "x")[[1]][1]
    hi = strsplit(resize, "x")[[1]][2]
    png(filename=fname.png, width=as.double(wi), height=as.double(hi))
  # begin postscript file if flagged
  # initiate layout
  # lcm(c())

  if(max(as.vector(mat),na.rm=TRUE)>1) nf = layout(mat, respect=TRUE)

  if(mai.prc) mai.def=par("mai")
  # loop over plot calls to place plots in order or 1:n in layout
  for(i in 1:length(plot.calls)){

      # set up plot margins
      cat("setting margins \n")
      if(!mai.prc) par(mai=mai.mat[i,])
      if(mai.prc)  par(mai=mai.mat[i,]*mai.def)            
    # add xlim and ylim arguments to first plot if plot is scatterplot
    if(i==1 & type!="image"){
      plt.call = plot.calls[i]
      xg = grep(pattern="xlim",plt.call)
      yg = grep(pattern="ylim",plt.call)
      if(length(xg)!=0 | length(yg)!=0){
        stop("xlim and ylim should not be specified in plot call for first graph. Please remove these arguments from the plot call and enter as function arguments.")
          if(!exists("xlim")) xlim = range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
          if(!exists("ylim")) ylim = range(y, na.rm=TRUE) 
          ln = nchar(plt.call) 
          plot.calls[i] = paste(substr(plt.call,1,ln-1),", xlim=c(",xlim[1],",",xlim[2],"), ylim=c(",ylim[1],",",ylim[2],"))",sep="")
    }# end if i == 1
    # plot
    # evaluate plot call
    plt = eval.js(plot.calls[i])
    # evaluate other plotting call if necessary
    # if plt.extras is NA no plotting for all plots
      if(is.na(plt.extras)) plt.extras = rep(NA, length(plot.calls))
    # if there are more plots than plot extras
    # specify no plotting for remaining plots
    if(i>length(plt.extras)) plt.extras = rep(NA, length(plt.extras))

    # cycle through all additional plot calls for current plot
    sub.np = length(plt.extras[[i]])
    for(sp in 1:sub.np){
  }# end for loop over plot calls
  # turn off postscript device
  # convert ps to png if ps was made and on unix OS
  if(source.plot=="ps" & platform=="unix"){
    system(paste("convert ",dir,fname.ps," -size 800x1100 -resize ",resize," ",dir,fname.png,sep=""))
    system(paste("convert ",dir,fname.png, " ", dir,fname.tif,sep=""))
  # if flagged system call to open paint
  # if first time running program to find upper left and lower right corners of main plot
      if(platform=="unix") system(paste("kolourpaint ", dir,fname.png," &", sep=""))
      if(platform=="windows") system(paste("mspaint ", dir,fname.png," &", sep=""))
      if(platform=="mac") cat("automatic open is not supported in this version for MAC OS \n")
      # some other program has been specified to open png image
      system(paste(img.prog, " ", dir, fname.png, " &", sep=""))

  # Now begin automatic detection of points if tif files are found

  d = dir(dir)
  dot.loc = which(d == fname.Dot.tif)
  fin.loc = which(d == fname.tif)

  # needs tif files for rtiff
  if( (length(dot.loc) != 0) | (length(fin.loc) != 0) ){

    # reads tiff files 
    tif.dot = readTiff(paste(dir, fname.Dot.tif,sep=""))
    tif.fin = readTiff(paste(dir, fname.tif,sep=""))

    # find where tifs differ
    temp.loc = which(tif.dot@blue != tif.fin@blue)
    temp = matrix(NA, nrow = dim(tif.dot@blue)[1], ncol =dim(tif.dot@blue)[2] )
    # convert to numeric matrix
    temp[which(tif.dot@blue == tif.fin@blue)] = 0
    temp[which(tif.dot@blue != tif.fin@blue)] = 1

    # determin column locations of where tifs differ
    row.count = rowSums(temp, na.rm=TRUE)
    col.loc = which(row.count>0)
    # store largest break between locations to seperate lower and upper bound
    len = length((col.loc[1]):(col.loc[2]))
    brk = 1
    for(i in 2:(length(col.loc)-1)){
      l = length((col.loc[i]):(col.loc[i+1]))
      if(l > len){
        brk = i + 1
        len = l
    # start regions (columns) of potential lower and upper bound
    s.reg.1 = col.loc[1]
    s.reg.2 = col.loc[brk]

    # full region of upper and lower bound (columns)
    col.reg.1 = (col.loc[1]):(col.loc[(brk-1)])
    col.reg.2 = (col.loc[brk]):(col.loc[(length(col.loc))])

    # currently can find locations by median or mode 

    # if find by median
    if(automap.method == "median"){
      # find upper bound
      #dx1 = floor(length(col.reg.1)/2)
      #dx2 = floor(length(col.reg.2)/2)
      #r1.col = col.reg.1[dx1]

      # column loc is median 
      r1.col = floor(median(col.reg.1))
      # row location is length of different in determine column
      r1.row = which(temp[r1.col,]>0)[1]
      add.r = floor((row.count[r1.col])/2) 
      up.left.row = r1.row + add.r
      # add additional to compensate for row
      add.c = floor((length(which(row.count[col.reg.1] == row.count[r1.col])))/2)
      up.left.col = r1.col + add.c 
      # find lower bound
      #r2.col = col.reg.2[dx2]
      # column loc is median
      r2.col = floor(median(col.reg.2))
      # row location is length of different in determine column
      r2.row = which(temp[r2.col,]>0)[1]
      add2.r = floor((row.count[r2.col])/2) 
      low.right.row = r2.row + add2.r
      # add additional to compensate for row
      add2.c = floor((length(which(row.count[col.reg.2] == row.count[r2.col])))/2)
      low.right.col = r2.col + add2.c 

    } # end if median

    # if find by mode (default)
    if(automap.method == "mode"){
      # find upper bound

      # finds which length repeats most often
      vec = row.count[col.reg.1] 
      u = unique(vec)
      fr = u[1]
      len = length(which(vec == fr))
      for(i in u[-1]){
        c = length(which(vec == i))
        if(c > len){
          fr = i
          len = c

      # column is which repeats most often 
      r1.col = which(row.count == fr)[1]
      # row location is length of different in determine column
      r1.row = which(temp[r1.col,]>0)[1]
      add.r = floor(fr/2) 
      up.left.row = r1.row + add.r
      # add additional to compensate for row
      add.c = floor((len/2))
      up.left.col = r1.col + add.c 

      # if no row repeats, uses median method      
      if(len == 1){
        #dx1 = floor(length(col.reg.1)/2)
        #r1.col = col.reg.1[dx1]

        # column loc is median
        r1.col = floor(median(col.reg.1))
        # row location is length of different in determine column
        r1.row = which(temp[r1.col,]>0)[1]
        add.r = floor((row.count[r1.col])/2) 
        up.left.row = r1.row + add.r
        # add additional to compensate for row
        add.c = floor((length(which(row.count[col.reg.1] == row.count[r1.col])))/2)
        up.left.col = r1.col + add.c 

      # lower bound
      # finds which length repeats most often
      vec2 = row.count[col.reg.2] 
      u2 = unique(vec2)
      fr2 = u2[1]
      len2 = length(which(vec2 == fr2))
      for(i2 in u2[-1]){
        c2 = length(which(vec2 == i2))
        if(c2 > len2){
          fr2 = i2
          len2 = c2
      # column is which repeats most often 
      r2.col =  which(row.count == fr2)
      r2.col = r2.col[which(r2.col > (s.reg.1 + length(col.reg.1)))][1]
      # row location is length of different in determine column
      r2.row = which(temp[r2.col,]>0)[1]
      add2.r = floor(fr2/2) 
      low.right.row = r2.row + add2.r
      # add additional to compensate for row
      add2.c = floor((len2/2))
      low.right.col = r2.col + add2.c 

      # if no row repeats, uses median method  
      if(len2 == 1){
        #dx2 = floor(length(col.reg.2)/2)
        #r2.col = col.reg.2[dx2]

        # column loc is median
        r2.col = floor(median(col.reg.2))
        # row location is length of different in determine column
        r2.row = which(temp[r2.col,]>0)[1]
        add2.r = floor((row.count[r2.col])/2) 
        low.right.row = r2.row + add2.r
        # add additional to compensate for row
        add2.c = floor((length(which(row.count[col.reg.2] == row.count[r2.col])))/2)
        low.right.col = r2.col + add2.c 
    } # end if mode

    # set bound points 

    cat(paste("The bounding locations are:\n    up.left: ", up.left.row, ", ", up.left.col,"\n
   low.right: ", low.right.row, ", ", low.right.col, "\n"))
  }else{ # ends if tif files found

    #  Currently needs tif files for automatic recognition
    #  Linux can convert
    #  Windows cannot convert automatically needs user to convert PNG to tif
    #     else run manual detection of bounds

    bound.pt = TRUE
    cat("automatic points only fully functional on unix machines \n")
    cat("one of the required tif files is not found \n")
    cat("Two options: \n")
    cat("     1. convert \n")
    cat(paste("             ", dir,fname.png,"     to     ", dir,fname.tif,"\n",sep=""))
    cat("        AND \n")
    cat(paste("             ", dir,fname.Dot.png, "     to     ", dir,fname.Dot.tif,"\n",sep=""))
    cat("     and run function again \n")
    cat(" OR \n")
    cat("     2. find bounding points manually. See vignette for help \n")
  } # ends if tif files not found

} # end automap

  # if flagged make interactive html
    # set up data frame of information
    # information in this data frame will be displayed for points in interactive window
      # estimate pixil location
      x.new = round(up.left[1] + ((x-xlim[1])/(xlim[2]-xlim[1]))*(low.right[1]-up.left[1]))
      y.new = round(up.left[2] + ((ylim[2]-y)/(ylim[2]-ylim[1]))*(low.right[2]-up.left[2]))
      # initiate data frame
      dat = data.frame(
        # pixil locations
        pix.x = x.new,
        pix.y =y.new
      dat2 = data.frame(rep(NA, (dim(dat)[1])))
      names(dat2) = "tempNA"

      # x specific data
      contx = TRUE
      x.lbls = as.data.frame(x.lbls)
      if( (dim(x.lbls)[1]==1) & (dim(x.lbls)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(x.lbls[1,1])) contx = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if((dim(x.lbls)[1] != length(x)) & contx){
          contx = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: x.lbls does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x):",length(x), "\n   Continuing with x.lbls = NA", sep=""))
          x.lbls = NA
      # if x.lbls is not NA continue
        for(i in 1:dim(x.lbls)[2]){
          if(i == 1) z.value = names(x.lbls)[i]
          eval.js(paste("dat$",names(x.lbls)[i], "=as.vector(x.lbls[,i])", sep=""))
      # y specific data
      conty = TRUE
      y.lbls = as.data.frame(y.lbls)
      if( (dim(y.lbls)[1]==1) & (dim(y.lbls)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(y.lbls[1,1])) conty = FALSE
      # dimension check
      if((dim(y.lbls)[1] != length(y)) & conty){
        conty = FALSE
        cat(paste("Warning: y.lbls does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y):",length(y), "\n   Continuing with y.lbls = NA", sep=""))
        y.lbls = NA
      # if y.lbls is not NA continue
        for(i in 1:dim(y.lbls)[2]){
          if((i == 1) & !contx) z.value = names(y.lbls)[i]
          eval.js(paste("dat$",names(y.lbls)[i], "=as.vector(y.lbls[,i])", sep=""))
      # xy -- assumes in this case that columns are different data vectors of row == nsmpls
      contxy = TRUE
      xy.lbls = as.data.frame(xy.lbls)
      if( (dim(xy.lbls)[1]==1) & (dim(xy.lbls)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(xy.lbls[1,1])) contxy = FALSE
      # dimension check
      if(((dim(xy.lbls)[1] != length(y)) | (dim(xy.lbls)[1] != length(x))) & contxy){
        contxy = FALSE
        cat(paste("Warning: xy.lbls does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y):",length(y), " or length(x):", length(x), "\n   Continuing with xy.lbls = NA", sep=""))
        xy.lbls = NA
      # if xy.lbls is not NA continue
        for(i in 1:dim(xy.lbls)[2]){
          if((i == 1) & !contx & !conty) z.value = names(xy.lbls)[i]
          eval.js(paste("dat$",names(xy.lbls)[i], "=as.vector(xy.lbls[,i])", sep=""))
      # if all: x.lbls, y.lbls, and xy.lbls were NA no data to display
      # set up dummy vector with blanks 
      if(!contx & !conty & !contxy){  
        eval.js(paste("dat$", z.value, "=rep('',dim(dat)[2])",sep=""))

      # if x specific hyperlinks
      cont = TRUE
      x.links = as.data.frame(x.links)
      if( (dim(x.links)[1]==1) & (dim(x.links)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(x.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if(dim(x.links)[1] != length(x)){
          cont = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: x.lbls.link does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x):",length(x), "\n   Continuing with x.links = NA", sep=""))
          x.links = NA
      # if x.links is not NA
        # for each column get links
        for(i in 1:dim(x.links)[2]){
          # for each points link
          for(j in 1:length(temp)){
            tmp = temp[j]
            # if not NA
              temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma  
              links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
              new.t = " "
              for(l in 1:length(links)){
                new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(x.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
              new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
              temp[j] = new.t
          # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
          eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(x.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    

      # if y specific hyperlinks
      cont = TRUE
      y.links = as.data.frame(y.links)
      if( (dim(y.links)[1]==1) & (dim(y.links)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(y.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if(dim(y.links)[1] != length(y)){
          cont = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: y.lbls.link does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y):",length(y), "\n   Continuing with y.links = NA", sep=""))
          y.links = NA
      # if y.links is not NA
        # for each column get links
        for(i in 1:dim(y.links)[2]){
          # for each points link
          for(j in 1:length(temp)){
            tmp = temp[j]
            # if not NA
              temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma 
              links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
              new.t = " "
              for(l in 1:length(links)){
                new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(y.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
              new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
              temp[j] = new.t
          # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
          eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(y.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    
      # if xy specific hyperlinks
      cont = TRUE
      xy.links = as.data.frame(xy.links)
      if( (dim(xy.links)[1]==1) & (dim(xy.links)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(xy.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
      if(((dim(xy.links)[1] != length(y)) | (dim(xy.links)[1] != length(x))) & cont){
        cont = FALSE
        cat(paste("Warning: xy.links does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y):",length(y), " or length(x):", length(x), "\n   Continuing with xy.links = NA", sep=""))
        xy.links = NA
      # if xy.links is not NA
        # for each column get links
        for(i in 1:length(xy.links)){
          # for each points link
          for(j in 1:length(temp)){
            tmp = temp[j]
            # if not NA
              temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma   
              links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
              new.t = " "
              for(l in 1:length(links)){
                new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(xy.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
              new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
              temp[j] = new.t
          # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
          eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(xy.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    


      # get points as Links information 
      contLinks = TRUE
      # if data frame convert to matrix
      if(class(asLinks) == "data.frame") asLinks = as.matrix(asLinks)
      # if matrix convert to vector
      if(class(asLinks) == "matrix") asLinks = as.vector(asLinks)
      # if single entry assume same for all points
      if((length(asLinks) == 1) & !is.na(asLinks[1])) asLinks = rep(asLinks, length(x))
      # convert to character vector
      asLinks = as.character(asLinks)
      # check dimensions
      if((length(asLinks) != length(x)) & !is.na(asLinks[1])){
        cat("Warning: cannot create points as links \n     length must be equal to x or y \n")
        contLinks = FALSE

    }# end if scatterplot
      # calculate width and height of active image
      # get min and max x values for image      
      # calculate cuts and center of x values on image
      # adjust 
      # calculate pixil positions
      # get min and max y values for image
      # calculate cuts and centers of y values on image
      # adjust
      # calculate pixil positions
      y.image= round((1-unit.int.hght)*hght+up.left[2])
      # initiate data frame of info
      dat = data.frame(
        # pixil locations
        pix.x = as.vector(mapply(rep,x=x.image,MoreArgs=list(times=length(y.image)))),
        pix.y = rep(y.image, length(x.image))
      dat2 = data.frame(rep(NA, (length(y.image)*length(x.image))))
      names(dat2) = "tempNA"

      # xy specific data

      # x specific data
      cont = TRUE
      x.lbls = as.data.frame(x.lbls)
      if( (dim(x.lbls)[1]==1) & (dim(x.lbls)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(x.lbls[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if(dim(x.lbls)[1] != length(x)){
          cont = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: x.lbls does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x):",length(x), "\n   Continuing with x.lbls = NA", sep=""))
          x.lbls = NA      
      # if x.lbls is not NA continue
        for(i in 1:dim(x.lbls)[2]){
          eval.js(paste("dat$",names(x.lbls)[i], "=as.vector(mapply(rep,x=x.lbls[,i], MoreArgs=list(times=length(y.image))))", sep=""))
      # y specific data
      cont = TRUE
      y.lbls = as.data.frame(y.lbls)
      if( (dim(y.lbls)[1]==1) & (dim(y.lbls)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(y.lbls[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if(dim(y.lbls)[1] != length(y)){
          cont = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: y.lbls does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y):",length(y), "\n   Continuing with y.lbls = NA", sep=""))
          y.lbls = NA      
      # if y.lbls is not NA continue
        for(i in 1:dim(y.lbls)[2]){
          eval.js(paste("dat$",names(y.lbls)[i], "=rep(y.lbls[,i],length(x.image))", sep=""))
      cont = TRUE
      if(is.na(xy.lbls[1])) cont = FALSE
      # if xy.lbls is not NA continue
        for(i in 1:length(xy.lbls)){
          # check dimension
          if((dim(xy.lbls[[i]])[2] == length(x)) & (dim(xy.lbls[[i]])[1] == length(y))){                  
            eval.js(paste("dat$",names(xy.lbls)[i],"=as.vector(xy.lbls[[i]])", sep=""))
            cat(paste("Warning: at least one of the xy.lbls matricies are not of the correct dimension. \n    All should be of the dimension ",length(x), " by ", length(y), "\n", sep="")) 

      # x specific hyperlinks
      cont = TRUE
      x.links = as.data.frame(x.links)
      if( (dim(x.links)[1]==1) & (dim(x.links)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(x.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if(dim(x.links)[1] != length(x)){
          cont = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: x.links does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x):",length(x), "\n   Continuing with x.links = NA", sep=""))
          x.links = NA      
      # if x.links is not NA
        # for each column get links
        for(i in 1:dim(x.links)[2]){           
          eval.js("temp=as.vector(mapply(rep,x=x.links[,i], MoreArgs=list(times=length(y.image))))")
          # for each points link
          for(j in 1:length(temp)){
            tmp = temp[j]
            # if not NA
              temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma
              links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
              new.t = " "
              for(l in 1:length(links)){
                new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(x.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
              new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
              temp[j] = new.t
          # put correctly syntaxed link in matrix 
          eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(x.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    
      # y specific hyperlinks
      cont = TRUE
      y.links = as.data.frame(y.links)
      if( (dim(y.links)[1]==1) & (dim(y.links)[2]==1)){
        if(is.na(y.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
      # dimension check
        if(dim(y.links)[1] != length(y)){
          cont = FALSE
          cat(paste("Warning: y.links does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y):",length(y), "\n   Continuing with y.links = NA", sep=""))
          y.links = NA      
      # if y.links is not NA
        # for each column get links
        for(i in 1:dim(y.links)[2]){
          # for each points link
          for(j in 1:length(temp)){
            tmp = temp[j]
            # if not NA
              temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma
              links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
              new.t = " "
              for(l in 1:length(links)){
                new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(y.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
              new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
              temp[j] = new.t
          # put correctly syntaxed link in matrix 
          eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(y.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    

      # xy specific hyperlinks
      cont = TRUE
      if(is.na(xy.links[1])) cont = FALSE
      # if xy.links is not NA
        # for each matrix of links
        for(i in 1:length(xy.links)){
          # check dimensions
          if((dim(temp)[2] == length(x)) & (dim(temp)[1] == length(y))){
            temp = as.vector(temp)
            # for each points link
            for(j in 1:length(temp)){
              tmp = temp[j]
              # if not NA
                temp[j] = NA
              # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma  
                links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
                new.t = " "
                for(l in 1:length(links)){
                  new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(xy.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
                new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
                temp[j] = new.t
            # put correctly syntaxed link in matrix 
            eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(xy.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    
            cat(paste("Warning: at least one of the xy.links matricies are not of the correct dimension. \n    All should be of the dimension ",length(x), " by ", length(y), "\n", sep="")) 
      # get points as Links information 
      contLinks = TRUE
      # if data frame convert to matrix
      if(class(asLinks) == "data.frame") asLinks = as.matrix(asLinks)
      # if matrix convert to vector
      if(class(asLinks) == "matrix") asLinks = as.vector(asLinks)
      # repeat values if necessary
      if(length(asLinks) == length(x)) asLinks = rep(asLinks, each=length(y))
      if(length(asLinks) == length(y)) asLinks = rep(asLinks, length(x))
      if((length(asLinks) == 1) & !is.na(asLinks[1])) asLinks = rep(asLinks, (length(x)*length(y)))
      # convert to character vector for easy access
      asLinks = as.character(asLinks)
      # check dimension
      if((length(asLinks) != (length(x)*length(y))) & !is.na(asLinks[1])){
        cat("Warning: cannot create points as links \n     length must be equal to x or y or dimensions equal to x*y \n")
        contLinks = FALSE
    }#end if image

    if(header!="v1" &  header!="v2" ) header="v2"
    # mapfile header info
    if(header=="v2") sp.header=sp.header2 #data(v2.header)
    if(header=="v1") sp.header=sp.header1 #data(v1.header)
    # update dat into character array to make writing more efficient
    cdat=array(" ",dim=dim(dat))
    ndat=rep(" ",dim(dat)[2])
    for(j in 1:(dim(dat)[2])){
    if(header == "v1"){
      cat("Note: hyperlinks only work with header=v2 \n")
      cdat2=array(" ",dim=dim(dat2))
      ndat2=rep(" ",dim(dat2)[2])
      for(j in 1:(dim(dat2)[2])){
      # combined information data frame and hyper link data frame
      if(dim(cdat2)[2] > 1){
        cdat = cbind(cdat, cdat2[,2:dim(cdat2)[2]])
        ndat = c(ndat, ndat2[2:length(ndat2)])
      links.st = (dim(dat)[2])+1

    # begin html file

    # add header information
    for(i in 1:length(sp.header)) cat(sp.header[i],fill=TRUE)
    # add data point info
    for(i in 1:(dim(dat)[1])){
          ctmp=paste("<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"",cdat[i,1],",",cdat[i,2],
            ",",spot.radius,"\" onmouseover=\"setData(\'",z.value,"&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;",
            for(j in 4:(dim(dat)[2])){
              ctmp = paste(ctmp, "<br> ",ndat[j],"&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;",
          ctmp = paste(ctmp, "\')\" onMouseOut=\"clearData();\" />",sep="")          
      }# end if header==v1

        ctmp=paste("<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"",cdat[i,1],",",cdat[i,2],
          ",",spot.radius,"\" onmouseover=\"Tip(\'",z.value,"&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;",

            for(j in 4:(links.st-1)){
              ctmp = paste(ctmp, "<br> ",ndat[j],"&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;",
          linkFlag = FALSE
          if(dim(dat2)[2] > 1){
            for(j in links.st:(dim(cdat)[2])){
                linkFlag = TRUE
                ctmp = paste(ctmp, "<br> ",ndat[j],":", cdat[i,j],sep="")
          linkFlag = FALSE
        if(linkFlag) ctmp = paste(ctmp, "\', STICKY,true,CLICKCLOSE,true,CLOSEBTN,false)\" ",sep="")
        if(!linkFlag) ctmp = paste(ctmp, "\')\" ",sep="")
          link = asLinks[i]
            ctmp = paste(ctmp, " href=\" ", link, "\" target=\"blank\" ", sep="")
        ctmp = paste(ctmp, "  />", sep="")
      }# end if header==v2
    cat("<div class=\"plot\">",fill=TRUE)
    if(header=="v1")cat("<img border=\"0\" src=\"",fname.png,"\" usemap=\"img-map\" />",sep="",fill=TRUE)
    if(header=="v2")cat("<img border=\"0\" src=\"",fname.png,"\" usemap=\"#img-map\" />",sep="",fill=TRUE)

  }# end if bound.pt  
}# end sendHeat function
lshep/sendplot documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:42 a.m.