
#' @useDynLib RankMetric, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @importFrom LIStest lis

#' @rdname RankMetric
#' @title Metrics for Rankings
#' @description Calculates the distances between a set of rankings or permutations,
#' using one of six metrics.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x matrix where each row is a ranking or a permutation
#' @param metric a distance metric, one of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"kendall"}
#' \item \code{"ulam"}
#' \item \code{"spearrho"},  spearman's rho
#' \item \code{"spearfoot"}, spearman's footrule
#' \item \code{"hamming"}
#' \item \code{"cayley"}
#' }
#' @param perm \code{TRUE} for a matrix of permutations, \code{FALSE} for a matrix of rankings
#' @param ranktype indicates the type of ranking
#'    \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"full"} full ranking
#'    \item \code{"partial"},  partial ranking with no ties
#'    \item \code{"sametimes"}, ties allowed, the same number must be ranked 1st, 2nd etc
#'    \item \code{"anyties"}, ties allowed any number can be ranked 1st, 2nd etc
#' @param k the number of items ranked in a partial ranking
#' @return Returns a matrix of the distances between all the rankings/ permutations
#' in the input matrix. If \code{ranktype} is \code{"anyties"} the function will work for any
#' type of partial ranking or ranking with ties. However using \code{"full"} for complete rankings
#' or \code{"partial"} for partial ranking with no ties for that kind of data will run faster.
#' If the ranking of some of the items is not known or given they can be left as \code{NA}.

#' @references \url{http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9780387962887}

#' @examples
#' x = t(matrix(replicate(10,sample(1:5,5)),ncol=10))
#' distance(x,metric = "spearfoot",perm = FALSE,"full")
#' @export
distance = function(x, metric, perm = TRUE, ranktype  = "full", k=2){

  d1 = dim(x)[1]
  d2 = dim(x)[2]

  if(ranktype == "full"){
    if( metric == "kendall"){
      f = kend
    if(metric == "ulam"){
      f = ulam

    if(metric == "spearrho"){
      f = spear

    if(metric == "spearfoot"){
      f = spearfoot

    if(metric == "hamming"){
      f = ham

    if(metric == "cayley"){
      f = cayley

  if(ranktype == "partial"){
    if( metric == "kendall"){
      f = kendP
    if(metric == "ulam"){
      f = ulamP

    if(metric == "spearrho"){
      f = spearP

    if(metric == "spearfoot"){
      f = spearfootP

    if(metric == "hamming"){
      f = hamP

    if(metric == "cayley"){
      f = cayleyP

  dis = matrix(NA,d1,d1)

  if(ranktype == "full"){

    if(perm == TRUE){
      if(metric == "kendall"||metric == "spearfoot"||metric == "spearrho"||metric == "ulam"){
        x = t(apply(x,1,inv))

         for(i in 1:d1){
           for(j in 1:i){
             dis[i,j] = f(x[i,],x[j,])

  if(ranktype == "partial"){

      x = t(apply(x,1,inv))

    for(i in 1:d1){
      for(j in 1:i){
        dis[i,j] = f(x[i,],x[j,],k)

    # fills NA values
    x[is.na(x)] =  rep((k+1):d2,each=d1)


  if( ranktype == "sameties"|| ranktype == "anyties"){
    if(perm == F){
      print("For this distance measure, the data must be in permutation form, with each entry denoting the group membership of each item")

    if(ranktype == "sameties"){
      if( metric == "kendall"){
        f = kendE
      if(metric == "ulam"){
        f = ulamG

      if(metric == "spearrho"){
        f = spearE

      if(metric == "spearfoot"){
        f = spearfootE

      if(metric == "hamming"){
        f = hamE

      if(metric == "cayley"){
        f = cayleyE
        print("only works for groups of size 2 or 3")

    if(ranktype == "anyties"){
      if( metric == "kendall"){
        f = kendG
      if(metric == "ulam"){
        f = ulamG

      if(metric == "spearrho"){
        f = spearG

      if(metric == "spearfoot"){
        f = spearfootG

      if(metric == "hamming"){
        f = hamG

      if(metric == "cayley"){
        print("no cayley's distance function for this kind of ranking")

    #fill NA values

    ind = which(is.na(x), arr.ind=TRUE)
    m=apply(x,1,max,na.rm = T)+1
    x[ind] <- m[ind[,1]]

    for(i in 1:d1){
      for(j in 1:i){
        dis[i,j] = f(x[i,],x[j,])

  dis = as.dist(dis)

#some preliminary functions


#' @rdname inv
#' @title Inverse Permutation
#' @description Computes the inverse of a permutation.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x an integer vector
#' @return Returns the inverse permutation of a vector.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' inv(a)
#' @export
inv = function(x){
  names(x) = 1:length(x)

#' @rdname nig3
#' @title nig3
#' @description computes..
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @keywords internal

nig3 = function(a,b){

  la= length(a)
  ma = max(a)
  mb = max(b)

  for(i in 1:ma){
    for(j in 1:mb){
      nig3[i,j] = nij(a,b,i,j,la)

#Code below computes various measures of distance for
#Spearman's rho

#' @rdname spear
#' @title Spearman's Rho
#' @description Computes Spearman's rho between two full rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @return Returns Spearman's rho between the two rankings.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' spear(a,b)
#' @export
spear = function(a,b){

#Spearman's Footrule
#' @rdname spearfoot
#' @title Spearman's Footrule
#' @description Computes Spearman's Footrule between two full rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @return Returns Spearman's footrule between the two rankings.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' spearfoot(a,b)
 #' @export
spearfoot = function(a,b){

#' @rdname kend
#' @title Kendall's Tau
#' @description Computes Kendall's tau between two full rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @return Returns Kendall's tau between two full rankings.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' kend(a,b)
#' @export

kend = function(a,b){
  n = length(a)

#Computes Hamming distance of perms a,b
#' @rdname ham
#' @title Hamming Distance
#' @description Returns the Hamming distance between two full rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @return The Hamming distance between the two rankings.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' ham(a,b)
#' @export

ham = function(a,b){
  c = sum(a != b)

# computes Ulam's Distance for perms a,b
#' @rdname ulam
#' @title Ulam's Distance
#' @description Computes Ulam's distance between two full rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @return Returns Ulam's distance between the two rankings.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' ulam(a,b)
#' @export
ulam = function(a,b){
  u = length(a)-lis(pmult(b,inv(a)))

# returns the partial ranking metrics from pg 18 (25)

#Computes Hamming distance of perms a,b for partial ranking
#' @rdname hamP
#' @title Hamming Distance for Partial rankings
#' @description Computes the Hamming distance between two partial rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @param k integer
#' @return Returns the Hamming distance between the two partial rankings,
#' where only the first \code{k} items have been ranked. No ties are permitted.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' k=3
#' hamP(a,b,k)
#' @export
hamP = function(a,b,k){
  a1 = a[1:k]
  b1 = b[1:k]
  c = sum(a1 != b1)
  h = length(a1[!(a1 %in% b1)])


#Computes Kendall's distance of perms a,b for partial rankings
#' @rdname kendP
#' @title Kendall's Distance for Partial rankings
#' @description Computes Kendall's distance between two partial rankings.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @param k integer
#' @return Returns Kendall's distance between two rankings x and y, where we care about the first k ranked items only

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' k=3
#' kendP(a,b,k)
#' @export
kendP = function(a,b,k){

  n = length(a)
  v = 1:n
  A = v[a <= k & b <= k]
  B = v[a <= k & b > k]
  D = v[a > k & b <= k]
  h = length(B)

  if (length(A)<2 ){p1 = 0}else{p1 = kend(a[A], b[A])}

  if(length(B)==0){p2=0}else{p2 = sum(a[B])}
  if(length(D)==0){p3=0}else{p3 = sum(b[D])}

  return(p1 + h*(n + k - (h - 1)/2) - p2 - p3)

# Spearman's footrule
#' @rdname spearfootP
#' @title Spearman's Footrule for Partial rankings
#' @description Computes Spearman's footrule between two partial rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @param k integer
#' @return Returns Spearman's footrule between  two partial rankings,
#' where only the first \code{k} items have been ranked. No ties are permitted.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' k=3
#' spearfootP(a,b,k)
#' @export

spearfootP = function(a,b,k){
  n = length(a)
  v = 1:n
  A = v[a <= k & b <= k]
  B = v[a <= k & b > k]
  D = v[a > k & b <= k]
  h = length(B)

  if(length(A)==0){p1= 0 }else(p1= sum(abs(a[A] - b[A])))
  }else(p2 =  sum(a[B])+sum(b[D]))

  return(h*(2*n + 1 - h) + p1 -p2)


# Cayley's distance

ncy3 = function(x,k){

  n = length(x)
  t = matrix(0,n,n)

  m1 = 1:n
  m2 = x
  r = 1

  for(i in 1:n){
    if(m1[i] %in% t == FALSE){

      c = 3
      t[r,1] = m1[i]
      t[r,2] = m2[i]
      col = i
      a = match(m2[col],m1)

      while(m2[a] %in% t[r,] == FALSE){

        t[r,c] = m2[a]
        col = a
        a = match(m2[col],m1)
      r = r+1


  v = c((k+1):n)

  t=t[(rowSums(matrix(t %in% v,nrow(t)))==0) ,]

  nz =   which( t[,1]==0, arr.ind=TRUE)[1]

# code for Cayley's distance from the package 'Rankcluster'
# it's quicker than the code I've written above
#' @rdname cayley
#' @title Cayley's Distance
#' @description \code{cayley} returns Cayley's distance between two full rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Cayley's distance between \code{x} and \code{y}

#' @examples
#' x = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' y = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' cayley(x,y)

#' @export
cayley = function(x,y)

  for (i in 1:(length(x) - 1)) {
    if (y[i]!=x[i]) {
      y[which(y==x[i])] = y[i]

#' @rdname cayleyP
#' @title Cayley's Distance for Partial rankings
#' @description Computes Cayley's distance between two partial rankings.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @param k integer
#' @return Returns Cayley's distance between  two partial rankings,
#' where only the first \code{k} items have been ranked. No ties are permitted.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' k=3
#' cayleyP(a,b,k)
#' @export

cayleyP = function(a,b,k){
  if(k == length(a)){
  return(cayley(a,b))}else if(all(inv(a)[1:k]==inv(b)[1:k])){
  c = k - ncy3(pmult(inv(b),a),k)

# Spearman's rho
#' @rdname spearP
#' @title Spearman's Rho  for Partial rankings
#' @description Computes Spearman's rho  between two partial rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @param k integer
#' @return Returns Spearman's rho  between two rankings x and y, where we care about the first k ranked items only

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' k=3
#' spearP(a,b,k)
#' @export

spearP = function(a,b,k){
  n = length(a)
  v = 1:n
  A = v[a <= k & b <= k]
  B = v[a <= k & b > k]
  D = v[a > k & b <= k]
  h = length(B)
  if (h > 0) {
    p = sort(a[B])
    s = sort(b[D])
    l = 1:length(p)
  }else {
    l = 0
    p = 0
    s = 0
    p3 =
      max(sum((n +  1 - l - p)^2) + sum((k + l - s)^2),
          sum((k - l - p)^2) +  sum((n + 1 - l - s)^2))

  return((   sum((a[A] - b[A])^2) +
               h * h * (n - k - h) +

# Ulam's distance
#' @rdname ulamP
#' @title Ulam's Distance for Partial rankings
#' @description Computes Ulam's distance  between two partial rankings.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param a,b integer vectors
#' @param k integer
#' @return Returns Ulam's distance between  two partial rankings,
#' where only the first \code{k} items have been ranked. No ties are permitted.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,5,4)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' k=3
#' ulamP(a,b,k)
#' @export

  if(k == length(a)){
    n = length(a)
    alph = vector()
    beta = rep(NA,n)

    pm = pmult(a,inv(b))
    ipm = inv(pm)

    n = length(a)
    v = 1:n

    B = v[a<=k &b>k]
    # part (1)

    for(i in 1:n){
      if(i <= k && pm[i] <=k){
        alph[pm[i]] =  i
        beta[i] = pm[i]

    # part (2)

    j = sort((1:k)[1:k %in% pm[(k+1):n]])
    jp = sort(((k+1):n)[pm[1:k] >k] )

    for(i in 1:h){
      beta[jp[i]] = n+1-i
      alph[j[i]] = n+1-i

    # part (3)

    alph = c(alph,c(1:n)[!(1:n %in% alph)])

    be = 1:n*(is.na(beta)==T)
    be = be[be!=0]
    beta[be] = c(1:n)[!(1:n %in% beta)]


# metrics from pg 36(43) of metric methods book
# items with equal ranking are now allowed, but no. in each group must
# be the same

# Hamming distance
# Hamming distance
#' @rdname hamE
#' @title Hamming Distance with Ties
#' @description Computes the Hamming distance between two rankings, where
#'  items with equal ranking are now permitted. The number of items placed in the
#'  ith category must be the same.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns the Hamming distance between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,2,3,3)
#' hamE(a,b)
#' @export

hamE = function(x,y){

# Kendall's tau
#' @rdname kendE
#' @title Kendall's Tau for Tankings with Ties
#' @description Computes Kendall's tau between two rankings, where
#'  items with equal ranking are now permitted. The number of items placed in the ith category must be the same.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Kendall's tau between the two rankings.

#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,2,3,3)
#' kendE(a,b)
#' @export

kendE = function(x,y){
  l = length(x)
  n = nig3(x,y)

  for(i in 1:(r-1)){
    for(ip in (i+1):r){
      for(jp in 1:r){
        for(j in jp:r){

# Spearman's footrule
#' @rdname spearfootE
#' @title Spearman's Footrule with Ties
#' @description Computes Spearman's footrule between two rankings, where
#'  items with equal ranking are now permitted. The number of items placed in the
#'  ith category must be the same.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Spearman's footrule between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,2,3,3)
#' spearfootE(a,b)
#' @export

spearfootE = function(x,y){
  N = as.vector(table(x))

  n = nig3(x,y)

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:r){

                d2 = sum(n[1:(i-1),j])

          c =  sum(n[i, 1: (j-1)])


        if(j<r){c2= sum(n[i, (j+1):r])}else{c2=0}

        t1 = t1 + n[i,j]*abs(a-b+ c- d)
        t2 = t2 + n[i,j]*abs(a- b +  c2-d2)




# Spearman's rho

#' @rdname spearE
#' @title Spearman's Rho for rankings with Ties
#' @description Computes Spearman's rho between two rankings, where
#'  items with equal ranking are now permitted. The number of items placed in the
#'  ith category must be the same.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Spearman's rho between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,2,3,3)
#' spearE(a,b)
#' @export

spearE = function(x,y){
  N = as.vector(table(x))

  n = nig3(x,y)

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:r){

                d2 = sum(n[1:(i-1),j])
          c =  sum(n[i, 1: (j-1)])


        if(j<r){c2= sum(n[i, (j+1):r])}else{c2=0}

        t1 = t1 + n[i,j]*(a-b+ c- d)^2
        t2 = t2 + n[i,j]*(a- b +  c2-d2)^2



# Cayley's distance, only works for size of groups = 2 or 3
#' @rdname cayleyE
#' @title Cayley's Distance with Ties
#' @description Computes Cayley's distance between two rankings, where
#'  items with equal ranking are now permitted. The number of items placed in the
#'  ith category must be the same. The number of groups must be 2 or 3, as Cayley's distance is undefined in other cases.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Cayley's distance between the two rankings.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,2,3,3)
#' cayleyE(a,b)
cayleyE = function(x,y){

  l = length(x)

  n = nig3(x,y)

  if(r == 2){return(n[1,2])}

  if(r == 3){

    for(i in 1:3){
      p1 = s2+n[i,i]
      for(j in i:3){
        s= s + min(n[i,j],n[j,i])

    return(l -(s2+s+abs(n[1,2]-n[2,1])))


#ulam - didn;t do this as the code for the more general case is
# v similar


# metrics from pg 48 (55) of metric methods book
# items with equal ranking are now allowed, no. in each group
# can be different
# Kendall's tau
#' @rdname kendG
#' @title Kendall's Tau for any Number of Ties
#' @description Computes Kendall's tau between two rankings, where any number of items
#' with equal ranking are now permitted in each ranking.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Kendall's tau between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,4)
#' kendG(a,b)
#' @export

kendG = function(x,y){
  rp = max(y)
  n = nig3(x,y)

  for(i in 1:(r-1)){
    for(ip in (i+1):r){
      for(jp in 1:rp){
        for(j in jp:rp){

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(ip in i:r){
      for(jp in 1:(rp-1)){
        for(j in (jp+1):rp){

# Spearman's footrule
#' @rdname spearfootG
#' @title Spearman's Footrule for any Number of Ties
#' @description Computes Spearman's footrule between two rankings, where any number of items with equal rankings
#' are now permitted in each ranking.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Spearman's footrule between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,4)
#' spearfootG(a,b)
#' @export

spearfootG = function(x,y){
  rp = max(y)
  N = as.vector(table(x))
  Np = as.vector(table(y))

  n = nig3(x,y)

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:rp){
      if(n[i,j] == 0){


                d2 = sum(n[1:(i-1),j])
          c =  sum(n[i, 1: (j-1)])


        if(j<rp){c2= sum(n[i, (j+1):rp])}else{c2=0}

        t1 = t1 + n[i,j]*abs(a-b+ c- d)
        t2 = t2 + n[i,j]*abs(a- b +  c2-d2)



# Spearman's rho
#' @rdname spearG
#' @title Spearman's Rho for any Number of Ties
#' @description Computes Spearman's rho between two rankings x and y, where any number of items with equal rankings
#' are now permitted in each ranking. The number of items
#'  ranked r for the two rankings can vary.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Spearman's rho between two rankings x and y
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,4)
#' spearG(a,b)
#' @export

spearG = function(x,y){

  rp = max(y)
  N = as.vector(table(x))
  Np = as.vector(table(y))

  n = nig3(x,y)

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:rp){

              d2 = sum(n[1:(i-1),j])
        c =  sum(n[i, 1: (j-1)])

      if(j<rp){c2= sum(n[i, (j+1):rp])}else{c2=0}

      t1 = t1 + n[i,j]*(a-b+ c- d)^2
      t2 = t2 + n[i,j]*(a- b +  c2-d2)^2





# Hamming distance
#' @rdname hamG
#' @title Hamming Distance for any Number of Ties
#' @description Computes Hamming distance between two rankings, where any number of items with equal rankings
#'  are now permitted in each ranking.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Hamming distance between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,4)
#' hamG(a,b)
#' @export

hamG = function(x,y){

  rp = max(y)

  N = as.vector(table(x))
  Np = as.vector(table(y))
  Nv= list()

  n = nig3(x,y)

  Nv[[1]] = 1:N[1]
  Nvp[[1]] = 1:Np[1]
  t1 = N[1]
  t2 = Np[1]

  for(i in 2:r){

    Nv[[i]] = (t1+1):(t1+N[i])

    #Nvp[[i]] = (t2+1):(t2+Np[i])
    t1 =t1 +N[i]
    #t2 = t2+Np[i]
  for(i in 2:rp){

    #Nv[[i]] = (t1+1):(t1+N[i])

    #error is here:
    Nvp[[i]] = (t2+1):(t2+Np[i])
    #t1 =t1 +N[i]
    t2 = t2+Np[i]

  v = matrix(0,r,rp)

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:rp){
      v[i,j] = length(intersect(Nv[[i]],Nvp[[j]]))

  for(i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:rp){
      a = a+max(0,n[i,j]+v[i,j]-Np[j])
      b = b + max(0,n[i,j]+v[i,j]-N[i])




# Ulam's distance
#' @rdname ulamG
#' @title Ulam's distance for any Number of Ties
#' @description Computes Ulam's distance between two rankings, where any number of items with equal rankings
#'  are now permitted in each ranking.
#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns Ulam's distance between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,3,4,4)
#' ulamG(a,b)
#' @export

ulamG = function(x,y){

  l = length(x)
  rp = max(y)

  n = nig3(x,y)

  p = perm(rp,r)
  p2 = matrix(0,dim(p)[1],rp)

  for(i in 1:(dim(p)[1])){
    for(j in 1:rp){
      p2[i,j] = n[p[i,j],j]

  p3 = matrix(0,dim(p)[1],r)

  for(i in 1:(dim(p)[1])){
    for(j in 1:r){
      p3[i,j] = n[j,p[i,j]]

  ret1 = max(rowSums(p2))
  ret2 = max(rowSums(p3))



#' @rdname ulamE
#' @title  Ulam's distance with Ties
#' @description Computes  Ulam's distance between two rankings, where
#'  items with equal ranking are now permitted. The number of items placed in the
#'  ith category must be the same.

#' @author Lucy Small, \email{lucy.small@@ucdconnect.ie}
#' @param x,y integer vectors
#' @return Returns  Ulam's distance between the two rankings.
#' @examples
#' a = c(3,1,2,2,3)
#' b = c(1,2,2,3,3)
#' ulamE(a,b)
#' @export
ulamE= function(x,y){

  l = length(x)
  rp = max(y)

  n = nig3(x,y)

  p = perm(rp,r)
  p2 = matrix(0,dim(p)[1],rp)

  for(i in 1:(dim(p)[1])){
    for(j in 1:rp){
      p2[i,j] = n[p[i,j],j]

  p3 = matrix(0,dim(p)[1],r)

  for(i in 1:(dim(p)[1])){
    for(j in 1:r){
      p3[i,j] = n[j,p[i,j]]

  ret1 = max(rowSums(p2))
  ret2 = max(rowSums(p3))



#' @title Voting data from 2016 FIFA Best Player of the Year
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name fifa16
#' @usage data(fifa16)
#' @description This is the voting data with voter covariates from the  FIFA Best Player of the Year 2016 award. There were
#' 23 candidates on the shortlist and 450
#' voters. Each voter provides their top-3 choices. The voters were the national captains,
#' manager, and one media representative from each country.
#' FIFA, the world football governing body,
#' divides member countries into six continental confederations, which each organise
#' continental national and club competitions. The confederation of each voter is
#' given.
#' @format A data frame with 450 voters (rows) and 30 variables (columns). The first four columns give the voter \code{name}, \code{role} (captain, manager or media), \code{country} of origin and \code{confederation}(AFC, CAF, CONCAF,CONMEBOL or UEFA).
#' Columns \code{vote1}, \code{vote2}, \code{vote3} give the names of the candidates chosen by each voter as their top-3 ranking.
#' The remaining columns (8:30) give the full partial rankings in permutation form. The votes are arbitrarily filled in after the top-3.
#' @source \url{http://resources.fifa.com/mm/Document/the-best/PlayeroftheYear-Men/02/86/27/05/faward_MenPlayer2016_Neutral.pdf}

#' @title Voting data from the 2010 UK Labour leadership election.
#' @description There are 5 candidates and 266 rankings, some of which are partial rankings. The candidates are Diane Abbott, Ed Balls, Andy Burnham, David Miliband and Ed Miliband. Each voter ranks at least one candidate.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name labour
#' @usage data(labour)
#' @format A data frame with 234 rows and 11 variables
#' @references \url{https://web.archive.org/web/20110101171158/http://www2.labour.org.uk/leadership-mps-and-meps}
#' @source \url{https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e-gx4Km2ywG85kJCf_byJdMZvdP4QkPHGjPKy_meO30/edit?hl=en&hl=en#gid=0}
lucyov26/RankMetric documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:09 a.m.