
Defines functions classify.aggregate classify.naivebayes classify.dtm

Documented in classify.aggregate classify.dtm classify.naivebayes

#' Primitive Bagging Sentiment Classification
#' Provides a simple aggregation function in order to clasify a vector of sentences.
#' Incorporates text trimming and removes extraneous characters for better analysis.
#' @param sentences a vector of sentences to classify
#' @param pos.words the dictionary of positive words
#' @param neg.words the dictionary of negative words
#' @param .progress boolean value indicating whether a progress bar should be displayed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' classify.aggregate(c("I am happy"), c("happy", "overjoyed"), c("sad", "depressed"), .progress='none')
classify.aggregate = function(sentences, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='none')  
  # array ("a") of scores back =  "l" + "a" + "ply" = "laply":  
  scores = laply(sentences, function(sentence, pos.words, neg.words) {  
    sentence = gsub('[[:punct:]]', '', sentence)  
    sentence = gsub('[[:cntrl:]]', '', sentence)  
    sentence = gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", sentence)
    sentence = gsub('\\d+', '', sentence)   
    sentence = gsub("(RT|via)((?:\\b\\W*@\\w+)+)", "", sentence)
    sentence = gsub("@\\w+", "", sentence)
    sentence = gsub("http\\w+", "", sentence)
    sentence = gsub("[ \t]{2,}", "", sentence)
    sentence = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", sentence)
    # define "tolower error handling" function 
    try.error = function(x)
      y = NA
      try_error = tryCatch(tolower(x), error=function(e) e)
      # if not an error
      if (!inherits(try_error, "error"))
        y = tolower(x)
    sentence = sapply(sentence, try.error)
    sentence = sentence[!is.na(sentence)]
    names(sentence) = NULL
    word.list = str_split(sentence, '\\s+')  
    words = unlist(word.list)  
    pos.matches = match(words, pos.words)  
    neg.matches = match(words, neg.words)  
    # match() returns the position of the matched term or NA (we only want a boolean value)
    #  which is fixed by sum
    pos.matches = !is.na(pos.matches)  
    neg.matches = !is.na(neg.matches)  
    score = sum(pos.matches) - sum(neg.matches)  
  }, pos.words, neg.words, .progress=.progress)
  # returns a data frame
  scores.df = data.frame(score=scores, text=sentences)  

#' ViralHeat API Sentiment Classification
#' Exposes ViralHeat's API in order to calculate the sentiment of a vector of text
#' based on their predefined algorithms. Text is passed as a JSON parameter to the 
#' website, so internet connection is required for successful completion. Note that 
#' the maximum number of characters is 360 (due to ViralHeat constraints). An API
#' key is required. 
#' @param text a vector of sentences to classify
#' @param api.key your API key for authentication
#' @export

classify.viralheat = function (text, api.key) {
  text <- URLencode(text);
  text <- str_replace_all(text, "%20", " ");
  text <- str_replace_all(text, "%\\d\\d", "");
  text <- str_replace_all(text, " ", "%20");
  if (str_length(text) > 360){
    text <- substr(text, 0, 359);
  data <- getURL(paste("http://www.viralheat.com/api/sentiment/review.json?text=",text,"&api_key=", api.key, sep=""))
  js <- fromJSON(data, asText=TRUE);
  sent <- js$prob;
  j <<- js;
  if (js$mood == "negative") {
    sent <- sent * -1;
  else {
    if (js$mood != "positive") {
      #must be neutral
      sent <- 0;

#' Naive Bayes Sentiment Classification
#' Implements the Naive-Bayes prior probability classification function for
#' determining the sentiment of text. Multiple customization parameters may defined
#' for the created document term matrix in order to ensure maximum accuracy. 
#' @param sentences the sentences to classify
#' @param pstrong the probability that a strong subjective term appears in the text
#' @param pweak the probability that a weakly subjective term appears in the text
#' @param prior the prior probability to use (1.0 by default)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' classify.naivebayes(c("I am happy", "I am sad"))
classify.naivebayes <- function(sentences, pstrong=0.5,
                              pweak=1.0, prior=1.0, ...) {
  matrix <- classify.dtm(sentences, ...)
  fpath <- system.file("extdata", "subjectivity.csv", package="sentR")
  lexicon <- read.csv(fpath, head = FALSE)
  counts <- list(positive = length(which(lexicon[,3]=="positive")), 
                 negative = length(which(lexicon[,3]=="negative")),
                 total = nrow(lexicon))
  documents <- c()
  for (i in 1:nrow(matrix)) {
    scores <- list(positive=0, negative=0)
    doc <- matrix[i,]
    words <- findFreqTerms(doc, lowfreq=1)
    for (word in words) {
      index <- pmatch(word,lexicon[,1],nomatch=0)
      if (index > 0) {
        entry <- lexicon[index,]
        polarity <- as.character(entry[[2]])
        category <- as.character(entry[[3]])
        count <- counts[[category]]
        score <- pweak
        if (polarity == "strongsubj") score <- pstrong
        score <- abs(log(score*prior/count))
        scores[[category]] <- scores[[category]]+score
    for (key in names(scores)) {
      count <- counts[[key]]
      total <- counts[["total"]]
      score <- abs(log(count/total))
      scores[[key]] <- scores[[key]]+score
    best_fit <- names(scores)[which.max(unlist(scores))]
    ratio <- abs(scores$positive/scores$negative)
    if (ratio > 0.90 && ratio < 1.10)
      best_fit <- "neutral"
    documents <- rbind(documents,c(scores$positive,scores$negative,abs(scores$positive/scores$negative),best_fit))
  colnames(documents) <- c("POS","NEG","POS/NEG","SENT")

#' Creates a Document/Term Matrix
#' Provides a utility function used to create a document/term matrix using 
#' the package \pkg{tm}
#' @param sentences a character vector of sentences to use for training
#' @param language the language to use for word stemming
#' @param minDocFreq the minimum number of times a word is needed in a document to be included
#' in the analysis
#' @param minWordLength the minimnum word length for inclusion in analysis
#' @param removeNumbers a boolean regarding whether numbers whould be removed
#' @param removePuncutation a boolean specifying whether to remove puncutation
#' @param removeStopwords a boolean specifying whether stopwords in the specified language should be removed
#' @param stemWords a boolean specying whether words should be stemmed to their root form in the language specified
#' @param stripWhitespace a boolean indicating whether whitespace should be stripped
#' @param toLower a boolean indicating whether all words should be transformed to their lowercase representations
#' @param weighting either weightTf or weightIfIdf (see the package \pkg{tm} for details)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' classify.dtm(c("I am happy", "I am sad", "I am miserable", "The weather is good today"))
classify.dtm <- function(sentences, language="english", 
                          minDocFreq = 1, minWordLength = 4, 
                          removeNumbers = TRUE, removePunctuation = TRUE, 
                          removeStopwords = TRUE, 
                          stemWords = FALSE, stripWhitespace = TRUE, 
                          toLower = TRUE, weighting = weightTf) {

  control <- list(language = language, tolower = toLower,
                  removeNumbers = removeNumbers, removePunctuation = removePunctuation,
                  stripWhitespace = stripWhitespace, minWordLength = minWordLength,
                  stopwords = removeStopwords, minDocFreq = minDocFreq, 
                  weighting = weighting)
  if (stemWords == TRUE)
    control <- append(control, list(stemming = process.stemwords), after=6)
  train <- apply(as.matrix(sentences), 1, paste, collapse=" ")
  train <- sapply(as.vector(train, mode="character"),
                           iconv, to="UTF8", sub="byte")
  corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(train), readerControl=list(language=language))
  matrix <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus,control=control)
  gc() # garbage collect
mananshah99/sentR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:23 a.m.