
Defines functions smooth_xifti smoothcii smoothCIfTI smooth_cifti

Documented in smooth_cifti smoothCIfTI smoothcii smooth_xifti

#' Smooth CIFTI data
#' Spatially smooth the metric data of a CIFTI file or \code{"xifti"} object.
#' If the CIFTI is a ".dlabel" file (intent 3007), then it will be converted
#'  to a ".dscalar" file because the values will no longer be integer indices.
#'  Unless the label values were ordinal, this is probably not desired so a
#'  warning will be printed.
#'  Can accept a \code{"xifti"} object as well as a path to a CIFTI-file.
#'  Surfaces are required for each hemisphere in the CIFTI. If they are not 
#'  provided, the default inflated surfaces will be used. 
#'  Conversion for sigma: \eqn{\sigma \times 2 \times \sqrt(2 \times \log(2)) = FWHM}
#' @param x The CIFTI file name or \code{"xifti"} object to smooth.
#' @param cifti_target_fname File name for the smoothed CIFTI. If
#'  \code{NULL}, will be written to "smoothed.d*.nii" in the current working
#'  directory if \code{x} was a CIFTI file, and in a temporary directory if 
#'  \code{x} was a \code{"xifti"} object.
#' @param surf_FWHM,vol_FWHM The full width at half maximum (FWHM) parameter
#'  for the gaussian surface or volume smoothing kernel, in mm. Default: \code{5}
#'  for cortex (surface) and \code{3} for subcortex (volume).
#' @param surfL_fname,surfR_fname (Required if the corresponding cortex is 
#'  present) Surface GIFTI files for the left and right cortical surfaces. If
#'  not provided, the surfaces in \code{x} are used, but if those are also not
#'  present, the default surfaces will be used.
#' @param cerebellum_fname (Optional) Surface GIFTI file for the cerebellar surface
#' @param subcortical_zeroes_as_NA,cortical_zeroes_as_NA Should zero-values in 
#'  the subcortical volume or cortex be treated as NA? Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param subcortical_merged Smooth across subcortical structure boundaries?
#'  Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @return The \code{cifti_target_fname}, invisibly, if \code{x} was a CIFTI
#'  file name. A \code{"xifti"} object if \code{x} was a \code{"xifti"} object.
#' @family manipulating xifti
#' @family common
#' @export
#' @section Connectome Workbench:
#' This function interfaces with the \code{"-cifti-smoothing"} Workbench command.
smooth_cifti <- function(
  x, cifti_target_fname=NULL,
  surf_FWHM=5, vol_FWHM=3,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL, cerebellum_fname=NULL,
  subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE,

  # Args check -----------------------------------------------------------------
  input_is_xifti <- is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)
  surfL_delete <- surfR_delete <- FALSE

  # Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (input_is_xifti) {
    # Check intent. Treat unknown intents as dscalar.
    x_intent <- x$meta$cifti$intent
    if (!is.null(x_intent) && (x_intent %in% supported_intents()$value)) {
      x_extn <- supported_intents()$extension[supported_intents()$value == x_intent]
    } else {
      warning("The CIFTI intent was unknown, so smoothing as a dscalar.")
      x_extn <- "dscalar.nii"

    res <- infer_resolution(x)
    if (any(is.na(res))) {
      stop("Cannot smooth because the resolution could not be inferred.")
    } else if (!(any(res == 0)) && res[1] != res[2]) {
      stop("Cannot smooth because the left and right cortex have unequal inferred resolutions: ", res[1], " and ", res[2], ".")

    # Write out the CIFTI.
    cifti_original_fname <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("to_smooth.", x_extn))
    write_cifti(x, cifti_original_fname, verbose=FALSE)

    # Set the target CIFTI file name.
    if (is.null(cifti_target_fname)) {
      cifti_target_fname <- gsub(
        "to_smooth.", "smoothed.", cifti_original_fname, fixed=TRUE

    # Get the surfaces present.
    if (is.null(surfL_fname) && !is.null(x$surf$cortex_left)) {
      surfL_delete <- TRUE
      surfL_fname <- file.path(tempdir(), "left.surf.gii")
      write_surf_gifti(x$surf$cortex_left, surfL_fname, hemisphere="left")
    if (is.null(surfR_fname) && !is.null(x$surf$cortex_right)) {
      surfR_delete <- TRUE
      surfR_fname <- file.path(tempdir(), "right.surf.gii")
      write_surf_gifti(x$surf$cortex_right, surfR_fname, hemisphere="right")

    cifti_info <- x$meta
    brainstructures <- vector("character")
    if (!is.null(x$data$cortex_left)) { brainstructures <- c(brainstructures, "left") }
    if (!is.null(x$data$cortex_right)) { brainstructures <- c(brainstructures, "right") }
    if (!is.null(x$data$subcort)) { brainstructures <- c(brainstructures, "subcortical") }
  } else {
    # Check that the original file is valid.
    cifti_original_fname <- x
    cifti_info <- info_cifti(cifti_original_fname)
    brainstructures <- cifti_info$cifti$brainstructures
    # Set the target CIFTI file name.
    if (is.null(cifti_target_fname)) {
      cifti_target_fname <- file.path(
        getwd(), paste0("smoothed.", get_cifti_extn(cifti_original_fname))

  # If the input is a .dlabel file, the target should be .dscalar not .dlabel. -
  fix_dlabel <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(cifti_info$cifti$intent) && cifti_info$cifti$intent == 3007) {
      "Smoothing a label file will convert the labels to their numeric",
      "indices. Coercing `cifti_target_fname` to a \".dscalar\" file.\n"
    fix_dlabel <- TRUE
    cifti_target_fname <- gsub(
      "dlabel.nii", "dscalar.nii", 
      cifti_target_fname, fixed=TRUE

  # Build the Connectome Workbench command. 
  cmd <- paste(
    surf_FWHM / (2*sqrt(2*log(2))),
    vol_FWHM / (2*sqrt(2*log(2))),

  # Add default surface(s) where missing ---------------------------------------
  # If cortex data is present but its surface geometry is missing, use the
  #  surface included with `ciftiTools.`
  if ("left" %in% brainstructures && is.null(surfL_fname)) {
      "No left surface provided to `smooth_cifti`,",
      "so using the surface included in `ciftiTools`."

    if (!is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)) { x <- read_cifti(x, brainstructures=brainstructures) }

    ## Try in this order: `resamp_res`, medial wall mask, data length
    if (!is.null(x$meta$cifti$resamp_res)) {
      x_res <- x$meta$cifti$resamp_res
    } else if (!is.null(x$meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask$left)) {
      x_res <- length(x$meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask$left)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(x$data$cortex_left) && !is.null(x$data$cortex_right)) {
        if (nrow(x$data$cortex_left) != nrow(x$data$cortex_right)) {
            "The cortex resolution needs to be known to resample the cortex surface",
            "for use in smoothing. But, there was no resampling resolution",
            "or left medial wall mask in the `xifti`. Furthermore, the number of",
            "data vertices differed between the left and right cortices, meaning",
            "the cortex resolution cannot be inferred in any way."
        "No resampling resolution or left medial wall mask in the `xifti`.",
        "Using the number of left cortex vertices. This may cause an error if",
        "medial wall values were masked out."
      x_res <- nrow(x$data$cortex_left)

    surfL_fname <- file.path(tempdir(), "left.surf.gii")
    surfL_fname <- resample_gifti(
      surfL_fname, hemisphere="left", file_type="surface", resamp_res=x_res

  ## Try in this order: `resamp_res`, medial wall mask, data length
  if ("right" %in% brainstructures && is.null(surfR_fname)) {
      "No right surface provided to `smooth_cifti`,",
      "so using the surface included in `ciftiTools`."

    if (!is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)) { x <- read_cifti(x, brainstructures=brainstructures) }

    if (!is.null(x$meta$cifti$resamp_res)) {
      x_res <- x$meta$cifti$resamp_res
    } else if (!is.null(x$meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask$right)) {
      x_res <- length(x$meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask$right)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(x$data$cortex_right) && !is.null(x$data$cortex_right)) {
        if (nrow(x$data$cortex_right) != nrow(x$data$cortex_right)) {
            "The cortex resolution needs to be known to resample the cortex surface",
            "for use in smoothing. But, there was no resampling resolution",
            "or right medial wall mask in the `xifti`. Furthermore, the number of",
            "data vertices differed between the right and right cortices, meaning",
            "the cortex resolution cannot be inferred in any way."
        "No resampling resolution or right medial wall mask in the `xifti`.",
        "Using the number of right cortex vertices. This may cause an error if",
        "medial wall values were masked out."
      x_res <- nrow(x$data$cortex_right)

    surfR_fname <- file.path(tempdir(), "right.surf.gii")
    surfR_fname <- resample_gifti(
      surfR_fname, hemisphere="right", file_type="surface", resamp_res=x_res

  # Build and run command ------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(surfL_fname)) { cmd <- paste(cmd, "-left-surface", sys_path(surfL_fname)) }
  if (!is.null(surfR_fname)) { cmd <- paste(cmd, "-right-surface", sys_path(surfR_fname)) }
  if (!is.null(cerebellum_fname)) { cmd <- paste(cmd, "-cerebellum-surface", sys_path(cerebellum_fname)) }  

  if (subcortical_zeroes_as_NA) { cmd <- paste(cmd, "-fix-zeros-volume") }
  if (cortical_zeroes_as_NA) { cmd <- paste(cmd, "-fix-zeros-surface") }

  if (subcortical_merged) { cmd <- paste(cmd, "-merged-volume") }


  # Fix .dlabel output ---------------------------------------------------------
  if (fix_dlabel) {
    old_target_fname <- cifti_target_fname
    cifti_target_fname <- gsub("dlabel", "dscalar", old_target_fname)
    names_fname <- tempfile()
    cat(names(cifti_info$cifti$labels), file = names_fname, sep = "\n")
      "-cifti-change-mapping", sys_path(old_target_fname), 
      "ROW", sys_path(cifti_target_fname),
      "-scalar", "-name-file", sys_path(names_fname)
  # Return results -------------------------------------------------------------
  if (input_is_xifti) {
    read_xifti_args <- list(
      cifti_fname = cifti_target_fname, 
      brainstructures = brainstructures
    if (surfL_delete) { file.remove(surfL_fname) }
    if (surfR_delete) { file.remove(surfR_fname) }
    return(do.call(read_xifti, read_xifti_args))
  } else {

#' @rdname smooth_cifti
#' @export
smoothCIfTI <- function(
  x, cifti_target_fname=NULL,
  surf_FWHM=5, vol_FWHM=5,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL, cerebellum_fname=NULL,
  subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE,

    x=x, cifti_target_fname=cifti_target_fname,
    surf_FWHM=surf_FWHM, vol_FWHM=vol_FWHM,
    surfL_fname=surfL_fname, surfR_fname=surfR_fname, cerebellum_fname=cerebellum_fname,
    subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=subcortical_zeroes_as_NA, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=cortical_zeroes_as_NA,

#' @rdname smooth_cifti
#' @export
smoothcii <- function(
  x, cifti_target_fname=NULL,
  surf_FWHM=5, vol_FWHM=5,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL, cerebellum_fname=NULL,
  subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE,

    x=x, cifti_target_fname=cifti_target_fname,
    surf_FWHM=surf_FWHM, vol_FWHM=vol_FWHM,
    surfL_fname=surfL_fname, surfR_fname=surfR_fname, cerebellum_fname=cerebellum_fname,
    subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=subcortical_zeroes_as_NA, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=cortical_zeroes_as_NA,

#' @rdname smooth_cifti
#' @export
smooth_xifti <- function(
  x, cifti_target_fname=NULL,
  surf_FWHM=5, vol_FWHM=5,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL, cerebellum_fname=NULL,
  subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=FALSE,

    x=x, cifti_target_fname=cifti_target_fname,
    surf_FWHM=surf_FWHM, vol_FWHM=vol_FWHM,
    surfL_fname=surfL_fname, surfR_fname=surfR_fname, cerebellum_fname=cerebellum_fname,
    subcortical_zeroes_as_NA=subcortical_zeroes_as_NA, cortical_zeroes_as_NA=cortical_zeroes_as_NA,
mandymejia/ciftiTools documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 12:36 p.m.