#' @title Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate using Unsteady State Method
#' @description \code{calcHbExUnsteady} Function calculates the human body exergy consumPtion rate using unsteady state method based on a series of environmental variables.
#' @aliases calcHbExUnsteady
#' @aliases hbexunsteady
#' @aliases exunsteady
#' @usage calcHbExUnsteady(ta, tr, rh, vel, clo, met, tao, rho, frad = 0.7,
#' eps = 0.95, ic = 1.085, ht = 171, wt = 70, tcr = 37, tsk = 36, basMet = 58.2,
#' warmUp = 60, cdil = 100, sigmatr = 0.25, dateTime)
#' @param ta a numeric value presenting air temperature in [degree C]
#' @param tr a numeric value presenting mean radiant temperature in [degree C]
#' @param vel a numeric value presenting air velocity in [m/s]
#' @param rh a numeric value presenting relative humidity [\%]
#' @param clo a numeric value presenting clothing insulation level in [clo]
#' @param met a numeric value presenting metabolic rate in [met]
#' @param tao a numeric vector presenting outdoor air temperature in [degree C]
#' @param rho numeric vector presenting outdoor relative humidity [\%]
#' @param frad a numeric vector presenting the fraction of body exposed to radiation 0.7(for seating), 0.73(for standing) [-]
#' @param eps a numeric vector presenting emissivity [-]
#' @param ic a numeric vector presenting permeability of clothing: 1.084 (average permeability), 0.4 (low permeability)
#' @param ht a numeric vector presenting body height in [cm]
#' @param wt a numeric vector presenting body weight in [kg]
#' @param tcr a numeric vector presenting initial value for core temperature in [degree C]
#' @param tsk a numeric vector presenting initial value for skin temperature in [degree C]
#' @param basMet a numeric vector presenting basal metabolic rate in [met]
#' @param warmUp a numeric vector presenting length of warm up period, i.e. number of times, loop is running for HBx calculation.
#' @param cdil a numeric vector presenting value for cdil in 2-node model of Gagge
#' @param sigmatr a numeric vector presenting value for cdil in 2-node model of Gagge.
#' @param dateTime a POsIxct vector of the times of measurement.
#' @details This function requires vectors of data including the corresponding time stamp. In case the time between two measurements is more than a minute, intermediate values are interpolated.
#' @returns
#' Returns a data.frame with the following columns.
#' Exergy input
#' \item{xInmetu }{Exergy input through metabolism}
#' \item{xInmetwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy input through metabolism}
#' \item{xInAIRwcu }{Exergy input through inhaled humid air}
#' \item{xInAIRwcwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy input through inhaled humid air}
#' \item{xInAIRwdu }{Exergy input through inhaled dry air}
#' \item{xInAIRwdwdu }{Label wet/ dry for exergy input through inhaled dry air}
#' \item{xInLUNGwcu }{Exergy input through water lung}
#' \item{xInLUNGwcwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy input through water lung}
#' \item{xInLUNGwdu }{Exergy input through water lung}
#' \item{xInLUNGwdwdu }{Label wet/ dry for exergy input through water lung}
#' \item{xInsheLLwcu }{Exergy input through water from sweat}
#' \item{xInsheLLwcwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy input through water from sweat}
#' \item{xInsheLLwdu }{Exergy input through water from sweat}
#' \item{xInsheLLwdwdu }{Label wet/ dry for exergy input through water from sweat}
#' \item{xInraDu }{Exergy input through radiation}
#' \item{xInraDwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy input through radiation}
#' \item{xIntotaLu }{total exergy input}
#' Exergy output
#' \item{xoutstorecoreu }{Exergy stored in core}
#' \item{xoutstoreshelu }{Exergy stored in shell}
#' \item{xoutaIRwcu }{Exergy output through exhaled humid air}
#' \item{xoutaIRwcwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy output through exhaled humid air}
#' \item{xoutaIRwdu }{Exergy output through exhaled dry air}
#' \item{xoutaIRwdwdu }{Label wet/ dry for exergy output through exhaled dry air}
#' \item{xoutswEATwcu }{Exergy output through water vapour from sweat}
#' \item{xoutswEATwcwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy output through water vapour from sweat}
#' \item{xoutswEATwdu }{Exergy output through water vapour from sweat}
#' \item{xoutswEATwdwdu }{Label wet/ dry for exergy output through water vapour from sweat}
#' \item{xoutraDu }{Exergy output through radiation}
#'\item{xoutraDwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy output through radiation}
#' \item{xoutCONVu }{Exergy output through convection}
#' \item{xoutCONVwcu }{Label warm/ cold for exergy output through convection}
#' \item{xouttotaLu }{total exergy output}
#' Exergy balance
#' \item{xconsu }{total exergy consumPtion}
#' Additional values
#' \item{tsku }{Calculated skin temperature}
#' \item{tcru }{Calculated core temperature}
#' \item{wu }{Calculated skin wettedness}
#' @examples
#' ## Define environmental parameters
#' ta <- seq(20,25,.1)
#' tr <- ta
#' rh <- rep(50, length(ta))
#' vel <- rep(.1, length(ta))
#' clo <- rep(.8, length(ta))
#' met <- rep(1.2, length(ta))
#' tao <- rep(5, length(ta))
#' rho <- rep(80, length(ta))
#' dateTime <- as.POSIXct(seq(0,by=60,length.out=length(ta)), origin="1970-01-01")
#' ## Calculation of human body exergy consumPtion rate
#' calcHbExUnsteady(ta, tr, rh, vel, clo, met, tao, rho, dateTime = dateTime)$xconsu
#' @author This function is based on a VBA code developed by masanori Shukuya. transformation of VBA-code and Excel procedures into R syntax by Marcel Schweiker.
#' @seealso see also \code{\link{calcComfInd}}
#' @references
#' Schweiker, Kolarik, Dovjak & Shukuya (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.01.002>
#' Shukuya (2015) Calculation of human body-core and skin-layer temperatures under
#' unsteady-state conditions-for unsteady-state human-body exergy analysis-,
#' internal report of exergy-research group, Tech. rep.
#' @note According to Gagge's paper (1973), the value of 'cdil' may vary between 75 and 225 and 'sigma-tr' between 0.25 and 0.75. There is a note in the appendix of his paper saying two things: 1) whatever the values taken for cdil and sigma-tr, there must be no significant change in resulting thermal equilibrium. But, the values taken for cdil and sigmaTr do affect time to equilibrium. According to the analysis of schweiker et al. (2015), the values of 100 and .25 lead to the best fit of calculated and observed skin temperature.
#' @export
calcHbExUnsteady <- function(ta, tr, rh, vel, clo, met, tao, rho, frad = .7, eps = .95, ic = 1.085, ht=171, wt=70, tcr=37, tsk=36, basMet=58.2, warmUp=60, cdil=100, sigmatr=.25, dateTime){
## definition of output variables
## Exergy input
xInmetu <- xInmetwcu <- xInAIRwcu <- xInAIRwcwcu <- xInAIRwdu <- xInAIRwdwdu <- xInLUNGwcu <- xInLUNGwcwcu <- xInLUNGwdu <- xInLUNGwdwdu <- xInsheLLwcu <- xInsheLLwcwcu <- xInsheLLwdu <- xInsheLLwdwdu <- xInraDu <- xInraDwcu <- xIntotaLu <- NA
## Exergy output
xoutstorecoreu <- xoutstoreshelu <- xoutaIRwcu <- xoutaIRwcwcu <- xoutaIRwdu <- xoutaIRwdwdu <- xoutswEATwcu <- xoutswEATwcwcu <- xoutswEATwdu <- xoutswEATwdwdu <- xoutraDu <- xoutraDwcu <- xoutCONVu <- xoutCONVwcu <- xouttotaLu <- NA
## balance and additional variables
xconsu <- tsku <- tcru <- wu <- NA
tko <- 273.15
tskSet <- 33.7
tcrSet <- 36.8
lr <- 16.5 * 10 ^ (-3)
csw <- 170
mAir <- 28.97 * 0.001;
mWater <- 18.015 * 0.001;
rGas <- 8.31446 #[J/(molK)]
Row <- 1000; Roa <- 1.2#[kg/m3]
cpBody <- 3490; cpa <- 1005; cpv <- 1846; cpw <- 4186 #[J/(kgK)]
PO <- 101325#[N/m2<-J/m3]
## radiation area of human body - taking account for covered parts by other parts of body (e.g. inner parts of arm) - coefficients taken from Fanger
aBody <- 0.008883 * ht ^ 0.663 * wt ^ 0.444
rMA <- wt / aBody
## A series of calculation timestep by timestep
## adjust here for input of individual conditions in each line
runs <- length(ta)
i <- 1
icl <- clo[i] # clothing insulation [clo]
va <- vel[i] # Indoor air velocity [m/s]
metrate <- met[i] # metabolic rate [met]
tmr <- tr[i] # mean radiant temp [degree C]
tair <- ta[i] # air temp [degree C]
phia <- rh[i] # relative humidity indoors [%]
toEnv <- tao[i] # outdoor temp [degree C]
phiaEnv <- rho[i] # relative humidity outdoors [%]
## warm-up period - see also discussion in paper
for (j in 1:warmUp){
# extract single value from time series data
dtCal <- 60
qmet <- metaTherm(metrate, basMet)
fcl <- 1 + 0.15 * icl
rcl <- 0.155 * icl
TKa <- tair + tko; tkmr <- tmr + tko
tkoEnv <- toEnv + tko
pvEnv <- pVapor(toEnv, phiaEnv) # function see Book Shukuya p. 268
hr <- 6.13 * frad * eps # radiative heat transfer coefficient
hc <- hcvG(va, metrate, basMet) # convective heat transfer coefficient
top <- (hr * tmr + hc * tair) / (hr + hc)
ffcl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * (hr + hc));
fpcl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * hc / ic) # related to evaporation
cl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * hc / ic)
im <- hc * fpcl / ((hr + hc) * ffcl)
iclStar <- 0.6; fclStar <- 1 + 0.15 * iclStar
hcStar <- hcvG(0.1, 1, basMet)
ffclStar <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * iclStar * fclStar * (hr + hcStar))
fpclStar <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * iclStar * fclStar * hcStar / ic)
imStar <- hcStar * fpclStar / ((hr + hcStar) * ffclStar);
cres <- 0.0014 * (basMet * metrate) * (34 - tair) # heat transfer to environment by convection in relation to respiration (empirical equation by Fanger)
pva <- pVapor(tair, phia)
eres <- 0.0173 * (basMet * metrate) * (5.87 - pva / 1000) # heat removed by evaporation in relation to respiration (empirical equation by Fanger)
qShiv <- mshiv(tcrSet, tskSet, tcr, tsk)
vblS <- vblCdilStr(cdil, sigmatr, tcrSet, tskSet, tcr, tsk)# blood flow rate
# next line is core of Gagge model. If blood flow becomes lower, than skin layer gets more dominant
alfaSk <- 0.0418 + 0.745 / (vblS + 0.585); # factor to adjust for difference in dominance
kS <- 5.28 + 1.163 * vblS # conductance between core and skin layer
Qcr <- (1 - alfaSk) * rMA * cpBody; Qsk <- alfaSk * rMA * cpBody # heat capacity of core and skin layer
tcrN <- (1 - dtCal * kS / Qcr) * tcr + dtCal / Qcr * (qmet + qShiv - (cres + eres) + kS * tsk) # core temperature at time step before step calculated
psks <- pVapor(tsk, 100)# saturated water vapour pressure at skin surface calculated with pure water , i.e. adaptive processes such as less salt in sweat might be put heresee also p. 281 of book Shukuya
emax <- fpcl * (fcl * lr * hc) * (psks - pva) # max rate of water dispersion when the whole skin surface is wet
tb <- alfaSk * tsk + (1 - alfaSk) * tcr; # average body temperature using calculated tsk and tcr
tbSet <- alfaSk * tsk + (1 - alfaSk) * tcrSet # average body temperature using set-point values for tsk and tcr
ersw <- csw * (tb - tbSet) * exp((tsk - tskSet) / 10.7) # amount of sweat secretion
w <- 0.06 + 0.94 * ersw / emax
if (w < 0.06){
w <- 0.06
if (1 < w){
w <- 1
DTQ <- dtCal / Qsk
tskN <- (1 - DTQ * kS - DTQ * fcl * ffcl * (hr + hc)) * tsk - DTQ * w * fcl * lr * hc * fpcl * psks + DTQ * (kS * tcr + fcl * (hr + hc) * ffcl * top + w * fcl * lr * hc * fpcl * pva) # tsk in next step
tclN <- ((1 / rcl) * tskN + fcl * hr * tmr + fcl * hc * tair) / (1 / rcl + fcl * hr + fcl * hc)
## Exergy balance
## Thermal exergy generation by metabolism
tkcrN <- tcrN + tko; tkskN <- tskN + tko; tkclN <- tclN + tko
metaEnergy <- qmet + qShiv
xMet <- metaEnergy * (1 - tkoEnv / tkcrN);
xMetwc <- wcXCheck(tkcrN, tkoEnv)
## Inhaled humid air
Vin <- 1.2 * 10 ^ (-6) * metaEnergy # Volume of air intake [V/s]
cpav <- cpa * (mAir / (rGas * TKa)) * (PO - pva) + cpv * (mWater / (rGas * TKa)) * pva
xInhaleWc <- Vin * wcEx(cpav, TKa, tkoEnv);
xInhaleWcwc <- wcXCheck(TKa, tkoEnv)
xInhaleWd <- Vin * wdEx(TKa, tkoEnv, pva, pvEnv);
xInhaleWdwd <- wdXCheck(pva, pvEnv)
## Liquid water generated in the core by metabolism to be dispersed into the exhaled air
VwCore <- Vin * (0.029 - 0.049 * 10 ^ (-4) * pva)
xLwCoreWc <- VwCore * Roa * wcEx(cpw, tkcrN, tkoEnv); xLwCoreWcwc <- wcXCheck(tkcrN, tkoEnv)
pvs_env <- pVapor(toEnv, 100)
xLwCoreWet <- VwCore * Roa * rGas / mWater * tkoEnv * log(pvs_env / pvEnv)
xLwCoreWetwd <- "wet"
## Liquid water generated in the shell by metabolism to be secreted as sweat
vwShellRow <- w * emax / (2450 * 1000)
xLwShellWc <- vwShellRow * wcEx(cpw, tkskN, tkoEnv); xLwShellWcwc <- wcXCheck(tkskN, tkoEnv)
xLwShellWd <- vwShellRow * wdExLw(tkoEnv, pvs_env, pva, pvEnv);
xLwShellWdwd <- wdXCheck(pva, pvEnv)
## radiant exergy input
xInRad <- fcl * hr * (tkmr - tkoEnv) ^ 2 / (tkmr + tkoEnv);
xInRadwc <- wcXCheck(tkmr, tkoEnv)
## total exergy input
xIntotal <- xMet + xInhaleWc + xInhaleWd + xLwCoreWc + xLwCoreWet + xLwShellWc + xLwShellWd + xInRad
## Exergy stored
xStCore <- Qcr * (1 - tkoEnv / tkcrN) * (tcrN - tcr) / dtCal
xStShell <- Qsk * (1 - tkoEnv / tkskN) * (tskN - tsk) / dtCal
## Exhaled humid air
pvssCr <- pVapor(tcrN, 100)
cpav <- cpa * (mAir / (rGas * tkcrN)) * (PO - pvssCr) + cpv * (mWater / (rGas * tkcrN)) * pvssCr
xExhaleWc <- Vin * wcEx(cpav, tkcrN, tkoEnv);
xExhaleWcwc <- wcXCheck(tkcrN, tkoEnv)
xExhaleWd <- Vin * wdEx(tkcrN, tkoEnv, pvssCr, pvEnv); xExhaleWdwd <- wdXCheck(pvssCr, pvEnv)
## water vapor originating from the sweat and humid air containing the evaporated sweat
xSweatWc <- vwShellRow * wcEx(cpv, tkclN, tkoEnv);
xSweatWcwc <- wcXCheck(tkclN, tkoEnv)
xSweatWd <- vwShellRow * wdExLw(tkoEnv, pva, pva, pvEnv);
xSweatWdwd <- wdXCheck(pva, pvEnv)
## radiant exergy output
xOutRad <- fcl * hr * (tkclN - tkoEnv) ^ 2 / (tkclN + tkoEnv);
xOutRadwc <- wcXCheck(tkclN, tkoEnv)
## Exergy transfer by convection
xOutConv <- fcl * hc * (tkclN - TKa) * (1. - tkoEnv / tkclN);
xOutConvwc <- wcXCheck(tkclN, tkoEnv)
xouttotal <- xStCore + xStShell + xExhaleWc + xExhaleWd + xSweatWc + xSweatWd + xOutRad + xOutConv
xConsumption <- xIntotal - xouttotal
#etStar <- calcet(top, tair, phia, w, im, 50, im);
tcr <- tcrN
tsk <- tskN
## Output values
## Exergy input
xInmetu[i] <- xMet #metabolism
xInmetwcu[i] <- xMetwc #metabolism warm/cold
xInAIRwcu[i] <- xInhaleWc # inhaled humid air
xInAIRwcwcu[i] <- xInhaleWcwc
xInAIRwdu[i] <- xInhaleWd #
xInAIRwdwdu[i] <- xInhaleWdwd # wet/dry
xInLUNGwcu[i] <- xLwCoreWc # water lung
xInLUNGwcwcu[i] <- xLwCoreWcwc
xInLUNGwdu[i] <- xLwCoreWet
xInLUNGwdwdu[i] <- xLwCoreWetwd
xInsheLLwcu[i] <- xLwShellWc # water sweat
xInsheLLwcwcu[i] <- xLwShellWcwc
xInsheLLwdu[i] <- xLwShellWd
xInsheLLwdwdu[i] <- xLwShellWdwd
xInraDu[i] <- xInRad # radiation in
xInraDwcu[i] <- xInRadwc
xIntotaLu[i] <- xIntotal # totaL exergy input
## Exergy output
xoutstorecoreu[i] <- xStCore # exergy stored
xoutstoreshelu[i] <- xStShell
xoutaIRwcu[i] <- xExhaleWc # exhaled humid air
xoutaIRwcwcu[i] <- xExhaleWcwc
xoutaIRwdu[i] <- xExhaleWd
xoutaIRwdwdu[i] <- xExhaleWdwd
xoutswEATwcu[i] <- xSweatWc # water vapour
xoutswEATwcwcu[i] <- xSweatWcwc
xoutswEATwdu[i] <- xSweatWd
xoutswEATwdwdu[i] <- xSweatWdwd
xoutraDu[i] <- xOutRad # radiation out
xoutraDwcu[i] <- xOutRadwc
xoutCONVu[i] <- xOutConv # convection
xoutCONVwcu[i] <- xOutConvwc
xouttotaLu[i] <- xouttotal # totaL exergy out
## balance
xconsu[i] <- xConsumption # exergy consumPtion total
tsku[i] <- tsk
tcru[i] <- tcr
wu[i] <- w
## from here start dynamic series of data from row 2 of dataset
for (i in 2:runs){
## Calc Dtcal dependend on timediff between rows + approx if more than 20 seconds time difference
dtCal <- as.numeric(difftime(dateTime[i], dateTime[i-1], units="secs")) # in seconds
if(dtCal > 20){ # if time difference is greater than 20 seconds (leading to the calcs getting unstable), intermediate values or calculated
nRunsInter <- trunc(dtCal/20-1, 0) # calc number of minutes in between interval
dtCal <- dtCal / (nRunsInter+1)
for (k in 1: nRunsInter) {
## get linear approximated values for intermediate times
icl <- clo[i-1] + k*((clo[i] - clo[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # clothing insulation [clo]
va <- vel[i-1] + k*((vel[i] - vel[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # Indoor air velocity [m/s]
metrate <- met[i-1] + k*((met[i] - met[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # metabolic rate [met]
tmr <- tr[i-1] + k*((tr[i] - tr[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # mean radiant temp [degree C]
tair <- ta[i-1] + k*((ta[i] - ta[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # air temp [degree C]
phia <- rh[i-1] + k*((rh[i] - rh[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # relative humidity indoors [%]
toEnv <- tao[i-1] + k*((tao[i] - tao[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # outdoor temp [degree C]
phiaEnv <- rho[i-1] + k*((rho[i] - rho[i-1])/(nRunsInter+1)) # relative humidity outdoors [%]
qmet <- metaTherm(metrate, basMet)
fcl <- 1 + 0.15 * icl
rcl <- 0.155 * icl
TKa <- tair + tko; tkmr <- tmr + tko
tkoEnv <- toEnv + tko
pvEnv <- pVapor(toEnv, phiaEnv) #--------function see Book Shukuya p. 268
hr <- 6.13 * frad * eps # radiative heat transfer coefficient
hc <- hcvG(va, metrate, basMet) # convective heat transfer coefficient
top <- (hr * tmr + hc * tair) / (hr + hc)
ffcl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * (hr + hc));
fpcl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * hc / ic)
cl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * hc / ic)
im <- hc * fpcl / ((hr + hc) * ffcl)
iclStar <- 0.6; fclStar <- 1 + 0.15 * iclStar
hcStar <- hcvG(0.1, 1, basMet)
ffclStar <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * iclStar * fclStar * (hr + hcStar))
fpclStar <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * iclStar * fclStar * hcStar / ic)
imStar <- hcStar * fpclStar / ((hr + hcStar) * ffclStar);
cres <- 0.0014 * (basMet * metrate) * (34 - tair) # heat transfer to environment by convection in relation to respiration (empirical equation by Fanger)
pva <- pVapor(tair, phia)
eres <- 0.0173 * (basMet * metrate) * (5.87 - pva / 1000) # heat removed by evaporation in relation to respiration (empirical equation by Fanger)
qShiv <- mshiv(tcrSet, tskSet, tcr, tsk)
vblS <- vblCdilStr(cdil, sigmatr, tcrSet, tskSet, tcr, tsk)# blood flow rate
## next line is core of Gagge model. If blood flow becomes lower, than skin layer gets more dominant
alfaSk <- 0.0418 + 0.745 / (vblS + 0.585); # factor to adjust for difference in dominance
kS <- 5.28 + 1.163 * vblS # conductance between core and skin layer
Qcr <- (1 - alfaSk) * rMA * cpBody; Qsk <- alfaSk * rMA * cpBody # heat capacity of core and skin layer
tcrN <- (1 - dtCal * kS / Qcr) * tcr + dtCal / Qcr * (qmet + qShiv - (cres + eres) + kS * tsk) # core temperature at time step before step calculated
psks <- pVapor(tsk, 100)# saturated water vapour pressure at skin surface calculated with pure water , i.e. adaptive processes such as less salt in sweat might be put heresee also p. 281 of book Shukuya
emax <- fpcl * (fcl * lr * hc) * (psks - pva) # max rate of water dispersion when the whole skin surface is wet
tb <- alfaSk * tsk + (1 - alfaSk) * tcr; # average body temperature using calculated tsk and tcr
tbSet <- alfaSk * tsk + (1 - alfaSk) * tcrSet # average body temperature using set-point values for tsk and tcr
ersw <- csw * (tb - tbSet) * exp((tsk - tskSet) / 10.7) # amount of sweat secretion
w <- 0.06 + 0.94 * ersw / emax
if (w < 0.06){
w <- 0.06
if (1 < w){
w <- 1
DTQ <- dtCal / Qsk
tskN <- (1 - DTQ * kS - DTQ * fcl * ffcl * (hr + hc)) * tsk - DTQ * w * fcl * lr * hc * fpcl * psks + DTQ * (kS * tcr + fcl * (hr + hc) * ffcl * top + w * fcl * lr * hc * fpcl * pva) # tsk in next step
tclN <- ((1 / rcl) * tskN + fcl * hr * tmr + fcl * hc * tair) / (1 / rcl + fcl * hr + fcl * hc)
#etStar <- calcet(top, tair, phia, w, im, 50, im);
tcr <- tcrN
tsk <- tskN
} # end for k times in between interval
} # end if Dtcal >20
## extract single value from time series data
icl <- clo[i] # clothing insulation [clo]
va <- vel[i] # Indoor air velocity [m/s]
metrate <- met[i] # metabolic rate [met]
tmr <- tr[i] # mean radiant temp [degree C]
tair <- ta[i] # air temp [degree C]
phia <- rh[i] # relative humidity indoors [%]
toEnv <- tao[i] # outdoor temp [degree C]
phiaEnv <- rho[i] # relative humidity outdoors [%]
qmet <- metaTherm(metrate, basMet)
fcl <- 1 + 0.15 * icl
rcl <- 0.155 * icl
TKa <- tair + tko; tkmr <- tmr + tko
tkoEnv <- toEnv + tko
pvEnv <- pVapor(toEnv, phiaEnv) # function see Book Shukuya p. 268
hr <- 6.13 * frad * eps # radiative heat transfer coefficient
hc <- hcvG(va, metrate, basMet) # convective heat transfer coefficient #
top <- (hr * tmr + hc * tair) / (hr + hc)
ffcl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * (hr + hc));
fpcl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * hc / ic) # related to evaporation
cl <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * icl * fcl * hc / ic)
im <- hc * fpcl / ((hr + hc) * ffcl)
iclStar <- 0.6; fclStar <- 1 + 0.15 * iclStar
hcStar <- hcvG(0.1, 1, basMet)
ffclStar <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * iclStar * fclStar * (hr + hcStar))
fpclStar <- 1 / (1 + 0.155 * iclStar * fclStar * hcStar / ic)
imStar <- hcStar * fpclStar / ((hr + hcStar) * ffclStar);
cres <- 0.0014 * (basMet * metrate) * (34 - tair) # heat transfer to environment by convection in relation to respiration (empirical equation by Fanger)
pva <- pVapor(tair, phia)
eres <- 0.0173 * (basMet * metrate) * (5.87 - pva / 1000) # heat removed by evaporation in relation to respiration (empirical equation by Fanger)
qShiv <- mshiv(tcrSet, tskSet, tcr, tsk)
vblS <- vblCdilStr(cdil, sigmatr, tcrSet, tskSet, tcr, tsk)# blood flow rate
# next line is core of Gagge model. If blood flow becomes lower, than skin layer gets more dominant
alfaSk <- 0.0418 + 0.745 / (vblS + 0.585); # factor to adjust for difference in dominance
kS <- 5.28 + 1.163 * vblS # conductance between core and skin layer
Qcr <- (1 - alfaSk) * rMA * cpBody; Qsk <- alfaSk * rMA * cpBody # heat capacity of core and skin layer
tcrN <- (1 - dtCal * kS / Qcr) * tcr + dtCal / Qcr * (qmet + qShiv - (cres + eres) + kS * tsk) # core temperature at time step before step calculated
psks <- pVapor(tsk, 100)# saturated water vapour pressure at skin surface calculated with pure water , i.e. adaptive processes such as less salt in sweat might be put heresee also p. 281 of book Shukuya
emax <- fpcl * (fcl * lr * hc) * (psks - pva) # max rate of water dispersion when the whole skin surface is wet
tb <- alfaSk * tsk + (1 - alfaSk) * tcr; # average body temperature using calculated tsk and tcr
tbSet <- alfaSk * tsk + (1 - alfaSk) * tcrSet # average body temperature using set-point values for tsk and tcr
ersw <- csw * (tb - tbSet) * exp((tsk - tskSet) / 10.7) # amount of sweat secretion
w <- 0.06 + 0.94 * ersw / emax
if (w < 0.06){
w <- 0.06
if (1 < w){
w <- 1
DTQ <- dtCal / Qsk
tskN <- (1 - DTQ * kS - DTQ * fcl * ffcl * (hr + hc)) * tsk - DTQ * w * fcl * lr * hc * fpcl * psks + DTQ * (kS * tcr + fcl * (hr + hc) * ffcl * top + w * fcl * lr * hc * fpcl * pva) # tsk in next step
tclN <- ((1 / rcl) * tskN + fcl * hr * tmr + fcl * hc * tair) / (1 / rcl + fcl * hr + fcl * hc)
## Exergy balance
## Thermal exergy generation by metabolism
tkcrN <- tcrN + tko; tkskN <- tskN + tko; tkclN <- tclN + tko
metaEnergy <- qmet + qShiv
xMet <- metaEnergy * (1 - tkoEnv / tkcrN);
xwc <- wcXCheck(tkcrN, tkoEnv)
## Inhaled humid air
Vin <- 1.2 * 10 ^ (-6) * metaEnergy # Volume of air intake [V/s]
cpav <- cpa * (mAir / (rGas * TKa)) * (PO - pva) + cpv * (mWater / (rGas * TKa)) * pva
xInhaleWc <- Vin * wcEx(cpav, TKa, tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(TKa, tkoEnv)
xInhaleWd <- Vin * wdEx(TKa, tkoEnv, pva, pvEnv); xwd <- wdXCheck(pva, pvEnv)
## Liquid water generated in the core by metabolism to be dispersed into the exhaled air
VwCore <- Vin * (0.029 - 0.049 * 10 ^ (-4) * pva)
xLwCoreWc <- VwCore * Roa * wcEx(cpw, tkcrN, tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkcrN, tkoEnv)
pvs_env <- pVapor(toEnv, 100)
xLwCoreWet <- VwCore * Roa * rGas / mWater * tkoEnv * log(pvs_env / pvEnv)
## Liquid water generated in the shell by metabolism to be secreted as sweat
vwShellRow <- w * emax / (2450 * 1000)
xLwShellWc <- vwShellRow * wcEx(cpw, tkskN, tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkskN, tkoEnv)
xLwShellWd <- vwShellRow * wdExLw(tkoEnv, pvs_env, pva, pvEnv); xwd <- wdXCheck(pva, pvEnv)
## radiant exergy input
xInRad <- fcl * hr * (tkmr - tkoEnv) ^ 2 / (tkmr + tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkmr, tkoEnv)
## total exergy input
xIntotal <- xMet + xInhaleWc + xInhaleWd + xLwCoreWc + xLwCoreWet + xLwShellWc + xLwShellWd + xInRad
## Exergy stored
xStCore <- Qcr * (1 - tkoEnv / tkcrN) * (tcrN - tcr) / dtCal
xStShell <- Qsk * (1 - tkoEnv / tkskN) * (tskN - tsk) / dtCal
## Exhaled humid air
pvssCr <- pVapor(tcrN, 100)
cpav <- cpa * (mAir / (rGas * tkcrN)) * (PO - pvssCr) + cpv * (mWater / (rGas * tkcrN)) * pvssCr
xExhaleWc <- Vin * wcEx(cpav, tkcrN, tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkcrN, tkoEnv)
xExhaleWd <- Vin * wdEx(tkcrN, tkoEnv, pvssCr, pvEnv); xwd <- wdXCheck(pvssCr, pvEnv)
## water vapor originating from the sweat and humid air containing the evaporated sweat
xSweatWc <- vwShellRow * wcEx(cpv, tkclN, tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkclN, tkoEnv)
xSweatWd <- vwShellRow * wdExLw(tkoEnv, pva, pva, pvEnv); xwd <- wdXCheck(pva, pvEnv)
## radiant exergy output
xOutRad <- fcl * hr * (tkclN - tkoEnv) ^ 2 / (tkclN + tkoEnv); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkclN, tkoEnv)
## Exergy transfer by convection
xOutConv <- fcl * hc * (tkclN - TKa) * (1. - tkoEnv / tkclN); xwc <- wcXCheck(tkclN, tkoEnv)
xouttotal <- xStCore + xStShell + xExhaleWc + xExhaleWd + xSweatWc + xSweatWd + xOutRad + xOutConv
xConsumption <- xIntotal - xouttotal
#etStar <- calcet(top, tair, phia, w, im, 50, im);
tcr <- tcrN
tsk <- tskN
## Output values
## Exergy input
xInmetu[i] <- signif(xMet, 4) #metabolism
xInmetwcu[i] <- xMetwc #metabolism warm/cold
xInAIRwcu[i] <- signif(xInhaleWc, 4) # inhaled humid air
xInAIRwcwcu[i] <- xInhaleWcwc
xInAIRwdu[i] <- signif(xInhaleWd, 4) #
xInAIRwdwdu[i] <- xInhaleWdwd # wet/dry
xInLUNGwcu[i] <- signif(xLwCoreWc, 4) # water lung
xInLUNGwcwcu[i] <- xLwCoreWcwc
xInLUNGwdu[i] <- signif(xLwCoreWet, 4)
xInLUNGwdwdu[i] <- xLwCoreWetwd
xInsheLLwcu[i] <- signif(xLwShellWc, 4) # water sweat
xInsheLLwcwcu[i] <- xLwShellWcwc
xInsheLLwdu[i] <- signif(xLwShellWd, 4)
xInsheLLwdwdu[i] <- xLwShellWdwd
xInraDu[i] <- signif(xInRad, 4) # radiation in
xInraDwcu[i] <- xInRadwc
xIntotaLu[i] <- signif(xIntotal, 4) # totaL exergy input
## Exergy output
xoutstorecoreu[i] <- signif(xStCore, 4) # exergy stored
xoutstoreshelu[i] <- signif(xStShell, 4)
xoutaIRwcu[i] <- signif(xExhaleWc, 4) # exhaled humid air
xoutaIRwcwcu[i] <- xExhaleWcwc
xoutaIRwdu[i] <- signif(xExhaleWd, 4)
xoutaIRwdwdu[i] <- xExhaleWdwd
xoutswEATwcu[i] <- signif(xSweatWc, 4) # water vapour
xoutswEATwcwcu[i] <- xSweatWcwc
xoutswEATwdu[i] <- signif(xSweatWd, 4)
xoutswEATwdwdu[i] <- xSweatWdwd
xoutraDu[i] <- signif(xOutRad, 4) # radiation out
xoutraDwcu[i] <- xOutRadwc
xoutCONVu[i] <- signif(xOutConv, 4) # convection
xoutCONVwcu[i] <- xOutConvwc
xouttotaLu[i] <- signif(xouttotal, 4) # totaL exergy out
## balance
xconsu[i] <- signif(xConsumption, 4) # exergy consumPtion total
tsku[i] <- signif(tsk, 4)
tcru[i] <- signif(tcr, 4)
wu[i] <- signif(w, 4)
}# End for
#setStar <- calcet(top, tair, phia, w, im, 50, imStar);
results <- data.frame(
## Output values
## Exergy input
xInmetu, #metabolism
xInmetwcu, #metabolism warm/cold
xInAIRwcu, # inhaled humid air
xInAIRwdu, #
xInAIRwdwdu, # wet/dry
xInLUNGwcu, # water lung
xInsheLLwcu, # water sweat
xInraDu, # radiation in
xIntotaLu, # totaL exergy input
## Exergy output
xoutstorecoreu, # exergy stored core
xoutstoreshelu, # exergy stored shell
xoutaIRwcu, # exhaled humid air
xoutswEATwcu, # water vapour
xoutraDu, # radiation out
xoutCONVu, # convection
xouttotaLu, # totaL exergy out
## balance
xconsu, # exergy consumPtion total
tsku, # skin temperature
tcru, # core temperature
wu, # skin wettedness
} # end of main program
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