
#' @title Condition selector plot
#' @description Data visualisations used to select sections for
#'   \code{\link{ceplot}}.
#' @param xc A numeric or factor vector, or a dataframe with two columns
#' @param xc.cond Same type as \code{xc}, representing a single point in data
#'   space to highlight.
#' @param name The variable name for \code{xc}
#' @param trim Logical; if \code{TRUE}, long tails of continuous data are
#'   chopped off at the 5th and 95th percentiles.
#' @param select.colour Colour to highlight \code{xc.cond}
#' @param select.lwd Line weight to highlight \code{xc.cond}
#' @param cex.axis Axis text scaling
#' @param cex.lab Label text scaling
#' @param tck Plot axis tick size
#' @param select.cex Plot symbol size
#' @param hist2d If \code{TRUE}, a scatterplot is visualised as a 2-D histogram.
#'   Default behaviour is to use a 2-D histogram if there are over 2,000
#'   observations.
#' @param fullbin A cap on the counts in a bin for the 2-D histogram, helpful
#'   with skewed data. Larger values give more detail about data density.
#'   Defaults to 25.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{condvis:::spineplot2}.
#' @return Produces a plot, and returns a list containing the relevant
#'   information to update the plot at a later stage.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceplot}},  \code{\link{plotxs}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Histogram, highlighting the first case.
#' data(mtcars)
#' obj <- plotxc(mtcars[, "mpg"], mtcars[1, "mpg"])
#' obj$usr
#' ## Barplot, highlighting 'cyl' = 6.
#' plotxc(as.factor(mtcars[, "cyl"]), 6, select.colour = "blue")
#' ## Scatterplot, highlighting case 25.
#' plotxc(mtcars[, c("qsec", "wt")], mtcars[25, c("qsec", "wt")],
#'   select.colour = "blue", select.lwd = 1, lty = 3)
#' ## Boxplot, where 'xc' contains one factor, and one numeric.
#' mtcars$carb <- as.factor(mtcars$carb)
#' plotxc(mtcars[, c("carb", "wt")], mtcars[25, c("carb", "wt")],
#'   select.colour = "red", select.lwd = 3)
#' ## Spineplot, where 'xc' contains two factors.
#' mtcars$gear <- as.factor(mtcars$gear)
#' mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)
#' plotxc(mtcars[, c("cyl", "gear")], mtcars[25, c("cyl", "gear")],
#'   select.colour = "red")
#' ## Effect of 'trim'.
#' x <- c(-200, runif(400), 200)
#' plotxc(x, 0.5, trim = FALSE, select.colour = "red")
#' plotxc(x, 0.5, trim = TRUE, select.colour = "red")
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotxs}}, \code{\link{ceplot}}, \code{\link{condtour}}
#' @references O'Connell M, Hurley CB and Domijan K (2017). ``Conditional
#'   Visualization for Statistical Models: An Introduction to the
#'   \strong{condvis} Package in R.''\emph{Journal of Statistical Software},
#'   \strong{81}(5), pp. 1-20. <URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.18637/jss.v081.i05>.

## plotxc plots a univariate or bivariate view of predictors,
## highlighting one selected point, which represents a section in the data
## space.

plotxc <-
function (xc, xc.cond, name = NULL, trim = NULL, select.colour = NULL,
  select.lwd = NULL, cex.axis = NULL, cex.lab = NULL, tck = NULL, select.cex = 1
  , hist2d = NULL, fullbin = NULL, ...)
  hist2d <- if (is.null(hist2d))
  else hist2d
  trim <- if (is.null(trim))
  else trim
  select.colour <- if (is.null(select.colour))
  else select.colour
  select.lwd <- if (is.null(select.lwd))
  else select.lwd
  mar <- if (!exists("mar"))
    c(3, 3, 0.5, 0.5)
  else mar
  cex.axis <- if (identical(version$os, "linux-gnu"))
  else if (is.null(cex.axis))
  else cex.axis
  cex.lab <- if (identical(version$os, "linux-gnu"))
  else if (is.null(cex.lab))
  else cex.lab
  tck <- if (is.null(tck))
    - 0.2
  else tck
  par(mar = mar)
  par(mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0))
  if (is.vector(xc) | is.factor(xc)){
    if (!is.factor(xc)){

      ## Histogram

      ## To deal with long tails, we try chopping them off.
      if (trim){
        if (diff(range(xc, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(q1 <- quantile(xc,
          c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)) > 3){
          xc <- xc[findInterval(xc, q1) == 1]
      histmp <- hist(xc, xlab = name, ylab = "", main = "", cex.axis = cex.axis,
        cex.lab = cex.lab, tcl = tck, mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0.1))
      lines(x = rep(xc.cond, 2L), y = c(0, max(histmp$counts)), col =
        select.colour, lwd = select.lwd)
      plot.type <- "histogram"
    } else {

      ## Bar plot

      bartmp <- barplot2(table(xc), main = "", xlab = name, cex.axis = cex.axis,
        cex.lab = cex.lab, tcl = tck)
      factorcoords <- data.frame(level = levels(xc), x = - 0.5 + 1.2 * (1:
      barindex <- factorcoords$level == as.character(xc.cond)
      rect(xleft = bartmp$w.l[barindex], xright = bartmp$w.r[barindex], ybottom
        = 0, ytop = bartmp$height[barindex], col = select.colour, density = -1)
      plot.type <- "barplot"
      xc.cond <- factor(xc.cond, levels(xc))
  } else {
    if (is.data.frame(xc) & identical(ncol(xc), 2L)){
      are.factors <- vapply(xc,is.factor, logical(1))
      if (all(are.factors)){

        ## Spineplot, segmented barchart

        sptmp <- spineplot2(table(xc), ...)
        xmatch <- as.character(xc.cond[, 1]) == levels(xc[, 1])
        ymatch <- as.character(xc.cond[, 2]) == levels(xc[, 2])
        xlev <- levels(xc[, 1])[xmatch]
        ylev <- levels(xc[, 2])[ymatch]
        match.index <- (sptmp$xnames == xlev) & (sptmp$ynames == ylev)
        rect(xleft = sptmp$xleft[match.index], ybottom = sptmp$ybottom[
          match.index], xright = sptmp$xright[match.index], ytop = sptmp$ytop[
          match.index], col = select.colour, density = -1)
        axis(1, at = ((sptmp$xat[1L:sptmp$nx] + sptmp$xat[2L:(sptmp$nx + 1L)] -
          sptmp$off)/2)[xmatch], labels = unique(sptmp$xnames)[xmatch], tick =
          FALSE, col.axis = select.colour)
        axis(2, at = sptmp$yat[ymatch], labels = unique(sptmp$ynames)[ymatch],
          col.axis = select.colour, tick = FALSE)
        plot.type <- "spineplot"
      } else {
        if (any(are.factors)){

          ## Boxplot

          boxx <- xc[, are.factors]
          boxy <- xc[, !are.factors]
          boxtmp <- boxplot(boxy ~ boxx, xlab = name[are.factors], ylab = name[
            !are.factors], cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab)
          factorcoords <- data.frame(level = levels(xc[, are.factors]), x = 1:
            length(levels(xc[, are.factors])))
          abline(v = factorcoords$x[as.character(factorcoords$level) ==
            as.character(xc.cond[,are.factors])], h = xc.cond[!are.factors], lwd
            = select.lwd, col = select.colour)
          plot.type <- "boxplot"
          xc <- xc[, order(!are.factors)]
          xc.cond <- data.frame(factor(xc.cond[, are.factors],
          levels(boxx)), xc.cond[, !are.factors])
          name <- name[order(!are.factors)]
          names(xc.cond) <- name
        } else {

          ## Scatterplot, going to 2-D histogram if required/possible

          ## To deal with long tails, we try chopping them off.

          if (trim){
            index1 <- index2 <- rep(TRUE, nrow(xc))
            if (diff(range(xc[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(q1 <- quantile(xc[, 1]
              , c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)) > 3){
              index1 <- findInterval(xc[, 1], q1) == 1
            if (diff(range(xc[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(q2 <- quantile(xc[, 2]
              , c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)) > 3){
              index2 <- findInterval(xc[, 2], q2) == 1
            xc <- xc[index1 & index2, ]

          if (hist2d && nrow(xc) > 2000 && requireNamespace("gplots", quietly =
            b <- seq(0.35, 1, length.out = 16)
            fullbin <- if (is.null(fullbin))
            else fullbin
            gplots::hist2d(xc[, 1], xc[, 2], nbins = 50, col = c("white", rgb(1
              - b, 1 - b, 1 - b)), xlab = colnames(xc)[1], ylab = colnames(xc)[
              2], cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, tcl = tck, FUN =
              function(x) min(length(x), fullbin))
          } else {
            plot.default(xc[, 1], xc[, 2], xlab = colnames(xc)[1], ylab =
              colnames(xc)[2], cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, tcl = tck
              , cex = select.cex)
          abline(v = xc.cond[1], h = xc.cond[2], lwd = select.lwd, col =
          plot.type <- "scatterplot"
    } else stop("Unexpected value for 'xc'")
  invisible(structure(list(xc = xc, xc.cond.old = xc.cond, name = name,
    select.colour = select.colour, mar = mar, select.lwd = select.lwd,
    select.cex = select.cex, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, tck = tck,
    device = dev.cur(), usr = par("usr"), screen = screen(), screen.coords =
    par("fig"), plot.type = plot.type, sptmp = if (exists("sptmp")) sptmp else
    NULL, factorcoords = if (exists("factorcoords")) factorcoords else NULL,
    histmp = if (exists("histmp")) histmp else NULL, bartmp = if (exists(
    "bartmp")) bartmp else NULL, boxtmp = if (exists("boxtmp")) boxtmp else
    NULL, hist2d = hist2d, fullbin = fullbin, ...), class = "xcplot"))

#' @title Condition selector plot
#' @description Multivariate data visualisations used to select sections for
#'   \code{\link{ceplot}}. Basically visualises a dataset and highlights a
#'   single point.
#' @param Xc A dataframe.
#' @param Xc.cond A dataframe with one row and same names as \code{Xc}.
#' @param select.colour Colour to highlight \code{Xc.cond}
#' @param select.lwd Line weight to highlight \code{Xc.cond}
#' @param cex.axis Axis text scaling
#' @param cex.lab Label text scaling
#' @param tck Plot axis tick size
#' @param select.cex Plot symbol size
#' @param ... not used.
#' @return Produces a plot, and returns a list containing the relevant
#'   information to update the plot at a later stage.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceplot}},  \code{\link{plotxs}}, \code{\link{plotxc}}

## plotxc.pcp plots a parallel coordinates plot of predictors, highlighting
## one selected point, which represents a section in the data space.

plotxc.pcp <-
function (Xc, Xc.cond, select.colour = NULL, select.lwd = 3,
    cex.axis = NULL, cex.lab = NULL, tck = NULL, select.cex = 1, ...)
  select.colour <- if (is.null(select.colour))
  else select.colour
  cex.axis <- if (identical(version$os, "linux-gnu"))
  else if (is.null(cex.axis))
    else cex.axis
  cex.lab <- if (identical(version$os, "linux-gnu"))
  else if (is.null(cex.lab))
    else cex.lab
  tck <- if (is.null(tck))
    - 0.2
  else tck
  factorindex <- which(vapply(Xc, is.factor, logical(1)))
  Xc.num <- vapply(Xc, as.numeric, numeric(nrow(Xc)))
  Xc.num.scaled <- apply(Xc.num, 2, scale2unit)
  Xc.cond.num <- vapply(Xc.cond, as.numeric, numeric(1L))
  xcoord <- 1:ncol(Xc)
  ycoord <- (Xc.cond.num - apply(Xc.num, 2L, min))/(apply(Xc.num, 2L, max) -
    apply(Xc.num, 2L, min))
  parcoord(Xc.num, main = "Condition selector")
  points(xcoord, ycoord, col = select.colour, type = "l", lwd = select.lwd)
  points(xcoord, ycoord, col = select.colour, pch = 16)
  invisible(structure(list(Xc = Xc, Xc.cond = Xc.cond, Xc.num.scaled =
    Xc.num.scaled, xc.num.max = apply(Xc.num, 2, max), xc.num.min = apply(
    Xc.num, 2, min), xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, plot.type = "pcp",
    select.colour = select.colour, select.cex = select.cex, select.lwd =
    select.lwd, mar = par("mar"), usr = par("usr"), factorindex = factorindex,
    device = dev.cur(), screen = screen()), class = "xcplot"))

#' @rdname plotxc.pcp

## plotxc.full plots a full scatterplot matrix of predictors, highlighting
## one selected point, which represents a section in the data space.

plotxc.full <-
function (Xc, Xc.cond, select.colour = NULL, select.lwd = 3,
    cex.axis = NULL, cex.lab = NULL, tck = NULL, select.cex = 0.6, ...)
  select.colour <- if (is.null(select.colour))
  else select.colour
  cex.axis <- if (identical(version$os, "linux-gnu"))
  else if (is.null(cex.axis))
    else cex.axis
  cex.lab <- if (identical(version$os, "linux-gnu"))
  else if (is.null(cex.lab))
    else cex.lab
  tck <- if (is.null(tck))
    - 0.2
  else tck
  factorindex <- vapply(Xc, is.factor, logical(1))
  Xc.num <- vapply(Xc, as.numeric, numeric(nrow(Xc)))
  Xc.cond.num <- vapply(Xc.cond, as.numeric, numeric(1L))
  close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
  scr <- split.screen(c(ncol(Xc) + 2, ncol(Xc) + 2))
  scr2 <- as.vector(matrix(scr, ncol = ncol(Xc) + 2)[c(-1,
    -(ncol(Xc) + 2)), c(-1, -(ncol(Xc) + 2))])
  usr.matrix <- mar.matrix <- fig.matrix <- matrix(ncol = 4L, nrow = length(
  rows <- rep(1:ncol(Xc), each = ncol(Xc))
  cols <- rep(1:ncol(Xc), ncol(Xc))
  for (i in seq_along(scr2)){
    par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
    par(mgp = c(3, 0.25, 0.15))
    plot(Xc.num[,cols[i]], Xc.num[,rows[i]], cex = select.cex, xlab = "",
      ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", col = if (identical(
      rows[i], cols[i])) NULL else "black")
    if (!identical(rows[i], cols[i]))
      abline(v = Xc.cond.num[cols[i]], h = Xc.cond.num[rows[i]],
        col = select.colour, lwd = select.lwd)
    if (identical(rows[i], 1L) & (2 * (round(cols[i] / 2)) == cols[i]))
      axis(3, cex.axis = 0.7, tcl = -0.2)
    if (identical(rows[i], ncol(Xc)) & !(2 * (round(cols[i] / 2)) == cols[i]))
      axis(1, cex.axis = 0.7, tcl = -0.2)
    if (identical(cols[i], 1L) & (2 * (round(rows[i] / 2)) == rows[i]))
      axis(2, cex.axis = 0.7, tcl = -0.2)
    if (identical(cols[i], ncol(Xc)) & !(2 * (round(rows[i] / 2)) == rows[i]))
      axis(4, cex.axis = 0.7, tcl = -0.2)
    if (identical(rows[i], cols[i]))
      text(x = mean(range(Xc.num[,rows[i]])), y = mean(range(Xc.num[,cols[i]])),
        labels = colnames(Xc.num)[rows[i]])
    mar.matrix[i, ] <- par("mar")
    usr.matrix[i, ] <- par("usr")
    fig.matrix[i, ] <- par("fig")
  coords <- data.frame(fig.matrix)
  names(coords) <- c("xleft", "xright", "ybottom", "ytop")
  coords$xcplots.index <- scr2
  invisible(structure(list(Xc = Xc, Xc.cond = Xc.cond, Xc.num = Xc.num,
    Xc.cond.num = Xc.cond.num, rows = rows, cols = cols, factorindex =
    factorindex, scr2 = scr2, coords = coords, plot.type = "full", device =
    dev.cur(), select.colour = select.colour, select.lwd = select.lwd,
    select.cex = select.cex, mar.matrix = mar.matrix, usr.matrix = usr.matrix),
    class = "xcplot"))
markajoc/condvis documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:48 a.m.