#' @title FABIO footprint
#' @author Martin Bruckner, \email{martin.bruckner@@wu.ac.at}
#' @description Footprint analysis based on FABIO model.
#' @param ... some argument
#' @return returns some data
#' @export
fabio_footprint <- function(wd, years, regions_select = "all"){
rm(list=ls()); gc()
# wd <- "W:/WU/Projekte/SRU-Projekte/01_Projekte/1305_Bonn BioMRIO/02_FABIO/01_code & data"
year <- years <- 2013
regions_select <- "all"
# current_wd <- getwd()
# setwd(wd)
footprint <- function(region, fd, select_items = "all", file_name){
if(length(select_items) == 1) {
if(select_items == "all") select_items <- rep(TRUE,nrow(Y))
Yreg <- Y[,(4*region-4+fd)]
if(sum(Yreg)==0) return(0)
# Calculate Footprint (MP * FD)
FP <- as.data.table((t(MP) * Yreg[select_items])) %>%
mutate(ID = rep(items$Com.Code, nrreg)[select_items])
FP <- as.data.frame(as.data.table(FP)[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = .(ID)])
FP <- t(FP)
# Rearrange results as a list
f <- matrix(0,length(X),ncol(FP))
f[X!=0,] <- as.matrix(FP)
FP <- as.data.frame(f)
colnames(FP) <- as.character(items$Com.Code)
FP$From.Country.Code <- rep(regions$Country.Code, each = nrow(items))
FP$From.Country <- rep(regions$Country, each = nrow(items))
FP$From.ISO <- rep(regions$ISO, each = nrow(items))
FP <- reshape2::melt(FP, id.vars = c("From.Country.Code","From.Country","From.ISO"), variable.name = "Com.Code")
FP <- FP[FP$value!=0,]
FP$Item <- items$Item[match(FP$Com.Code,items$Com.Code)]
FP$fd <- fd_categories[fd]
FP$Country_Nr <- region
regions$Nr <- 1:nrow(regions)
FP$Country <- as.character(regions$Country)[match(FP$Country_Nr,regions$Nr)]
FP$ISO <- as.character(regions$ISO)[match(FP$Country_Nr,regions$Nr)]
FP$Country_Nr <- NULL
regions$Nr <- NULL
data.table::fwrite(FP, file=paste0("./output/results/",year,"_",file_name,".csv"), append = TRUE)
reduce_matrix <- function(x,y){
x <- x[y!=0,y!=0]
refill_matrix <- function(x,y){
id <- 1:length(y)
id <- id[y!=0]
filled <- matrix(0,length(y),length(y))
filled[id,id] <- x
rownames(filled) <- names(y)
# Make intitial settings
# read region classification
regions <- utils::read.csv(file="./input/Regions.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
# read commodity classification
items <- utils::read.csv(file="./input/Items.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
# Start loop for a series of years
# year <- 2013
for(year in years){
# Read data
nrreg <- nrow(regions)
nrcom <- nrow(Y) / nrreg
# Prepare Multipliers
MP <- as.vector(E$Landuse) / X
MP[!is.finite(MP)] <- 0
MP <- MP * L # is identical with L * MP
MP <- reduce_matrix(MP,X)
rm(L); gc()
# Calculate Footprints
# regions_selected <- utils::read.csv(file="./input/Regions_Footprint.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
regions_selected <- regions
if (regions_select != "all"){
regions_selected <- regions_selected[regions_selected$Continent %in% regions_select,]
file_name <- "FP_selected"
headings <- data.table(From.Country.Code = integer(),
From.Country = character(),
From.ISO = character(),
Com.Code = character(),
value = numeric(),
Commodity = character(),
fd = character(),
Country = character(),
ISO = character())
data.table::fwrite(headings, file=paste0("./output/results/",year,"_",file_name,".csv"))
fd_categories <- c("1_Food","2_OtherUses","3_StockVariation","4_Balancing")
select_items <- X!=0
region=56; fd=2
for(region in 1:nrow(regions_selected)){
print(paste0("region ",region))
for(fd in 1:4){
footprint(region = region, fd = fd, select_items = select_items, file_name = file_name)
FP <- data.table::fread(file = paste0("./output/results/",year,"_",file_name,".csv"))
FP <- reshape2::dcast(FP, ... ~ fd, value.var = "value", fun.aggregate = sum)
data.table::fwrite(FP, file=paste0("./output/results/",year,"_",file_name,".csv"))
# setwd(current_wd)
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