
Defines functions sampler sample.r.eta sample.d h.log.r.spn h.log.r.spb h.log.r.sng h.log atrans.mc ei.inv sym.sq.root.inv sym.sq.root get.kron.row sample.c cond.tilde.c.log pr.delta cond.xi.log cond.rho.log slice g.delta f.deltas make.ar.mat samp.beta samp.Omega.inv

#' sspcomp
#' @docType package
#' @name sspcomp
#' @useDynLib sspcomp, .registration=TRUE

#' @export
samp.Omega.inv <- function(Beta, pr.V.inv = diag(1, nrow = ncol(Beta), ncol = ncol(Beta)),
                           pr.df = ncol(Beta) + 2, str = "uns") {
  p <- ncol(Beta)
  if (str == "uns") {
    V.inv <- crossprod(Beta) + pr.V.inv
    df <- nrow(Beta) + pr.df
    V.half <- as.matrix(sym.sq.root.inv((V.inv + t(V.inv))/2))
    return(tcrossprod(crossprod(V.half, matrix(rnorm(p*df), nrow = p, ncol = df))))
    # return(matrix(rWishart(1, df, solve(V.inv))[, , 1], nrow = p, ncol = p))
  } else if (str == "het") {
    a <- rep(nrow(Beta), ncol(Beta))/2 + (pr.df- (p - 1))/2 # pr.df/2
    b <- apply(Beta, 2, function(x) {sum(x^2)})/(2) + diag(pr.V.inv)/2
    return(diag(rgamma(p, shape = a, rate = b), nrow = p, ncol = p))
  } else if (str == "con") {

    # I'm a little worried about the code below if 'Beta' is a matrix wtih more than 1 column,
    # Should check. I think it works!
    a <- sum(rep(nrow(Beta), ncol(Beta)))/2 + (pr.df- (p - 1))/2 # 3/2 # p*pr.df/2
    b <- sum(apply(Beta, 2, function(x) {sum(x^2)}))/(2) + pr.V.inv[1, 1]/2 # sum(diag(pr.V.inv))/2

    return(rgamma(1, shape = a, rate = b)*diag(1, nrow = p, ncol = p))

#' @export
samp.beta <- function(XtX, Xty, Omega.inv, sig.sq) {

  V.inv <- XtX/sig.sq + Omega.inv
  V.inv.eig <- eigen(V.inv/2 + Matrix::t(V.inv)/2)
  V.rt <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix::tcrossprod(V.inv.eig$vectors,
                                                diag(sqrt(ifelse(V.inv.eig$values > 0, 1/V.inv.eig$values, 0)), nrow = length(V.inv.eig$values), ncol = length(V.inv.eig$values))),
  V <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix::tcrossprod(V.inv.eig$vectors,
                                             diag(ifelse(V.inv.eig$values > 0, 1/V.inv.eig$values, 0), nrow = length(V.inv.eig$values), ncol = length(V.inv.eig$values))),
  m <- Matrix::crossprod(V, Xty/sig.sq)
  return(m + Matrix::crossprod(V.rt, rnorm(length(Xty))))

#' @export
make.ar.mat <- function(p, rho, inv) {
  if (inv) {
    ARMat <- diag(1, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    for (l in 1:p) {
      if (l == 1 | l == p) {
        ARMat[l, l] <- (1 - rho^2)^(-1)
      } else {
        ARMat[l, l] <- (1 + rho^2)*(1 - rho^2)^(-1)
      if (l < p) {
        ARMat[l, l + 1] <- -rho*(1 - rho^2)^(-1)
        ARMat[l + 1, l] <- -rho*(1 - rho^2)^(-1)
  } else {
    ARMat <- diag(1, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    for (i in 1:p) {
      for (j in 1:p) {
        ARMat[i, j] <- rho^(abs(i - j))


# Snagged from tensr
mat <- function (A, k) {
  Ak <- t(apply(A, k, "c"))
  if (nrow(Ak) != dim(A)[k]) {
    Ak <- t(Ak)

f.deltas <- function(deltas, c) {
  alpha <- c/2
  sin(alpha*deltas)^(alpha/(1 - alpha))*sin((1 - alpha)*deltas)/sin(deltas)^(1/(1 - alpha))

g.delta <- function(theta, xi, c) {

  alpha <- c/2
  f.val <- f.deltas(deltas = theta, c = c)
  ((alpha^2 - 1)/(4*alpha^2))*log(f.val) - xi*f.val

# Performs univariate slice sampling for an arbitrary RV, requires
slice <- function(x.tilde, # Previous value of theta
                  ll.fun,  # Log likelihood function
                  var.lim, # Domain limits of slice variable theta
                  ll.args  # Arguments required by the log likelihood function
) {

  d <- x.tilde
  x.tilde.vals <- unique(x.tilde)

  arg.list <- vector("list", length = length(ll.args) + 1)
  names(arg.list)[1] <- "theta"
  names(arg.list)[2:length(arg.list)] <- names(ll.args)
  arg.list[2:length(arg.list)] <- ll.args
  arg.list[["theta"]] <- d

  for (i in 1:length(x.tilde.vals)) {

    z <- do.call(ll.fun, arg.list) - rexp(1)
    a <- var.lim[1]
    b <- var.lim[2]
    d[x.tilde == x.tilde.vals[i]] <- runif(1, a, b)
    arg.list[["theta"]] <- d

    ll.d <- do.call(ll.fun, arg.list)
    while (z > ll.d) {
      if (unique(d[x.tilde == x.tilde.vals[i]]) < x.tilde.vals[i]) {
        a <- unique(d[x.tilde == x.tilde.vals[i]])
      } else {
        b <- unique(d[x.tilde == x.tilde.vals[i]])
      d[x.tilde == x.tilde.vals[i]] <- runif(1, a, b)

      arg.list[["theta"]] <- d

      ll.d <- do.call(ll.fun, arg.list)
      # If we end up in a bad spot, reinitalize interval choice
      if (is.nan(ll.d)) {
        a <- var.lim[1]
        b <- var.lim[2]
        d[x.tilde == x.tilde.vals[i]] <- runif(1, a, b)
        arg.list[["theta"]] <- d
        ll.d <- do.call(ll.fun, arg.list)

    x.tilde.p <- d

#' @export
cond.rho.log <- function(theta, B, pr.a, pr.b, j) {
  p <- dim(B)
  B.mat <- mat(B, j)

  c1 <- -(prod(p[-j])*(p[j] - 1)/2)*log(1 - theta^2)

  O.i <- make.ar.mat(p = p[j], rho = theta, inv = TRUE)

  c2 <- -sum(diag(crossprod(B.mat, crossprod(O.i, B.mat))))/2

  c3 <- dbeta((theta + 1)/2, pr.a, pr.b, log = TRUE)
  # c3 <- ((2 - 1)/2)*log((1 - theta^2))

  # cat("rho=", rho, "\n")
  # cat("c1=", c1, "\n")
  # cat("c2=", c2, "\n")
  # cat("c3=", c3, "\n")
  return(c1 + c2 + c3)


cond.xi.log <- function(theta, B, pr.a, pr.b, j, W.j, lower.xi, upper.xi, W.ei,
                        sum.B.mat.sq = NULL, sum.BWB = NULL) {

  p <- dim(B)

  if (is.null(sum.B.mat.sq)) {
    sum.B.mat.sq <- sum(B^2)
  if (is.null(sum.BWB)) {
    B.mat <- mat(B, j)
    sum.BWB <- sum(Matrix::diag(Matrix::crossprod(B.mat, Matrix::crossprod(W.j, B.mat))))

  c1 <- prod(p[-j])*(1/2)*sum(log(1 - theta*W.ei$values))

  c2 <- -(sum.B.mat.sq - theta*sum.BWB)/2

  c3 <- dbeta((theta - lower.xi)/(upper.xi - lower.xi), pr.a, pr.b, log = TRUE)

  # cat("rho=", rho, "\n")
  # cat("c1=", c1, "\n")
  # cat("c2=", c2, "\n")
  # cat("c3=", c3, "\n")
  return(c1 + c2 + c3)


pr.delta <- function(x, c) {
  alpha <- c/2
  f.d <- f.deltas(deltas = x, c = c)
  return(f.d^((alpha - 1)/(2*alpha)))


cond.tilde.c.log <- function(S, tilde.c, pr.shape = 1, pr.rate = 0,
                             prior = "sng", deltas = NULL) {

  if (prior == "sng") {
    c <- exp(tilde.c)
    fullc <- sum(dgamma(c(S^2), shape = c, rate = c,
                        log = TRUE))
    change.of.variables <- tilde.c
    if (!(pr.rate == 0 & pr.shape == 1)) {
      pri <- dgamma(c, shape = pr.shape,
                    rate = pr.rate, log = TRUE)
    } else {
      pri <- 0
  } else if (prior == "spb") {
    c <- 2/(1 + exp(-tilde.c))
    alpha <- c/2
    f.d <- f.deltas(deltas = deltas, c = c)
    multip <- (((2*gamma(3/c))/gamma(1/c))^(alpha/(1 - alpha))*f.d)
    get.nc <- integrate(pr.delta, lower = 0, upper = pi, c = c)
    fullc <- sum(dgamma(c((S^2)^(alpha/(1 - alpha))),
                        shape = (1 + alpha)/(2*alpha),
                        rate = multip,
                        log = TRUE)) +
      (alpha - 1)*sum(log(f.d))/(2*alpha) - length(deltas)*log(get.nc$val)
    if (!(pr.rate == 1 & pr.shape == 1)) {
      pri <- dbeta(c/2, pr.shape, pr.rate, log = TRUE)
    } else {
      pri <- 0
    change.of.variables <- log(2) - tilde.c - 2*log((1 + exp(-tilde.c)))


  return(fullc + change.of.variables + pri)

sample.c <- function(S, c.old, tune, prior, pr.shape, pr.rate, deltas = NULL) {

  tilde.c.old <- log(c.old)
  tilde.c.new <- tilde.c.old + tune*rnorm(1)

  llik.old <- cond.tilde.c.log(S = S, tilde.c = tilde.c.old,
                               pr.shape = pr.shape, pr.rate = pr.rate,
                               deltas = deltas, prior = prior)

  # if (exp(tilde.c.new) > 100 | exp(tilde.c.new) < 10^(-14)) {
  #   llik.new <- -Inf
  # }

  acc <- 0
  u <- runif(1)
  if (!(prior == "spb" & (exp(tilde.c.new) >= 1.99 | exp(tilde.c.new) <= 0.015))) {
    # print(exp(tilde.c.new))
    llik.new <- cond.tilde.c.log(S = S, tilde.c = tilde.c.new,
                                 pr.shape = pr.shape, pr.rate = pr.rate, deltas = deltas,
                                 prior = prior)

  if (u < exp(llik.new - llik.old)) {
    c.old <- exp(tilde.c.new)
    acc <- 1

  return(list("c" = c.old, "acc" = acc))


# Get Kronecker indices
get.kron.row <- function(i, Omega) {
  p <- unlist(lapply(Omega, function(x) {nrow(x)}))
  r <- numeric(length(p))
  # Lowest index moves fastest!
  r[1] <- ifelse(i%%p[1] == 0, p[1], i%%p[1])
  for (k in 2:length(p)) {
    r[k] <- floor((i - 1)/prod(p[1:(k - 1)])) + 1
    r[k] <- ifelse(r[k]%%p[k] == 0, p[k], r[k]%%p[k])
  # Can improve this
  row <- rep(Omega[[1]][r[1], ], times = prod(p[-1]))
  for (k in 2:length(p)) {
    row <- rep(Omega[[k]][r[k], ], each = prod(p[1:(k - 1)]))*row

#' @export
sym.sq.root <- function(A) {
  A.eig <- eigen((A + Matrix::t(A))/2)
  Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(A.eig$vectors), Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(sqrt(ifelse(A.eig$values > 0, A.eig$values, 0)),
                                              nrow = nrow(A), ncol = ncol(A))), A.eig$vectors))

#' @export
sym.sq.root.inv <- function(A) {
  A.eig <- eigen(A)
  Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(A.eig$vectors), Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(sqrt(ifelse(A.eig$values > 0, 1/A.eig$values, 0)),
                                              nrow = nrow(A), ncol = ncol(A))), A.eig$vectors))

#' @export
ei.inv <- function(A) {
  A.eig <- eigen(A)
  Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(A.eig$vectors), Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(ifelse(A.eig$values > 0, 1/A.eig$values, 0),
                                              nrow = nrow(A), ncol = ncol(A))), A.eig$vectors))

#' @export
amprod.mc <- function (A, M, k) {
  K <- length(dim(A))
  AM <- Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(M), mat(A, k))
  AMA <- array(AM, dim = c(dim(M)[1], dim(A)[-k, drop = FALSE]))
  return(aperm(AMA, match(1:K, c(k, (1:K)[-k, drop = FALSE]))))

#' @export
atrans.mc <- function(A, B) {
  X <- A
  for (k in 1:length(B)) {
    X <- amprod.mc(X, B[[k]], k)

h.log <- function(theta, d0, d1, X, U, y, beta, Omega.half, beta.tilde, V.inv, Omega.inv, sig.sq, reg) {
  beta = beta.tilde + d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)
  n <- length(y)
  p <- unlist(lapply(Omega.inv, function(x) {nrow(x)}))
  q <- ncol(U)
  gamma <- beta[1:q]
  B <- array(beta[(q + 1):length(beta)], dim = p)
  Xbeta <- crossprod(t(X), c(B))
  Ugamma <- crossprod(t(U), gamma)

  if (reg == "logit") {
    enXbeUga <- exp(-Xbeta-Ugamma)
    enXbeUga[is.infinite(enXbeUga)] <- 10^(308)
    c1 <- sum(-(1 - y)*(Xbeta+Ugamma) - log(1 + enXbeUga))
  } else if (reg == "linear") {
    c1 <- -sum((y - Ugamma - Xbeta)^2/sig.sq)/2

  c2 <- -sum(c(atrans.mc(B, Omega.inv))*c(B))/2

  if (is.list(V.inv)) {

    q <- nrow(V.inv[[1]])
    p <- unlist(lapply(V.inv[2:(length(V.inv) - 1)], nrow))
    gamma.diff <- (beta[1:q] - beta.tilde[1:q])
    beta.diff <- (beta[(q + 1):length(beta)] - beta.tilde[(q + 1):length(beta.tilde)])
    c3 <- sum(crossprod(gamma.diff, crossprod(V.inv[[1]], gamma.diff)))/2 +
      sum(c(atrans.mc(array(beta.diff*V.inv[[length(V.inv)]], p), V.inv[2:(length(V.inv) - 1)]))*beta.diff/2)

  } else if (is.matrix(V.inv)) {

    c3 <- sum(crossprod(beta - beta.tilde, crossprod(V.inv, beta - beta.tilde)))/2

  } else if (class(V.inv) == "dsyMatrix" | class(V.inv) == "dpoMatrix") {

    c3 <- sum(Matrix::crossprod(beta - beta.tilde, Matrix::crossprod(V.inv, beta - beta.tilde)))/2

  else if (is.vector(V.inv)) {
    c3 <- sum((beta - beta.tilde)^2*V.inv)/2
  comp.sum <- c(c1, c2, c3)


h.log.r.sng <- function(theta, d0, d1, Omega.inv, beta,
                        r.tilde = NULL,
                        mu.prop = NULL,
                        V.r.half = NULL,
                        V.prop.half = NULL,
                        nu = NULL, mode.find = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(r.tilde) | mode.find) {
    r.tilde <- rep(0, length(d0))
  if (is.null(V.r.half) | mode.find) {
    V.r.half <- rep(1, length(d0))
  if (is.null(V.prop.half) | mode.find) {
    V.prop.half <- rep(1, length(d0))
  if (is.null(mu.prop) | mode.find) {
    mu.prop = rep(0, length(d0))

  p <- unlist(lapply(Omega.inv, function(x) {nrow(x)}))

  if (is.vector(V.r.half)) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r = V.r.half*(V.prop.half*(d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)) + mu.prop) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r = V.r.half*(Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))) + mu.prop) + r.tilde
  } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half))) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r = Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (V.prop.half*(d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r = Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde
  s <- abs(r)
  val <- -sum(c(atrans.mc(array(beta/s, dim = p), Omega.inv))*(beta/s))/2 -
    sum(log(s)) + (2*c - 1)*sum(log(s)) - sum(c*s^(2))

  if (!mode.find) {
  if (is.null(nu)) {
    val <- val + sum((d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))^2/2)
  } else {
    val <- val + sum((nu + 1)*log(1 + (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))^2/((nu - 2)))/2)



h.log.r.spb <- function(theta, d0, d1,
                        Omega.inv, beta, c,
                        r.tilde = NULL,
                        mu.prop = NULL,
                        V.r.half = NULL,
                        deltas, nu = NULL,
                        V.prop.half = NULL, mode.find = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(r.tilde) | mode.find) {
    r.tilde <- rep(0, length(d0))
  if (is.null(V.r.half) | mode.find) {
    V.r.half <- rep(1, length(d0))
  if (is.null(V.prop.half) | mode.find) {
    V.prop.half <- rep(1, length(d0))
  if (is.null(mu.prop) | mode.find) {
    mu.prop = rep(0, length(d0))

  p <- unlist(lapply(Omega.inv, function(x) {nrow(x)}))

  if (is.vector(V.r.half)) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r = V.r.half*(V.prop.half*(d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)) + mu.prop) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r = V.r.half*(Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))) + mu.prop) + r.tilde
  } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half))) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r = Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (V.prop.half*(d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r = Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde
  alpha <- c/2
  s <- abs(r)
  multip <- (((2*gamma(3/c))/gamma(1/c))^(alpha/(1 - alpha))*f.deltas(deltas = deltas, c = c))

  val <- -sum(c(atrans.mc(array(beta/s, dim = p), Omega.inv))*(beta/s))/2 -
    sum(log(s)) + ((1 + alpha)/(1 - alpha) - 1)*sum(log(s)) -
    sum(multip*s^(2*alpha/(1 - alpha)))

  if (!mode.find) {
    if (is.null(nu)) {
      val <- val + sum((d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))^2/2)
    } else {
      val <- val + sum((nu + 1)*log(1 + (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))^2/((nu - 2)))/2)


h.log.r.spn <- function(theta, d0, d1,
                        Omega.inv, beta, Psi.inv,
                        r.tilde, nu = NULL,
                        mu.prop = NULL,
                        V.r.half = NULL,
                        V.prop.half = NULL, mode.find = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(r.tilde) | mode.find) {
    r.tilde <- rep(0, length(d0))
  if (is.null(V.r.half) | mode.find) {
    V.r.half <- rep(1, length(d0))
  if (is.null(V.prop.half) | mode.find) {
    V.prop.half <- rep(1, length(d0))
  if (is.null(mu.prop) | mode.find) {
    mu.prop = rep(0, length(d0))

  p <- unlist(lapply(Omega.inv, function(x) {nrow(x)}))

  if (is.vector(V.r.half)) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r = V.r.half*(V.prop.half*(d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)) + mu.prop) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r = V.r.half*(Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))) + mu.prop) + r.tilde
  } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half))) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r = Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (V.prop.half*(d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta)) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r = Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde

  s <- r
  val <- -sum(c(atrans.mc(array(beta/s, dim = p), Omega.inv))*(beta/s))/2 - sum(log(abs(s))) - sum(c(atrans.mc(array(s, dim = p), Psi.inv))*(s))/2

  if (!mode.find) {
    if (is.null(nu)) {
      val <- val + sum((d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))^2/2)
    } else {
      val <- val + sum((nu + 1)*log(1 + (d0*sin(theta) + d1*cos(theta))^2/((nu - 2)))/2)


sample.d <- function(theta, delta, nu = NULL) {

  if (is.null(nu)) {
    precisions <- 1
    get.unitvar <- 1
  } else {
    precisions <- rgamma(length(delta),
                         nu/2, nu/2)
    get.unitvar <- sqrt((nu - 2)/nu)

  d <- get.unitvar/sqrt(precisions)*rnorm(length(delta))

  d0 <- delta*sin(theta) + d*cos(theta)
  d1 <- delta*cos(theta) - d*sin(theta)
  return(list("d0" = d0, "d1" = d1))

sample.r.eta <- function(r, Omega.inv, beta,
                         c = NULL, eta, r.tilde,
                         mu.prop = NULL,
                         V.prop.half = NULL,
                         prior, Psi.inv = NULL,
                         q = NULL, deltas = NULL, nu = NULL) {
  if (is.null(mu.prop)) {
    mu.prop <- rep(0, length(r))
  if (is.null(V.prop.half)) {
    V.prop.half <- rep(1, length(r))
  if (is.vector(V.r.half.inv)) {
    delta <- (r - r.tilde)*V.r.half.inv - mu.prop
  } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half.inv))) {
    delta <- as.numeric(Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half.inv, (r - r.tilde)) - mu.prop)

  d <- sample.d(theta = eta, delta = delta, nu = nu)
  if (prior == "sng") {
    ll.args <- list("d0" = d$d0,
                    "d1" = d$d1,
                    "Omega.inv" = Omega.inv,
                    "beta" = beta,
                    "c" = c,
                    "r.tilde" = r.tilde,
                    "mu.prop" = mu.prop,
                    "V.r.half" = V.r.half,
                    "V.prop.half" = V.prop.half,
                    "nu" = nu)
    ll.fun <- "h.log.r.sng"
  } else if (prior == "spn") {
    ll.args <- list("d0" = d$d0,
                    "d1" = d$d1,
                    "Omega.inv" = Omega.inv,
                    "beta" = beta,
                    "Psi.inv" = Psi.inv,
                    "r.tilde" = r.tilde,
                    "mu.prop" = mu.prop,
                    "V.r.half" = V.r.half,
                    "V.prop.half" = V.prop.half,
                    "nu" = nu)
    ll.fun <- "h.log.r.spn"
  } else if (prior == "spb") {
    ll.args <- list("d0" = d$d0,
                    "d1" = d$d1,
                    "Omega.inv" = Omega.inv,
                    "beta" = beta,
                    "c" = c,
                    "deltas" = deltas,
                    "r.tilde" = r.tilde,
                    "mu.prop" = mu.prop,
                    "V.r.half" = V.r.half,
                    "V.prop.half" = V.prop.half,
                    "nu" = nu)
    ll.fun <- "h.log.r.spb"

  eta <- slice(x.tilde = eta, ll.fun = ll.fun,
               var.lim = c(0, 2*pi),
               ll.args = ll.args)

  delta <- d$d0*sin(eta) + d$d1*cos(eta)
  if (is.vector(V.r.half)) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r <- (V.prop.half*delta + mu.prop)*V.r.half + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r <- (Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, delta) + mu.prop)*V.r.half + r.tilde
  } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half.inv))) {
    if (is.vector(V.prop.half)) {
      r <- Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (V.prop.half*delta + mu.prop)) + r.tilde
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.prop.half))) {
      r <- Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half, (Matrix::crossprod(V.prop.half, delta) + mu.prop)) + r.tilde

  return(list("eta" = eta,
              "r" = r,
              "delta" = delta))
#' Sampler corresponding to Griffin and Hoff "Structured Shrinkage Priors"
#' @name sampler
#' @description Function that implements sampler corresponding to the models described in Griffin and Hoff "Structured Shrinkage Priors"
#' @param Y Matrix of response values.
#' @param X Array of penalized covariates, with first dimension equal to prod(dim(Y)).
#' @param reg Regression model for data, accepts "linear", "logit" or "nb", defaults to linear
#' @param U Matrix of unpenalized covariates with prod(dim(Y)) rows.
#' @param prior Prior for penalized regression coefficients, accepts "sno", "spn", "sng", or "spb"
#' @param c Scalar shape parameter for SNG or SPB priors (equivalent to q for SPB priors)
#' @param Omega.half A length(dim(X)) - 1 list of symmetric square roots of covariance matrices for the normal vectors z used in defining priors for penalized regression coefficients. Null values indicate that a prior distribution is assumed for the corresponding covariance matrix. If the first element is NULL, a constrained covariance matrix (AR-1 by default or CAR if explicitly specified) is assumed. Defaults to a list of NULL values.
#' @param Psi.half A length(dim(X)) - 1 list of symmetric square roots of covariance matrices for scales under the SPN prior for penalized regression coefficients. When the SPN prior is used, null values indicate that a prior distribution is assumed for the corresponding covariance matrix. If the first element is NULL, a constrained covariance matrix (AR-1 by default or CAR if explicitly specified) is assumed. Defaults to a list of NULL values.
#' @param Sig.sq A dim(Y)[2] x dim(Y)[2] covariance matrix describing covariance along second dimension of response matrix Y used only when reg="linear" is specified.  Null values combined with reg="linear" indicate that a prior distribution is assumed for the corresponding covariance matrix. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param num.samp Number of samples from the posterior to be returned. Defaults to 100.
#' @param burn.in Number of samples from the posterior to be discarded as burn-in and not returned. Defaults to 0.
#' @param thin Number of samples from the posterior to thin by before returning samples. Defaults to 1.
#' @param print.iter TRUE/FALSE indicating whether or not a running count of the number of samples drawn from the posterior should be printed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param eps.r Scalar global tolerance for coordinate descent for scale posterior mode, defaults to 10^(-12)
#' @param max.iter.r Integer number of maximum outer iterations for coordinate descent for scale posterior mode. Defaults to 1,000.
#' @param max.inner.r Integer number of maximum inner iterations for coordinate descent for scale posterior mode. Defaults to 1,000.
#' @param use.previous.r TRUE/FALSE indicating whether or not successive iterations should use the previous posterior mode of the scales as a starting value for the posterior mode of the scales on the following iteration. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param diag.app.r TRUE/FALSE indicating whether or not a diagonal approximation to the Hessian of the posterior distribution of the scales should be used. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param r.tilde If non-null, a prod(dim(X)[-1]) vector corresponding to starting values for the posterior mode of the scales. Defaults to NULL, in which case a vector of 1's or the previous posterior mode is used, depending on what is provided for "use.previous.r".
#' @param sep.eta List providing indices of scales to be sampled together in a single ESS step, defaults to a list with one element for scales index.
#' @param nu.r If non-null, a scalar corresponding to the degrees of freedom of the t-distribution used for to generate proposals for scales. If NULL, a normal distribution is used for proposals. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param r.start If non-null, a prod(dim(X)[-1]) vector corresponding to starting values of the scales. Defaults to NULL, in which case a vector of 1's is used.
#' @param V.r.half If non-null, a prod(dim(X)[-1]) x prod(dim(X)[-1]) matrix corresponding to the linear transformation applied to the scales after subtracting off the posterior mode before performing elliptical slice sampling. If NULL, a linear transformation based on the Hessian of the posterior distribution of the scales is used.
#' @param V.r.half.inv If non-null, a prod(dim(X)[-1]) x prod(dim(X)[-1]) matrix corresponding to the inverse of V.r.half. If NULL, defined to be the inverse of V.r.half. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param mu.prop If non-null, a prod(dim(X)[-1]) vector corresponding to the proposal means for the linearly transformed scales. If NULL, a p vector of zeros is used. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param V.prop.half If non-null, a prod(dim(X)[-1]) vector (or prod(dim(X)[-1]) x prod(dim(X)[-1]) matrix) corresponding to the proposal variances (or covariance matrix) used for the scales. If NULL, a p vector of 1's is used. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param z.start If non-null, a p vector corresponding to starting values of the penalized coefficients. Defaults to NULL, in which case a vector of 0's is used.
#' @param gamma.start If non-null, a dim(U)[2] vector corresponding to starting values of the unpenalized coefficients. Defaults to NULL, in which case a vector of 0's is used.
#' @param joint.beta List providing indices of the all coefficients to be sampled together in a single Gibbs step, defaults to a list with one element containing all indices.
#' @param fix.beta If non-null, a dim(U)[2] + prod(dim(X)[-1]) vector corresponding to fixed values of the regression coefficients. Value of NULL indicates a prior distribution is assumed for all regression coefficients. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param pr.rho.omega.a A scalar corresponding to the first shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the autoregressive parameter for the first covariance matrix for the normal vectors z used in defining priors for penalized regression coefficients (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2.
#' @param pr.rho.omega.b A scalar corresponding to the second shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the autoregressive parameter for the first covariance matrix for the normal vectors z used in defining priors for penalized regression coefficients (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2.
#' @param pr.rho.psi.a A scalar corresponding to the first shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the autoregressive parameter for the first covariance matrix for the scales under the SPN prior (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2.
#' @param pr.rho.psi.b A scalar corresponding to the second shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the autoregressive parameter for the first covariance matrix for the scales under the SPN prior (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2.
#' @param pr.xi.omega.a A scalar corresponding to the first shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the CAR parameter for the first covariance matrix for the normal vectors z used in defining priors for penalized regression coefficients (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to 1.
#' @param pr.xi.omega.b A scalar corresponding to the second shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the CAR parameter for the first covariance matrix for the normal vectors z used in defining priors for penalized regression coefficients (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to 1.
#' @param pr.xi.psi.a A scalar corresponding to the first shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the CAR parameter for the first covariance matrix for the scales under the SPN prior (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to 1.
#' @param pr.xi.psi.b A scalar corresponding to the second shape parameter of the beta prior assumed for the CAR parameter for the first covariance matrix for the scales under the SPN prior (when the first covariance matrix is not provided). Defaults to 1.
#' @param Neighbs If non-null, a symmetric dim(X)[2] x dim(X)[2] neighbor matrix. Defaults to NULL, in which case an AR-1 model for the first covariance matrix is assumed. Using a matrix that describes a fixed number of neighbors/corresponds to a regular lattice is recommended for interpretability.
#' @param str Character vector that indicates the structure of remaining unspecified variance-covariance matrices (excluding the first). Can take on values "con" (variance-covariance matrices are proportional to an identity matrix), "het" (variance-covariance matrices are diagonal), or "uns" (variance-covariance matrices are unstructured). Defaults to "uns."
#' @param pr.Omega.V.inv A length(dim(X)) - 1  list of covariance matrices corresponding to scale matrices for the inverse Wishart priors for the covariance matrices of the normal vectors z. The first is disregarded. Defaults to lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {diag(1, nrow = x, ncol = x)*x}).
#' @param pr.Psi.V.inv A length(dim(X)) - 1 list of covariance matrices corresponding to scale matrices for the inverse Wishart priors for the covariance matrices of the scales under the SPN prior. The first is disregarded. Defaults to lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {diag(1, nrow = x, ncol = x)*x}).
#' @param pr.Sig.sq.inv A dim(Y)[2] x dim(Y)[2] covariance matrix corresponding to the scale matrix for the inverse Wishart priors for the covariance matrix of the response along the second dimension. Defaults to dim(Y)[2]*diag(1, nrow = dim(Y)[2], ncol = dim(Y)[2]).
#' @param pr.Omega.df A length(dim(X)) - 1 list of scalars corresponding to degrees of freedom for the inverse Wishart priors for the covariance matrices of the normal vectors z. The first is disregarded. Defaults to lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {2*x + 1}).
#' @param pr.Psi.df A length(dim(X)) - 1  list of scalars corresponding to degrees of freedom for the inverse Wishart priors for the covariance matrices of the scales under the SPN prior. The first is disregarded. efaults to lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {2*x + 1}).
#' @param pr.Sig.sq.df A scalar corresponding to the degrees of freedom for the inverse Wishart prior for the covariance matrix of the response along the second dimension. Defaults to 2*dim(Y)[2] + 1.
#' @param pr.gamma.mean Scalar prior mean or dim(U)[2] vector of prior means the unpenalized regression coefficient(s). Defaults to 0.
#' @param pr.gamma.var Scalar prior variance or dim(U)[2] vector of prior variances for unpenalized regression coefficient(s). Defaults to Inf, which corresponds to a uniform prior on each unpenalized regression coefficient.
#' @param tune.c Standard deviation of random walk proposals for log(c) or logit(q/2). Defaults to 0.01.
#' @param shape.c Gamma shape parameter for the gamma prior distribution assumed for c under the SNG prior or first beta parameter for the beta prior distribution assumed for q/2 under the SPB prior. Defaults to 1.
#' @param rate.c Gamma rate parameter for the gamma prior distribution assumed for c under the SNG prior or second beta parameter for the beta prior distribution assumed for q/2 under the SPB prior. Defaults to 1.
#' @export
sampler <- function(
  ### Data and regression type
  reg = "linear",
  U = NULL,
  ### Prior Choice for beta
  prior = "sno",
  c = 1,
  ### Prior Parameters and Likelihood Parameters
  Omega.half = vector("list", length = length(dim(X)[-1])),
  Psi.half = vector("list", length = length(dim(X)[-1])),
  Sig.sq = NULL,
  ### MCMC Parameters
  num.samp = 100,
  burn.in = 0,
  thin = 1,
  print.iter = TRUE,
  sep.eta = as.list(1:(prod(dim(X)[-1]))),
  eps.r = 10^(-12),
  max.iter.r = 1000,
  max.inner.r = 1000,
  use.previous.r = TRUE,
  diag.app.r = FALSE,
  joint.beta = list(1:(prod(dim(X)[-1]) + ifelse(is.null(U), 1, ncol(U)))),
  fix.beta = NULL,
  r.tilde = NULL,
  r.start = NULL,
  z.start = NULL,
  gamma.start = NULL,
  nu.r = NULL,
  V.r.half = NULL,
  V.r.half.inv = NULL,
  mu.prop = NULL,
  V.prop.half = NULL,
  ### Hyperparameters (if prior/likelihood parameters not specified)
  pr.rho.omega.a = (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2,
  pr.rho.omega.b = (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2,
  pr.xi.omega.a = 1,
  pr.xi.omega.b = 1,
  pr.rho.psi.a = (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2,
  pr.rho.psi.b = (2*dim(X)[2] + 1 - dim(X)[2] + 1)/2,
  pr.xi.psi.a = 1,
  pr.xi.psi.b = 1,
  Neighbs = NULL,
  str = "uns",
  pr.Omega.V.inv = lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {diag(1, nrow = x, ncol = x)*x}),
  pr.Psi.V.inv = lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {diag(1, nrow = x, ncol = x)*x}),
  pr.Sig.sq.inv = dim(Y)[2]*diag(1, nrow = dim(Y)[2], ncol = dim(Y)[2]),
  pr.Omega.df = lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {2*x + 1}),
  pr.Psi.df = lapply(dim(X)[-1], function(x) {2*x + 1}),
  pr.Sig.sq.df = 2*dim(Y)[2] + 1,
  pr.gamma.mean = 0,
  pr.gamma.var = Inf,
  tune.c = 0.01,
  shape.c = 1,
  rate.c = 1) {

  # Just to be safe, "initalize" all variables whose entries may depend on other objects
  joint.beta = joint.beta
  sep.eta = sep.eta
  Omega.half = Omega.half
  Psi.half = Psi.half
  pr.Omega.V.inv = pr.Omega.V.inv
  pr.Psi.V.inv = pr.Psi.V.inv
  pr.Sig.sq.inv = pr.Sig.sq.inv
  pr.Omega.df = pr.Omega.df
  pr.Psi.df = pr.Psi.df
  pr.Sig.sq.df = pr.Sig.sq.df

  if (reg == "linear") {
    dim.Sig.sq <- ncol(Y)
  } else {
    dim.Sig.sq <- 1
  y <- as.vector(Y)

  # Set up indicators for which things are null
  null.V.r.half <- is.null(V.r.half)
  null.V.r.half.inv <- is.null(V.r.half.inv)
  null.V.prop.half <- is.null(V.prop.half)
  null.r.tilde <- is.null(r.tilde)

  if (null.V.r.half & !null.V.r.half.inv) {
    if (is.vector(V.r.half.inv)) {
      V.r.half <- 1/V.r.half.inv
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half.inv))) {
      V.r.half <- solve(V.r.half.inv)

  if (!null.V.r.half & null.V.r.half.inv) {
    if (is.vector(V.r.half)) {
      V.r.half.inv <- 1/V.r.half
    } else if (is.matrix(as.matrix(V.r.half))) {
      V.r.half.inv <- solve(V.r.half)

  if (!is.null(Neighbs)) {
    Neighbs.ei <- eigen(Neighbs)
    lower.xi <- 1/Neighbs.ei$values[length(Neighbs.ei$values)]
    upper.xi <- 1/Neighbs.ei$values[1]

  n <- length(y)
  p <- dim(X)[-1]

  null.U <- is.null(U)
  # No intercept if U is null
  if (null.U) {
    U <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  q <- ncol(U)

  X.arr <- X
  X <- t(apply(X, 1, "c"))

  if (is.null(Psi.half) & prior == "spn") {
    Psi.half <- vector("list", length = length(Omega.half))

  # Set up indicators for null arguments, will be used to decide whether or not to resample
  null.c <- is.null(c)
  if (null.c) {
    c <- 1
  if (is.null(Omega.half[[1]]) & str == "con" | str == "het") {
    Omega.half[[1]] <- diag(1, nrow = p[1], ncol = p[1])
    if (prior == "spn") {
      Psi.half[[1]] <- diag(1, nrow = p[1], ncol = p[1])
  null.Omega.half <- unlist(lapply(Omega.half, function(x) {is.null(x)}))
  if (prior == "spn") {
    null.Psi.half <- unlist(lapply(Psi.half, function(x) {is.null(x)}))

  # Set starting values
  null.Sig.sq <- is.null(Sig.sq) & reg == "linear"
  if (reg == "logit") {
    Sig.sq <- 1
  } else{
    if (null.Sig.sq) {
      Sig.sq <- diag(1, nrow = dim.Sig.sq, ncol = dim.Sig.sq)
    } else {
      Sig.sq <- Sig.sq
    Sig.i.rt <- sym.sq.root.inv(Sig.sq)

  # Set starting values for rho if Omega.half[[1]] is NULL and is not 1x1
  if (null.Omega.half[1] & dim(X.arr)[2] > 1) {
    if (is.null(Neighbs)) {
      rho <- 0
    } else {
      rho <- 0
  if (prior == "spn" & dim(X.arr)[2] > 1) {
    if (null.Psi.half[1]) {
      if (is.null(Neighbs)) {
        rho.psi <- 0
      } else {
        rho.psi <- 0
  deltas <- runif(prod(p), 0, pi)

  if (prior == "spn") {
    record.Sigma <- max(null.Psi.half) == 1 | max(null.Omega.half) == 1
    record.which <- which(null.Psi.half | null.Omega.half)
  } else {
    record.Sigma <- max(null.Omega.half) == 1
    record.which <- which(null.Omega.half)
  if (record.Sigma) {
    res.Sigma <- vector("list", length(p))
    for (i in record.which) {
      if (i > 1) {
        res.Sigma[[i]] <- array(dim = c(num.samp, p[i], p[i]))
  if (max(null.Omega.half) == 1) {
    res.Omega <- vector("list", length(p))
    for (i in which(null.Omega.half)) {
      if (i != 1) {
        Omega.half[[i]] <- diag(1, nrow = p[i], ncol = p[i])
      } else {
        if (is.null(Neighbs)) {
          Omega.half[[i]] <- sym.sq.root(make.ar.mat(p = p[i], rho = rho, inv = FALSE))
        } else {
          Omega.half[[i]] <- Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(Neighbs.ei$vectors), Matrix::tcrossprod(diag(sqrt(ifelse(1 - rho*Neighbs.ei$values > 0, 1/(1 - rho*Neighbs.ei$values), 0)),
                                                                              nrow = nrow(Neighbs), ncol = ncol(Neighbs)), Neighbs.ei$vectors))
      if (i > 1) {
        res.Omega[[i]] <- array(dim = c(num.samp, p[i], p[i]))
  if (prior == "spn") {
    if (max(null.Psi.half) == 1) {
      res.Psi <- vector("list", length(p))
      for (i in which(null.Psi.half)) {
        if (i != 1) {
          Psi.half[[i]] <- diag(1, nrow = p[i], ncol = p[i])
        } else {
          if (is.null(Neighbs)) {
            Psi.half[[i]] <- sym.sq.root(make.ar.mat(p = p[i], rho = rho.psi, inv = FALSE))
          } else {
            Psi.half[[i]] <- Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(Neighbs.ei$vectors), Matrix::tcrossprod(diag(sqrt(ifelse(1 - rho.psi*Neighbs.ei$values > 0, 1/(1 - rho.psi*Neighbs.ei$values), 0)),
                                                                                                      nrow = nrow(Neighbs), ncol = ncol(Neighbs)), Neighbs.ei$vectors))
        if (i > 1) {
          res.Psi[[i]] <- array(dim = c(num.samp, p[i], p[i]))
  Omega <- lapply(Omega.half, function(x) {Matrix::crossprod(x)})
  Omega.inv <- lapply(Omega, function(x) {ei.inv(x)})
  Omega.half.inv <- lapply(Omega.half, function(x) {ei.inv(x)})

  if (prior == "spn") {
    Psi <- lapply(Psi.half, function(x) {Matrix::crossprod(x)})
    Psi.inv <- lapply(Psi, function(x) {ei.inv(x)})
    Psi.half.inv <- lapply(Psi.half, function(x) {ei.inv(x)})

  # Results objects
  acc.c <- res.c <- array(dim = c(num.samp, 1))
  res.rho <- array(dim = c(num.samp, 1))
  res.rho.psi <- array(dim = c(num.samp, 1))
  res.Sig.sq <- array(dim = c(num.samp, dim.Sig.sq, dim.Sig.sq))
  res.B <- array(dim = c(num.samp, prod(p)))
  res.Z <- array(dim = c(num.samp, prod(p) + q))
  res.R <-res.S <- array(dim = c(num.samp, prod(p)))
  res.theta <- array(dim = c(num.samp, prod(p) + q))
  res.ome <- array(dim = c(num.samp, n))
  res.deltar <- res.eta <- array(dim = c(num.samp, prod(p)))
  res.gamma <- array(dim = c(num.samp, q))
  res.D <- array(dim = c(num.samp, prod(p)))

  if (!is.null(fix.beta)) {
    gamma <- fix.beta[1:q]
    beta <- fix.beta[(q + 1):length(fix.beta)]
  if (is.null(gamma.start)) {
    gamma <- rep(0, q)
  } else {
    gamma <- gamma.start
  zgamma <- gamma - pr.gamma.mean
  if (is.null(z.start)) {
    Z <- array(0, dim = p)
  }  else {
    Z <- array(z.start, dim = p)
  if (is.null(r.start)) {
    R <- array(1, dim = p)
  } else {
    R <- array(r.start, dim = p)
  S <- R

    if (reg == "logit" | reg == "nb") {
      ome <- rep(1, n)
      omeD <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n, sparse = TRUE)
      diag(omeD) <- ome
      if (reg == "logit") {
        offset <- rep(1/2, n)
    } else {
      offset <- rep(0, n)

  if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb")) {

    if (length(sep.eta) == prod(p)) {
      eta <- unlist(lapply(sep.eta, function(x) {2*pi*runif(1)}))
    } else {
      eta <- numeric(prod(p))
    for (i in 1:length(sep.eta)) {
      eta[sep.eta[[i]]] <- runif(1, 0, 2*pi)

  X.arr.s <- X.arr
  X.arr.s <- array(c(crossprod(apply(X.arr, 1, "c"),
                               diag(c(S), nrow = prod(p), ncol = prod(p)))), dim = c(n, p))
  for (l in 1:length(p)) {
    X.arr.s <- amprod.mc(X.arr.s, Omega.half[[l]], l + 1)
  W <- t(apply(X.arr.s, 1, "c"))
  UW <- cbind(U, W)
  if (ncol(U) == 1) {
    rs.u <- U
  } else {
    rs.u <- rowSums(U)

  if (is.infinite(pr.gamma.var)) {
    pr.gamma.prec <- 0
  } else {
    pr.gamma.prec <- 1/pr.gamma.var

  penC <- c(rep(pr.gamma.prec, ncol(U)), rep(1, ncol(W)))

  if (is.null(fix.beta)) {
    B <- atrans.mc(Z, Omega.half)
  } else {
    B <- array(c(fix.beta), dim = p)

  for (i in 1:(burn.in + thin*num.samp)) {
    if (print.iter) {cat("i=", i, "\n")}

    sample.beta <- c(zgamma, c(Z))

    if (is.null(fix.beta)) {

      if (prior == "spn") {
        samp.vars <- c("z", "s")
      } else {
        samp.vars <- c("z")
      for (sv in samp.vars) {
        if (print.iter & sv == "z") {cat("Sample Z\n")}
        if (print.iter & sv == "s") {cat("Sample S\n")}

        if (sv == "z") {

          X.arr.s <- array(c(crossprod(apply(X.arr, 1, "c"),
                                            nrow = prod(p),
                                            ncol = prod(p)))),
                           dim = c(n, p))
          for (l in 1:length(p)) {
            X.arr.s <- amprod.mc(X.arr.s, Omega.half[[l]], l + 1)
          W <- t(apply(X.arr.s, 1, "c"))
          UW <- cbind(U, W)

        } else {

          X.arr.s <- X.arr
          X.arr.s <- array(c(crossprod(apply(X.arr, 1, "c"),
                                       diag(c(atrans.mc(Z, Omega.half)),
                                            nrow = prod(p), ncol = prod(p)))), dim = c(n, p))
          for (l in 1:length(p)) {
            X.arr.s <- amprod.mc(X.arr.s, Psi.half[[l]], l + 1)
          W <- t(apply(X.arr.s, 1, "c"))
          UW <- cbind(U, W)


      if (length(joint.beta) == 1) {
          if (reg == "logit") {

            UWtUW <- Matrix::crossprod(UW, Matrix::crossprod(omeD, UW))
            UWty <- crossprod(UW, y - offset - ome*rs.u*pr.gamma.mean)

          } else if ((i == 1 &
                      reg == "linear" &
                      max(null.Omega.half) == 0 & prior == "sno" & !null.Sig.sq) |
                     !(reg == "linear") |
                     !(max(null.Omega.half) == 0) |
                     !(prior == "sno") |
                     null.Sig.sq) {
            UW.Sig.i.rt <- array(c(amprod.mc(array(c(UW),
                                                   dim = c(dim(Y),
                                                           dim(UW)[-1])), Sig.i.rt, 2)),
                                 dim = dim(UW))
            y.Sig.i.rt <- as.vector(array(y - offset - rs.u*pr.gamma.mean, dim = dim(Y))%*%Sig.i.rt)
            UWtUW <- crossprod(UW.Sig.i.rt)
            UWty <- Matrix::crossprod(UW.Sig.i.rt, y.Sig.i.rt)

          if (reg == "linear") {

            if (min(U) == 0 & max(U) == 0) {
              sample.beta[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)] <- samp.beta(XtX = UWtUW[(q + 1):nrow(UWtUW), (q + 1):ncol(UWtUW)],
                                                           Xty = UWty[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)],
                                                           Omega.inv = diag(penC[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)],
                                                                            nrow = length(penC[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)]),
                                                                            ncol = length(penC[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)])),
                                                           sig.sq = 1)
            } else {
              sample.beta <- samp.beta(XtX = UWtUW, Xty = UWty,
                                       Omega.inv = diag(penC, nrow = length(penC),
                                                        ncol = length(penC)),
                                       sig.sq = 1)

          } else {
            if (min(U) == 0 & max(U) == 0) {

              sample.beta[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)] <- samp.beta(XtX = UWtUW[(q + 1):nrow(UWtUW), (q + 1):ncol(UWtUW)],
                                                           Xty = UWty[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)],
                                                           Omega.inv = diag(penC[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)],
                                                                            nrow = length(penC[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)]),
                                                                            ncol = length(penC[(q + 1):nrow(UWty)])), sig.sq = 1)
            } else {
              sample.beta <- samp.beta(XtX = UWtUW, Xty = UWty,
                                       Omega.inv = diag(penC, nrow = length(penC), ncol = length(penC)), sig.sq = 1)


        } else {

          for (block in joint.beta) {

            not.block <- (1:ncol(UW.Sig.i.rt))[!1:ncol(UW.Sig.i.rt) %in% block]
            if (reg == "logit") {

              UWtUW <- Matrix::crossprod(UW[, block], Matrix::crossprod(omeD, UW[, block]))

              UWtNUWZ <- Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::t(Matrix::crossprod(UW[, block],
                                                                       Matrix::crossprod(omeD, UW[, not.block]))), sample.beta[ not.block])

            } else if ((i == 1 & reg == "linear" & max(null.Omega.half) == 0 & prior == "sno" & length(joint.beta) == 1 & !null.Sig.sq) |
                       !(reg == "linear") | !(max(null.Omega.half) == 0) | !(prior == "sno") | length(joint.beta) > 1 | null.Sig.sq) {
              UWtUW <- crossprod(UW.Sig.i.rt[, block])
              UWtNUWZ <- crossprod(UW.Sig.i.rt[, block], crossprod(t(UW.Sig.i.rt[, not.block]), sample.beta[not.block]))


            if (reg == "linear") {
              UWty <- crossprod(UW.Sig.i.rt[, block], y.Sig.i.rt)
            } else {
              UWty <- crossprod(UW[, block], y - offset - ome*rs.u*pr.gamma.mean)

            if (reg == "linear") {
              sample.beta[block] <- samp.beta(XtX = UWtUW, Xty = UWty - UWtNUWZ,
                                              Omega.inv = diag(penC[block], nrow = length(penC[block]), ncol = length(penC[block])), sig.sq = 1)
            } else {
              sample.beta[block] <- samp.beta(XtX = UWtUW, Xty = UWty - UWtNUWZ,
                                              Omega.inv = diag(penC[block], nrow = length(penC[block]), ncol = length(penC[block])), sig.sq = 1)


        zgamma <- sample.beta[1:q]
        gamma <- zgamma + pr.gamma.mean
        if (prior != "spn" | (prior == "spn" & sv == "z")) {
          # if (prior != "spn") {
          Z <- array(sample.beta[(q + 1):length(sample.beta)], dim = p)
          # } else {
          #   Z <- array(1, prod(p))
          # }
        } else {
          S <- atrans.mc(array(sample.beta[(q + 1):length(sample.beta)], p),
          # S <- array(1, prod(p))

        S <- array(S, p)
        Z <- array(Z, p)
        B <- S*atrans.mc(Z, Omega.half)

        if (reg == "logit") {
          if (prior != "spn" | (prior == "spn" & sv == "z")) {
            if (print.iter) {cat("Sample logit auxiliary variables\n")}
            ome <- BayesLogit::rpg(n, offset*2, crossprod(t(UW), c(zgamma + pr.gamma.mean, c(Z))))
            diag(omeD) <- ome


    if (prior == "spb") {
      if (print.iter) {cat("Sample Delta\n")}
      alpha <- c/2
      deltas.new <- unlist(lapply(1:length(deltas), function(ii) {
        xi <- (2*gamma(3/(2*alpha))*c(S)[ii]^2/gamma(1/(2*alpha)))^(alpha/(1 - alpha))
        slice(x.tilde = deltas[ii], ll.fun = "g.delta",
              var.lim = c(0, pi),
              ll.args = list("c" = c, "xi" = xi))
      deltas <- deltas.new

      # for (ii in 1:length(deltas)) {
      #   alpha <- c/2
      #   xi <- (2*gamma(3/(2*alpha))*c(S)[ii]^2/gamma(1/(2*alpha)))^(alpha/(1 - alpha))
      #   deltas[ii] <- slice(x.tilde = deltas[ii], ll.fun = "g.delta",
      #                       var.lim = c(0, pi),
      #                       ll.args = list("c" = c, "xi" = xi))
      # }

    if (prior == "sng" | (prior == "spn" & !is.null(fix.beta)) | prior == "spb") {

      if (null.r.tilde) {

        # Don't have to reset r.tilde every iteration if
        # - prior %in% c("sng", "spn)
        # - !is.null(fix.beta)
        # - max(null.Psi.half) == 0
        # - max(null.Omega.half) == 0
        # - !null.sig.sq
        once <- !is.null(fix.beta) & prior %in% c("sng", "spn") &
          max(null.Omega.half) == 0 & !null.Sig.sq
        if (prior == "spn") {
          once <- once*(max(null.Psi.half) == 0)

        if ((i == 1 & once) | !once) {

        if (print.iter) {cat("Set Sampling Values for R\n")}

        if (!use.previous.r | i == 1) {
          start.r <- rep(1, prod(p))
          r.order <- sample(1:length(start.r), size = length(start.r), replace = FALSE)
        } else {
          cd1 <- coord.desc.r(Omega.inv = Omega.inv,
                              beta = c(B), c = c,
                              eps = eps.r, max.iter = 1,
                              print.iter = FALSE, max.inner = max.inner.r,
                              start.r = rep(1, prod(p)),
                              prior = prior, deltas = deltas,
                              Psi.inv = Psi.inv)
          cdtilde <- coord.desc.r(Omega.inv = Omega.inv,
                                  beta = c(B), c = c,
                                  eps = eps.r, max.iter = 1,
                                  print.iter = FALSE, max.inner = max.inner.r,
                                  start.r = r.tilde,
                                  prior = prior, deltas = deltas,
                                  Psi.inv = Psi.inv)
          if (cd1$obj > cdtilde$obj) {
            start.r <- rep(1, prod(p))
            r.order <- sample(1:length(start.r), size = length(start.r), replace = FALSE)
            if (print.iter) {cat("Starting at 1\n")}
          } else {
            start.r <- r.tilde
        cdr <- coord.desc.r(Omega.inv = Omega.inv,
                              beta = c(B), c = c,
                              eps = eps.r, max.iter = max.iter.r,
                              print.iter = FALSE, max.inner = max.inner.r,
                              start.r = start.r,
                              prior = prior, deltas = deltas,
                              Psi.inv = Psi.inv, r.order = r.order)
        r.tilde <- cdr$r
        if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb")) {
          r.tilde <- abs(r.tilde) # Sign is not identified
        r.tilde[r.tilde == 0] <- 10^(-12)
        r.tilde[abs(r.tilde) > 10^(12)] <- sign(r.tilde[abs(r.tilde) > 10^(12)])*10^(12)
      if (null.V.r.half & null.V.r.half.inv) {

        if (diag.app.r) {
          V.r.inv <- numeric(length(r.tilde))
          for (jj in 1:length(V.r.inv)) {

            Omega.inv.jj <- get.kron.row(jj, Omega = Omega.inv)
            alpha1 <- -c(B)[jj]^2*Omega.inv.jj[jj]/2

            if (r.tilde[jj] != 0) {
              hess <- kappa.ll.dd(s.j = r.tilde[jj],
                                  kappa = get.kappa(prior = prior,
                                                    Omega.inv = Omega.inv,
                                                    beta = c(B),
                                                    r = r.tilde, c = c,
                                                    deltas = deltas,
                                                    Psi.inv = Psi.inv, jj))
            } else { # I don't think we ever use this because we reset values of r.tilde equal to zero
              hess <- 2*alpha1
            V.r.inv[jj] <- -1*hess

          V.r.inv[V.r.inv < 10^(-10) | is.nan(V.r.inv)] <- 10^(-10) # Make sure we don't have problems with infinity/0 (should be careful about this)
          V.r.inv[is.infinite(V.r.inv)] <- 10^(10)
          V.r.half <- sqrt(1/V.r.inv)
          V.r.half.inv <- sqrt(V.r.inv)
        } else {
          if (i == 1 | max(null.Omega.half) == 1) {
            O.i <- Omega.inv[[length(Omega.inv)]]
            if ((length(Omega.inv) - 1) >= 1) {
            for (Om.ind in (length(Omega.inv) - 1):1) {
              O.i <- O.i%x%Omega.inv[[Om.ind]]
            if (prior == "spn") {
              P.i <- Psi.inv[[length(Psi.inv)]]
              if ((length(Psi.inv) - 1) >= 1) {
                for (Ps.ind in (length(Psi.inv) - 1):1) {
                  P.i <- P.i%x%Psi.inv[[Ps.ind]]
          V.r.inv.1 <- (-1/2)*(O.i)*Matrix::tcrossprod(c(B)/r.tilde^2)*(matrix(1,
                                                                       nrow = length(r.tilde),
                                                                       ncol = length(r.tilde)) +
                                                                  5*diag(1, nrow = length(r.tilde), ncol = length(r.tilde)))
          if (prior == "spn") {
            V.r.inv.2 <- -P.i/2
          } else {

            V.r.inv.2 <- diag(0, nrow = length(r.tilde), ncol = length(r.tilde))

            diag(V.r.inv.2) <- unlist(lapply(1:length(r.tilde), function(jj) {
                kappa <- get.kappa(prior = prior, Omega.inv = Omega.inv, beta = c(B),
                                   r = r.tilde, c = c, deltas = deltas,
                                   Psi.inv = Psi.inv, jj)
                kappa[1:2] <- 0
                kappa.ll.dd(s.j = r.tilde[jj], kappa = kappa)

            # for (jj in 1:length(r.tilde)) {
            #   kappa <- get.kappa(prior = prior, Omega.inv = Omega.inv, beta = c(B),
            #                      r = r.tilde, c = c, deltas = deltas,
            #                      Psi.inv = Psi.inv, jj)
            #   kappa[1:2] <- 0
            #   V.r.inv.2[jj, jj] <- kappa.ll.dd(s.j = r.tilde[jj], kappa = kappa)
            # }
          V.r.inv <- -1*(V.r.inv.1 + V.r.inv.2)
          V.r.half <- sym.sq.root.inv(V.r.inv)
          V.r.half.inv <- sym.sq.root(V.r.inv)
          # V.r.half.inv <- ei.inv(Matrix::crossprod(V.r.half)) # Make sure it's pos-semi-def

      if (print.iter) {cat("Sample R\n")}

      sample <- sample.r.eta(r = c(R),
                             Omega.inv = Omega.inv,
                             beta = c(B), c = c,
                             eta = eta,
                             r.tilde = r.tilde,
                             V.r.half = V.r.half,
                             V.r.half.inv = V.r.half.inv,
                             mu.prop = mu.prop,
                             V.prop.half = V.prop.half,
                             prior = prior, nu = nu.r,
                             deltas = deltas, Psi.inv = Psi.inv)

      r <- sample$r
      # plot(abs(r), main = paste(i, length(cdr$objs), cdr$mdr[length(cdr$mdr)], sep = ", "), ylim = range(abs(r), r.tilde))
      # points(r.tilde, col = "blue")
      deltar <- sample$delta
      eta <- sample$eta
      # print(r)
      R <- array(r, p)

      if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb")) {
        S <- array(abs(r), dim = p)
        if (null.c) {

          cat("Sample c\n")
          if (prior == "sng") {
            c.samp <- sample.c(S = S, c.old = c, tune = tune.c,
                               pr.shape = shape.c, pr.rate = rate.c,
                               prior = prior)
          } else {
            c.samp <- sample.c(S = S, c.old = c, tune = tune.c,
                               pr.shape = shape.c, pr.rate = rate.c,
                               deltas = deltas, prior = prior)
          c <- c.samp$c
      } else if (prior  == "spn") {
        S <- array(r, dim = p)
      } else {
        S <- array(1, dim = p)
      if (is.null(fix.beta)) {
        Z <- atrans.mc(B/S, Omega.half.inv)
        B <- S*atrans.mc(Z, Omega.half)


    for (k in which(null.Omega.half)) {

      Covar <- B/S
      for (l in 1:length(p)) {
        if (l != k) {
          Covar <- amprod.mc(Covar, Omega.half.inv[[l]], l)
      if (k == 1 & null.Omega.half[1]) {
        if (print.iter) {cat("Sample rho\n")}
        if (is.null(Neighbs)) {
        rho <- slice(x.tilde = rho, ll.fun = "cond.rho.log",
                     var.lim = c(-1, 1)*(1 - 10^(-7)), # Avoid boundaries
                     ll.args = list("B" = Covar,
                                    "pr.a" = pr.rho.omega.a,
                                    "pr.b" = pr.rho.omega.b,
                                    "j" = k))

        Omega.inv[[k]] <- make.ar.mat(p = p[k], rho = rho, inv = TRUE)

        Omega[[k]] <- make.ar.mat(p = p[k], rho = rho, inv = FALSE)
        Omega.half[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Omega[[k]])
        Omega.half.inv[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Omega.inv[[k]])

        } else {
          sum.B.mat.sq <- sum(c(Covar^2))
          B.mat <- mat(Covar, k)
          sum.BWB <- sum(Matrix::diag(Matrix::crossprod(B.mat, Matrix::crossprod(Neighbs, B.mat))))
          rho <- slice(x.tilde = rho, ll.fun = "cond.xi.log",
                       var.lim = c(lower.xi, upper.xi)*(1 - 10^(-7)), # Avoid boundaries
                       ll.args = list("B" = Covar,
                                      "pr.a" = pr.xi.omega.a,
                                      "pr.b" = pr.xi.omega.b,
                                      "j" = k,
                                      "lower.xi" = lower.xi,
                                      "upper.xi" = upper.xi,
                                      "W.j" = Neighbs,
                                      "W.ei" = Neighbs.ei
                                      "sum.B.mat.sq" = sum.B.mat.sq,
                                      "sum.BWB" = sum.BWB
          if (print.iter) {cat("Compute Omega Inv\n")}
          Omega.inv[[k]] <- diag(1, nrow = p[k], ncol = p[k]) - rho*Neighbs
          if (print.iter) {cat("Compute Omega Half\n")}
          Omega.half[[k]] <-  Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(sqrt((ifelse(1 - rho*Neighbs.ei$values > 0, 1/(1 - rho*Neighbs.ei$values), 0))),
                                                                               nrow = nrow(Neighbs), ncol = ncol(Neighbs))), Neighbs.ei$vectors))

          # I don't save this
          # if (print.iter) {cat("Compute Omega\n")}
          # Omega[[k]] <- Matrix::crossprod(Omega.half[[k]])

          if (print.iter) {cat("Compute Omega Half Inv\n")}
          Omega.half.inv[[k]] <- Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(sqrt((ifelse(1 - rho*Neighbs.ei$values > 0, 1 - rho*Neighbs.ei$values, 0))),
                                                                                                          nrow = nrow(Neighbs), ncol = ncol(Neighbs))), Neighbs.ei$vectors))

      } else {

        if (print.iter) {cat("Sample Omega.inv ", k, " \n")}
        Covar <- matrix(apply(Covar, k, "c"), nrow = prod(p[-k]), ncol = p[k])
        Omega.inv[[k]] <- samp.Omega.inv(Beta = Covar, str = str,
                                         pr.V.inv = pr.Omega.V.inv[[k]],
                                         pr.df = pr.Omega.df[[k]])
        Omega[[k]] <- ei.inv(Omega.inv[[k]])
        Omega.half[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Omega[[k]])
        Omega.half.inv[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Omega.inv[[k]])

      if (i > burn.in & (i - burn.in)%%thin == 0 & k != 1) {
        res.Omega[[k]][(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Omega[[k]])

      Z <- atrans.mc(B/S, Omega.half.inv)
      B <- S*atrans.mc(Z, Omega.half)

    if (prior == "spn") {

      Psi.half.inv.old <- Psi.half.inv

      for (k in which(null.Psi.half)) {

        Covar <- S
        for (l in 1:length(p)) {
          if (l != k) {
            Covar <- amprod.mc(Covar, Psi.half.inv[[l]], l)
        if (k == 1 & null.Psi.half[1]) {
          if (print.iter) {cat("Sample rho.psi\n")}
          if (is.null(Neighbs)) {
          rho.psi <- slice(x.tilde = rho.psi, ll.fun = "cond.rho.log", var.lim = c(-1, 1)*(1 - 10^(-7)),
                           ll.args = list("B" = Covar,
                                          "pr.a" = pr.rho.psi.a,
                                          "pr.b" = pr.rho.psi.b,
                                          "j" = k))

          Psi.inv[[k]] <- make.ar.mat(p = p[k], rho = rho.psi, inv = TRUE)
          Psi[[k]] <- make.ar.mat(p = p[k], rho = rho.psi, inv = FALSE)

          Psi.half[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Psi[[k]])
          Psi.half.inv[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Psi.inv[[k]])

          } else {
            sum.B.mat.sq <- sum(c(Covar^2))
            B.mat <- mat(Covar, k)
            sum.BWB <- sum(Matrix::diag(Matrix::crossprod(B.mat, Matrix::crossprod(Neighbs, B.mat))))
            rho.psi <- slice(x.tilde = rho.psi, ll.fun = "cond.xi.log",
                             var.lim = c(lower.xi, upper.xi)*(1 - 10^(-7)),
                         ll.args = list("B" = Covar,
                                        "pr.a" = pr.xi.psi.a,
                                        "pr.b" = pr.xi.psi.b,
                                        "j" = k,
                                        "lower.xi" = lower.xi,
                                        "upper.xi" = upper.xi,
                                        "W.j" = Neighbs,
                                        "W.ei" = Neighbs.ei
                                        "sum.B.mat.sq" = sum.B.mat.sq,
                                        "sum.BWB" = sum.BWB
            Psi.inv[[k]] <- diag(1, nrow = p[k], ncol = p[k]) - rho.psi*Neighbs

            Psi.half[[k]] <-  Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(sqrt((ifelse(1 - rho.psi*Neighbs.ei$values > 0, 1/(1 - rho.psi*Neighbs.ei$values), 0))),
                                                                                                         nrow = nrow(Neighbs), ncol = ncol(Neighbs))), Neighbs.ei$vectors))

            Psi.half.inv[[k]] <- Matrix::crossprod(Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix(diag(sqrt((ifelse(1 - rho.psi*Neighbs.ei$values > 0, 1 - rho.psi*Neighbs.ei$values, 0))),
                                                                                                            nrow = nrow(Neighbs), ncol = ncol(Neighbs))), Neighbs.ei$vectors))
        } else {
          if (print.iter) {cat("Sample Psi.inv ", k, " \n")}
          Covar <- matrix(apply(Covar, k, "c"), nrow = prod(p[-k]), ncol = p[k])
          Psi.inv[[k]] <- samp.Omega.inv(Beta = Covar, str = str,
                                         pr.V.inv = pr.Psi.V.inv[[k]],
                                         pr.df = pr.Psi.df[[k]])

          Psi[[k]] <- ei.inv(Psi.inv[[k]])
          Psi.half[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Psi[[k]])
          Psi.half.inv[[k]] <- sym.sq.root(Psi.inv[[k]])
        if (i > burn.in & (i - burn.in)%%thin == 0 & k != 1) {
          res.Psi[[k]][(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Psi[[k]])

        S <- atrans.mc(atrans.mc(S, Psi.half.inv.old), Psi.half)
        Z <- atrans.mc(B/S, Omega.half.inv)
        B <- S*atrans.mc(Z, Omega.half)


    for (k in record.which) {
      if (i > burn.in & (i - burn.in)%%thin == 0 & k != 1) {
        if (prior == "sno") {
          res.Sigma[[k]][(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Omega[[k]])
        } else if (prior == "sng") {
          es <- c^(-1/2)*gamma(c + 1/2)/gamma(c)
          els <- (1 - es^2)*diag(1, nrow = p[k], ncol = p[k]) + es^2*matrix(1, nrow = p[k], ncol = p[k])
          res.Sigma[[k]][(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Omega[[k]])*els
        } else if (prior == "spb") {
          es <- sqrt(pi/2)*gamma(2/c)/(sqrt(gamma(1/c)*gamma(3/c)))
          els <- (1 - es^2)*diag(1, nrow = p[k], ncol = p[k]) + es^2*matrix(1, nrow = p[k], ncol = p[k])
          res.Sigma[[k]][(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Omega[[k]])*els
        } else if (prior == "spn") {
          res.Sigma[[k]][(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Omega[[k]])*as.matrix(Psi[[k]])

    if (reg == "linear" & null.Sig.sq) {
      if (print.iter) {cat("Sample Sig.sq \n")}
      resid <- y - Matrix::crossprod(t(U), gamma) - Matrix::crossprod(t(X), c(B))
      #### Last bit here
      Resid <- array(resid, dim = dim(Y))
      Sig.sq.inv <- samp.Omega.inv(Beta = Resid, str = "uns",
                                       pr.V.inv = pr.Sig.sq.inv,
                                       pr.df =  pr.Sig.sq.df)
      Sig.i.rt <- sym.sq.root(Sig.sq.inv)
      Sig.sq <- ei.inv(Sig.sq.inv)
      # Sig.sq <- 1/rgamma(1, shape = pr.sig.sq.shape + length(resid)/2,
      #                    rate = pr.sig.sq.rate + sum(resid^2)/2)

    if (i > burn.in & (i - burn.in)%%thin == 0) {

      res.B[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- c(B)
      res.Z[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- c(gamma, c(B))
      res.gamma[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- gamma
      res.S[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- c(S)
      res.R[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- c(R)
      if (reg == "logit") {
        res.ome[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- ome
      if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb")) {
        res.eta[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- eta
      if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb")) {
        res.deltar[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- deltar
      if (prior == "spb") {
        res.D[(i - burn.in)/thin, ] <- c(deltas)
      if (null.Omega.half[1]) {
        res.rho[(i - burn.in)/thin] <- rho
      if (prior == "spn") {
        if (null.Psi.half[1]) {
          res.rho.psi[(i - burn.in)/thin] <- rho.psi
      if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb") & null.c) {
        res.c[(i - burn.in)/thin] <- c
        acc.c[(i - burn.in)/thin] <- c.samp$acc

      if (reg == "linear" & null.Sig.sq) {
        res.Sig.sq[(i - burn.in)/thin, , ] <- as.matrix(Sig.sq)

  res.list <- list("Bs" = res.B, "gammas" = res.gamma,
                   "Ss" = res.S, "Zs" = res.Z, "Rs" = res.R)
  res.list[["omes"]] <- res.ome

  if (prior == "spb") {
    res.list[["Ds"]] <- res.D
  if (max(null.Omega.half) == 1) {
    res.list[["Omegas"]] <- res.Omega
    res.list[["rhos"]] <- res.rho
  if (record.Sigma) {
    res.list[["Sigmas"]] <- res.Sigma
  if (prior == "spn") {
    if (max(null.Psi.half) == 1) {
      res.list[["Psis"]] <- res.Psi
      res.list[["rho.psis"]] <- res.rho.psi
  if (reg == "linear" & null.Sig.sq) {
    res.list[["Sig.sqs"]] <- res.Sig.sq
  if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb") & null.c) {
    res.list[["cs"]] <- res.c
    res.list[["acc.cs"]] <- acc.c
  if (prior %in% c("sng", "spb")) {
    res.list[["deltar"]] <- res.deltar
    res.list[["etas"]] = res.eta

maryclare/sspcomp documentation built on Aug. 4, 2023, 5:26 p.m.