
Defines functions app_server

### Server Function for the App
if(getRversion() >= '2.5.1') {
  globalVariables(c('demo_info', 'demo_unfiltered', 'demo_filtered', 'demo_meta', 'demo',
                    'ani_id', 'Animal', 'Date', 'site', 'LocationID', 'tags', 'DateTime',
                    'Elevation', 'TimeDiffMins', 'Rate', 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'LongBin',
                    'LatBin', 'Duration', 'stopApp', 'Speed', 'Slope', 'Aspect',
                    'lat', 'lon', 'closest_water'))

#'Defines logic for updating the app based on user interaction in the ui
#'@param input see shiny app architecture
#'@param output see shiny app architecture
#'@param session see shiny app architecture
#'@return server function for use in a shiny app
#'@import shiny
#'@import ggplot2
#'@import dplyr
#'@import leaflet
#'@import leaflet.extras
app_server <- function(input, output, session) {
  meta <- reactiveVal(demo_meta) # set metadata to demo metadata
  # data upload flags
  uploaded <- reactiveVal(FALSE) # dataset not yet uploaded
  water_uploaded <- reactiveVal(FALSE) # water file not yet uploaded
  fence_uploaded <- reactiveVal(FALSE) # fence file not yet uploaded
  processingInitiated <- reactiveVal(FALSE) # data not yet processed
  processingInitiatedAll <- reactiveVal(FALSE) # for "process all" button in app
  # get metadata and list of files from uploaded folder
  raw_dat <- reactive({
    if(is.null(input$zipInput)) {
    dat_info <- store_batch_list(input$zipInput)
    shinyBS::updateCollapse(session = session, id = "restrictOptions",  open = "restrict_options")
  # get sf geometries from uploaded water file
  water_geoms <- reactive({
    if(!is.null(input$waterInput)) {
      unlink(file.path("temp_water"), recursive=TRUE) # remove temp_water folder if exists
      # export KML coordinates from uploaded water file to temp_water folder
      water_coords <- maptools::getKMLcoordinates(kmlfile = utils::unzip(zipfile = input$waterInput$datapath, 
                                                                         exdir = "temp_water"),
                                                  ignoreAltitude = TRUE)
      water_geoms <- sf::st_sfc(lapply(water_coords, kmz_to_sf)) # convert KML coordinates to spatial geometries
      names(water_geoms) <- paste0("V",1:length(water_geoms)) # assign names V1...Vn to geometries
      water_uploaded(TRUE)  # set water uploaded flag to true
      unlink(file.path("temp_water"), recursive=TRUE) # remove temp_water folder
  # get sf geometries from uploaded fence file
  kmz_coords <- reactive({
    if(!is.null(input$kmzInput)) {
      unlink(file.path("temp_fence"), recursive=TRUE) # remove temp_fence folder if it exists
      # get KML coordinates from uploaded fence file and export to temp_fence folder
      coords <- maptools::getKMLcoordinates(kmlfile = utils::unzip(zipfile = input$kmzInput$datapath, 
                                                                   exdir = "temp_fence"),
                                            ignoreAltitude = TRUE)
      fence_uploaded(TRUE) # set fence uploaded flag to true
      unlink(file.path("temp_fence"), recursive=TRUE) # remove temp_fence folder
  # display number of animal data files uploaded in app
  output$numUploaded <- renderText(paste0(ifelse(is.null(input$zipInput), 0, length(raw_dat()$data)), " files uploaded"))
  # clean unfiltered data for unfiltered download option
  clean_unfiltered <- reactive({
    if(is.null(input$zipInput)) { # if demo data selected return it to save processing steps
    if(!identical(raw_dat(), demo_info)) {
      return(clean_batch_df(raw_dat(), filters = FALSE))
  # clean filtered data for filtered download option
  clean_filtered <- reactive({
    if(is.null(input$zipInput)) { # if demo data selected return it to save processing steps
    if(!identical(raw_dat(), demo_info)) {
      max_rate <- 84
      max_course <- 100
      max_dist <- 840
      max_clean_time <- 3600
      if(!is.null(input$max_rate)) {
        max_rate <- input$max_rate
      if(!is.null(input$max_course)) {
        max_course <- input$max_course
      if(!is.null(input$max_dist)) {
        max_dist <- input$max_dist
      if(!is.null(input$max_clean_time)) {
        max_clean_time <- input$max_clean_time
      return(clean_batch_df(raw_dat(), filters = TRUE, max_rate = max_rate, 
                            max_course = max_course, max_dist = max_dist,
                            max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
  # "process all" button event handler
  observeEvent(input$processButton, {
    # check cleaning parameters
    max_rate <- 84
    max_course <- 100
    max_dist <- 840
    max_clean_time <- 3600
    if(!is.null(input$max_rate)) {
      max_rate <- input$max_rate
    if(!is.null(input$max_course)) {
      max_course <- input$max_course
    if(!is.null(input$max_dist)) {
      max_dist <- input$max_dist
    if(!is.null(input$max_clean_time)) {
      max_clean_time <- input$max_clean_time
    # with elevation and weather
    if(input$elevBox && input$weatherBox) {
      selected_station <- stations() %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == gsub(" *\\(.*", "", choose_station()))
      # check that lat/long bounds are populated before elevation lookup
      if(!is.null(lat_bounds()) && !is.null(long_bounds())) {
        meta(clean_store_batch(raw_dat(), dbscan_enable=input$dbscan_enable,
                               dbscan_knn_eps = input$knn_eps,
                               dbscan_knn_k = input$knn_k,
                               filters = input$filterBox,
                               zoom = input$selected_zoom,
                               get_elev = TRUE,
                               get_slope = input$slopeBox, get_aspect = input$aspectBox, 
                               weather_vars = input$selected_weather, selected_station = selected_station,
                               min_lat = lat_bounds()[1], max_lat = lat_bounds()[2],
                               min_long = long_bounds()[1], max_long = long_bounds()[2], 
                               max_rate = max_rate, max_course = max_course, 
                               max_dist = max_dist, max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
      else {
        meta(clean_store_batch(raw_dat(), dbscan_enable=input$dbscan_enable,
                               dbscan_knn_eps = input$knn_eps,
                               dbscan_knn_k = input$knn_k,
                               filters = input$filterBox,
                               zoom = input$selected_zoom,
                               get_elev = TRUE,
                               get_slope = input$slopeBox, get_aspect = input$aspectBox, 
                               weather_vars = input$selected_weather, selected_station = selected_station,
                               min_lat = lat_bounds()[1], max_lat = lat_bounds()[2],
                               min_long = long_bounds()[1], max_long = long_bounds()[2], 
                               max_rate = max_rate, max_course = max_course, 
                               max_dist = max_dist, max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
    # elevation only
    else if(input$elevBox) {
      if(!is.null(lat_bounds()) && !is.null(long_bounds())) {
        meta(clean_store_batch(raw_dat(), dbscan_enable=input$dbscan_enable,
                               dbscan_knn_eps = input$knn_eps,
                               dbscan_knn_k = input$knn_k,
                               filters = input$filterBox,
                               zoom = input$selected_zoom,
                               get_elev = TRUE,
                               get_slope = input$slopeBox, get_aspect = input$aspectBox, 
                               weather_vars = NULL, selected_station = NULL,
                               min_lat = lat_bounds()[1], max_lat = lat_bounds()[2],
                               min_long = long_bounds()[1], max_long = long_bounds()[2], 
                               max_rate = max_rate, max_course = max_course, 
                               max_dist = max_dist, max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
      else {
        meta(clean_store_batch(raw_dat(), dbscan_enable=input$dbscan_enable,
                               dbscan_knn_eps = input$knn_eps,
                               dbscan_knn_k = input$knn_k,
                               filters = input$filterBox,
                               zoom = input$selected_zoom,
                               get_elev = TRUE,
                               get_slope = input$slopeBox, get_aspect = input$aspectBox, 
                               weather_vars = NULL, selected_station = NULL,
                               max_rate = max_rate, max_course = max_course, 
                               max_dist = max_dist, max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
    # weather only
    else if(input$weatherBox) {
      selected_station <- stations() %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == gsub(" *\\(.*", "", choose_station()))
      meta(clean_store_batch(raw_dat(), dbscan_enable=input$dbscan_enable,
                             dbscan_knn_eps = input$knn_eps,
                             dbscan_knn_k = input$knn_k,
                             filters = input$filterBox,
                             weather_vars = input$selected_weather, selected_station = selected_station,
                             max_rate = max_rate, max_course = max_course, 
                             max_dist = max_dist, max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
    # just clean, no extra data
    else {
      meta(clean_store_batch(raw_dat(), filters = input$filterBox, max_rate = max_rate, max_course = max_course,
                             max_dist = max_dist, max_clean_time = max_clean_time))
  # "process selected" button event handler
  observeEvent(input$processSelectedButton, {
    processingInitiated(TRUE) # set "process selected" flag to true
  # close the panel for restricting data on start-up
    shinyBS::updateCollapse(session = session, id = "restrictOptions",  close = "restrict_options")
  # hide/show panels
  observeEvent(input$filterBox, {
    if(input$filterBox) {
      shinyjs::show(id = "filterOptions")
    else {
      shinyjs::hide(id = "filterOptions")
  observeEvent(input$kalman_enable, {
    if(input$kalman_enable) {
      shinyjs::show(id = "kalmanOptions")
    else {
      shinyjs::hide(id = "kalmanOptions")
  observeEvent(input$dbscan_enable, {
    if(input$dbscan_enable) {
      shinyjs::show(id = "dbscanOptions")
    else {
      shinyjs::hide(id = "dbscanOptions")
  observeEvent(input$elevBox, {
    if(input$elevBox) {
      shinyjs::show(id = "elevOptions")
    else {
      shinyjs::hide(id = "elevOptions")
  observeEvent(input$weatherBox, {
    if(input$weatherBox) {
      shinyjs::show(id = "weatherOptions")
    else {
      shinyjs::hide(id = "weatherOptions")
  # last data set accessed
  cache <- reactiveVal(list())
  stations <- reactive({
    if(is.null(lat_bounds()) || is.null(long_bounds()) || is.null(choose_dates()) || !valid_times()) {
    # convert min date and time to year/month/day_hour/minute/second format in UTC
    min_datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(choose_dates()[1], min_time()), tz="UTC", quiet = TRUE), tz="UTC")
    # convert max date and time to year/month/day_hour/minute/second format in UTC
    max_datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(choose_dates()[2], max_time()), tz="UTC", quiet = TRUE), tz="UTC")
    station_options <- rnoaa::isd_stations_search(lat = median(lat_bounds()[1], lat_bounds()[2]), 
                                           lon = median(long_bounds()[1], long_bounds()[2]), 
                                           radius = 10000 ) %>% 
      mutate(begin = as.Date(as.character(begin), format = "%Y%m%d"),
             end = as.Date(as.character(end), format = "%Y%m%d")) %>%
      filter(min_datetime > begin, max_datetime < end) %>%
      slice_head(n = 10)
  valid_times <- reactive({
    if(is_valid_time(min_time()) && is_valid_time(max_time())) {
  # main dynamic data set
  dat_main <- reactive({
    # if no animal, date, or time selected
    if(is.null(choose_ani()) || is.null(choose_dates()) || !valid_times()) {
      if(is.null(choose_recent())) { # if no data in cache
        return(demo) # return demo data to prevent crashing
      return(cache()[[1]]$df) # else return first dataset in cache
    else { # else all selections are made
      meta <- meta() # get current metadata
      if(any(meta$ani_id  %in% choose_ani()) ){ # if animal selection contains animals in metadata
        meta <- meta %>%
          dplyr::filter(ani_id %in% choose_ani()) # filter selected animals in metadata
      ani_names <- paste(choose_ani(), collapse = ", ") # convert animal IDs to comma-separated list
      # convert min date and time to year/month/day_hour/minute/second format in UTC
      min_datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(choose_dates()[1], min_time()), tz="UTC", quiet = TRUE), tz="UTC")
      # convert max date and time to year/month/day_hour/minute/second format in UTC
      max_datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(choose_dates()[2], max_time()), tz="UTC", quiet = TRUE), tz="UTC")
      # cache label format: selected animals, min date/time - max date/time
      cache_name <- paste0(ani_names,", ",min_datetime,"-",max_datetime)
      # if "process all" / "process selected" button pushed, new data uploaded, or new selection (not stored in cache)
      if( processingInitiatedAll() || processingInitiated() || (uploaded() || !(cache_name %in% names(cache())))) {
        max_rate <- 84
        max_course <- 100
        max_dist <- 840
        max_clean_time <- 3600
        if(!is.null(input$max_rate)) {
          max_rate <- input$max_rate
        if(!is.null(input$max_course)) {
          max_course <- input$max_course
        if(!is.null(input$max_dist)) {
          max_dist <- input$max_dist
        if(!is.null(input$max_time)) {
          max_clean_time <- input$max_clean_time
        # if no user provided data, use demo data
        if(is.null(input$zipInput)) {
          current_df <- demo %>% dplyr::filter(Animal %in% meta$ani_id,
                                               DateTime >= min_datetime, DateTime <= max_datetime) 
          if(processingInitiated()) {  # if "process selected" button pushed
            processingInitiated(FALSE) # turn off "process selected" flag
            if(input$kalman_enable) {
              status_message <- modalDialog(
                pre(id = "console"),
                title = "Please Wait...",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL
              # display status message in popup window
                shinyjs::html("console", "")
                max_timestep <- 300
                if(!is.null(input$kalman_max_timestep)) {
                  max_timestep <- input$kalman_max_timestep
                current_df <- current_df %>% kalman(min_longitude = min(demo$Longitude), max_longitude = max(demo$Longitude),
                                                    min_latitude = min(demo$Latitude), max_latitude = max(demo$Latitude),
                                                    max_timestep = max_timestep)
              message = function(m) {
                shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message)
            if(input$dbscan_enable) {
              status_message <- modalDialog(
                pre(id = "console"),
                title = "Please Wait...",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL
              # display status message in popup window
                shinyjs::html("console", "")
                knn_eps <- 0.001
                knn_k <- 5
                if(!is.null(input$knn_eps)) {
                  knn_eps <- input$knn_eps
                if(!is.null(input$knn_k)) {
                  knn_k <- input$knn_k
                current_df <- current_df %>% cluster_analyze(knn_eps = knn_eps, knn_k = knn_k)
              message = function(m) {
                shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message)
            if(input$elevBox) {
              current_df <- current_df %>% dplyr::filter(Latitude >= lat_bounds()[1], Latitude <= lat_bounds()[2], 
                                                   Longitude >= long_bounds()[1], Longitude <= long_bounds()[2]) # filter demo data to date range and animals shown on app startup
              if(nrow(current_df) == 0) { # if filter returns empty dataset, default to demo animals shown on app startup
                current_df <- current_df %>% dplyr::filter(Animal %in% meta$ani_id)
              cache_name <- paste(cache_name, "(processed)") # cache label: cache label + (processed)
              status_message <- modalDialog(
                pre(id = "console"),
                title = "Please Wait...",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL
              # display status message in popup window
              # get elevation for current data
                shinyjs::html("console", "")
                current_df <- lookup_elevation_aws(current_df, zoom = input$selected_zoom, get_slope = input$slopeBox, get_aspect = input$aspectBox) 
              message = function(m) {
                shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message)
            selected_vars <- c()
            # get weather data
            if(input$weatherBox && length(input$selected_weather) != 0) {
              if("wind direction" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "wind_direction")
              if("wind speed" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "wind_speed")
              if("ceiling height" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "ceiling_height")
              if("visibility distance" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "visibility_distance")
              if("temperature" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "temperature")
              if("dewpoint temperature" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "temperature_dewpoint")
              if("air pressure" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "air_pressure")
              if("precipitation depth" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "AA1_depth")
                shinyjs::html("console", "")
                selected_station <- stations() %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == gsub(" *\\(.*", "", choose_station()))
                current_df <- current_df %>% 
                  lookup_weather(selected_vars, search = FALSE, station = selected_station, is_shiny = TRUE)
              message = function(m) {
                shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message)
            removeModal() # remove popup
          else if(processingInitiatedAll()) {
            cache_name <- paste(cache_name, "(processed)")
        # if user provided data, get it
        else {
          # temporarily set current_df to first cached df to avoid error
          current_df <- cache()[[1]]$df
          if(processingInitiated()) {  # if "process selected" button pushed
            processingInitiated(FALSE) # turn off "process selected" flag
            cache_name <- paste(cache_name, "(processed)") # cache label: cache label + (processed)
            current_df <- cache()[[choose_recent()]]$df %>% # filter current data by lat/long and date/time bounds
              dplyr::filter(DateTime >= min_datetime, DateTime <= max_datetime) 
            if(nrow(current_df) == 0) { # if empty dataset is returned default to current data

            if(input$kalman_enable) {
              status_message <- modalDialog(
                pre(id = "console"),
                title = "Please Wait...",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL
              # display status message in popup window
              max_timestep <- 300
              if(!is.null(input$kalman_max_timestep)) {
                max_timestep <- input$kalman_max_timestep
              current_df <- current_df %>% kalman(min_longitude = long_bounds()[1], max_longitude = long_bounds()[2],
                                            min_latitude = lat_bounds()[1], max_latitude = lat_bounds()[2],
                                            max_timestep = max_timestep)
            if(input$dbscan_enable) {
              status_message <- modalDialog(
                pre(id = "console"),
                title = "Please Wait...",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL
              # display status message in popup window
              knn_eps <- 0.001
              knn_k <- 5
              if(!is.null(input$knn_eps)) {
                knn_eps <- input$knn_eps
              if(!is.null(input$knn_k)) {
                knn_k <- input$knn_k
              current_df <- current_df %>% cluster_analyze(knn_eps = knn_eps, knn_k = knn_k)
            # clean current data
            #current_df <- clean_location_data(current_df, dtype = "", prep = FALSE, filters = input$filterBox) 
            if(input$elevBox) {
              current_df <- current_df %>% 
                filter(Latitude >= lat_bounds()[1], Latitude <= lat_bounds()[2], 
                       Longitude >= long_bounds()[1], Longitude <= long_bounds()[2])
              if(nrow(current_df == 0)) {
                current_df <- cache()[[choose_recent()]]$df %>% # filter current data by lat/long and date/time bounds
                  dplyr::filter(DateTime >= min_datetime, DateTime <= max_datetime)
              # data processing status message
              status_message <- modalDialog(
                pre(id = "console"),
                title = "Please Wait...",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL
              # display status message in popup window
              # get elevation for current data
                shinyjs::html("console", "")
                current_df <- lookup_elevation_aws(current_df, zoom = input$selected_zoom, get_slope = input$slopeBox, get_aspect = input$aspectBox) 
              message = function(m) {
                shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message)
            selected_vars <- c()
            # get weather data
            if(input$weatherBox && length(input$selected_weather) != 0) {
              if("wind direction" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "wind_direction")
              if("wind speed" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "wind_speed")
              if("ceiling height" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "ceiling_height")
              if("visibility distance" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "visibility_distance")
              if("temperature" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "temperature")
              if("dewpoint temperature" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "temperature_dewpoint")
              if("air pressure" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "air_pressure")
              if("precipitation depth" %in% input$selected_weather) {
                selected_vars <- c(selected_vars, "AA1_depth")
                shinyjs::html("console", "")
                selected_station <- stations() %>% dplyr::filter(station_name == gsub(" *\\(.*", "", choose_station()))
                current_df <- current_df %>% 
                  lookup_weather(selected_vars, search = FALSE, station = selected_station, is_shiny = TRUE)
              message = function(m) {
                shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message)
            removeModal() # remove popup
          else if(processingInitiatedAll()) { # else if "process all" button pushed
            processingInitiatedAll(FALSE) # turn off "process all" flag
            meta <- meta() # get meta 
            ani_names <- paste(meta$ani_id, collapse = ", ") # get all animal IDs in meta
            min_datetime <- min(meta$min_date) # initialize min date/time to min date in meta
            max_datetime <- max(meta$max_date) # initialize max date/time to max date in meta
            cache_name <- paste(cache_name, "(processed)")
            current_df <- get_data_from_meta(meta, min_datetime, max_datetime) # get unfiltered current data
          else { # else, just filter current data
            if(any(meta$ani_id  %in% choose_ani()) ){
              if(uploaded()) {
                min_datetime <- min(meta$min_date)
                max_datetime <- max(meta$max_date)
              current_df <- get_data_from_meta(meta, min_datetime, max_datetime) %>% 
                dplyr::filter(Animal %in% choose_ani())
            else { # if no selected animals in active dataset, just return the active dataset
              if(is.null(choose_recent())) { 
        # add LocationID column to the restricted data set
        current_df <- current_df %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(LocationID = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(Animal %in% choose_ani())
        # enqueue to cache
        updated_cache <- cache()
        updated_cache[[cache_name]] <- list(df = current_df, ani = choose_ani(), date1 = min_datetime, date2 = max_datetime)
        # dequeue if there are more than 5 dfs 
        if(length(updated_cache) > 5) {
          updated_cache <- updated_cache[-1]
      if(is.null(choose_recent())) { # if currently selected dataset in cache is empty
        return(cache()[[1]]$df) # display first dataset in cache to prevent crashing
      return(cache()[[choose_recent()]]$df) # display the filtered/processed current dataset
  # show number of rows in currently displayed data
  output$nrow_recent <- renderText(paste0(nrow(dat_main()), " rows selected"))
  # show first 10 lines of current data
  output$head_recent <- renderTable(utils::head(dat_main() %>% dplyr::select(Date, Time, Animal, GPS, Latitude, Longitude, Distance, Rate, Course)))
  # Filter options
  output$max_rate <- renderUI({
    numericInput("max_rate", "Max movement rate (m/min):", value = 84, min = 1, max = 1000, step = 1)
  output$max_course <- renderUI({
    numericInput("max_course", "Max distance (m):", value = 100, min = 1, max = 1000, step = 1)

  output$max_dist <- renderUI({
    numericInput("max_dist", "Max geographic distance (m):", value = 840, min = 1, max = 2000, step = 1)

  output$max_clean_time <- renderUI({
    numericInput("max_clean_time", "Max time (min):", value = 3600, min = 1, max = 15000, step = 1)
  output$knn_eps <- renderUI({
    numericInput("knn_eps", "K-Nearest DBSCAN EPS", value = 0.001, min = 0.0001, max = 1000, step = 0.001)
  output$knn_k <- renderUI({
    numericInput("knn_k", "K-Nearest DBSCAN K", value = 5, min = 1, max = 2000, step = 1)
  # select lat/long bounds
  lat_bounds <- callModule(reactiveRange, 
                           id = "lat_bounds", type = "latitude", dat = raw_dat)
  long_bounds <- callModule(reactiveRange, 
                           id = "long_bounds", type = "longitude", dat = raw_dat)
  output$zoom <- renderUI({
    numericInput("selected_zoom", "Zoom:", value = input$mainmap_zoom, min = 1, max = 14, step = 1)
  # Configuration for the Kalman algorithm -- it uses lat/long from the elevation options
  output$kalman_max_timestep <- renderUI({
    numericInput("kalman_max_timestep", "Maximum Kalman timestep", value = 300, min = 0, max = 10000, step = 1)
  # select data sites
  choose_site <- callModule(reactivePicker, "choose_site",
                            type = "site", req_list = list(meta = meta), 
                            text = "Select Site(s)", min_selected = 1, max_selected = 2, 
                            multiple = TRUE, options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE))
  # select animals
  choose_ani <- callModule(reactivePicker, "choose_ani",
                           type = "ani", req_list = list(meta = meta, selected_site = choose_site),
                           text = "Select Animal(s)", min_selected = 1, max_selected = 4,
                           multiple = TRUE, options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE))
  # select dates
  choose_dates <- callModule(datePicker, "choose_dates",
                             req_list = list(meta = meta, selected_ani = choose_ani), text = "Date Range")
  # select time range
  min_time <- callModule(time, id = "min_time",
                         type = "min", meta = meta, selected_ani = choose_ani)
  max_time <- callModule(time, id = "max_time",
                         type = "max", meta = meta, selected_ani = choose_ani)
  # select weather station
  choose_station <- callModule(reactivePicker, "choose_station",
                               type = "station", req_list = list(stations = stations),
                               text = "Select weather station (sorted by dist from center of data)", multiple = FALSE)
  # select variables to compute statistics
  choose_cols <- callModule(staticPicker, "choose_cols",
                            selected_ani = choose_ani, text = "Choose Variables for Statistics",
                            choices = c("Elevation", "TimeDiffMins", "Course", "CourseDiff", "Distance", "Rate", "Slope", "Aspect"),
                            min_selected = 1, max_selected = 4)
  # select summary statistics
  choose_stats <- callModule(staticPicker, "choose_stats",
                             selected_ani = choose_ani, text = "Choose Summary Statistics",
                             choices = c("N", "Mean", "SD", "Variance", "Min", "Max", "Range", "IQR",  "Q1", "Median", "Q3"),
                             min_selected = 1, max_selected = 6)
  # select recent data
  choose_recent <- callModule(reactivePicker, "choose_recent",
                              type = "recent", 
                              req_list = list(dat_main = dat_main, selected_ani = choose_ani, dates = choose_dates, 
                                              min_time = min_time, max_time = max_time, valid_times = valid_times, cache = cache),
                              text = "Select Data", multiple = FALSE)
  # spatial points for maps
  points_main <- reactive({
    # If missing input, return to avoid error later in function
    sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = dat_main()[c("Longitude", "Latitude")], 
                           data = dat_main(),
                           proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
  ### Subseted data set
  dat <- reactive({
    # subset data if user has defined selected locations
      return(dat_main() %>% dplyr::filter(Latitude != 0 | Longitude != 0))
        dat_main() %>%
        dplyr::filter(Latitude != 0 | Longitude != 0) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(LocationID %in% selected_locations())
  # subsetted spatial points for maps
  points <- reactive({
    # If missing input, return to avoid error later in function
    req(dat )

    sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = dat()[c("Longitude", "Latitude")], 
                           data = dat(),
                           proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

  # Show real-time Information about the Mapped Data
  output$mapinfo <- renderUI({
    tags$div(class="row well", 
                list(tags$h4("Map Info"),
                tags$p( paste("Current zoom level =", as.character(input$mainmap_zoom) ) )
  base_map <- reactive({
    leaflet() %>%  # Add tiles
    addTiles(group="street map") %>%
    fitBounds(stats::median(meta()$min_long), stats::median(meta()$min_lat), stats::median(meta()$max_long), stats::median(meta()$max_lat)) %>%
    # addProviderTiles("OpenTopoMap") %>%
    addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "satellite") %>%
      markerOptions = FALSE,
      circleOptions = FALSE,
      circleMarkerOptions = FALSE,
      polygonOptions = drawPolygonOptions(
          fillOpacity = .2
          ,color = 'white'
          , fillColor = "mediumseagreen"
          ,weight = 3)),
      rectangleOptions = drawRectangleOptions(
          fillOpacity = .2
          ,color = 'white'
          , fillColor = "mediumseagreen"
          ,weight = 3)),
      editOptions = editToolbarOptions(edit = FALSE, selectedPathOptions = selectedPathOptions())) 

  output$mainmap <- renderLeaflet(base_map())
  # initialize list of previously drawn datasets
  last_drawn <- reactiveVal(NULL)
  # initialize list of previously drawn LocationIDs
  last_locations <- reactiveVal(NULL)
  # map updater
    req(points, choose_ani())
    pts <- points() # get animal data points
    pts$Animal <- as.character(pts$Animal)
    if (is.null(choose_recent())) {
      return(leaflet() %>%  # Add tiles
               addTiles(group = "street map"))
    current_anilist <- cache()[[choose_recent()]] # get animal IDs and date range of current data
    proxy <- leafletProxy("mainmap", session) # get map
    custom_icon_list <- list("asterisk", "plus", "star", "heart", "ok",
                             "stop", "remove-circle", "minus-sign", "eye-open", "bell")
    color_list <- as.list("green", "pink", "darkpurple", "cadetblue", "lightblue", "darkred",
                          "lightred", "darkgreen", "red", "darkblue", "lightgreen",
                          "blue", "gray", "black", "beige", "purple", "orange")
    # restrict color list length to number of unique animals in current data
    my_colors <- color_list[1:length(levels(factor(pts$Animal)))]
    names(my_colors) <- levels(factor(pts$Animal))
    # assign colors to animal data points
    pts$color_label <- as.character(factor(pts$Animal, labels = my_colors[levels(factor(pts$Animal))]))
    water_geoms <- water_geoms() # get water geometries if they exist
    # cases to refresh entire map:
    # - new animal data uploaded
    # - new water geometries uploaded
    # - data was just processed
    # - no data in draw history (app startup)
    # - no data in location history (first time polygon is drawn)
    # - locations in new polygon are different from old locations and animals in selected data are different from current animals
    # - intersection between animals in selected data and current data is empty
    # - date change
    if (uploaded() || water_uploaded() || grepl("(processed)", choose_recent()) || is.null(last_drawn()) || (!is.null(selected_locations()) & is.null(last_locations())) || (!is.null(selected_locations()) & !identical(last_locations(), selected_locations()) & !identical(last_drawn()$ani, current_anilist))  
         || (!any(current_anilist$ani %in% last_drawn()$ani)) || (identical(last_drawn()$ani, current_anilist$ani) & identical(last_locations(), selected_locations()) & (last_drawn()$date1 != current_anilist$date1 || last_drawn()$date2 != current_anilist$date2))) {
      if(!is.null(last_drawn()) & !(uploaded() & identical(current_anilist, last_drawn()))) { # if previously drawn points exist remove them
        for(ani in last_drawn()$ani) {
          proxy %>% clearGroup(ani)
      # if fencing exists plot it
      if(length(kmz_coords()) > 0) {
        plot_geographic_features(proxy, kmz_coords())
      # if water exists plot it
      if(length(water_geoms) > 0) {
        plot_water_sources(proxy, pts, water_geoms, custom_icon_list)
        if(water_uploaded()) {
      } # if water closing bracket
      else {
        # plot animal points without water
        plot_animal_points(proxy, pts)
      } # else no water closing bracket
      if(!is.null(selected_locations())) {
        proxy %>% fitBounds(min(dat()$Longitude), min(dat()$Latitude), max(dat()$Longitude), max(dat()$Latitude))
      } # if selected locations closing bracket
      if(uploaded() & !identical(current_anilist, last_drawn())) {
    } # if closing bracket
    else if(fence_uploaded()) {
      plot_geographic_features(proxy, kmz_coords())
    else if(!identical(last_drawn()$ani, current_anilist$ani)){ # if intersection between selected data and current data is not empty
      # remove old points
      for(ani in setdiff(last_drawn()$ani, current_anilist$ani)) {
        proxy %>% clearGroup(ani)
      if(length(kmz_coords()) > 0) {
        plot_geographic_features(proxy, kmz_coords())
      if(length(water_geoms) > 0) {
        plot_water_sources(proxy, pts, water_geoms, custom_icon_list)
      } # if water closing bracket
      else {
        plot_animal_points(proxy, pts)
      } # else no water closing bracket

    } # if new points
    # add heatmap and layer control 
    if(length(kmz_coords()) > 0  & length(water_geoms()) > 0) {
      overlay <- c(unique(pts$Animal), "geographic feature", "water source", "heat map")
    else if(length(kmz_coords()) > 0) {
      overlay <- c(unique(pts$Animal), "geographic feature", "heat map")
    else if(length(water_geoms()) > 0) {
      overlay <- c(unique(pts$Animal), "water source", "heat map")
    else {
      overlay <- c(unique(pts$Animal), "heat map")
    proxy %>% 
        data = pts,
        group = "heat map",
        # intensity = pts$Elevation,
        blur = 20,
        max = 0.05,
        radius = 15
      ) %>%
      hideGroup("heat map") %>%  # turn off heatmap by default
        baseGroups = c("satellite", "street map"),
        overlayGroups = overlay,
        options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
  }) # observe

  observeEvent(input$generateGif, {
    status_message <- modalDialog(
      pre(id = "console", cat(file=stdout(), str(cars))),
      title = "Generating animation...",
      easyClose = TRUE,
      footer = NULL
    #.gif generation for the time-series animation
    output$animatedPlot <- renderImage({
      # Store in temporary file
      outfile <- tempfile(fileext='.gif')
      # Get time-series graph bounded by the mean Lat/Long
      animate_df <- clean_filtered() %>% select (Date, Time, Latitude, Longitude)
      DateandTimeString = paste(animate_df$Date, animate_df$Time)
      DateandTimeFormat <- as.POSIXct(DateandTimeString,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz=Sys.timezone())
      lat_bot_bound = min(animate_df$Latitude)
      lat_top_bound = max(animate_df$Latitude)
      lon_bot_bound = min(animate_df$Longitude)
      lon_top_bound = max(animate_df$Longitude)
      # Create the animation with given styling values
      dataGraph <- ggplot(animate_df, aes(y=Latitude,x=Longitude)) + geom_point() +
        gganimate::transition_time(DateandTimeFormat) + 
        xlim(lon_bot_bound,lon_top_bound) + ylim(lat_bot_bound,lat_top_bound) +
        gganimate::ease_aes('linear') + 
        labs(title = "Time: {frame_time}") + 
        gganimate::shadow_wake(wake_length = 0.1, alpha = FALSE)
      withConsoleRedirect <- function(containerId, expr) {
        # Change type="output" to type="message" to catch stderr
        # (messages, warnings, and errors) instead of stdout.
        txt <- capture.output(results <- expr, type = "output")
        if (length(txt) > 0) {
          insertUI(paste0("#", containerId), where = "beforeEnd",
                   ui = paste0(txt, "\n", collapse = "")
      withConsoleRedirect("console", {
        shinyjs::html("console", "")
        # Save the animation to the temp file, render with gifski
        animation <- gganimate::animate(dataGraph, duration=30,
                                        fps=10, width=750, height=400, 
                                        renderer = gganimate::gifski_renderer())
        gganimate::save_animation(animation, "outfile.gif")
      message = function(m) {
        shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = paste(m$message, m$output))
      # Get the outfile and use it as the return value for the renderImage call
      list(src="outfile.gif", contentType = 'image/gif')}, deleteFile = TRUE)

    # Display the modal, using the outfile as the image source
    # showModal(modalDialog(title = "Generating animation...", size="l", imageOutput("animatedPlot")))
  # Elevation Line Plot
  output$plot_elevation_line <- callModule(reactivePlot, id = "plot_elevation_line", plot_type = "line", dat = dat)
  # Sample Rate Histograms
  output$plot_samplerate_hist <- callModule(reactivePlot, id = "plot_samplerate_hist", plot_type = "hist", dat = dat)
  # Rate by Animal
  output$plot_rate_violin <- callModule(reactivePlot, id = "plot_rate_violin", plot_type = "violin", dat = dat)
  # time spent by lat/long
  output$plot_time_heatmap <- callModule(reactivePlot, id = "plot_time_heatmap", plot_type = "heatmap", dat = dat)
  # Summary Statistics
  # Time Difference
  timediff_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "timediff_title", 
                               choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                               "TimeDiffMins", "Time Difference (minutes) Between GPS Measurements")
  timediff <- callModule(stats, "timediff", 
                         choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                         "TimeDiffMins", TimeDiffMins, dat)
  # Elevation
  elevation_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "elevation_title", 
                               choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                               "Elevation", "Elevation")
  elevation <- callModule(stats, "elevation", 
                         choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                         "Elevation", Elevation, dat)
  # Speed
  speed_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "speed_title", 
                            choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                            "Speed", "Speed")
  speed <- callModule(stats, "speed", 
                      choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                      "Speed", Speed, dat)
  # Course
  course_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "course_title", 
                             choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                             "Course", "Course")
  course <- callModule(stats, "course", 
                       choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                       "Course", Course, dat)
  # Course Difference
  coursediff_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "coursediff_title", 
                             choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                             "CourseDiff", "Course Difference Between GPS Measurements")
  coursediff <- callModule(stats, "coursediff", 
                       choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                       "CourseDiff", CourseDiff, dat)
  # Distance
  distance_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "distance_title", 
                             choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                             "Distance", "Distance")
  distance <- callModule(stats, "distance", 
                       choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                       "Distance", Distance, dat)
  # Rate
  rate_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "rate_title", 
                             choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                             "Rate", "Rate")
  rate <- callModule(stats, "rate", 
                       choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                       "Rate", Rate, dat)
  # Slope
  slope_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "slope_title", 
                             choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                             "Slope", "Slope")
  slope <- callModule(stats, "slope", 
                       choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                       "Slope", Slope, dat)
  # Aspect
  aspect_title <- callModule(statsLabel, "aspect_title", 
                             choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                             "Aspect", "Aspect")
  aspect <- callModule(stats, "aspect", 
                       choose_cols, choose_stats, 
                       "Aspect", Aspect, dat)
  selected_locations <- reactive({
    if(is.null(input$mainmap_draw_new_feature) | is.null(points_main())){
    #Only add new layers for bounded locations
    # transform into a spatial polygon
    drawn_polygon <- sp::Polygon(
    drawn_polys <-  sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(drawn_polygon),"drawn_polygon")))
    raster::crs(drawn_polys) <- raster::crs(points_main())
    # identify selected locations
    selected_locs <- sp::over(points_main(),drawn_polys)
    # get location ids
    locs_out <- as.character( points_main()[["LocationID"]] )
    # if any non-na selected locations, subset the selected locations
    if( any(!is.na(selected_locs)) ){
      locs_out <-locs_out[ which(!is.na(selected_locs)) ] 
  output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste0("data_export_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%p"), ".csv")
    content = function(file) {
      if(input$downloadOptions == "Processed (unfiltered) data") {
        utils::write.csv(clean_unfiltered(), file, row.names = FALSE)
      else if(input$downloadOptions == "Processed (filtered) data") {
        utils::write.csv(clean_filtered(), file, row.names = FALSE)
      else {
        utils::write.csv(dat(), file, row.names = FALSE)
mathedjoe/animaltracker documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 7:46 a.m.