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#' Calculate the TRAP affinity for one or more sequences (one score per sequence)
#' @param pwm The position weight matrix
#' @param motiflength The length of the PWM
#' @param sequence a list of one or more genomic sequences
#' @param seqlength the lengths of the sequences
#' @param Rmax rmax
#' @param lambda lambda
#' @param bothstrands should the affinity be calcuated on both strands (DNA) or just one (RNA)
#' @return a numeric vector of the scores for each sequence
#' @export
R_affinity_sum_multi <- function(pwm, motiflength, sequence, seqlength, Rmax, lambda, bothstrands) {
    .Call('_tRap_R_affinity_sum_multi', PACKAGE = 'tRap', pwm, motiflength, sequence, seqlength, Rmax, lambda, bothstrands)

#' Calculate the TRAP affinity for each position along one or more sequences
#' @inheritParams R_affinity_sum_multi
#' @return a list where each element is a numeric vector containing the
#' scores along the length of a single sequence.
#' @export
R_affinity_multi <- function(pwm, motiflength, sequence, seqlength, Rmax, lambda, bothstrands) {
    .Call('_tRap_R_affinity_multi', PACKAGE = 'tRap', pwm, motiflength, sequence, seqlength, Rmax, lambda, bothstrands)
matthuska/tRap documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:23 p.m.