
Defines functions MissingImputation

Documented in MissingImputation

#' Missing Imputation
#' This function completes regression-based missing imputation. The function
#' accepts a data frame containing variables with missing values. The data 
#' frame can contain variables with no missing values if you would not like to
#' include them in replacing the values with missing variables. However the 
#' data frame must have at least one column with at least one missing value. 
#' The function will look for strictly positive values and percentage values so
#' those same patterns hold with replaced values. If you want to override this 
#' you need to include at least one observation where that logic is broken. In 
#' addition the function can also use a percentage of values to build the 
#' predictive models using \code{sample_frac} option. This is to speed up the 
#' missing imputations however not all fractions are faster than just using all
#' observations. I would recomend using a value less than .5. 
#' @param missing_df A data frame containing at least some columns with missing values
#' @param num_iter Number of iterations to perform
#' @param progress A logical indicator to print the number of completed interactions
#' @param sample_frac A number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of observations to use to build the predictive models. Default is 1 which will use all observations. 
#' @keywords eda
#' @return A list containing
#' \code{complete_obs} a data frame with the missing values replaced through regression imputation
#' \code{change} The differences between each iteration for each variable
#' @examples 
#' iris_df <- iris
#' set.seed(123456)
#' na1 <- runif(nrow(iris_df)) < .25
#' na2 <- runif(nrow(iris_df)) < .33
#' iris_df[["Species"]][na1] <- NA
#' iris_df[["Sepal.Length"]][na2] <- NA
#' iris_complete <- MissingImputation(iris_df, num_iter = 5)
#' difs <- data.frame(Species.Orig = as.character(iris[["Species"]][na1]), Species.Replace = iris_complete$complete_obs[["Species"]][na1], Sepal.Orig = iris[["Sepal.Length"]][na1], Sepal.Replace = iris_complete$complete_obs[["Sepal.Length"]][na1], stringsAsFactors = F)
#' \dontrun{View(difs[[1]], difs[[2]])}
#' \dontrun{ggplot2::qplot(x = Sepal.Orig, y = Sepal.Replace, data = difs)}

MissingImputation <- function(missing_df, num_iter = 10, progress = F, sample_frac = 1){
  if(!("data.frame" %in% class(missing_df))) stop("missing_df must be a data frame")
  if(num_iter < 1) stop("number of iterations must be strictly positive")
  missing_log <- unlist(lapply(missing_df, function(x) any(is.na(x))))
  colorder <- names(missing_df)
  if(sum(missing_log) == 0) stop("data frame must contain some missing values")
  if(all(missing_log)) complete_df <- NULL
  if(!all(missing_log)) complete_df <- missing_df[, !missing_log]
  missing_df <- missing_df[, missing_log]
  factrs <- unlist(lapply(missing_df, is.factor))
  if(any(factrs)) missing_df[, factrs] <- lapply(missing_df[, factrs, drop = F], as.character)
  positive_values <- unlist(lapply(missing_df, function(x) ifelse(class(x) == "numeric" | class(x) == "integer", all(x[!is.na(x)] >= 0), F)))
  pct_values <- unlist(lapply(missing_df, function(x) ifelse(class(x) == "numeric" | class(x) == "integer", all(x[!is.na(x)] <= 1 & x[!is.na(x)] >= 0), F)))
  replace_df <- as.data.frame(lapply(missing_df, function(x){
    na_log <- is.na(x)
    x_na <- sample(x[!na_log], size = sum(na_log), replace = T)
    x[na_log] <- x_na
  }), stringsAsFactors = F)
  cols <- ncol(missing_df)
  change <- matrix(0, nrow = num_iter, ncol = cols)
  colnames(change) <- names(missing_df)
  rownames(change) <- 1:num_iter
  for(i in seq_len(num_iter)){
    if(progress) print(i)
    for(j in seq_len(cols)){
      na_log <- is.na(missing_df[[j]])
      n_unique <- length(unique(missing_df[[j]][!na_log]))
      if(is.null(complete_df)) reg_data <- replace_df
      if(!is.null(complete_df)) reg_data <- cbind(replace_df, complete_df)
      if(class(missing_df[[j]]) == "character"){
        reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]] <- factor(reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]])
        level <- levels(reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]])
        if(n_unique == 1){
          replace_df[[j]][na_log] <- unique(missing_df[[j]][!na_log])
        } else if(n_unique == 2){
          if(sample_frac == 1){
            missing_glm <- glm(formula = paste(names(missing_df)[j], "~ ."), data = reg_data, family = "binomial")
            preds <- vapply(predict(missing_glm, type = "response"), function(x) sample(level, size = 1, prob = c(1 - x, x)), character(1))
          } else {
            samp <- runif(nrow(reg_data)) <= sample_frac
            reg_matr <- data.frame(model.matrix(formula(paste0(names(missing_df)[j], " ~ .-1")), data = reg_data), stringsAsFactors = F)
            reg_matr$Y <- reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]]
            missing_glm <- glm(Y ~ ., data = reg_matr[samp, ], family = "binomial")
            preds <- suppressWarnings(vapply(predict(missing_glm, newdata = reg_matr, type = "response"), function(x) sample(level, size = 1, prob = c(1 - x, x)), character(1)))
          change[i, j] <- sum(replace_df[[j]][na_log] != preds[na_log])
          replace_df[[j]][na_log] <- preds[na_log]
        } else {
          pred_matr <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(reg_data), ncol = length(level) - 1)
          if(sample_frac < 1){
            reg_matr <- data.frame(model.matrix(formula(paste0(names(missing_df)[j], " ~ .-1")), data = reg_data), stringsAsFactors = F)
            samp <- runif(nrow(reg_data)) <= sample_frac
          for(l in seq_len(length(level) - 1)){
            if(sample_frac == 1){
              reg_data$Y <- (reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]] == level[l])*1
              factor_glm <- glm(paste0("Y ~ .-", names(missing_df)[j]), data = reg_data, family = "binomial")
              pred_matr[, l] <- predict(factor_glm)
            } else {
              reg_matr$Y <- (reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]] == level[l])*1
              factor_glm <- glm(Y ~ ., data = reg_matr[samp, ], family = "binomial")
              pred_matr[, l] <- suppressWarnings(predict(factor_glm, newdata = reg_matr))
          probs <- cbind(exp(pred_matr), 1) / (1 + rowSums(exp(pred_matr)))
          probs[is.na(probs)] <- 1
          preds <- apply(probs, 1, function(x) sample(level, size = 1, prob = x/sum(x)))
          change[i, j] <- sum(replace_df[[j]][na_log] != preds[na_log])
          replace_df[[j]][na_log] <- preds[na_log]
      } else {
        if(n_unique == 1){
          replace_df[[j]][na_log] <- unique(missing_df[[j]][!na_log])
        } else {
          if(sample_frac == 1){
            missing_lm <- lm(formula = paste(names(missing_df)[j], "~ ."), data = reg_data)
            preds <- rnorm(length(na_log), mean = predict(missing_lm), sd = summary(missing_lm)$sigma)
          } else {
            samp <- runif(nrow(reg_data)) <= sample_frac
            reg_matr <- data.frame(model.matrix(formula(paste0(names(missing_df)[j], " ~ .-1")), data = reg_data), stringsAsFactors = F)
            reg_matr$Y <- reg_data[[names(missing_df)[j]]]
            missing_lm <- lm(Y ~ ., data = reg_matr[samp, ])
            preds <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(length(na_log), mean = predict(missing_lm), sd = summary(missing_lm)$sigma))
          if(positive_values[j]) preds <- ifelse(preds < 0, 0, preds)
          if(pct_values[j]) preds <- ifelse(preds > 1, 1, preds)
          change[i, j] <- mean(abs(replace_df[[j]][na_log] - preds[na_log]))
          replace_df[[j]][na_log] <- preds[na_log]
  if(is.null(complete_df)) return(list(complete_obs = replace_df, change_amounts = change))
  if(!is.null(complete_df)) return(list(complete_obs = cbind(replace_df, complete_df)[, colorder], change_amounts = change))
# load("~/Documents/Data/Magic/sth_attn_1415.rdata")
# complete_df <- sth_attn_1415[, !unlist(lapply(sth_attn_1415, function(x) any(is.na(x))))]
# missing_df <- sth_attn_1415[, unlist(lapply(sth_attn_1415, function(x) any(is.na(x))))]
# complete_df <- complete_df[, c("Section", "row_name", "seat_number", "Seats", "full_price", "ticket_type", "ticket_status", "sold_status", "plan_event_name", "Price_Name")]
# missing_df <- missing_df[, -c(1, 5, 6, 8:11, 13, 15:19, 22:24, 30)]
mattmills49/modeler documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:25 p.m.