
Defines functions setWindData

Documented in setWindData

#' @title Conversion of dataframe in class windata object
#' @description
#' Shape a dataframe in a class 'windata' object
#' @details
#' The object windata is a list with the parameters that were mencionated before.
#' @param data a dataframe to be converted
#' @param date.var the name of the variable that contains the dates of measurements
#' @param date.format the admit formats are:
#'        - 'YYYYMMDD','YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY.MM.DD' or 'DD/MM/YYYY'       
#' @param time.var the name of the variable that contains the times of measurements
#' @param time.format the admit formats are:
#'        - 'HHMM','HHMMSS','HH:MM','HH:MM:SS','HH.MM' or 'HH.MM.SS'
#' @param ane.names the names to indicate the differents anemometers in the list.
#' @param ane.height the heights of the anemometers 
#' @param speed.ave.var the name/s of the variable/s that contains the average speeds measures.
#' @param speed.min.var the name/s of the variable/s that contains the min speeds measures.
#' @param speed.max.var the name/s of the variable/s that contains the max speeds measures.
#' @param speed.sd.var the name/s of the variable/s that contains the desvest standar of speeds measures.
#' @param speed.unit unit wind speed. At the moment, the unit that can be use is 'm/s'.  
#' @param dir.var the name/s of the variable/s that contains the wind's direction measures
#' @param dir.unit unit wind's directions. At the moment, the unit that can be used is 'deg'.
#' @param temp.var the name/s of the variable/s that contains the wind's temperature measures
#' @param temp.unit unit wind's temperatures. At the moment, the unit that can be used is 'deg'.
#' @param pres.var he name/s of the variable/s that contains the wind's atmospheric pressures measures.
#' @param pres.unit unit wind's atmospheric pressures. At the moment, the unit that can be used is 'deg'.
#' @param name unit wind's atmospheric pressures. At the moment, the unit that can be used is 'deg'.
#' @param NA.values unit wind's atmospheric pressures. At the moment, the unit that can be used is 'deg'.
#' @return Object of class 'windata' (see details).
#' @author Valeria Gogni, Mariano Bonoli, Ruben Bufanio, Diego Edwards
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # simple example using the windspeed data set
#' data(wd)
#' # let's examine windspeed to see the variables' names
#' head(wd)

setWindData <- function(
  data, name = NA, 
  date.format = c("YYYYMMDD", "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY.MM.DD", "DD/MM/YYYY"), 
  time.format = c("HHMM", "HHMMSS", "HH:MM", "HH:MM:SS", 
                  "HH.MM", "HH.MM.SS"), 
  ane.names, ane.height, speed.ave.var, speed.min.var = NA, 
  speed.max.var = NA, speed.sd.var = NA, speed.unit = NA, 
  dir.var, dir.unit = "deg", 
  temp.var = NA, temp.unit = "C", pres.var = NA, pres.unit = "bar", NA.values = NA) {
  vars <- c(speed.ave.var, speed.sd.var, temp.var, dir.var, pres.var, speed.min.var, 
  for (i in vars) {
    if (!is.na(i)) 
      data[data[, i] %in% NA.values, i] <- NA
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  # Checking
  if (sum(colnames(data) == date.var) == 0) 
    stop(paste("The name of the column date.var = ", date.var, " don't exist.", 
               sep = ""))
  if (sum(colnames(data) == time.var) == 0) 
    stop(paste("The name of the column time.var = ", time.var, " don't exist.", 
               sep = ""))
  result <- list()
  cat(paste("Number of records: ", dim(data)[1], "\n", sep = ""))
  # Cleaning
  emptyRec <- which(is.na(data[, date.var]) | is.na(data[, time.var]))
  nEmptyRecords <- length(emptyRec)
  if (nEmptyRecords == 0) {
    cat("All the records has information about date and hour\n")
  } else {
    cat(paste(nEmptyRecords, " records without date/hour were eliminated. See $cleaning$recordsWithoutDate", 
              sep = ""))
  # result[["cleaning"]][["recordsWithoutDate"]] <- data[emptyRec, ]
  data <- data[!is.na(data[, date.var]) & !is.na(data[, time.var]), ]
  # $data result$data <- data.frame(date = data[ ,date.var], time = data[
  # ,time.var])
  # $name
  result[["name"]] <- name
  # $time
  if (date.format == "YYYYMMDD") {
    result[["time"]] <-
      data.frame(year = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 1, 4)), 
                 month = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 5, 6)), 
                 day = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 7, 8)))
  } else if (date.format == "YYYY-MM-DD" | date.format == "YYYY.MM.DD") {
    result[["time"]] <- 
      data.frame(year = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 1, 4)), 
                 month = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 6, 7)), 
                 day = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 9, 10)))
  } else if (date.format == "DD/MM/YYYY") {
    result[["time"]] <- 
      data.frame(year = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 7, 10)), 
                 month = as.numeric(substring(data[, date.var], 4, 5)), 
                 day = as.numeric(substr(data[, date.var], 1, 2)))
  } else {
    stop(paste("The format ", date.format, "isn't admited"))
  if (time.format == "HHMM" | time.format == "HHMMSS") {
    result[["time"]]$hour <- as.numeric(substring(pref0(data[, time.var], 4), 
                                                  1, 2))
    result[["time"]]$minute <- as.numeric(substring(pref0(data[, time.var], 
                                                          4), 3, 4))
  } else if (time.format == "HH:MM" | time.format == "HH:MM:SS" | time.format == 
             "HH.MM" | time.format == "HH.MM.SS") {
    result[["time"]]$hour <- as.numeric(substring(data[, time.var], 1, 2))
    result[["time"]]$minute <- as.numeric(substring(data[, time.var], 4, 5))
  } else {
    stop("The format isn't admit")
  result[["time"]]$dt <- 
    as.POSIXct(paste(result$time$year, ".", 
                     pref0(result$time$month, 2), ".", 
                     pref0(result$time$day, 2), " ", 
                     pref0(result$time$hour, 2), ":", 
                     pref0(result$time$minute, 2), ":00", sep = ""), 
               "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "")
  result[["time"]]$Q <- floor((result$time$month/3) - 0.01) + 1
  result[["interval.minutes"]] <- as.numeric(round(mean(diff(result$time$dt)),0) * ifelse(attr(mean(diff(result$time$dt)),"units")=="mins",1,60))
  cat(paste("Time interval between records: ", result[["interval.minutes"]], 
            " minutes \n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("First time: ", min(result$time$dt), " \n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Last time: ", max(result$time$dt), " \n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("# Records: ", length(result$time$dt), " \n", sep = ""))
  # $speed
  if (is.na(ane.names)[1]) 
    ane.names = "ane1"
  result$ane <- list()
  result$ane$height <- ane.height
  result$ane$nane <- length(ane.names)
  result$ane$ane.names <- ane.names
  for (i in ane.names) {
    j <- which(ane.names == i, arr.ind = T)
    result$ane[[i]] <- data.frame(ave = data[, speed.ave.var[j]])
    if (!is.na(speed.min.var[j])) {
      result$ane[[i]]$min <- data[, speed.min.var[j]]
    if (!is.na(speed.max.var[j])) {
      result$ane[[i]]$max <- data[, speed.max.var[j]]
    # if (!is.na(speed.var.var[j])) {result$ane[[i]]$sd <- sqrt(data[
    # ,speed.var.var[j]])}
    if (!is.na(speed.sd.var[j])) {
      result$ane[[i]]$sd <- data[, speed.sd.var[j]]
    if (!is.na(dir.var[which(ane.names == i, arr.ind = T)])) {
      dir <- data[, dir.var[which(ane.names == i)]] + (360/12)/2
      dir[which(dir >= 360)] <- dir[which(dir >= 360)] - 360
      rose_dir <- c("N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", 
                    "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW")
      result$ane[[i]]$dir = data[, dir.var[which(ane.names == i)]]
      result$ane[[i]]$sect_12 = floor(dir/(360/12)) + 1
      result$ane[[i]]$ang_12 = (floor(dir/(360/12)) + 1) * (360/12)
      result$ane[[i]]$sect_16 = floor(dir/(360/16)) + 1
      result$ane[[i]]$ang_16 = (floor(dir/(360/16)) + 1) * (360/16)
      result$ane[[i]]$rose = factor(rose_dir[floor(dir/(360/16)) + 1], levels = rose_dir)
  # $par
  if (!is.na(temp.var)) {
    result$par$temp$value <- data[, temp.var]
    result$par$temp$unit <- temp.unit
  if (!is.na(pres.var)) {
    result$par$pres$value <- data[, pres.var]
    result$par$pres$unit <- pres.unit
  class(result) <- "windata"
mbonoli/WindResource documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:56 p.m.