### BMIQ.R & CheckBMIQ.R
### This function adjusts for the type-2 bias in Illumina Infinium 450k data.
### Author: Andrew Teschendorff
### Date v_1.1: Nov 2012
### Date v_1.2: 6th Apr 2013
### Date v_1.3: 29th May 2013

### BMIQ is an intra-sample normalisation procedure,  adjusting for the bias in type-2 probe values,  using a 3-step procedure published in Teschendorff AE et al "A Beta-Mixture Quantile Normalisation method for correcting probe design bias in Illumina Infinium 450k DNA methylation data",  Bioinformatics 2012 Nov 21.

### INPUT:
### beta.v: vector consisting of beta-values for a given sample. NAs are not allowed,  so these must be removed or imputed prior to running BMIQ. Beta-values that are exactly 0 or 1 will be replaced by the minimum positive above zero or maximum value below 1,  respectively.
### design.v: corresponding vector specifying probe design type (1 = type1, 2 = type2). This must be of the same length as beta.v and in the same order.
### doH: perform normalisation for hemimethylated type2 probes. By default TRUE.
### nfit: number of probes of a given design to use for the fitting. Default is 10000. Smaller values will make BMIQ run faster at the expense of a small loss in accuracy. For most applications,  even 5000 is ok.
### nL: number of states in beta mixture model. 3 by default. At present BMIQ only works for nL = 3.
### th1.v: thresholds used for the initialisation of the EM-algorithm,  they should represent buest guesses for calling type1 probes hemi-methylated and methylated,  and will be refined by the EM algorithm. Default values work well in most cases.
### th2.v: thresholds used for the initialisation of the EM-algorithm,  they should represent buest guesses for calling type2 probes hemi-methylated and methylated,  and will be refined by the EM algorithm. By default this is null,  and the thresholds are estimated based on th1.v and a modified PBC correction method.
### niter: maximum number of EM iterations to do. By default 5.
### tol: tolerance threshold for EM algorithm. By default 0.001.
### plots: logical specifying whether to plot the fits and normalised profiles out. By default TRUE.
### sampleID: the ID of the sample being normalised.

### A list with the following elements:
### nbeta: the normalised beta-profile for the sample
### class1: the assigned methylation state of type1 probes
### class2: the assigned methylation state of type2 probes
### av1: mean beta-values for the nL classes for type1 probes.
### av2: mean beta-values for the nL classes for type2 probes.
### hf: the "Hubble" dilation factor
### th1: estimated thresholds used for type1 probes
### th2: estimated thresholds used for type2 probes

### ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Andrew Teschendorff
# The original BMIQ function from Teschendorff 2013 adjusts for the type-2 bias in
# Illumina Infinium 450k data.
# Later functions and edits were provided by yours truly, Steve Horvath.
# I changed the code so that one can calibrate methylation data to a gold standard.
# Specifically, I took version v_1.2 by Teschendorff  and fixed minor issues.
# Also I made the code more robust e.g. by changing the optimization algorithm.
# Toward this end, I used the method = "Nelder-Mead" in optim()

### Later functions and edits by Steve Horvath
### # Steve Horvath took version v_1.2 by Teschendorff
# and fixed minor errors. Also he made the code more robust.
# Importantly, SH changed the optimization algorithm to make it #more robust.
# SH used method = "Nelder-Mead" in optim() since the other #optimization method sometimes gets stuck.
#Toward this end, the function blc was replaced by blc2.

# require(RPMM)
betaEst2 <- function (y, w, weights) {
    yobs = !is.na(y)
    if (sum(yobs) <= 1) {
        return(c(1, 1))
    } else {}
    y = y[yobs]
    w = w[yobs]
    weights = weights[yobs]
    N = sum(weights * w)
    p = sum(weights * w * y)/N
    v = sum(weights * w * y * y)/N - p * p
    logab = log(c(p, 1 - p)) + log(pmax(1e-06, p * (1 - p)/v - 1))
    if (sum(yobs) == 2) {
    } else {}
    opt = try(optim(logab, betaObjf, ydata = y, wdata = w, weights = weights, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 50)), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(opt, "try-error")) {
        return(c(1, 1))
    } else {}
} # end of function betaEst

blc2 <- function (Y, w, maxiter = 25, tol = 1e-06, weights = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
    Ymn = min(Y[Y > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
    Ymx = max(Y[Y < 1], na.rm = TRUE)
    Y = pmax(Y, Ymn/2)
    Y = pmin(Y, 1 - (1 - Ymx)/2)
    Yobs = !is.na(Y)
    J = dim(Y)[2]
    K = dim(w)[2]
    n = dim(w)[1]
    if (n != dim(Y)[1]) {
        stop("Dimensions of w and Y do not agree")
    } else {}
    if (is.null(weights)) {
        weights = rep(1, n)
    } else {}
    mu = a = b = matrix(Inf, K, J)
    crit = Inf
    for (i in seq_len(maxiter)) {
        warn0 = options()$warn
        options(warn = -1)
        eta = apply(weights * w, 2, sum)/sum(weights)
        mu0 = mu
        for (k in seq_len(K)) {
            for (j in seq_len(J)) {
                ab = betaEst2(Y[, j], w[, k], weights)
                a[k, j] = ab[1]
                b[k, j] = ab[2]
                mu[k, j] = ab[1]/sum(ab)
        ww = array(0, dim = c(n, J, K))
        for (k in seq_len(K)) {
            for (j in seq_len(J)) {
                ww[Yobs[, j], j, k] = dbeta(Y[Yobs[, j], j],
                  a[k, j], b[k, j], log = TRUE)
        options(warn = warn0)
        w = apply(ww, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        wmax = apply(w, 1, max)
        for (k in 1:K) {
            w[, k] = w[, k] - wmax
        w = t(eta * t(exp(w)))
        like = rowSums(w)
        w = (1/like) * w
        llike = weights * (log(like) + wmax)
        crit = max(abs(mu - mu0))
        if (verbose) {
        } else {}
        if (crit < tol) {
        } else {}
    return(list(a = a, b = b, eta = eta, mu = mu, w = w, llike = sum(llike)))

BMIQ <- function (beta.v, design.v, nL = 3, doH = TRUE, nfit = 50000, th1.v = c(0.2, 0.75), th2.v = NULL, niter = 5, tol = 0.001, plots = TRUE, sampleID = 1, verbose = FALSE) {
    type1.idx <- which(design.v==1)
    type2.idx <- which(design.v==2)
    beta1.v <- beta.v[type1.idx]
    beta2.v <- beta.v[type2.idx]

    ### check if there are exact 0's or 1's. If so,  regularise using minimum positive and maximum below 1 values.
        beta1.v[beta1.v==0] <- min(setdiff(beta1.v, 0))
    } else {}
        beta2.v[beta2.v==0] <- min(setdiff(beta2.v, 0))
    } else {}
        beta1.v[beta1.v==1] <- max(setdiff(beta1.v, 1))
    } else {}
        beta2.v[beta2.v==1] <- max(setdiff(beta2.v, 1))
    } else {}

    ### estimate initial weight matrix from type1 distribution
    w0.m <- matrix(0, nrow = length(beta1.v), ncol = nL)
    w0.m[which(beta1.v <= th1.v[1]), 1] <- 1
    w0.m[intersect(which(beta1.v > th1.v[1]), which(beta1.v <= th1.v[2])), 2] <- 1
    w0.m[which(beta1.v > th1.v[2]), 3] <- 1

    ### fit type1
    if (verbose) {
        cat("### Fitting EM beta mixture to type1 probes ###\n")
    } else {}
    # rand.idx <- sample(1:length(beta1.v), nfit, replace = FALSE)
    rand.idx <- sample(seq_along(beta1.v), min(c(nfit, length(beta1.v)), na.rm = TRUE), replace = FALSE)
    # em1.o <- blc2(matrix(beta1.v[rand.idx], ncol = 1), w = w0.m[rand.idx, ], maxiter = niter, tol = tol)
    em1.o <- blc2(Y = matrix(beta1.v[rand.idx], ncol = 1), w = w0.m[rand.idx, ], maxiter = niter, tol = tol, verbose = verbose)
    subsetclass1.v <- apply(em1.o$w, 1, which.max)
    subsetth1.v <- c(
        mean(c(max(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==1]]), min(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==2]]))),
        mean(c(max(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==2]]), min(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==3]])))
    class1.v <- rep(2, length(beta1.v))
    class1.v[which(beta1.v < subsetth1.v[1])] <- 1
    class1.v[which(beta1.v > subsetth1.v[2])] <- 3
    nth1.v <- subsetth1.v
    if (verbose) {
        cat("### Done ###\n")
    } else {}

    ### generate plot from estimated mixture
    if (plots) {
        cat("### Check ###\n")
        tmpL.v <- as.vector(rmultinom(seq_len(nL), length(beta1.v), prob = em1.o$eta))
        tmpB.v <- vector()
        for(l in seq_len(nL)) {
            tmpB.v <- c(tmpB.v, rbeta(tmpL.v[l], em1.o$a[l, 1], em1.o$b[l, 1]))

        pdf(paste0("Type1fit-", sampleID, ".pdf"), width = 6, height = 4)
            d.o <- density(tmpB.v)
            points(d.o$x, d.o$y, col = "green", type = "l")
            legend(x = 0.5, y = 3, legend = c("obs", "fit"), fill = c("black", "green"), bty = "n")
    } else {}

    ### Estimate Modes
    d1U.o <- density(beta1.v[class1.v==1])
    d1M.o <- density(beta1.v[class1.v==3])
    mod1U <- d1U.o$x[which.max(d1U.o$y)]
    mod1M <- d1M.o$x[which.max(d1M.o$y)]
    d2U.o <- density(beta2.v[which(beta2.v<0.4)])
    d2M.o <- density(beta2.v[which(beta2.v>0.6)])
    mod2U <- d2U.o$x[which.max(d2U.o$y)]
    mod2M <- d2M.o$x[which.max(d2M.o$y)]

    ### now deal with type2 fit
    th2.v <- vector()
    th2.v[1] <- nth1.v[1] + (mod2U-mod1U)
    th2.v[2] <- nth1.v[2] + (mod2M-mod1M)

    ### estimate initial weight matrix
    w0.m <- matrix(0, nrow = length(beta2.v), ncol = nL)
    w0.m[which(beta2.v <= th2.v[1]), 1] <- 1
    w0.m[intersect(which(beta2.v > th2.v[1]), which(beta2.v <= th2.v[2])), 2] <- 1
    w0.m[which(beta2.v > th2.v[2]), 3] <- 1

    if (verbose) {
        cat("### Fitting EM beta mixture to type2 probes ###\n")
    } else {}
    rand.idx <- sample(seq_along(beta2.v), min(c(nfit, length(beta2.v)), na.rm = TRUE), replace = FALSE)
    # em2.o <- blc(matrix(beta2.v[rand.idx], ncol = 1), w = w0.m[rand.idx, ], maxiter = niter, tol = tol)
    em2.o <- blc2(Y = matrix(beta2.v[rand.idx], ncol = 1), w = w0.m[rand.idx, ], maxiter = niter, tol = tol, verbose = verbose)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("### Done ###\n")
    } else {}

    ### for type II probes assign to state (unmethylated,  hemi or full methylation)
    subsetclass2.v <- apply(em2.o$w, 1, which.max)
    subsetth2.v <- c(
        mean(c(max(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==1]]), min(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==2]]))),
        mean(c(max(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==2]]), min(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==3]])))
    class2.v <- rep(2, length(beta2.v))
    class2.v[which(beta2.v < subsetth2.v[1])] <- 1
    class2.v[which(beta2.v > subsetth2.v[2])] <- 3

    ### generate plot
    if (plots) {
        tmpL.v <- as.vector(rmultinom(seq_len(nL), length(beta2.v), prob = em2.o$eta))
        tmpB.v <- vector()
        for (lt in seq_len(nL)) {
            tmpB.v <- c(tmpB.v, rbeta(tmpL.v[lt], em2.o$a[lt, 1], em2.o$b[lt, 1]))
        pdf(paste0("Type2fit-", sampleID, ".pdf"), width = 6, height = 4)
            d.o <- density(tmpB.v)
            points(d.o$x, d.o$y, col = "green", type = "l")
            legend(x = 0.5, y = 3, legend = c("obs", "fit"), fill = c("black", "green"), bty = "n")
    } else {}

    classAV1.v <- vector()
    classAV2.v <- vector()
    for (l in seq_len(nL)) {
        classAV1.v[l] <-  em1.o$mu[l, 1]
        classAV2.v[l] <-  em2.o$mu[l, 1]

    ### start normalising type2 probes
    if (verbose) {
        cat("### Start normalising type 2 probes ###\n")
    } else {}
    nbeta2.v <- beta2.v
    ### select U probes
    lt <- 1
    selU.idx <- which(class2.v==lt)
    selUR.idx <- selU.idx[which(beta2.v[selU.idx] > classAV2.v[lt])]
    selUL.idx <- selU.idx[which(beta2.v[selU.idx] < classAV2.v[lt])]
    ### find prob according to typeII distribution
    p.v <- pbeta(beta2.v[selUR.idx], em2.o$a[lt, 1], em2.o$b[lt, 1], lower.tail = FALSE)
    ### find corresponding quantile in type I distribution
    q.v <- qbeta(p.v, em1.o$a[lt, 1], em1.o$b[lt, 1], lower.tail = FALSE)
    nbeta2.v[selUR.idx] <- q.v
    p.v <- pbeta(beta2.v[selUL.idx], em2.o$a[lt, 1], em2.o$b[lt, 1], lower.tail = TRUE)
    ### find corresponding quantile in type I distribution
    q.v <- qbeta(p.v, em1.o$a[lt, 1], em1.o$b[lt, 1], lower.tail = TRUE)
    nbeta2.v[selUL.idx] <- q.v

    ### select M probes
    lt <- 3
    selM.idx <- which(class2.v==lt)
    selMR.idx <- selM.idx[which(beta2.v[selM.idx] > classAV2.v[lt])]
    selML.idx <- selM.idx[which(beta2.v[selM.idx] < classAV2.v[lt])]
    ### find prob according to typeII distribution
    p.v <- pbeta(beta2.v[selMR.idx], em2.o$a[lt, 1], em2.o$b[lt, 1], lower.tail = FALSE)
    ### find corresponding quantile in type I distribution
    q.v <- qbeta(p.v, em1.o$a[lt, 1], em1.o$b[lt, 1], lower.tail = FALSE)
    nbeta2.v[selMR.idx] <- q.v

    if (doH) { ### if TRUE also correct type2 hemimethylated probes
        ### select H probes and include ML probes (left ML tail is not well described by a beta-distribution).
        lt <- 2
        selH.idx <- c(which(class2.v==lt), selML.idx)
        minH <- min(beta2.v[selH.idx])
        maxH <- max(beta2.v[selH.idx])
        deltaH <- maxH - minH
        #### need to do some patching
        deltaUH <- -max(beta2.v[selU.idx]) + min(beta2.v[selH.idx])
        deltaHM <- -max(beta2.v[selH.idx]) + min(beta2.v[selMR.idx])

        ## new maximum of H probes should be
        nmaxH <- min(nbeta2.v[selMR.idx]) - deltaHM
        ## new minimum of H probes should be
        nminH <- max(nbeta2.v[selU.idx]) + deltaUH
        ndeltaH <- nmaxH - nminH

        ### perform conformal transformation (shift+dilation)
        ## new_beta_H(i)  =  a + hf*(beta_H(i)-minH)
        hf <- ndeltaH/deltaH
        ### fix lower point first
        nbeta2.v[selH.idx] <- nminH + hf*(beta2.v[selH.idx]-minH)
    } else {}

    pnbeta.v <- beta.v
    pnbeta.v[type1.idx] <- beta1.v
    pnbeta.v[type2.idx] <- nbeta2.v

    ### generate final plot to check normalisation
    if (plots) {
        cat("### Generating final plot ###\n")
        d1.o <- density(beta1.v)
        d2.o <- density(beta2.v)
        d2n.o <- density(nbeta2.v)
        ymax <- max(d2.o$y, d1.o$y, d2n.o$y)
        pdf(paste0("CheckBMIQ-", sampleID, ".pdf"), width = 6, height = 4)
            plot(density(beta2.v), type = "l", ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 1))
            points(d1.o$x, d1.o$y, col = "red", type = "l")
            points(d2n.o$x, d2n.o$y, col = "blue", type = "l")
            legend(x = 0.5, y = ymax, legend = c("type1", "type2", "type2-BMIQ"), bty = "n", fill = c("red", "black", "blue"))
    } else {}
    if (verbose) {
        cat(paste0("### Finished for sample ", sampleID, " ###\n"))
    } else {}

    return(list(nbeta = pnbeta.v, class1 = class1.v, class2 = class2.v, av1 = classAV1.v, av2 = classAV2.v, hf = hf, th1 = nth1.v, th2 = th2.v))

CheckBMIQ <- function (beta.v, design.v, pnbeta.v) {### pnbeta is BMIQ normalised profile
    type1.idx <- which(design.v==1)
    type2.idx <- which(design.v==2)

    beta1.v <- beta.v[type1.idx]
    beta2.v <- beta.v[type2.idx]
    pnbeta2.v <- pnbeta.v[type2.idx]
mcanouil/IMA2 documentation built on Sept. 19, 2021, 1:21 a.m.