
#' Get all eSNP/xSNP which are enriched
#' [getEnrichSNP] get all eSNP/xSNP in a [Enrichment-class] object which are significant in the signal
#' according to `sigThresh` defined in [readEnrichment].
#' @param object An object of class [Enrichment-class].
#' @param type A character definined the type of data to extract Extract, *i.e.*,  `"eSNP"` or `"xSNP"`.
#' @return Return a `data.frame` with eSNP/xSNP which are enriched in signal
#'   given to `signalFile` in function [readEnrichment].
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   data(toyEnrichment)
#'   eSNPenriched <- getEnrichSNP(object = toyEnrichment, type = "eSNP")
#'   head(eSNPenriched)
#' }
#' @name getEnrichSNP
#' @exportMethod getEnrichSNP
  name = "getEnrichSNP",
  def = function(object, type = "eSNP") standardGeneric("getEnrichSNP")
#' @name getEnrichSNP
#' @rdname getEnrichSNP
#' @aliases getEnrichSNP,ANY-method
methods::setMethod(f = "getEnrichSNP", signature = "ANY", definition = function(object, type = "eSNP") {
  if (!(is.enrichment(object))) {
    stop('[Method:getEnrichSNP] not available for "', class(object), '" object.', call. = FALSE)
#' @name getEnrichSNP
#' @rdname getEnrichSNP
#' @aliases getEnrichSNP,Enrichment-method
methods::setMethod(f = "getEnrichSNP", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function(object, type = "eSNP") {
  alpha <- object["Call"][["readEnrichment"]][["sigThresh"]]
    "eSNP" = object["Data"][object["Data"][, "PVALUE"] < alpha & object["Data"][, type] == 1, ],
    "xSNP" = {
      if (object["Call"][["readEnrichment"]][["LD"]]) {
        message("Loading ...")
        dataSNP <- object["Data"]
        dataLD <- object["LD"]
        xSNP <- dataSNP[dataSNP[, "PVALUE"] < alpha & dataSNP[, type] == 1, ]
        dataLDtmp <- dataLD[dataLD %in% xSNP[, "SNP"]]
        dataLDtmp <- cbind(SNP_A = names(dataLDtmp), SNP_B = dataLDtmp)
        dataLDtmp <- dataLDtmp[dataLDtmp[, "SNP_A"] %in% dataSNP[dataSNP[, "eSNP"] %in% 1, "SNP"], ]
        xSNPld <- do.call("rbind", by(dataLDtmp, dataLDtmp[, "SNP_B"], function(iDta) {
          cbind(xSNP = unique(as.character(iDta[, "SNP_B"])), LD_with_eSNP = paste(iDta[, "SNP_A"], collapse = ";"))
        merge(xSNP, xSNPld, by.x = "SNP", by.y = "xSNP")
      } else {
        warning('[Enrichment:getEnrichSNP] significant "eSNP" are returned instead of "xSNP",\n    "readEnrichment" should be run with "LD=TRUE".', call. = FALSE)
        object["Data"][object["Data"][, "PVALUE"] < alpha & object["Data"][, type] == 1, ]
    stop('[Enrichment:getEnrichSNP] "type" should be equal to "eSNP" or "xSNP".', call. = FALSE)
mcanouil/snpEnrichment documentation built on Sept. 19, 2021, 1:21 a.m.