Man pages for mdkarcher/phylodyn
Statistical Tools for Phylodynamics

BNPRBayesian nonparametric phylodynamic reconstruction.
BNPR_samp_onlyNonparametric estimate of sampling intensity
boombust_trajBoom and bust trajectory
bottleneck_trajBottleneck trajectory
coal_checkPredictive check for coalescent model
coalsimSimulate from inhomogeneous, heterochronous coalescent
create_FGenerates a matrix with ranked tree shape information
cyclic_trajCyclical trajectory
exp_trajExponential trajectory
find_info2Extracts all sufficient statistics for inferring Ne from...
generate_newickReturns a phylo object from the argumentes generated with...
hist2heatPlot heatmap of a histogram
initialize_paramsSet fixed parameters for prior, likelihood, and posterior...
inla.modelsINLA wrapper
logistic_trajSeasonal logistic trajectory
loglik_ESSCompute the log-likelihood using the set-up for ESS (sampling...
loglik_ESS_prefCompute the log-likelihood using the set-up for ESS (sampling...
logposterior_ESSCompute the log-posterior using the set-up for ESS (sampling...
logposterior_ESS_prefCompute the log-posterior using the set-up for ESS (sampling...
logprior_ESSCompute the log-prior using the set-up for ESS (sampling...
logprior_ESS_prefCompute the log-prior using the set-up for ESS (sampling...
log_samp_matCalculate posterior sampling intensities
make_alignmentMake alignment BEAST XML block
make_taxaMake taxa BEAST XML block
mcmc_samplingMCMC Sampling
mesa_trajMesa trajectory
ml_exp_coalMaximum likelihood exponential model
NY_fluNew York Influenza Genealogy
phylodyn-packageTools for analyzing genealogy and genome sequence data using...
plot_BEASTPlot trajectory estimate and credible intervals
plot_BNPRPlot a BNPR output
plot_MCMCPlot an MCMC output
plot_mrwPlot Mean Relative Widths
plot_resPlot SMCP Results
plot_seasonalityPlot Seasonality
plot_seasonality_beastPlot seasonal overlays
posterior_coal_checkPosterior predictive check for coalescent model
posterior_samp_checkPosterior predictive check for inhomogenous Poisson process...
pref_sampleSample preferentially
read_timesExtracts coalescent times from a Multi-Phylo object
regional_fluRegional Influenza Genealogy
samp_checkPredictive check for sampling model
sample_treeSample a phylo tree
sloped_trajSloped trajectory
smcp_samplingSMC' sampler-inference from local genealogies
steep_cyc_trajSteep cyclical trajectory
summarize_phyloSummarize a phylogeny.
traj_betaRaise a trajectory function to a power
unif_trajUniform trajectory.
mdkarcher/phylodyn documentation built on Nov. 24, 2021, 12:20 a.m.