
## Author R.E. Benestad
## Can return one station or a group of stations. A cluster of regional stations can be
## reppresented in terms of PCA, maintaining the spatial consistencies between them.
## It is also possible to use a set of station objects to provide multi-information from
## one location: e.g. T(2m), precip; mean, variance, skewness, & kurtosis...
## Major updates : A. Mezghani 29.07.2013 ; 29.08.2013 ; 03.09.2013 ; 25.09.2013 ; 18.10.2013
## station.metno(ok) ; station.nordklim(ok) ; station.nacd(ok) ; station.ecad(ok) ; station.narp(in progress) ; station.ghcnm(ok) ; station.ghcnd(almost done - checking for t2m)  
## require(zoo)
## ecad (updated) , 
## This function is used to check wether there are errors in the programming !

## Define methods
station <- function(stid=NULL,...) UseMethod("station")

station.ecad <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="ecad",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.ghcnd <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="ghcnd",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.nacd <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="nacd",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.narp <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="narp",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.nordklim <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="nordklim",...)

station.metnom <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="metnom",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.metnod <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="metnod",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.ghcnm <- function(...) {
    y <- station(src="ghcnm",...)
    ## attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.daily <- function(src=NULL,...) {

    SRC <- c("METNOD","ECAD","GHCND")  
    if (is.null(src)) src <- SRC else src <- intersect(tolower(src),tolower(SRC))
    y <- station(src=src,...)
    attr(y,"call") <- match.call()


station.monthly <- function(src=NULL,...) {

    if (is.null(src)) src <- SRC else src <- intersect(src,SRC)
    y <- station(src=src,...)
    attr(y,"call") <- match.call()


## default / retrieve several stations into a zoo object from one or several data sources
station.default <- function(loc=NULL, param="t2m",src = NULL, path=NULL, qual=NULL,url = NULL,
                            stid=NULL, lon=NULL, lat=NULL, alt=NULL, cntr=NULL,
                            it= NULL,nmin=NULL, plot=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,
                            path.metnod=NULL,url.metnod=NULL) {
    ## check wether x is a 'location' or a 'stationmeta' object
    if (inherits(loc,"stationmeta"))
        ss <- loc
    else if (is.character(loc)) {
        loc <- loc
        ss <- NULL
    } else ss <- NULL
    ## else stop("x must be either a stationmeta or location object")

    print("Retrieving data ...")
    ## Initialize X
    X <- NULL
    SRC <- src
    PATH <- path
    URL <- url
    ## Select one or a set of stations based on the metadata
    if (is.null(ss)) { 
        ss <- select.station(stid=stid,loc=loc,lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,cntr=cntr,param=param,src=src,it=it,nmin=nmin) # AM-29.07.2013 "loc" added into the arguments 
    ##if (!is.null(ss)) {
    ##  SRC <- src
    if ((param=="t2m") & is.null(ss)) {
        param0 <- param
        ssn <- select.station(param="tmin",stid=stid,loc=loc,lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,cntr=cntr,src=src,it=it,nmin=nmin)
        ssx <- select.station(param="tmax",stid=stid,loc=loc,lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,cntr=cntr,src=src,it=it,nmin=nmin)
        class(ssn) <- class(ssx) <- "data.frame"
        ss <- subset(ssx,ssx$station_id==ssn$station_id) # keep only stations recording both min and max
        if (is.null(ss))
        else {
            rl <- readline("T2m is not available for your selection but TMIN and TMAX have been found - Would you like to continue using the averaged values? (y or n): ")
            if ((rl=="y") | rl==("ye") | (rl=="yes"))
                ss$element <- rep(esd2ele(param),length(ss$station_id)) ## update element with param
            else stop("Process stopped")
    ## Update attributes based on selected stations (ss)
    id <- ss$station_id
    if (verbose) {print("Station ID:"); str(id) }
    ## Extract attributes of all selected stations
    stid <- ss$station_id
    src <- as.character(ss$source)
    loc <- as.character(ss$location)
    lon <- ss$longitude
    lat <- ss$latitude
    alt <- ss$altitude
    cntr <- as.character(ss$country)
    ele <- ss$element
    qual <- ss$quality
    start <- ss$start
    end <- ss$end
    param <- apply(as.matrix(ss$element),1,esd2ele)
    ## start loap on available stations
    for (i in 1:length(id)) {
        ## For now param0 is only used for GHCND dataset
        if (!is.null(param[i]) & !is.null(src[i])) {
            if ((param[i] == "t2m") & (src[i]=="GHCND")) {
                param0 <- param[i] 
                ## param <- apply(as.matrix(ss$element),1,esd2ele)
            } else param0 <-  NULL
            ## used only for ghcnd#update param value from ss
        if (!is.null(param0))
        if (src[i]=="METNOD") { #AM-29.08.2013 added for metno data
            if (is.null(path.metnod)) path <- paste("data.",toupper(src[i]),sep="") else path <- path.metnod ## default path
            if (is.null(url.metnod)) url="http://klapp/metnopub/production/" else url <- url.metnod ## default url
            x <- metnod.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],start=start[i],end=end[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose, path=path,url=url) ## ,path=path, url=url
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            ## else if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)
        } else if (src[i]=="METNOM") { #AM-29.08.2013 added for metno data
            if (is.null(path.metnom)) path <- paste("data.",toupper(src[i]),sep="") else path <- path.metnom ## default path
            if (is.null(url.metnom)) url="http://klapp/metnopub/production/" else url <- url.metnom ## default url
            x <- metnom.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],start=start[i],end=end[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose, path=path,url=url) ## ,path=path, url=url
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            ## if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)
        } else if (src[i]=="ECAD") { #AM-29.07.2013 added "|(src[i]=="ECAD")"
            if (is.null(path.ecad)) path <- paste("data.",toupper(src[i]),sep="") else path <- path.ecad ## default path
            if (is.null(url.ecad)) url="http://www.ecad.eu/utils/downloadfile.php?file=download/ECA_blend" else url <- url.ecad ## default url
            x <- ecad.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose,path=path, url=url)
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            ## else if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)
        } else if (src[i]=="NACD") {
            ##if (is.null(path.nacd)) path <- paste("data.",tolower(src[i]),sep="") ## default path
            ##if (is.null(url.nacd)) url="" ## default url
            x <- nacd.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose)
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            ## else if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x) 
        } else if (src[i]=="NARP") {
            x <- narp.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose)
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            else if (!is.null(x))
                X <- combine.stations(X,x)  
        } else if (src[i]=="NORDKLIM") {
            x <- nordklim.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose)
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            ## if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)  
                                        #AM-29.07.2013 added begin
        } else if (src[i]=="GHCNM") {
            if (is.null(path.ghcnm)) path <- paste("data.",toupper(src[i]),sep="") else path <- path.ghcnm ## default path
            if (is.null(url.ghcnm)) url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn" else url <- url.ghcnm ## default url
            x <- ghcnm.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose,path = path,url=url)
            if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
            if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                x <- NULL
            ## if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)      
        } else if (src[i]=="GHCND") {
            if (is.null(path.ghcnd)) path <- paste("data.",toupper(src[i]),sep="") else path <- path.ghcnd## default path
            if (is.null(url.ghcnd)) url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all" else url <- url.ghcnd ## default url
            if (!is.null(param0)) { ## compute the avg 
                ghcnd.tmin <- ghcnd.station(param="tmin",stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],verbose=verbose,path = path,url=url)
                ghcnd.tmax <- ghcnd.station(param="tmax",stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],verbose=verbose,path = path,url=url)
                ## scale.tmin <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele="121",src="GHCND")[3])
                if (is.null(ghcnd.tmax) |  is.null(ghcnd.tmin)) 
                    x <- NULL
                else {
                    ## scale.tmax <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele="111",src="GHCND")[3])
                    ## compute the average values from tmin and tmax
                    x <- (ghcnd.tmin + ghcnd.tmax) / 2
                    ## copy all attributes
                    x <- attrcp(ghcnd.tmin,x)
                    class(x) <- class(ghcnd.tmin)
                    print("WARNING : Average temperature values have been computed from TMIN and TMAX values")
                    param1 <- "TAVG"
                    ele <-  "101"
                    ## update attributes variable and ele
                    attr(x,'variable') <- param
                    ## attr(x,'variable') <- switch(param1,'TAVG'=expression(T[2*m]),'TMAX'=expression(paste("max ",T[2*m])),'TMIN'=expression(paste("min ",T[2*m])))
                    attr(x,'element') <- ele
                    attr(x,'longname') <- "Mean temperature"
                ## if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)
            else {
                x <- ghcnd.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],cntr=cntr[i],qual=qual[i],param=param[i],verbose=verbose,path = path,url=url)
                if (verbose) {print("obs"); str(x)}
                if (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) {
                    print("Warning : No values found in the time series -> This station will be ignored")
                    x <- NULL
                ## if (!is.null(x)) X <- combine.stations(X,x)
        if (i==1)
            X <- x
        else if (!is.null(x))
            X <- combine.stations(X,x)
    if (is.null(X)) {return(NULL)} ## ;setwd(oldpath)}
    ##if (length(id)>1) colnames(X) <- attr(X,"location") #AM-30.07.2013 added line to update colnames in the zoo object
    ## Plot the locations:
    if (plot & !is.null(X)) map.station(X,col="darkgreen",bg="green", cex=0.7)
    if (is.null(stid)) {
        x <- NULL

t2m.ghcnd.avg <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param="t2m", path = path , ver = "v3.2.0.20130120",adj = TRUE,force=FALSE,flag = FALSE, off = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
    ## compute the average if param is "t2m" and dispplay a warning 
    ghcnd.tmin <- station(param="tmin",stid = stid, src = "GHCND", verbose = verbose , path = path)
    if (is.null(ghcnd.tmin)) return(NULL)
    ## scale.tmin <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele="121",src="GHCND")[3])
    ghcnd.tmax <- station(param="tmax",stid = stid, src = "GHCND", verbose = verbose , path = path) 
    if (is.null(ghcnd.tmax)) return(NULL)
    ## scale.tmax <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele="111",src="GHCND")[3])
    ## compute the average values from tmin and tmax
    ghcnd <- (ghcnd.tmin + ghcnd.tmax) / 2
    ## copy all attributes
    ghcnd <- attrcp(ghcnd.tmin,ghcnd)
    print("WARNING : Average temperature values have been computed from TMIN and TMAX values")
    param1 <- "TAVG"
    ele <-  "101"
    ## update attributes variable and ele
    attr(ghcnd,'variable') <- switch(param1,'TAVG'=expression(T[2*m]),'TMAX'=expression(paste("max ",T[2*m])),'TMIN'=expression(paste("min ",T[2*m])))
    attr(ghcnd,'element') <- ele

ecad.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,param=NULL,qual=NULL,path="data.ECAD",url="http://www.ecad.eu/utils/downloadfile.php?file=download/ECA_blend",verbose=FALSE) {  ## it=it,nmin=nmin
    ## ECAD basic function to retrieve data for one station
    ## http://eca.knmi.nl/
    ## ECA&D was initiated by the ECSN in 1998 
    ## Retrieve data from the ECSN (ECA&D) data:
    ## data("station.meta",envir=environment())

                                        #ss <- select.station(src="ecad",stid=stid,lon=lon,lat=lat,loc=loc,alt=alt,cntr=cntr,qual=qual,param=NULL,it=it,nmin=nmin,verbose=verbose)
                                        #if (is.null(ss)) return(NULL)
                                        #stid <- ss$station_id
                                        #loc <- as.character(ss$location)
                                        #lon <- ss$longitude
                                        #lat <- ss$latitude
                                        #alt <- ss$altitude
                                        #cntr <- as.character(ss$country)
                                        #ele <- ss$element
                                        #qual <- ss$quality
                                        #start <- ss$start
                                        #end <- ss$end
                                        #param <- apply(as.matrix(ss$element),1,esd2ele)

    ele <- esd2ele(param=param) 
    param1 <-substr(as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="ECAD")[5]),1,2)
    scale <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="ECAD")[3])
    fdata <- paste(url,"_",tolower(param1),".zip",sep="") 
    text  <- unlist(strsplit(fdata,split="/"))
    text2 <- text[length(text)]
    destfile <- file.path(path,text2,fsep= .Platform$file.sep)
    if (!file.exists(destfile)) { 
        download.file(fdata,destfile,method = "wget", quiet = FALSE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE, extra = getOption("download.file.extra"))
    if (verbose) print("station.ecad")
    newpath <- substr(destfile,1,nchar(destfile)-4) 
    for (i in 1:length(stid)) 
        while(nchar(stid[i]) < 6) stid[i] <- paste('0',stid[i],sep="")
    fnames <- paste(toupper(param1),'_STAID',stid,'.txt',sep="")
    fnames <- file.path(newpath,fnames,fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
    ipick <- file.exists(fnames)
    if (sum(ipick)==0)  return(NULL)
    if (sum(ipick)!=1) {
        warning('More than one matches - I choose the first!')
        ipick <- (1:length(ipick))[ipick][1]
    fname <- fnames[ipick]
    if (verbose) print(fname)
    x <- read.table(fname,header=TRUE,skip=20,sep=",")
    eval(parse(text=paste("ecad <- scale * x$",param1,sep="")))
    year <- substr(as.character(x$DATE),1,4);L <- length(year)
    month <- substr(as.character(x$DATE),5,6)
    day <- substr(as.character(x$DATE),7,8)
    ecad[ecad < -99] <- NA
    if (verbose) {
    ECAD <- zoo(ecad, order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='day', length.out = L))
    if (sum(ECAD,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)} 

    ## create a station object
    ECAD <- as.station(ECAD, stid=stid, lon=lon, lat=lat, alt=alt,
                       ## ele=esd2ele(param), freq=1,calendar='gregorian',
                       quality=qual, cntr=cntr, loc=loc, src='ECAD',
                       url="http://eca.knmi.nl/utils/downloadfile.php?file=download/ECA_blend_all.zip", param=param, aspect="original",
                       unit=switch(param1,'TG'='degree Celsius','TX'='deg C','TN'='deg C', 'CC'='oktas','DD'='degrees','FG'='m/s', 'FX'='m/s','HU'='%','PP'='hPa', 'SS'='hours','RR'='mm/day'),
                       reference="Klein Tank, A.M.G. and Coauthors, 2002. Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment. Int. J. of Climatol., 22, 1441-1453.",
                       info= "Data and metadata available at http://eca.knmi.nl")
    ## additional attributes
    attr(ECAD,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(ECAD,'history') <- history.stamp(ECAD)
    class(ECAD) <- c("station","day","zoo")

nacd.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
    ## This R routine reads the NACD data. The code
    ## will not work with the original NACD files: a space
    ## must be inserted between the December value and the
    ## country tag, and the missing values must be changed
    ## from '-9999' to ' -999'.
    ## Arguments:
    ## 'location' determines the time series.
    ## 'ele.c' determines the element (default=T2m).
    ## R.E. Benestad
    ## AM 28.08.2013 Has been reviewed and seems to work properly and fast !
    ## AM 26.08.2013 station.nacd() cannot deal with several stations ! So stid should be finite number !
    ## print("station.nacd")
    if (is.null(stid)) return(NULL) ## AM 26.08.2013 added

    ele <- esd2ele(param=param)
    ##  ele.c<-switch(tolower(param),'t2m'='101','tg'='101','rr'='601','slp'='401','cloud'='801','t2'='101','precip'='601','101'='101','401'='401','601'='601','801'='801')
    ## load("esd/data/NACD.rda")
    loc <- gsub("-",".",loc) # AM replace.char() replaced by gsub()
    loc <- gsub("/",".",loc) # AM replace.char() replaced by gsub()
    if (substr(loc,nchar(loc),nchar(loc)) ==".") loc <- substr(loc,1,nchar(loc)-1) # AM 29.07.2013 added 
    string <- paste("x <- NACD$",loc,".",param,sep="") # AM 27.08.2013 line updated : "elem" is replaced by "ele"
    if (is.null(x)) {
        print("No recorded values are found for this station")
    x.name <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NACD")[2])
    unit <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NACD")[4])
    unit <- switch(ele,
                   '101'='degree Celsius',
                   '111'='degree Celsius',
                   '112'='degree Celsius',
                   '122'='degree Celsius','401'='hPa',
    ## print(as.character(meta$V16))
                                        #  quality<-switch(as.character(quality),
                                        #                ' H'='Homogenous, rigorously tested & adjusted',
                                        #                'h'='Homogenous, rigorously tested & adjusted',
                                        #                ' T'='Tested, maybe adjusted but not perfectly H.',
                                        #                't'='Tested, maybe adjusted but not perfectly H.',
                                        #                ' N'='Not tested for inhomogenouity',
                                        #                'n'='Not tested for inhomogenouity',
                                        #                ' E'='Environm. changes prevents clim.change studies',
                                        #                'e'='Environm. changes prevents clim.change studies',
                                        #                ' I'='Inhomogenous series which presently are unadjustable',
                                        #                'i'='Inhomogenous series which presently are unadjustable')
    ny <- length(attr(x,'year'))
    year <- sort(rep(attr(x,'year'),12)); L <- length(year)
    month <- rep(1:12,length(ny))
    day <- rep(1,length(month))
    x[x < -99] <- NA
    NACD <- zoo(c(t(x)),order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = L))
    names(NACD) <- loc # AM 30.07.2013 added           
                                        # Add meta data as attributes:

    unit <- switch(ele,
                   '112'='degC','122'='degree Celsius',
                   '401'='hPa', '601'='mm','701'='days','801'='%')
    NACD <- as.station(NACD, stid=stid, loc=loc, cntr=cntr, lon=lon, lat=lat, alt=alt,
                       ##freq=1, calendar='gregorian',
                       quality=qual, src='NACD', url=NA, param=param,
                       aspect="original", unit=unit, longname=x.name,
                       reference="Frich et al. (1996), DMI scientific report 96-1",
                       info="Data and metadata adopted from clim.pact")

    ## Additional attributes
    attr(NACD,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(NACD,'history') <- history.stamp(NACD)
    class(NACD) <- c("station","month","zoo")

narp.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
    ## This R function reads the NARP data.
    ## R.E. Benestad
    ## Major changes by A. Mezghani
    if (is.null(stid)) return(NULL) 

    ## load the original data
    ## Get esd ele from param argument.
    ele <- esd2ele(param=param)
    x.name <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NARP")[2])
    unit <-  as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NARP")[4])

    iii <- is.element(NARP[,1],stid) & is.element(NARP[,2],as.numeric(ele))
    if (sum(iii) ==0) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)}
    x <- NARP[iii,4:15]/10
    x[x <= -99] <- NA
    ny <- length(NARP[iii,3])
    year <- sort(rep(NARP[iii,3],12))
    L <- length(year)
    month <- rep(1:12,ny)
    day <- rep(1,length(year))

    NARP <- zoo(c(t(x)), order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = L))
    ## Format as station object
    NARP <- as.station(NARP, stid=stid, loc=loc, lon=lon, lat=lat, alt=alt, ## frequency=1, calendar='gregorian',
                       cntr=cntr, quality=NA, src='NARP', url=NA, param=param, unit=unit, longname=x.name,
                       aspect="original", reference="Nordic Arctic Research Programme", info="narp2esd.R")
    ## Additional attributes
    attr(NARP,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(NARP,'history') <- history.stamp(NARP)
    class(NARP) <- c("station","month","zoo")

nordklim.station <- function(stid=NULL,loc=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE,path=NULL) {
    ## This R function reads the NARP data.
    ## R.E. Benestad
    ## Major changes by A. Mezghani
    if (is.null(stid)) return(NULL)
    ## load the data - should be replaced by the comment below
    ## load("nordklim.data.rda") ## data(nordklim.data,envir=environment())
    x <- nordklim.data ; rm(nordklim.data)
    station_id <- stid
    x <- subset(x, station_id==stid)
    ele <- esd2ele(param) 
    x <- subset(x,element==ele)
    if (dim(x)[1] < 1) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)}
    ## set missing values to NA
    x[x < -999] <- NA
    ## convert values to deg. C and get data to x1
    scale_factor <- as.numeric(as.matrix(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NORDKLIM")[3]))
    xx <- as.matrix(x[,4:15]*scale_factor)
    unit <- as.character(as.matrix(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NORDKLIM")[4]))
    ## Vector of dates
    year <- sort(rep(x$start,12))
    ny <- length(x$start)
    month <- rep(1:12,ny)
    day <- rep(1,length(year))
    ## Longname
    lname <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NORDKLIM")[2])
    ## format data into a zoo object
    NORDKLIM <- zoo(c(t(xx)),order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = ny))
    names(NORDKLIM) <- loc # AM 30.07.2013 added   
    NORDKLIM <- as.station(NORDKLIM,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt, ##frequency=1,calendar='gregorian',
                           cntr=cntr,loc=loc,src='NORDKLIM', url="http://www.smhi.se/hfa_coord/nordklim/index.php?page=dataset",
                           longname=lname,unit=unit, param=param, aspect="original",
                           reference="Tuomenvirta et al. (2001), NORDKLIM data set 1.0 - Description and illustrations. DNMI report no. 08/01.",
    attr(NORDKLIM,'call') <- match.call()
    attr(NORDKLIM,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(NORDKLIM,'history') <- history.stamp(NORDKLIM)
    class(NORDKLIM) <- c("station","month","zoo")

ghcnm.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,ver="v3",path="data.GHCNM",url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn",adj = "qca",force=FALSE,flag = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
    ## AM-29.07.2013 "path" argument set to new folder  
    ## /function
    ## GHCNM was initiated by the  
    ## Retrieve data from the GHCNM data:
    ## data("station.meta",envir=environment())

    ## Convert to esd element
    ele <-esd2ele(param=param) 

    ## extract param1 and scale variables
    param1 <-as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCNM")[5])
    scale <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCNM")[3])

    if (verbose) print("station.GHCNM")
    ghcnm <- ghcnm.data(ele=ele,stid = stid, src = "ghcnm", ver = ver , adj = adj, path = path, url=url,force = force, flag = flag, verbose = verbose)
    x <- c(t(ghcnm[,5:16]))*scale
    year <- sort(rep(ghcnm$year,12)) ; L <- length(year)
    month <-rep(1:12,length(ghcnm$year)) 
    day <- rep("01",L)

    GHCNM <- zoo(x,order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = L))
    if (sum(GHCNM,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)} 
    GHCNM <- as.station(GHCNM,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,##frequency=1,calendar='gregorian',
                        cntr=cntr, loc=loc, src='GHCNM', url=paste(url,ver,sep="/"),longname=as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCNM")[2]),
                        unit=switch(param1,'TAVG'='degree Celsius','TMAX'='degree Celsius','TMIN'='degree Celsius'), param=param, aspect="original",
                        reference="J. H. Lawrimore, M. J. Menne, B. E. Gleason, C. N. Williams, D. B. Wuertz, R. S. Vose, and J. Rennie (2011), An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19121, doi:10.1029/2011JD016187.",
                        info="Data and metadata available at the ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn")
    ## attr(GHCNM,'call') <- match.call()
    attr(GHCNM,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(GHCNM,'history') <- history.stamp(GHCNM)
    class(GHCNM) <- c("station","month","zoo")

ghcnd.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,path="data.GHCND", url=NULL,adj = TRUE,force=FALSE,flag = FALSE, off = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
    ## AM-29.07.2013 "path" argument set to new folder  
    ## /function
    ## GHCND was initiated by the  
    ## Retrieve data from the GHCND data:
    ##  data("station.meta",envir=environment())
    ## depends on ghcnd.data(), 

    ## Convert param to esd element
    ele <-esd2ele(param=param) 
    param1 <-as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")[5])

    if (verbose) print("station.GHCND")
    scale <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")[3])
    ## Get the data
    ghcnd <- ghcnd.data(param = param1,stid = stid, src = "ghcnd", adj = adj, path = path, url=url, force = force, flag = flag, verbose = verbose,rm.file=FALSE)

    if (is.null(ghcnd)) return(NULL)

    ## Convert unit by scale factor 
    x <- c(t(ghcnd[,6:36]))*scale

    ## Time vector
    day_id <-substr(names(ghcnd[,6:dim(ghcnd)[2]]),4,nchar(names(ghcnd[,6:dim(ghcnd)[2]]))) 
    year <- rep(as.character(ghcnd$YEAR),each=length(day_id)) ; L <- length(year)
    month <- rep(ghcnd$MONTH,each=length(day_id))
    day <- rep(day_id,dim(ghcnd)[1])

    ## Remove erroneous dates
    vdate <- as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='day', length.out = L)
    id <- !is.na(vdate)
    vdate <- vdate[id]
    x <- x[id]

    if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)

    ## format results as a zoo object 
    GHCND <- zoo(x,order.by = vdate)
    ## GHCND <-GHCND[!is.na(GHCND)] 
    if (sum(GHCND,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)} 

    ## Format the results as station object
    GHCND <- as.station(GHCND,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,##frequency=1,calendar='gregorian',
                        cntr=cntr, loc=loc,src='GHCND', url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn",longname=as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")[2]),
                        unit=as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")[4]), param=param, aspect="original",
                        reference="J. H. Lawrimore, M. J. Menne, B. E. Gleason, C. N. Williams, D. B. Wuertz, R. S. Vose, and J. Rennie (2011), An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19121, doi:10.1029/2011JD016187.",
                        info="Data and metadata available at the ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn")
    attr(GHCND,'call') <- match.call()
    attr(GHCND,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(GHCND,'history') <- history.stamp(GHCND)
    class(GHCND) <- c("station","day","zoo")

## The following three functions are proper to METNO data source. The default function is station.metno() 
## and two derivative functions that are station.metnod() and station.metnom() for daily and monthly velues, respectively.
## Author : A. Mezghani
## adapted from stnr() function 
metnom.station <-  function(re=15,stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,start=NULL,end=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE, h = NULL, nmt = 0,path = NULL, dup = "A", url = "http://klapp/metnopub/production/") {
    y <- metno.station(re=re,stid=stid,lon=lon,lat=lat,loc=loc,alt=alt,cntr=cntr,qual=qual,start=start,end=end,param=param,verbose=verbose,h = h, nmt = nmt,path = path, dup = dup, url = url)
    if (!is.null(y))
        attr(y,"source") <- "METNOM"

metnod.station <-  function(re=14, ...) {
    y <- metno.station(re=re,...)
    if (!is.null(y))
        attr(y,"source") <- "METNOD"

metno.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,start=NULL,end=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE, re = 14,h = NULL, nmt = 0,  path = NULL, dup = "A", url = "http://klapp/metnopub/production/") {
    if (verbose) print("http://eklima.met.no")
    ## if (!is.na(end)) end1 <- format(Sys.time(),'%d.%m.%Y')
    if (!is.na(end)) end1 <-format(as.Date(paste("31.12.",as.character(end),sep=""),format='%d.%m.%Y'),'%d.%m.%Y')
    if (!is.na(start)) start1 <- format(as.Date(paste("01.01.",as.character(start),sep=""),format='%d.%m.%Y'),'%d.%m.%Y')
    if (!is.null(url)) {
        Filnavn <- paste(url, "metno?re=", re, "&ct=text/plain&del=space&ddel=dot&nod=NA&split=1", sep = "")
        if (!is.null(h)) 
            Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn, "&h=", h, sep = "")
        param1 <- ele2param(ele=esd2ele(param),src="metno")$param ## switch(param,"t2m"="TAM","precip"="RR")
        for (i in 1:length(param1)) Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn,"&p=", param1[i], sep = "")
        if (!is.null(h)) 
            Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn, "&nmt=", nmt, sep = "")
        Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn, "&fd=", start1, "&td=", end1, sep = "")
        Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn, "&s=", stid, sep = "")
        ##for (i in 1:length(StNr)) Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn, "&s=", StNr[i], sep = "")
        if (!is.null(h)) 
            Filnavn <- paste(Filnavn, "&dup=", dup, sep = "")
    } else stop("The url must be specified")

    if (verbose) print(Filnavn)

    firstline <- readLines(Filnavn, n = 1, encoding = "latin1")
    if (substr(firstline, 1, 3) == "***") {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)}
    Datasett <- as.list(read.table(Filnavn,dec = ".", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE, fileEncoding = "latin1"))
    Datasett$RR[Datasett$RR == "."] <- "0"
    eval(parse(text = paste("y <- as.numeric(Datasett$", param1, ")",sep = "")))
    if (sum(y,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)}

    type <- switch(re, `14` = "daily values", `17` = "observations", '15' = "Monthly means")
    if (is.na(end)) end <- format(Sys.time(),'%Y')
    year <- Datasett$Year ## sort(rep(c(start:end),12))
    ny <- length(year)
    month <- Datasett$Month ## rep(1:12,length(c(start:end)))
    if (re==14) day <- Datasett$Day else day <- "01" ## rep(1,length(year))
    METNO <- zoo(y,order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")))

    if (sum(METNO,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {print("Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)} 

    ## Add meta data as attributes:
    METNO <- as.station(METNO,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,
                        cntr=cntr,loc=loc,src='METNO', url=Filnavn,longname=as.character(ele2param(ele=esd2ele(param),src="METNO")[2]),
                        unit=as.character(ele2param(ele=esd2ele(param),src="METNO")[4]), param=param, aspect="original",
                        reference="Klimadata Vare Huset archive (http://eklima.met.no)",
                        info="Klima Data Vare Huset archive (http://eklima.met.no)")
    attr(METNO,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
    attr(METNO,'history') <- history.stamp(METNO)
    if (re==14) class(METNO) <- c("station","day","zoo") else if (re==15) class(METNO) <- c("station","month","zoo")

test.station <- function(ss=NULL,stid=NULL,alt=NULL,lat=c(50,70),lon=c(0,30),param="precip",src=c("GHCND","GHCNM","NORDKLIM","NACD","METNOM","METNOD","ECAD"),verbose=FALSE) {
    for (i in 1:length(src)) {
        y <- station(stid=stid,alt=alt,lat=lat,lon=lon,param=param,src=src[i],nmin=100,verbose=verbose)
stnr <- function (navn = NULL, lon = NULL, lat = NULL, max.dist = 10, 
    alt = NULL, Fylke = NULL, Kommune = NULL, fy = NULL, ty = NULL, 
    ny = NULL, param = "TAM", plot = FALSE, print = FALSE) 
    met.no.meta <- MET.no.meta(param = param, print = print)
    iue <- nchar(met.no.meta$TODATE) == 2
    met.no.meta$TODATE[iue] <- now()
    i9c <- (nchar(met.no.meta$TODATE) == 9)
    met.no.meta$TODATE[i9c] <- paste("0", met.no.meta$TODATE[i9c], 
        sep = "")
    nyrs <- as.numeric(substr(met.no.meta$TODATE, 7, 10)) -
            as.numeric(substr(met.no.meta$FROMDATE, 7, 10)) + 1
    if (!is.null(ny)) {
        keep <- (nyrs >= ny) & (is.finite(nyrs))
        print(paste("Only stations with", ny, "years of data:", 
            sum(keep), "in total"))
        met.no.meta <- met.no.meta[keep, ]
    met.no.meta$Lon[!is.finite(met.no.meta$Lon)] <- -90
    met.no.meta$Lat[!is.finite(met.no.meta$Lat)] <- -90
    ii <- 1:length(met.no.meta$STNR)
    if (!is.null(navn)) {
        ii <- grep(upper.case(navn), met.no.meta$Navn)
        print(rbind(met.no.meta$Navn[ii], met.no.meta$Stnr[ii]))
    if (plot) {
        plot(c(0, 32), c(57, 73), type = "n", xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
        points(met.no.meta$Lon, met.no.meta$Lat, col = "grey", cex = 0.8)
    if (xor(is.null(lon), is.null(lat))) 
        stop("both or none of lon/lat must be specified")
    if (!is.null(lon)) {
        if (length(lon) == 1) {
            if (plot) 
                points(lon, lat, pch = "+", col = "blue", cex = 0.7)
            d <- round(distAB(lon,lat,met.no.meta$Lon, met.no.meta$Lat)/1000, 
            ii <- II[(d <= max.dist)]
            print(rbind(met.no.meta$Navn[ii], met.no.meta$Stnr[ii], 
                met.no.meta$Lon[ii], met.no.meta$Lat[ii], d[ii]))
        else if (length(lon) == 2) {
            if (plot) 
                polygon(c(lon[1], lon[2], lon[2], lon[1], lon[1]), 
                  c(lat[1], lat[1], lat[2], lat[2], lat[1]), 
                  border = "blue", lwd = 2)
            if (length(lat) == 1) 
                stop("both or none of lon/lat must have two entries")
            ii <- II[(met.no.meta$Lon >= min(lon)) & (met.no.meta$Lon <= 
                max(lon)) & (met.no.meta$Lat >= min(lat)) & (met.no.meta$Lat <= 
            print(rbind(met.no.meta$Navn[ii], met.no.meta$Stnr[ii], 
                met.no.meta$Lon[ii], met.no.meta$Lat[ii]))
            met.no.meta <- met.no.meta[ii, ]
    if (!is.null(alt)) {
        if (length(alt) == 1) {
            if (alt > 0) 
                ii <- (met.no.meta$Hoh >= alt) & is.finite(met.no.meta$Hoh)
            else ii <- (met.no.meta$Hoh <= abs(alt)) &
        else ii <- (met.no.meta$Hoh >= min(alt)) & (met.no.meta$Hoh <= 
        ii[is.na(met.no.meta$Stnr[ii])] <- FALSE
        print(rbind(met.no.meta$Navn[ii], met.no.meta$Stnr[ii],
        met.no.meta <- met.no.meta[ii, ]
    if (!is.null(Fylke)) {
        ii <- is.element(upper.case(met.no.meta$Fylke), upper.case(Fylke))
        print(rbind(met.no.meta$Navn[ii], met.no.meta$Stnr[ii],
        met.no.meta <- met.no.meta[ii, ]
    if (!is.null(Kommune)) {
        ii <- is.element(upper.case(met.no.meta$Kommune), upper.case(Kommune))
        print(rbind(met.no.meta$Navn[ii], met.no.meta$Stnr[ii],
        met.no.meta <- met.no.meta[ii, ]
    if (plot) {
        points(met.no.meta$Lon, met.no.meta$Lat, pch = 19, col = "red", 
            cex = 0.6)
        text(met.no.meta$Lon, met.no.meta$Lat, met.no.meta$Stnr, cex = 0.5)

MET.no.meta <- function (param = "TAM", print = FALSE) {
    url <- paste("http://klapp/metnopub/production/metno?re=27&ct=text/plain&del=semicolon&tab=T_ELEM_MONTH&p=", 
        param, "&geo=lat&geo=utm&geo=amsl&geo=name&geo=cnr&geo=muni&nod=NA", 
        sep = "")
    dnmi.meta <- read.table(url, header = TRUE, sep = ";", as.is = TRUE, 
        fileEncoding = "latin1")
    if (print) {
    dnmi.meta$Stnr <- as.numeric(dnmi.meta$STNR)
    dnmi.meta$Lon <- as.numeric(dnmi.meta$LON)
    dnmi.meta$Lat <- as.numeric(dnmi.meta$LAT)
    dnmi.meta$Hoh <- as.numeric(dnmi.meta$AMSL)
    dnmi.meta$Navn <- dnmi.meta$ST_NAME
    dnmi.meta$Fylke <- dnmi.meta$COUNTY
    dnmi.meta$Kommune <- dnmi.meta$MUNICIPALITY

replace.char <- function (c, s, ny.c)  {
    if (c == ny.c) return(s)
    nc <- nchar(c); ns <- nchar(s)
    is <- 1
    tries <- instring(c, s)
    if (length(tries)==0) return(s)
    while ( (instring(c, s)[1] > 0) & (is <= length(tries)) ) {        
        ii <- instring(c, s)[1]
        #print(ii); print(c);print(s)
        if (ii > 1) {
            s <- paste(substr(s, 1, ii - 1), ny.c,
                       substr(s, ii + nc, nchar(s)), sep = "")
        } else if (ii==1) s <- paste(ny.c,
                     substr(s, ii + nc + 1, nchar(s)), sep = "")
        is <- is + 1
metno/esd.test documentation built on May 22, 2019, 7:49 p.m.