
Defines functions test.aggregate.size aggregateSize.field aggregateSize.matrix aggregateSize aggregate.size

Documented in aggregate.size aggregateSize aggregateSize.field aggregateSize.matrix

#' aggregate
#' The aggregation functions are based on the S3 method for \code{zoo} objects,
#' but takes care of extra house keeping, such as attributes with meta data.
#' \code{aggregate.size} is similar to \code{aggregate.area}, but returns the size statistics (square
#' meters) for individual events (defined as gridboxes touching each other).
#' The function \code{aggregateSize} is exactly the same as \code{aggregate.size}.
#' @aliases aggregateSize aggregateSize.matrix aggregateSize.field
#' @seealso aggregate.area aggregate
#' @param x A \code{\link{station}} object
#' @param x0 threshold defining an event
#' @param plot a boolean; if TRUE display results as a plot
#' @param a radius of earth (unit: km)
#' @param verbose a boolean; if TRUE print information about progress
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @return The call returns a station object
#' @author R.E. Benestad
#' @keywords utilities
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export aggregate.size
aggregate.size <- function(x, ...) {
  aggregateSize(x, ...)

#' @export aggregateSize
aggregateSize <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("aggregateSize")

# Aggregate size of events - S3 method for matrix
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export aggregateSize.matrix
aggregateSize.matrix <- function(x,x0,plot=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,a=6378,...) {#,a=6.378e06,...) {

  ## Select all grid boxes with values exceeding x0
  if (verbose) print('aggregateSize.matrix')
  ## Copy data that can be masked
  mask <- (x > x0)
  mask[is.na(mask)] <- FALSE
  if (sum(mask,na.rm=TRUE)==0) return(list(events=x*NA,number=0,statistic=NULL))
  y <- x[mask]  ## Space mask
  z <- y*NA; ns <- sum(mask,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (verbose) print(paste('Detected',ns,'grid points from total of',length(x)))
  ## Determine the dimensions of the matrix
  d <- dim(x)
  ## Generate same size matrix with i-indexes
  I <- matrix(rep(1:d[1],d[2]),d[1],d[2])[mask]
  J <- matrix(sort(rep(1:d[2],d[1])),d[1],d[2])[mask]
  if (plot) {
  ##  Loop: distance (i, j) =1. Store and mask points that are sorted.
  ## Zero, one, two, three or four cases for each point.
  eno <- 1; ij <- 1; z[ij] <- 1 ## First selected gridbox always belongs to event-number 1
  if(verbose) print('Loop to estimate area for each event')

  while (sum(is.na(z))>0) {
    ## If the event-number has not been assigned: 
    ## see if it is adjacent to a gridpoint with an event-number

    ## Distance between the first and all the other grid boxes:
    nbr <- sqrt( (I - I[ij])^2 + (J - J[ij])^2 )
    if (verbose) print(min(nbr[-ij]))
    ## Select the gridboxes attached to the fist grid box: nbr==1
    sel <- (nbr==1)

    if (is.na(z[ij])) {
      if (sum(is.na(sel)) >0) {
        print("No adjacent boxes - Something is wrong!")

      if (verbose) print(paste('N adjacent points=',sum(sel,na.rm=TRUE),
                               'Cluster no=',eno))
      if (sum(sel)>0) {
        getnumber <- z[sel]
        assigned <- getnumber[is.finite(getnumber)]
        if (verbose) print(assigned)
        if (length(assigned)>0) {
          if (max(assigned,na.rm=TRUE) - min(assigned,na.rm=TRUE)) {
            print("Numbers not the same - something is wrong!"); print(assigned);
          z[ij] <- min(assigned); z[sel] <- min(assigned) 
          eno <- min(assigned)
        } else {
          if (verbose) print(paste('No valid assigned number',sum(sel)))
          ## None of the adjacent gridboxes have an event-number,
          ## the gridbox gets a new event number
          eno <- eno + 1
          z[ij] <- eno; z[sel] <- eno
        ij <- min((1:ns)[sel])
      } else {
        if (verbose) print('New cluster') 
        ## If there are no adjacent events, then the gridbox gets a new event number
        ij <- min((1:ns)[is.na(z)])
        eno <- eno + 1
        z[ij] <- eno
      sel <- (z == eno)
      if (plot) points(I[sel],J[sel],pch=as.character(eno),
                       cex=0.5,col=rainbow(21)[(eno-1) %/% 5 + 1])
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat('.')
      if (ij != min((1:ns)[sel])) ij <- min((1:ns)[sel]) else ij <- ij +1
  ## Synthesise the results in the  
  Z <- x*NA; Z[mask] <- z
  if (plot) image(Z)
  if ( (!is.null(attr(z,'longitude'))) & (!is.null(attr(z,'latitude'))) ) {
    ## Estimate the area of the gridboxes
    W <- Z; for (j in 1:d[2]) W[,j] <- a*cos(pi*lat(z)[j]/180)
    stats <- rep(NA,eno)
    for (i in 1:eno) {stats[i] <- sum(W[Z==eno],na.rm=TRUE)}  
  } else stats <- table(z)
  ## The biggest event is always the first
  stats <- sort(stats)
  if (verbose) print(stats)

# Aggregate size of events - S3 method for field
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export aggregateSize.field
aggregateSize.field <- function(x,x0,plot=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,...) {
  if (verbose) print('aggregateSize.field')  
  nt <- length(index(x))
  d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  sizestats <- list()
  for (it in 1:nt) {
    z <- matrix(x[it,],d[1],d[2])
    attr(z,'longitude') <- lon(x)
    attr(z,'latitude') <- lat(x)
    stat.it <- aggregateSize(z,x0=x0)$statistic
    if(is.null(stat.it)) {
      sizestats[[it]] <- 0
    } else {
      sizestats[[it]] <- as.numeric(stat.it)
  names(sizestats) <- index(x)[1:length(sizestats)]
  ne <- max(unlist(lapply(sizestats,length)))
  size <-  unlist(lapply(sizestats,
       function(x) {
         y <- rep(0,ne)
	 if(length(x)>0) y[1:length(x)] <- x
       } ))
  dim(size) <- c(ne,length(sizestats))
  size <- zoo(t(size),order.by=index(x))
  names(size) <- paste('event',1:ne)
  attr(size,'unit') <- 'm^2' 
  if (plot) plot(size)

# Test function - do not export
test.aggregate.size <- function(n=62, m=78, verbose=TRUE) {
    x <- matrix(rep(sin(seq(0,4*pi,length=n)),m)*
    test.results <- aggregateSize(x,x0=0,plot=TRUE,verbose=verbose)
metno/esd documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:07 a.m.