
Defines functions as.climatology climatology as.anomaly.field as.anomaly.station as.anomaly.list as.anomaly.zoo as.anomaly.default as.anomaly anomaly.day anomaly.season anomaly.month anomaly.annual anomaly.station anomaly.comb anomaly.field anomaly.dsensemble anomaly.default anomaly

Documented in anomaly anomaly.annual anomaly.comb anomaly.day anomaly.default anomaly.dsensemble anomaly.field anomaly.month anomaly.season anomaly.station as.anomaly as.anomaly.default as.anomaly.field as.anomaly.list as.anomaly.station as.anomaly.zoo as.climatology climatology

#' Anomaly and Climatology
#' S3-method that computes anomalies and/or climatology for time series and
#' fields.
#' In 'anomaly.dsensemble', the default value of the reference period is taken
#' as the available time period from observations, i.e., same time period as in
#' attribute `station' is used as base period to compute anomalies of GCM
#' downscaled results.
#' @aliases anomaly anomaly.default anomaly.comb anomaly.field anomaly.station 
#' anomaly.annual anomaly.month anomaly.season anomaly.day anomaly.dsensemble
#' as.anomaly as.anomaly.default as.anomaly.zoo as.anomaly.list as.anomaly.station as.anomaly.field
#' climatology as.climatology
#' @seealso as.stand
#' @param x A station or field object
#' @param ref vector defining the reference interval
#' @param na.rm a boolean; if TRUE remove NA values
#' @param verbose a boolean; if TRUE print information about progress
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @return a similar object as x containing anomalies and climatology
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples 
#' data(ferder)
#' plot(anomaly(ferder))
#' @export
anomaly <-function(x,...) UseMethod("anomaly")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.default
anomaly.default <- function(x,...) {

  ### REB 2023-07-17
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  #if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) ref <- arguments$ref else ref <- rep(TRUE,length(index(x)))
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if (verbose) print('anomaly.default')
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if(verbose) {
  if (!is.null(arguments$ref)) {
    ref <- arguments$ref
    it <- is.element(year(x),ref) 
  } else {
    ref <- unique(year(x))
    it <- rep(TRUE,length(index(x)))
  if (verbose) print(paste('ref=',year(x)[it][1],'-',year(x)[it][sum(it)],
  if (inherits(x,'annual')) {
    y <- anomaly.annual(x,...) 
  } else if (inherits(x,'month')) {
    y <- anomaly.month(x,...) 
  } else if (inherits(x,'day')) {
    y <- anomaly.day(x,...) 
  } else if (inherits(x,'season')) {
    y <- anomaly.season(x,...) 
  } else if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    y <- x - mean(x[it],na.rm=TRUE)
    attr(y, "mean") <- mean(x[it],na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    y <- zoo(apply(x,2,function(x,it) x - mean(x[it],na.rm=TRUE),it), order.by=index(x))
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  class(y) <- class(x)
  # KMP 2019-02-12: attr(y,'station') sometimes gets the station_id instead of station
  # so !is.null(attr...) is not enough to check if the attribute is available
  if ('station' %in% names(attributes(y)) & !is.null(attr(y,'station'))) {
    attr(y,'station') <- anomaly(attr(y,'station'), ref=ref)
  attr(y,'aspect') <- 'anomaly' 
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.dsensemble
anomaly.dsensemble <- function(x,...) {
  ### REB 2023-07-17
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
    if(verbose) print("anomaly.dsensemble")
    yr.obs <- year(attr(x,'station'))
    ref <- range(yr.obs[!is.na(attr(x,'station'))],na.rm=TRUE)
    x <- anomaly.default(x,...)
    attr(x,'station') <- anomaly(attr(x,'station'),ref=ref,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.field
anomaly.field <- function(x,...,verbose=FALSE) {
  ### REB 2023-07-17
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if(verbose) print("anomaly.field")
  x <- as.anomaly(x,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.comb
anomaly.comb <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if(verbose) print("anomaly.comb")
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  y <- anomaly(x)
  n.apps <- attr(x,'n.apps')
  for (i in 1:n.apps) {
    z <- NULL
    eval(parse(text=paste("z <- attr(x,'appendix.",i,"')",sep="")))
    Z <- anomaly(z)
    eval(parse(text=paste("Z -> attr(x,'appendix.",i,"')",sep="")))
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  n.apps -> attr(x,'n.apps')
  attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.station
anomaly.station <- function(x, ...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if(is.null(ref)) ref <- seq(min(year(x)),max(year(x)),by=1)
  if(verbose) { 
  x <- anomaly.default(x,verbose=verbose,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.annual
anomaly.annual <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  print('anomaly.annual'); print(names(arguments))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if(is.null(ref)) ref <- seq(min(year(x)),max(year(x)),by=1)
  if (verbose) {
    print(range(ref)); print(dim(x))
  X <- x;  x <- coredata(X)
  t <- index(X)
  d <- dim(x)
  if (!is.null(d)) ns <- d[2] else ns <- 1
  datetype <- class(t)
  if (verbose) print(datetype)
  if (datetype=="Date") years <- year(X) else
  if (datetype=="numeric") years <- t
  if (ns==1) { 
    if (verbose) print('single series')
    clim <- mean(x[is.element(years,ref)],na.rm=TRUE) 
  } else {
    if (verbose) print('field')
    clim <- apply(x[is.element(years,ref),],2,FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE) 
  if (verbose) print(clim)
  x <- t(t(x) - clim)
  x <- zoo(x,order.by=index(X))
  x <- attrcp(X,x)
  #nattr <- softattr(X)
  #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
  #  attr(x,nattr[i]) <- attr(X,nattr[i])
  attr(x,'climatology') <- clim
  attr(x,'aspect') <- 'anomaly'
  attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp(X)
  class(x) <- class(X)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.month
anomaly.month <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if(verbose) print("anomaly.month")
  clim.month <- function(x,months,years,ref=NULL,na.rm=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
    ## This function calculated the mean for each calendar month.
    if (verbose) cat('.')
    if (!is.null(ref)) {
      it <- is.element(years,c(min(ref):max(ref))) 
    } else if (na.rm) {
    } else {
      it <- rep(TRUE,length(x))
    clim <- rep(NA,12)
    for (i in 1:12) {
      ii <- is.element(months,i) & it
      clim[i] <- mean(x[ii],na.rm=TRUE)
    names(clim) <- month.abb

  X <- x
  if (verbose) print(paste('anomaly.month: ref=',ref))
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    if (verbose) print('Estimate clim for a single series')
    Yc <- clim.month(x,months=month(x),years=year(x),ref=ref,na.rm=na.rm,verbose=verbose)
    Y <- X-Yc[month(x)] 
  } else {
    if (verbose) print('Estimate clim for multiple seies')
    Yc <- apply(coredata(x),2,FUN='clim.month',months=month(x),years=year(x),
    Y <- X-Yc[month(x),] 
  y <- Y
  x <- zoo(y,order.by=index(X))
  x <- attrcp(X,x)
  attr(x,'climatology') <- Yc
  attr(x,'aspect') <- 'anomaly'
  class(x) <- class(X)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export anomaly.season
anomaly.season <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if (verbose) {print('anomaly.season'); print(match.call())}
  anomaly.season1 <- function(x,yr=NULL,ref=NULL,verbose=FALSE,what='anomaly') {
    l <- length(x); n <- ceiling(l/4)
    pad <- 4*n - l
    if (verbose) print(paste('anomaly.season1: l=',l,' n=',n,' pad=',pad))
    ## base-line period
    if (!is.null(yr) & !is.null(ref)) iref <- is.element(yr,ref) else
                                      iref <- rep(TRUE,n)
    ## If the record is not full years, pad the extra months of the last year
    if (pad>0) x <- c(rep(NA,pad),x)
    ##Fast way to compute the climatology: clim
    dim(x) <- c(4,n)
    clim <- rowMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE)
    x <- c(x - clim)
    if (pad>0) x <- x[-(1:pad)]
    if (substr(what,1,4)=='clim') x <- clim
  anomaly.season1.v2 <- function(x,ref=NULL,t=NULL,verbose=FALSE,what='anomaly') {
    x0 <- x
    yr <- year(t)
    mn <- month(t)
    l <- length(x)
    m <- length(unique(mn))
    n <- length(unique(yr))
    pad <- m*n - l
    if (pad>0) x <- c(rep(NA,pad),x)
    dim(x) <- c(m, n)
    clim <- rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    x <- c(x - clim)
    if (pad>0) x <- x[-(1:pad)]
    if (substr(what,1,4)=='clim') x <- clim
  X <- x
  t <- index(x); yr <- year(x)
  if (is.null(ref)) ref=seq(min(yr),max(yr),by=1)
  if (verbose) print(paste('anomaly.season: ref=',min(ref),'-',max(ref)))
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    #y <- anomaly.season1(coredata(x),yr=yr,ref=ref,verbose=verbose)
    #clim <- anomaly.season1(coredata(x),yr=yr,ref=ref,verbose=verbose,what='clim')
    y <- anomaly.season1.v2(coredata(x),t=index(x),verbose=verbose,ref=ref)
    clim <- anomaly.season1.v2(coredata(x),t=index(x),verbose=verbose,what='clim',ref=ref)
  } else {
    #y <- apply(coredata(x),2,FUN='anomaly.season1',yr=yr,ref=ref,verbose=verbose)
    #clim <- apply(coredata(x),2,FUN='anomaly.season1',yr=yr,ref=ref,verbose=verbose,what='clim')
    y <- apply(x,2,FUN='anomaly.season1.v2',t=index(x),verbose=verbose,ref=ref)
    clim <- apply(x,2,FUN='anomaly.season1.v2',t=index(x),verbose=verbose,what='clim',ref=ref)
    if(is.null(dim(clim))) dim(clim) <- c(1, length(clim))
  x <- zoo(y,order.by=t)
  x <- attrcp(X,x)
  clim <- zoo(clim, order.by=unique(month(index(x))))
  attr(x,'climatology') <- clim
  attr(x,'aspect') <- 'anomaly'
  class(x) <- class(X)

#' @export anomaly.day
anomaly.day <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  if (verbose) {
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  ## Internal function
  anomaly.day.1 <- function(x,t0,t,ref=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
    if (verbose) print(' anomaly.day.1')
    ## One station 
    c1 <- cos(pi*t0/365.25); s1 <- sin(pi*t0/365.25)
    c2 <- cos(2*pi*t0/365.25); s2 <- sin(2*pi*t0/365.25)
    c3 <- cos(3*pi*t0/365.25); s3 <- sin(3*pi*t0/365.25)
    c4 <- cos(4*pi*t0/365.25); s4 <- sin(4*pi*t0/365.25)
    C1 <- cos(pi*t/365.25);   S1 <- sin(pi*t/365.25)
    C2 <- cos(2*pi*t/365.25); S2 <- sin(2*pi*t/365.25)
    C3 <- cos(3*pi*t/365.25); S3 <- sin(3*pi*t/365.25)
    C4 <- cos(4*pi*t/365.25); S4 <- sin(4*pi*t/365.25)
    if (is.null(dim(x))) x0 <- x[ref] else x0 <- x[ref,]
    cal <- data.frame(y=x0,c1=c1,c2=c2,c3=c3,c4=c4,
    if (verbose) str(cal)
    pre <- data.frame(c1=C1,c2=C2,c3=C3,c4=C4,
    if (verbose) str(cal)
    ## The following lines don't seem to make much difference REB 2023-12-19
    # i1 <- is.element(year(x),year(x)[1])
    # pre1 <- data.frame(c1=C1[i1],c2=C2[i1],c3=C3[i1],c4=C4[i1],
    #                    s1=S1[i1],s2=S2[i1],s3=S3[i1],s4=S4[i1])
    acfit <- lm(y ~ c1 + s1 + c2 + s2 + c3 + s3 + c4 + s4,data=cal)
    clim <- predict(acfit,newdata=pre)
    y <- zoo(coredata(x) - clim,order.by=index(x))
    if (verbose) print('exit  anomaly.day.1')
  if (verbose) {print('anomaly.day');print(class(x))}
  yr <- year(x)
  if (is.null(ref)) ref <- seq(min(yr,na.rm=TRUE),max(yr,na.rm=TRUE),by=1)
  if (verbose) {print('reference:'); print(range(ref))}
  ## Time indices with julian time repeated for each year during reference
  t0 <- julian(index(x)[is.element(yr,ref)]) -
  ## Time indices with julian time repeated for each year for entire data record
  t <- julian(index(x)) - julian(as.Date(paste(yr,"-01-01",sep="")))
  if (verbose) {print(c(length(t),length(t0)))}
  ## ref is TRUE or FALSE
  ref <- is.element(yr,ref)
  if (verbose) print(paste('Length of reference period=',sum(ref)))
  if (is.null(dim(x))) 
    y <- anomaly.day.1(x=coredata(x),t0=t0,t=t,ref=ref,verbose=verbose) else 
    y <- apply(coredata(x),2,FUN='anomaly.day.1',t0=t0,t=t,ref=ref,verbose=verbose)
  y <- zoo(y,order.by=index(x))
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  class(y) <- class(x)
  ## find the first year with complete data (365 valid points)
  z <- y[is.finite(y)]
  fullyear <- table(year(z)) == 365
  completeyear <- as.numeric(rownames(table(year(z)))[fullyear])
  clim <- (x - y)[is.element(yr,completeyear[1])] 
  if (verbose) print(paste('Climatology has',sum(is.finite(clim)),'valid data'))
  attr(y,'climatology') <- clim
  attr(y,'aspect') <- 'anomaly'

#' @export as.anomaly
as.anomaly <- function(x,...) UseMethod("as.anomaly")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
as.anomaly.default <- function(x,...) anomaly.default(x,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export as.anomaly.zoo
as.anomaly.zoo <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  y <- as.anomaly.station(x,...)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export as.anomaly.list
as.anomaly.list <- function(x,...) {
  arguments <<- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  ref <- arguments$ref
  if (!is.null(arguments$na.rm)) na.rm <- arguments$na.rm else na.rm <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(arguments$verbose)) verbose <- arguments$verbose else verbose <- FALSE
  y <- lapply(x,anomaly(x),ref=ref,na.rm=na.rm,verbose=verbose)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export as.anomaly.station
as.anomaly.station <- function(x,...) {
  y <- as.anomaly.default(x,...)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export as.anomaly.field
as.anomaly.field <- function(x,...) {
   y <- anomaly.default(x,...)
   attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
   attr(y,'dimensions') <- attr(x,'dimensions')

#' @export
climatology <- function(x,...) {
  x <- as.climatology(x,...)

# Handy conversion algorithms:
#' @export as.climatology
as.climatology <- function(x,...) {
  if (is.null(attr(x, "aspect"))) {
    warning('esd::as.climatolody - aspect not set, but assumed to be "measured"')
    attr(y,'aspect') <- 'measured'
  if(attr(x, "aspect")=="anomaly") ya <- x else ya <- as.anomaly(x,...)
  clim <- attr(ya,'climatology')
  if(inherits(clim,"zoo")) {
    y <- clim
  } else {
    if (!is.null(dim(clim))) {
      len.clim <- dim(clim)[1]
    } else {
      len.clim <- length(clim)
    y <- zoo(clim,order.by=1:len.clim)
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  attr(y,'aspect') <- 'climatology'
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
  class(y) <- class(x)
metno/esd documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:07 a.m.