
Defines functions eta_pairs pairs_plot pairs_upper pairs_lower pairs_lower_plot

Documented in eta_pairs pairs_lower_plot pairs_plot

#' Default plots for lower triangle
#' @param p a `gg` object
#' @details
#' - the function should take one argument (a `gg` object`)
#' - modify that object to render the data; this is typically using
#'   [ggplot2::geom_point()]
#' - add aesthetics or layers as you would for any `ggplot` workflow
#' @return
#' A `gg` object, modified
#' @examples
#' data <- pmplots_data_id()
#' p <- ggplot(data = data, aes(WT, BMI))
#' p
#' pmplots:::pairs_lower_plot(p)
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
pairs_lower_plot <- function(p) {
  p + geom_point(col = opts$scatter.col, size = opts$scatter.size) +
      method = opts$smooth.method,
      color = opts$smooth.col,
      lty = opts$smooth.lty,
      se = FALSE,
      linewidth = opts$smooth.lwd

pairs_lower <- function(data, mapping, lower_plot = pairs_lower_plot, ...) {
  p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping)

pairs_upper <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
  x <- rlang::quo_name(mapping$x)[1]
  y <- rlang::quo_name(mapping$y)[1]
  corr <- cor(data[,x],data[,y],use = "complete.obs")
  label <- force_digits(corr,digits=opts$pairs.cor.digits)
  label <- paste0(opts$pairs.cor.prefix, label)
  if(isTRUE(opts$pairs.cor.shown)) {
    n <- sum((!is.na(data[,x])) & (!is.na(data[,y])))
    label <- paste0(label, "\n", paste0("(n=",n,")"))
    label = label,
    size = opts$pairs.cor.size,
    col = opts$pairs.cor.col,
    fontface = opts$pairs.cor.fontface
  ) + theme(
    panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank()

#' Pairs plots using ggpairs
#' This function is a wrapper to [GGally::ggpairs()] with customized
#' functions for upper and lower off-diagonal panels. See details for help
#' on customizing some aspects of the off-diagonal plots.
#' @param x plotting data.frame
#' @param y character `col//label` for pairs data; see [col_label()]
#' @param bins passed to [ggplot2::geom_histogram()] to render the diagonal
#' @param alpha passed to [ggplot2::geom_histogram()] or
#' [ggplot2::geom_density()] to render the diagonal
#' @param fill passed to [ggplot2::geom_histogram()] or
#' [ggplot2::geom_density()] to render the diagonal
#' @param col passed to [ggplot2::geom_histogram()] or
#' [ggplot2::geom_density()] to render the diagonal
#' @param label_fun labeller function that gets passed to [GGally::ggpairs()];
#' the default is based on [parse_label()] and thus allows latex
#' expressions in the label (see examples)
#' @param lower_plot function to create plots in the lower triangle; the
#' should accept a single argument (a `gg` object) and return a `gg` object;
#' see [pairs_lower_plot()] as an example; you probably want to use this
#' argument (rather than `lower_fun`) if you want to customize how the
#' plots on the lower triangle look
#' @param upper_fun function to use for `upper` argument
#' @param lower_fun function to use for `lower` argument; if you want to
#' customize how the plots on the lower triangle look, you probably want to
#' use the `lower_plot` argument
#' @param diag how to render data on the diagonal; options are limited to those
#' accepted by [GGally::ggpairs()] for `continuous` data (see that help topic)
#' @param ... passed to [GGally::ggpairs()]
#' @details This function requires the `GGally` package to be installed.
#' When the length of `etas` is one, arguments are passed to [eta_hist()] and
#' that result is returned.
#' Use the options object to modify aspects of the smoother line:
#' `smooth.col`, `smooth.lwd`, `smooth.lty`, `smooth.method`.  Also, use the
#' options object to control aspects of the points: `scatter.col`,
#' `scatter.size`.
#' @return The result from a `ggpairs` call (a single plot).
#' @examples
#' id <- pmplots_data_id()
#' etas <- c("ETA1//ETA-CL", "ETA2//ETA-VC", "ETA3//ETA-KA")
#' eta_pairs(id,etas)
#' df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(1000), y = rnorm(1000))
#' pairs_plot(df, c("x", "y"))
#' df2 <- dplyr::tibble(x = rnorm(100), y = x^2)
#' pairs_plot(df2, c("x//x", "y//x$^2$"))
#' @md
#' @export
pairs_plot <- function(x, y, bins = 15,
                       alpha = opts$histogram.alpha,
                       fill = opts$histogram.fill,
                       col = opts$histogram.col,
                       label_fun = label_parse_label,
                       lower_plot = pairs_lower_plot,
                       upper_fun = NULL,
                       lower_fun = NULL,
                       diag = c("barDiag", "densityDiag", "blankDiag"), ...) {

  if(!requireNamespace("GGally")) {
    stop("this function requires that the GGally package be installed",
         call. = FALSE)

  if(is.null(upper_fun)) {
    upper_fun <- pairs_upper

  if(is.null(lower_fun)) {
    lower_fun <- pairs_lower

  if(length(y)==1) {
    ans <- eta_hist(
      x, y, bins = bins, alpha = alpha, fill = fill, col = col,

    msg = "the `lower_plot` function should have exactly one argument"

  diag <- match.arg(diag)
  diag_fun <- GGally::wrap(
    bins = bins,
    alpha = alpha,
    fill = fill,
    col = col

  lower_fun <- GGally::wrap(
    lower_plot = lower_plot

  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  etal <- lapply(y, col_label)
  cols <- sapply(etal, "[[", 1L)
  cols <- unique(cols)
  for(col in cols) {
  labs <- sapply(etal, "[[", 2L)
  labs <- unique(labs)

    x, aes(...),
    columns = cols,
    columnLabels = labs,
    labeller = label_fun,
    upper = list(continuous = upper_fun),
    diag = list(continuous = diag_fun),
    lower = list(continuous = lower_fun)
  ) + pm_theme()

#' @param etas character `col//label` for pairs data; see [col_label()]
#' @rdname pairs_plot
#' @export
eta_pairs <- function(x, etas, ...) {
  pairs_plot(x = x, y = etas, ...)
metrumresearchgroup/pmplots documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, noon