
Defines functions Delta.r thirds eda_rline

Documented in eda_rline

#' @export
#' @import stats
#' @title Tukey's resistant line
#' @description \code{eda_rline} is an R implementation of Hoaglin, Mosteller
#'   and Tukey's resistant line technique outlined in chapter 5 of
#'   "Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis" (Wiley, 1983).
#' @param dat Data frame.
#' @param x   Column assigned to the x axis.
#' @param y   Column assigned to the y axis.
#' @param px  Power transformation to apply to the x-variable.
#' @param py  Power transformation to apply to the y-variable.
#' @param tukey Boolean determining if a Tukey transformation should be adopted.
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations to run.
#'   (FALSE adopts a Box-Cox transformation)
#' @return Returns a list of class \code{eda_rline}with the following named
#'   components:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{a}: Intercept
#'   \item \code{b}: Slope
#'   \item \code{res}: Residuals sorted on x-values
#'   \item \code{x}: Sorted x values
#'   \item \code{y}: y values following sorted x-values
#'   \item \code{xmed}: Median x values for each third
#'   \item \code{ymed}: Median y values for each third
#'   \item \code{index}: Index of sorted x values defining upper boundaries of
#'                      each thirds
#'   \item \code{xlab}: X label name
#'   \item \code{ylab}: Y label name
#'   \item \code{iter}: Number of iterations}
#' @details  This is an R implementation of the \code{RLIN.F} FORTRAN code in
#'   Velleman et. al's book. This function fits a robust line using a
#'   three-point summary strategy whereby the data are split into three equal
#'   length groups along the x-axis and a line is fitted to the medians defining
#'   each group via an iterative process. This function should mirror the
#'   built-in \code{stat::line} function in its fitting strategy but it outputs
#'   additional parameters.
#'   \cr See the accompanying vignette \code{Resistant Line} for a detailed
#'   breakdown of the resistant line technique.
#' @references
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item Velleman, P. F., and D. C. Hoaglin. 1981. Applications, Basics and Computing of Exploratory Data Analysis. Boston: Duxbury Press.
#'    \item D. C. Hoaglin, F. Mosteller, and J. W. Tukey. 1983. Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis. Wiley.}
#' @examples
#' # This first example uses breast cancer data from "ABC's of EDA" page 127.
#' # The output model's  parameters should closely match:  Y = -46.19 + 2.89X
#' # The plots shows the original data with a fitted resistant line (red)
#' # and a regular lm fitted line (dashed line), and the modeled residuals.
#' # The 3-point summary dots are shown in red.
#' M <- eda_rline(neoplasms, Temp, Mortality)
#' M
#' # Plot the output (red line is the resistant line)
#' plot(M)
#' # Add a traditional OLS regression line (dashed line)
#' abline(lm(Mortality ~ Temp, neoplasms), lty = 3)
#' # Plot the residuals
#' plot(M, type = "residuals")
#' # This next example uses Andrew Siegel's pathological 9-point dataset to test
#' # for model stability when convergence cannot be reached.
#' M <- eda_rline(nine_point, X, Y)
#' plot(M)

eda_rline <- function(dat, x, y, px = 1, py = 1, tukey = TRUE, maxiter = 20){

    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
    ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
    x <- eval(substitute(x), dat)
    y <- eval(substitute(y), dat)

  # Re-express data if required
  x <- eda_re(x, p = px, tukey = tukey)
  x.nan <- is.na(x)
  y <- eda_re(y, p = py, tukey = tukey)
  y.nan <- is.na(y)

  # Re-expression may produce NaN values. Output warning if TRUE
  if( any(x.nan, y.nan) ) {
    warning(paste("\nRe-expression produced NaN values. These observations will",
                  "be removed from output. This will result in fewer points",
                  "in the ouptut."))
    bad <- x.nan | y.nan
    x <- x[!bad]
    y <- y[!bad]


  # Get medians and sorted dataset
  m     <- thirds(x,y)
  xmed  <- m$xmed
  ymed  <- m$ymed
  index <- m$index

  x <- m$x
  y <- m$y

  # Compute delta x (a constant throughout the code)
  deltax <- xmed[3] - xmed[1]

  # Initial slope and intercept
  b <- (ymed[3] - ymed[1]) / (xmed[3] - xmed[1])
  a0 <- sum(ymed - b * xmed)/3
  res <- y - (a0 + b * x)
  mr <- thirds(x, res)
  br <- (mr$ymed[3] - mr$ymed[1]) / (mr$xmed[3] - mr$xmed[1])

  # Find the cuttoff, this is where the final diff between D0 and D1 is 0.1% of b0
  cutoff <- abs(0.001 * b)

  # Compute Delta r and del r for first iteration
  del <- Delta.r(x,y,index,xmed,b) / deltax

  iter <- 1
  if(maxiter > 1) {
    sgn <- 0
    while(iter <= maxiter & abs(del) > cutoff){

      if (sgn > -1 | iter ==1) {
        b_old <- b
        b <- b + br
      } else {
        b_old1 <- b
        b <- b - br *( (b - b_old) / (br - br_old))
        b_old <- b_old1
      res <- y - (a0 + b * x)
      mr <- thirds(x, res)
      br_old <- br
      br <- (mr$ymed[3] - mr$ymed[1]) / (mr$xmed[3] - mr$xmed[1])
      sgn <- sign(br_old) * sign(br)

      # a <- sum(ymed - b * xmed)/3
      del <- Delta.r(x,mr$y,index,xmed,br) / deltax
      iter <- iter + 1


  # Intercept
  a <- sum(mr$ymed) / 3 + a0

  # Output (include sorted y's and x's)
  out <- list(b=b, a=a, res=res, x=x, y=y, xmed=xmed, ymed=ymed,
              index = index, xlab = xlab, ylab=ylab, px= px, py=py,
              iter = iter)
  class(out) <- "eda_rline"

# eda_rline <- function(dat, x, y, px = 1, py = 1, tukey = TRUE, iter = 20){
#   if(!missing(dat))
#   {
#     xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
#     ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
#     x <- eval(substitute(x), dat)
#     y <- eval(substitute(y), dat)
#   }
#   # Re-express data if required
#   x <- eda_re(x, p = px, tukey = tukey)
#   x.nan <- is.na(x)
#   y <- eda_re(y, p = py, tukey = tukey)
#   y.nan <- is.na(y)
#   # Re-expression may produce NaN values. Output warning if TRUE
#   if( any(x.nan, y.nan) ) {
#     warning(paste("\nRe-expression produced NaN values. These observations will",
#                   "be removed from output. This will result in fewer points",
#                   "in the ouptut."))
#     bad <- x.nan | y.nan
#     x <- x[!bad]
#     y <- y[!bad]
#   }
#   # Get medians and sorted dataset
#   m     <- thirds(x,y)
#   xmed  <- m$xmed
#   ymed  <- m$ymed
#   index <- m$index
#   x <- m$x
#   y <- m$y
#   # Compute delta x (a constant throughout the code)
#   deltax <- xmed[3] - xmed[1]
#   # Step 1
#   # Compute the first slope
#   b0 <- (ymed[3] - ymed[1]) / (xmed[3] - xmed[1])
#   # Find the cuttoff, this is where the final diff between D0 and D1 is 0.1% of b0
#   cutoff <- abs(0.001 * b0)
#   # Compute Delta r and del r for first iteration
#   D0  <-  Delta.r(x,y,index,xmed,b0)
#   del <- D0 / deltax
#   # Step 2
#   # Add del r to b0
#   b1 <- b0 + del
#   # Compute Delta r and del r for second iteration
#   D1 <-  Delta.r(x,y,index,xmed,b1)
#   # print(sprintf("D0=%f, D1=%f, b0=%f, b1=%f",D0, D1, b0,b1)) # For debugging
#   # print(sprintf("D0=%f, D1=%f",D0,D1)) # For debugging
#   count <- 0
#   # If D0 or D1 are 0, then we already have a robust line, if not, proceed
#   if (round(D1,8) != 0 ) {
#     # D0 and D1 should have opposite signs, if not, add another delta r
#     control <- 0
#     while ( sign(D0) == sign(D1) && (control <= iter)) {
#       b0 <- b1
#       D0 <- D1
#       b1 <- b1 + del
#       del <- del + del
#       D1  <-  Delta.r(x,y,index,xmed,b1)
#       control <- control +1
#     }
#     # Interpolate between b0 and b1
#     b2 <- b1 - D1 * (b1 - b0) / (D1 - D0)
#     # Compute Delta r and del r for 3rd iteration
#     D2 <-  Delta.r(x,y,index,xmed,b2)
#     del <- D2 / deltax
#     # print(sprintf("del=%f, b2=%f, D2=%f",del,b2,D2)) # For debugging
#     # Now repeat the last iteration until Delta r is less than 0.1% of b0
#     count <- 0
#     while ( (abs(del) > cutoff) && (count <= iter)){
#       # Narrow the interval, assign b2 to b0 or b1 depending on sign of D2
#       if( sign(D2) == sign(D1)) {
#         b1 <- b2
#         D1 <- D2
#       }else{
#         b0 <- b2
#         D0 <- D2
#       }
#       b2 <- b1 - D1 * (b1 - b0) / (D1 - D0)
#       D2 <-  Delta.r(x,y,index,xmed,b2)
#       del <- D2 / deltax
#       # print(sprintf("Count=%i, b2=%f, D2=%f, del=%f",count, b2,D2,del)) # For debugging
#       count <- count + 1
#     }
#   }else{
#     b2 <- b1
#   }
#   # Compute the new intercept (following procedure outlined
#   # on page 158 of ABC of EDA)
#    a   <- median( y - b2 * x )
#   # Compute final residuals
#   res <- y - (a + b2 * x)
#   # Output (include sorted y's and x's)
#   out <- list(b=b2, a=a, res=res, x=x, y=y, xmed=xmed, ymed=ymed,
#               index = index, xlab = xlab, ylab=ylab, px= px, py=py,
#               iter = count + 3)
#   class(out) <- "eda_rline"
#   return(out)
# }

thirds <- function(x,y){
  # find unique values and add index to dataframe
  x.unique <- unique(x)
  # We need at least three unique x values
  if (length(x.unique) < 3) stop("You need at least 3 unique x-values.")
  # Find the three thirds
  dat2 <- data.frame(x=x, y =y, index = match(x, x.unique[order(x.unique)] ) )
  n <- length( unique(x) ) # Get the number of unique values
  span <- floor(n/3)
  r    <- n %% 3
  # Compute the max index of each third
  if( r == 0) d <- c(span, span *2, span *3)
  if( r == 1) d <- c(span, span *2 + 1, span *3 + 1)
  if( r == 2) d <- c(span + 1, span * 2 + 1, span *3 + 2)
  # Get X medians
  xmed <- vector(length = 3)
  xmed[1] <- median( dat2$x[dat2$index %in% (1 : d[1]) ] )
  xmed[2] <- median( dat2$x[dat2$index %in% ( (d[1] + 1) : d[2]) ])
  xmed[3] <- median( dat2$x[dat2$index %in% ( (d[2] + 1) : d[3]) ])
  # Get Y medians
  ymed <- vector(length = 3)
  ymed[1] <- median( dat2$y[dat2$index %in% (1 : d[1]) ] )
  ymed[2] <- median( dat2$y[dat2$index %in% ( (d[1] + 1) : d[2]) ])
  ymed[3] <- median( dat2$y[dat2$index %in% ( (d[2] + 1) : d[3]) ])
  # Get each third's boundary record number (this may not match index if there are ties)
  dat2 <- dat2[with(dat2, order(index)),] #sort table
  xb <- vector(length=3)
  xb[1] <- max(which( dat2$index %in% (1 : d[1])))
  xb[2] <- max( which( dat2$index %in% ( (d[1] + 1) : d[2]) ) )
  xb[3] <- max( which( dat2$index %in% ( (d[2] + 1) : d[3]) ))
  # Output x medians, y medians, x indices and y indices
  out <- list(xmed = xmed, ymed = ymed, index = xb,
              x = dat2$x, y = dat2$y)

# See page 132 of ABC of EDA for approach to computing
# delta R

Delta.r <- function(x, y, d, xmed, b){
  rl <- median(y[1:d[1]] - b * (x[1:d[1]] - xmed[2]) )
  rr <- median(y[(d[2]+1):d[3]] - b * (x[(d[2]+1):d[3]] - xmed[2]) )
  D  <-  rr - rl
  # print(sprintf("b=%f,  rl=%f, rr=%f",b,rl,rr)) # For debugging
mgimond/tukeyedar documentation built on March 19, 2024, 8:44 a.m.