#' @export
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @title
#' Resolve ties in a numeric vector
#' @description
#' Adjusts tied values in a numeric vector by adding or subtracting
#' a small fraction of the range.
#' @param dat A data frame or a numeric vector.
#' @param x Numeric column. Ignored if \code{dat} is a numeric vector.
#' @param fac Column of categorical values. Ignored if \code{dat} is a numeric
#' vector.
#' @param f A numeric value specifying the fraction of the range of \code{x} to
#' use for perturbing tied values. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param rand A logical value. If \code{FALSE}, all adjustments are of fixed
#' size based on \code{f}. If \code{TRUE}, the adjustments are randomized
#' within the range specified by \code{f}.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @details
#' The function identifies tied values in the input vector \code{x}
#' and perturbs them slightly to break the ties.
#' If \code{rand = TRUE}, the adjustment for each tied value is randomized
#' uniformly with the lower and upper bounds defined by
#' \code{[0, f * diff(range(x))]}. If \code{rand = FALSE}, the adjustment is
#' deterministic and equal to \code{+/- f * diff(range(x))}. Alternating signs
#' (\code{-1} and \code{1}) are used to distribute adjustments symmetrically.
#' The deterministic approach may not eliminate all ties. For example, if four
#' values are tied, the output will split the values into two tied values.
#' Repeating the process on the output as needed will eliminate all remaining
#' ties.
#' @return
#' Returns the input numeric data with ties resolved. If `dat` is a
#' vector, a modified vector is returned. If `dat` is a data frame, a modified
#' vector corresponding to the column specified by `x` is returned.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' x <- c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5)
#' # Randomized adjustments
#' x1 <- eda_untie(x, f = 0.01, rand = TRUE)
#' x1
#' # Deterministic adjustments. Given that there are three elements sharing the
#' # same value (a value of 2 in this example), the data will need to be
#' # processed twice.
#' x2 <- eda_untie(x, f = 0.01, rand = FALSE)
#' x2
#' x3 <- eda_untie(x2, f = 0.01, rand = FALSE)
#' x3
#' # Random adjustments. Add up to +/- 0.5 inches to singer height values
#' set.seed(17)
#' singer <- lattice::singer
#' factor <- 0.5 / diff(range(singer$height)) # Get fraction that covers 0.5 inches
#' eda_jitter(singer, height, voice.part)
#' singer$notie <- eda_untie(singer, height, voice.part, f = factor)
#' eda_jitter(singer, notie, voice.part)
eda_untie <-function(dat, x = NULL, fac = NULL, f=0.01, rand = TRUE, ...){
# Check for invalid arguments
input <- names(list(...))
check <- input %in% names(formals(cat))
if (any(!check)) warning(sprintf("%s is not a valid argument.",
paste(input[!check], collapse = ", ")))
if("data.frame" %in% class(dat)){
fac <- eval(substitute(fac), dat)
if(is.factor(fac)) fac <- droplevels(fac)
x <- eval(substitute(x), dat)
if (is.null(fac))
stop("You need to pass a valid factor column to the fac parameter")
split(x, fac) <- lapply(seq_along(split(x, fac)), function(i) {
group_name <- names(split(x, fac))[i]
group_x <- split(x, fac)[[i]]
# Print the current group being processed
# print(paste(group_name,":"))
# Process the group's data
eda_untie_f(group_x, name = group_name, f = f, rand = rand)
} else {
dat <- eda_untie_f(dat, f=f, rand=rand)
#' Used to break ties in vector element
#' @param x Vector of numeric values that may have ties.
#' @param name Group name passed to function.
#' @param f A numeric value specifying the fraction of the range of \code{x} to
#' use for adjustments. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param rand A logical value. If \code{FALSE}, all adjustments are of fixed
#' size based on \code{f}. If \code{TRUE}, the adjustments are randomized
#' within the range specified by \code{f}.
#' @noRd
eda_untie_f <- function(x, name = NULL, f, rand){
n <- length(x)
# Find ties
ties <- duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast = TRUE)
nties <- sum(ties)
if(is.null(name)) print(paste("There were",nties,"input ties."))
else print(paste(name,"had",nties,"ties."))
if(rand == FALSE){
perc <- diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE)) * f
} else {
perc <- runif(nties, 0, diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE)) * f)
signs <- rep(c(-1, 1), length.out = nties)
x[ties] <- x[ties] + perc * signs
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