
Defines functions processInit processConditionalTags clipString evaluateConditional finalizeInitCollection lookupValue replaceBodyTags replaceInitTags recurseReplace updateCurrentValues lookupSimpleTags createModels parseTags getInitTags classifyTags splitDFByRow

Documented in classifyTags clipString createModels evaluateConditional finalizeInitCollection getInitTags lookupSimpleTags lookupValue parseTags processConditionalTags processInit recurseReplace replaceBodyTags replaceInitTags splitDFByRow updateCurrentValues

# TODO: enforce use of #iterator syntax in init section for vars with length > 1
# TODO: Check array tags used in the init and body sections for validity.
# TODO: Make sure that classify tags accurately interprets all tags and errors if uninterpretable tag.
# TODO: Allow for conditional tags to use a list, such as [[nclass#class == 5]]

#note that there's a bit of trickery in interpreting list tags
#they varnames are stored as only the prefix in the initCollection (no #iterator)
#and they are referenced in the body as var#iterator
#At this point, doesn't enforce proper use of iterator with a list

#setwd("C:/Users/Michael Hallquist/Documents/Automation_Sandbox")
#createModels("C:/Users/Michael Hallquist/Documents/Automation_Sandbox/LSPD Covariate Template.txt")
#system.time(createModels("C:/Users/Michael Hallquist/Documents/Automation_Sandbox/LSPD Template.txt"))
#createModels("C:/Users/Michael Hallquist/Documents/Automation_Sandbox/LSPD Template New Init.txt")
#createModels("C:/Users/Michael Hallquist/Documents/Automation_Sandbox/L2 Multimodel Template No iter.txt")

#need to sort out why is.na is working for lookupValue in replaceBodyTags
#in particular, why isn't the current value carrying over from the previous looping iteration?

#foreach tags may only be with respect to an iterator... could not have some random foreach var

#' Split a data frame into a list by rows
#' Takes a data frame and returns a list with an element for each row of the data frame.
#' This is an internal function.
#' @param df An object inheriting from class \code{data.frame}
#' @return A list where each element is a one row data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # small example using built in data
#' MplusAutomation:::splitDFByRow(mtcars)
splitDFByRow <- function(df) {
  stopifnot(inherits(df, "data.frame"))
  lapply(seq.int(nrow(df)), function(i) df[i, ])

#' Classifies Tags
#' Accepts a vector of tags to be classified as well as the iterators.
#' Tags are classified as \sQuote{iterator}, \sQuote{array}, \sQuote{conditional}, or
#' \sQuote{simple}. This is an internal function.
#' @param tagVector A vector of tags to be classified
#' @param iteratorsVector a vector of the iterators to correctly classify tags
#' @return A character vector the same length as the vectors to be tagged
#' @keywords internal
classifyTags <- function(tagVector, iteratorsVector) {
  #accepts a vector of tags to be classified
  #also needs a vector of the iterators to correctly classify tags
  #returns a vector of tag types

  #creates an empty character vector of the same length as tagVector (each element defaults to "")
  tagType <- vector(mode="character", length=length(tagVector))

  #default to missing for tag type (replaced below)
  #tagData$tagType <- NA_character_

  # named list of the regexs to match for
  # the names of each elements are used later to classify tags
  RegEx <- list(
    iterator = paste0("\\[\\[\\s*(", paste(iteratorsVector, collapse="|"), ")\\s*\\]\\]"),
    array = paste0("\\[\\[\\s*\\b([\\w\\.]+)#(", paste(iteratorsVector, collapse="|"), ")\\b\\s*\\]\\]"),

    #optional forward slash for closing tags
    #could the alternation syntax be problematic if variable names overlaps
    #(e.g., x matching xy)? Use word boundaries?
    #any reason to limit this to iterators?!
    conditional = paste0("\\[\\[\\s*/*(", paste(iteratorsVector, collapse="|"), ")\\s*[!><=]+\\s*\\d+\\s*\\]\\]"),

    #simple tags -- not wrt iterators, not conditional
    #use negative lookahead to skip tags that are iterators
    simple = paste0("\\[\\[\\s*(?!", paste(iteratorsVector, collapse="|"), ")[\\w+\\.]+\\s*\\]\\]"))

  Positions <- lapply(RegEx, grep, x = tagVector, perl = TRUE)

  # assert no duplicates, i.e., tag cannot match multiples classes

  for (n in names(Positions)) {
    tagType[Positions[[n]]] <- n


#' Get Initial Tags
#' An internal function
#' @param initCollection A list?
#' @return The initMatches
#' @keywords internal
getInitTags <- function(initCollection) {
  initMatches <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(initCollection)) {
    if (storage.mode(initCollection[[i]]) == "character") {
      matches <- friendlyGregexpr("\\[\\[\\s*[\\s\\w=><!#/]+\\s*\\]\\]", initCollection[[i]], perl=T)
      #if there are matches for this item, add its position in the list pos
      #the idea is that the list has elements and the elements can be vectors
      #thus, a match may occur for initCollection[[5]][3] if the fifth element of the list is a vector
      #and the match is the third element.
      if (!is.null(matches)) matches$listpos <- i
      initMatches <- rbind(initMatches, matches)

  #successfully creates a data.frame of the sort below.
#   element start end                          tag listpos
#1        1     1  11                  [[classes]]      14
#2        1    19  38         [[groupnames#group]]      14
#3        1    40  63     [[outcomenames#outcome]]      14
#4        1    65  84         [[modelnames#model]]      14
#5        1    85 112 [[zeroclassnames#zeroclass]]      14
#6        1     6  29     [[outcomenames#outcome]]      15
#7        1    31  50         [[groupnames#group]]      15
#8        1    73  92         [[modelnames#model]]      15
#9        1     1   9                    [[hello]]      17
#10       2     1  10                   [[hello2]]      17

  #classify tags in terms of simple, array, iterator, conditional, foreach
  if (!is.null(initMatches) && nrow(initMatches) > 0) {
    initMatches$tagType <- classifyTags(initMatches$tag, initCollection$iterators)

    #chop off the [[ ]] portion of the tags, along with any leading or trailing space
    #this makes it easier to use the sub function to update current values
    initMatches$tag <- sapply(initMatches$tag, function(tag) {
      return(sub("\\[\\[\\s*([\\s\\w=><!#/]+)\\s*\\]\\]", "\\1", tag, perl=TRUE))

  #return empty data frame if no matches
  if (is.null(initMatches)) return(data.frame())
  else return(initMatches)

#' Parses tags in the body section
#' Parses tags in the body section (character vector) and
#' init collection (list of vars defined in the init section).
#' This is an internal function.
#' @param bodySection The body
#' @param initCollection The initial collection
#' @return A list with three elements, where each list represents the location,
#' start character, end character, tag type, etc. of each tag.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{initTags}{initMatches}
#'   \item{bodyTags}{bodyMatches}
#'   \item{bodyText}{bodySection}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
parseTags <- function(bodySection, initCollection) {
  #first handle init tags
  initMatches <- getInitTags(initCollection)

  initMatches$currentValue <- NA_character_

  bodyTagRegex <- "\\[\\[\\s*[\\s\\w=><!#/]+\\s*\\]\\]"
  bodyMatches <- friendlyGregexpr(bodyTagRegex, bodySection, perl=TRUE)

  if (is.null(bodyMatches)) stop("No tags found in body section of template file.")

  bodyMatches$tagType <- classifyTags(bodyMatches$tag, initCollection$iterators)
  #okay, now every tag is categorized
  #the notion here is to substitute in the running value for a given variable
  #then we'll do a mass substitute for each model
  bodyMatches$currentValue <- NA_character_

  #chop off the [[ ]] portion of the tags, along with any leading or trailing space
  bodyMatches$tag <- sapply(bodyMatches$tag, function(tag) {
    return(sub("\\[\\[\\s*([\\s\\w=><!#/]+)\\s*\\]\\]", "\\1", tag, perl=TRUE))

  #return a three-element list with constituent data frames for init and body tags.
  return(list(initTags=initMatches, bodyTags=bodyMatches, bodyText=bodySection))

#' Create Mplus Input Files from Template
#' The \code{createModels} function processes a single Mplus template file and creates a group of related
#' model input files. Definitions and examples for the template language are provided in the MplusAutomation
#' vignette and are not duplicated here at the moment. See this documentation: \code{vignette("Vignette", package="MplusAutomation")}
#' @param templatefile The filename (absolute or relative path) of an Mplus template file to be processed. Example \dQuote{C:/MplusTemplate.txt}
#' @return No value is returned by this function. It is solely used to process an Mplus template file.
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @keywords interface
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   createModels("L2 Multimodel Template No iter.txt")
#' }
createModels <- function(templatefile) {
# should probably have the function cd to wherever the template file is located (if given as abs path)
# todo: allow for direct runs?

  if (!file.exists(templatefile)) stop("Template file not found.")

  readfile <- scan(templatefile, what="character", sep="\n", strip.white=FALSE, blank.lines.skip=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)

  # divide into init versus body
  startinit <- grep("[[init]]", readfile, fixed=T)
  endinit <- grep("[[/init]]", readfile, fixed=T)

  if (length(startinit) != 1 || length(endinit) != 1) {
    stop("Unable to find init section in template file.")

  # extract init section
  initSection <- readfile[(startinit+1):(endinit-1)]

  # extract body section
  bodySection <- readfile[(endinit+1):length(readfile)]

  # convert the init text into a list object containing parsed init instructions
  initCollection <- processInit(initSection)

  templateTags <- parseTags(bodySection, initCollection)

  # lookup values for simple tags, which won't vary by iterator
  templateTags <- lookupSimpleTags(templateTags, initCollection)

  # kick off the recursive replace
  if (length(initCollection$iterators) > 0) {
    recurseReplace(templateTags, initCollection)

#' Simple tag lookup
#' The purpose of this function is to set the currentValue column
#' for the bodyTags and initTags data.frames for simple tags only.
#' Most values will be replaced at the bottom level of recursion,
#' but simple tags do not change over iterations, so can be set one time.
#' @param templateTags The template tags
#' @param initCollection The initial collection
#' @return A tag.
#' @keywords internal
lookupSimpleTags <- function(templateTags, initCollection) {
#  #locate simple tags in body
#  simpleBodyPositions <- which(templateTags$bodyTags$tagType=="simple")
#  #replace tag with value
#  templateTags$bodyTags$currentValue[simpleBodyPositions] <- sapply(templateTags$bodyTags$tag[simpleBodyPositions],
#      function(value) {
#        currentValue <- eval(parse(text=paste("initCollection$", value, sep="")))
#        if (regexpr("\\[\\[\\s*[\\s\\w=><!#/]+\\s*\\]\\]", currentValue, perl=TRUE) > 0) {
#          #The replacement tag itself contains additional tags.
#          #Thus, not a simple replacement. This replacement needs to be deferred until
#          #we have iterated to the bottom of the tree and have all needed information
#          #set a deferred value to be replace later
#          currentValue <- "..deferred.."
#        }
#        return(currentValue)
#      })

  #locate simple tags in init
  simpleInitPositions <- which(templateTags$initTags$tagType=="simple")

  templateTags$initTags$currentValue[simpleInitPositions] <- sapply(
    function(value) {
      return(eval(parse(text=paste0("initCollection$", value))))


#' Updates current values
#' Body tags currentValues are substituted at the bottom-most level
#' after init collection is finalized (recursively process any nested tags)
#' @param templateTags The template tags
#' @param initCollection Initial collection
#' @return Updated current value or the original if no match.
#' @keywords internal
updateCurrentValues <- function(templateTags, initCollection) {
#Better idea: only updateCurrentValues for init tags collection
#And only update init collection for the respective iterator
#Only need to update values for a given iterator....
#The issue is that values for a given iterator shouldn't change when another iterator is active

  #need to replace array and iterator tags for this iterator

  #locate iterator tags in init
  initIteratorPositions <- which(
    templateTags$initTags$tagType=="iterator" &
    templateTags$initTags$tag == initCollection$curIteratorName)

  #set the current value to the position in the looping process for this iterator
  templateTags$initTags$currentValue[initIteratorPositions] <- initCollection$curItPos[initCollection$curIteratorDepth]

  #allow for iterator lookups here... just to an is.na check in the replaceBodyTags
  #locate iterator tags in body
  bodyIteratorPositions <- which(
    templateTags$bodyTags$tagType == "iterator" &
    templateTags$bodyTags$tag == initCollection$curIteratorName)

  templateTags$bodyTags$currentValue[bodyIteratorPositions] <- initCollection$curItPos[initCollection$curIteratorDepth]

  # Next, handle array tags
  # figure out the iterator for each array tag and only select
  # those that are relevant to the current iterator
  initArrayPositions <- which(templateTags$initTags$tagType=="array")

  # only update values if any array tags are found
  # (generates an error otherwise because of weird format from splitter_a
  if (length(initArrayPositions) > 0) {
    divideByRow <- splitDFByRow(templateTags$initTags[initArrayPositions,])

    #for each element of the list, check for a match with this iterator and return the value of interest
    #if the array tag is not for this iterator, return the current value unchanged
    templateTags$initTags$currentValue[initArrayPositions] <- unlist(sapply(divideByRow,
      function(row) {
        split <- strsplit(row$tag, split="#", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
        if (length(split) != 2) stop("array tag missing iterator: ", row$tag)

        if (split[2] == initCollection$curIteratorName) {
          currentValue <- eval(parse(text =
            paste0("initCollection$", split[1], "[",
            initCollection$curItPos[initCollection$curIteratorDepth], "]")))

          if (is.null(currentValue)) {
            stop("When replacing tag: ", row$tag, ", could not find corresponding value.")
        } else {
          # return unchanged current value if not this iterator

# for now, we don't use any current values for body tags collection (handled at bottom)
#  #conduct same process for body tags: locate array tags and update values for this iterator
#  bodyArrayPositions <- which(templateTags$bodyTags$tagType=="array")
#  #use plyr's splitter_a function to divide dataset by row (builds a big list)
#  divideByRow <- splitter_a(templateTags$bodyTags[bodyArrayPositions,], 1)
#  #for each element of the list, check for a match with this iterator and return the value of interest
#  templateTags$bodyTags$currentValue[bodyArrayPositions] <- unlist(sapply(divideByRow,
#      function(row) {
#        split <- strsplit(row$tag, split="#", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
#        if (length(split) != 2) stop("array tag missing iterator: ", row$tag)
#        if (split[2] == initCollection$curIteratorName) {
#          currentValue <- eval(parse(text=paste("initCollection$", split[1], "[", initCollection$curItPos[initCollection$curIteratorDepth], "]", sep="")))
#          if (regexpr("\\[\\[\\s*[\\s\\w=><!#/]+\\s*\\]\\]", currentValue, perl=TRUE) > 0) {
#            #The replacement tag itself contains additional tags.
#            #Thus, not a simple replacement. This replacement needs to be deferred until
#            #we have iterated to the bottom of the tree and have all needed information
#            #set a deferred value to be replace later
#            currentValue <- "..deferred.."
#          }
#          if (is.null(currentValue)) stop("When replacing tag: ", row$tag, ", could not find corresponding value.")
#          return(currentValue)
#        }
#        else return(row$currentValue) #return unchanged current value if not this iterator
#      }))


#' Recursive replace
#' To do: fill in some details
#' @param templateTags The template tags
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @param curiterator An integer that tracks of the depth of recursion through the iterators. Defaults to 1.
#' @return Does not look like it returns anything
#' @keywords internal
recurseReplace <- function(templateTags, initCollection, curiterator=1L) {
  #bodySection is the character vector representing each line of the body section
  #bodyTags is a data.frame documenting the location and type of all tags in bodySection
  #initTags is a data.frame documenting the location and type of all tags in initCollection

  if (!is.list(initCollection)) {
    stop("Argument list passed to recurseReplace is not a list")

  # check that curiterator is indeed a whole number
  stopifnot(curiterator %% 1 == 0)

  thisIterator <- initCollection$iterators[curiterator]

  #set the current iterator for the collection (used by replaceTags)
  initCollection$curIteratorName <- thisIterator
  initCollection$curIteratorDepth <- curiterator

  #would it work better to use a named array here?
  #like curItVals <- c(1, 3, 5, 2) for iterators a, b, c, d
  #then names(curItVals) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")

  for (i in initCollection[[thisIterator]]) {

    #set the current position within this iterator for use in replace tags
    #create a vector of iterator positions for use in replaceTags
    #initCollection$curItPos[curiterator] <- i

    #add the iterator name to the vector of iterator positions
    #this has the same effect as above (appending as it recurses), but allows for name-based lookup
    initCollection$curItPos[thisIterator] <- i

    #print(paste("current iterator is:", thisIterator, ", position:", as.character(i)))

    #process foreach commands
    #For now, take this out
    #bodySection <- processForEachTags(bodySection, initCollection)

    #update the current values for this iterator and this iteration
    #this applies for every iterator and iteration, not just processing
    #at the deepest level. The function only updates array and iterator
    #tags that match this iterator, thus minimizing redundant work.
    #the latest is that only init collection tags will be updated
    #then body tags are replaced at the bottom level after init collection is finalized
    templateTags <- updateCurrentValues(templateTags, initCollection)

    if (curiterator < length(initCollection$iterators)) {
      #if not at deepest level, recurse to the next level by adding 1 to the iterator

      #NOTE to self: consider adding a "foreachReplacements" collection to templateTags
      #that contains the expansions of these tags (appended per iteration)
      #this avoids having to think about reparsing the tags based on new code created by foreach

      recurseReplace(templateTags, initCollection, curiterator = curiterator+1)
    } else {
      #we have reached the bottom of the iteration tree
      #simple, array, and iterator tags should be up to date in the templateTags collection

      #first delete conditional tags from the body section, reduce subsequent processing burden
      #need to return templateTags collection from processConditionalTags (including bodyText)

      #need to use a copy of templateTags to avoid it affecting subsequent loop iterations
      finalTemplateTags <- processConditionalTags(templateTags, initCollection)

      #the body section to write is stored in the templateTags collection
      toWrite <- finalTemplateTags$bodyText

      #create a separate initCollection with the appropriate values substituted.
      finalInitCollection <- replaceInitTags(finalTemplateTags$initTags, initCollection)

      #finalize init collection values (in cases of nested tags)
      #wades through init collection for any remaining tags and replaces them
      finalInitCollection <- finalizeInitCollection(finalInitCollection)

      #update bodySection with tag values from finalized init tags
      toWrite <- replaceBodyTags(toWrite, finalTemplateTags$bodyTags, finalInitCollection)

      filename <- finalInitCollection$filename

      cat(paste("writing file: ", filename, "\n", sep=""))
      curdir <- getwd()

      #figure out the output directory
      outputDir <- finalInitCollection$outputDirectory

      if (!file.exists(outputDir)) {
        dir.create(outputDir, recursive=TRUE)


      #make sure that no line is more than 90 chars
      toWrite <- unlist(lapply(toWrite, function(line) {
        if (nchar(line) > 90) {
          strwrap(line, width=85, exdent=5)
        } else {

      writeLines(toWrite, con = filename, sep = "\n")


#' Replace Init Tags
#' To do: fill in some details
#' @param initTags Init tags
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return Returns updated initCollection
#' @keywords internal
replaceInitTags <- function(initTags, initCollection) {
  targetRows <- which(initTags$tagType %in% c("simple", "iterator", "array"))
  targetTags <- initTags[targetRows, ]
  targetTags$rownumber <- 1:nrow(targetTags)

  #going to re-use this chunk in finalizeSubstitutions, so functionalize...
  #consider the looping replacement here
  for (i in 1:nrow(targetTags)) {
    row <- targetTags[i, ]
    stringToChange <- initCollection[[row$listpos]][row$element]

    if(row$start > 1) {
      preTag <- substr(stringToChange, 1, row$start - 1)
    } else {
      preTag <- ""

    if (row$end < nchar(stringToChange)) {
      postTag <- substr(stringToChange, row$end+1, nchar(stringToChange))
    } else {
      postTag <- ""

    initCollection[[row$listpos]][row$element] <- paste0(preTag, row$currentValue, postTag)

    subsequentRows <- which(
      targetTags$rownumber > i &
      targetTags$listpos == row$listpos &
      targetTags$element == row$element)

    if (length(subsequentRows > 0)) {

      #need to offset subsequent start/stops by the difference
      #between the tag and replacement lengths
      diffLength <- nchar(row$currentValue) - (row$end - row$start + 1)

      #update rows in targetTags that have additional tags on the same row
      #need to offset by the diffLength
      targetTags[subsequentRows,"start"] <- targetTags[subsequentRows,"start"] + diffLength
      targetTags[subsequentRows,"end"] <- targetTags[subsequentRows,"end"] + diffLength

  #refresh the initTags collection with the replaced values
  #need to dump the rownumber to align the data.frames
  # (templateTags doesn't have a rownumber field)
  targetTags$rownumber <- NULL
  initTags[targetRows, ] <- targetTags


#' Replace Body Tags
#' To do: fill in some details
#' @param bodySection character vector of body section of Mplus syntax
#' @param bodyTags collection of tags used inside of the template body
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return Returns updated bodySection
#' @keywords internal
replaceBodyTags <- function(bodySection, bodyTags, initCollection) {
  if (length(bodySection) <= 0) stop("Empty body section")

  #need to ponder issues where a replaced tag still contains another tag

  #hmm, actually seems futile to do a replacement in the init section
  #these are already set by update values.... won't affect the body section

  # so we need to finalize the tag substitutions...
  # the idea is that we need to convert all tags to literals in the initCollection
  # once this is done, then we replace all deferred tags in the body section

  #don't update current values if initcollection value contains any tag
  #if so, replace at the last minute (check this in Init)

  #set a "deferred" status in currentValue if replacement contains tags
  targetTags <- with(bodyTags, bodyTags[tagType %in% c("simple", "iterator", "array"), ])
  targetTags$rownumber <- 1:nrow(targetTags)


  #could improve this by replacing identical tags at once
  #like ddply by the tag

  for (i in 1:nrow(targetTags)) {
    row <- targetTags[i, ]
    stringToChange <- bodySection[row$element]

    if (row$start > 1) {
      preTag <- substr(stringToChange, 1, row$start-1)
    } else {
      preTag <- ""

    if (row$end < nchar(stringToChange)) {
      postTag <- substr(stringToChange, row$end+1, nchar(stringToChange))
    } else {
      postTag <- ""

    #lookup value as needed
    if (is.na(row$currentValue)) {
      row$currentValue <- lookupValue(row$tag, row$tagType, initCollection)
    #row$currentValue <- lookupValue(row$tag, row$tagType, initCollection)

    bodySection[row$element] <- paste0(preTag, row$currentValue, postTag)

    #need to offset subsequent start/stops by the difference between the tag and replacement lengths
    diffLength <- nchar(row$currentValue) - (row$end - row$start + 1)

    subsequentRows <- which(
      targetTags$rownumber > i &
      targetTags$element == row$element)

    if (length(subsequentRows > 0)) {
      #update rows in targetTags that have additional tags on the same row
      #need to offset by the diffLength
      targetTags[subsequentRows,"start"] <- targetTags[subsequentRows,"start"] + diffLength
      targetTags[subsequentRows,"end"] <- targetTags[subsequentRows,"end"] + diffLength


#' Lookup values
#' To do: fill in some details
#' @param tag name of tag for which we want to know the current value
#' @param tagType type of tag (simple, array, etc.) for the tag to lookup
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return Current value
#' @keywords internal
lookupValue <- function(tag, tagType, initCollection) {
#redundant with finalize code... re-use
  if (missing(tag)) stop("No tag provided")
  if (missing(tagType)) stop("No tag type provided")

  if (tagType == "simple") {
    return(eval(parse(text=paste0("initCollection$", tag))))
  else if (tagType == "array") {
    split <- strsplit(tag, split="#", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
    if (length(split) != 2) stop("array tag missing iterator: ", row$tag)

    #find where in the iterator depth this iterator lies
    #iteratorPosition <- grep(paste("\\b", split[2], "\\b", sep=""), initCollection$iterators, perl=T)

    #use named array look-up
    iteratorPosition <- initCollection$curItPos[split[2]]

    #note that the padding performed by processInit should handle non-contiguous iteratorPosition values here.
    currentValue <- eval(parse(text=paste0("initCollection$", split[1], "[", iteratorPosition, "]")))

    if (is.null(currentValue)) {
      stop("When replacing tag: ", row$tag, ", could not find corresponding value.")


#' Finalize Init Collection
#' this function should handle initTags that still contain tags
#' once the initCollection is finalized, then process the deferred body tags
#' the notion is that the substitutions will be handled in an inefficient manner -- using lots
#' of regular expression parsing, not using the matched tags data.frame
#' we only need to handle simple and array tags
#' iterators should always be integers
#' foreach and conditional are not relevant
#' iterate over init tags until no tags are left
#' here, the init collection should already have had most of its tags substituted by
#' replaceInitTags above.
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return Finalized initCollection
#' @keywords internal
finalizeInitCollection <- function(initCollection) {
  tagsRemain <- TRUE
  numIterations <- 1
  while(tagsRemain) {
    initTags <- getInitTags(initCollection)

    if (nrow(initTags) == 0) break #if no tags found, then substitution complete

    #update: iterator tags can be nested within other tag types and not updated until here.
    initTags <- with(initTags, initTags[tagType %in% c("simple", "iterator", "array"),])
    if (nrow(initTags) == 0) break #some tags, but none of the simple or array variety, which we want to replace

    divideByRow <- splitDFByRow(initTags)

    #for each element of the list, check for a match with this iterator and return the value of interest
    initTags$currentValue <- unlist(sapply(divideByRow,
      function(row) {
        if (row$tagType == "simple") {
          return(eval(parse(text=paste0("initCollection$", row$tag))))
        else if (row$tagType == "iterator") {
          #an iterator tag was nested
        else if (row$tagType == "array") {
          split <- strsplit(row$tag, split="#", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
          if (length(split) != 2) stop("array tag missing iterator: ", row$tag)

          #find where in the iterator depth this iterator lies
          #iteratorPosition <- grep(paste("\\b", split[2], "\\b", sep=""), initCollection$iterators, perl=T)

          #use named array look-up
          iteratorPosition <- initCollection$curItPos[split[2]]

          currentValue <- eval(parse(text=paste0("initCollection$", split[1], "[", iteratorPosition, "]")))

          if (is.null(currentValue)) {
            stop("When replacing tag: ", row$tag, ", could not find corresponding value.")


    #now we have a list of curent values for any init tags
    #and we want to update the init collection with their values... just as with above.
    initCollection <- replaceInitTags(initTags, initCollection)

    numIterations <- numIterations + 1
    if (numIterations > 20) stop("While replacing tags in init section, looped over variables 20 times without completing substitutions.\n  Check for circular definitions within init section.")


#' Evaluate Conditional
#' Note that at thie point the comparator must be a number (not another variable).
#' @param tag A tag
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return A boolean value indicating whether the conditional is true
#' @keywords internal
evaluateConditional <- function(tag, initCollection) {
  #evaluate whether tag is true
  #first divide up into name, operator, and value
  regexp <- "(\\w+)\\s*([!><=]+)\\s*(\\w+)"
  conditional <- unlist(strapply(tag, regexp, c))

  if (length(conditional) < 3) {
    stop("Error in conditional tag: does not contain variable, operator, and value. Tag = ", tag)

  #convert simple equals to logical equals
  if (conditional[2] == "=") conditional[2] <- "=="

  #obsolete b/c using named array
  #iteratorPosition <- grep(paste("\\b", conditional[1], "\\b", sep=""), initCollection$iterators, perl=T)

  #return a boolean value indicating whether the conditional is true
  return(eval(parse(text=paste0("initCollection$curItPos[conditional[1]]", conditional[2], conditional[3]))))

#' Clip String
#' To do: add any details.
#' @param string A string to be clipped
#' @param start The character position to start at
#' @param end  The character position to end at
#' @return A string from start to end
#' @keywords internal
clipString <- function(string, start, end) {
  #if the string is shorter than the length of the clip, then nothing remains
  if (nchar(string) <= end-start+1) return("")

  if(start > 1) preString <- substr(string, 1, start-1)
  else preString <- ""

  if(end < nchar(string)) postString <- substr(string, end+1, nchar(string))
  else postString <- ""

  return(paste0(preString, postString))

#' Process Conditional Tags
#' To do: add details.
#' @param templateTags A template tag
#' @param initCollection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return Processed templateTags
#' @keywords internal
processConditionalTags <- function(templateTags, initCollection) {
  #require(gsubfn) #moving to import strategy
  #find all conditional tags in the body section and remove them from the templateTags and bodyText pieces...

  conditionalTagIndices <- which(templateTags$bodyTags$tagType=="conditional")

	#return templateTags unharmed if there are no conditional tags (creates error below otherwise)
	if (length(conditionalTagIndices) == 0) return(templateTags)

  openClose <- ifelse(substr(templateTags$bodyTags$tag[conditionalTagIndices], 1, 1)=="/", "close", "open")
  allOpen <- conditionalTagIndices[openClose=="open"]

  bodyTagsToDrop <- c()
  bodyLinesToDrop <- c()
  for (i in allOpen) {
    #should be able to decide whether to skip an iteration if the affected lines are already in bodyLinesToDrop
    thisTag <- templateTags$bodyTags$tag[i]

    #evaluate truth of conditional
    conditionalTrue <- evaluateConditional(thisTag, initCollection)

    #only look for closing tags after the opening and accept the first exact match
    close <- conditionalTagIndices[
      templateTags$bodyTags$tag[conditionalTagIndices] == paste0("/", thisTag) &
      templateTags$bodyTags$element[conditionalTagIndices] >= templateTags$bodyTags$element[i]][1]

    sameLine <- FALSE
    #in case of same line match, check to make sure close follows opening on that line
    #the conditions above could match when a closing tag precedes opening tag on the same line
    if (templateTags$bodyTags$element[close]==templateTags$bodyTags$element[i]) {
      sameLine <- TRUE

      close <- conditionalTagIndices[
        openClose == "close" &
        templateTags$bodyTags$tag[conditionalTagIndices] == paste0("/", thisTag) &
        templateTags$bodyTags$element[conditionalTagIndices] == templateTags$bodyTags$element[i] &
        templateTags$bodyTags$start[conditionalTagIndices] > templateTags$bodyTags$end[i]][1]

      if (!close > 0) stop("Could not find closing tag for conditional:", thisTag)

    #skip this iteration if the opening and closing tags in question are already in the drop pile
    #these lines (and the lines between, if necessary) will already be dropped, so don't process
    if (templateTags$bodyTags$element[i] %in% bodyLinesToDrop &&
        templateTags$bodyTags$element[close] %in% bodyLinesToDrop) next

    #first check for tags to drop from the bodyTags collection (don't want these parsed later)
    if (conditionalTrue) {
      #only remove starting and ending tags
      bodyTagsToDrop <- c(bodyTagsToDrop, i, close)
    } else {
      #if conditional false, then remove all tags between conditional tags
      #first, dump all lines in the bodyTags section that fall between elements
      bodyTagsToDrop <- c(bodyTagsToDrop, i:close)

      #conditional is not true
      #so dump the tags and all space between
      #really, the only difference here from the calculation below is that
      #bodyLinesToDrop should encompass the space between opening and closing
      #and the clips below should dump the rest of the line when multiple tags on same line
      #no need to rewrite code for clipping out tags
      #don't clip the tag lines themselves because this is handled below (whole line goes if nchar <= 0)

      #only drop lines between matching open/close tags if not on the same line
      #otherwise, the clipping code below handles everything correctly
      #if on the same line, then element + 1:close - 1 will lead to something like 58:56, which is bad
      if (!sameLine) {
        bodyLinesToDrop <- c(bodyLinesToDrop,

    #then dump lines from the syntax section itself
    #handle same line issues, then delete whole lines between tags
    #as with replaceTags substitution, need to handle situation where tag is on line with other stuff
    #thus, need to update bodyTags collection, too to reflect new start/stop positions

    #when the conditional is true, just remove the tags and leave the syntax
    #dump the opening tag on the line

    #if the conditional is true, just use the last pos of the opening tag for the clip
    if (conditionalTrue) endPos <- templateTags$bodyTags$end[i]
    #want to clip the rest of the line
    else if (!conditionalTrue && sameLine == FALSE) endPos <- nchar(templateTags$bodyText[templateTags$bodyTags$element[i]])
    #just clip anything between open tag and first element of close tag (close tag itself handled by code below)
    else if (!conditionalTrue && sameLine == TRUE) endPos <- templateTags$bodyTags$start[close] - 1

    templateTags$bodyText[templateTags$bodyTags$element[i]] <- clipString(
      templateTags$bodyTags$start[i], endPos)

    if (nchar(trimSpace(templateTags$bodyText[templateTags$bodyTags$element[i]])) <= 0) {
      #no characters remain, so dump line
      bodyLinesToDrop <- c(bodyLinesToDrop, templateTags$bodyTags$element[i])
    } else {
      #if there is other text on this line, it may contain tags that need to be adjusted given the clip
      subsequentTags <- which(
        templateTags$bodyTags$element == templateTags$bodyTags$element[i] &
        templateTags$bodyTags$start > endPos)

      if (length(subsequentTags > 0)) {
        #calculate length of opening tag
	openLength <- endPos - templateTags$bodyTags$start[i] + 1
        templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"start"] <- templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"start"] - openLength
        templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"end"] <- templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"end"] - openLength

    #okay, we've handled issues related to the opening tag, now handle closing tag
    #for the closing tag, just need to clip the tag itself (spacing handled above)
    templateTags$bodyText[templateTags$bodyTags$element[close]] <- clipString(

    if (nchar(trimSpace(templateTags$bodyText[templateTags$bodyTags$element[close]])) <= 0) {
      #no characters remain, so dump line
      bodyLinesToDrop <- c(bodyLinesToDrop, templateTags$bodyTags$element[close])
    } else {
      #only look for additional tags if nchar > 0
      #redundant code with above... must be a way to consolidate
      #if there is other text on then end line, it may contain tags that need to be adjusted given the clip
      subsequentTags <- which(
        templateTags$bodyTags$element == templateTags$bodyTags$element[close] &
        templateTags$bodyTags$start > templateTags$bodyTags$end[close])

      if (length(subsequentTags > 0)) {
        closeLength <- templateTags$bodyTags$end[close] - templateTags$bodyTags$start[close] + 1
        templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"start"] <- templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"start"] - closeLength
        templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"end"] <- templateTags$bodyTags[subsequentTags,"end"] - closeLength


  #drop all bad body lines

  #only keep unique bodyTagsToDrop (and sort for clarity in debugging)
  #hard to imagine that bodyTagsToDrop could be NULL at this point (given the return when no conditional tags above)
  #but if it were NULL, the bodyTags collection would be dumped by the NULL*-1 evaluation

  if (!is.null(bodyTagsToDrop)) {
    bodyTagsToDrop <- sort(unique(bodyTagsToDrop))
    templateTags$bodyTags <- templateTags$bodyTags[bodyTagsToDrop*-1, ]

  #need to check whether bodyLinesToDrop is NULL. If it is, then we must not attempt the subset
  #(it will delete the whole character vector)
  if (!is.null(bodyLinesToDrop)) {
    #only retain unique bodyLinesToDrop (in theory handled by the "next" code above, but good to be safe)
    bodyLinesToDrop <- sort(unique(bodyLinesToDrop))
    templateTags$bodyText <- templateTags$bodyText[bodyLinesToDrop*-1]

    #need to move up the line markers in the bodyTags collection based on the lines dropped
    templateTags$bodyTags <- ddply(templateTags$bodyTags, "element", function(subDF) {
      numMoveUp <- length(which(bodyLinesToDrop < subDF$element[1]))
      subDF$element <- subDF$element - numMoveUp

#' Process the Init Section
#' To do: add details.
#' @param initsection The list of all arguments parsed from the init section
#' @return arglist
#' @importFrom gsubfn strapply
#' @keywords internal
processInit <- function(initsection) {

  #combine multi-line statements by searching for semi-colon
  assignments <- grep("^\\s*.+\\s*=", initsection, perl=TRUE)

  #check for valid variable names
  valid <- grep("^\\s*[A-Za-z\\.]+[\\w\\.#]*\\s*=", initsection[assignments], perl=TRUE)

  if (length(valid) < length(assignments)) {
    badvars <- initsection[assignments[which(!1:length(assignments) %in% valid)]]
    stop(paste(c("Invalid variable definitions in init section.",
      "Variables must begin with a letter or a period.",
      "Variables may contain only the following characters: letters, numbers, underscores, periods, and a single pound sign for list variables.",
      "Problematic variable(s):", badvars), collapse="\n  "))

  #preallocate vector of strings to process
  argstoprocess <- vector("character", length(assignments))

  #loop through each line containing an assignment
  for (i in 1:length(assignments)) {
    argstoprocess[i] = initsection[assignments[i]]

    #if line does not terminate in semicolon, then read subsequent lines until semicolon found
    #start file position at n+1 line
    filepos = assignments[i] + 1
    while (length(grep(";\\s*$", argstoprocess[i], perl=TRUE)) != 1) {
      #cat("multi-line: ", unlist(argstoprocess[i]), fill=T)
      argstoprocess[i] = paste(argstoprocess[i], initsection[filepos])
      filepos = filepos + 1

  #will return a list (one element per argstoprocess) with a three-element vector (name, iterator, value)
  #note that the regexp implicitly dumps the semicolon and any trailing spaces
  arglist <- strapply(argstoprocess, "^\\s*(\\w+[\\w\\.]*)(#[\\w\\.]+)?\\s*=\\s*(.+);\\s*$",
    function(name, iterator, value) {
      return(c(name, iterator, value))
    }, perl=TRUE)

   #copy the first element (name) of each vector into the list names
   names(arglist) <- make.names(sapply(arglist, '[', 1))

  #1. parse values into vectors according to spaces and quotes
  #2. add iterator attribute to be processed after iterators are setup below
  #3. implicitly drop name by not including element[1]
  arglist <- lapply(arglist, function(element) {
    output <- friendlyGregexpr("(\"[^\"]*\"|[^\\s]+)", element[3])$tag
    output <- gsub("\"", "", output)

    #the regexp above matches the # itself.
    #need to trim off in cases where iterator defined
    if (nchar(element[2]) > 0) {
      element[2] <- substr(element[2], 2, nchar(element[2]))
    attr(output, "iterator") <- element[2]


  if (is.null(arglist$iterators)) {
    stop("No iterators in init section. Cannot process template.")

  #convert iterators from string to list
  #arglist$iterators <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(arglist$iterate_wrt), "\\s*,\\s*", perl=T))

  #process sequence text for each iterator
  for (thisIt in arglist$iterators) {
    if (is.null(arglist[[thisIt]])) {
      stop("Variable specified in iterators list, but not defined: ", thisIt)

    #expand colon notation as needed
    #use do.call to combine elements of list returned by lapply
    #if there are many elements (e.g., 1 3 5), then lapply returns an element for each
    #one, but we just want a combined array. In the case of colon expansion, want to c that together
    #with any other elements... Maybe in the future when we support non-contiguous iterators.

    arglist[[thisIt]] <- do.call("c", lapply(arglist[[thisIt]], function(x) {
      if (length(grep(":", x)) > 0) {
        return(strapply(x, "(\\d+)\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)", function(start, stop) return(start:stop))[[1]])
      } else {

    #sort as ascending and only keep unique values
    if (length(unique(arglist[[thisIt]])) < length(arglist[[thisIt]])) {
      stop("Problem with iterator: ", thisIt, "\n  Non-unique values specified: ",
        paste(arglist[[thisIt]], collapse=", "))

    arglist[[thisIt]] <- sort(unique(arglist[[thisIt]]))

  #now that iterators are defined, ensure that list tags match
  #pad vectors accordingly

  arglist <- lapply(arglist, function(element) {
    #if the iterator is defined, then this is a list tag
    #need to make sure it is properly padded
    iteratorAttr <- attr(element, "iterator")
    if (!is.null(iteratorAttr) && nchar(iteratorAttr) > 0) {
      iteratorValues <- arglist[[iteratorAttr]]

      #make sure that the length of the values vector
      #matches the length of the iterator vector
      if (length(element) != length(iteratorValues)) {
        stop("Variable locked to iterator: ", iteratorAttr,
          ", but has different length.\n  Values: ",
          paste(element, collapse=", "),
          "\n  Should be length: ", length(iteratorValues))

      if (length(element) < max(iteratorValues)) {
        updatedElement <- c()
        listElement <- 1
        #build a vector of the same length as the max of the iterator
        #only insert list values for defined indices. Otherwise pad
        for (i in 1:max(iteratorValues)) {
          if (i %in% iteratorValues) {
            updatedElement[i] <- element[listElement]
            listElement <- listElement + 1
          } else {
            updatedElement[i] <- ""
        element <- updatedElement
        attr(element, "iterator") <- iteratorAttr #re-add attribute


  #default output directory to the current directory
  if (is.null(arglist$outputDirectory)) {
    warning("No output directory specified. Defaulting to the current directory.")
    arglist$outputDirectory <- getwd()
  if (is.null(arglist$filename)) {
    stop("No definition provided for the output filename. The filename definition is required.")

michaelhallquist/MplusAutomation documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:17 a.m.