
Defines functions interviewTable

Documented in interviewTable

#' @title interviewTable
#'This function requires the interview actions as a dataframe. 
#'It returns a dataframe sorted by interview including interview id,
#'Interviewer, Supervisor, HQApproved (# of times), SuperApproved (# of times)
#'Starttime, Endtime, and Duration (FirstAnswerSet - Completed)
#' @param x This must be the interview actions file in .tab format.
#' @return A dataframe with the computations listed above.
#' @author Michael Rahija
#' @import dplyr
#' @import reshape
#' @export

interviewTable <- function(x){
    ##Checks and cleanup        ##
    if(!is.data.frame(x)) stop("The input must be a dataframe!")
    colnames(x)[1] <- "InterviewId"
    coltest <- colnames(x) == c("InterviewId", "Action","Originator",
    if(sum(coltest) != 6){
      stop("Column names must be InterviewId, Action,Originator,
    #make sure first column is properly named
    temp <- x[1,1]
    if (nchar(as.character(temp[[1]])) == 32){
      colnames(x)[1] <- "id"
    } else {
      stop ("First column is not the unique id. Check dataset.")
    #convert relevant columns to characters
    i <- sapply(x, is.factor)
    x[i] <- lapply(x[i], as.character)

    #combine date and time columns and covert posixct
    x <- mutate(x,Dateandtime = paste(Date,Time))
    #x$Dateandtime <- strptime(data$Dateandtime,format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') #giving error??
    x <- select(x,id, Action, Originator, Role, Dateandtime)
    #Create interviewer and super#

    ##Create id, Headquarter, Interviewer, and Supervisor columns
    ##group by ids and define function to collapse
    collapser = 
        function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse = ",")
    #Cast dataframe with ID as key, and originator as column
    role.df <- cast(x,id~Role,value="Originator", fun.aggregate = collapser)
    role.df <-as.data.frame(select(role.df,id,Interviewer, Supervisor))

    #Create columns for HR and SuperApproved #
    approval <- x %>%
                  group_by(id) %>%
                  summarize(HQApproved=sum(Action == "ApprovedByHeadquarter"),
                            SuperApproved = sum(Action == "ApprovedBySupervisor"))
    approval <- as.data.frame(approval)

    #Create Starttime and Endtime columns  #

    takefirst = 
      function(x) x[1] #function to take first element in object
    #cast data frame by id and action, value is dateandtime
    times <- cast(x,id~Action,value="Dateandtime", fun.aggregate = takefirst)
    times <- as.data.frame(select(times,id,FirstAnswerSet,Completed)) #select only what we want
    colnames(times)<- c("id","Starttime","Endtime") #correct names
    #convert to POSIXct so we can perform computations
    temp.start <- as.POSIXct(times$Starttime,format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    temp.start<- as.data.frame(temp.start)

    temp.end <- as.POSIXct(times$Endtime,format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    temp.end<- as.data.frame(temp.end)

    times <- cbind(Starttime = temp.start, Endtime = temp.end[,1])

    # Calculate duration of interview       #
    times$diff = difftime(times[,2],times[,1],unit="secs")

    #Convert seconds to D:H:M:S
    times$diff<- sapply(times$diff,converttime)
    master <- cbind(role.df,approval[,2:3],times)
    colnames(master) = c("id",'Interviewer','Supervisor','HQApproved','SuperApproved',"Starttime"
    # CLEAN UP TABLE!                       #
    test <- grepl(master$Duration, pattern = "-")  # If negative value give error
    master$Duration[test] <- "ERROR"
    test <- grepl(master$Duration, pattern = "NA") # If unknown, error
    master$Duration[test] <- "ERROR"
michaelrahija/SuSoPara documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:29 p.m.