
Defines functions mzSearch ionFormulaSearch neutralFormulaSearch

Documented in ionFormulaSearch mzSearch neutralFormulaSearch

#' Performing m/z search
#' This function performs annotation of m/z values with putative metabolites using a previously created SQLite DB. Measured m/z values are compared against theoretical values within a defined error range. This error can be either absolute (in Da) or relative (in ppm).
#' If the database contains RT or CCS values results can be a additionally filtered.
#' @param peakList Data frame containing the peaks of interest, minimum column is called mz ($mz) or m.z ($m.z) or mzmed ($mzmed)
#' @param dbFileName A .sqlite file containing the DB of interest
#' @param mode Defines if the database shall be used from the disk ("onDisk") or in memory ("inMemory"). The second option enhances performances with very large peaks lists and DBs.
#' @param mzTol Maximum allowed tolerance in Da or ppm
#' @param mzTolType Defines the error type for m/z search, "abs" is used for absolute mass error, "ppm" for relative error
#' @param rt Boolean value indicating of RT filtering shall be performed, if this option is true all entries in the DB need a RT value
#' @param rtTol Maximum allowed tolerance for RT search in the unit of the DB and peaklist or in relative error
#' @param rtTolType Defines the error type for RT search, "abs" is used for absolute RT error, "rel" for relative error
#' @param ccs Boolean value indicating of CCS filtering shall be performed, if this option is true all entries in the DB need a CCS value
#' @param ccsTol Maximum allowed tolerance for CCS search
#' @param rtTolType Defines the error type for CCS search, "abs" is used for absolute CCS error, "rel" for relative error
#' @return Returns a data frame with results of the annotation. If for one single m/z value multiple annotations are found, each annotation is represented as individual row.
#' @examples
#' mzSearch()
#' @author Michael Witting, \email{michael.witting@@helmholtz-muenchen.de}
#' @export
mzSearch <- function(peakList, dbFileName, mode = "onDisk",
                     mzTol = 0.005, mzTolType = "abs",
                     rt = FALSE, rtTol = 0.5, rtTolType = "abs",
                     ccs = FALSE, ccsTol = 1, ccsTolType = "rel") {

  # some sanity checks here
  # TODO: add checks on data frame, DB etc...
  if (!any(c("mz", "m.z", "mzmed") %in% colnames(peakList))) {
    stop("no m/z column defined!")

  # check if RT column is supplied
  if (rt == TRUE & !all(c("RT") %in% colnames(peakList))) {
    stop("RT searching is TRUE, but no RT column found in peaklist")

  # check if CCS column is supplied
  if (ccs == TRUE & !all(c("CCS") %in% colnames(peakList))) {
    stop("CCS searching is TRUE, but no CCS column found in peaklist")

  # depended on the chosen mode different connections are required
  if (mode == "onDisk") {

    # connect to DB
    mydb <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbFileName)
  } else if (mode == "inMemory") {

    # make connection to DB and copy to memory DB
    tempdb <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbFileName)
    mydb <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")

    # copy database
    RSQLite::sqliteCopyDatabase(tempdb, mydb)

    # disconnect not required DB
  } else {
    stop("Unknown mode")

  # check database if columns required exist
  # check DB if correct columns exist
  # rework
  # TODO check for NULL in columns!!!
  mydbColumns <- DBI::dbFetch(DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, "PRAGMA table_info(adducts)"))

  # check number of nulls in rt column of DB
  noOfNulls <- DBI::dbFetch(DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, "SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN rt_db IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rtNullCount FROM adducts;"))
  noOfTotal <- DBI::dbFetch(DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, "SELECT COUNT(metaboliteId_db) as rtCount FROM adducts;"))

  if(rt == TRUE & noOfNulls$rtNullCount / noOfTotal$rtCount == 1) {

    # disconnect DB
    stop("RT option selected, but selected DB does not contain RT data")


  # check number of nulls in ccs column of DB
  noOfNulls <- DBI::dbFetch(DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, "SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN ccs_db IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as ccsNullCount FROM adducts;"))
  noOfTotal <- DBI::dbFetch(DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, "SELECT COUNT(metaboliteId_db) as ccsCount FROM adducts;"))

  if(ccs == TRUE & noOfNulls$ccsNullCount / noOfTotal$ccsCount == 1) {

    # disconnect DB
    stop("CCS option selected, but selected DB does not contain CCS data")


  # perform MS1 annotation
  ms1annotation <- data.frame()

  for (i in 1:nrow(peakList)) {

    # get mz value
    if (c("mz") %in% colnames(peakList)) {
      mz <- peakList$mz[i]
    } else if (c("m.z") %in% colnames(peakList)) {
      mz <- peakList$m.z[i]
    } else if (c("mzmed") %in% colnames(peakList)) {
      mz <- peakList$mzmed[i]

    # m/z boundaries
    # calc lower and upper mz boundary
    if (mzTolType == "abs") {
      lowerMz <- mz - mzTol
      upperMz <- mz + mzTol
    } else if (mzTolType == "ppm") {
      lowerMz <- mz - mzTol / 1e6 * mz
      upperMz <- mz + mzTol / 1e6 * mz
    } else {
      stop("Unknown mzTolType defined!")

    # RT boundaries
    # calc lower and upper RT boundary
    if (rt == TRUE & rtTolType == "abs") {
      lowerRt <- peakList$RT[i] - rtTol
      upperRt <- peakList$RT[i] + rtTol
    } else if (rt == TRUE & rtTolType == "rel") {
      lowerRt <- peakList$RT[i] - peakList$RT[i] * rtTol / 100
      upperRt <- peakList$RT[i] + peakList$RT[i] * rtTol / 100
    } else if (rt == TRUE) {
      stop("unknown rtTolTyp defined!")

    # CCS boundaries
    # calc lower and upper RT boundary
    if (ccs == TRUE & ccsTolType == "abs") {
      lowerCcs <- peakList$CCS[i] - ccsTol
      upperCcs <- peakList$CCS[i] + ccsTol
    } else if (ccs == TRUE & ccsTolType == "rel") {
      lowerCcs <- peakList$CCS[i] - peakList$CCS[i] * ccsTol / 100
      upperCcs <- peakList$CCS[i] + peakList$CCS[i] * ccsTol / 100
    } else if (ccs == TRUE) {
      stop("unknown rtTolTyp defined!")

    # generate query
    query <- "SELECT * FROM adducts WHERE (adductMass_db BETWEEN :lowerMz AND :upperMz)"
    param <- list(
      lowerMz = lowerMz,
      upperMz = upperMz

    # add part for RT search
    if (rt == TRUE) {
      query <- paste0(query, "AND (rt_db BETWEEN :lowerRt AND :upperRt)")
      param <- c(param, list(
        lowerRt = lowerRt,
        upperRt = upperRt

    # add part for CCS search
    if (ccs == TRUE) {
      query <- paste0(query, "AND (ccs_db BETWEEN :lowerCcs AND :upperCcs)")
      param <- c(param, list(
        lowerCcs = lowerCcs,
        upperCcs = upperCcs

    # execute query
    resultSet <- DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, query)
    DBI::dbBind(resultSet, param = param)

    # fetch result set into a dataframe and check if an annotation was found
    annotation <- DBI::dbFetch(resultSet)
    if (nrow(annotation) > 0) {
      ms1annotation <- rbind.data.frame(ms1annotation, cbind.data.frame(peakList[i, ], annotation))

    # clear result

  # disconnect DB

  # get mz value
  if (c("mz") %in% colnames(peakList)) {

    # calculate absolute and relative m/z error
    ms1annotation$mzAbsError <- ms1annotation$mz - ms1annotation$adductMass_db
    ms1annotation$mzRelError <- (ms1annotation$mz - ms1annotation$adductMass_db) / ms1annotation$adductMass_db * 1e6

  } else if (c("m.z") %in% colnames(peakList)) {

    # calculate absolute and relative m/z error
    ms1annotation$mzAbsError <- ms1annotation$m.z - ms1annotation$adductMass_db
    ms1annotation$mzRelError <- (ms1annotation$m.z - ms1annotation$adductMass_db) / ms1annotation$adductMass_db * 1e6

  } else if (c("mzmed") %in% colnames(peakList)) {

    # calculate absolute and relative m/z error
    ms1annotation$mzAbsError <- ms1annotation$mzmed - ms1annotation$adductMass_db
    ms1annotation$mzRelError <- (ms1annotation$mzmed - ms1annotation$adductMass_db) / ms1annotation$adductMass_db * 1e6


  # calculate RT error
  if (rt == TRUE) {

    ms1annotation$rtAbsError <- ms1annotation$RT - ms1annotation$rt_db
    ms1annotation$rtRelError <- (ms1annotation$RT - ms1annotation$rt_db) / ms1annotation$rt_db * 100

  } else {

    ms1annotation$rtAbsError <- NA
    ms1annotation$rtRelError <- NA


  # calculate RT error
  if (ccs == TRUE) {

    ms1annotation$ccsAbsError <- ms1annotation$CCS - ms1annotation$ccs_db
    ms1annotation$ccsRelError <- (ms1annotation$CCS - ms1annotation$ccs_db) / ms1annotation$ccs_db * 100

  } else {

    ms1annotation$ccsAbsError <- NA
    ms1annotation$ccsRelError <- NA


  # close everything

  # return results

#' Search by ion formula
ionFormulaSearch <- function() {

  # TODO implement searching function

#' Search by neutral formula
neutralFormulaSearch <- function() {

  # TODO implement ion formula search function

michaelwitting/masstrixR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 8:12 p.m.