
Defines functions collapse_network

Documented in collapse_network

#' @name collapse_network
#' @title Collapse network by eliminating vertices with unmeasured values
#' @description
#' The function \code{collapse_network} will remove vertices without data by
#' collapsing their paths while preserving connections between measured nodes.
#' @details
#' As an example, in the graph \code{A <-> B <-> C <-> D}. The vertices
#' \code{B} and \code{C} are not measured. The resulting graph after 
#' applying the function will be \code{A <-> D}.
#' @param g \code{igraph} object
#' @param .vertex_attr_names character of length 1, defining the 
#' \code{vertex_attr_names} of \code{graph} to use for specifying if there 
#' is a measurement available for the given vertex
#' @author Thomas Naake, \email{thomasnaake@@googlemail.com}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr_names V all_shortest_paths graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @examples
#' FA <- c("FA(12:0)", "FA(14:0)", "FA(16:0)")
#' ## create data.frame with reactions and reaction order
#' reactions <- rbind(
#'     c(1, "RHEA:15421", "M_ATP + M_CoA + M_FA = M_PPi + M_AMP + M_AcylCoA", FALSE),
#'     c(2, "RHEA:15325", "M_Glycerol-3-P + M_AcylCoA = M_CoA + M_LPA", FALSE),
#'     c(3, "RHEA:19709", "M_AcylCoA + M_LPA = M_CoA + M_PA", FALSE),
#'     c(4, "RHEA:27429", "M_H2O + M_PA = M_Pi + M_1,2-DG", FALSE)
#' )
#' reactions <- data.frame(order = reactions[, 1], reaction_RHEA = reactions[, 2],
#'     reaction_formula = reactions[, 3], directed = reactions[, 4])
#' reactions$order <- as.numeric(reactions$order)
#' reactions$directed <- as.logical(reactions$directed)
#' ## create the list with reactions
#' reaction_l <- create_reactions(substrates = list(FA = FA), reactions = reactions)
#' ## create the adjacency matrix
#' reaction_adj <- create_reaction_adjacency_matrix(reaction_l)
#' g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(reaction_adj, weighted = TRUE, 
#'     diag = FALSE)
#' ## attribute_type: vertex
#' attributes_df <- data.frame(
#'    name = c("CoA(12:0)", "CoA(14:0)", "CoA(16:0)", "DG(12:0/12:0/0:0)",
#'        "DG(12:0/14:0/0:0)", "DG(12:0/16:0/0:0)", "DG(14:0/12:0/0:0)",
#'        "DG(14:0/14:0/0:0)", "DG(14:0/16:0/0:0)", "DG(16:0/12:0/0:0)",
#'        "DG(16:0/14:0/0:0)", "DG(16:0/16:0/0:0)", "FA(12:0)", "FA(14:0)",
#'        "FA(16:0)", "PA(12:0/0:0)", "PA(12:0/12:0)", "PA(12:0/14:0)",
#'        "PA(12:0/16:0)", "PA(14:0/0:0)", "PA(14:0/12:0)", "PA(14:0/14:0)", 
#'        "PA(14:0/16:0)", "PA(16:0/0:0)", "PA(16:0/12:0)", "PA(16:0/14:0)",
#'        "PA(16:0/16:0)"),
#'    logFC_cond1 = c(-5.08,  0.75,  5.43, -0.62,  2.35, 1.39, 2.91,  0.26, 
#'        -4.14,  0.19,  6.18, 0.78, -1.81,  4.66, -0.10,  2.84, -0.81,
#'        -0.81, -0.32,  0.17,  2.25, -1.94,  0.80, 4.21,  0.20, -3.29, 
#'        -0.11),
#'    logFC_cond2 = c(-2.73,  6.14,  1.98,  0.09,  1.57,  1.77,  3.08,  4.04,
#'        -3.01, 1.22, -4.25, 0.39, 0.53, 3.30, 7.10, 2.81, -0.99, -0.09,
#'        -8.25, 4.94, -3.54, -7.74, -1.98, 0.73,  2.36,  2.53, -0.62))
#' ## add vertex attributes to g
#' g <- add_attributes(g, attribute_type = "vertex", attributes = attributes_df, 
#'     cols_vertex = "name")
#' ## collapse the network
#' g_collapsed <- collapse_network(g = g, .vertex_attr_names = "logFC_cond1")
#' ## plot the original and collapsed graphs
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(g, main = "Original Graph")
#' plot(g_collapsed, main = "Collapsed Graph")
collapse_network <- function(g, .vertex_attr_names) {
    if (methods::is(g) != "igraph")
        stop("'g' has to be an 'igraph' object.")
    if (length(.vertex_attr_names) != 1) 
        stop("'.vertex_attr_names' has to be of length 1.")
    if (!(.vertex_attr_names %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(g)))
        stop("'.vertex_attr_names' has to be in 'vertex_attr_names(g)'.")
    ## check if graph is directed
    is_directed <- igraph::is_directed(graph = g)
    ## obtain the vertex attributes and create a vector, vertex_attr_logical,
    ## that stores information if a measurement is available (TRUE) or
    ## not (FALSE)
    vertex_attr <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = .vertex_attr_names)
    vertex_attr_logical <- logical(length(vertex_attr))
    if (is.numeric(vertex_attr) | is.character(vertex_attr))
        vertex_attr_logical[!is.na(vertex_attr)] <- TRUE
    if (is.logical(vertex_attr))
        vertex_attr_logical[vertex_attr] <- TRUE
    ## obtain the vertices where information is available
    vertices_measured <- igraph::V(g)[vertex_attr_logical]
    ## initialize new edges
    new_edges <- list()
    ## loop through pairs of measured nodes
    for (i in 1:(length(vertices_measured) - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):length(vertices_measured)) {
            vertex_1 <- vertices_measured[i]
            vertex_2 <- vertices_measured[j]
            ## find the shortest path from vertex_1 to vertex_2
            path_1 <- suppressWarnings(igraph::shortest_paths(graph = g, 
                from = vertex_1, to = vertex_2, output = "vpath")$vpath[[1]])
            ## find the shortest path from vertex_2 to vertex_1
            path_2 <- suppressWarnings(igraph::shortest_paths(graph = g, 
                from = vertex_2, to = vertex_1, output = "vpath")$vpath[[1]])
            ## check and add paths if valid
            for (path in list(path_1, path_2)) {
                if (!is.null(path) && length(path) > 1 &&
                    all(!vertex_attr_logical[match(path, igraph::V(g))][-c(1, length(path))])) {
                    ## add the edge between the measured nodes
                    new_edges <- append(new_edges, 
                        list(c(igraph::V(g)[path[1]]$name, igraph::V(g)[path[length(path)]]$name)))
    ## if !is_directed the matrix contains e.g. both A -- B and B -- A, remove 
    ## the redundant information
    if (!is_directed) {
        new_edges <- lapply(new_edges, sort)
    ## create a simplified/collapsed graph with only measured vertices
    edges_collapsed <- do.call(what = "rbind", args = new_edges)
    ## avoid duplicate edges
    edges_unique <- unique(edges_collapsed)
    ## create a graph from the edgelist
    g_collapsed <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(el = as.matrix(edges_unique), 
        directed = is_directed)
    ## return the object
michaelwitting/wormLipidPredictR documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 3:14 p.m.