
Defines functions tax_maptree

Documented in tax_maptree

# 物种组成树图 Maptree of taxonomy composition
# This is the function named 'tax_maptree'
# which draw maptree, and reture a ggplot2 object
#' @title Plotting maptree of taxonomy
#' @description Visualize mapdata. Finally, return a ggplot2 object.
#' @param mapdata format2maptree result
#' @details
#' By default, returns  mapadd[[1]] is ggplot object
#' The available style include the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{phylum: color by phylum}
#' \item{diff: color by diff}
#' }
#' @return ggplot2 object.
#' @author Contact: Tao Wen, Yong-Xin Liu \email{metagenome@@126.com}
#' @references
#' Yong-Xin Liu, Yuan Qin, Tong Chen, Meiping Lu, Xubo Qian, Xiaoxuan Guo & Yang Bai.
#' A practical guide to amplicon and metagenomic analysis of microbiome data.
#' Protein Cell, 2020, DOI: \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/s13238-020-00724-8}
#' Jingying Zhang, Yong-Xin Liu, Na Zhang, Bin Hu, Tao Jin, Haoran Xu, Yuan Qin, Pengxu Yan, Xiaoning Zhang, Xiaoxuan Guo, Jing Hui, Shouyun Cao, Xin Wang, Chao Wang, Hui Wang, Baoyuan Qu, Guangyi Fan, Lixing Yuan, Ruben Garrido-Oter, Chengcai Chu & Yang Bai.
#' NRT1.1B is associated with root microbiota composition and nitrogen use in field-grown rice.
#' Nature Biotechnology, 2019(37), 6:676-684, DOI: \url{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-019-0104-4}
#' @seealso data_to_maptree
#' @examples
#' # Input feature table, taxonomy and Top N features, and format into mapdata
#' mapdata = format2maptree(otutab, taxonomy, 200)
#' # Add mean abundance size and phylum color for maptree
#' mapadd = tax_maptree(mapdata)
#' # Saving and plotting maptree
#' (p = mapadd[[1]])
#' @export

##----注释和可视化树图Annotate and plot maptree----
tax_maptree = function(x){
  ps_sub = mapdata[[4]]
  vertices_t = mapdata[[3]]
  deg = mapdata[[2]]

  vegan_otu <-  function(physeq){
    OTU <-  otu_table(physeq)
      OTU <-  t(OTU)
  vegan_tax <-  function(physeq){
    tax <-  tax_table(physeq)


  tax_table = as.data.frame(vegan_tax(ps_sub))
  otu_table = as.data.frame(t(vegan_otu(ps_sub)))
  otu_table$mean = rowMeans(otu_table)
  inde = merge(otu_table,tax_table,by = "row.names", all = TRUE)
  row.names(inde) = inde$Row.names
  inde$Row.names = NULL

  row.names(inde) = paste("ASV",row.names(inde),sep = "--")
  data_plot = merge(vertices_t,inde,by = "row.names",all = TRUE)
  row.names(data_plot) = data_plot$Row.names
  data_plot$Row.names = NULL

  asa =data_plot$mean
  data_plot$mean[is.na(asa)] = 0
  # data_plot$mean[!is.na(asa)] = sqrt(data_plot$mean[!is.na(asa)])

  mygraph <- graph_from_data_frame( deg, vertices= data_plot )
  data = create_layout(mygraph, layout = 'circlepack',weight = mean, sort.by = NULL, direction = "out")
  data$Phylum = as.character(data$Phylum)
  data$Phylum[is.na(data$Phylum)] = "others"
  data$Phylum = factor(data$Phylum,levels =unique(data$Phylum) )
  colbar <-length(unique(data$Phylum))
  fil_colors = colorRampPalette(c( "white","#CBD588", "#599861", "orange","#DA5724", "#508578", "#CD9BCD",
                                   "#AD6F3B", "#673770","#D14285", "#652926", "#C84248",
                                   "#8569D5", "#5E738F","#D1A33D", "#8A7C64","black"))(colbar)
  names(fil_colors ) = unique(data$Phylum)
  fil_colors[1] = "white"
  p = ggplot(data = data) +
    geom_node_circle(aes(fill = as.factor(Phylum) ) ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values= fil_colors ) +
    scale_color_manual( values=c("0" = "white", "1" = "black", "2" = "black", "3" = "black", "4"="black", "5"="black", "6"="black", "7"="black"),guide = FALSE ) +
    geom_node_text( aes(label=new_label), size=6,repel = TRUE)  +
    # geom_node_label( aes(label=new_label), size=3,repel = TRUE) +
    theme_void() +
    theme( legend.position="FALSE",plot.margin = unit(rep(0,4), "cm"))#
  # p
microbiota/amplicon documentation built on April 30, 2023, 1:48 p.m.