
Defines functions tax_stackplot

Documented in tax_stackplot

# 样本或组的物种组成堆叠柱状图 Stackplot of taxonomy for samples and groups
# This is the function named 'tax_stackplot'
# which draw stack plot, and return a ggplot2 object
#' @title Plotting stackplot of taxonomy for groups or samples
#' @description Input taxonomy composition, and metadata (SampleID and groupID). Then select top N high abundance taxonomy and group other low abundance. When Select samples can draw sample composition by facet groups. If used group can show mean of each group. Finally, return a ggplot2 object.
#' @param tax_sum composition matrix, like OTU table and rowname is taxonomy, typical output of usearch -sintax_summary;
#' @param metadata matrix or dataframe, including sampleID and groupID;
#' @param topN Top N taxonomy to show, default 8, alternative 4, 6, 10 ...;
#' @param groupID column name for groupID;
#' @param style group or sample, default group
#' @param sorted Legend sorted type, default abundance, alternative alphabet
#' @param subgroup Group samples with supplied subgroup to compute avrage values.
#' @details
#' By default, returns top 8 taxonomy and group mean stackplot
#' The available style include the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{group: group mean stackplot}
#' \item{sample: each sample stackplot and facet by group}
#' }
#' @return ggplot2 object.
#' @author Contact: Yong-Xin Liu \email{metagenome@@126.com}
#' @references
#' Yong-Xin Liu, Yuan Qin, Tong Chen, Meiping Lu, Xubo Qian, Xiaoxuan Guo & Yang Bai.
#' A practical guide to amplicon and metagenomic analysis of microbiome data.
#' Protein Cell, 2020(41), 1-16, DOI: \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/s13238-020-00724-8}
#' @seealso tax_stackplot
#' @examples
#' # Taxonomy table in phylum level, rownames is Phylum, colnames is SampleID
#' data(tax_phylum)
#' # metadata, include SampleID, Group and Site
#' data(metadata)
#' # tax_sum and metadata as input, default include top 8 taxonomy, groupID is Group, show group mean and sorted by abundance
#' tax_stackplot(tax_sum = tax_phylum, metadata)
#' # Set top10 taxonomy, group by "Site", group mean, and sort by abundance
#' tax_stackplot(tax_sum = tax_phylum, metadata, topN = 10, groupID = "Site", style = "group", sorted = "abundance")
#' # Set top 10 taxonomy, group by "Group", and sample composition sorted by alphabet
#' tax_stackplot(tax_sum = tax_phylum, metadata, topN = 10, groupID = "Group", style = "sample", sorted = "alphabet")
#' @export
tax_stackplot <-
           topN = 8,
           groupID = "Group",
           style = "group",
           sorted = "abundance",
           subgroup = NULL) {
    # 依赖关系检测与安装
    p_list = c("ggplot2", "reshape2")
    for (p in p_list) {
      if (!requireNamespace(p)) {
        character.only = TRUE,
        quietly = TRUE,
        warn.conflicts = FALSE
    # 测试默认参数
    # library(amplicon)
    # tax_sum = tax_phylum
    # topN = 8
    # groupID = "Group"
    # style = "group"
    # sorted = "abundance"
    # 交叉筛选
    idx = rownames(metadata) %in% colnames(tax_sum)
    metadata = metadata[idx, , drop = F]
    tax_sum = tax_sum[, rownames(metadata)]
    # 提取样品组信息,默认为group可指定
    sampFile = as.data.frame(metadata[, c(groupID, subgroup)], row.names = row.names(metadata))
    colnames(sampFile)[1] = "group"
    # 按丰度降序排序
    mean_sort = as.data.frame(tax_sum[(order(-rowSums(tax_sum))),])
    # 把末分类调整到最后面
    idx = grepl("unassigned|unclassified|unknown",
                ignore.case = T)
    mean_sort = rbind(mean_sort[!idx, ], mean_sort[idx, ])
    # 筛选前N类,其它归为Other,可设置不同组数
    other = colSums(mean_sort[topN:dim(mean_sort)[1],])
    mean_sort = mean_sort[1:(topN - 1),]
    mean_sort = rbind(mean_sort, other)
    rownames(mean_sort)[topN] = c("Other")
    # 保存变量备份,并输出至文件
    merge_tax = mean_sort
	if (!is.null(subgroup)){
		style = "subgroup"
    if (style == "sample") {
      # 添加分类学并设置排序方式,默认字母,abundancer按丰度
      mean_sort$Taxonomy = rownames(mean_sort)
      data_all = as.data.frame(melt(mean_sort, id.vars = c("Taxonomy")))
      if (sorted == "abundance") {
        data_all$Taxonomy  = factor(data_all$Taxonomy, levels = rownames(mean_sort))
      # set group facet
      data_all = merge(data_all, sampFile, by.x = "variable", by.y = "row.names")
      # 按group分面,x轴范围自由否则位置异常,swith设置标签底部,并调置去除图例背景
      # 关闭x轴刻度和标签
      p = ggplot(data_all, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = Taxonomy)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity",
                 position = "fill",
                 width = 1) +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
        facet_grid(~ group, scales = "free_x", switch = "x") +
        theme(strip.background = element_blank()) +
        theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank()) +
        xlab("Groups") + ylab("Percentage (%)") +
        theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
          angle = 45,
          vjust = 1,
          hjust = 1
        )) +
        theme(text = element_text(family = "sans", size = 7))
    } else{
      if (!is.null(subgroup)) {
        mat_t = t(merge_tax)
        mat_t2 = merge(sampFile, mat_t, by = "row.names")
        mat_t2 = mat_t2[, c(-1)]
        ncol_sampFile <- ncol(sampFile)
        # �������ֵ��ת�ã�����������
        mat_mean = aggregate(mat_t2[, -(1:ncol_sampFile)], by = mat_t2[c(1:ncol_sampFile)], FUN =
                               mean) # mean
        #mat_mean_final = do.call(rbind, mat_mean)[-1,]
        #geno = mat_mean$group
        #colnames(mat_mean_final) = geno
        # ���ӷ���ѧ����������ʽ��Ĭ����ĸ��abundancer�����
        #mean_sort$Taxonomy = rownames(mean_sort)
        #data_all = as.data.frame(melt(mean_sort, id.vars=c("Taxonomy")))
        data_all = melt(mat_mean, variable.name = "Taxonomy")
        if (sorted == "abundance") {
          data_all$Taxonomy  = factor(data_all$Taxonomy, levels = rownames(mean_sort))
        data_all$value = as.numeric(data_all$value)
        variable_en = sym(subgroup)
        p = ggplot(data_all, aes(
          x = !!variable_en,
          y = value,
          fill = Taxonomy
        )) +
          geom_bar(stat = "identity",
                   position = "fill",
                   width = 0.7) +
          scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
          facet_grid(~ group, scales = "free_x", switch = "x") +
          xlab("Groups") + ylab("Percentage (%)") + theme_classic() +
          theme(text = element_text(family = "sans", size = 7))
      } else {
        # 按组合并求均值
        # 转置样品名添加组名,并去除多余的两个样品列
        mat_t = t(merge_tax)
        mat_t2 = merge(sampFile, mat_t, by = "row.names")
        mat_t2 = mat_t2[, c(-1)]
        # 按组求均值,转置,再添加列名
        mat_mean = aggregate(mat_t2[, -1], by = mat_t2[1], FUN = mean) # mean
        mat_mean_final = do.call(rbind, mat_mean)[-1, ]
        geno = mat_mean$group
        colnames(mat_mean_final) = geno
        mean_sort = as.data.frame(mat_mean_final)
        # 添加分类学并设置排序方式,默认字母,abundancer按丰度
        mean_sort$Taxonomy = rownames(mean_sort)
        data_all = as.data.frame(melt(mean_sort, id.vars = c("Taxonomy")))
        if (sorted == "abundance") {
          data_all$Taxonomy  = factor(data_all$Taxonomy, levels = rownames(mean_sort))
        data_all$value = as.numeric(data_all$value)
        p = ggplot(data_all, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = Taxonomy)) +
          geom_bar(stat = "identity",
                   position = "fill",
                   width = 0.7) +
          scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
          xlab("Groups") + ylab("Percentage (%)") + theme_classic() +
          theme(text = element_text(family = "sans", size = 7))
microbiota/amplicon documentation built on April 30, 2023, 1:48 p.m.