#' Prep Models
#' Preps various aspects of run before training models. Things like train/test
#' splits, creating hyperparameters, etc.
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function.
#' @param back_test_scenarios Number of specific back test folds to run when
#' determining the best model. Default of NULL will automatically choose
#' the number of back tests to run based on historical data size,
#' which tries to always use a minimum of 80% of the data when training a model.
#' @param back_test_spacing Number of periods to move back for each back
#' test scenario. Default of NULL moves back 1 period at a time for year,
#' quarter, and month data. Moves back 4 for week and 7 for day data.
#' @param models_to_run List of models to run. Default of NULL runs all models.
#' @param models_not_to_run List of models not to run, overrides values in
#' models_to_run. Default of NULL doesn't turn off any model.
#' @param run_ensemble_models If TRUE, prep for ensemble models.
#' @param pca If TRUE, run principle component analysis on any lagged features
#' to speed up model run time. Default of NULL runs PCA on day and week
#' date types across all local multivariate models, and also for global models
#' across all date types.
#' @param num_hyperparameters number of hyperparameter combinations to test
#' out on validation data for model tuning.
#' @param seed Set seed for random number generator. Numeric value.
#' @return Writes outputs related to model prep to disk.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data_tbl <- timetk::m4_monthly %>%
#' dplyr::rename(Date = date) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(id = as.character(id)) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(
#' Date >= "2012-01-01",
#' Date <= "2015-06-01"
#' )
#' run_info <- set_run_info()
#' prep_data(run_info,
#' input_data = data_tbl,
#' combo_variables = c("id"),
#' target_variable = "value",
#' date_type = "month",
#' forecast_horizon = 3
#' )
#' prep_models(run_info,
#' models_to_run = c("arima", "ets", "glmnet")
#' )
#' }
#' @export
prep_models <- function(run_info,
back_test_scenarios = NULL,
back_test_spacing = NULL,
models_to_run = NULL,
models_not_to_run = NULL,
run_ensemble_models = TRUE,
pca = NULL,
num_hyperparameters = 10,
seed = 123) {
# check input values
check_input_type("run_info", run_info, "list")
check_input_type("back_test_scenarios", back_test_scenarios, c("NULL", "numeric"))
check_input_type("back_test_spacing", back_test_spacing, c("NULL", "numeric"))
check_input_type("models_to_run", models_to_run, c("NULL", "list", "character"))
check_input_type("models_not_to_run", models_not_to_run, c("NULL", "list", "character"))
check_input_type("pca", pca, c("NULL", "logical"))
check_input_type("num_hyperparameters", num_hyperparameters, "numeric")
check_input_type("seed", seed, "numeric")
# create model workflows
# create model hyperparameters
# create train test splits
#' Gets the back testing spacing
#' Checks if back_test_spacing is set to NULL and gets the right one
#' @param back_test_spacing back_test_spacing override
#' @param date_type year, quarter, month, week, day
#' @return Returns back_test_spacing
#' @noRd
get_back_test_spacing <- function(back_test_spacing,
date_type) {
if (!is.null(back_test_spacing)) {
back_test_spacing <- switch(date_type,
"day" = 7,
"week" = 4,
#' Gets the back testing scenarios
#' Gets back testing scenarios accounting for splits
#' @param input_tbl full data table
#' @param hist_end_date historical end date
#' @param forecast_horizon forecast horizon
#' @param back_test_scenarios back test scenarios
#' @param back_test_spacing back test spacing
#' @return Returns back_test_scenarios and hist_periods_80
#' @noRd
get_back_test_scenario_hist_periods <- function(input_tbl,
back_test_spacing) {
historical_periods <- input_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Date <= hist_end_date) %>%
dplyr::select(Date) %>%
unique() %>%
nrow() %>%
hist_periods_80 <- floor(historical_periods * 0.8) # used with time series CV in multivariate models
if (is.null(back_test_scenarios)) {
historical_periods_20 <- floor(historical_periods * 0.2)
# account for initial back tests that are smaller than the forecast horizon (1, 2, 3, etc up to fcst horizon)
if (historical_periods_20 > forecast_horizon) {
back_test_scenarios <- floor(historical_periods_20 / back_test_spacing)
} else {
back_test_scenarios <- floor(forecast_horizon / back_test_spacing)
back_test_scenarios <- back_test_scenarios + 1
hist_periods_80 = hist_periods_80,
back_test_scenarios = back_test_scenarios
#' Gets the train test splits
#' @param run_info run info using the 'set_run_info' function.
#' @param back_test_scenarios Number of specific back test folds to run when
#' determining the best model. Default of NULL will automatically choose
#' the number of back tests to run based on historical data size,
#' which tries to always use a minimum of 80% of the data when training a model.
#' @param back_test_spacing Number of periods to move back for each back
#' test scenario. Default of NULL moves back 1 period at a time for year,
#' quarter, and month data. Moves back 4 for week and 7 for day data.
#' @param run_ensemble_models If TRUE, prep for ensemble models.
#' @return Returns table of train test splits
#' @noRd
train_test_split <- function(run_info,
back_test_scenarios = NULL,
back_test_spacing = NULL,
run_ensemble_models = TRUE) {
cli::cli_progress_step("Creating Train Test Splits")
# get inputs from previous functions
log_df <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), ".csv"),
return_type = "df"
hist_end_date <- as.Date(log_df$hist_end_date)
date_type <- log_df$date_type
forecast_horizon <- as.numeric(log_df$forecast_horizon)
date_type <- log_df$date_type
if (is.null(run_ensemble_models) & date_type %in% c("day", "week")) {
run_ensemble_models <- FALSE
} else if (is.null(run_ensemble_models)) {
run_ensemble_models <- TRUE
} else {
# do nothing
# adjust based on models planned to run
model_workflow_list <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0(
"/prep_models/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name),
"-model_workflows.", run_info$object_output
return_type = "df"
) %>%
dplyr::pull(Model_Name) %>%
# models with hyperparameters to tune
hyperparam_model_list <- list_hyperparmater_models()
# ensemble models
ensemble_model_list <- list_ensemble_models()
if (sum(model_workflow_list %in% ensemble_model_list) == 0 & run_ensemble_models) {
run_ensemble_models <- FALSE
cli::cli_alert_info("Turning ensemble models off since no multivariate models were chosen to run.")
# check if input values have changed
if (sum(colnames(log_df) %in% c("back_test_scenarios", "back_test_spacing", "run_ensemble_models")) == 3) {
current_log_df <- tibble::tibble(
back_test_scenarios = ifelse(is.null(back_test_scenarios), NA, back_test_scenarios),
back_test_spacing = ifelse(is.null(back_test_spacing), NA, back_test_spacing),
run_ensemble_models = run_ensemble_models
) %>%
prev_log_df <- log_df %>%
dplyr::select(colnames(current_log_df)) %>%
if (hash_data(current_log_df) == hash_data(prev_log_df)) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Train Test Splits Already Created")
} else {
stop("Inputs have recently changed in 'prep_models', please revert back to original inputs or start a new run with 'set_run_info'",
call. = FALSE
# get back test info
back_test_spacing_final <- get_back_test_spacing(
# pull out first recipe data
file_name <- list_files(
run_info$path, "/prep_data/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "-*.", run_info$data_output
source_path <- switch(class(run_info$storage_object)[[1]],
"NULL" = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", file_name),
blob_container = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", file_name),
ms_drive = fs::path("/prep_data/", file_name)
temp_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = source_path,
return_type = "df"
# get back test info
bt <- temp_tbl %>%
back_test_scenarios_final <- bt$back_test_scenarios
back_test_initial <- bt$hist_periods_80
# create train/test split info
train_test_initial <- temp_tbl %>%
date_var = Date,
initial = "1 year",
assess = forecast_horizon,
skip = back_test_spacing_final,
cumulative = TRUE,
slice_limit = 1000
) %>%
timetk::tk_time_series_cv_plan() %>%
tidyr::separate(col = .id, into = c(NA, "Slice_ID"), sep = "Slice")
train_test_final <- tibble::tibble()
for (id in unique(train_test_initial$Slice_ID)) {
temp_tbl <- train_test_initial %>%
dplyr::filter(Slice_ID == id)
train_tbl <- temp_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(.key == "training") %>%
if (as.numeric(id) == 1) {
run_type <- "Future_Forecast"
test_tbl <- temp_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(.key == "testing") %>%
} else if (as.numeric(id) > 1 && as.numeric(id) <= back_test_scenarios_final) {
run_type <- "Back_Test"
test_tbl <- temp_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Date <= hist_end_date)
} else if (as.numeric(id) > back_test_scenarios_final & as.numeric(id) < max(back_test_scenarios_final + (forecast_horizon / back_test_spacing_final) + 1, back_test_scenarios_final * 1.5)) {
run_type <- "Validation"
back_test_date <- train_test_final %>%
dplyr::filter(Run_Type == "Back_Test")
test_tbl <- temp_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Date <= min(back_test_date$Train_End))
} else {
run_type <- "Ensemble"
test_tbl <- temp_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(.key == "testing") %>%
train_test_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
Run_Type = run_type,
Train_Test_ID = id,
Train_End = max(train_tbl$Date),
Test_End = max(test_tbl$Date)
train_test_final <- rbind(train_test_final, train_test_tbl) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Train_Test_ID = as.numeric(Train_Test_ID))
# check for back test and validation data
if (!("Validation" %in% unique(train_test_final$Run_Type))) {
stop("No validation data produced. Add more historical data, shorten the forecast horizon, or shorten the number of back test scenarios")
} else if (!("Back_Test" %in% unique(train_test_final$Run_Type))) {
stop("No back testing data produced. Shorten the forecast horizon, or shorten the number of back test scenarios or back test spacing")
# adjust based on models planned to run
if (sum(model_workflow_list %in% hyperparam_model_list) == 0) {
train_test_final <- train_test_final %>%
dplyr::filter(Run_Type %in% c("Future_Forecast", "Back_Test")) %>%
train_test_final %>%
dplyr::filter(Run_Type == "Validation") %>%
} else if (sum(model_workflow_list %in% hyperparam_model_list) > 0 & !run_ensemble_models) {
train_test_final <- train_test_final %>%
dplyr::filter(Run_Type %in% c("Future_Forecast", "Back_Test", "Validation"))
} else {
# do nothing, keep the existing tbl
# write train test info
x = train_test_final,
combo = NULL,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "data",
folder = "prep_models",
suffix = "-train_test_split"
# update logging file
log_df <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), ".csv"),
return_type = "df"
) %>%
back_test_scenarios = ifelse(is.null(back_test_scenarios), NA, back_test_scenarios),
back_test_spacing = ifelse(is.null(back_test_spacing), NA, back_test_spacing),
run_ensemble_models = run_ensemble_models
x = log_df,
combo = NULL,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "log",
folder = "logs",
suffix = NULL
#' Gets model workflows
#' @param run_info run info
#' @param models_to_run models to run
#' @param models_not_to_run models not to run
#' @param pca pca
#' @param seed Set seed for random number generator. Numeric value.
#' @return Returns table of model workflows
#' @noRd
model_workflows <- function(run_info,
models_to_run = NULL,
models_not_to_run = NULL,
pca = NULL,
seed = 123) {
cli::cli_progress_step("Creating Model Workflows")
# get inputs
log_df <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), ".csv"),
return_type = "df"
date_type <- log_df$date_type
forecast_approach <- log_df$forecast_approach
forecast_horizon <- log_df$forecast_horizon
multistep_horizon <- log_df$multistep_horizon
external_regressors <- ifelse(log_df$external_regressors == "NULL", NULL, strsplit(log_df$external_regressors, split = "---")[[1]])
if (is.null(pca) & date_type %in% c("day", "week")) {
pca <- TRUE
} else if (is.null(pca)) {
pca <- FALSE
} else {
# do nothing
# check if input values have changed
if (sum(colnames(log_df) %in% c("models_to_run", "models_not_to_run", "pca")) == 3) {
current_log_df <- tibble::tibble(
models_to_run = ifelse(is.null(models_to_run), NA, paste(models_to_run, collapse = "---")),
models_not_to_run = ifelse(is.null(models_not_to_run), NA, paste(models_not_to_run, collapse = "---"))
) %>%
prev_log_df <- log_df %>%
dplyr::select(colnames(current_log_df)) %>%
if (hash_data(current_log_df) == hash_data(prev_log_df)) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Model Workflows Already Created")
} else {
stop("Inputs have recently changed in 'prep_models', please revert back to original inputs or start a new run with 'set_run_info'",
call. = FALSE
# pull out recipe data for a single combo
input_tbl <- tibble::tibble()
file_name_tbl <- list_files(
run_info$path, "/prep_data/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*R*.", run_info$data_output
) %>%
Path = .,
File = fs::path_file(.)
) %>%
tidyr::separate(File, into = c("Experiment", "Run", "Combo", "Recipe"), sep = "-", remove = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(Combo == .$Combo[[1]]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Recipe = substr(Recipe, 1, 2))
for (recipe in file_name_tbl$Recipe) {
temp_path <- file_name_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Recipe == recipe) %>%
source_path <- switch(class(run_info$storage_object)[[1]],
"NULL" = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", temp_path),
blob_container = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", temp_path),
ms_drive = fs::path("/prep_data/", temp_path)
temp_file_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = source_path,
return_type = "df"
temp_final_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
Recipe = recipe,
Data = list(temp_file_tbl)
input_tbl <- rbind(input_tbl, temp_final_tbl)
# tibble to add model workflows to
model_workflow_tbl <- tibble::tibble()
# models to run
ml_models <- list_models()
if (is.null(models_to_run) & is.null(models_not_to_run)) {
# do nothing, using existing ml_models list
} else if (is.null(models_to_run) & !is.null(models_not_to_run)) {
ml_models <- setdiff(ml_models, models_not_to_run)
} else {
if (!is.null(models_not_to_run)) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Note: 'models_to_run' argument overrides the 'models_not_to_run' argument")
if (forecast_approach != "bottoms_up") {
# add snaive model to help fix hierarchical forecast reconciliation issues
ml_models <- unique(c(models_to_run, "snaive"))
} else {
ml_models <- models_to_run
r2_models <- list_r2_models()
iter_tbl <- tibble::tibble()
for (recipe in unique(input_tbl$Recipe)) {
iter_tbl <- rbind(
Model = ml_models,
Recipe = recipe
for (x in iter_tbl %>% dplyr::group_split(dplyr::row_number(), .keep = FALSE)) {
model <- x %>%
recipe <- x %>%
recipe_tbl <- input_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Recipe == recipe) %>%
dplyr::select(Data) %>%
# get args to feed into model spec functions
if (recipe == "R1") {
avail_arg_list <- list(
"train_data" = recipe_tbl,
"frequency" = get_frequency_number(date_type),
"horizon" = forecast_horizon,
"seasonal_period" = get_seasonal_periods(date_type),
"model_type" = "single",
"pca" = pca,
"multistep" = multistep_horizon,
"external_regressors" = external_regressors
} else {
avail_arg_list <- list(
"train_data" = recipe_tbl,
"frequency" = get_frequency_number(date_type),
"horizon" = forecast_horizon,
"seasonal_period" = get_seasonal_periods(date_type),
"model_type" = "single",
"pca" = pca,
"multistep" = FALSE,
"external_regressors" = external_regressors
# don't create workflows for models that only use R1 recipe
if (recipe == "R2" & !(model %in% r2_models)) {
# get specific model spec
fn_to_invoke <- get(gsub("-", "_", model))
exp_arg_list <- formalArgs(fn_to_invoke)
avail_names <- names(avail_arg_list)
inp_arg_list <- list()
for (x in avail_names) {
if (x %in% exp_arg_list) {
inp_arg_list[x] <- avail_arg_list[x]
model_workflow <- do.call(fn_to_invoke, inp_arg_list, quote = TRUE)
workflow_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
Model_Name = model,
Model_Recipe = recipe,
Model_Workflow = list(model_workflow)
model_workflow_tbl <- rbind(model_workflow_tbl, workflow_tbl)
# write model workflow info
x = model_workflow_tbl %>% dplyr::arrange(Model_Name),
combo = NULL,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "object",
folder = "prep_models",
suffix = "-model_workflows"
# update logging file
log_df <- log_df %>%
models_to_run = ifelse(is.null(models_to_run), NA, paste(models_to_run, collapse = "---")),
models_not_to_run = ifelse(is.null(models_not_to_run), NA, paste(models_not_to_run, collapse = "---")),
pca = ifelse(is.null(pca), NA, pca)
x = log_df,
combo = NULL,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "log",
folder = "logs",
suffix = NULL
#' Get model hyperparameters
#' @param run_info run info
#' @param num_hyperparameters number of hyperparameter combinations
#' @param seed Set seed for random number generator. Numeric value.
#' @return table of model hyperparameters
#' @noRd
model_hyperparameters <- function(run_info,
num_hyperparameters = 10,
seed = 123) {
cli::cli_progress_step("Creating Model Hyperparameters")
# check if input values have changed
log_df <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), ".csv"),
return_type = "df"
if (sum(colnames(log_df) %in% c("num_hyperparameters")) == 1) {
current_log_df <- tibble::tibble(
num_hyperparameters = num_hyperparameters
) %>%
prev_log_df <- log_df %>%
dplyr::select(colnames(current_log_df)) %>%
if (hash_data(current_log_df) == hash_data(prev_log_df)) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Model Hyperparameters Already Created")
} else {
stop("Inputs have recently changed in 'prep_models', please revert back to original inputs or start a new run with 'set_run_info'",
call. = FALSE
# get recipe input data
input_tbl <- tibble::tibble()
file_name_tbl <- list_files(
run_info$path, "/prep_data/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*R*.", run_info$data_output
) %>%
Path = .,
File = fs::path_file(.)
) %>%
tidyr::separate(File, into = c("Experiment", "Run", "Combo", "Recipe"), sep = "-", remove = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(Combo == .$Combo[[1]]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Recipe = substr(Recipe, 1, 2))
for (recipe in file_name_tbl$Recipe) {
temp_path <- file_name_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Recipe == recipe) %>%
source_path <- switch(class(run_info$storage_object)[[1]],
"NULL" = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", temp_path),
blob_container = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", temp_path),
ms_drive = fs::path("/prep_data/", temp_path)
temp_file_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = source_path,
return_type = "df"
temp_final_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
Recipe = recipe,
Data = list(temp_file_tbl)
input_tbl <- rbind(input_tbl, temp_final_tbl)
# get model workflow info
model_workflow_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0(
"/prep_models/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name),
"-model_workflows.", run_info$object_output
return_type = "df"
iter_tbl <- model_workflow_tbl %>%
dplyr::select(Model_Name, Model_Recipe)
# get hyperparameters
hyperparameters_tbl <- tibble::tibble()
for (x in iter_tbl %>% dplyr::group_split(dplyr::row_number(), .keep = FALSE)) {
model <- x %>%
recipe <- x %>%
temp_tbl <- model_workflow_tbl %>%
Model_Name == model,
Model_Recipe == recipe
model_workflow <- temp_tbl$Model_Workflow[[1]]
model_spec <- model_workflow %>%
recipe_features <- input_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Recipe == recipe) %>%
dplyr::select(Data) %>%
if (workflows::extract_parameter_set_dials(model_spec) %>% nrow() > 0) {
if (model == "svm-rbf") {
parameters <- model_spec %>%
} else {
parameters <- model_spec %>%
workflows::extract_parameter_set_dials() %>%
dials::finalize(recipe_features, force = FALSE)
grid <- dials::grid_latin_hypercube(parameters, size = num_hyperparameters)
hyperparameters_temp <- grid %>%
dplyr::group_split(dplyr::row_number(), .keep = FALSE) %>%
purrr::map_df(tidyr::nest, data = tidyselect::everything()) %>%
dplyr::rename(Hyperparameters = data) %>%
tibble::rowid_to_column("Hyperparameter_Combo") %>%
Model = model,
Recipe = recipe
} else {
hyperparameters_temp <- tibble::tibble(
Hyperparameter_Combo = 1,
Hyperparameters = list(tibble::tibble()),
Model = model,
Recipe = recipe
hyperparameters_tbl <- rbind(hyperparameters_tbl, hyperparameters_temp)
# write model hyperparameter info
x = hyperparameters_tbl %>% dplyr::select(Model, Recipe, Hyperparameter_Combo, Hyperparameters),
combo = NULL,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "object",
folder = "prep_models",
suffix = "-model_hyperparameters"
# update logging file
log_df <- log_df %>%
num_hyperparameters = num_hyperparameters
x = log_df,
combo = NULL,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "log",
folder = "logs",
suffix = NULL
#' Gets the right frequency numbers
#' @param date_type year, quarter, month, week, day
#' @return Returns frequency_number
#' @noRd
get_frequency_number <- function(date_type) {
frequency_number <- switch(date_type,
"year" = 1,
"quarter" = 4,
"month" = 12,
"week" = 52.17857, # 365.25 / 7
"day" = 365.25
#' Gets the right date type
#' @param frequency number
#' @return Returns date_type
#' @noRd
get_date_type <- function(frequency) {
date_type <- switch(as.character(frequency),
"1" = "year",
"4" = "quarter",
"12" = "month",
"52.17857" = "week",
"365.25" = "day"
#' Gets the seasonal periods
#' @param date_type year, quarter, month, week, day
#' @return Returns seasonal_periods
#' @noRd
get_seasonal_periods <- function(date_type) {
seasonal_periods <- switch(date_type,
"year" = c(1, 2, 3),
"quarter" = c(4, 6, 12),
"month" = c(12, 6, 4),
"week" = c(365.25 / 7, (365.25 / 7) / 4, (365.25 / 7) / 12),
"day" = c(365.25, 365.25 / 4, 365.25 / 12)
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