
Defines functions recoverSaves

Documented in recoverSaves

# Recover saved files created by 'saveJAGS'

recoverSaves <- function(fileStub, force=FALSE) {

    stop("Can't find the folder: ", dirname(fileStub))
  raw <- sort(list.files(dirname(fileStub), pattern=".RData$"))
  # Check filename stubs
  ncharStub <- nchar(basename(fileStub))
  stubs <- substr(raw, start=1, stop=ncharStub)
  files <- raw[stubs == basename(fileStub)]
  if(length(files) == 0)
    stop("No files found that match the stub: ", fileStub)
  # Remove stub part of file name
  fnames <- substr(files, start=ncharStub+1, stop=100000L)

  # split the file names
  t2 <- strsplit(fnames, "_")
  # Get chain IDs
  chn <- sapply(t2, function(x) x[2])
  n <- table(chn)
  chainIDs <- names(n)  ### ?? or unique?

  # Check for startup errors
  tochk <- which(sapply(t2, function(x) x[3]) == "startupError.RData")
  if(length(tochk) > 0) {
    cat(length(tochk), "chains threw an error on start-up. First error:\n")
    loadEnv <- new.env(FALSE)
    chk <- load(file.path(dirname(fileStub), files[tochk[1]]), envir=loadEnv)

    # Redo stuff with bad files removed;
    files <- files[-tochk]
    if(length(files) == 0)  # they are all bad, often the case
    fnames <- fnames[-tochk]
    t2 <- strsplit(fnames, "_")
    n <- table(sapply(t2, function(x) x[2]))
    chainIDs <- names(n)

  # Create the file list
  chainNames <- paste0("_", chainIDs, "_")
  fileList <- vector("list", length(chainIDs))
  names(fileList) <- chainIDs
  for(i in seq_along(chainNames)) {
    this <- grepl(chainNames[i], files)
    fileList[[i]] <- file.path(dirname(fileStub), files[this])

  # Check all chains have same number of files
  if(any(n != min(n))) {
    cat("Chains have differing numbers of files:\n")
    if(!force) {
      stop("Please remove extra files before proceeding.")
    } else {
      fileList <- lapply(fileList, `length<-`, min(n))
      files <- basename(unlist(fileList))
      fnames <- substr(files, start=ncharStub+1, stop=100000L)
      t2 <- strsplit(fnames, "_")
      n <- table(sapply(t2, function(x) x[2]))
      message("Extra files will not be included in the list.")

  # Check for duplicate chain/save combinations
  IDno <- sapply(t2, function(x) paste(x[2], x[3], sep='_'))
  dups <- duplicated(IDno)
  if(any(dups)) {
    cat("The following duplicate IDs were found:\n")
      stop("Please remove duplicate files before proceeding.")

  # Check for correct number sequences for each chain (chains need not be in sequence)
  ok <- sort(outer(chainIDs, sprintf("%03i",1:min(n)), paste, sep="_"))
  bad <- IDno != ok
  if(any(bad)) {
    cat("File numbers are not in sequence:\n")
    try(print(data.frame(correct=ok, actual=IDno, check=ifelse(bad, "<--", ""))))
      stop("Please check files before proceeding.")

  # Check file sizes
  fileSize <- unlist(sapply(fileList, file.size))
  if(any(fileSize == 0)) {
    if(!force) {
      stop("At least one file has size 0.")
    } else {
      message("At least one file has size 0.\n")
  diverg <- max(1 - min(fileSize)/median(fileSize),
                  max(fileSize)/median(fileSize)-1) *100
  if(diverg > 1)
    cat("File sizes diverge from the median by", round(diverg, 1), "%\n")

  class(fileList) <- c("saveJAGSfileList", class(fileList))
mikemeredith/dumpJAGS documentation built on March 18, 2021, 3:36 p.m.