
Defines functions anova.meta3LFIML coef.meta3LFIML vcov.meta3LFIML print.meta3LFIML print.summary.meta3LFIML summary.meta3LFIML summary.wls.cluster summary.tssem1FEM.cluster anova.reml anova.wls anova.meta coef.reml coef.wls.cluster coef.wls coef.tssem1FEM.cluster coef.tssem1REM coef.tssem1FEM coef.meta vcov.reml vcov.wls.cluster vcov.wls vcov.tssem1REM vcov.tssem1FEM.cluster vcov.tssem1FEM vcov.meta print.reml print.summary.reml summary.reml print.summary.meta summary.meta print.meta print.wls summary.tssem1REM print.tssem1REM print.tssem1FEM.cluster print.tssem1FEM print.summary.tssem1FEM summary.tssem1FEM print.summary.wls summary.wls

Documented in anova.meta anova.meta3LFIML anova.reml anova.wls coef.meta coef.meta3LFIML coef.reml coef.tssem1FEM coef.tssem1FEM.cluster coef.tssem1REM coef.wls coef.wls.cluster print.meta print.meta3LFIML print.reml print.summary.meta print.summary.meta3LFIML print.summary.reml print.summary.tssem1FEM print.summary.wls print.tssem1FEM print.tssem1FEM.cluster print.tssem1REM print.wls summary.meta summary.meta3LFIML summary.reml summary.tssem1FEM summary.tssem1FEM.cluster summary.tssem1REM summary.wls summary.wls.cluster vcov.meta vcov.meta3LFIML vcov.reml vcov.tssem1FEM vcov.tssem1FEM.cluster vcov.tssem1REM vcov.wls vcov.wls.cluster

summary.wls <- function(object, df.adjustment=0, ...) {
    if (!is.element("wls", class(object)))
      stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"wls\".")

    n <- object$n
    tT <- object$mx.fit@output$Minus2LogLikelihood
    my.mx <- summary(object$mx.fit)
    ## Adjust the df by the no. of constraints on the diagonals
    ## Adjust the df manually with df.adjustment
    if (object$diag.constraints) {
      dfT <- object$noObservedStat - my.mx$estimatedParameters + sum(object$Constraints) + df.adjustment
      no.constraints <- sum(object$Constraints)
    } else {
      dfT <- object$noObservedStat - my.mx$estimatedParameters + df.adjustment
      no.constraints <- 0
    tB <- object$indepModelChisq
    dfB <- object$indepModelDf
    p <- pchisq(tT, df=dfT, lower.tail=FALSE)
    sampleS <- mxEval(sampleS, object$mx.fit)
    impliedS <- mxEval(impliedS, object$mx.fit)

    cor.analysis <- object$cor.analysis

    ## Hu and Bentler (1998) Psychological Methods
    ## Protect RMSEA divided by 0
    if (dfT==0) {
      RMSEA <- 0
    } else {
      RMSEA <- sqrt(max((tT-dfT)/(n-1),0)/dfT)
    ## RMSEA 95% CI
    RMSEA.CI <- .rmseaCI(chi.squared=tT, df=dfT, N=n, G=1, lower=.05, upper=.95)
    TLI <- (tB/dfB - tT/dfT)/(tB/dfB-1)
    CFI <- 1 - max((tT-dfT),0)/max((tT-dfT),(tB-dfB),0)
	## FIXME: better to use -2LL+2r where r is the no. of free parameters (Mplus, p. 22; R ?AIC)
	## This will be more consistent with logLik(). However, it seems that df not npar is used in logLik().
    AIC <- tT-2*dfT
    BIC <- tT-log(n)*dfT
    if (cor.analysis) {
      # diag(impliedS)!=1
      SRMR <- sqrt(mean(vechs(sampleS-impliedS)^2))
    } else {
      # standardize it according to Hu & Bentler (1998)
      stand <- Diag(1/sqrt(Diag(sampleS)))
      SRMR <- sqrt(mean(vech(stand %*% (sampleS-impliedS) %*% stand)^2))

    stat <- matrix(c(n, tT, dfT, p, no.constraints, df.adjustment, tB, dfB,
                     RMSEA, RMSEA.CI[1], RMSEA.CI[2], SRMR, TLI, CFI, AIC, BIC), ncol=1)

    dimnames(stat) <- list( c("Sample size", "Chi-square of target model", "DF of target model",
                        "p value of target model", "Number of constraints imposed on \"Smatrix\"",
                        "DF manually adjusted", "Chi-square of independence model",
                        "DF of independence model",  "RMSEA", "RMSEA lower 95% CI",
                        "RMSEA upper 95% CI", "SRMR", "TLI", "CFI", "AIC", "BIC"), "Value" )
    ## my.para <- my.mx$parameters       # Worked up to OpenMx1.0.6
    my.para <- my.mx$parameters[, 1:6]   # Fixed for OpenMx1.1
    ## ## Names in matrix, e.g., P[1,2], L[1,2], ...
    ## my.matrices <- with(my.para, paste(matrix,"[",row,",",col,"]",sep=""))
    ## ## Names in labels
    ## my.labels <- my.para$name
    ## ## Remove "model.name". in my.labels
    ## my.labels <- gsub(paste(object$mx.model$name, ".", sep=""), "", my.labels)

    ## Check if CIs on parameter estimates are present
    ## Unsafe to check my.mx$CI
    if (object$intervals.type=="z") {
      ## Use OpenMx's vcov
      if (object$diag.constraints)
        my.para$Std.Error <- sqrt(Diag(vcov.wls(object)))
      my.para$lbound <- my.para$Estimate - qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
      my.para$ubound <- my.para$Estimate + qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error

      ## Order the parameters according to matrices, row and col
      my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$matrix, my.para$row, my.para$col), , drop=FALSE]
      ## Remove "model.name". in my.labels in case no labels are given 
      my.labels <- gsub(paste(object$mx.model$name, ".", sep=""), "", my.para$name)
      ## Report labels, not matrices
      dimnames(my.para)[[1]] <- my.labels     
      coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4)]      
    } else {
      ## # model.name: may vary in diff models
      ## model.name <- object$call[[match("model.name", names(object$call))]]
      ## # if not specified, the default is "Structure" as it can be either "Correlation Structure" or "Covariance Structure" 
      ## if (is.null(model.name)) {
      ##   model.name <- "Structure."
      ## } else {
      ##   model.name <- paste(model.name, ".", sep="")
      ## }          
      ## name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
      ##                  {strsplit(x, model.name, fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

      ## Simply remove the part before "."
      ## name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
      ##                  {strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

      ## Convert a data frame with length of 0 in my.mx$CI and remove the last column "note"
      my.ci <- my.mx$CI
      if (length(my.ci)==0) my.ci <- NULL else my.ci <- my.ci[,1:3, drop=FALSE]        

      ## Labels, not matrices  
      name <- dimnames(my.ci)[[1]]
      my.ci <- data.frame(name, my.ci)
      my.para <- merge(my.para, my.ci, by=c("name"))
      ## Order the parameters according to matrices, row and col
      my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$matrix, my.para$row, my.para$col), , drop=FALSE]
      ## Remove "model.name". in my.labels in case no labels are given
      my.labels <- gsub(paste(object$mx.model$name, ".", sep=""), "", my.para$name)
      ## Report labels, not matrices
      dimnames(my.para)[[1]] <- my.labels
      # NA for LBCI
      my.para$Std.Error <- NA
      coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4, 8)] 
    coefficients$"z value" <- coefficients$Estimate/coefficients$Std.Error
    coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficients$"z value")))
    ## Extract mx.algebras (and CI)
    if (is.null(object$mx.algebras)) {
      mx.algebras <- NULL
    } else {
      if (object$intervals.type=="z") {
        mx.algebras <- object$mx.fit@algebras[object$mx.algebras]
        mx.algebras <- sapply(mx.algebras, function(x) { if (!is.null(x)) x@result})
        ## remove lists with NA names
        mx.algebras <- unlist(mx.algebras[!is.na(names(mx.algebras))])
      } else {
        ## Convert a data frame with length of 0 in my.mx$CI and remove the last column "note"
        my.ci <- my.mx$CI
        if (length(my.ci)==0) my.ci <- NULL else my.ci <- my.ci[,1:3, drop=FALSE]
        ## Remove the first part of "model name"."algebra" in row names
        ## return NA is no "model name". in row names
        name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
                        {strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

        # dimnames(my.ci)[[1]] <- name
        ## my.matches <- grep(paste(object$mx.algebras, 
        ##         "\\[", sep = "", collapse = "|"), row.names(my.ci), value = TRUE)
        # mx.algebras <- my.ci[!is.na(name), , drop = FALSE]
        ## Exclude the parameters and keep the functions
        mx.algebras <- my.ci[!is.na(name), , drop=FALSE]
        dimnames(mx.algebras)[[1]] <- name[!is.na(name)]
        dimnames(mx.algebras)[[2]] <- c("lbound", "Estimate", "ubound")

    out <- list(call=object$call, coefficients=coefficients, stat=stat, intervals.type=object$intervals.type,
                Mx.status1=object$mx.fit@output$status[[1]], mx.algebras=mx.algebras)
    class(out) <- "summary.wls"

print.summary.wls <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("summary.wls", class(x)))
    stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"summary.wls\".")
    ## call.text <- deparse(x$call)
    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## for (i in 1:length(call.text)) {
    ##     cat(call.text[i], "\n")
    ## }	

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")    
    cat("95% confidence intervals: ")
           z = cat("z statistic approximation"),
           LB = cat("Likelihood-based statistic") )

    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, ...)

    if (!is.null(x$mx.algebras)) {
      if (x$intervals.type=="z") {
        cat("\nmxAlgebras objects:\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nmxAlgebras objects (and their 95% likelihood-based CIs):\n")
    cat("\nGoodness-of-fit indices:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$stat, ...)
    ## cat("\nR version:", x$R.version)
    ## cat("\nOpenMx version:", x$OpenMx.version)
    ## cat("\nmetaSEM version:", x$metaSEM.version)
    ## cat("\nDate of analysis:", x$date)
    cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" or \"1\": The optimization is considered fine.\nOther values indicate problems.)\n")
    ## cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" and \"1\": considered fine; other values indicate problems)\n")
    ## cat("\nSee http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/wiki/errors for the details.\n\n")

    if (!(x$Mx.status1 %in% c(0,1))) warning("OpenMx status1 is neither 0 or 1. You are advised to 'rerun' it again.\n")

## NOTE:
## 1. The chi-square of the independence model in LISREL is different from other SEM programs.
## Thus, some GOF in stage 1 analysis are different from tssem1FEM()
## 2. When there are missing correlations or covariances in TSSEM program (LISREL),
## they are treated as observed correlations or covariances without any constraint.
## Thus, the DF of the independence model and some GOF in LISREL are incorrect.
summary.tssem1FEM <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("tssem1FEM", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM\".")
    cor.analysis <- object$cor.analysis
    pooledS <- coef.tssem1FEM(object)
    no.var <- ncol(pooledS)
    # Fixed if there are incomplete data in the first group
    ## no.var <- ncol(mxEval(S1, object$mx.fit))
    if (cor.analysis)
      ps <- no.var*(no.var-1)/2 else ps <- no.var*(no.var+1)/2

    ## A vector of sample sizes
    n <- object$n

    ## Check error in running independence model
    if (inherits(object$baseMinus2LL, "error")) {
      tT <- NA
      tB <- NA
      dfB <- NA
    } else {
      tT <- object$mx.fit@output$Minus2LogLikelihood - unname(object$baseMinus2LL["SaturatedLikelihood"])
      tB <- unname(object$baseMinus2LL["IndependenceLikelihood"]) - unname(object$baseMinus2LL["SaturatedLikelihood"])
      dfB <- unname(object$baseMinus2LL["independenceDoF"])

    my.fit <- summary(object$mx.fit)
    ## tT <- object$modelMinus2LL - object$saturatedMinus2LL 
    dfT <- my.fit$degreesOfFreedom
    ## tB <- object$independentMinus2LL - object$saturatedMinus2LL
    ## dfB <- mx.fit$degreesOfFreedom + ps
    p <- pchisq(tT, df=dfT, lower.tail=FALSE)

    no.groups <- length(object$mx.fit@submodels)
    ## Steiger (1998, Eq. 24) A note on multiple sample extensions of the RMSEA fit indices. SEM, 5(4), 411-419.
    RMSEA <- sqrt(no.groups)*sqrt(max((tT-dfT)/(sum(n)-1),0)/dfT)

    ## Fixed a minor bug that returns an error when tT=NA; it returns NA for RMSEA.CI now
    ## RMSEA 95% CI
    if (is.na(tT)) {
      RMSEA.CI <- c(NA, NA)
      attr(RMSEA.CI, "names") <- c("lower", "upper")
    } else {
      RMSEA.CI <- .rmseaCI(chi.squared=tT, df=dfT, N=sum(n), G=no.groups, lower=.05, upper=.95)   
    ## Hu and Bentler (1998)
    TLI <- (tB/dfB - tT/dfT)/(tB/dfB-1)
    CFI <- 1 - max((tT-dfT),0)/max((tT-dfT),(tB-dfB),0)
    ## FIXME: definitions of AIC
    AIC <- tT-2*dfT
    BIC <- tT-log(sum(n))*dfT

    ## SRMR per study
    ## Index for missing variables: only check the diagonals only!!!
    #miss.index <- lapply(x$data, function(x) { is.na(diag(x)) })
    srmr <- function(sampleS, pooledS, cor.analysis) {
      index <- is.na(Diag(sampleS))
      # Selection matrix to select complete data
      Sel <- Diag(rep(1, ncol(pooledS)))
      Sel <- Sel[!index, ]
      sampleS <- sampleS[!index, !index]
      if (cor.analysis) {
        sqrt(mean( vechs( cov2cor(sampleS)- Sel %*% pooledS %*% t(Sel) )^2 ))
      } else {
        stand <- Diag(1/sqrt(Diag(sampleS)))
        sqrt(mean( vech( stand %*% (sampleS - Sel %*% pooledS %*% t(Sel) ) %*% stand )^2 ))

    ## weight to calculate SRMR
    n.weight <- (n-1)/sum(n-1)
    SRMR <- sapply(object$data, srmr, pooledS=pooledS, cor.analysis=cor.analysis)
    SRMR <- sum(n.weight*SRMR)
    ## SRMR <- sqrt(mean(unlist(sapply(object$data, srmr, pooledS=object$pooledS, cor.analysis=cor.analysis))))
    #SRMR <- sqrt(mean(mapply(srmr, x$data, miss.index,
    #                         MoreArgs=list(pooledS=x$pooledS, cor.analysis=cor.analysis))))
    stat <- matrix(c(sum(n), tT, dfT, p, tB, dfB, RMSEA, RMSEA.CI[1], RMSEA.CI[2],
                     SRMR, TLI, CFI, AIC, BIC), ncol=1)
    rownames(stat) <- c("Sample size", "Chi-square of target model", "DF of target model",
                        "p value of target model", "Chi-square of independence model",
                        "DF of independence model", "RMSEA", "RMSEA lower 95% CI",
                        "RMSEA upper 95% CI","SRMR", "TLI", "CFI", "AIC", "BIC")
    colnames(stat) <- "Value"

    # calculate coefficients    
    my.para <- my.fit$parameters
    ## my.para <- my.para[my.para$matrix=="S1", ]
    my.para <- my.para[my.para$matrix=="S", , drop=FALSE]
    #Sel <- grep("^S", my.para$matrix, value=TRUE)
    #my.para <- subset(my.para, my.para$matrix==Sel)
    my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$row, my.para$col), , drop=FALSE]
    my.para$name <- with(my.para, paste(matrix,"[",row,",",col,"]",sep=""))
    dimnames(my.para)[[1]] <- my.para$name
    coefficients <- my.para[, c(5,6)]
    coefficients$"z value" <- coefficients$Estimate/coefficients$Std.Error
    coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficients$"z value")))
    out <- list(call=object$call, coefficients=coefficients, stat=stat, Mx.status1=object$mx.fit@output$status[[1]])
    class(out) <- "summary.tssem1FEM"
print.summary.tssem1FEM <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("summary.tssem1FEM", class(x)))
    stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"summary.tssem1FEM\".")
    ## call.text <- deparse(x$call)
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")    
    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, ...)

    cat("\nGoodness-of-fit indices:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$stat, ...)

    ## cat("\nR version:", x$R.version)
    ## cat("\nOpenMx version:", x$OpenMx.version)
    ## cat("\nmetaSEM version:", x$metaSEM.version)
    ## cat("\nDate of analysis:", x$date)
    cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" or \"1\": The optimization is considered fine.\nOther values may indicate problems.)\n")
    ## cat("OpenMx status:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" and \"1\": considered fine; other values indicate problems)\n")
    ## cat("\nSee http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/wiki/errors for the details.\n\n")

    if (!(x$Mx.status1 %in% c(0,1))) warning("OpenMx status1 is neither 0 or 1. You are advised to 'rerun' it again.\n")

print.tssem1FEM <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("tssem1FEM", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM\".")
    ## call.text <- deparse(x$call)

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")    
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

print.tssem1FEM.cluster <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("tssem1FEM.cluster", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM.cluster\".")

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")    
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

print.tssem1REM <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("tssem1REM", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"tssem1REM\".")
    ## call.text <- deparse(x$call)

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")    
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

summary.tssem1REM <- function(object, robust=FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.element("tssem1REM", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1REM\".")
  summary.meta(object, robust=robust, ...)
print.wls <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("wls", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"wls\".")

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")    
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

print.meta <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("meta", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"meta\".")
    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## cat(deparse(x$call))
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")     
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

summary.meta <- function(object, homoStat=TRUE, robust=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!is.element("meta", class(object)))
      stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"meta\".")

    # calculate coefficients    
    my.mx <- summary(object$mx.fit)
    ## Exclude lbound ubound etc
    my.para <- my.mx$parameters[, 1:6, drop=FALSE]   
    ## OpenMx1.1: y1, y2 and x1 appear in col
    ## my.para$col <- sub("[a-z]", "", my.para$col)  # Fixed for OpenMx1.1
    ## For example, P[1,2], L[1,2], ...
    ## my.para$name <- with(my.para, paste(matrix,"[",row,",",col,"]",sep=""))
    # Determine if CIs on parameter estimates are present
    if (object$intervals.type=="z") {

        ## Replace the SEs with robust SEs
        if (robust) {
            my.robust <- suppressMessages(imxRobustSE(object$mx.fit))
            my.para[, "Std.Error"] <- my.robust[my.para$name]
        my.para$lbound <- my.para$Estimate - qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
        my.para$ubound <- my.para$Estimate + qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
        ## remove rows with missing labels
        ## my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), ,drop=FALSE]
        ## my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
        coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4), drop=FALSE]
        dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$name
    } else {
      ## # model.name: may vary in diff models
      ## ## FIXME: it may break down when model.name is a variable.
      ## model.name <- object$call[[match("model.name", names(object$call))]]
      ## # if not specified, the default in meta() is "Meta analysis with ML"
      ## if (is.null(model.name)) {
      ##   model.name <- "Meta analysis with ML."
      ## } else {
      ##   model.name <- paste(model.name, ".", sep="")
      ## }
      ## name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
      ##                  {strsplit(x, model.name, fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
      ## name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x) {strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

      ## Convert a data frame with length of 0 in my.mx$CI and remove the last column "note"
      my.ci <- my.mx$CI
      if (length(my.ci)==0) my.ci <- NULL else my.ci <- my.ci[,1:3, drop=FALSE]        
      ## Select the elements matched my.para (excluded I2)  
      my.ci <- my.ci[row.names(my.ci) %in% my.para$name, ]
      my.ci <- data.frame(name=row.names(my.ci), my.ci)
      my.para <- merge(my.para, my.ci, by=c("name"))      
      ## # remove rows with missing labels
      ## my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
      ## my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
      coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4,8)]
      dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$name
      # NA for LBCI
      coefficients$Std.Error <- NA
      ## coefficients$"z value" <- NA
      ## coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- NA         
    coefficients$"z value" <- coefficients$Estimate/coefficients$Std.Error
    coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficients$"z value")))

    intervals.type <- object$call[[match("intervals.type", names(object$call))]]
    # default
    if (is.null(intervals.type))
      intervals.type <- "z"

    ## Homogeneity statistic
    no.y <- object$no.y
    no.v <- no.y*(no.y+1)/2
	# Remove studies that have missing x. Make sure that studies are the same in calculating Q.stat and meta()
    if (homoStat) {
      Q.stat <- homoStat(y=object$data[!object$miss.x, 1:no.y], v=object$data[!object$miss.x, (no.y+1):(no.y+no.v)])
    } else {
      Q.stat <- list(Q=NA, Q.df=NA, pval=NA)

    ## Calculate I2
    if (object$no.x==0) {
      ## I2.values <- .I2(object, my.mx, my.ci, model.name)
      I2.values <- .I2(object, my.mx)
      R2.values <- NA
    } else {## no.x != 0
      I2.values <- NA
      if (object$R2) {
        R2.values <- .R2(object)
        ## Ensure R2 is within 0 and 1
        R2.values["R2", ] <- ifelse(R2.values["R2", ] < 0, 0, R2.values["R2", ])
        R2.values["R2", ] <- ifelse(R2.values["R2", ] > 1, 1, R2.values["R2", ])
      } else {
        R2.values <- NA
    out <- list(call=object$call, Q.stat=Q.stat, intervals.type=intervals.type,
                I2=object$I2, I2.values=I2.values, R2=object$R2, R2.values=R2.values, no.studies=my.mx$numObs,
                obsStat=my.mx$observedStatistics, estPara=my.mx$estimatedParameters,
                df=my.mx$degreesOfFreedom, Minus2LL=my.mx$Minus2LogLikelihood,
                coefficients=coefficients, Mx.status1=object$mx.fit@output$status[[1]],
    class(out) <- "summary.meta"

## Magee, L. (1990). R2 Measures Based on Wald and Likelihood Ratio Joint Significance Tests. The American Statistician, 44(3), 250-253. doi:10.2307/2685352
## Nagelkerke, N. J. D. (1991). A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination. Biometrika, 78(3), 691-692. doi:10.2307/2337038
## Minus2LLbase <- summary(object$mx0.fit$mx.fit)$Minus2LogLikelihood 
## Minus2LLmodel <- my.mx$Minus2LogLikelihood           
## Minus2LLbase, Minus2LLmodel, (1 - exp((Minus2LLmodel-Minus2LLbase)/no.studies))
## "-2LL (no predictor)", "-2LL (with predictors)", "R2 (pseudo)"

print.summary.meta <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("summary.meta", class(x)))
    stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"summary.meta\".")

    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## cat(deparse(x$call))
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")
    cat("95% confidence intervals: ")
           z = cat("z statistic approximation (robust=", x$robust, ")", sep=""),
           LB = cat("Likelihood-based statistic") )

    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, ...)

    cat("\nQ statistic on the homogeneity of effect sizes:", x$Q.stat[["Q"]])
    cat("\nDegrees of freedom of the Q statistic:", x$Q.stat[["Q.df"]])
    cat("\nP value of the Q statistic:", x$Q.stat[["pval"]])

    ## Print heterogeneity indices if no x in the call
    if ( is.null(x$call[[match("x", names(x$call))]]) ) {
             z =  { cat("\n\nHeterogeneity indices (based on the estimated Tau2):\n")
                    printCoefmat(x$I2.values[,2, drop=FALSE], ...) },
             LB = { cat("\n\nHeterogeneity indices (I2) and their 95% likelihood-based CIs:\n")
                    printCoefmat(x$I2.values, ...) } )
    } else {
      ## There are predictors
      if (x$R2) {
        cat("\n\nExplained variances (R2):\n")
        printCoefmat(x$R2.values, ...) 
    cat("\nNumber of studies (or clusters):", x$no.studies)
    cat("\nNumber of observed statistics:", x$obsStat)
    cat("\nNumber of estimated parameters:", x$estPara)
    cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$df)
    cat("\n-2 log likelihood:", x$Minus2LL, "\n")        
    cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" or \"1\": The optimization is considered fine.\nOther values may indicate problems.)\n")
    ## cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" and \"1\": considered fine; other values indicate problems)\n")
    ## cat("\nSee http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/wiki/errors for the details.\n\n")      

    if (!(x$Mx.status1 %in% c(0,1))) warning("OpenMx status1 is neither 0 or 1. You are advised to 'rerun' it again.\n")

## summary.reml <- function(object, ...) {
##     if (!is.element("reml", class(object)))
##     stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"reml\".")

##     # calculate coefficients    
##     my.mx <- summary(object$mx.fit)
##     ## my.para <- my.mx$parameters       # Worked up to OpenMx1.0.6
##     my.para <- my.mx$parameters[, 1:6]   # Fixed for OpenMx1.1 
##     # For example, P[1,2], L[1,2], ...
##     my.para$label <- my.para$name
##     my.para$name <- with(my.para, paste(matrix,"[",row,",",col,"]",sep=""))
##     my.ci <- my.mx$CI
##     # Determine if CIs on parameter estimates are present
##     if (is.null(dimnames(my.ci))) {
##       my.para$lbound <- my.para$Estimate - qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
##       my.para$ubound <- my.para$Estimate + qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
##       my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$matrix, my.para$row, my.para$col), ]
##       # remove rows with missing labels
##       my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), ]
##       coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4,7)]
##       dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$label 
##     } else {
##       # model.name: may vary in diff models
##       model.name <- object$call[[match("model.name", names(object$call))]]
##       # if not specified, the default in meta() is "Variance component with REML"
##       if (is.null(model.name)) {
##         model.name <- "Variance component with REML."
##       } else {
##         model.name <- paste(model.name, ".", sep="")
##       }      
##       name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
##                        {strsplit(x, model.name, fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
##       # remove duplicate elements in my.ci from my.para$name
##       name.sel <- name %in% my.para$name
##       my.ci <- data.frame(name=my.para$name, my.ci[name.sel, ,drop=FALSE])
##       my.para <- merge(my.para, my.ci, by=c("name"))
##       my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$matrix, my.para$row, my.para$col), ]
##       # remove rows with missing labels
##       my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), ]
##       coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4,7,9)]
##       dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$label 
##     }
##     coefficients$"z value" <- coefficients$Estimate/coefficients$Std.Error
##     coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficients$"z value")))

##     intervals.type <- object$call[[match("intervals.type", names(object$call))]]
##     # default
##     if (is.null(intervals.type))
##       intervals.type <- "z"

##     out <- list(call=object$call, intervals.type=intervals.type, no.studies=my.mx$numObs,
##                 obsStat=my.mx$observedStatistics, estPara=my.mx$estimatedParameters,
##                 df=my.mx$degreesOfFreedom, Minus2LL=my.mx$Minus2LogLikelihood,
##                 coefficients=coefficients, Mx.status1=object$mx.fit@output$status[[1]])
##     class(out) <- "summary.reml"
##     out
## }

summary.reml <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("reml", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"reml\".")

    # calculate coefficients    
    my.mx <- summary(object$mx.fit)
    ## my.para <- my.mx$parameters       # Worked up to OpenMx1.0.6
    my.para <- my.mx$parameters[, 1:6]   # Fixed for OpenMx1.1 
    ## # For example, P[1,2], L[1,2], ...
    ## my.para$label <- my.para$name   
    # Determine if CIs on parameter estimates are present
    if (object$intervals.type=="z") {
      my.para$lbound <- my.para$Estimate - qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
      my.para$ubound <- my.para$Estimate + qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error      
      # remove rows with missing labels
      ## my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), ]
      ## my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$matrix, my.para$row, my.para$col), ]
      coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4)]
      dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$name
    } else {

      ## if ( "reml3" %in% class(object) ) {
      ##   name.sel <- my.para$name
      ## } else {
      ##   my.para$name <- with(my.para, paste(matrix,"[",row,",",col,"]",sep=""))
      ##   ## # model.name: may vary in diff models
      ##   ## model.name <- object$call[[match("model.name", names(object$call))]]
      ##   ## # if not specified, the default in meta() is "Variance component with REML"
      ##   ## if (is.null(model.name)) {
      ##   ##   model.name <- "Variance component with REML."
      ##   ## } else { # reml2
      ##   ##   model.name <- paste(model.name, ".", sep="")
      ##   ## }      
      ##   ## name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
      ##   ##                  {strsplit(x, model.name, fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
      ##   name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]), function(x)
      ##                        {strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
      ##   # remove duplicate elements in my.ci from my.para$name
      ##   name.sel <- name %in% my.para$name
      ## } # reml2

      ## Convert a data frame with length of 0 in my.mx$CI and remove the last column "note"
      my.ci <- my.mx$CI
      if (length(my.ci)==0) my.ci <- NULL else my.ci <- my.ci[,1:3, drop=FALSE]        

      my.ci <- data.frame(name=row.names(my.ci), my.ci)
      my.para <- merge(my.para, my.ci, by=c("name"))      
      ## # remove rows with missing labels
      ## my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
      ## my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
      coefficients <- my.para[, -c(1:4,8)]
      dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$name
      # NA for LBCI
      coefficients$Std.Error <- NA
    coefficients$"z value" <- coefficients$Estimate/coefficients$Std.Error
    coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficients$"z value")))

    ## intervals.type <- object$call[[match("intervals.type", names(object$call))]]
    ## # default
    ## if (is.null(intervals.type))
    ##   intervals.type <- "z"

    out <- list(call=object$call, intervals.type=object$intervals.type, no.studies=object$numObs,
                obsStat=obsStat, estPara=estPara,
                df=df, Minus2LL=my.mx$Minus2LogLikelihood,
                coefficients=coefficients, Mx.status1=object$mx.fit@output$status[[1]])
    class(out) <- "summary.reml"

print.summary.reml <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("summary.reml", class(x)))
    stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"summary.reml\".")
    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## cat(deparse(x$call))
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")
    cat("95% confidence intervals: ")
           z = cat("z statistic approximation"),
           LB = cat("Likelihood-based statistic") )

    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, ...)

    cat("\nNumber of studies (or clusters):", x$no.studies)
    cat("\nNumber of observed statistics:", x$obsStat)
    cat("\nNumber of estimated parameters:", x$estPara)
    cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$df)
    cat("\n-2 log likelihood:", x$Minus2LL, "\n")        
    cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" or \"1\": The optimization is considered fine.\nOther values may indicate problems.)\n")
    ## cat("OpenMx status:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" and \"1\": considered fine; other values indicate problems)\n")
    ## cat("\nSee http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/wiki/errors for the details.\n\n")      

    if (!(x$Mx.status1 %in% c(0,1))) warning("OpenMx status1 is neither 0 or 1. You are advised to 'rerun' it again.\n")

print.reml <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("reml", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"reml\".")
    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## cat(deparse(x$call))

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")     
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

vcov.meta <- function(object, select=c("all", "fixed", "random"),
                      robust=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!is.element("meta", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"meta\".")

    # labels of the parameters    
    ## my.name <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters$name
    my.name <- names(omxGetParameters(object$mx.fit))
    my.name <- my.name[!is.na(my.name)]
    select <- match.arg(select)
    switch( select,
         ## all = my.name <- my.name,
         fixed =  my.name <- my.name[ grep("Intercept|Slope", my.name) ],
         random = my.name <- my.name[ grep("Tau2", my.name) ]

    if (robust) {
        out <- suppressMessages(imxRobustSE(object$mx.fit, details=TRUE))$cov
        out <- out[my.name, my.name]
    } else {
        out <- .solve(x=object$mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian, parameters=my.name)

vcov.tssem1FEM <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is.element("tssem1FEM", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM\".")

    no.var <- ncol(coef.tssem1FEM(object))

    ## matrix of labels; only use the lower triangle
    ## Fixed a bug reported by John Ma with more than 120 variables.
    ps.labels <- outer(1:no.var, 1:no.var, function(x, y) paste0("s", x, "_", y))
    if (object$cor.analysis) {
        #Hessian_S <- 0.5*mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian[vechs(ps.labels), vechs(ps.labels)]
        acovS <- .solve(x=object$mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian, parameters=vechs(ps.labels))
    } else {
        #Hessian_S <- 0.5*mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian[vech(ps.labels), vech(ps.labels)]
        acovS <- .solve(x=object$mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian, parameters=vech(ps.labels))

    # Fixed a bug in a few lines later in dimnames(acovS) when acovS is a scalar
    acovS <- as.matrix(acovS)

    acovS.dim <- outer(object$original.names, object$original.names, paste, sep="_")

    # create matrix of labels for ps
    if (object$cor.analysis) {
        psMatnames <- vechs(acovS.dim)
    } else {
        psMatnames <- vech(acovS.dim)
    dimnames(acovS) <- list(psMatnames, psMatnames)

vcov.tssem1FEM.cluster <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is.element("tssem1FEM.cluster", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM.cluster\".")
  lapply(object, vcov.tssem1FEM)

vcov.tssem1REM <- function(object, select=c("all", "fixed", "random"),
                           robust=FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.element("tssem1REM", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1REM\".")
  vcov.meta(object, select, robust=robust, ...)

vcov.wls <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is.element("wls", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"wls\".")
  ## if (object$diag.constraints) {
  ##   ## Parametric bootstrap for vcov when there are nonlinear constraints
  ##   paraboot <- function(x) {
  ##     if (x$cor.analysis) {
  ##       sampleS <- mvrnorm(n=1, mu=vechs(x$Cov), Sigma=x$aCov)
  ##     } else {
  ##       sampleS <- mvrnorm(n=1, mu=vech(x$Cov), Sigma=x$aCov)
  ##     }
  ##     sampleS <- vec2symMat(sampleS, diag=!x$cor.analysis)
  ##     mx.model <- mxModel(x$mx.fit, sampleS <- as.mxMatrix(sampleS, name="sampleS"))
  ##     mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Calculate Hessian", "No") 
  ##     mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Standard Errors"  , "No")  
  ##     mx.fit <- tryCatch(mxRun(mx.model, intervals=FALSE, silent=TRUE, suppressWarnings=TRUE),
  ##                        error = function(e) e )
  ##     if (inherits(mx.fit, "error")) {
  ##       return(NA)
  ##     } else {
  ##       omxGetParameters(mx.fit)
  ##     }
  ##   }
  ##   #var(t(omxSapply(1:b, paraboot, simplify = TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
  ##   acovS <- var(t(replicate(R, paraboot(object))), na.rm=TRUE)
  ##   warning("Parametric bootstrap with ",R," replications was used to approximate the sampling covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. A better approach is to use likelihood-based confidence interval by including the intervals.type=\"LB\" argument in the analysis.\n")
  ## } else {
  ##   acovS <- .solve(x=object$mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian)       
  ## }
  ## my.para <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters[, 1:4]
  ## my.labels <- my.para$name
  ## my.order <- with(my.para, order(matrix, row, col))

  ## acovS <- acovS[my.labels[my.order], my.labels[my.order]]
  ## my.labels <- my.labels <- gsub(paste(object$mx.model$name, ".", sep=""), "", row.names(acovS))
  ## dimnames(acovS) <- list(my.labels, my.labels)
  ## acovS

vcov.wls.cluster <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("wls.cluster", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"wls.cluster\".")
    lapply(object, vcov.wls, ...)
vcov.reml <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("reml", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"reml\".")

    ## # labels of the parameters    
    ## my.name <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters$name
    my.name <- names(omxGetParameters(object$mx.fit))
    my.name <- my.name[!is.na(my.name)]

    .solve(x=object$mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian, parameters=my.name)

coef.meta <- function(object, select=c("all", "fixed", "random"), ...) {
  if (!is.element("meta", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"meta\".")

  ## # labels of the parameters    
  ## my.name <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters$name
  ## my.name <- my.name[!is.na(my.name)]

  my.para <- omxGetParameters(object$mx.fit)
  select <- match.arg(select)
  switch( select,
         fixed =  my.para <- my.para[ grep("Intercept|Slope", names(my.para)) ],
         random = my.para <- my.para[ grep("Tau2", names(my.para)) ]

coef.tssem1FEM <- function(object, ...) {  
    if (!is.element("tssem1FEM", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM\".")

    pooledS <- eval(parse(text = "mxEval(S, object$mx.fit)"))
    dimnames(pooledS) <- list(object$original.names, object$original.names)  

coef.tssem1REM <- function(object, select=c("all", "fixed", "random"), ...) {
  if (!is.element("tssem1REM", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1REM\".")

  coef.meta(object, select, ...)

coef.tssem1FEM.cluster <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("tssem1FEM.cluster", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM.cluster\".")
    lapply(object, coef.tssem1FEM)
coef.wls <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("wls", class(object)))
        stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"wls\".")
    ## ## Make sure that coef.wls follows the order in vcov.wls
    ## my.para <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters[, 1:5]
    ## my.order <- with(my.para, order(matrix, row, col))
    ## ## Reorder it following the order in vcov.wls
    ## my.para <- my.para[my.order, ]
    ## my.coef <- my.para$Estimate
    ## names(my.coef) <- my.para$name
    ## my.coef

coef.wls.cluster <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("wls.cluster", class(object)))
        stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"wls.cluster\".")
    lapply(object, coef.wls)

coef.reml <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("reml", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"reml\".")
    # labels of the parameters    
    ## my.name <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters$name
    my.name <- names(omxGetParameters(object$mx.fit))
    my.name <- my.name[!is.na(my.name)]

anova.meta <- function(object, ..., all=FALSE) {
    ## Check if the numbers of studies are identical.
    ## meta3L object
    if (is.element("meta3L", class(object))) {
        n <- lapply(list(object, ...), function(x) summary(x$mx.fit)$observedStatistics)
    } else {
        ## meta object
        n <- lapply(list(object, ...), function(x) summary(x$mx.fit)$numObs)
    if (length(unique(unlist(n))) != 1) {
        warning("The numbers of studies appear to be different in these models. The comparisons are likely invalid.\n")
    base <- lapply(list(object), function(x) x$mx.fit)
    comparison <- lapply(list(...), function(x) x$mx.fit)
    mxCompare(base=base, comparison=comparison, all=all)

anova.wls <- function(object, ..., all=FALSE) {
  base <- lapply(list(object), function(x) x$mx.fit)
  comparison <- lapply(list(...), function(x) x$mx.fit)
  mxCompare(base=base, comparison=comparison, all=all)

anova.reml <- function(object, ..., all=FALSE) {
  base <- lapply(list(object), function(x) x$mx.fit)
  comparison <- lapply(list(...), function(x) x$mx.fit)
  mxCompare(base=base, comparison=comparison, all=all)

summary.tssem1FEM.cluster <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.element("tssem1FEM.cluster", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"tssem1FEM.cluster\".")
    lapply(object, summary.tssem1FEM, ...)

summary.wls.cluster <- function(object, df.adjustment=0, ...) {
    if (!is.element("wls.cluster", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"wls.cluster\".")
    lapply(object, summary.wls, df.adjustment=0, ...)

summary.meta3LFIML <- function(object, allX=FALSE, robust=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!is.element("meta3LFIML", class(object)))
      stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"meta3LFIML\".")

    # calculate coefficients    
    my.mx <- summary(object$mx.fit)
    ## Exclude lbound ubound etc
    my.para <- my.mx$parameters[, 1:6, drop=FALSE]   
    ## OpenMx1.1: y1, y2 and x1 appear in col
    ## my.para$col <- sub("[a-z]", "", my.para$col)  # Fixed for OpenMx1.1
    # For example, P[1,2], L[1,2], ...
    my.para$label <- my.para$name
    my.para$name <- with(my.para, paste(matrix,"[",row,",",col,"]",sep=""))

    if (!allX) {
      index.label <- my.para$label[grep("Intercept|Slope|Tau2", my.para$label)]
      index <- my.para$label %in% index.label
      my.para <- my.para[index, ]

    ## Convert a data frame with length of 0 in my.mx$CI and remove the last column "note"
    my.ci <- my.mx$CI
    if (length(my.ci)==0) my.ci <- NULL else my.ci <- my.ci[,1:3, drop=FALSE]    
    # Determine if CIs on parameter estimates are present
    if (is.null(dimnames(my.ci))) {

        ## Replace the SEs with robust SEs
        if (robust) {
            my.robust <- suppressMessages(imxRobustSE(object$mx.fit))
            my.para[, "Std.Error"] <- my.robust[my.para$name]

        my.para$lbound <- my.para$Estimate - qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
        my.para$ubound <- my.para$Estimate + qnorm(.975)*my.para$Std.Error
        my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
        ## remove rows with missing labels
        ## my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), ,drop=FALSE]
        coefficients <- my.para[, c("Estimate","Std.Error","lbound","ubound"), drop=FALSE]
    } else {
        name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames(my.ci)[1]),
                       function(x) {strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
        my.ci <- data.frame(name, my.ci)
        my.para <- merge(x=my.para, y=my.ci, by=c("name"), all.x=TRUE)
        my.para <- my.para[order(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
        ## remove rows with missing labels
        ## my.para <- my.para[!is.na(my.para$label), , drop=FALSE]
        coefficients <- cbind(Estimate=my.para[, "Estimate"], Std.Error=NA,
                              my.para[, c("lbound","ubound")])
        ## NA for LBCI
        ## coefficients$Std.Error <- NA                             
    dimnames(coefficients)[[1]] <- my.para$label
    coefficients$"z value" <- coefficients$Estimate/coefficients$Std.Error
    coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficients$"z value")))

    intervals.type <- object$call[[match("intervals.type", names(object$call))]]
    # default
    if (is.null(intervals.type))
      intervals.type <- "z"

    if (object$R2) {
      R2.values <- .R2(object)
    } else {
      R2.values <- NA
    out <- list(call=object$call, intervals.type=intervals.type,
                R2=object$R2, R2.values=R2.values, no.studies=my.mx$numObs,
                obsStat=my.mx$observedStatistics, estPara=my.mx$estimatedParameters,
                df=my.mx$degreesOfFreedom, Minus2LL=my.mx$Minus2LogLikelihood,
                coefficients=coefficients, Mx.status1=object$mx.fit@output$status[[1]],
    class(out) <- "summary.meta3LFIML"

print.summary.meta3LFIML <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("summary.meta3LFIML", class(x)))
    stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"summary.meta3LFIML\".")

    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## cat(deparse(x$call))
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")
    cat("95% confidence intervals: ")
           z = cat("z statistic approximation (robust=", x$robust, ")", sep=""),
           LB = cat("Likelihood-based statistic") )

    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, ...)

    if (x$R2) {
      cat("\nExplained variances (R2):\n")
      printCoefmat(x$R2.values, ...) 
    cat("\nNumber of studies (or clusters):", x$no.studies)
    cat("\nNumber of observed statistics:", x$obsStat)
    cat("\nNumber of estimated parameters:", x$estPara)
    cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$df)
    cat("\n-2 log likelihood:", x$Minus2LL, "\n")        
    cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" or \"1\": The optimization is considered fine.\nOther values may indicate problems.)\n")    
    ## cat("OpenMx status1:", x$Mx.status1, "(\"0\" and \"1\": considered fine; other values indicate problems)\n")
    ## cat("\nSee http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/wiki/errors for the details.\n\n")

    if (!(x$Mx.status1 %in% c(0,1))) warning("OpenMx status1 is neither 0 or 1. You are advised to 'rerun' it again.\n")

print.meta3LFIML <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.element("meta3LFIML", class(x)))
      stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"meta3LFIML\".")
    ## cat("Call:\n")
    ## cat(deparse(x$call))
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
        "\n\n", sep = "")     
    print(summary.default(x), ...)

vcov.meta3LFIML <- function(object, select=c("all", "fixed", "random", "allX"),
                        robust=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!is.element("meta3LFIML", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"meta3LFIML\".")

    # labels of the parameters    
    ## my.name <- summary(object$mx.fit)$parameters$name
    my.name <- names( omxGetParameters(object$mx.fit) )
    my.name <- my.name[!is.na(my.name)]
    select <- match.arg(select)
    switch( select,
         all = my.name <- my.name[ grep("Intercept|Slope|Tau2", my.name) ],
         fixed =  my.name <- my.name[ grep("Intercept|Slope", my.name) ],
         random = my.name <- my.name[ grep("Tau2", my.name) ]
    if (robust) {
        out <- suppressMessages(imxRobustSE(object$mx.fit, details=TRUE))$cov
        out <- out[my.name, my.name]
    } else {
        out <- .solve(x=object$mx.fit@output$calculatedHessian, parameters=my.name)

coef.meta3LFIML <- function(object, select=c("all", "fixed", "random", "allX"), ...) {
  if (!is.element("meta3LFIML", class(object)))
    stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"meta3LFIML\".")

  my.para <- omxGetParameters(object$mx.fit)
  select <- match.arg(select)
  switch( select,
         all =  my.para <- my.para[ grep("Intercept|Slope|Tau2", names(my.para)) ],
         fixed =  my.para <- my.para[ grep("Intercept|Slope", names(my.para)) ],
         random = my.para <- my.para[ grep("Tau2", names(my.para)) ]

anova.meta3LFIML <- function(object, ..., all=FALSE) {
  base <- lapply(list(object), function(x) x$mx.fit)
  comparison <- lapply(list(...), function(x) x$mx.fit)
  mxCompare(base=base, comparison=comparison, all=all)

## coef.MxRAMModel <- function(object, ...) {
##   if (!is.element("MxRAMModel", class(object)))
##     stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"MxRAMModel\".")
##   omxGetParameters(object, ...)
## }

## vcov.MxRAMModel <- function(object, ...) {
##     if (!is.element("MxRAMModel", class(object)))
##     stop("\"object\" must be an object of class \"MxRAMModel\".")

##     # labels of the parameters    
##     my.name <- names( omxGetParameters(object) )
##     # Remove NA labels
##     my.name <- my.name[!is.na(my.name)]
##     .solve(x=object@output$calculatedHessian, parameters=my.name)
## }

## VarCorr.meta <- function(x, sigma=1, ...) {
##     if (!is.element("meta", class(x)))
##     stop("\"x\" must be an object of class \"meta\".")
##     eval(parse(text="mxEval(Tau, x$mx.fit)"))
## }
mikewlcheung/metasem documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 7:06 a.m.