
Defines functions TrueTrait

TrueTrait <- function(datX, y, datXtest = NULL, corFnc = "bicor", corOptions = "use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'", LeaveOneOut.CV = FALSE, skipMissingVariables = TRUE, addLinearModel = FALSE) {
  datX <- as.matrix(datX)
  no.variables <- dim(as.matrix(datX))[[2]]
  datVariableInfo <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = no.variables, ncol = 4))
  names(datVariableInfo) <- c("Variable", "center", "scale", "weights.y.true2")
  if (is.null(colnames(datX))) {
    datVariableInfo$Variable <- 1:no.variables
  } else {
    datVariableInfo$Variable <- colnames(datX)
  no.observations <- dim(as.matrix(datX))[[1]]
  if (no.observations != length(y)) {
    stop("The number of rows of datX does not correspond to the length of y. Consider transposing your input matrix or use a different input.")
  if (no.observations == 1) {
    warning("Only 1 observations, i.e. the length of y is 1. The function cannot be used. For your convenience, the estimated true values will be set to the input value of y.")
    y.true1 <- y
    y.true2 <- y
    y.true3 <- y
  if (no.observations > 1) {
    y.true1 <- rep(NA, length(y))
    y.true2 <- rep(NA, length(y))
    y.true3 <- rep(NA, length(y))
    y.lm <- rep(NA, length(y))
    restNonMissingY <- !is.na(y)
    r.characteristic <- NA
    SD.ytrue2 <- NA
    SD.ytrue3 <- NA
    SsquaredBE <- NA

    if (sum(restNonMissingY, na.rm = TRUE) > 3) {
      corX <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datX,y ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
      rVector <- as.numeric(eval(corX))
      datCoef <- t(coef(lm(datX ~ y, na.action = "na.exclude")))
      datVariableInfo$center <- datCoef[, 1] # intercept
      datVariableInfo$scale <- datCoef[, 2] # slope
      datXscaled <- scale(datX, center = datCoef[, 1], scale = datCoef[, 2])
      weights0 <- rVector^2 / ((1 - rVector^2) * var(y, na.rm = TRUE)) # Steve, this is where I made the one change
      weights <- weights0 / sum(weights0)
      datVariableInfo$weights.y.true2 <- weights
      y.true1 <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(datXscaled), 1, mean))
      y.true2 <- as.numeric(as.matrix(datXscaled) %*% weights)

      if (skipMissingVariables) {
        y.true1 <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(datXscaled), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
        weightsMatrix <- matrix(weights, byrow = TRUE, nrow = dim(as.matrix(datXscaled))[[1]], ncol = length(weights))
        weightsMatrix[is.na(datXscaled)] <- 0
        rowsum.weightsMatrix <- apply(as.matrix(weightsMatrix), 1, sum)
        weightsMatrix <- t(scale(t(as.matrix(weightsMatrix)), center = F, scale = rowsum.weightsMatrix))
        datXscaledweighted <- as.matrix(datXscaled * weightsMatrix)
        # this corresponds to formula 25 in Klemera et al 2006
        y.true2 <- as.numeric(apply(datXscaledweighted, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
      } # end of if (skipMissingVariables )

      # the following is different from Klemera in that it has an absolute value
      r.characteristic <- sum(rVector^2 / sqrt(1 - rVector^2)) / sum(abs(rVector) / sqrt(1 - rVector^2))
      no.missing <- sum(apply(as.matrix(is.na(datX)), 1, sum))
      if (sum(no.missing) > 0) {
        warning("The input datX contains missing values.\n
I recommend you impute missing values in datX before running this function. ")
      } # end of if (sum(no.missing)>0)
      # formula 37 from Klemera
      SsquaredBE <- var(y.true2 - y, na.rm = TRUE) - (1 - r.characteristic^2) / r.characteristic^2 * var(y, na.rm = TRUE) / no.variables
      # this corresponds to formula 34 in Klemera
      y.true3 <- (as.numeric(as.matrix(datXscaled) %*% weights0) + y / SsquaredBE) / (sum(weights0) + 1 / SsquaredBE)
      y.true3[is.na(y.true3)] <- y[is.na(y.true3)]
    } # end of if (no.observations>1 )
    SD.ytrue2 <- sqrt(1 - r.characteristic^2) / r.characteristic * sqrt(var(y, na.rm = TRUE) / no.variables)
    # now formula 42
    SD.ytrue3 <- SD.ytrue2 / sqrt(1 + SD.ytrue2^2 / SsquaredBE)
  } # end of if (sum(restNonMissingY,na.rm=TRUE) >3 )
  datEstimates <- data.frame(y, y.true1, y.true2, y.true3)

  if (!is.null(datXtest)) {
    datXtest <- as.matrix(datXtest)
    no.variablestest <- dim(as.matrix(datXtest))[[2]]
    if (no.variablestest != no.variables) {
      stop("the number of variables in the test data is not the same as in the training data")

    y.true1test <- rep(NA, length(y))
    y.true2test <- rep(NA, length(y))
    y.true3test <- rep(NA, length(y))
    restNonMissingY <- !is.na(y)
    if (sum(restNonMissingY, na.rm = TRUE) > 3) {
      datXtestscaled <- scale(datXtest, center = datCoef[, 1], scale = datCoef[, 2])
      y.true1test <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(datXtestscaled), 1, mean))
      y.true2test <- as.numeric(as.matrix(datXtestscaled) %*% weights)
      if (skipMissingVariables) {
        y.true1test <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(datXtestscaled), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
        weightsMatrixtest <- matrix(weights, byrow = TRUE, nrow = dim(as.matrix(datXtestscaled))[[1]], ncol = length(weights))
        weightsMatrixtest[is.na(datXtestscaled)] <- 0
        rowsum.weightsMatrixtest <- apply(as.matrix(weightsMatrixtest), 1, sum)
        weightsMatrixtest <- t(scale(t(as.matrix(weightsMatrixtest)), center = F, scale = rowsum.weightsMatrixtest))
        datXscaledweightedtest <- as.matrix(datXtestscaled * weightsMatrixtest)
        # this corresponds to formula 25 in Klemera et al 2006
        y.true2test <- as.numeric(apply(datXscaledweightedtest, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
      } # end of if (skipMissingVariables )
    } # end of if (sum(restNonMissingY,na.rm=TRUE) >3 )

    datEstimatestest <- data.frame(y.true1 = y.true1test, y.true2 = y.true2test)
  } # end of if (!is.null(datXtest))

  if (LeaveOneOut.CV) {
    y.true1test.LOO <- rep(NA, no.observations)
    y.true2test.LOO <- rep(NA, no.observations)
    y.lmLOO <- rep(NA, no.observations)
    for (i in 1:no.observations) {

      datX.LOO <- datX[-i, ]
      datXtest.LOO <- matrix(datX[i, ], nrow = 1)
      y.LOO <- y[-i]
      no.variables <- dim(as.matrix(datX.LOO))[[2]]
      no.observations <- dim(as.matrix(datX.LOO))[[1]]

      if (no.observations == 1) {
        warning("When dealing with leave one out cross validation, there is only 1 observations in the training data")

      if (no.observations > 1) {
        if (addLinearModel) {
          lmLOO <- lm(y.LOO ~ ., data = data.frame(datX.LOO), na.action = na.exclude)
          y.lmLOO[i] <- sum(datXtest.LOO * lmLOO$coeff[-1]) + lmLOO$coeff[[1]]

        corX <- parse(text = paste(
          corFnc, "(datX.LOO,y.LOO ",
          prepComma(corOptions), ")"
        rVector <- as.numeric(eval(corX))
        datCoef <- t(coef(lm(datX.LOO ~ y.LOO, na.action = "na.exclude")))
        datX.LOOscaled <- scale(datX.LOO, center = datCoef[, 1], scale = datCoef[, 2])
        weights0 <- rVector^2 / (1 - rVector^2)
        weights <- weights0 / sum(weights0)
        datXtest.LOOscaled <- (datXtest.LOO - datCoef[, 1]) / datCoef[, 2]
        y.true1test.LOO[i] <- mean(datXtest.LOOscaled)
        y.true2test.LOO[i] <- sum(datXtest.LOOscaled * weights)
        if (skipMissingVariables) {
          y.true1test.LOO[i] <- mean(datXtest.LOOscaled, na.rm = TRUE)
          weightsMatrixLOO <- weights
          weightsMatrixLOO[is.na(datXtest.LOOscaled)] <- 0
          rowsum.weightsMatrixLOO <- sum(weightsMatrixLOO)
          weightsMatrixLOO <- weightsMatrixLOO / rowsum.weightsMatrixLOO
          datXscaledweightedLOO <- datXtest.LOOscaled * weightsMatrixLOO
          y.true2test.LOO[i] <- sum(datXscaledweightedLOO, na.rm = TRUE)
        } # end of if (skipMissingVariables )
      } # end of for loop
    } # end of if (no.observations>1 )
    datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV <- data.frame(
      y.true1 = y.true1test.LOO,
      y.true2 = y.true2test.LOO
  } # end of if ( LeaveOneOut.CV  )

  if (addLinearModel) {
    y.lmTest <- rep(NA, dim(as.matrix(datXtest))[[1]])
    restNonMissingY <- !is.na(y)
    if (sum(restNonMissingY, na.rm = TRUE) > 3) {
      lm1 <- lm(y ~ ., data = data.frame(datX), na.action = na.exclude)
      y.lmTraining <- predict(lm1)
      y.lmTraining <- predict(lm1)
      if (!is.null(datXtest)) {
        y.lmTest <- predict(lm1, newdata = data.frame(datXtest))
  if (!is.null(datXtest) & LeaveOneOut.CV & !addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(
      datEstimates = datEstimates, datEstimatestest = datEstimatestest,
      datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV = datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV, SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo
  if (!is.null(datXtest) & !LeaveOneOut.CV & !addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(datEstimates = datEstimates, datEstimatestest = datEstimatestest, SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo)
  if (is.null(datXtest) & LeaveOneOut.CV & !addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(datEstimates = datEstimates, datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV = datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV, SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo)
  if (is.null(datXtest) & !LeaveOneOut.CV & !addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(datEstimates = datEstimates, SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo)

  if (!is.null(datXtest) & LeaveOneOut.CV & addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(
      datEstimates = data.frame(datEstimates, y.lm = y.lmTraining), datEstimatestest = data.frame(datEstimatestest, y.lm = y.lmTest),
      datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV = data.frame(datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV, y.lm = y.lmLOO), SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo

  if (!is.null(datXtest) & !LeaveOneOut.CV & addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(datEstimates = data.frame(datEstimates, y.lm = y.lmTraining), datEstimatestest = data.frame(datEstimatestest, y.lm = y.lmTest), SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo)

  if (is.null(datXtest) & LeaveOneOut.CV & addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(
      datEstimates = data.frame(datEstimates, y.lm = y.lmTraining), datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV = data.frame(datEstimates.LeaveOneOut.CV, y.lm = y.lmLOO),
      SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo
  if (is.null(datXtest) & !LeaveOneOut.CV & addLinearModel) {
    out <- list(datEstimates = data.frame(datEstimates, y.lm = y.lmTraining), SD.ytrue2 = SD.ytrue2, SD.ytrue3 = SD.ytrue3, datVariableInfo = datVariableInfo)
} # end of function
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.