
Defines functions .phyper2 overlapTableUsingKME

# Determines significant overlap between modules in two networks based on kME tables.
overlapTableUsingKME <- function(dat1, dat2, colorh1, colorh2, MEs1 = NULL, MEs2 = NULL,
                                 name1 = "MM1", name2 = "MM2", cutoffMethod = "assigned", cutoff = 0.5, omitGrey = TRUE,
                                 datIsExpression = TRUE) {

  # Run a few tests on the imput data formatting
  if (is.null(dim(dat1)) | is.null(dim(dat2))) {
    write("Error: dat1 and dat2 must be matrices.", "")
  if ((dim(dat1)[datIsExpression + 1] != length(colorh1)) |
    (dim(dat2)[datIsExpression + 1] != length(colorh2))) {
    write("Error: Both sets of input data and color vectors must have same length.", "")
  if ((cutoffMethod == "pvalue") & (datIsExpression == FALSE)) {
      "Error: Pvalues are not calculated if datIsExpression=TRUE.  Choose other cutoffMethod.",

  # Find and format the kME values and other variables for both inputs
  G1 <- dimnames(dat1)[[datIsExpression + 1]]
  G2 <- dimnames(dat2)[[datIsExpression + 1]]
  if (datIsExpression) {
    if (is.null(MEs1)) {
      MEs1 <- (moduleEigengenes(dat1, colors = as.character(colorh1), excludeGrey = omitGrey))$eigengenes
    if (is.null(MEs2)) {
      MEs2 <- (moduleEigengenes(dat2, colors = as.character(colorh2), excludeGrey = omitGrey))$eigengenes
    mods1 <- colnames(MEs1)
    mods2 <- colnames(MEs2)
    if (length(grep("ME", mods1)) == length(mods1)) mods1 <- substr(mods1, 3, nchar(mods1))
    if (length(grep("PC", mods1)) == length(mods1)) mods1 <- substr(mods1, 3, nchar(mods1))
    if (length(grep("ME", mods2)) == length(mods2)) mods2 <- substr(mods2, 3, nchar(mods2))
    if (length(grep("PC", mods2)) == length(mods2)) mods2 <- substr(mods2, 3, nchar(mods2))
    out <- corAndPvalue(dat1, MEs1)
    MM1 <- out$cor
    PV1 <- out$p
    out <- corAndPvalue(dat2, MEs2)
    MM2 <- out$cor
    PV2 <- out$p
    colnames(MM1) <- colnames(PV1) <- mods1
    colnames(MM2) <- colnames(PV2) <- mods2
    rownames(MM1) <- rownames(PV1) <- G1
    rownames(MM2) <- rownames(PV2) <- G2
  } else {
    MM1 <- dat1[, sort(colnames(dat1))]
    mods1 <- colnames(MM1)
    MM2 <- dat2[, sort(colnames(dat2))]
    mods2 <- colnames(MM2)
    if (length(grep("ME", mods1)) == length(mods1)) mods1 <- substr(mods1, 3, nchar(mods1))
    if (length(grep("PC", mods1)) == length(mods1)) mods1 <- substr(mods1, 3, nchar(mods1))
    if (length(grep("ME", mods2)) == length(mods2)) mods2 <- substr(mods2, 3, nchar(mods2))
    if (length(grep("PC", mods2)) == length(mods2)) mods2 <- substr(mods2, 3, nchar(mods2))
    colnames(MM1) <- mods1
    colnames(MM2) <- mods2
    rownames(MM1) <- G1
    rownames(MM2) <- G2
    if (omitGrey) {
      MM1 <- MM1[, !is.element(mods1, "grey")]
      mods1 <- colnames(MM1)
      MM2 <- MM2[, !is.element(mods2, "grey")]
      mods2 <- colnames(MM2)
  if ((length(setdiff(mods1, as.character(colorh1))) > omitGrey) |
    (length(setdiff(mods2, as.character(colorh2))) > omitGrey)) {
    write("MEs cannot include colors with no genes assigned.", "")
  l1 <- length(mods1)
  l2 <- length(mods2)
  cutoffMethod <- substr(cutoffMethod, 1, 1)
  names <- c(name1, name2)
  comGenes <- sort(unique(intersect(G1, G2)))
  total <- length(comGenes)
  MM1 <- MM1[comGenes, ]
  MM2 <- MM2[comGenes, ]
  if (datIsExpression) {
    PV1 <- PV1[comGenes, ]
    PV2 <- PV2[comGenes, ]
  names(colorh1) <- G1
  colorh1 <- colorh1[comGenes]
  names(colorh2) <- G2
  colorh2 <- colorh2[comGenes]

  # Assign each gene in each module to a vector corresponding to the modules
  genes1 <- genes2 <- list()
  if (cutoffMethod == "a") {
    for (i in 1:l1) genes1[[i]] <- comGenes[colorh1 == mods1[i]]
    for (i in 1:l2) genes2[[i]] <- comGenes[colorh2 == mods2[i]]
  } else if (cutoffMethod == "p") {
    for (i in 1:l1) genes1[[i]] <- comGenes[PV1[, mods1[i]] <= cutoff]
    for (i in 1:l2) genes2[[i]] <- comGenes[PV2[, mods2[i]] <= cutoff]
  } else if (cutoffMethod == "k") {
    for (i in 1:l1) genes1[[i]] <- comGenes[MM1[, mods1[i]] >= cutoff]
    for (i in 1:l2) genes2[[i]] <- comGenes[MM2[, mods2[i]] >= cutoff]
  } else if (cutoffMethod == "n") {
    for (i in 1:l1) genes1[[i]] <- comGenes[rank(-MM1[, mods1[i]]) <= cutoff]
    for (i in 1:l2) genes2[[i]] <- comGenes[rank(-MM2[, mods2[i]]) <= cutoff]
  } else {
    write("ERROR: cutoffMethod entered is not supported.", "")
  names(genes1) <- paste(names[1], mods1, sep = "_")
  names(genes2) <- paste(names[2], mods2, sep = "_")

  # Determine signficance of each comparison and write out all of the gene lists
  ovGenes <- list()
  ovNames <- rep("", l1 * l2)
  pVals <- matrix(1, nrow = l1, ncol = l2)
  rownames(pVals) <- paste(names[1], mods1, sep = "_")
  colnames(pVals) <- paste(names[2], mods2, sep = "_")
  i <- 0
  for (m1 in 1:l1) {
    for (m2 in 1:l2) {
      i <- i + 1
      ovGenes[[i]] <- sort(unique(intersect(genes1[[m1]], genes2[[m2]])))
      pVals[m1, m2] <- .phyper2(total, length(genes1[[m1]]), length(genes2[[m2]]), length(ovGenes[[i]]))
      if (pVals[m1, m2] > 10^(-10)) {
        pVals[m1, m2] <-
          .phyper2(total, length(genes1[[m1]]), length(genes2[[m2]]), length(ovGenes[[i]]), FALSE)
      ovNames[i] <- paste(names[1], mods1[m1], names[2], mods2[m2], sep = "_")
  names(ovGenes) <- ovNames
  out <- list(pVals, comGenes, genes1, genes2, ovGenes)
  names(out) <- c("PvaluesHypergeo", "AllCommonGenes", paste("Genes", names, sep = ""), "OverlappingGenes")

.phyper2 <- function(total, group1, group2, overlap, verySig = TRUE, lt = TRUE) {
  # This function is the same is phyper, just allows for more sensible input values
  q <- overlap
  m <- group1
  n <- total - group1
  k <- group2
  prob <- phyper(q, m, n, k, log.p = verySig, lower.tail = lt)
  if (verySig) {
  return(1 - prob)
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.