
Defines functions splot

Documented in splot

#' Split Plot
#' A plotting function aimed at automating some common visualization tasks in order to ease data exploration.
#' @param y a formula (see note), or the primary variable(s) to be shown on the y axis (unless \code{x} is not specified).
#'   When not a formula, this can be one or more variables as objects, or names in \code{data}.
#' @param data a \code{data.frame} to pull variables from. If variables aren't found in \code{data}, they will be looked
#'   for in the environment.
#' @param su a subset to all variables, applied after they are all retrieved from \code{data} or the environment.
#' @param type determines the type of plot to make, between \code{"bar"}, \code{"line"}, \code{"density"}, or
#'   \code{"scatter"}. If \code{"density"}, \code{x} is ignored. Anything including the first letter of each is accepted
#'   (e.g., \code{type='l'}).
#' @param split how to split any continuous variables (those with more than \code{lim} levels as factors). Default is
#'   \code{"median"}, with \code{"mean"}, \code{"standard deviation"}, \code{"quantile"}, or numbers as options. If
#'   numbers, the variable is either cut at each value in a vector, or broken into roughly equal chunks. Entering an
#'   integer (e.g., \code{split = 3L}) that is greater than 1 will force splitting into segments. Otherwise variables will
#'   be split by value if you enter a single value for split and there are at least two data less than or equal to and
#'   greater than the split, or if you enter more than 1 value for split. If a numeric split is not compatible with
#'   splitting by value or segment, splitting will default to the median.
#' @param levels a list with entries corresponding to variable names, used to rename and/or reorder factor levels. To
#'   reorder a factor, enter a vector of either numbers or existing level names in the new order (e.g.,
#'   \code{levels =} \code{list(var =} \code{c(3,2,1))}). To rename levels of a factor, enter a character vector the same
#'   length as the number of levels. To rename and reorder, enter a list, with names as the first entry, and order as the
#'   second entry (e.g., \code{levels =} \code{list(var =} \code{list(c('a','b','c'),} \code{c(3,2,1)))}). This happens
#'   after variables are split, so names and orders should correspond to the new split levels of split variables. For
#'   example, if a continuous variable is median split, it now has two levels ('Under Median' and 'Over Median'), which are
#'   the levels reordering or renaming would apply to. Multiple variables entered as \code{y} can be renamed and sorted
#'   with an entry titled \code{'mv'}.
#' @param sort specified the order of character or factor \code{x} levels. By default, character or factor \code{x} levels
#'   are sorted alphabetically. \code{FALSE} will prevent this (preserving entered order). \code{TRUE} or \code{'d'} will
#'   sort by levels of \code{y} in decreasing order, and anything else will sort in increasing order.
#' @param error string; sets the type of error bars to show in bar or line plots, or turns them off. If \code{FALSE}, no
#'   error bars will be shown. Otherwise, the default is \code{"standard error"} (\code{'^s'}), with \code{"confidence
#'   intervals"} (anything else) as an option.
#' @param error.color color of the error bars. Default is \code{'#585858'}.
#' @param error.lwd line weight of error bars. Default is 2.
#' @param lim numeric; checked against the number of factor levels of each variable. Used to decide which variables should
#'   be split, which colors to use, and when to turn off the legend. Default is \code{9}. If set over \code{20}, \code{lim}
#'   is treated as infinite (set to \code{Inf}).
#' @param lines logical or a string specifying the type of lines to be drawn in scatter plots. By default (and whenever
#'   \code{cov} is not missing, or if \code{lines} matches \code{'^li|^lm|^st'}), a prediction line is fitted with
#'   \code{\link[stats]{lm}}. For (potentially) bendy lines, \code{'loess'} (matching \code{'^loe|^po|^cu'}) will use
#'   \code{\link[stats]{loess}}, and \code{'spline'} (\code{'^sm|^sp|^in'}) will use \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}.
#'   If \code{y} is not numeric and has only 2 levels, \code{'probability'} (\code{'^pr|^log'}) will draw probabilities
#'   estimated by a logistic regression (\code{glm(y ~} \code{x, binomial)}). \code{'connected'} (\code{'^e|^co|^d'}) will
#'   draw lines connecting all points, and \code{FALSE} will not draw any lines.
#' @param colors sets a color theme or manually specifies colors. Default theme is \code{"pastel"}, with \code{"dark"} and
#'   \code{"bright"} as options; these are passed to \code{\link{splot.color}}. If set to \code{"grey"}, or if \code{by}
#'   has more than 9 levels, a grey scale is calculated using \code{\link[grDevices]{gray}}. See the \code{col} parameter
#'   in \code{\link[graphics]{par}} for acceptable manual inputs. To set text and axis colors, \code{col} sets outside
#'   texts (title, sud, labx, laby, and note), \code{col.sub} or \code{col.main} sets the frame titles, and \code{col.axis}
#'   sets the axis text and line colors. To set the color of error bars, use \code{error.color}. For histograms, a vector of
#'   two colors would apply to the density line and bars separately (e.g., for \code{color =} \code{c('red','green')}, the
#'   density line would be red and the histogram bars would be green). See the \code{color.lock} and \code{color.offset}
#'   arguments for more color controls.
#' @param colorby a variable or list of arguments used to set colors and the legend, alternatively to \code{by}. If
#'   \code{by} is not missing, \code{colorby} will be reduced to only the unique combinations of \code{by} and \code{colorby}.
#'   For example, if \code{by} is a participant ID with multiple observations per participant, and \code{by} is a condition
#'   ID which is the same for all observations from a given participant, \code{colorby} would assign a single color to each
#'   participant based on their condition. A list will be treated as a call to \code{\link{splot.color}}, so arguments can be
#'   entered positionally or by name. Data entered directly into splot can be accessed by position name preceded by a
#'   period. For example, \code{splot(rnorm(100),} \code{colorby=.y)} would draw a histogram, with bars colored by the value
#'   of \code{y} (\code{rnorm(100)} in this case).
#' @param ... passes additional arguments to \code{\link[graphics]{par}} or \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}. Arguments before
#'   this can be named partially; those after must by fully named.
#' @param colorby.leg logical; if \code{FALSE}, a legend for \code{colorby} is never drawn. Otherwise, a legend for
#'   \code{colorby} will be drawn if there is no specified \code{by}, or for non-scatter plots (overwriting the usual legend).
#' @param color.lock logical; if \code{FALSE}, colors will not be adjusted to offset lines from points or histogram bars.
#' @param color.offset how much points or histogram bars should be offset from the initial color used for lines. Default is
#'   1.1; values greater than 1 lighten, and less than 1 darken.
#' @param color.summary specifies the function used to collapse multiple colors for a single display. Either a string
#'   matching one of \code{'mean'} (which uses \code{\link{splot.colormean}} to average RGB values), \code{'median'} (
#'   which treats codes as ordered, and selects that at the rounded median), or \code{'mode'} (which selects the most
#'   common code), or a function which takes color codes in its first argument, and outputs a single color code as a
#'   character.
#' @param opacity a number between 0 and 1; sets the opacity of points, lines, and bars. Semi-opaque lines will sometimes
#'   not be displayed in the plot window, but will show up when the plot is written to a file.
#' @param dark logical; if \code{TRUE}, sets text and axis colors to \code{"white"}. Defaults to the \code{splot.dark}
#'   option.
#' @param x secondary variable, to be shown in on the x axis. If not specified, \code{type} will be set to \code{'density'}.
#'   If \code{x} is a factor or vector of characters, or has fewer than \code{lim} levels when treated as a factor,
#'   \code{type} will be set to \code{'line'} unless specified.
#' @param by the 'splitting' variable within each plot, by which the plotted values of \code{x} and \code{y} will be
#'   grouped.
#' @param between a single object or name, or two in a vector (e.g., \code{c(b1, b2)}), the levels of which will determine
#'   the number of plot windows to be shown at once (the cells in a matrix of plots; levels of the first variable as rows,
#'   and levels of the second as columns).
#' @param cov additional variables used for adjustment. Bar and line plots include all \code{cov} variables in their
#'   regression models (via \code{\link[stats]{lm}}, e.g., \code{lm(y ~ 0 + x + cov1 + cov2)}) as covariates. Scatter plots
#'   with lines include all \code{cov} variables in the regression model to adjust the prediction line (e.g.,
#'   \code{lm(y ~ x + x^2)}).
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{par}} options \code{col}, \code{mfrow}, \code{oma}, \code{mar}, \code{mgp}, \code{font.main},
#'   \code{cex.main}, \code{font.lab}, \code{tcl}, \code{pch}, \code{lwd}, and \code{xpd} are all set within the function,
#'   but will be overwritten if they are included in the call. For example, \code{col} sets font colors in this case
#'   (as opposed to \code{colors} which sets line and point colors). The default is \code{'#303030'} for a nice dark grey,
#'   but maybe you want to lighten that up: \code{col='#606060'}. After arguments have been applied to
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{par}}, if any have not been used and match a \code{\link[graphics]{legend}} argument, these will
#'   be applied to \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.
#' @param line.type a character setting the style of line (e.g., with points at joints) to be drawn in line plots. Default
#'   is \code{'b'} if \code{error} is \code{FALSE}, and \code{'l'} otherwise. See the \code{line} argument of
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}} for options. \code{line.type='c'} can look nice when there aren't a lot of
#'   overlapping error bars.
#' @param mv.scale determines whether to center and scale multiple \code{y} variables. Does not center or scale by default.
#'   Anything other than \code{'none'} will mean center each numeric \code{y} variable. Anything matching \code{'^t|z|sc'}
#'   will also scale.
#' @param mv.as.x logical; if \code{TRUE}, variable names are displayed on the x axis, and \code{x} is treated as \code{by}.
#' @param save logical; if \code{TRUE}, an image of the plot is saved to the current working directory.
#' @param format the type of file to save plots as. Default is \code{cairo_pdf}; see
#'   \code{\link[grDevices]{Devices}} for options.
#' @param dims a vector of 2 values (\code{c(width, height)}) specifying the dimensions of a plot to save in inches or
#'   pixels depending on \code{format}. Defaults to the dimensions of the plot window.
#' @param file.name a string with the name of the file to be save (excluding the extension, as this is added depending on
#'   \code{format}).
#' @param myl sets the range of the y axis (\code{ylim} of \code{\link{plot}} or \code{\link[graphics]{barplot}}).
#'   If not specified, this will be calculated from the data.
#' @param mxl sets the range of the x axis (\code{xlim} of \code{\link{plot}}). If not specified, this will be
#'   calculated from the data.
#' @param autori logical; if \code{FALSE}, the origin of plotted bars will be set to 0. Otherwise, bars are adjusted such
#'   that they extend to the bottom of the y axis.
#' @param xlas,ylas numeric; sets the orientation of the x- and y-axis labels. See \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
#' @param xaxis,yaxis logical; if \code{FALSE}, the axis will not be drawn.
#' @param breaks determines the width of histogram bars. See \code{\link[graphics]{hist}}.
#' @param density.fill logical; \code{FALSE} will turn off polygon fills when they are displayed, \code{TRUE} will replace
#'   histograms with polygons.
#' @param density.opacity opacity of the density polygons, between 0 and 1.
#' @param density.args list of arguments to be passed to \code{\link[stats]{density}}.
#' @param leg sets the legend inside or outside the plot frames (when a character matching \code{'^i'}, or a character
#'   matching \code{'^o'} or a number respectively), or turns it off (when \code{FALSE}). When inside, a legend is drawn in
#'   each plot frame. When outside, a single legend is drawn either to the right of all plot frames, or within an empty
#'   plot frame. By default, this will be determined automatically, tending to set legends outside when there are multiple
#'   levels of \code{between}. A number will try and set the legend in an empty frame within the grid of plot frames. If
#'   there are no empty frames, the legend will just go to the side as if \code{leg='outside'}.
#' @param lpos sets the position of the legend within its frame (whether inside or outside of the plot frames) based on
#'   keywords (see \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}. By default, when the legend is outside, \code{lpos} is either
#'   \code{'right'} when the legend is in a right-hand column, or \code{'center'} when in an empty plot frame. When the
#'   legend is inside and \code{lpos} is not specified, the legend will be placed automatically based on the data. Set to
#'   \code{'place'} to manually place the legend; clicking the plot frame will set the top left corner of the legend.
#' @param lvn level variable name. Logical: if \code{FALSE}, the names of by and between variables will not be shown
#'   before their level (e.g., for a sex variable with a "female" level, "sex: female" would become "female" above each
#'   plot window).
#' @param leg.title sets the title of the legend (which is the by variable name by default), or turns it off with
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#' @param leg.args a list passing arguments to the \code{\link[graphics]{legend}} call.
#' @param title logical or a character: if \code{FALSE}, the main title is turned off. If a character, this will be shown
#'   as the main title.
#' @param labx,laby logical or a character: if \code{FALSE}, the label on the x axis is turned off. If a character, this
#'   will be shown as the axis label.
#' @param lty logical or a vector: if \code{FALSE}, lines are always solid. If a vector, changes line type based on each
#'   value. Otherwise loops through available line types, see \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
#' @param lwd numeric; sets the weight of lines in line, density, and scatter plots. Default is 2. See
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
#' @param sub affects the small title above each plot showing \code{between} levels; text replaces it, and \code{FALSE}
#'   turns it off.
#' @param note logical; if \code{FALSE}, the note at the bottom about splits and/or lines or error bars is turned off.
#' @param font named numeric vector: \code{c(title,sud,leg,leg.title,note)}. Sets the font of the title, su display, legend
#'   levels and title, and note. In addition, \code{font.lab} sets the x and y label font, \code{font.sub} sets the font of
#'   the little title in each panel, \code{font.axis} sets the axis label font, and \code{font.main} sets the between level/n
#'   heading font; these are passed to \code{\link[graphics]{par}}. See the input section.
#' @param cex named numeric vector: \code{c(title,sud,leg,note,points)}. Sets the font size of the title, su display, legend,
#'   note, and points. In addition, \code{cex.lab} sets the x and y label size, \code{cex.sub} sets the size of the little
#'   title in each panel, \code{cex.axis} sets the axis label size, and \code{cex.main} sets the between level/n heading size;
#'   these are passed to \code{\link[graphics]{par}}. See the input section.
#' @param sud affects the heading for subset and covariates/line adjustments (su display); text replaces it, and
#'   \code{FALSE} turns it off.
#' @param ndisp logical; if \code{FALSE}, n per level is no longer displayed in the subheadings.
#' @param labels logical; if \code{FALSE}, sets all settable text surrounding the plot to \code{FALSE} (just so you don't
#'   have to set all of them if you want a clean frame).
#' @param labels.filter a regular expression string to be replaced in label texts with a blank space. Default is
#'   \code{'_'}, so underscores appearing in the text of labels are replace with blank spaces. Set to
#'   \code{FALSE} to prevent all filtering.
#' @param labels.trim numeric or logical; the maximum length of label texts (in number of characters). Default is 20, with
#'   any longer labels being trimmed. Set to \code{FALSE} to prevent any trimming.
#' @param points logical; if \code{FALSE}, the points in a scatter plot are no longer drawn.
#' @param points.first logical; if \code{FALSE}, points are plotted after lines are drawn in a scatter plot, placing lines
#'   behind points. This does not apply to points or lines added in \code{add}, as that is always evaluated after the main
#'   points and lines are drawn.
#' @param byx logical; if \code{TRUE} (default) and \code{by} is specified, regressions for bar or line plots compare
#'   levels of \code{by} for each level of \code{x}. This makes for more intuitive error bars when comparing levels of
#'   \code{by} within a level of \code{x}; otherwise, the model is comparing the difference between the first level of
#'   \code{x} and each of its other levels.
#' @param drop named logical vector: \code{c(x,by,bet)}. Specifies how levels with no data should be treated. All are
#'   \code{TRUE} by default, meaning only levels with data will be presented, and the layout of \code{between} levels
#'   will be minimized. \code{x} only applies to bar or line plots. \code{by} relates to levels presented in the legend.
#'   If \code{bet} is \code{FALSE}, the layout of \code{between} variables will be strict, with levels of \code{between[1]}
#'   as rows, and levels of \code{between[2]} as columns -- if there are no data at an intersection of levels, the
#'   corresponding panel will be blank. See the input section.
#' @param prat panel ratio, referring to the ratio between plot frames and the legend frame when the legend is out. A
#'   single number will make all panels of equal width. A vector of two numbers will adjust the ratio between plot panels
#'   and the legend panel. For example, \code{prat=c(3,1)} makes all plot panels a relative width of 3, and the legend frame
#'   a relative width of 1.
#' @param check.height logical; if \code{FALSE}, the height of the plot frame will not be checked before plotting is
#'   attempted. The check tries to avoid later errors, but may prevent plotting when a plot is possible.
#' @param model logical; if \code{TRUE}, the summary of an interaction model will be printed. This model won't always align
#'   with what is plotted since variables may be treated differently, particularly in the case of interactions.
#' @param options a list with named arguments, useful for setting temporary defaults if you plan on using some of the same
#'   options for multiple plots (e.g., \code{opt = list(}\code{type = 'bar',} \code{colors = 'grey',}
#'   \code{bg = '#999999');} \code{splot(x ~ y,} \code{options = opt)}).
#'   use \code{\link{quote}} to include options that are to be evaluated within the function (e.g.,
#'   \code{opt =} \code{list(su =} \code{quote(y > 0))}).
#' @param add evaluated within the function, so you can refer to the objects that are returned, to variable names (those
#'   from an entered data frame or entered as arguments), or entered data by their position, preceded by '.' (e.g.,
#'   \code{mod =} \code{lm(.y~.x)}). Useful for adding things like lines to a plot while the parameters are still
#'   those set by the function (e.g., \code{add =} \code{abline(v =} \code{mean(x),} \code{xpd = FALSE)} for a vertical
#'   line at the mean of x).
#' @return A list containing data and settings is invisibly returned, which might be useful to check for errors.
#' Each of these objects can also be pulled from within \code{add}:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{dat} \tab a \code{data.frame} of processed, unsegmented data.\cr
#'   \code{cdat} \tab a \code{list} of \code{list}s of \code{data.frame}s of processed, segmented data.\cr
#'   \code{txt} \tab a \code{list} of variable names. used mostly to pull variables from \code{data} or the environment.\cr
#'   \code{ptxt} \tab a \code{list} of processed variable and level names. Used mostly for labeling.\cr
#'   \code{seg} \tab a \code{list} containing segmentation information (such as levels) for each variable.\cr
#'   \code{ck} \tab a \code{list} of settings.\cr
#'   \code{lega} \tab a \code{list} of arguments that were or would have been passed to \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.\cr
#'   \code{fmod} \tab an \code{lm} object if \code{model} is \code{TRUE}, and the model succeeded.
#' }
#' @section Input:
#' \strong{formulas}
#' When \code{y} is a formula (has a \code{~}), other variables will be pulled from it:
#' \code{y ~ x * by * between[1] * between[2] + cov[1] + cov[2] + cov[n]}
#' If \code{y} has multiple variables, \code{by} is used to identify the variable (it becomes a factor with variable names
#' as levels), so anything entered as \code{by} is treated as \code{between[1]}, \code{between[1]} is moved to
#' \code{between[2]}, and \code{between[2]} is discarded with a message.
#' \strong{named vectors}
#' Named vector arguments like \code{font}, \code{cex}, and \code{drop} can be set with a single value, positionally, or
#' with names. If a single value is entered (e.g., \code{drop = FALSE}), this will be applied to each level (i.e.,
#' \code{c(x = FALSE, by = FALSE, bet = FALSE)}). If more than one value is entered, these will be treated positionally
#' (e.g., \code{cex =} \code{c(2, 1.2)} would be read as \code{c(title = 2, sud = 1.2, leg = .9, note = .7, points = 1)}).
#' If values are named, only named values will be set, with other defaults retained (e.g., \code{cex =} \code{c(note = 1.2)}
#' would be read as \code{c(title = 1.5, sud = .9, leg = .9, note = 1.2, points = 1)}).
#' @note
#' \strong{x-axis levels text}
#' If the text of x-axis levels (those corresponding to the levels of \code{x}) are too long, they are hidden before
#' overlapping. To try and avoid this, by default longer texts are trimmed (dictated by \code{labels.trim}), and at some
#' point the orientation of level text is changed (settable with \code{xlas}), but you may still see level text missing.
#' To make these visible, you can reduce \code{labels.trim} from the default of 20 (or rename the levels of that variable),
#' make the level text vertical (\code{xlas = 3}), or expand your plot window if possible.
#' \strong{missing levels, lines, and/or error bars}
#' By default (if \code{drop = TRUE}), levels of \code{x} with no data are dropped, so you may not see every level of your
#' variable, at all or at a level of \code{by} or \code{between}. Sometimes error bars cannot be estimated (if, say, there
#' is only one observation at the given level), but lines are still drawn in these cases, so you may sometimes see levels
#' without error bars even when error bars are turned on. Sometimes (particularly when \code{drop['x']} is \code{FALSE}),
#' you might see floating error bars with no lines drawn to them, or what appear to be completely empty levels. This
#' happens when there is a missing level of \code{x} between two non-missing levels, potentially making an orphaned level
#' (if a non-missing level is surrounded by missing levels). If there are no error bars for this orphaned level, by default
#' nothing will be drawn to indicate it. If you set \code{line.type} to \code{'b'} (or any other type with points), a point
#' will be drawn at such error-bar-less, orphaned levels.
#' \strong{unexpected failures}
#' splot tries to clean up after itself in the case of an error, but you may still run into errors that break things before
#' this can happen. If after a failed plot you find that you're unable to make any new plots, or new plots are drawn over
#' old ones, you might try entering \code{dev.off()} into the console. If new plots look off (splot's
#' \code{\link[graphics]{par}} settings didn't get reset), you may have to close the plot window to reset
#' \code{\link[graphics]{par}} (if you're using RStudio, Plots > "Remove Plot..." or "Clear All..."), or restart R.
#' @examples
#' # simulating data
#' n <- 2000
#' dat <- data.frame(sapply(c("by", "bet1", "bet2"), function(c) sample(0:1, n, TRUE)))
#' dat$x <- with(
#'   dat,
#'   rnorm(n) + by * -.4 + by * bet1 * -.3 + by * bet2 *
#'     .3 + bet1 * bet2 * .9 - .8 + rnorm(n, 0, by)
#' )
#' dat$y <- with(
#'   dat,
#'   x * .2 + by * .3 + bet2 * -.6 + bet1 * bet2 * .8 + x *
#'     by * bet1 * -.5 + x * by * bet1 * bet2 * -.5
#'     + rnorm(n, 5) + rnorm(n, -1, .1 * x^2)
#' )
#' # looking at the distribution of y between bets split by by
#' splot(y, by = by, between = c(bet1, bet2), data = dat)
#' # looking at quantile splits of y in y by x
#' splot(y ~ x * y, dat, split = "quantile")
#' # looking at y by x between bets
#' splot(y ~ x, dat, between = c(bet1, bet2))
#' # sequentially adding levels of split
#' splot(y ~ x * by, dat)
#' splot(y ~ x * by * bet1, dat)
#' splot(y ~ x * by * bet1 * bet2, dat)
#' # same as the last but entered by name
#' splot(y, x = x, by = by, between = c(bet1, bet2), data = dat)
#' # zooming in on one of the windows
#' splot(y ~ x * by, dat, bet1 == 1 & bet2 == 0)
#' # comparing an adjusted lm prediction line with a loess line
#' # this could also be entered as y ~ poly(x,3)
#' splot(y ~ x + x^2 + x^3, dat, bet1 == 1 & bet2 == 0 & by == 1, add = {
#'   lines(x[order(x)], loess(y ~ x)$fitted[order(x)], lty = 2)
#'   legend("topright", c("lm", "loess"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(2, 1), bty = "n")
#' })
#' # looking at different versions of x added to y
#' splot(cbind(
#'   Raw = y + x,
#'   Sine = y + sin(x),
#'   Cosine = y + cos(x),
#'   Tangent = y + tan(x)
#' ) ~ x, dat, myl = c(-10, 15), lines = "loess", laby = "y + versions of x")
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices grey dev.copy dev.size dev.off cairo_pdf adjustcolor colors col2rgb
#' @importFrom graphics axis axTicks hist legend lines text mtext plot barplot par points arrows strwidth layout plot.new
#' locator strheight polygon abline
#' @importFrom stats density median quantile sd lm glm confint update loess smooth.spline formula as.formula predict
#' var binomial

splot <- function(
    y, data = NULL, su = NULL, type = "", split = "median", levels = list(), sort = NULL,
    error = "standard", error.color = "#585858", error.lwd = 2, lim = 9, lines = TRUE, ...,
    colors = "pastel", colorby = NULL, colorby.leg = TRUE, color.lock = FALSE, color.offset = 1.1,
    color.summary = "mean", opacity = 1, dark = getOption("splot.dark", FALSE), x = NULL,
    by = NULL, between = NULL, cov = NULL, line.type = "l", mv.scale = "none", mv.as.x = FALSE,
    save = FALSE, format = cairo_pdf, dims = dev.size(), file.name = "splot", myl = NULL,
    mxl = NULL, autori = TRUE, xlas = 0, ylas = 1, xaxis = TRUE, yaxis = TRUE, breaks = "sturges",
    density.fill = TRUE, density.opacity = .4, density.args = list(), leg = "outside",
    lpos = "auto", lvn = TRUE, leg.title = TRUE, leg.args = list(), title = TRUE, labx = TRUE,
    laby = TRUE, lty = TRUE, lwd = 2, sub = TRUE, ndisp = TRUE, note = TRUE,
    font = c(title = 2, sud = 1, leg = 1, leg.title = 2, note = 3),
    cex = c(title = 1.5, sud = .9, leg = .9, note = .7, points = 1), sud = TRUE, labels = TRUE,
    labels.filter = "_", labels.trim = 20, points = TRUE, points.first = TRUE, byx = TRUE,
    drop = c(x = TRUE, by = TRUE, bet = TRUE), prat = c(1, 1), check.height = TRUE, model = FALSE,
    options = NULL, add = NULL) {
  # parsing input and preparing data
  if (check.height && dev.size()[2] < 1.7) {
    stop("the plot window seems too short; increase the height of the plot window, or set check.height to FALSE",
      call. = FALSE
  if (!missing(options) && is.list(options) && length(options) != 0) {
    a <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
    options <- tryCatch(options, error = function(e) NULL)
    if (is.null(options)) stop("could not find options")
    return(do.call(splot, c(a[names(a) != "options"], options[!names(options) %in% names(a)]), envir = parent.frame()))
  if (!labels) title <- sud <- sub <- labx <- laby <- note <- FALSE
  opt_saf <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
  on.exit(options(stringsAsFactors = opt_saf))
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ck <- list(
    ff = list(bet = FALSE, cov = FALSE),
    t = if (grepl("^b|^l", type, TRUE)) 1 else if (grepl("^d", type, TRUE)) 2 else 3,
    b = grepl("^b", type, TRUE),
    tt = !missing(type) && !grepl("^b|^l", type, TRUE),
    d = !missing(data) && !is.null(data),
    su = !missing(su),
    c = !missing(cov),
    co = missing(colors),
    cb = !missing(colorby),
    cblegm = missing(colorby.leg),
    cbleg = is.logical(colorby.leg) && colorby.leg,
    poly = missing(density.fill) || (!is.logical(density.fill) || density.fill),
    polyo = !missing(density.fill) || !missing(density.opacity),
    e = grepl("^s", error, TRUE),
    el = !(is.logical(error) && !error),
    sp = if (!is.character(split)) {
    } else if (grepl("^mea|^av", split, TRUE)) {
    } else if (grepl("^q", split, TRUE)) {
    } else {
      ifelse(grepl("^s", split, TRUE), 3, 4)
    ly = !(is.logical(laby) && !laby) || is.character(laby),
    lys = is.character(laby),
    lx = !(is.logical(labx) && !labx) || is.character(labx),
    line = substitute(lines),
    lty = is.logical(lty),
    ltym = missing(lty),
    ltm = missing(line.type),
    leg = if (is.logical(leg) && !leg) 0 else if (!is.character(leg) || grepl("^o", leg, TRUE)) 1 else 2,
    legm = missing(leg),
    legt = !(is.logical(leg.title) && !leg.title),
    lp = is.character(lpos) && grepl("^a", lpos, TRUE),
    lpm = is.character(lpos) && grepl("^p|^m", lpos, TRUE),
    mod = !missing(x) && model,
    note = !is.character(note),
    mv = FALSE,
    mlvn = missing(lvn),
    opacity = !missing(opacity) && opacity <= 1 && opacity > 0,
    mai = FALSE
  if (ck$lpm) lpos <- "center"
  if (ck$d && !is.data.frame(data)) {
    data <- if (!is.matrix(data) && !is.list(data)) {
    } else {
  ck$ltck <- (is.logical(ck$line) && ck$line) || !grepl("^F", ck$line)
  if (!ck$ltck && ck$note) note <- FALSE
  ck$ltco <- if (ck$ltck) if (is.logical(ck$line) || ck$c || grepl("^li|^lm|^st", ck$line, TRUE)) "li" else if (grepl("^loe|^po|^cu", ck$line, TRUE)) "lo" else if (grepl("^sm|^sp|^in", ck$line, TRUE)) "sm" else if (grepl("^e|^co|^d", ck$line, TRUE)) "e" else if (grepl("^pr|^log", ck$line, TRUE)) "pr" else "li" else "li"
  if (any(!missing(font), !missing(cex), !missing(drop))) {
    dop <- formals(splot)[c("font", "cex", "drop")]
    oco <- function(s, d) {
      od <- d <- eval(d)
      if (length(s) != length(d)) {
        n <- NULL
        if (!is.null(n <- names(s)) || length(s) != 1) if (!is.null(n)) d[n] <- s[n] else d[seq_along(s)] <- s else d[] <- s
        s <- d
      s <- s[names(od)]
      names(s) <- names(od)
      if (any(n <- is.na(s))) s[n] <- od[n]
    if (!missing(font)) font <- oco(font, dop$font)
    if (!missing(cex)) cex <- oco(cex, dop$cex)
    if (!missing(drop)) drop <- oco(drop, dop$drop)
  dn <- if (ck$d) names(data) else ""
  if (any(grepl("~", c(substitute(y), if (paste(deparse(substitute(y)), collapse = "") %in% ls(envir = globalenv())) y), fixed = TRUE))) {
    f <- as.character(as.formula(y))[-1]
    y <- as.formula(y)[[2]]
    bl <- function(x) {
      cs <- strsplit(x, "")[[1]]
      rs <- lapply(c("(", ")", "[", "]"), grep, cs, fixed = TRUE)
      l <- vapply(rs, length, 0)
      cr <- TRUE
      if (any(l != 0)) {
        if (l[1] != l[2] || l[3] != l[4]) stop("invalid parentheses or brackets in ", x)
        cr <- !seq_along(cs) %in% c(
          unlist(lapply(seq_len(l[1]), function(r) do.call(seq, lapply(rs[1:2], "[[", r)))),
          unlist(lapply(seq_len(l[3]), function(r) do.call(seq, lapply(rs[3:4], "[[", r))))
      cs[cr] <- sub("*", "_VAR_", sub("+", "_COV_", cs[cr], fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
      paste(cs, collapse = "")
    f <- strsplit(bl(f[-1]), " _COV_ ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (any(grepl(" _VAR_ ", f, fixed = TRUE))) {
      r <- strsplit(f[1], " _VAR_ ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      if (length(r)) x <- r[1]
      if (length(r) > 1) by <- r[2]
      if (length(r) > 2) {
        ck$ff$bet <- TRUE
        between <- r[3]
      if (length(r) > 3) between <- c(r[3], r[4])
      f <- f[!grepl(" _VAR_ ", f, fixed = TRUE)]
    } else {
      x <- f[1]
      f <- f[-1]
    if (length(f)) {
      cov <- f
      ck$c <- ck$ff$cov <- TRUE
  txt <- list(
    split = "none",
    y = substitute(y),
    x = substitute(x),
    by = substitute(by),
    bet = as.list(substitute(between)),
    cov = as.list(substitute(cov)),
    su = deparse(substitute(su))
  txt[c("bet", "cov")] <- lapply(c("bet", "cov"), function(l) {
    paste(if (!ck$ff[[l]] && length(txt[[l]]) > 1) txt[[l]][-1] else txt[[l]])
  txt <- lapply(txt, function(e) if (is.call(e)) paste(deparse(e), collapse = "\n") else e)
  if (length(txt$bet) > 2) txt$bet <- txt$bet[1:2]
  tdc <- function(x, l = NULL) {
    if (!is.call(x)) {
      if ((is.null(l) && length(x) != 1) || (!is.null(l) && length(x) == l)) {
    if (is.character(x)) x <- parse(text = x)
    tx <- tryCatch(eval(x, data, parent.frame(2)), error = function(e) NULL)
    if (is.character(tx) && length(tx) < 2) {
      x <- parse(text = tx)
      tx <- tryCatch(eval(x, data, parent.frame(2)), error = function(e) NULL)
    } else if (is.null(tx)) tx <- tryCatch(eval(x, data, parent.frame(3)), error = function(e) NULL)
    if (is.null(tx) || any(class(tx) %in% c("name", "call", "expression", "function"))) stop("could not find ", x, call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(l) && is.null(ncol(tx))) {
      if (length(tx) != l) {
        tx <- rep_len(tx, l)
        if (is.call(x)) x <- deparse(x)
        warning(x, " is not the same length as y", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(dim(tx)) && !is.matrix(tx) && !is.data.frame(tx)) tx <- as.matrix(tx)
  if (!missing(data) && !any(class(data) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))) {
    data <- if (is.character(data)) eval(parse(text = data)) else eval(data, globalenv())
  dat <- data.frame(y = tdc(txt$y), check.names = FALSE)
  if (ncol(dat) == 1) names(dat) <- "y"
  nr <- nrow(dat)
  lvs <- function(x, s = FALSE) if (is.factor(x)) base::levels(x) else if (s) sort(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) else unique(x[!is.na(x)])
  for (n in names(txt)[-c(1, 2, 7)]) {
    l <- length(txt[[n]])
    if (l == 0) next
    if (l == nr) {
      dat[, n] <- txt[[n]]
      txt[[n]] <- n
    } else if (l == 1) dat[, n] <- tdc(txt[[n]], nr) else for (i in seq_along(txt[[n]])) dat[, paste0(n, ".", i)] <- tdc(txt[[n]][[i]], nr)
  if (length(txt$y) == nr) txt$y <- "y"
  if (missing(x) && !is.null(dat$y) && !is.numeric(dat$y)) {
    dat$x <- dat$y
    sl <- grepl("^(y|by|bet[.12]{,2})$", colnames(dat))
    dat$y <- if (sum(sl) == 1) dat[, sl] else do.call(paste, dat[, sl])
    dat$y <- table(dat$y)[dat$y]
    if (sum(sl) != 1) dat <- dat[, c("y", "x", colnames(dat)[!colnames(dat) %in% c("y", "x")])]
    if (ck$t != 2) txt[c("y", "x")] <- c("count", txt$y)
    ck$el <- FALSE
    if (missing(type)) {
      ck$b <- TRUE
      ck$t <- 1
      ck[c("b", "t", "tt")] <- list(TRUE, 1, FALSE)
    if (missing(autori)) autori <- FALSE
  if (NCOL(dat$x) > 1) {
    ck$c <- TRUE
    txt$cov <- c(txt$x, txt$cov)
    dat$cov <- cbind(dat$cov, dat$x[, -1])
    dat$x <- dat$x[, 1]
  ck$orn <- nr
  su <- substitute(su)
  if (ck$su && length(su) != nr) {
    tsu <- tryCatch(eval(su, if (ck$d) data), error = function(e) NULL)
    if (is.null(tsu) || length(tsu) != nr) {
      odat <- dat
      colnames(odat) <- sub("^y\\.", "", colnames(dat))
      tsu <- tryCatch(eval(su, odat), error = function(e) NULL)
    if (!is.null(tsu)) {
      tsu[is.na(tsu)] <- FALSE
      su <- tsu
    if (is.logical(tsu) && sum(tsu) == 0 || length(tsu) == 0) {
      ck$su <- FALSE
      warning("su excludes all rows, so it was ignored.", .call = FALSE)
  tsu <- vapply(dat, is.numeric, TRUE)
  ck$omitted <- list(
    na = apply(dat, 1, function(r) any(is.na(r))),
    inf = apply(dat[, tsu, drop = FALSE], 1, function(r) any(is.infinite(r)))
  if (ck$su) ck$omitted$su <- !su
  ck$omitted$all <- !Reduce("|", ck$omitted)
  if (any(!ck$omitted$all)) {
    if (any(ck$omitted$all)) {
      odat <- dat[ck$omitted$all, , drop = FALSE]
      dat <- odat
      dn <- colnames(dat)
      if ("x" %in% dn && length(unique(dat$x)) == 1) {
        ck$t <- 2
        dat$x <- NULL
        warning("after omitting, x only had 1 level, so it was dropped")
      if ("by" %in% dn && length(unique(dat$by)) == 1) {
        txt$by <- dat$by <- NULL
        warning("after omitting, by only had 1 level, so it was dropped")
      if (ck$d) data <- data[ck$omitted$all, , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      stop("this combination of variables/splits has no complete cases")
  dn <- colnames(dat)
  nr <- nrow(dat)
  if (sum(grepl("^y", dn)) > 1) {
    # setting up multiple y variables
    dn <- grep("^y\\.", dn)
    ck$mvn <- colnames(dat)[dn]
    ck$mvnl <- length(ck$mvn)
    if (any(tcn <- grepl("(V\\d+$|c\\(|y\\.(\\d+$|.*\\.))", ck$mvn))) {
      ncn <- substitute(y)
      if (length(ncn) > 1 && length(ncn <- as.character(ncn[-1])) == length(dn)) {
        ck$mvn[tcn] <- paste0("y.", ncn[tcn])
    ck$mv <- TRUE
    if (ck$mlvn) lvn <- FALSE
    if (!missing(by)) {
      txt$bet <- c(txt$by, txt$bet)
      if (length(txt$bet) > 2) {
        warning("multiple y variables moves by to between, so the second level of between was dropped")
        txt$bet <- txt$bet[1:2]
        dat <- dat[-grep("bet", colnames(dat))[2]]
      if (length(txt$bet) > 1) {
        dat$bet.1 <- if (is.factor(dat$by)) dat$by else as.character(dat$by)
        dat$bet.2 <- if (is.factor(dat$bet)) dat$bet else as.character(dat$bet)
        dat$bet <- NULL
      } else {
        dat$bet <- if (is.factor(dat$by)) dat$by else as.character(dat$by)
    td <- dat
    if (any(ckn <- duplicated(ck$mvn))) ck$mvn[ckn] <- paste0(ck$mvn[ckn], "_", seq_len(sum(ckn)))
    by <- sub("^y\\.", "", ck$mvn)
    if (any(by == "")) by[by == ""] <- seq_len(sum(by == ""))
    by <- factor(rep(by, each = nr), levels = by)
    cncls <- vapply(dat[, dn], function(v) is.numeric(v) || is.integer(v) || is.factor(v), TRUE)
    if (any(cncls) && any(!cncls)) {
      for (cnc in which(!cncls)) {
        dat[, cnc] <- as.numeric(factor(dat[, cnc], lvs(dat[, cnc])))
    dat <- data.frame(y = unlist(dat[, dn], use.names = FALSE))
    if (ncol(td) > length(dn)) dat <- cbind(dat, do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(dn), function(i) td[, -dn, drop = FALSE])))
    if (mv.as.x) {
      txt$by <- txt$x
      txt$x <- if (missing(labx)) "variable" else if (labx == txt$by) paste0(labx, ".1") else labx
      dat$by <- dat$x
      dat$x <- by
    } else {
      txt$by <- "variable"
      dat$by <- by
    if (missing(leg.title) && !mv.as.x) ck$legt <- FALSE
    if (!missing(levels) && "mv" %in% names(levels)) names(levels)[names(levels) == "mv"] <- txt[[if (mv.as.x) "x" else "by"]]
    dn <- colnames(dat)
    if (!missing(mv.scale) && mv.scale != "none") {
      tv <- if (mv.as.x) dat$x else dat$by
      for (g in levels(as.factor(tv))) {
        svar <- tv == g
        cvar <- scale(dat[svar, 1], scale = grepl("^t|z|sc", mv.scale, TRUE))
        if (any(is.na(cvar))) cvar <- dat[svar, 1] - mean(dat[svar, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
        dat[svar, 1] <- cvar
    nr <- nrow(dat)
  } else {
    ck$mv <- FALSE
  if (!"x" %in% dn) {
    ck$t <- 2
    if (!missing(type) && !grepl("^d", type, TRUE)) warning("x must be included to show other types of splots")
  if (!ck$cb && !"by" %in% dn) ck$leg <- 0
  if (lim > 20 || (is.logical(lim) && !lim)) {
    lim <- Inf
    if (ck$legm && !ck$cb) ck$leg <- 0
    if (missing(error)) ck$el <- FALSE
  if (ck$ltm && !ck$el) line.type <- "b"
  if (ck$ltym && is.logical(lines) && !lines) {
    ck$lty <- FALSE
    lty <- 1
  if (!is.numeric(dat$y)) {
    txt$yax <- lvs(dat$y)
    if (!is.logical(dat$y) && !is.factor(dat$y)) dat$y <- factor(dat$y, lvs(dat$y))
    dat$y <- as.numeric(dat$y)
  if ("by" %in% dn && is.character(dat$by) && all(!grepl("[^0-9]", dat$by))) {
    dat$by <- gsub(" ", "0", base::format(dat$by, justify = "right"), fixed = TRUE)
  odat <- dat
  # splitting and parsing variables
  splt_type <- function(x, s) {
    if (s == 1) {
    } else if (s == 3) {
      "standard deviation"
    } else if (s == 2) {
    } else if (s == 4 && is.double(split) && (length(split) != 1 || all(c(
      sum(split >= x, na.rm = TRUE),
      sum(split <= x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) > 1))) {
      paste(split, collapse = ", ")
    } else if (s == 4 && is.numeric(split) && split > 1) {
      split <- min(length(x), round(split), na.rm = TRUE)
      paste0("segments (", split, ")")
    } else {
  splt <- function(x, s) {
    if (s == 1) {
      factor(x >= mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) * 1, labels = c("Below Average", "Above Average"))
    } else if (s == 3) {
      m <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      s <- sd(x, TRUE)
      cut(x, c(-Inf, m - s, m + s, Inf), labels = c("-1 SD", "Mean", "+1 SD"))
    } else if (s == 2) {
      cut(x, c(-Inf, quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE)[c(2, 4)], Inf),
        labels = c("2nd Quantile", "Median", "4th Quantile")
    } else if (s == 4 && is.double(split) && (length(split) != 1 || all(c(
      sum(split >= x, na.rm = TRUE),
      sum(split <= x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) > 1))) {
      cut(x, c(-Inf, split, Inf), paste0("<=", c(split, "Inf")), ordered_result = TRUE)
    } else if (s == 4 && is.numeric(split) && split > 1) {
      n <- length(x)
      split <- min(n, round(split), na.rm = TRUE)
      factor(paste("seg", rep(seq_len(split), each = round(n / split + .49))[order(order(x))]))
    } else {
      factor(x >= median(x, TRUE) * 1, labels = c("Under Median", "Over Median"))
  seg <- list(
    x = list(e = !missing(x), s = FALSE, i = 2),
    f1 = list(e = FALSE, s = FALSE, l = "", ll = 1),
    f2 = list(e = FALSE, s = FALSE, l = "", ll = 1),
    by = list(e = FALSE, s = FALSE, l = "", ll = 1)
  if (seg$x$e && ck$t != 2) {
    if ((ck$t == 1 || is.character(dat$x) || is.factor(dat$x) ||
      (missing(type) && length(unique(dat$x)) < lim))) {
      dat$x <- if (!is.character(dat$x) && !is.factor(dat$x) && length(unique(dat$x)) > lim) {
        seg$x$s <- TRUE
        if (missing(type)) ck$t <- 1
        txt$split <- splt_type(dat$x, ck$sp)
        splt(dat$x, ck$sp)
      } else {
        if (missing(type)) ck$t <- 1
  if (ck$t == 1 || (is.character(dat$x) || is.factor(dat$x))) {
    seg$x$l <- lvs(dat$x)
    if (length(seg$x$l) == 1) ck$t <- 3
  svar <- NULL
  cvar <- if (any(grepl("^c", dn))) which(grepl("^c", dn)) else NULL
  if (any(grepl("^b", dn))) {
    svar <- which(grepl("^b", dn))
    for (i in svar) {
      e <- if (grepl("bet", dn[i])) if (!seg$f1$e) "f1" else "f2" else "by"
      seg[[e]]$e <- TRUE
      seg[[e]]$i <- i
      seg[[e]]$l <- lvs(dat[, i])
      if (is.factor(dat[, i]) && drop[[dn[i]]]) {
        seg[[e]]$l <- seg[[e]]$l[seg[[e]]$l %in% dat[, i]]
      seg[[e]]$ll <- length(seg[[e]]$l)
      if (seg[[e]]$ll > lim && !(is.character(dat[, i]) || is.factor(dat[, i]))) {
        txt$split <- splt_type(dat[, i], ck$sp)
        dat[, i] <- splt(dat[, i], ck$sp)
        seg[[e]]$s <- TRUE
        seg[[e]]$l <- lvs(dat[, i])
        seg[[e]]$ll <- length(seg[[e]]$l)
      if (!is.factor(dat[, i])) {
        dat[, i] <- if (is.character(dat[, i])) {
          factor(dat[, i], lvs(dat[, i]))
        } else {
          as.factor(dat[, i])
  if (seg$by$l[1] == "") seg$by$l <- "NA"
  fmod <- NULL
  vs <- c(y = txt$y, x = txt$x, by = txt$by, bet = txt$bet, cov = txt$cov)
  colnames(odat) <- vs
  if (ck$t != 2 && model) {
        mod <- formula(paste(
          vs["y"], "~", vs["x"],
          if (seg$by$e) paste0("*", vs["by"]),
          if (seg$f1$e) paste0("*", vs[grep("^bet", names(vs))[1]]),
          if (seg$f2$e) paste0("*", vs["bet2"]),
          if (length(cvar)) paste0("+", paste0(vs["cov"], collapse = "+"))
        fmod <- lm(mod, odat)
        if (model) {
          s <- summary(fmod)
          s$call <- mod
      error = function(e) warning(paste("summary model failed:", e$message), call. = FALSE)
  if (!missing(levels)) {
        lc <- c("y", "x", "by", "f1", "f2")
        ns <- c(txt$y, txt$x, txt$by, txt$bet, lc)
        lc <- c(lc[seq_len(length(ns) - length(lc))], lc)
        for (n in names(levels)) {
          if (any(cns <- ns %in% n)) {
            sl <- lc[cns <- which(cns)[1]]
            if (sl == "y") {
              sl <- list(i = 1)
              vfac <- txt$yax
              dat$y <- factor(dat$y, labels = vfac)
            } else {
              sl <- seg[[sl]]
              vfac <- lvs(dat[, sl$i])
            vl <- length(vfac)
            ln <- levels[[n]]
            lo <- NULL
            if (is.list(ln)) {
              if (length(ln) > 1) lo <- levels[[n]][[2]]
              ln <- ln[[1]]
            if (is.numeric(ln)) ln <- vfac[ln]
            if (vl == length(ln)) {
              vl <- list(dat[, sl$i])
              if (all(ln %in% vfac)) {
                vl$levels <- ln
              } else {
                if (!is.null(lo)) {
                  vl$labels <- ln[lo]
                  vl$levels <- vfac[lo]
                } else {
                  vl$labels <- ln
              dat[, sl$i] <- do.call(factor, vl)
              if ("l" %in% names(sl)) seg[[lc[cns]]]$l <- levels(dat[, sl$i])
            } else {
              warning(n, " has ", vl, " levels but you provided ", length(ln), call. = FALSE)
            if (sl$i == 1) {
              txt$yax <- lvs(dat$y)
              dat$y <- as.numeric(dat$y)
      error = function(e) warning("setting levels failed: ", e$message, call. = FALSE)
  dsf <- list(c1 = "", sep = rep.int("^^", nr), c2 = "")
  if (seg$f1$e) dsf$c1 <- dat[, seg$f1$i]
  if (seg$f2$e) dsf$c2 <- dat[, seg$f2$i]
  cdat <- split(dat, dsf)
  if (seg$by$e) {
    cdat <- lapply(cdat, function(s) {
      if (length(unique(s$by)) > 1) {
        split(s, factor(as.character(s$by), lvs(s$by)))
      } else {
        s <- lapply(seg$by$l, function(l) if (sum(s$by == l)) s else NULL)
        names(s) <- seg$by$l
    if (all((seg$n <- vapply(cdat, length, 0)) == seg$by$ll)) {
      seg$n <- vapply(cdat, function(s) vapply(s, NROW, 0), numeric(seg$by$ll))
    } else {
      drop["by"] <- FALSE
  } else {
    seg$n <- vapply(cdat, nrow, 0)
  if (seg$by$e && ck$t != 3 && drop["by"]) {
    seg$by$l <- if (is.null(rownames(seg$n))) {
      structure(seg$n > 1, names = seg$by$l)
    } else {
      vapply(rownames(seg$n), function(r) any(seg$n[r, ] > 1), TRUE)
    if (!any(seg$by$l)) {
      if (ck$t == 2) stop("no level of by has more than 1 observation")
      warning("no level of by has more than 1 observation so it was treated as colorby", call. = FALSE)
      seg$by$e <- FALSE
      seg$by$l <- ""
      seg$by$ll <- 1
      if (ck$cb) {
        colorby <- substitute(colorby)
        colorby[[2]] <- dat$by
      } else {
        colorby <- dat$by
      ck$cb <- TRUE
      dat <- dat[, -seg$by$i]
      cdat <- split(dat, dsf)
      seg$n <- vapply(cdat, nrow, 0)
    } else {
      seg$by$l <- names(seg$by$l[seg$by$l])
      seg$by$ll <- length(seg$by$l)
  if (!is.null(nrow(seg$n))) {
    cdat <- cdat[apply(seg$n, 2, function(r) any(r > 1))]
    if (nrow(seg$n) > 1) seg$n <- colSums(seg$n[, names(cdat), drop = FALSE])
  if (ck$mv) seg$n <- seg$n / length(ck$mvn)
  seg$ll <- length(seg$n)
  if (ck$mlvn && seg$by$e && (seg$by$s || !any(grepl("^[0-9]", seg$by$l)))) lvn <- FALSE
  ptxt <- c(txt[-c(1, 7)], l = lapply(seg[1:4], "[[", "l"))
  if (missing(labels.trim) && seg$ll == 1 && length(ptxt$l.x) < 2 && (seg$by$ll == 1 || ck$mv)) labels.trim <- 40
  if (is.numeric(labels.trim) || is.character(labels.filter)) {
    vs <- c("y", "x", "by", "bet", "cov", "l.x", "l.f1", "l.f2", "l.by")
    ptxt <- lapply(vs, function(n) {
      n <- as.character(ptxt[[n]])
      if (length(n) != 0 && all(n != "NULL" & n != "")) {
        names(n) <- n
        if (is.character(labels.filter)) n <- gsub(labels.filter, " ", n, perl = TRUE)
        if (any(is.na(iconv(n)))) stop("labels appear to be misencoded -- check them with the iconv function")
        if (is.numeric(labels.trim)) if (any(ln <- nchar(n) > (labels.trim + 3))) n[ln] <- sub("$", "...", strtrim(n[ln], labels.trim))
    names(ptxt) <- vs
  if (is.character(labx)) ptxt$x <- labx else if (ck$t == 2) ptxt$x <- ptxt$y
  if (is.character(laby)) ptxt$y <- laby else if (ck$t == 2) ptxt$y <- "Density"
  ck$ileg <- seg$by$e && ck$leg > 1
  ptxt$leg <- ptxt$l.by
  fdat <- dat
  names(fdat) <- paste0(".", names(dat))
  fdat <- if (!is.null(data)) if (nrow(data) == nr) cbind(data, fdat, odat) else data else cbind(fdat, odat)
  # figuring out colors
  csf <- if (is.function(color.summary)) {
  } else if (grepl("^av|mea", color.summary, TRUE)) {
  } else if (grepl("^mode", color.summary, TRUE)) {
    function(x) names(which.max(table(x)))
  } else {
    function(x) lvs(x)[round(median(as.numeric(factor(x, lvs(x)))))]
  colors <- substitute(colors)
  seg$cols <- if (ck$co) colors else if (any(paste(colors) %in% names(fdat))) NULL else tryCatch(tdc(colors), error = function(e) NULL)
  if (is.null(seg$cols)) seg$cols <- eval(colors, fdat, parent.frame(1))
  ptxt$cbo <- substitute(colorby)
  if (length(ptxt$cbo) > 1 && ptxt$cbo[[1]] == "list") ptxt$cbo <- ptxt$cbo[[2]]
  if (!is.character(ptxt$cbo)) ptxt$cbo <- deparse(ptxt$cbo)
  if (length(seg$cols) == 1) {
    if (grepl("^bri|^dar|^pas", seg$cols, TRUE) && (ck$cb || (seg$by$ll > 1 && seg$by$ll < 10))) {
      seg$cols <- splot.color(seed = seg$cols)
    } else if (ck$co || grepl("^gra|^grey", seg$cols, TRUE)) seg$cols <- splot.color(seg$by$ll, seed = "grey")
  cl <- length(seg$cols)
  seg$lcols <- seg$cols
  ck[c("cbn", "cbb")] <- tg <- FALSE
  chl <- if (ck$cblegm) FALSE else ck$cbleg
  if (ck$cb) {
    sca <- names(formals(splot.color))
    colorby <- substitute(colorby)
    cba <- if (any(paste(colorby) %in% names(fdat))) NULL else tryCatch(tdc(colorby), error = function(e) NULL)
    if (is.null(cba)) cba <- eval(substitute(colorby), fdat)
    if (is.null(cba) || (is.character(cba) && length(cba) == 1)) cba <- tdc(colorby)
    if (!is.list(cba) || is.data.frame(cba)) {
      cba <- list(x = cba)
    } else if (is.null(names(cba))) {
      names(cba) <- names(formals(splot.color))[seq_along(cba)]
    } else if (any(names(cba) == "")) {
      tn <- names(cba) == ""
      names(cba)[tn] <- sca[seq_len(sum(tn))]
    if (!is.null(ncol(cba$x)) && ncol(cba$x) > 1) {
      if (!"by" %in% names(cba)) cba$by <- cba$x[, 2]
      cba$x <- cba$x[, 1]
    cba$flat <- TRUE
    cn <- names(cba)
    ck$cbb <- "by" %in% cn
    if (ck$mv && length(cba$x) * ck$mvnl == nr) {
      cba$x <- rep(cba$x, ck$mvnl)
      if (ck$cbb) cba$by <- rep(cba$by, ck$mvnl)
    if (ck$cbb) {
      cba$by <- if (is.numeric(cba$by) && length(unique(cba$by)) > lim) {
        ptxt$cbos <- if (missing(leg.title)) colorby else leg.title
        ptxt$cbos <- if (is.call(ptxt$cbos)) {
          deparse(ptxt$cbos[[if (cn[2] == "by" && length(ptxt$cbos) > 2) 3 else 2]])
        } else {
        splt(cba$by, ck$sp)
      } else {
        factor(cba$by, lvs(cba$by))
      if (seg$by$e && seg$by$ll <= lim && length(cba$by) == nr && !identical(as.character(dat$by), as.character(cba$by))) {
        cba$by <- dat$by:cba$by
        cbbl <- sub(":.*", "", lvs(cba$by))
        colorby[[3]] <- as.name(paste0(ptxt$by, ":", colorby[[3]]))
        seg$lcols <- seg$cols <- splot.color(cbbl, seed = seg$cols)
        if (!ck$b && ck$line) {
          if (length(lty) < seg$by$ll) lty <- seq_len(seg$by$ll)
          ck[c("lty", "ltym")] <- FALSE
          lty <- rep(lty, table(cbbl))
          seg$lty <- unique(lty)
      } else {
        lby <- length(lvs(cba$by))
        if (!color.lock && cl < lby) seg$cols <- splot.color(as.list(rep.int(round(lby / cl + .49), cl)), seed = seg$cols)
    if (length(cba$x) == ck$orn) cba$x <- cba$x[ck$omitted$all]
    if (ck$cbb && length(cba$by) == ck$orn) cba$by <- cba$by[ck$omitted$all]
    if (seg$by$e || !"seed" %in% cn) {
      cba$seed <- seg$cols
      if ("seed" %in% cn) {
        warning("colorby's seed is ignored because by is specified -- use colors to set seeds", call. = FALSE)
    cn <- names(cba)
    ckn <- cken <- is.numeric(cba$x)
    if ((ck$t == 1 || any(seg$by$e, seg$f1$e)) && length(cba$x) == nr) {
      seg$cbxls <- lvs(cba$x)
      if (ck$t != 3 && (!seg$by$e || seg$by$ll > lim)) {
        cba$x <- vapply(split(cba$x, if (seg$by$e) dat$by else dat$x), function(x) {
          if (ckn) {
            mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else {
        }, if (ckn) 0 else "")
        if (!ckn || length(seg$cbxls) <= lim) {
          cba$x <- if (ckn) {
            cba$x <- round(cba$x, 3)
            factor(cba$x, sort(unique(cba$x)))
          } else {
            factor(cba$x, seg$cbxls)
          ckn <- FALSE
        if (ck$cbb && length(cba$by) == nr) {
          cba$by <- factor(vapply(split(cba$by, if (seg$by$e) dat$by else dat$x), function(x) {
          }, ""), lvs(cba$by))
          if (length(cba$x) != length(cba$by)) {
            cba$by <- NULL
            ck$cbb <- FALSE
            warning("colorby's by was dropped as it was not the same length as x after being aligned with the formula's x",
              call. = FALSE
        if (ckn && !ck$b && ck$t == 1 && length(cba$x) == 2) {
          cba$x <- c(mean(cba$x), cba$x)
          if (ck$cbb) cba$by <- factor(c(lvs(cba$by)[which.max(tabulate(cba$by))], as.character(cba$by)), lvs(cba$by))
      } else if (!ck$cbb) {
        if (ck$t == 3) {
          cba$by <- dat$by
        } else {
          cba$x <- data.frame(cba$x, dat$by)
          if (ck$b && seg$ll != 1) cba$x$x <- dat$x
          cba$x <- unlist(lapply(split(cba$x, dsf), function(x) {
              split(x[, 1], x[, -1]), function(x) if (!length(x)) NA else if (ckn) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) else names(which.max(table(x)))
          }), TRUE, FALSE)
          if (length(cba$x) == seg$by$ll) names(cba$x) <- seg$by$l else seg$ill <- names(cba$x)
          if (!ckn) cba$x <- factor(cba$x, seg$cbxls)
          cba$by <- factor(rep_len(seg$by$l, length(cba$x)), seg$by$l)
          if (ck$cblegm) ck$cbleg <- FALSE
    if (ck$cbb) {
      if (length(cba$by) == nr && length(cba$x) == seg$by$ll) {
        tn <- lapply(split(cba$by, dat$by), unique)
        if (all(vapply(tn, length, 0) == 1)) {
          cba$by <- unlist(tn, use.names = FALSE)
        } else {
          cba$by <- NULL
          warning("colorby's by was dropped as its levels within levels of by are not unique", call. = FALSE)
      if (ck$cbleg) {
        chl <- TRUE
        if (missing(leg.title)) {
          leg.title <- substitute(colorby)
          leg.title <- if (is.call(leg.title) && length(leg.title) > 2) {
            deparse(leg.title[[if (cn[2] == "by") 3 else 2]])
          } else {
        ptxt$leg <- lvs(cba$by)
    } else {
      if (ck$cbleg && (ck$t == 1 || !seg$by$e)) {
        chl <- TRUE
        tg <- ckn
        ll <- all(ck$t != 1 || (length(seg$x$l) > 2 || seg$by$ll > 2))
        if (ll) {
          if (is.call(cba$x)) cba$x <- tdc(cba$x)
          ll <- length(unique(cba$x)) > 2
        if (missing(leg.title) && length(ptxt$cbo) == 1) leg.title <- ptxt$cbo
        ptxt$leg <- if (ckn) formatC(c(min(cba$x), if (ll) mean(cba$x), max(cba$x)), 2, format = "f") else lvs(cba$x)
      } else if (!seg$by$e) ck$leg <- 0
    if (!ckn && length(cba$x) > lim && !"shuffle" %in% cn) cba$shuffle <- TRUE
    sca <- cn %in% sca
    if (any(!sca)) warning(paste0("unused colorby arguments: ", paste(cn[!sca], collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
    seg$cols <- do.call(splot.color, cba[sca])
    if (!is.null(names(cba$x))) names(seg$cols) <- names(cba$x)
    if (!chl || ck$cbb) {
      ck$cbn <- TRUE
      ptxt$cbn <- paste0("Colored by ", if (ckn || cken) "value of " else "levels of ", ptxt$cbo, ". ")
    if (seg$by$e && !ck$cbb) {
      if (length(seg$cols) == length(ptxt$leg)) {
        seg$lcols <- seg$cols
      } else if (ckn && ck$cbb) {
        seg$lcols <- seg$cols[c(which.min(cba$x), which.max(cba$x))]
    if (chl) {
      if (ck$legm && !ck$leg) ck$leg <- 1 + seg$ll > 1
      if ((ck$ltym || length(lty) == length(seg$cbxls)) && (!seg$by$e || seg$by$ll > length(ptxt$leg))) {
        ck[c("lty", "ltym")] <- FALSE
        if (!is.numeric(lty)) lty <- 1
        seg$lty <- rep_len(lty, seg$by$ll)
        if (!ck$ltym) lty <- seq_along(seg$cbxls)
        if (ck$ltym && seg$by$e && !ckn) {
          cbl <- cba[[if (ck$cbb) "by" else "x"]]
          for (g in seq_along(seg$cbxls)) seg$lty[cbl == seg$cbxls[[g]]] <- lty[[g]]
        lty <- unique(seg$lty)
      if (tg) {
        l <- length(seg$cols)
        seg$lcols <- seg$cols[order(cba$x)[c(1, if (ll) round(mean(seq_len(l))), l)]]
      } else if (seg$by$e && length(seg$cols) == seg$by$ll && length(ptxt$leg) == seg$by$ll) seg$lcols <- seg$cols
    } else {
      ptxt$leg <- if (length(seg$cols) == seg$by$ll && !is.null(names(seg$cols))) names(seg$cols) else seg$by$l
      if (length(ptxt$leg) == length(seg$cols)) seg$lcols <- seg$cols else if (all(ptxt$leg %in% names(seg$cols))) seg$lcols <- seg$cols[ptxt$leg] else if (seg$by$e && length(seg$cols) == nr) seg$lcols <- vapply(split(seg$cols, dat$by), csf, "")
  } else {
    if (!color.lock && cl < seg$by$ll) {
      seg$cols <-
        splot.color(as.list(rep.int(round(seg$by$ll / cl + .49), cl)), seed = seg$cols)
    if (ck$t != 2 && !any(length(seg$cols) == c(nr, seg$by$ll)) && (!ck$b || seg$by$e)) {
      seg$cols <- rep_len(seg$cols, seg$by$ll)
  if (seg$by$e && !all(seg$by$l %in% names(seg$cols))) {
    if (length(seg$cols) == seg$by$ll) {
      names(seg$cols) <- seg$by$l
      if (!ck$cbb && !chl) seg$lcols <- seg$cols
    } else if (length(seg$lcols) == seg$by$ll) {
      names(seg$lcols) <- seg$by$l
    } else if (length(ptxt$leg) == seg$by$ll) {
      if (length(seg$lcols) == nr) {
        seg$lcols <- split(seg$lcols, dat$by)
      } else {
        seg$lcols <- rep_len(seg$lcols, seg$by$ll)
        if (any(grepl(names(cdat)[1], names(seg$lcols), fixed = TRUE))) {
          for (g in names(cdat)) names(seg$lcols) <- sub(paste0(g, "."), "", names(seg$lcols), fixed = TRUE)
          if (all(seg$by$l %in% names(seg$lcols))) seg$lcols <- seg$lcols[seg$by$l]
        } else {
          names(seg$lcols) <- seg$by$l
    if (ck$b && length(seg$cols) == nr) {
      seg$cols <- unlist(lapply(
        split(data.frame(seg$cols, dat$by), dat$x),
        function(d) vapply(split(d[, 1], d[, 2], drop = TRUE), csf, "")
      ), use.names = FALSE)
  if (ck$opacity && (ck$t != 3 || !points)) {
    if (is.list(seg$cols)) {
      lapply(seg$cols, adjustcolor, opacity)
    } else {
      seg$cols[] <- adjustcolor(seg$cols, opacity)
  if (lvn && length(ptxt$by)) ptxt$l.by[] <- paste0(paste0(ptxt$by, ": "), ptxt$l.by)
  if (length(seg$cols) == nr) {
    if (any(seg$by$e && !ck$b, seg$f1$e, seg$f2$e)) {
      seg$scols <- split(if (seg$by$e && !ck$b) data.frame(seg$cols, dat$by) else seg$cols, dsf)
      if (!ck$b) {
        if (seg$by$e) seg$scols <- lapply(seg$scols, function(d) split(d[, 1], d[, 2]))
        if (ck$t == 1) {
          seg$scols <- lapply(seg$scols, function(bl) {
            vapply(bl, function(bll) {
              if (length(bll)) csf(bll) else ""
            }, "")
  } else if (seg$ll != 1 && "ill" %in% names(seg)) {
    seg$scols <- lapply(names(cdat), function(n) seg$cols[grepl(n, names(seg$cols), fixed = TRUE)])
    names(seg$scols) <- names(cdat)
  if (ck$t == 2 && seg$by$ll > 1 && !all(seg$by$l %in% names(seg$cols))) {
    seg$cols <- if (length(seg$lcols) == seg$by$ll) {
    } else if (length(seg$cols) == 1) {
      splot.color(seq_len(seg$by$ll), seed = seg$cols)
    } else {
      rep_len(seg$cols, seg$by$ll)
    if (is.null(names(seg$cols))) names(seg$cols) <- seg$by$l
  # figuring out parts of the plot
  ylab <- if (ck$ly) ptxt$y else ""
  xlab <- if (ck$lx && length(ptxt$x)) ptxt$x else ""
  main <- if (is.logical(title) && title) {
    paste0(if (ck$t == 2) {
      paste("Density of", ptxt$x)
    } else {
        "by", ptxt$x
    }, if (seg$by$e && !ck$mv) paste(" at levels of", ptxt$by), if (length(ptxt$bet) != 0) {
        " between",
        paste(ptxt$bet, collapse = " & ")
  } else if (is.character(title)) title else ""
  if (!is.character(note)) {
    if (!is.logical(note) || note) {
      ck$er <- ck$t == 1 && ck$el
      ck$spm <- txt$split != "none"
      if (ck$er && all(vapply(cdat, function(d) {
        if (!is.data.frame(d)) all(vapply(d, function(dd) !anyDuplicated(dd$x), TRUE)) else !anyDuplicated(d$x)
      }, TRUE))) {
        ck[c("el", "er")] <- FALSE
      if (any(ck$cbn, ck$spm, ck$er, ck$t == 3 && ck$ltck)) {
        if (ck$spm) {
          tv <- unique(c(
            if (seg$x$s) ptxt$x,
            if (seg$by$s) ptxt$by,
            if (seg$f1$s) ptxt$bet[1],
            if (seg$f2$s) ptxt$bet[2],
            if ("cbos" %in% names(ptxt)) ptxt$cbos
          tv <- sub(", (?=[A-z0-9]+$)", if (length(tv) > 2) ", & " else " & ", paste(tv, collapse = ", "), perl = TRUE)
        note <- paste0(
          if (ck$spm) paste0(tv, " split by ", txt$split, ". "),
          if (ck$er) paste("Error bars show", ifelse(ck$e, "standard error. ", "95% confidence intervals. ")),
          if (ck$cbn) ptxt$cbn,
          if (ck$t == 3 && ck$ltck) {
            paste0("Line type: ", switch(ck$ltco,
              li = "lm",
              lo = "loess",
              sm = "spline",
              e = "connected",
              pr = "probability"
            ), ".")
    } else {
      note <- ""
  ck$sud <- (!is.logical(sud) || sud) && (is.character(sud) || ck$su || ck$c)
  ck$sub <- (!is.logical(sub) || sub) && (is.character(sub) || seg$ll > 1 || ndisp)
  pdo <- list(...)
  l2m <- function(l) {
    tl <- round(l^.5)
    c(tl + all(l > c(tl^2, tl * (tl - 1))), tl)
  seg$dim <- if (any(ckl <- c("mfrow", "mfcol") %in% names(pdo))) {
    pdo[[if (ckl[1]) "mfrow" else "mfcol"]]
  } else if (!seg$f1$e) {
    c(1, 1)
  } else if (!seg$f2$e) {
    if (seg$f1$ll > 2) l2m(seg$f1$ll) else c(2, 1)
  } else {
    c(seg$f1$ll, seg$f2$ll)
  seg$l <- t(data.frame(strsplit(names(cdat), ".^^.", fixed = TRUE)))
  if (seg$f1$e) {
    rownames(seg$l) <- match(seg$l[, 1], seg$f1$l)
    seg[c("f1", "f2")] <- lapply(c("f1", "f2"), function(n) {
      nl <- seg[[n]]
      if (nl$e) nl$l <- unique(seg$l[, if (n == "f1") 1 else 2])
      if (nl$e) nl$ll <- length(nl$l)
  nc <- seg$dim[1] * seg$dim[2]
  if (length(ptxt$leg) == 1 && ptxt$leg == "NA") ck$leg <- 0
  if (ck$leg == 1 && ck$legm && (dev.size(units = "in")[1] < 2 ||
    (all(seg$dim == 1) && (ck$t != 1 || seg$by$ll < 9)))) {
    ck$leg <- 2
  if (ck$leg == 1) if (is.logical(leg) || is.character(leg)) leg <- nc + 1
  dop <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if (drop["bet"] && !any(ckl) && any(nc - seg$ll >= seg$dim)) {
    seg$dim <- l2m(seg$ll)
    nc <- seg$dim[1] * seg$dim[2]
  seg$dmat <- matrix(seq_len(nc), seg$dim[2], seg$dim[1])
  if (!drop["bet"] && seg$f2$e) {
    seg$lc <- vapply(seg$f1$l, function(l) seg$f2$l %in% seg$l[seg$l[, 1] == l, 2], logical(seg$f2$ll))
  } else {
    seg$lc <- seg$dmat == 0
    seg$lc[seq_len(seg$ll)] <- TRUE
  if (nc > seg$ll) {
    if (any(ckl)) {
      tm <- lapply(dim(seg$lc), seq_len)
      mm <- matrix(FALSE, seg$dim[2], seg$dim[1])
      mm[tm[[1]], tm[[2]]] <- seg$lc
      seg$lc <- mm
    if (!drop["bet"]) {
      seg$dmat[seg$lc] <- seq_len(seg$ll)
      seg$dmat[!seg$lc] <- seq_len(sum(!seg$lc)) + seg$ll
  ck$legcol <- FALSE
  if (lpos == "auto") "topright"
  lega <- list(x = lpos, col = seg$lcols, cex = cex["leg"], text.font = font["leg"], bty = "n", x.intersp = .5, xjust = .5, legend = ptxt$leg)
  if (ck$legt && (is.character(leg.title) && length(leg.title) == 1 || length(ptxt$by) == 1)) {
    lega$title <- if (is.character(leg.title)) leg.title else ptxt$by
  l <- length(lega$legend)
  seg$lwd <- rep_len(if (is.numeric(lwd)) lwd else 2, seg$by$ll)
  if (!"lty" %in% names(seg)) seg$lty <- rep_len(if (!ck$ltym && !ck$lty) lty else if (ck$cbleg && ck$cbb && seg$by$ll == length(cba$by)) as.numeric(cba$by) else if (ck$lty && lty) seq_len(6) else 1, seg$by$ll)
  if (length(seg$cols) == length(seg$lcols)) names(seg$lcols) <- names(seg$cols)
  if (seg$by$e || ck$cbb) names(seg$lwd) <- names(seg$lty) <- if (length(seg$lcols) == seg$by$ll) names(seg$lcols) else if (all(c(length(seg$lwd), length(seg$lty)) == length(seg$cols))) names(seg$cols) else seg$by$l
  lega$lwd <- if (seg$by$ll == l) seg$lwd else rep_len(if (is.numeric(lwd)) lwd else 2, l)
  lega$lty <- if (seg$by$ll == l) seg$lty else rep_len(if (!ck$ltym && !ck$lty) lty else if (ck$lty && lty) seq_len(6) else 1, l)
  if (!missing(leg.args)) lega[names(leg.args)] <- leg.args
  if (any(tck <- !names(lega) %in% names(formals(legend)))) {
    warning("dropped items from leg.args: ", paste(names(lega)[tck], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
    lega <- lega[!tck]
  if ((ck$legm || !ck$leg) && missing(leg.args) && (sum(strheight(lega$legend, "i")) * cex["leg"] * 1.5 / if ("ncol" %in% names(pdo)) {
  } else {
  }) > dev.size()[2]) {
    ck$leg <- 0
    if (ck$ltym) seg$lty[] <- 1
  if (ck$leg == 1) {
    if (ck$legm && nc > seg$ll) leg <- which(!seg$lc)[1]
    if (nc > seg$ll && leg <= nc) {
      if (seg$lc[leg] && !drop["bet"]) {
        mm <- which(!seg$lc)
        leg <- mm[which.min(abs(mm - leg))]
      if (seg$lc[leg]) {
        seg$lc[] <- TRUE
        seg$lc[leg] <- FALSE
        seg$lc[seg$lc][bsq <- seq_len(nc - seg$ll - 1) + seg$ll] <- FALSE
        seg$dmat[seg$lc] <- seq_len(seg$ll)
        seg$dmat[leg] <- seg$ll + 1
        seg$lc[leg] <- TRUE
        seg$dmat[!seg$lc] <- bsq + 1
      } else {
        seg$lc[leg] <- TRUE
        seg$dmat[leg] <- seg$ll + 1
        seg$dmat[!seg$lc] <- seq_len(sum(!seg$lc)) + seg$ll + 1
      if (ck$lp) lega$x <- "center"
    } else if (ck$lp) lega$x <- "right"
    if (nc == seg$ll || leg > nc) {
      seg$dmat[seg$dmat == seg$ll + 1] <- nc + 1
      seg$dmat <- rbind(seg$dmat, rep.int(seg$ll + 1, seg$dim[1]))
      ck$legcol <- TRUE
  seg[c("dmat", "lc")] <- lapply(seg[c("dmat", "lc")], t)
  seg$prat <- if (missing(prat) && ck$legcol) {
    lw <- max(.4, if (ck$legt) strwidth(lega$title, "i"), strwidth(ptxt$leg, "i") / if (seg$ll > 1) 1.3 else 1.7) +
      if (all(seg$dim == 1)) .5 else .2
    fw <- (dev.size(units = "in")[1] - lw) / seg$dim[2]
    c(fw, max(fw / 10, lw))
  } else {
  op <- list(
    oma = c(
      sum(is.character(note) && note != "", ck$lx) + .15, ck$ly * .9,
      max(sum((main != "") * 1.8 + if (sum(seg$dim) > 2) .5 else 0, ck$sud), 1), .5
    mar = c(
      if (ck$lx) 2 else 1.5, if (ck$ly) 3 else 2.4, (ck$sud && (ck$su || ck$c)) *
        ifelse(seg$ll > 1, 2, 0) + (ck$sub && sum(seg$dim) > 2) * 1.3, 0
    mgp = c(3, .3, 0),
    font.main = 1,
    font.lab = 2,
    cex.main = 1,
    cex.lab = 1,
    cex.axis = 1,
    tcl = -.2,
    pch = 19,
    xpd = NA
  if (length(pdo) != 0) {
    if (any(cpdo <- (npdo <- names(pdo)) %in% names(dop))) {
      ck$mai <- "mai" %in% npdo
      op[npdo[cpdo]] <- pdo[cpdo]
      if ("font.sub" %in% names(op)) op$font.main <- op$font.sub
      if ("cex.sub" %in% names(op)) op$cex.main <- op$cex.sub
      if ("col.sub" %in% names(op)) op$col.main <- op$col.sub
    pdo <- pdo[!cpdo]
  if (!"horiz" %in% names(pdo) && !"ncol" %in% names(leg.args)) lega$ncol <- 1
  if (length(pdo) != 0) {
    if (any(cpdo <- (npdo %in% names(formals(legend)) & !npdo %in% names(leg.args)))) lega[npdo[cpdo]] <- pdo[cpdo]
    if (any(!cpdo)) {
      warning("unused argument", if (sum(!cpdo) == 1) ": " else "s: ",
        paste(names(pdo)[!cpdo], collapse = ", "),
        call. = FALSE
  expand_color_code <- function(e) {
    if (is.character(e) && all(grepl("^#[0-9a-f]{3}$", e, TRUE))) paste0(e, substring(e, 2)) else e
  pdo <- lapply(pdo, expand_color_code)
  op <- lapply(op, expand_color_code)
  if (dark) {
    op$fg <- op$col <- op$col.axis <- op$col.main <- op$col.sub <- op$col.sub <- "white"
    if (is.null(op$bg) && par("bg") == "white") warning("foreground and background are both white")
  layout(seg$dmat, c(rep.int(seg$prat[1], seg$dim[2]), if (ck$legcol) seg$prat[if (length(seg$prat) > 1) 2 else 1]))
  success <- FALSE
  ck$scol <- "scols" %in% names(seg)
  for (i in names(cdat)) {
        # plotting
        cl <- (if ("list" %in% class(cdat[[i]])) vapply(cdat[[i]], NROW, 0) else nrow(cdat[[i]])) > 0
        if (any(!cl)) {
          cdat[[i]] <- cdat[[i]][cl]
          if (length(cdat[[i]]) == 0) next
        if (ck$scol) seg$cols <- seg$lcols <- seg$scols[[i]]
        cl <- strsplit(i, ".^^.", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
        ptxt$sub <- if (is.character(sub)) {
        } else if (ck$sub) {
          if (seg$ll > 1 || (!missing(ndisp) && ndisp)) {
              if (seg$f1$e) {
                  if (lvn || (ck$mlvn && grepl("^[0-9]", cl[1]))) paste0(ptxt$bet[1], ": "), cl[1],
                  if (seg$f2$e) paste0(", ", if (lvn || (ck$mlvn && grepl("^[0-9]", cl[2]))) paste0(ptxt$bet[2], ": "), cl[2])
              }, if ((length(names(cdat)) > 1 || !missing(ndisp)) && ndisp) paste(", n =", seg$n[i])
          } else {
        if (!is.null(sort) && ck$t != 2 && any(class(if (seg$by$e) cdat[[i]][[1]][, "x"] else cdat[[i]][, "x"]) %in%
          c("factor", "character"))) {
          nsl <- grepl("^[Ff]", as.character(sort))
          sdir <- grepl("^[DdTt]", as.character(sort))
          td <- if (seg$by$e) do.call(rbind, cdat[[i]]) else cdat[[i]]
          td[, "x"] <- as.character(td[, "x"])
          cdat[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(
            if (nsl) {
              lvs(td[, "x"])
            } else {
              names(sort(vapply(split(td[, "y"], td[, "x"]), mean, 0, na.rm = TRUE), sdir))
            function(l) td[td[, "x"] == l, , drop = FALSE]
          seg$x$l <- ptxt$l.x <- lvs(cdat[[i]][, "x"])
          cdat[[i]][, "x"] <- factor(cdat[[i]][, "x"], seg$x$l)
          if (seg$by$e) cdat[[i]] <- split(cdat[[i]], cdat[[i]][, "by"])
        if (ck$t == 1) {
          # bar and line
          flipped <- FALSE
          if (missing(byx) && ck$mv && any(vapply(cdat[[i]], function(d) {
              split(d$y, as.character(d$x)),
              function(dl) if (length(dl) == 1) 0 else var(dl), 0
            ) == 0)
          }, TRUE))) {
            byx <- FALSE
          if (byx && lim < Inf && seg$by$e && (is.list(cdat[[i]]) && length(cdat[[i]]) > 1)) {
            flipped <- TRUE
            cdat[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, cdat[[i]])
            cdat[[i]][c("x", "by")] <- cdat[[i]][c("by", "x")]
            if (is.numeric(cdat[[i]]$x)) cdat[[i]]$x <- as.character(cdat[[i]]$x)
            cdat[[i]] <- split(cdat[[i]], cdat[[i]]$by)[lvs(cdat[[i]]$by)]
          dl <- if (cl <- "list" %in% class(cdat[[1]])) length(cdat[[i]]) else 1
          mot <- paste0("y~0+", paste(names(if (cl) cdat[[i]][[1]] else cdat[[i]])[c(2, cvar)], collapse = "+"))
          m <- pe <- ne <- matrix(NA, seg$by$ll, max(c(1, length(seg$x$l))), dimnames = list(seg$by$l, seg$x$l))
          if (flipped) m <- pe <- ne <- t(m)
          rn <- if (nrow(m) == 1) 1 else rownames(m)
          cn <- if (seg$by$e && flipped) seg$by$l else colnames(m)
          for (l in seq_len(dl)) {
            ri <- rn[l]
            td <- if (cl) cdat[[i]][[ri]] else cdat[[i]]
            if (is.null(td)) next
            if (nrow(td) > 1 && length(unique(td$x)) > 1) {
              mo <- lm(mot, data = td)
              ccn <- sub("^x", "", names(mo$coef))
              sus <- which(ccn %in% cn)
              su <- ccn[sus]
              m[ri, su] <- mo$coef[sus]
              if (nrow(td) > 2 && anyDuplicated(td$x)) {
                if (ck$e) {
                  e <- suppressWarnings(summary(update(mo, ~ . - 0))$coef[sus, 2])
                  e <- e[c(2, seq_along(e)[-1])]
                  pe[ri, su] <- m[l, su] + e
                  ne[ri, su] <- m[l, su] - e
                } else {
                  e <- confint(mo)[sus, ]
                  pe[ri, su] <- e[, 2]
                  ne[ri, su] <- e[, 1]
            } else {
              if (nrow(td) == 0) next
              mo <- lapply(split(td, td["x"]), function(s) if (nrow(s) == 0) NA else mean(s[is.finite(s[, "y"]), "y"]))
              m[ri, ] <- unlist(mo[colnames(m)])
          re <- if (flipped) list(m = t(m), ne = t(ne), pe = t(pe)) else list(m = m, ne = ne, pe = pe)
          if (ck$ltm && all(apply(is.na(re$m), 2, any))) {
            drop["x"] <- FALSE
            line.type <- "b"
          dx <- !apply(is.na(re$m), 2, all)
          if (drop["x"]) re <- lapply(re, function(s) s[, dx, drop = FALSE])
          m <- re$m
          ne <- re$ne
          pe <- re$pe
          if (all(mna <- is.na(m))) next
          re <- lapply(re, function(s) {
            na <- is.na(s)
            s[na] <- m[na]
          if (ck$el) ck$el <- all(round(re$m - re$ne, 8) != 0)
          lb <- min(re$m) - if (!ck$el) round((max(re$m) - min(re$m)) / 10) else max(abs(re$m - re$ne)) * 1.2
          if (ck$b && !ck$el) lb <- lb - (max(re$m) - min(re$m)) * .1
          dm <- dim(m)
          ylim <- if (missing(myl)) c(lb, max(re$m) + if (ck$el) max(abs(re$m - re$pe)) else 0) else myl
          if (ck$leg == 2 && ck$lp) {
            if (!seg$by$e && ncol(m) == 2) {
              lega$x <- "top"
            } else {
              lega$x <- apply(m, 2, function(r) {
                na <- !is.na(r)
                if (any(na)) max(r[na]) else -Inf
              stw <- ncol(m)
              oyl <- if (stw %% 2) 3 else 2
              lega$x <- c("topleft", "top", "topright")[if (oyl == 2) -2 else 1:3][which.min(vapply(split(lega$x, rep(seq_len(oyl),
                each = stw / oyl
              )[seq_len(stw)]), mean, 0, na.rm = TRUE))]
              if (is.na(lega$x)) lega$x <- "topright"
          if (any(is.na(ylim))) next
          oyl <- axTicks(2, c(ylim[1], ylim[2], par("yaxp")[3]))
          rn <- if (nrow(m) == 1) colnames(m) else rownames(m)
          colnames(m) <- if (drop["x"] && sum(dx) == ncol(m)) ptxt$l.x[dx] else ptxt$l.x
          stw <- strwidth(colnames(m), "i")
          if ((missing(xlas) || xlas > 1) && sum(stw) > par("fin")[1] - sum(par("omi")[c(2, 4)]) - dm[2] * .1 && par("fin")[1] > 2.5) {
            xlas <- 3
            if (missing(mxl)) mxl <- c(1, dm[2])
            mh <- c(par("fin")[2] / 2, max(stw))
            par(mai = if (ck$mai) op$mai else c(min(mh) + .25, par("mai")[-1]))
            if (mh[1] < mh[2] && missing(labels.trim)) {
              mh <- round(mh[1] / .1)
              n <- colnames(m)
              ln <- nchar(n) > mh
              colnames(m)[ln] <- sub("$", "...", strtrim(n[ln], mh))
          if (min(re$ne, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0) autori <- FALSE
          rck <- !is.list(seg$cols) && all(rn %in% names(seg$cols))
          if (rck && length(seg$cols) < dm[1]) seg$cols <- rep_len(seg$cols, dm[1])
          if (!rck && ck$ltm && !ck$el) line.type <- "b"
          if (ck$b) {
            if (autori) {
              a <- if (missing(myl)) lb else myl[1]
              a <- a * -1
              m <- m + a
              ne <- ne + a
              pe <- pe + a
              ayl <- oyl + a
              aj <- lapply(re, "+", a)
              ylim <- if (missing(myl)) {
                if (!ck$el) {
                  ylim + a
                } else {
                    min(aj$m) - max(abs(aj$m - aj$ne)) * 1.2,
                    max(aj$m) + max(abs(aj$m - aj$pe)) * if (ck$leg == 2 && seg$by$ll > 1) seg$by$ll^.3 + .7 else 1.2
              } else {
                myl + a
            if (dm[1] != 1) rownames(m) <- ptxt$l.by[rn]
            lega[c("lwd", "lty")] <- NULL
            lega[c("pch", "pt.cex", "x.intersp", "y.intersp", "adj")] <- list(15, 2, 1, 1.2, c(0, .35))
            p <- barplot(m,
              beside = TRUE, col = if (rck) seg$cols[rn] else seg$cols, axes = FALSE, axisnames = FALSE,
              border = NA, ylab = NA, xlab = NA, ylim = ylim, main = if (ck$sub) ptxt$sub else NA,
              xpd = if ("xpd" %in% names(pdo)) pdo$xpd else if (autori) NA else FALSE
          } else {
            p <- matrix(rep.int(seq_len(dm[2]), dm[1]), nrow = dm[1], byrow = TRUE)
              ylim = ylim, xlim = if (missing(mxl)) c(1 - stw[1] / 3, dm[2] + stw[length(stw)] / 3) else mxl, ylab = NA, xlab = NA,
              main = if (ck$sub) ptxt$sub else NA, axes = FALSE
            for (a in if (dm[1] == 1) 1 else if (all(rn %in% names(seg$cols))) rn else seq_len(dm[1])) {
              graphics::lines(m[a, ], col = seg$cols[[a]], lty = seg$lty[[a]], lwd = seg$lwd[[a]], type = line.type)
          if (ck$ileg) lega$legend <- rn
          if (xaxis) axis(1, colMeans(p), colnames(m), FALSE, las = xlas, cex = par("cex.axis"), fg = par("col.axis"))
          a2a <- list(2, las = ylas, cex = par("cex.axis"), fg = par("col.axis"))
          if (ck$b && autori) {
            a2a$at <- ayl
            a2a$labels <- formatC(oyl, 2, format = "f")
          if (yaxis) do.call(axis, a2a)
          if (ck$el) {
            te <- round(Reduce("-", list(ne, pe)), 8)
            te[is.na(te)] <- 0
            te <- te == 0
            if (any(te)) ne[te] <- pe[te] <- NA
            arrows(p, ne, p, pe, lwd = error.lwd, col = error.color, angle = 90, code = 3, length = .05)
        } else if (ck$t == 2) {
          # density
          if (!is.list(density.args)) density.args <- list()
          fdan <- names(formals(stats::density.default))
          dan <- names(density.args)
          if (any(mdan <- !dan %in% fdan)) {
            warning(paste("unused density argument(s):", paste(dan[mdan], collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
            density.args <- density.args[!mdan]
          density.args$give.Rkern <- FALSE
          if (!missing(mxl)) {
            if (!"from" %in% dan) density.args$from <- mxl[1]
            if (!"to" %in% dan) density.args$to <- mxl[2]
          if (!"n" %in% dan) density.args$n <- 512
          n <- density.args$n
          m <- list()
          dl <- if (cl <- "list" %in% class(cdat[[i]])) length(cdat[[i]]) else 1
          rnl <- logical(dl)
          rn <- if (is.data.frame(cdat[[i]])) names(ptxt$l.by) else names(cdat[[i]])
          dx <- dy <- numeric(n * seg$by$ll)
          for (l in seq_len(dl)) {
                density.args$x <- (if (cl) cdat[[i]][[l]] else cdat[[i]])[, "y"]
                m[[l]] <- do.call(stats::density, density.args)
                dx[seq_len(n) + n * (l - 1)] <- m[[l]]$x
                dy[seq_len(n) + n * (l - 1)] <- m[[l]]$y
                rnl[l] <- TRUE
              error = function(e) NULL
          names(m) <- rn <- rn[rnl]
          if (seg$by$ll > 1 || (ck$polyo && ck$poly)) {
              xlim = if (missing(mxl)) range(c(dx, dx)) else mxl, ylim = if (missing(myl)) c(0, max(dy)) else myl,
              main = if (ck$sub) ptxt$sub else NA, ylab = NA, xlab = NA, axes = FALSE, xpd = if ("xpd" %in% names(pdo)) pdo$xpd else FALSE
            for (l in if (seg$by$ll > 1 && all(rn %in% names(seg$cols))) rn else seq_along(m)) {
              if (ck$poly) polygon(m[[l]], col = adjustcolor(seg$cols[[l]], density.opacity), border = NA)
              if (!is.logical(lines) || lines) graphics::lines(m[[l]], col = seg$cols[[l]], lwd = seg$lwd[[l]], lty = seg$lty[[l]])
            if (ck$ileg) lega$legend <- rn
          } else {
            col <- if (length(seg$lcols) > 2) "#555555" else seg$lcols[1]
            if (ck$leg) {
              lega[c("lwd", "lty")] <- NULL
              lega[c("pch", "pt.cex", "x.intersp", "y.intersp", "adj")] <- list(15, 2, 1, 1.2, c(0, .35))
            y <- (if (cl) cdat[[i]][[1]] else cdat[[i]])[, "y"]
            hp <- hist(y, breaks, plot = FALSE)
            if (ck$cb && length(seg$cols) == nr) {
              nb <- length(hp$counts)
              seg$cols <- vapply(split(seg$cols[order(y)], sort(rep_len(seq_len(nb), nr))), csf, "")
              if (!ckn) seg$cols <- adjustcolor(seg$cols, 1, color.offset, color.offset, color.offset)
            } else if (!color.lock && (ck$co || length(seg$cols) == 1)) {
              seg$cols[2] <- adjustcolor(seg$cols[1], 1, color.offset, color.offset, color.offset)
              y, breaks, FALSE,
              border = if ("border" %in% names(pdo)) pdo$border else par("bg"), main = if (ck$sub) ptxt$sub else NA,
              ylab = NA, xlab = NA, axes = FALSE, col = if (length(seg$cols) == 2) seg$cols[2] else seg$cols,
              xlim = if (missing(mxl)) range(hp$breaks) else mxl,
              ylim = if (missing(myl)) c(0, max(c(dy, hp$density))) else myl
            if (!is.logical(lines) || lines) {
              graphics::lines(m[[1]], col = col, lwd = lwd, xpd = if ("xpd" %in% names(pdo)) {
              } else {
          if (ck$lp && ck$leg == 2) lega$x <- if (mean(dx) > mean(range(dx))) "topleft" else "topright"
          if (xaxis) axis(1, las = xlas, cex = par("cex.axis"), fg = par("col.axis"))
          if (yaxis) axis(2, las = ylas, cex = par("cex.axis"), fg = par("col.axis"))
        } else {
          # scatter
          dl <- if (cl <- "list" %in% class(cdat[[i]])) length(cdat[[i]]) else 1
          rn <- if (is.data.frame(cdat[[i]])) seg$by$l else names(cdat[[i]])
          td <- if (cl) do.call(rbind, cdat[[i]]) else cdat[[i]]
          cx <- td[, "x"]
          cy <- td[, "y"]
          xch <- if (is.numeric(cx) || is.logical(cx)) cx else as.numeric(factor(cx))
          a2a <- list(cex = par("cex.axis"), fg = par("col.axis"))
          if (length(ptxt$l.x) != 0) {
            a2a$tick <- FALSE
            a2a$at <- seq_along(ptxt$l.x)
            a2a$labels <- ptxt$l.x
            if (missing(xlas) || xlas > 1) {
              xlas <- 3
              par(mai = if (ck$mai) {
              } else {
                  min(c(par("fin")[2] / 2, max(strwidth(ptxt$l.x, "i")))) + .25, par("mai")[-1]
            xlim = if (missing(mxl)) range(xch, na.rm = TRUE) else mxl,
            ylim = if (missing(myl)) {
              c(min(cy, na.rm = TRUE), max(cy, na.rm = TRUE) + max(cy, na.rm = TRUE) *
                if (ck$leg == 1 && seg$by$ll < lim) seg$by$ll / 20 else 0)
            } else {
            main = if (ck$sub) ptxt$sub else NA, ylab = NA, xlab = NA, axes = FALSE
          if (yaxis) {
            do.call(axis, c(list(2, las = ylas), c(
              a2a[c("cex", "fg")],
              if ("yax" %in% names(txt)) list(at = seq_along(txt$yax), labels = txt$yax, tick = FALSE)
          if (xaxis) do.call(axis, c(list(1, las = xlas), a2a))
          if (ck$leg > 1) {
            up <- xch[cy >= quantile(cy, na.rm = TRUE)[4]]
            mr <- quantile(xch, na.rm = TRUE)
            if (ck$lp) lega$x <- if (sum(up < mr[2]) > sum(up > mr[4])) "topright" else "topleft"
            if (ck$ileg) lega$legend <- rn
          padj <- if (color.lock || ck$cb || (missing(color.offset) && !ck$ltck)) 1 else color.offset
          ckcn <- all(rn %in% names(seg$cols))
          ckln <- all(rn %in% names(seg$lcols))
          if (!ckln) {
            if (ckcn) {
              seg$lcols <- seg$cols
            } else {
              seg$lcols[] <- if (opacity != 1) {
                adjustcolor("#555555", opacity)
              } else {
          lwd <- rep_len(if (is.numeric(lwd)) lwd else 2, dl)
          for (l in if (ckcn) rn else seq_len(dl)) {
            td <- if (cl) cdat[[i]][[l]] else cdat[[i]]
            if (is.null(td)) next
            x <- td[, "x"]
            y <- td[, "y"]
            col <- if (ckcn) seg$cols[[l]] else seg$cols
            if (opacity != 1 || padj != 1) col <- adjustcolor(col, opacity, padj, padj, padj)
            if (points && points.first) points(x, y, col = col, cex = cex["points"])
            if (ck$ltck) {
              lt <- if (ck$ltco == "pr" && length(unique(y)) != 2) "li" else ck$ltco
              fit <- if (lt == "e") {
              } else {
                    if (ck$c) {
                      lm(y ~ x + as.matrix(td[, cvar, drop = FALSE]))$fitted
                    } else if (lt == "pr") {
                      yr <- range(y)
                      y <- factor(y, labels = c(0, 1))
                      fit <- predict(glm(y ~ x, binomial))
                      fit <- exp(fit) / (1 + exp(fit))
                      if (!all(yr == c(0, 1))) fit <- (fit - mean(fit)) * (yr[2] - yr[1]) + mean(yr)
                      if (max(fit) > yr[2]) fit - (max(fit) - yr[2]) else fit
                    } else {
                        li = lm,
                        lo = loess,
                        sm = smooth.spline
                      )(y ~ x))
                  error = function(e) {
                    warning("error estimating line: ", e$message, call. = FALSE)
              if (!is.null(fit)) {
                if (lt == "e") {
                  xo <- x
                } else if (lt == "sm") {
                  xo <- fit$x
                  fit <- fit$y
                } else {
                  or <- order(x)
                  xo <- x[or]
                  fit <- fit[or]
                graphics::lines(xo, fit, col = seg$lcols[[l]], lty = seg$lty[[l]], lwd = seg$lwd[[l]])
            if (points && !points.first) points(x, y, col = col, cex = cex["points"])
        if (ck$leg == 2) {
          if (ck$lpm) {
            message("click to place the legend")
            lega[c("x", "y")] <- locator(1)
            if (is.null(lega$x)) {
              warning("placing the legend with locator(1) failed")
              lega$y <- NULL
              lega$x <- if (seg$ll > 1) "topright" else "right"
          tf <- par("font")
          par(font = font["leg.title"])
          do.call(legend, lega)
          par(font = tf)
        success <- TRUE
        if (!missing(add)) {
          add_attempt <- tryCatch(eval(substitute(add), fdat), error = function(e) list(failed = TRUE))
          if (is.list(add_attempt) && isTRUE(add_attempt$failed)) {
              eval(substitute(add), parent.frame(1)),
              error = function(e) warning("error from add: ", e$message, call. = FALSE)
      error = function(e) {
  if (!success) stop("failed to make any plots with the current input", call. = FALSE)
  if (ck$leg == 1) {
    if (all(par("mfg")[1:2] != 0)) {
      if (ck$b) lega[c("pch", "pt.cex", "x.intersp", "y.intersp", "adj")] <- list(15, 2, 1, 1.2, c(0, .35))
      if (ck$lpm) {
        message("click to place the legend")
        lega[c("x", "y")] <- locator(1)
        if (is.null(lega$x)) {
          warning("placing the legend with locator(1) failed")
          lega$y <- NULL
          lega$x <- if (seg$ll > 1) "topright" else "right"
      tf <- par("font")
      par(font = font["leg.title"])
      do.call(legend, lega)
      par(font = tf)
    } else {
      warning("legend positioning failed", call. = FALSE)
  if (ck$sud && any(ck$su, ck$c, is.character(sud))) {
      if (is.character(sud)) {
      } else {
        gsub(", (?=[A-z0-9 ]+$)", ifelse(length(ptxt$cov) > 2, ", & ", " & "), gsub("^ | $", "", paste0(if (ck$su) {
          paste("Subset:", paste0(txt$su[1], if (length(txt$su) != 1) "..."))
        }, if (ck$su && ck$c) ", ", if (ck$c) {
          paste(if (ck$t == 1) "Covariates:" else "Line adjustment:", paste(ptxt$cov, collapse = ", "))
        })), TRUE, TRUE)
      3, 0, TRUE,
      cex = cex["sud"], font = font["sud"]
  mtext(main, 3, if (ck$sud) 1.5 else .5, TRUE, cex = cex["title"], font = font["title"])
  mtext(ylab, 2, -.2, TRUE, cex = par("cex.lab"), font = par("font.lab"))
  mtext(xlab, 1, 0, TRUE, cex = par("cex.lab"), font = par("font.lab"))
  if (is.character(note)) mtext(note, 1, ck$lx, TRUE, adj = if (ck$ly) 0 else .01, font = font["note"], cex = cex["note"])
  if (save || (missing(save) && any(!missing(format), !missing(file.name), !missing(dims)))) {
        if (is.character(format) || is.name(format)) {
          t <- as.character(format)
          format <- eval(parse(text = t))
        } else {
          t <- deparse(substitute(format))
        if (is.function(format)) t <- sub("^[^:]*::", "", t)
        tt <- if (any(grepl("cairo", t, TRUE))) {
          paste0(".", tolower(strsplit(t, "_|Cairo")[[1]][2]))
        } else if (t == "postscript") ".ps" else paste0(".", t)
        if (missing(dims) && grepl("jpeg|png|tiff|bmp|bit", t, TRUE)) dims <- dev.size(units = "px")
        fn <- paste0(if (main == "" || !missing(file.name)) {
          sub("\\.[^.]+$", "", file.name)
        } else {
          gsub("\\s+", "_", gsub("^ +| +$|  ", "", main))
        }, tt)
        dev.copy(format, fn, width = dims[1], height = dims[2])
        if (file.exists(fn)) message("image saved: ", fn) else warning("failed to save image")
      error = function(e) warning("unable to save image: ", e$message, call. = FALSE)
  invisible(list(dat = dat, cdat = cdat, txt = txt, ptxt = ptxt, seg = seg, ck = ck, lega = lega, fmod = fmod))
miserman/splot documentation built on Oct. 30, 2023, 2:24 a.m.