
Defines functions rba_urls rba_table_cache rba_search rba_stats rba_file_download rba_read_tss rba_read_tss_

Documented in rba_file_download rba_read_tss rba_search rba_stats rba_table_cache rba_urls

### Function: rba_urls
#' @name rba_urls
#' @title RBA base URL and data paths
#' @description This function returns a list of URLs and data paths used to construct RBA data
#'   access calls. It is used in other functions in this package and need not be called directly.
#' @return list of RBA base URL and data paths
#' @author David Mitchell <david.pk.mitchell@@gmail.com>
#' @keywords internal
rba_urls <- function()
  list(base_url = "https://www.rba.gov.au",
       stats_path = "statistics",
       tables_path = "tables");

### Function: rba_table_cache
#' @name rba_table_cache
#' @title Return list of RBA tables
#' @description Function to return an updated list of data tables available from the RBA website.
#' @importFrom rvest html_session jump_to html_attr html_text html_nodes
#' @return data frame in long format
#' @export
#' @author David Mitchell <david.pk.mitchell@@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#'   \donttest{
#'     rba_cachelist <- rba_table_cache();
#'   }
rba_table_cache <- function()
  ## Avoid 'No visible binding for global variables' note
  { table_name <- NULL }
  ## Create RBA URL and open session 
  url <- file.path(rba_urls()$base_url, rba_urls()$stats_path);
  ## Check url available
  s <- html_session(url);
  ## Get statistical data paths
  .paths <- html_nodes(s, "a");
  path_statistical_data <- unique(html_attr(.paths, "href")[grepl("^statistical tables$",
                                                                  html_text(.paths), ignore.case=TRUE)]);
  path_historical_data <- unique(html_attr(.paths, "href")[grepl("^historical data$",
                                                                 html_text(.paths), ignore.case=TRUE)]);
  path_discontinued_data <- unique(html_attr(.paths, "href")[grepl("^discontinued data$",
                                                                   html_text(.paths), ignore.case=TRUE)]);
  ## Get list of current data tables
  rs <- jump_to(s, path_statistical_data);
  .paths <- html_nodes(rs, "a");
  statistical_tables <- data.frame(table_type = "statistical tables",
                                   table = html_text(.paths[grepl("xls(x*)", .paths, ignore.case=TRUE)]),
                                   url = paste0(sub("/$", "", rba_urls()$base_url),
                                                 html_attr(.paths[grepl("xls(x*)", .paths, ignore.case=TRUE)],
  ## Include only Excel spreadsheet tables
  statistical_tables <- statistical_tables[grepl("\\.xls(x*)$", statistical_tables$url, ignore.case=TRUE),];
  ## Get list of historical data tables
  rs <- jump_to(s, path_historical_data);
  .paths <- html_nodes(rs, "a");
  historical_tables <- data.frame(table_type = "historical data",
                                  table = html_text(.paths[grepl("xls(x*)", .paths, ignore.case=TRUE)]),
                                  url = paste0(sub("/$", "", rba_urls()$base_url),
                                                html_attr(.paths[grepl("xls(x*)", .paths, ignore.case=TRUE)],
  ## Exclude: i) Occasional Paper 10
  historical_tables <- historical_tables[!grepl("Occasional Paper.+10", historical_tables$table,
  ##  and    ii) Survey of consumers use of payments
  historical_tables <- historical_tables[!grepl("survey.+of.+consumers.+use", historical_tables$url,
  ## Get list of discontinued data tables
  rs <- jump_to(s, path_discontinued_data);
  .paths <- html_nodes(rs, "a");
  discontinued_tables <- data.frame(table_type = "discontinued data",
                                    table = html_text(.paths[grepl("xls(x*)", .paths, ignore.case=TRUE)]),
                                    url = paste0(sub("/$", "", rba_urls()$base_url),
                                                  html_attr(.paths[grepl("xls(x*)", .paths, ignore.case=TRUE)],
  z <- rbind(statistical_tables,
  z <- transform(z,
                 table_name = sub("(.+)\\s(-|\u2013|\u2014)\\s(\\w\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)$", "\\1", table),
                 table_no = sub("(.+)\\s(-|\u2013|\u2014)\\s(\\w\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)$", "\\3", table));
  ## Replace en-dash/em-dash with hyphen (Regular expressions: en-dash - \u2013, and em-dash - \u2014
  z <- transform(z,
                 table_name = gsub("\\s+"," ", gsub("(\u2013|\u2014)","-", table_name)));
  ## Re-order columns and return
  z <- z[,c("table_no", "table_name", "table_type", "url")];

### Function: rba_search
#' @name rba_search
#' @title Return list of data tables from RBA website
#' @description Function to return a list of all RBA data tables.
#' @param pattern Character string or regular expression to be matched
#' @param fields Character vector of column names through which to search. By default, the function
#'   searches 'table_no' and 'table_name'.
#' @param series_type Character vector specifying one or more one of 'statistical tables', 'historical data' or
#'   'discontinued data'. By default, \code{series_type = 'statistical tables'}.
#' @param ignore.case Case senstive pattern match or not.
#' @param update_cache Logical expression, if FALSE (default), use the cached list of available
#'   RBA tables (\code{rba_cachelist}), if TRUE, update the list of available datasets.
#' @return data frame in long format
#' @author David Mitchell <david.pk.mitchell@@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  rba_datasets <- rba_search(pattern = "Liabilities and Assets");
rba_search <- function(pattern, fields = c("table_no", "table_name"),
                       series_type = "statistical tables",
                       ignore.case = TRUE, update_cache = FALSE)
  if (missing(pattern))
    stop("No pattern supplied")
  if (update_cache) {
    rba_cache <- rba_table_cache();
  } else {
    rba_cache <- raustats::rba_cachelist;
  if (any(!fields %in% names(rba_cache)))
    stop(sprintf("Field names: %s not in cache", fields[!fields %in% names(rba_cache)]))
  ## Return list of matching RBA datasets
  match_index <- sapply(fields,
                          grep(pattern, rba_cache[, field], ignore.case=ignore.case));
  match_index <- sort(unique(unlist(match_index)));
  z <- rba_cache[match_index,];
  ## Filter RBA data sets to specified series type(s)
  if (!any(series_type %in% c("statistical tables", "historical data", "discontinued data"))) 
    stop(sprintf("Invalid series type(s): %s",
                 paste(series_type[!series_type %in%
                                   c("statistical tables", "historical data", "discontinued data")],
                       collapse=", ")))
  ## START - New code
  ## -- UP TO HERE --
  ## if (any(!tolower(series_type) %in% c("statistical tables",'historical data','discontinued data')))
  ##   stop("series_type argument invalid!")
  z <- z[grepl(paste(series_type, collapse="|"), z$table_type, ignore.case=ignore.case),]
  ## series_index <- grep(paste(series_type, collapse="|"),
  ##                      z$table_type, ignore.case=ignore.case);
  ## ## series_index <- sort(unique(unlist(series_index)));
  ## z <- z[series_index,];
  ## END - New code

#' @name rba_stats
#' @title Return data for a specified RBA time series
#' @description Function to download and return specified RBA time series data.
#' @param table_no Character vector specifying one or more RBA table numbers to download.
#' @param pattern Character string or regular expression to be matched.
#' @param url Valid URL for RBA dataset (Excel format only).
#' @param update_cache Logical expression, if FALSE (default), use the cached list of available
#'   RBA datasets, if TRUE, update the list of available datasets.
#' @param ... Other arguments to \code{\link{rba_search}}, e.g. \code{series_type = "statistical_tables"}.
#' @return data frame in long format
#' @export
#' @author David Mitchell <david.pk.mitchell@@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#'   \donttest{
#'     ## Example - Selecting by table_no
#'     x <- rba_stats("A1");
#'     ## Example - Selecting by pattern
#'     x <- rba_stats(pattern="Liabilities and Assets");
#'   }
rba_stats <- function(table_no, pattern, url, update_cache=FALSE, ...)
  if (FALSE) {
    table_no = "D2"
    rba_g1 <- rba_stats(table_no = "G1")
    rba_d2 <- rba_stats(table_no = "D2")
  ## Deprecate: series_type
  if (missing(table_no) & missing(pattern) & missing(url))
    stop("One of either table_no, pattern or url must be specified.")
  if (!missing(table_no) & !missing(pattern))
    warning("Both table_no and pattern supplied, using table_no.")
  if (!missing(table_no) & !missing(url))
    warning("Both table_no and url supplied, using table_no.")
  if (!missing(pattern) & !missing(url))
    warning("Both pattern and url supplied, using pattern.")
  ## Update RBA table list
  if (update_cache) {
    rba_cache <- rba_table_cache();
  } else {
    rba_cache <- raustats::rba_cachelist;

  ## TO DO: Add table_type attribute to vector 'urls'
  if (!missing(table_no)) {
    if (!table_no %in% rba_cache$table_no)
      stop("table_no not valid RBA table code")
    ## Changed here
    urls <- rba_search(pattern=table_no, update_cache=update_cache, ...)$url
    ## urls <- as.character(table$url[which(table_no == rba_cache$table_no)]);

  if (!missing(pattern))
    urls <- as.character(rba_search(pattern, update_cache=update_cache, ...)$url)
  if (!missing(url)) {
    if (!any(url %in% rba_cache$url))
      stop(sprintf("Following urls invalid: %s",
                   paste(rba_cache$url[!url %in% rba_cache$url], collapse=", ")));
    urls <- as.character(url)
  ## Download RBA statistical data
  ## Internet resource checking undertaken in 'rba_file_download' function.
  z <- lapply(urls, rba_file_download); 
  ## Read data
  data <- lapply(z, rba_read_tss);
  data <- do.call(rbind, data);
  rownames(data) <- seq_len(nrow(data));

#' @name rba_file_download
#' @title Function to download statistics files from the RBA website and store locally
#' @description This function downloads one or more RBA data files at the specified by URLs and
#'   saves a local copy.
#' @importFrom httr GET http_type http_error progress status_code write_disk 
#' @param data_url Character vector specifying an RBA data set URL.
#' @param exdir Target directory for downloaded files (defaults to \code{tempdir()}). Directory is
#'   created if it doesn't exist.
#' @param update_cache Logical expression, if FALSE (default), use the cached list of available
#'   RBA datasets, if TRUE, update the list of available datasets.
#' @return Downloads data from the ABS website and returns a character vector listing the location
#'   where files are saved.
#' @author David Mitchell <david.pk.mitchell@@gmail.com>
#' @export
rba_file_download <- function(data_url, exdir=tempdir(), update_cache=TRUE)
  ## if (FALSE) {
  ##   exdir <- tempdir()
  ##   data_url <- head(rba_table_cache()$url, 1);
  ##   xx <- rba_file_download(rba_url);
  ## }
  if (!dir.exists(exdir))  dir.create(exdir)
  data_url <- as.character(data_url)
  local_filename <- basename(data_url);

  ## Update RBA table list
  if (update_cache) {
    rba_cache <- rba_table_cache();
  } else {
    rba_cache <- raustats::rba_cachelist;

  ## Check if url is not valid RBA data URL
  if (!data_url %in% rba_cache$url)
    stop(sprintf("Invalid RBA url: %s", data_url));
  ## -- Download files --
  cat(sprintf("Downloading: %s", local_filename));
  ## Error check URL call
  resp <- GET(data_url, write_disk(file.path(exdir, local_filename), overwrite=TRUE),
              raustats_ua(), progress());
  ##  http_type(resp)
  ## File download validation code based on:
  ##  https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/httr/vignettes/api-packages.html
  ## if (http_error(resp)) {
  ##   stop(
  ##     sprintf(
  ##       "RBA data file request failed (Error code: %s)\nInvalid URL: %s", 
  ##       status_code(resp),
  ##       data_url
  ##     ),
  ##     call. = FALSE
  ##   )
  ## }

  ##  RBA website returns: content-type: application/octet-stream
  ## if (!http_type(resp) %in% c("text/csv", "application/vnd.ms-excel")) {
  ##   stop("RBA file request did not return an Excel or CSV file", call. = FALSE)
  ## }

  ## Return results
  return(file.path(exdir, local_filename));

### Function: rba_read_tss
#' @name rba_read_tss
#' @title Read RBA statistical time series spreadsheet
#' @description Functions to extract data from a specified RBA time series spreadsheet.
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel excel_sheets
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @param files Names of one or more ABS data file
#' @return data frame in long format
#' @author David Mitchell <david.pk.mitchell@@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  \donttest{
#'    rba_urls <- rba_search(pattern = "Liabilities and Assets")$url
#'    rba_files <- sapply(rba_urls, rba_file_download)
#'    data <- rba_read_tss(rba_files);
#'  }
rba_read_tss <- function(files)
  x <- lapply(files,
  z <- do.call(rbind, x);

rba_read_tss_ <- function(file)
  ## Debugging text
  if (FALSE) {
    rba_cache <- rba_table_cache();
    rba_cache %>% write.csv(file.path(tempdir(), "rba_cache.csv"))
    table_no = "G3"
    urls <- as.character(rba_cache$url[which(table_no == rba_cache$table_no)]);
    file <- lapply(urls, rba_file_download)[[1]]; 
      sheet_names <- excel_sheets(file)[grepl("data|series breaks", excel_sheets(file), ignore.case=TRUE)];
  ## Avoid 'No visible binding for global variables' note
  { series_id <- value <- NULL }
  sheet_names <- excel_sheets(file);
  ## CONSIDER: writing message for data sets containing series breaks, e.g.
  ## if (any(grepl("series.+breaks", sheet_names, ignore.case=TRUE)))
  ##   cat(sprintf("Note RBA data file %s contains Series Breaks. (See: %s for details).\n",
  ##               basename(file), file));
  ## CONSIDER: option for incorporating series breaks.
  ## TO DO
  ## 1. Require method to import historical and supplementary RBA data tables
  ## Check validity
  ## if (!all(c("notes", "data") %in% tolower(sheet_names)))
  ##   stop(sprintf("File: %s is not a valid RBA time series file.", basename(file)));
  data <- lapply(
    ## Only process sheets named: 'Data'
    sheet_names[grepl("data", excel_sheets(file), ignore.case=TRUE)],
    function(sheet_name) {
      ## Read metadata
      .data <- read_excel(file, sheet=sheet_name, col_names=FALSE, col_types="text",
                          na=c("","--"), .name_repair="minimal");
      ## Return pre-header information from RBA files 
      header_row <- which(sapply(1:nrow(.data),
                                   grepl("series\\s*id", paste(.data[i,], collapse=" "),
      ## -- Extract table name & number --
      ## Note use of 'word' character    /here                /here for 13a, 6b, etc.
      regex_table_name <- "^(\\w+\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)(.+)$";
      table_no <- trimws(sub(regex_table_name, "\\1",
                             paste(replace(.data[1,], is.na(.data[1,]), ""), collapse="")));
      ## Return table name/number details
      table_name <- trimws(sub(regex_table_name, "\\3",
                               paste(replace(.data[1,], is.na(.data[1,]), ""), collapse="")));
      ## Extract metadata
      metadata <- .data[1:header_row,];
      metadata <- metadata[complete.cases(metadata),];            ## Drop NA rows
      metadata <- as.data.frame(t(metadata), stringsAsFactors=FALSE);
      rownames(metadata) <- seq_len(nrow(metadata));
      names(metadata) <- tolower(gsub("\\s","_",
                                      gsub("\\.", "",
                                           metadata[1,])));       ## Rename variables
      metadata <- metadata[-1,];
      metadata$publication_date <- excel2Date(as.integer(metadata$publication_date));
      ## Append to metadata table
      metadata <- transform(metadata,
                            table_no = table_no,
                            table_name = table_name);
      z <- .data[-(1:header_row),];
      ## Rename variables, including renaming `Series ID`
      names(z) <- sub("series.*id", "date", .data[header_row,], ignore.case=TRUE);
      z <- gather(z, series_id, value, -date, convert=TRUE); ## Transform to key:value pairs
      z <- transform(z,
                     date = excel2Date(as.integer(date)),
                     value = as.numeric(value));
      data <- left_join(z, metadata, by="series_id");
      data <- data[complete.cases(data),];
      names(data) <- tolower(names(data));
  data <- do.call(rbind, data);
mitcda/raustats documentation built on Jan. 18, 2020, 12:36 p.m.