#' @title Plot the structure of families
#'@description This function plots the structure of families in flora. The 10 most abundant families are plotted, and rest of them are grouped as "other"
#'@param co "eco" data.frame, containing flora and species' properties
wyk_fam <- function (co) {
wekt <- 100*c(sort(table(co$fam), dec=T)[1:10],
sum(sort(table(co$fam), dec=T)[11:length(table(co$fam))]))/length(co$fam)
wektdf <- as.data.frame(wekt)
rownames (wektdf) [11]<-"Others"
p=ggplot2:::ggplot(data=df, ggplot2:::aes(fam,share))+ggplot2:::geom_bar(stat="identity")
(p+ggplot2:::scale_y_continuous(name="Share [%]")+ggplot2:::scale_x_discrete(name="Family")
+ggplot2:::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2:::element_text(colour="black",face='italic', angle=90)))}
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