
Defines functions .bsfrd_convert_aesthetics_list bsfrd_plots_character_to_list .bsfrd_convert_plot .bsfrd_convert_geometric_aesthetic .bsfrd_convert_aesthetic_variable bsfrd_read_gene_set_tibble bsfrd_read_result_tibble bsfrd_read_deseq_results bsfrd_read_deseq_transform bsfrd_read_deseq_data_set bsfrd_initialise_rse bsfrd_initialise_feature_dframe bsfrd_read_sample_dframe .bsfrd_apply_factor_specification .bsfrd_process_factor_specification bsfrd_read_design_list bsfrd_read_design_tibble bsfrd_get_contrast_character bsfrd_get_contrast_list bsfrd_read_contrast_tibble bsfrd_get_prefix_volcano bsfrd_get_prefix_heatmap bsfrd_get_prefix_go bsfrd_get_prefix_enrichr bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq

# Copyright 2013 - 2022 Michael K. Schuster
# Biomedical Sequencing Facility (BSF), part of the genomics core facility of
# the Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) of the Austrian Academy of
# Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna (MUW).
# This file is part of BSF R.
# BSF R is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BSF R is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with BSF R.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Description -------------------------------------------------------------

# A BSF R library module of RNA-seq DESeq2 functions.

# Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get a DESeq2 Prefix.
#' Get a design-specific \code{DESeq2} analysis prefix.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar with a \code{DESeq2} analysis prefix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  prefix_deseq <-
#'    bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)
#' }
bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq <- function(design_name) {
               sep = "_"))

#' Get a DESeq2 Enrichr Prefix.
#' Get a design-specific \code{DESeq2} analysis Enrichr prefix.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar with a \code{DESeq2} Enrichr prefix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  prefix_enrichr <-
#'    bsfrd_get_prefix_enrichr(design_name = design_name)
#' }
bsfrd_get_prefix_enrichr <- function(design_name) {
               sep = "_"))

#' Get a DESeq2 Gene Ontology Prefix.
#' Get a design-specific \code{DESeq2} analysis Gene Ontology prefix.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar with a \code{DESeq2} Gene Ontology
#'   prefix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  prefix_go <-
#'    bsfrd_get_prefix_go(design_name = design_name)
#' }
bsfrd_get_prefix_go <- function(design_name) {
               sep = "_"))

#' Get a DESeq2 Heat Map Prefix.
#' Get a design-specific \code{DESeq2} analysis heat map prefix.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar with a \code{DESeq2} heat map prefix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  prefix_deseq_heatmap <-
#'    bsfrd_get_prefix_heatmap(design_name = design_name)
#' }
bsfrd_get_prefix_heatmap <- function(design_name) {
               sep = "_"))

#' Get a DESeq2 Volcano Prefix.
#' Get a design-specific \code{DESeq2} analysis volcano prefix.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar with a \code{DESeq2} volcano prefix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  prefix_deseq_volcano <-
#'    bsfrd_get_prefix_volcano(design_name = design_name)
#' }
bsfrd_get_prefix_volcano <- function(design_name) {
               sep = "_"))

#' Read a DESeq2 Contrast Tibble.
#' Read a \code{DESeq2} analysis contrasts \code{tbl_df} from a tab-separated
#' value file and automatically sub-set to a particular design.
#' Contrast \code{tbl_df}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Design}{A \code{character} with a design name.}
#' \item{Numerator}{A \code{character} with a numerator as of
#' \code{DESeq2::resultNames()}.}
#' \item{Denominator}{A \code{character} with a denominator as of
#' \code{DESeq2::resultNames()}.}
#' \item{Label}{A \code{character} with a human-readable label.}
#' \item{Exclude}{A \code{logical} to exclude a design from reporting.}
#' }
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param summary A \code{logical} scalar to load a contrast summary rather
#'   than a contrast \code{tbl_df}.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} with contrast information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data .env
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  genome_directory <- "."
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  contrast_tibble <-
#'    bsfrd_read_contrast_tibble(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      summary = FALSE,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_contrast_tibble <-
           summary = FALSE,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    prefix_deseq <- bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    file_path_components <- c(prefix_deseq, "contrasts")

    col_types <- readr::cols(
      "Design" = readr::col_character(),
      "Numerator" = readr::col_character(),
      "Denominator" = readr::col_character(),
      "Label" = readr::col_character(),
      "Exclude" = readr::col_logical()

    if (summary) {
      file_path_components <- c(file_path_components, "summary")

      col_types$cols <-
            "Significant" = readr::col_integer(),
            "SignificantUp" = readr::col_integer(),
            "SignificantDown" = readr::col_integer()

    if (verbose) {
      message("Loading a contrast tibble ...")

    contrast_tibble <- readr::read_tsv(
      file = file.path(
        paste(paste(file_path_components, collapse = "_"),
              sep = ".")
      col_names = TRUE,
      col_types = col_types

    rm(col_types, file_path_components, prefix_deseq)

    # Subset to the selected design.

    return(dplyr::filter(.data = contrast_tibble, .data$Design == .env$design_name))

#' Get a DESeq2 Contrast List.
#' Get a named \code{list} describing a particular contrast of a \code{DESeq2}
#' analysis.
#' @param contrast_tibble A \code{tbl_df} with "Numerator" and "Denominator"
#'   variables.
#' @param index An \code{integer} scalar pointing at a particular \code{tbl_df}
#'   row.
#' @return A named \code{list} of "numerator" and "denominator" \code{character}
#'   vectors. \code{NA} values in the contrast \code{tbl_df} are replaced by
#'   empty \code{character} vectors.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  contrast_list <-
#'    bsfrd_get_contrast_list(
#'      contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble,
#'      index = 1L
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_get_contrast_list <- function(contrast_tibble, index) {
  numerator_character <-
    stringr::str_split(string = contrast_tibble$Numerator[index],
                       pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ","))[[1L]]

  denomintor_character <-
    stringr::str_split(string = contrast_tibble$Denominator[index],
                       pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ","))[[1L]]

  character_list <-
    list("numerator" = if (length(x = numerator_character) == 1L &&
                           is.na(x = numerator_character)) {
    } else {
    "denominator" = if (length(x = denomintor_character) == 1L &&
                        is.na(x = denomintor_character)) {
    } else {

  rm(denomintor_character, numerator_character)


#' Get a DESeq2 Contrast Character Scalar.
#' Get a \code{character} scalar describing a particular contrast of a
#' \code{DESeq2} analysis.
#' @param contrast_tibble A \code{tbl_df} with Numerator and Denominator
#'   variables.
#' @param index An \code{integer} scalar pointing at a particular \code{tbl_df}
#'   row.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar describing a particular contrast.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  contrast_character <-
#'    bsfrd_get_contrast_character(
#'      contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble,
#'      index = 1L
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_get_contrast_character <- function(contrast_tibble, index) {
  contrast_list <-
    bsfrd_get_contrast_list(contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble, index = index)

    paste(contrast_list$numerator, collapse = "_"),
    if (length(x = contrast_list$denominator) == 0L ||
        all(is.na(x = contrast_list$denominator))) {
    } else {
      paste(contrast_list$denominator, collapse = "_")
    sep = "_"

#' Read a DESeq2 Design Tibble.
#' Read a \code{DESeq2} analysis design \code{tbl_df} from a tab-separated value
#' file and automatically sub-set to a particular design.
#' Design tibble:
#' \describe{
#' \item{design}{A \code{character} vector with design names.}
#' \item{exclude}{A \code{logical} vector to exclude designs from reporting.}
#' \item{full_formula}{A \code{character} vector with full model formulas.}
#' \item{reduced_formulas}{A \code{character} vector with comma-separated
#' reduced model formulas.}
#' \item{factor_levels}{A \code{character} vector with semicolon-separated
#' factors and their levels.
#' e.g. factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"}
#' \item{plot_aes}{A \code{character} vector with \code{ggplot2} aesthetics.}
#' \item{mapq_threshold}{A \code{integer} vector with a mapping quality
#' (MAPQ) threshold.}
#' \item{padj_threshold}{A \code{double} vector with an adjusted p-value
#' threshold.}
#' \item{l2fc_threshold}{A \code{double} vector with a log2-fold change
#' threshold.}
#' }
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} with design information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data .env
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  design_tibble <-
#'    bsfrd_read_design_tibble(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_design_tibble <-
  function(genome_directory, design_name, verbose = FALSE) {
    prefix_deseq <- bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    if (verbose) {
      message("Loading a design tibble ...")

    design_tibble <- readr::read_tsv(
      file = file.path(
        paste(paste(prefix_deseq, "designs", sep = "_"), "tsv", sep = ".")
      col_names = TRUE,
      col_types = readr::cols(
        "design" = readr::col_character(),
        "exclude" = readr::col_logical(),
        "full_formula" = readr::col_character(),
        "reduced_formulas" = readr::col_character(),
        "factor_levels" = readr::col_character(),
        "plot_aes" = readr::col_character(),
        "mapq_threshold" = readr::col_integer(),
        "padj_threshold" = readr::col_double(),
        "l2fc_threshold" = readr::col_double()


    return(dplyr::filter(.data = design_tibble, .data$design == .env$design_name))

#' Read a DESeq2 Design List.
#' Read a \code{DESeq2} analysis design \code{tbl_df} from a tab-separated value
#' file, automatically sub-set to a particular design and return as a named
#' \code{list}.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory.
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A named \code{list} with design information.
#' \describe{
#' \item{design}{A \code{character} scalar with a design name.}
#' \item{exclude}{A \code{logical} scalar to exclude a design from reporting.}
#' \item{full_formula}{A \code{character} scalar with a full model formula.}
#' \item{reduced_formulas}{A \code{character} scalar with comma-separated
#' reduced model formulas.}
#' \item{factor_levels}{A \code{character} scalar with semicolon-separated
#' factors and their levels.
#' e.g. factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"}
#' \item{plot_aes}{A \code{character} scalar with \code{ggplot2} aesthetics.}
#' \item{mapq_threshold}{A \code{integer} scalar with a mapping quality
#' (MAPQ) threshold.}
#' \item{padj_threshold}{A \code{double} scalar with an adjusted p-value
#' threshold.}
#' \item{l2fc_threshold}{A \code{double} scalar with a log2-fold change
#' threshold.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  design_name <- "global"
#'  design_list <-
#'    bsfrd_read_design_list(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_design_list <-
  function(genome_directory, design_name, verbose = FALSE) {
      x = bsfR::bsfrd_read_design_tibble(
        genome_directory = genome_directory,
        design_name = design_name,
        verbose = verbose

#' Process a Factor Specification.
#' Private function to process a factor specification by splitting factor levels
#' and setting a "factor_name" attribute.
#' @param factor_specification A \code{character} vector of exactly two
#'   components, a factor name [1L] and comma-separated factor levels [2L].
#' @return A \code{character} vector with factor levels and an attribute
#'   "factor" specifying a factor name.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  factor_levels <-
#'    .bsfrd_process_factor_specification(
#'      factor_specification = "factor_name:level_1,level_2"
#'    )
#' }
.bsfrd_process_factor_specification <-
  function(factor_specification) {
    # Split the second component of factor_specification, the factor levels, on
    # ",".
    factor_levels <-
      stringr::str_split(string = factor_specification[2L],
                         pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ","))[[1L]]

    # Set the first component of factor_specification, the factor name, as
    # attribute.
    attr(x = factor_levels, which = "factor_name") <-


#' Apply a Factor Specification to a Sample DataFrame.
#' @param mcols_dframe A \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame}.
#' @param factor_levels A \code{character} scalar with a factor level
#' specification (e.g., "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B").
#' @return A \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame}.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   sample_dframe <-
#'     .bsfrd_apply_factor_specification(
#'       mcols_dframe = mcold_dframe,
#'       factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"
#'     )
#' }
.bsfrd_apply_factor_specification <-
  function(mcols_dframe, factor_levels = NULL) {
    if (is.null(x = factor_levels)) {

    # The "factor_levels" variable of the design DataFrame specifies the order
    # of factor levels.
    # factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"
    # Turn the factor_levels character scalar into a list of character vectors
    # by splitting factor specifications by ";" then factor names and levels by
    # ":" characters. Set the factor names  as "factor_name" attribute of the
    # character vectors of factor levels list components.

    factor_list <- purrr::map(
      .x = stringr::str_split(
        string = stringr::str_split(
          string = factor_levels[1L],
          pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ";")
        pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ":")
      .f = .bsfrd_process_factor_specification

    # Apply the factor levels to each factor on the specification list.

    for (i in seq_along(along.with = factor_list)) {
      factor_name <- attr(x = factor_list[[i]], which = "factor_name")
      if (!is.na(x = factor_name) && factor_name != "") {
        if (factor_name %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
          mcols_dframe[, factor_name] <-
            factor(x = as.character(x = mcols_dframe[, factor_name, drop = TRUE]),
                   levels = factor_list[[i]])
          # Check for NA values in case a factor level was missing.
          unassigned_logical <-
            is.na(x = mcols_dframe[, factor_name, drop = TRUE])
          if (any(unassigned_logical)) {
              "Missing values after assigning factor levels for factor name ",
              " and samples ",
              paste(mcols_dframe[unassigned_logical, "sample", drop = TRUE], collapse = ", ")
        } else {
            "Factor name ",
            " does not resemble a variable of the sample annotation DataFrame."
    rm(i, factor_list)


#' Read a Sample Annotation DataFrame.
#' Read sample annotation \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame} from a tab-separated value
#' file, select only those samples that match the \code{design_list$design} and
#' re-level \code{factor} vectors according to the
#' \code{design_list$factor_level} specification.
#' The Sample Annotation \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame} is equivalent to the
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment::colData()} and holds the following variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{bam_path}{A \code{character} vector of BAM file paths.}
#' \item{bai_path}{A \code{character} vector of BAI file paths.}
#' \item{sample}{A \code{character} vector of sample names.}
#' \item{run}{A \code{character} vector of original sample names. Optional. If
#' present, indicates that technical replicates should be collapsed according to
#' information in the "sample" variable. The "run"variable provides the original
#' sample name before collapsing technical replicates.}
#' \item{designs}{A \code{character} vector of comma-separated values of
#' designs, a particular sample should be part of.}
#' \item{library_type}{A \code{factor} vector with levels "unstranded", "first"
#' and "second" to indicate the strand-orientation of the RNA-seq protocol and
#' whether the first or second strand gets sequenced. Illumina TruSeq stranded
#' mRNA sequences the second strand so that reads need inverting before counting
#' strand-specifically.}
#' \item{sequencing_type}{A \code{factor} vector with levels "SE" and "PE"
#' indicating single-end or paired-end sequencing, respectively and thus
#' counting as read pairs or not.}
#' \item{UMIs}{A \code{logical} vector indicating whether unique molecular
#' indices (UMIs) are present and reads marked as duplicates should be ignored
#' in the counting procedure.}
#' \item{total_counts}{An \code{integer} vector with total counts per sample.
#' Calculated automatically based on the colSums() of the counts() function.}
#' \item{RIN}{A \code{double} vector providing an RNA integrity number (RIN)
#' score per sample. If available, a RIN score distribution will be plotted.}
#' }
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_list A named \code{list} with design information.
#' \describe{
#' \item{design}{A \code{character} scalar with a design name.}
#' \item{factor_levels}{A \code{character} scalar with semicolon-separated
#' factors and their levels.
#' e.g. factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"}
#' }
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame} with sample annotation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  sample_dframe <-
#'    bsfrd_read_sample_dframe(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_list = list(
#'        design = "global",
#'        factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"
#'      ),
#'      verbose = TRUE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_sample_dframe <-
           verbose = FALSE) {
    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_list$design)

    # Read the BSF Python sample TSV file as a data.frame and convert into a
    # S4Vectors::DataFrame. Import strings as factors and cast to character
    # vectors where required.
    if (verbose) {
      message("Loading a sample S4Vectors::DataFrame ...")

    mcols_dframe <-
        object = utils::read.table(
          file = file.path(
            paste(paste(prefix_deseq, "samples", sep = "_"), "tsv", sep = ".")
          header = TRUE,
          sep = "\t",
          comment.char = "",
          stringsAsFactors = TRUE

    S4Vectors::rownames(x = mcols_dframe) <- mcols_dframe$sample

    # Select only those samples, which have the design name annotated in the
    # designs variable split into a character vector.
    index_logical <-
        .x = stringr::str_split(
          string = as.character(x = mcols_dframe$designs),
          pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ",")
        .f = ~ design_list$design %in% .

    mcols_dframe <- mcols_dframe[index_logical, , drop = FALSE]


    if (S4Vectors::nrow(x = mcols_dframe) == 0L) {
      stop("No sample remaining after selection for design name.")

    # The sequencing_type and library_type variables are required to set options
    # for the GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps() read counting function.
    # Check that they only contain allowed levels and then re-level.

    if (!"library_type" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
      stop("A library_type variable is missing from the sample annotation DataFrame.")

    library_type_levels <- c("unstranded", "first", "second")

    if (!all(mcols_dframe$library_type %in% library_type_levels)) {
        "The library_type variable contains values other than 'unstranded', 'first' or 'second'."

    mcols_dframe$library_type <-
      factor(x = mcols_dframe$library_type,
             levels = library_type_levels)


    if (!"sequencing_type" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = mcols_dframe)) {
      stop("A sequencing_type variable is missing from the sample annotation DataFrame.")

    sequencing_type_levels <- c("SE", "PE")

    if (!all(mcols_dframe$sequencing_type %in% sequencing_type_levels)) {
      stop("The sequencing_type variable contains values other than 'PE', or 'SE'.")

    mcols_dframe$sequencing_type <-
      factor(x = mcols_dframe$sequencing_type,
             levels = sequencing_type_levels)


    # If the UMIs variable exist, convert it into a logical vector,
    # else default to FALSE to keep counting duplicate reads without UMIs.
    if ("UMIs" %in% names(x = mcols_dframe)) {
      umi_levels <- c("FALSE", "TRUE")
      if (!all(mcols_dframe$UMIs %in% umi_levels)) {
        stop("The UMIs variable contains values other than 'FALSE', or 'TRUE'.")
      mcols_dframe$UMIs <- as.logical(x = mcols_dframe$UMIs)
    } else {
      mcols_dframe$UMIs <- FALSE

    # Apply factor levels if they were specified in the "factor_levels" variable
    # of the design tibble.
    if (!is.null(x = design_list$factor_levels)) {
      mcols_dframe <-
        .bsfrd_apply_factor_specification(mcols_dframe = mcols_dframe,
                                          factor_levels = design_list$factor_levels)

    # Drop any unused levels from the sample DataFrame before returning it.
    return(S4Vectors::droplevels(x = mcols_dframe))

#' Initialise a Feature Annotation DataFrame.
#' Read a previously saved feature annotation \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame}
#' or construct it from a \code{GenomicRanges::GRanges}
#' object.
#' Features are extracted from a \code{GenomicRanges::GRanges} object.
#' The Feature Annotation \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame} is equivalent to the
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment::rowData()}.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param feature_types A \code{character} vector of GTF feature types to be
#'   imported. Defaults to "genes".
#' @param feature_granges A \code{GenomicRanges::GRanges} object specifying
#'   feature annotation (e.g., the reference transcriptome). Only required, if
#'   the \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame} object needs initialising.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{S4Vectors::DataFrame} with feature annotation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  feature_dframe <-
#'    bsfR::bsfrd_initialise_feature_dframe(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      feature_types = "gene",
#'      feature_granges = feature_granges,
#'      verbose = TRUE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_initialise_feature_dframe <-
           feature_types = "gene",
           feature_granges = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(all(feature_types %in% c("gene", "transcript", "exon")))

    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    # Load a pre-existing feature annotation DataFrame or create it from the
    # feature GRanges object.
    feature_dframe <- NULL

    file_paths <-
                  prefix_deseq, "features", paste(sort(feature_types), collapse = "_"), sep = "_"
                c("rds", "tsv"),
                sep = "."))
    base::names(x = file_paths) <- c("RDS", "TSV")

    if (file.exists(file_paths["RDS"]) &&
        file.info(file_paths["RDS"])$size > 0L) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("Loading a feature S4Vectors::DataFrame ...")

      feature_dframe <- readr::read_rds(file = file_paths["RDS"])
    } else {
      if (is.null(x = feature_granges)) {
        stop("Missing feature_granges option")

      # Filter the initial feature GRanges object by (GTF) feature types.
      granges_object <-
        feature_granges[S4Vectors::mcols(x = feature_granges)$type %in% feature_types]

      if (verbose) {
        message("Creating a feature S4Vectors::DataFrame ...")

      feature_dframe <-
        S4Vectors::mcols(x = granges_object)

      # Identify all variables which values are all NA.

      excluded_variables <- character()
      for (variable_name in S4Vectors::colnames(x = feature_dframe)) {
        if (all(is.na(x = feature_dframe[, variable_name, drop = TRUE]))) {
          excluded_variables <- c(excluded_variables, variable_name)

      # For the feature type "gene", remove also the "type", "score" and "phase"
      # GTF standard variables.

      if (length(x = feature_types) == 1L &&
          feature_types[1L] == "gene") {
        excluded_variables <-
          c(excluded_variables, "type", "score", "phase")

      if (verbose) {
        message("Excluded feature variables: ",
                paste(excluded_variables, collapse = " "))

      # Subset the metadata S4Vectors::DataFrame to remove empty variables
      # from all GRanges metadata variables.

      feature_dframe <-
          x = feature_dframe,
          select = base::setdiff(x = S4Vectors::colnames(x = feature_dframe),
                                 y = excluded_variables)

      # Add the location as an Ensembl-like location, lacking the coordinate
      # system name and version.

      feature_dframe$location <-
        as.character(x = granges_object)

      # Serialise the S4Vectors::DataFrame to disk.
      readr::write_rds(x = feature_dframe,
                       file = file_paths["RDS"],
                       compress = "gz")

      # Write a data.frame as TSV file to disk.
        x = S4Vectors::as.data.frame(x = feature_dframe),
        file = file_paths["TSV"]



#' Read or initialise a RangedSummarizedExperiment Object.
#' Read a pre-calculated \code{SummarizedExperiment::RangedSummarizedExperiment}
#' object or initialise it from a sample annotation sheet loaded via
#' \code{bsfR::bsfrd_read_sample_dframe()} and a \code{GenomicRanges::GRanges}
#' object specifying features (i.e., the reference transcriptome). The
#' \code{GenomicRanges::GRanges} object must have a "type" variable annotating
#' "exon" features that also have "gene_id" annotation for splitting into a
#' \code{GenomicRanges::GRangesList} object. For the moment, Ensembl-specific
#' GTF files with "gene", "transcript" and "exon" features are supported.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_list A named \code{list} with design information.
#' \describe{
#' \item{design}{A \code{character} scalar with a design name.}
#' \item{factor_levels}{A \code{character} scalar with semicolon-separated
#' factors and their levels.
#' e.g. factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"}
#' \item{mapq_threshold}{A \code{integer} scalar with a mapping quality
#' (MAPQ) threshold.}
#' }
#' @param transcriptome_granges A \code{GenomicRanges::GRanges} object
#'   specifying the reference transcriptome. Only required, if the
#'   \code{SummarizedExperiment::RangedSummarizedExperiment} object needs
#'   initialising.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{SummarizedExperiment::RangedSummarizedExperiment} object or
#'   \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  ranged_summarized_experiment <-
#'    bsfrd_initialise_rse(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_list = list(
#'        design = "global",
#'        factor_levels = "factor_1:level_1,level_2;factor_2:level_A,level_B"
#'      ),
#'      transcriptome_granges = transcriptome_granges,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_initialise_rse <-
           transcriptome_granges = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    ranged_summarized_experiment <- NULL

    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_list$design)

    file_path <-
        paste0(prefix_deseq, "_ranged_summarized_experiment.rds")

    if (file.exists(file_path) &&
        file.info(file_path)$size > 0L) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("Loading a RangedSummarizedExperiment object ...")

      ranged_summarized_experiment <-
        readr::read_rds(file = file_path)
    } else {
      if (is.null(x = transcriptome_granges)) {
        stop("Missing transcriptome_granges option")

      # Check for the "mapq_threshold" variable in the design list.

      if ("mapq_threshold" %in% names(x = design_list)) {
        if (!is.integer(x = design_list$mapq_threshold)) {
            "The 'mapq_threshold' variable of the design table ",
            "does not contain an integer value so that alignments ",
            "will not be filtered by mapping quality."
          design_list$mapq_threshold <- NA_integer_
      } else {
          "The design table does not contain a 'mapq_threshold' variable ",
          "so that alignments will not be filtered by mapping quality."
        design_list$mapq_threshold <- NA_integer_

      # Get a S4Vectors::DataFrame with sample annotation.

      sample_dframe <-
          genome_directory = genome_directory,
          design_list = design_list,
          verbose = verbose

      if (verbose) {
        message("Creating a GRangesList with exon features ...")

      # The DESeq2 and RNA-seq vignettes suggest using TxDB objects, but for the
      # moment, we need extra annotation provided by Ensembl GTF files.

      exon_granges <-
        transcriptome_granges[S4Vectors::mcols(x = transcriptome_granges)$type == "exon"]

      # Convert (i.e. split) the GenomicRanges::GRanges object into a
      # GenomicRanges::GRangesList object by gene identifiers.

      gene_granges_list <-
        GenomicRanges::split(x = exon_granges,
                             f = S4Vectors::mcols(x = exon_granges)$gene_id)


      # Process per library_type and sequencing_type and merge the
      # SummarizedExperiment::RangedSummarizedExperiment objects.

      for (library_type in levels(x = sample_dframe$library_type)) {
        for (sequencing_type in levels(x = sample_dframe$sequencing_type)) {
          for (umis in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
            if (verbose) {
                "Processing library_type ",
                " sequencing_type ",
                " and UMIs ",

            sub_sample_dframe <-
              sample_dframe[(sample_dframe$library_type == library_type) &
                              (sample_dframe$sequencing_type == sequencing_type) &
                              (sample_dframe$UMIs == umis), , drop = FALSE]

            if (S4Vectors::nrow(x = sub_sample_dframe) == 0L) {

            # Create a BamFileList object and set the samples as names.

            if (verbose) {
              message("Creating a BamFileList object ...")

            bam_file_list <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(
              file = as.character(x = sub_sample_dframe$bam_path),
              index = as.character(x = sub_sample_dframe$bai_path),
              yieldSize = 2000000L,
              asMates = (sequencing_type == "PE")

            # If a "run" variable is defined, technical replicates need collapsing
            # and the "sample" variable has duplicate values. Hence, use "run"
            # instead of "sample" for naming.

            if ("run" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = sub_sample_dframe)) {
              names(x = bam_file_list) <-
                as.character(x = sub_sample_dframe$run)
            } else {
              names(x = bam_file_list) <-
                as.character(x = sub_sample_dframe$sample)

            if (verbose) {
              message("Creating a RangedSummarizedExperiment object ...")

            sub_ranged_summarized_experiment <-
                features = gene_granges_list,
                reads = bam_file_list,
                mode = "Union",
                ignore.strand = (library_type == "unstranded"),
                # Exclude reads that represent secondary alignments or fail the
                # vendor quality filter.
                param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
                  flag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(
                    isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,
                    isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE,
                    isDuplicate = if (umis)
                  mapqFilter = design_list$mapq_threshold
                # Invert the strand for protocols that sequence the second
                # strand.
                preprocess.reads = if (library_type == "second")

            SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = sub_ranged_summarized_experiment) <-

            # Combine SummarizedExperiment::RangedSummarizedExperiment objects
            # with the same GenomicRanges::GRanges, but different samples via
            # SummarizedExperiment::cbind().

            if (is.null(x = ranged_summarized_experiment)) {
              ranged_summarized_experiment <- sub_ranged_summarized_experiment
            } else {
              ranged_summarized_experiment <-

      rm(library_type, gene_granges_list)

      # Collapse technical replicates if variable "run" is defined.

      sample_dframe <-
        SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = ranged_summarized_experiment)

      if ("run" %in% S4Vectors::colnames(x = sample_dframe)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("Collapsing technical replicates ...")

        # To avoid mismatching column and row names between assay matrices and
        # the column data annotation, variables "sample" and "run" should be
        # used. So set the original samples as runs and rename the
        # collapsed_sample variable into the sample variable.

        ranged_summarized_experiment <- DESeq2::collapseReplicates(
          object = ranged_summarized_experiment,
          groupby = sample_dframe$sample,
          run = sample_dframe$run,
          renameCols = TRUE

      # Calculate colSums() of SummarizedExperiment::assays()$counts and add as
      # total_count into the SummarizedExperiment::colData()
      # S4Vectors::DataFrame.

      sample_dframe <-
        SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = ranged_summarized_experiment)

      sample_dframe$total_counts <-
          x = SummarizedExperiment::assays(x = ranged_summarized_experiment)$counts,
          na.rm = TRUE

      SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = ranged_summarized_experiment) <-


      # Serialise the RangedSummarizedExperiment object.
      readr::write_rds(x = ranged_summarized_experiment,
                       file = file_path,
                       compress = "gz")
    rm(file_path, prefix_deseq)


#' Read a DESeqDataSet Object.
#' Read a pre-calculated \code{DESeq2::DESeqDataSet} object.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{DESeq2::DESeqDataSet} object or \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  deseq_data_set <-
#'    bsfrd_read_deseq_data_set(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_deseq_data_set <-
  function(genome_directory, design_name, verbose = FALSE) {
    deseq_data_set <- NULL

    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    file_path <-
                paste0(prefix_deseq, "_deseq_data_set.rds"))
    if (file.exists(file_path) &&
        file.info(file_path)$size > 0L) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("Loading a DESeqDataSet object ...")
      deseq_data_set <-
        readr::read_rds(file = file_path)
    } else {
      warning("Require a pre-calculated DESeqDataSet object in file: ",
    rm(file_path, prefix_deseq)


#' Read a DESeqTransform Object.
#' Read a previously saved "blind" or "model" \code{DESeq2::DESeqTransform}
#' object.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param model A \code{logical} scalar to retrieve a model aware (\code{TRUE})
#'   or a blind (\code{FALSE}) \code{DESeq2::DESeqTransform} object.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{DESeq2::DESeqTransform} object or \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  deseq_transform <-
#'    bsfrd_read_deseq_transform(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      model = TRUE,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_deseq_transform <-
           model = TRUE,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    deseq_transform <- NULL

    suffix <- if (model) {
    } else {

    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    file_path <-
                  paste(prefix_deseq, "deseq", "transform", suffix, sep = "_"),
                  sep = "."
    if (file.exists(file_path) &&
        file.info(file_path)$size > 0L) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("Loading a ", suffix, " DESeqTransform object ...")

      deseq_transform <-
        readr::read_rds(file = file_path)
    } else {
      warning("Require a pre-calculated DESeqTransform object in file: ",

    rm(file_path, prefix_deseq, suffix)


#' Read a DESeqResults Object.
#' Read a previously saved \code{DESeq2::DESeqResults} object.
#' Either \code{contrast_tibble} and \code{index} or just a (valid)
#' \code{contrast_character} option are required. The \code{contrast_character}
#' takes precedence.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param contrast_tibble A \code{tbl_df} with "Numerator" and "Denominator"
#'   variables.
#' @param index An \code{integer} scalar pointing at a particular \code{tbl_df}
#'   row.
#' @param contrast_character A \code{character} scalar specifying a contrast.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{DESeq2::DESeqResults} object for a particular contrast or
#'   \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  deseq_results <-
#'    bsfrd_read_deseq_results(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble,
#'      index = index,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#'  deseq_results <-
#'    bsfrd_read_deseq_results(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      contrast_character = contrast_character,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_deseq_results <-
           contrast_tibble = NULL,
           index = NULL,
           contrast_character = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    deseq_results <- NULL

    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    if (is.null(x = contrast_character)) {
      if (is.null(x = contrast_tibble) || is.null(x = index)) {
          "Either a 'contrast_tibble' and 'index' or a (valid) ",
          "'contrast_character' option are required."


      contrast_character <-
        bsfrd_get_contrast_character(contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble, index = index)

    file_path <-
                    sep = "_"
                  sep = "."

    if (file.exists(file_path) &&
        file.info(file_path)$size > 0L) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("Loading a DESeq2::DESeqResults object for contrast: ",

      deseq_results <-
        readr::read_rds(file = file_path)
    } else {
      warning("Missing DESeq2::DESeqResults object for contrast: ",
    rm(file_path, prefix_deseq)


#' Read a DESeqResults Tibble.
#' Read a previously saved \code{DESeq2::DESeqResults} \code{tbl_df}.
#' Either \code{contrast_tibble} and \code{index} or just a (valid)
#' \code{contrast_character} option are required. The \code{contrast_character}
#' takes precedence.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param contrast_tibble A \code{tbl_df} with "Numerator" and "Denominator"
#'   variables.
#' @param index An \code{integer} scalar pointing at a particular \code{tbl_df}
#'   row.
#' @param contrast_character A \code{character} scalar specifying a contrast.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} of \code{DESeq2::DESeqResults} for a particular
#'   contrast.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  result_tibble <-
#'    bsfrd_read_result_tibble(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble,
#'      index = index,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#'  result_tibble <-
#'    bsfrd_read_result_tibble(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      contrast_character = contrast_character,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_result_tibble <-
           contrast_tibble = NULL,
           index = NULL,
           contrast_character = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    deseq_results_tibble <- NULL

    prefix_deseq <-
      bsfrd_get_prefix_deseq(design_name = design_name)

    if (is.null(x = contrast_character)) {
      if (is.null(x = contrast_tibble) || is.null(x = index)) {
          "Either a 'contrast_tibble' and 'index' or a (valid) ",
          "'contrast_character' option are required."


      contrast_character <-
        bsfrd_get_contrast_character(contrast_tibble = contrast_tibble, index = index)

    file_path <-
                        sep = "_"),
                  sep = "."

    if (file.exists(file_path) &&
        file.info(file_path)$size > 0L) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("Loading a DESeqResults tibble for contrast: ",

      deseq_results_tibble <-
        readr::read_rds(file = file_path)
    } else {
      warning("Missing DESeqResults tibble for contrast: ",
    rm(file_path, prefix_deseq)


#' Read a Gene Set Tibble.
#' Read a gene set \code{tbl_df} for gene annotation or selection.
#' The \code{tbl_df} should have the following variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{gene_id}{The Ensembl gene identifier from the annotation \code{tbl_df}.}
#' \item{gene_name}{The offical gene symbol.}
#' \item{gene_label}{The gene label to be plotted instead of the official symbol.}
#' \item{plot_name}{The sub-plot (i.e. heat map) to apply this label to.}
#' }
#' Missing "gene_id" values are filled in on the basis of "gene_name" values and
#' the annotation \code{tbl_df}, which in turn is based on the reference GTF
#' file. Missing "gene_label" values are then filled in on the basis of the
#' "gene_name" variable.
#' @param genome_directory A \code{character} scalar with a genome directory
#'   path.
#' @param design_name A \code{character} scalar with a design name.
#' @param gene_set_path A \code{character} scalar with a gene set file path.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar to emit messages.
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} with gene set information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  gene_set_tibble <-
#'    bsfrd_read_gene_set_tibble(
#'      genome_directory = genome_directory,
#'      design_name = design_name,
#'      gene_set_path = gene_set_path,
#'      verbose = FALSE
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_read_gene_set_tibble <-
           verbose = FALSE) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Loading a gene set tibble ...")

    gene_set_tibble <-
        file = gene_set_path,
        col_names = TRUE,
        col_types = readr::cols(
          "gene_id" = readr::col_character(),
          "gene_name" = readr::col_character(),
          "gene_label" = readr::col_character(),
          "plot_name" = readr::col_character()

    # Find all those observations in "gene_id" that are NA or empty and populate
    # them via matching "gene_name" values of the annotation tibble.

    missing_indices <-
      which(x = is.na(x = gene_set_tibble$gene_id) |
              gene_set_tibble$gene_id == "")

    if (length(x = missing_indices) > 0L) {
      # Load a pre-calculated feature annotation S4Vectors::DataFrame.
      feature_dframe <- bsfR::bsfrd_initialise_feature_dframe(
        genome_directory = genome_directory,
        design_name = design_name,
        feature_types = "gene",
        verbose = verbose

      # Populate empty "gene_id" observations of the gene_set_tibble by mapping
      # the corresponding "gene_name" observations to "gene_name" observations
      # of the feature_dframe.

      gene_set_tibble$gene_id[missing_indices] <-
        feature_dframe$gene_id[match(x = gene_set_tibble$gene_name[missing_indices],
                                     table = feature_dframe$gene_name)]



    # Find all those observations in "gene_label" that are NA or empty and
    # populate them with "gene_name" values.

    gene_set_tibble <- dplyr::mutate(
      .data = gene_set_tibble,
      "gene_label" = dplyr::if_else(
        condition = .data$gene_label == "",
        true = .data$gene_name,
        false = .data$gene_label,
        missing = .data$gene_name


#' Convert Aesthetic and Variable Specifications.
#' Split a \code{character} vector of multiple aesthetic and variable pairs
#' separated by "=" characters. Convert into a named \code{list} with
#' variables as components and aesthetics as names.
#' @param aes_var_character A \code{character} vector of multiple aesthetic and
#'   variable pairs separated by "=" characters.
#' @return A named \code{list} of variables as components and aesthetics as
#'   names.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  aes_var_character <-
#'    c("colour=variable_A", "shape=variable_B")
#'  aes_var_list <-
#'    .bsfrd_convert_aesthetic_variable(
#'      aes_var_character = aes_var_character
#'    )
#' }
.bsfrd_convert_aesthetic_variable <-
  function(aes_var_character) {
    # Split the character vector on "=" characters.
    character_list <-
      stringr::str_split(string = aes_var_character,
                         pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = "="))

    # Assign the variables [2L] as list components.
    aes_var_list <- purrr::map(.x = character_list, .f = ~ .[2L])

    # Assign the aesthetics [1L] as names.
    names(x = aes_var_list) <-
      purrr::map_chr(.x = character_list, .f = ~ .[1L])



#' Convert a Geometric and Aesthetic Specification.
#' Split the second component of a two-component \code{character} vector with
#' geometric ([1L]) and multiple aesthetic and variable definitions ([2L]) into
#' a named list of aesthetic components named by the geometric.
#' @param geom_aes_character A two-component \code{character} vector of
#'   geometric ([1L]) and multiple aesthetics and variable definitions
#'   ([2L]).
#' @return A named \code{list} of \code{list} objects of aesthetic and variable
#'   information named by the geometric. The \code{list} contains a single
#'   component to allow for naming of the component.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  geom_aes_character <-
#'    c("geom_point", "colour=variable_A,shape=variable_B")
#'  geom_aes_list <-
#'    .bsfrd_convert_geometric_aesthetic(
#'      geom_aes_character = geom_aes_character
#'    )
#' }
.bsfrd_convert_geometric_aesthetic <-
  function(geom_aes_character) {
    # Split geometric definitions on "," characters and assign names (geometric
    # names) to the list components (aesthetic list).

    # Assign the aesthetics definitions [2L] as the list component.
    # Since only component [2L] gets split, the list contains just one component.
    geom_aes_list <- purrr::map(
      .x = stringr::str_split(
        string = geom_aes_character[2L],
        pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ",")
      .f = .bsfrd_convert_aesthetic_variable

    # Assign the geometric [1L] as name to the only list component.
    names(x = geom_aes_list) <- geom_aes_character[1L]


#' Convert a Plot Specification.
#' Split a \code{character} vector of a single plot specification into a
#' two-component \code{character} vector of geometric ([1L]) and multiple
#' aesthetic and variable definitions ([2L]).
#' @param plot_character
#' @return A named \code{list} of aesthetic specification \code{list} objects
#'   named by geometrics.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  plot_character <-
#'    "geom_point:colour=variable_A,shape=variable_B;geom_text:colour=variable_C,label=variable_D"
#'  plot_list <-
#'    .bsfrd_convert_plot(
#'      plot_character = plot_character
#'    )
#' }
.bsfrd_convert_plot <- function(plot_character) {
  # Split the character vector with multiple plot specifications on ";"
  # characters into single plot specifications. Split each plot specification
  # into two-component character vectors with geometric [1L] and aesthetic [2L]
  # information. The resulting list contains a single component named by the
  # geometric.
  single_geom_aes_list <- purrr::map(
    .x = stringr::str_split(
      string = stringr::str_split(
        string = plot_character[1L],
        pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ";")
      pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = ":")
    .f = .bsfrd_convert_geometric_aesthetic

  # Flatten the list of single-component geometric lists into a single,
  # plot-specific list. Select the single list-component and assign geometric
  # names to the new list components.

  # Assign the first (and only) list component [[1L]] as new list components.
  plot_list <-
    purrr::map(.x = single_geom_aes_list, .f = ~ .[[1L]])

  # Assign the geometric names of the first (and only) list component [1L] as
  # new list component names.
  names(x = plot_list) <-
    purrr::map_chr(.x = single_geom_aes_list, .f = ~ names(x = .[1L]))



#' Convert Multiple Plot Specifications.
#' Convert a \code{character} scalar encoding mutliple plot specificatios into a
#' \code{list}.
#' @param plots_character A \code{character} scalar encoding multiple plot
#'   specifications.
#' @return A \code{list} of plot specification \code{list} objects.
#' @export
#' @seealso bsfrd_plots_list_to_character
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  plots_character <-
#'    "geom_point:colour=variable_A,shape=variable_B;geom_text:colour=variable_C,label=variable_D"
#'  plot_list <-
#'    bsfR::bsfrd_plots_character_to_list(
#'      plots_character = plots_character
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_plots_character_to_list <- function(plots_character) {
  # Split multiple plot definitions separated by "|" characters.
  plot_list <- purrr::map(
    .x = stringr::str_split(
      string = plots_character[1L],
      pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = "|")
    .f = .bsfrd_convert_plot


#' Convert an Aesthetics List into a Character Scalar.
#' Convert a \code{list} of variables as components and aesthetics as names into
#' a "_"_separated \code{character} scalar.
#' @param aes_list A \code{list} of variables as components and aesthetics as
#'   names.
#' @return A "_"_separated \code{character} scalar.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  aes_list <-
#'    list(
#'      "colour" = "variable_A",
#'      "shape" = "variable_B"
#'    )
#'  aes_character <-
#'    bsfR::.bsfrd_convert_aesthetics_list(
#'      aes_list = aes_list
#'    )
#' }
.bsfrd_convert_aesthetics_list <- function(aes_list) {
  # This could also be achieved via unlist().
  aes_character <- purrr::map_chr(.x = aes_list, .f = ~ .)

  # Combine the aesthetics and the variables, before collapsing into a single
  # "_"-separated character scalar.
    names(x = aes_character), aes_character, sep = "_"
  ), collapse = "_"))

#' Convert a List of Geometrics and Aesthetics into a Character Scalar.
#' Convert a \code{list} of \code{list} objects with aesthetics and variable
#' information named by geometrics into a "__"-separated \code{character}
#' scalar. Remove the "geom_" prefix to get a cleaner character representation
#' for file naming.
#' @param geom_list A \code{list} of aesthetics and variables \code{list}
#'   objects as components and geometrics as names.
#' @return A "__"-separated \code{character} scalar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  geom_list <-
#'    list(
#'      "geom_point" = list("colour" = "variable_A", "shape" = "variable_B"),
#'      "geom_text" = list("colour" = "variable_C", "shape" = "variable_D")
#'    )
#'  geom_character <-
#'    bsfrd_geometrics_list_to_character(
#'      geom_list = geom_list
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_geometrics_list_to_character <- function(geom_list) {
  geom_character <-
    purrr::map_chr(.x = geom_list, .f = .bsfrd_convert_aesthetics_list)

  # Remove the "geom_" prefix from the geometrics, then combine them with the
  # aesthetics, before collapsing into a single "__"-separated character scalar.

      pattern = 'geom_',
      replacement = '',
      x = names(x = geom_character)
    sep = "_"
  ), collapse = "__"))

#' Convert a Plot Specification List into a Character Scalar.
#' Convert a \code{list} of plot specifications into a \code{character} scalar.
#' @param plots_list A \code{list} of plot specifications.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar.
#' @export
#' @seealso bsfrd_plots_character_to_list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  plots_list <-
#'    list(
#'      list(
#'        "geom_point" = list("colour" = "variable_A", "shape" = "variable_B"),
#'        "geom_text" = list("colour" = "variable_C", "shape" = "variable_D")
#'      ),
#'      list(
#'        "geom_point" = list("colour" = "variable_1", "shape" = "variable_2"),
#'        "geom_text" = list("colour" = "variable_3", "shape" = "variable_4")
#'      )
#'    )
#'  plot_character <-
#'    bsfR::bsfrd_plots_list_to_character(
#'      plots_list = plots_list
#'    )
#' }
bsfrd_plots_list_to_character <- function(plots_list) {
  return(purrr::map_chr(.x = plots_list, .f = bsfrd_geometrics_list_to_character))
mkschuster/bsfR documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 5:01 a.m.