
Defines functions pick.sidelobe plot.cmat gblur convolve2d crop synth.interferogram foucogram turbwf startest fftshift submatrix padmatrix wftophase plotxs plotn

Documented in convolve2d crop fftshift foucogram gblur padmatrix pick.sidelobe plot.cmat plotn plotxs startest submatrix synth.interferogram turbwf wftophase

## Assorted routines for manipulation of
## Zernike polynomials, interferogram analysis,
## and other forms of optical testing

## Author: M.L. Peck (mlpeck54@gmail.com)
## Language: R (http://www.r-project.org/)
## Copyright (c) 2004-2021, M.L. Peck

## greyscale

grey256 <- gray(seq(0,1,length=256))
gray256 <- grey256

## A rainbow that may be better than R's rainbow() color palette

rygcb <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue"), space = "Lab",
## Yet another rainbow made up of additive and subtractive primaries

rygcbm <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "magenta"),
			space="Lab", interpolate="spline")

## comparison plot of n wavefront estimates

plotn <- function(...,
  labels=NULL, addContours=FALSE,
  wftype="net", col=rygcb(400), qt=c(.01, .99)) {
	fits <- list(...)
	nwf <- length(fits)
	wfget <- paste("wf",wftype,sep=".")
	wfi <- get(wfget, pos=fits[[1]])
	nr <- nrow(wfi)
	nc <- ncol(wfi)
	wfs <- array(0, dim=c(nr,nc,nwf))
	wfs[,,1] <- wfi
	for (i in 2:nwf) wfs[,,i] <- get(wfget,pos=fits[[i]])
	if(is.null(labels)) labels=1:nwf

	rdiff <- matrix(0,nwf*(nwf-1)/2,2)
	k <- 1
	for (i in 1:(nwf-1)) {
		for (j in (i+1):nwf) {
			rdiff[k,] <- quantile(wfs[,,i]-wfs[,,j], probs=qt, na.rm=TRUE)
			k <- k+1
	zlim <- range(rdiff)
	if (tolower(.Platform$OS.type)=="windows") {
          windows(width = 5*nwf, height = 5*nwf)
        } else {
          X11(width = 5*nwf,height = 5*nwf)
	for (i in 1:nwf) {
	  wfi <- wfs[,,i]
	  class(wfi) <- "pupil"
	  plot(wfi, col=col, addContours=addContours, eqa=(wftype=="net"), axes=FALSE)
	scr <- nwf+1
	for (row in 1:(nwf-1)) {
	  scr <- scr+row
	  for (i in (row+1):nwf) {
		title(main=paste("rms diff =",format(pupilrms(wfs[,,row]-wfs[,,i]), digits=3)))
		scr <- scr+1

## plot cross sections through a wavefront map

plotxs <- function(wf, cp, theta0=0, ylim=NULL, N=4, n=101,
	col0="black", col="gray", lty=2) {
  theta0 <- theta0*pi/180
  ixy <- seq(-1,1,length=n)
  theta <- (0:(N-1))*pi/N
  ix <- cp$rx*ixy
  iy <- cp$ry*ixy
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(wf, na.rm=TRUE)
  plot(range(ixy),ylim, type="n", xlab="rho", ylab="Height")
  for (i in 1:N) {
	iix <- round(cp$xc+cos(theta[i])*ix)
	iiy <- round(cp$yc+sin(theta[i])*iy)
	points(ixy, diag(wf[iix,iiy]), type="l", col=col, lty=lty)
  iix <- round(cp$xc+cos(theta0)*ix)
  iiy <- round(cp$yc+sin(theta0)*iy)
  points(ixy, diag(wf[iix,iiy]), type="l", col=col0, lty=lty)

## Various fun stuff

## Star test simulator & support routines

## calculate phase values for wavefront at wavelength lambda
## replaces NA values with 0

wftophase <- function(X, lambda = 1) {
    phi <- exp(2i*pi*X/lambda)
    phi[is.na(phi)] <- 0

## puts matrix X into corner of npadded x npadded matrix
## padded with zeroes

padmatrix <- function(X, npad, fill=0) {
    nr <- nrow(X)
    nc <- ncol(X)
    xpad <- matrix(fill, npad, npad)
    xpad[1:nr,1:nc] <- X

## extract a matrix from the center of a larger matrix

submatrix <- function(X,size=255) {
    nr <- nrow(X)

## shuffle quadrants of a 2d fft around to display as an image

fftshift <- function(X) {
    nr <- nrow(X)
    XS <- matrix(0,nr,nr)
    XS[1:(nr/2),1:(nr/2)] <- X[(nr/2+1):nr,(nr/2+1):nr]
    XS[(nr/2+1):nr,(nr/2+1):nr] <- X[1:(nr/2),1:(nr/2)]
    XS[(nr/2+1):nr,1:(nr/2)] <- X[1:(nr/2),(nr/2+1):nr]
    XS[1:(nr/2),(nr/2+1):nr] <- X[(nr/2+1):nr,1:(nr/2)]

## computes & displays fraunhofer diffraction pattern
## & mtf for wavefront described in zernike coefficients zcoef

startest <- function(wf=NULL, zcoef=NULL, maxorder=14L, phi=0,
	lambda = 1, defocus=5, cp=NULL,
	npad = 4, 
	gamma=2, psfmag=2, displaymtf=TRUE, displaywf=FALSE) {

    if (tolower(.Platform$OS.type) == "windows") {
      windows(width=15, height=5) 
    } else {
    screens<- split.screen(c(1,3))

    if (is.null(wf)) {
      wf <- pupil(zcoef=zcoef, maxorder=maxorder, phi=phi, piston=0)
      cp <- cp.default
    } else {
      if (is.null(cp)) {
        stop("must specify cp if wf is non-null")
    nrow <- nrow(wf)
    ncol <- ncol(wf)
    wf.df <- pupil(zcoef=c(0, 0, 0, 1), maxorder=2, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, cp=cp)
    if (!is.null(obstruct)) {
      wf[is.na(wf.df)] <- NA
    lx <- round(2*cp$rx)+1
    ly <- round(2*cp$ry)+1
    npad <- npad * .up2(lx,ly)

    phase <- wftophase(wf,lambda)
    up <- Mod(fft(padmatrix(phase,npad)))
    up <- up*up

    otf <- fft(up, inverse=TRUE)/npad^2
    otf <- otf[1:lx,1:ly]
    mtf <- Re(otf)
    mtf <- mtf/max(mtf)
    freqx <- seq(0,1,length=lx)
    freqy <- seq(0,1,length=ly)
    mtfideal <- 2/pi*(acos(freqx)-freqx*sqrt(1-freqx^2))

    nrpsf <- max(lx,ly)
    psf <- submatrix(fftshift(up),floor(nrpsf/psfmag))
    image(psf^(1/gamma),col=grey256,asp=1,bty='n', axes=FALSE, useRaster=TRUE)

    if (defocus >5) nrpsf <- 2*nrpsf
    if (defocus >15) nrpsf <- npad

    phase <- wftophase(wf - defocus/3.46*lambda*wf.df, lambda)
    up <- Mod(fft(padmatrix(phase,npad)))
    up <- up*up
    psf2 <- submatrix(fftshift(up),nrpsf)
    image(psf2^(1/gamma),col=grey256, asp=1,bty='n', axes=FALSE, useRaster=TRUE)

    phase <- wftophase(wf + defocus/3.46*lambda*wf.df, lambda)
    up <- Mod(fft(padmatrix(phase,npad)))
    up <- up*up
    psf2 <- submatrix(fftshift(up),nrpsf)
    image(psf2^(1/gamma),col=grey256,asp=1,bty='n',axes=FALSE, useRaster=TRUE)

    if (displaywf) {
            if (tolower(.Platform$OS.type) == "windows") windows() else x11()

    if (displaymtf) {
            if (tolower(.Platform$OS.type) == "windows") windows() else x11()
            plot(freqx,mtf[1,],type="l",ylab="mtf",xlab="relative frequency")
            title(main='MTF vs. ideal')
            lines(freqx,mtfideal, lty=5)
    list(psf=psf, otf=otf, mtf=mtf)

## Kolmogorov turbulence

turbwf <- function(friedratio=1, zlist=makezlist(2,40), reps=1) {
    dimz <- length(zlist$n)
    cova <- matrix(0, nrow=dimz, ncol=dimz)
    c0 <- friedratio^(5/3)*gamma(14/3)*(4.8*gamma(1.2))^(5/6)*(gamma(11/6))^2/(2^(8/3)*pi)
    for (i in 1:dimz) {
        for (j in i:dimz) {
            if ((zlist$m[i] == zlist$m[j]) && (zlist$t[i] == zlist$t[j])) {
                n <- zlist$n[i]
                np <- zlist$n[j]
                cova[i,j] <- (-1)^((n+np-2*zlist$m[i])/2) * sqrt((n+1)*(np+1)) *
                cova[j,i] <- cova[i,j]
    cova <- cova * c0/(4*pi^2)
    zcoef.turb <- rmvnorm(reps, mean=rep(0,dimz), sigma=cova)
    if (reps==1) zcoef.turb <- as.vector(zcoef.turb)
    list(zcoef.turb=zcoef.turb, V=cova)

## Foucault test simulator

foucogram <- function(wf, edgex = 0, phradius = 0, slit=FALSE, pad=4, gamma=1, 
                      map =FALSE, lev=0.5) {

    nr <- nrow(wf)
    nc <- ncol(wf)
    npad <- pad*nextn(max(nr,nc))
    u <- npad/2 + 1 + edgex
    ca[u,] <- .5*ca[u,]
    if (phradius>0) {
        if (slit) {
            for (i in 1:phradius) {
                f <- .5*(1+i/phradius)
                ca[(u+i),] <- f*ca[(u+i),]
                ca[(u-i),] <- (1-f)*ca[(u-i),]
        } else {
            for (i in 1:phradius) {
                f <- .5 + i*sqrt(phradius^2-i^2)/(pi*phradius^2) + asin(i/phradius)/pi
                ca[(u+i),] <- f*ca[(u+i),]
                ca[(u-i),] <- (1-f)*ca[(u-i),]
    ike <- Mod(fft(ca,inverse=T)[1:nr,1:nc])^2
    image(ike^(1/gamma),col=grey256,asp=nc/nr,axes=FALSE, useRaster=TRUE)
    if (map) {
        zmin <- floor(min(wf, na.rm=TRUE))
        zmax <- ceiling(max(wf, na.rm=TRUE))

## Synthetic interferogram

## notes: must have either non-null wf or zcoef. If wf is NULL
##        and cp is null make a new wavefront with current defaults
##        for matrix size and cp in pupil(), otherwise use the values
##        passed here. If wf is non-null zcoef is ignored
##        and the correct cp must be passed.

synth.interferogram <- function(wf=NULL, zcoef=NULL, maxorder=NULL, 
                                nr=nrow(wf), nc=ncol(wf), cp=NULL, 
                                phi=0, addzc=rep(0,4), fringescale=1, 
                                plots=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(wf)) {
    if (is.null(cp)) {
      wf <- pupil(zcoef=zcoef, maxorder=maxorder, phi=phi, piston=0)+
            pupil(zcoef=addzc, maxorder=2)
      nr <- nrow(wf)
      nc <- ncol(wf)
      cp <- cp.default
    } else {
      wf <- pupil(zcoef=zcoef, maxorder=maxorder, phi=phi, piston=0,
                  nrow=nr, ncol=nc, cp=cp) +
            pupil(zcoef=addzc, maxorder=2, nrow=nr, ncol=nc, cp=cp)
  } else {
    if (is.null(cp)) {
      stop("must specify a value for cp if wf is non-null")
    wf <- wf + pupil(zcoef=addzc, maxorder=2, nrow=nr, ncol=nc, cp=cp)
  igram <- cos(2*pi*wf/fringescale)
  igram[is.na(igram)] <- 0
  class(igram) <- c("pupil", class(igram))
  if (plots) plot(igram, col=grey256, addContours=FALSE)
## general utilities

## crop an array

crop <- function(img, cp, npad=20, nxy=NULL) {
  nr <- dim(img)[1]
  nc <- dim(img)[2]
  if (!is.null(nxy)) {
    if ((nxy %% 2) != 0) {
      nxy <- nxy + 1
  } else {
    nxy <- min(nr, nc, 2*round(cp$rx + npad), 2*round(cp$ry + npad))
  xmin <- max(1, round(cp$xc) - nxy/2)
  xmax <- xmin+nxy-1
  ymin <- max(1, round(cp$yc) - nxy/2)
  ymax <- ymin+nxy-1
  cp.new <- cp
  cp.new$xc <- cp$xc-xmin
  cp.new$yc <- cp$yc-ymin
  if (length(dim(img)) > 2) {
    img <- img[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax,]
  } else {
    img <- img[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax]
  list(im=img, cp=cp.new)

## general purpose 2D convolution using FFT's.

## kern is the convolution kernel

convolve2d <- function(im, kern) {
	nr <- nrow(im)
	nc <- ncol(im)
	nrp <- nr + nrow(kern) - 1
	ncp <- nc + ncol(kern) - 1
	xs <- nrow(kern) %/% 2 + nrow(kern) %% 2
	ys <- ncol(kern) %/% 2 + ncol(kern) %% 2
	npad <- nextn(max(nrp, ncp))
	kern <- padmatrix(kern, npad=npad)
	im <- padmatrix(im, npad=npad)
	im.f <- Re(fft(fft(kern)*fft(im), inv=T))
	im.f <- im.f[xs:(nr+xs-1),ys:(nc+ys-1)]/(npad^2)

## Gaussian blur. fw is the standard deviation
## of the gaussian convolution kernel, in pixels.

gblur <- function(X, fw = 0, details=FALSE) {
  if (fw == 0) return(X)
  XP <- X
  XP[is.na(XP)] <- 0
  nr <- nrow(X)
  nc <- ncol(X)
  ksize <- max(ceiling(4 * fw), 3)
  if ((ksize %% 2) == 0) ksize <- ksize+1
  xc <- (ksize %/% 2) + 1
  xs <- ((1:ksize)-xc)/fw
  gkern <- outer(xs, xs, function(x,y) (x^2+y^2))
  gkern <- exp(-gkern/2)
  gkern <- round(gkern/min(gkern))
  npad <- nextn(max(nr,nc)+ksize-1)
  XP <- padmatrix(XP, npad)
  kernp <- padmatrix(gkern, npad)
  XP <- Re(fft(fft(XP)*fft(kernp), inv=TRUE))/(npad^2)/sum(gkern)
  XP <- XP[xc:(nr+xc-1), xc:(nc+xc-1)]
  XP[is.na(X)] <- NA
  if (details) 
	  return(list(gkern=gkern, X=XP))
  else return(XP)

## Plot a complex matrix. 
## Maybe make cmat a class, so this becomes default plot routine?

plot.cmat <- function(X, fn="Mod", col=grey256, cp=NULL, zoom=1, gamma=1, ...) {
	  ## define some possibly useful functions. Note Mod2 produces power spectrum
	logMod <- function(X) log(1+Mod(X))
	Mod2 <- function(X) Mod(X)^2
	logMod2 <- function(X) log(Mod2(X))
	nr <- nrow(X)
	nc <- ncol(X)
	xs <- seq(-nr/2,nr/2-1,length=nr)
	ys <- seq(-nc/2,nc/2-1,length=nc)
	if (!is.null(cp)) {
		xs <- (cp$rx/nr)*xs
		ys <- (cp$ry/nc)*ys
	xsub <- max(1, floor(1+nr/2*(1-1/zoom))) : min(nr, ceiling(nr/2*(1+1/zoom)))
	ysub <- max(1, floor(1+nc/2*(1-1/zoom))) : min(nc, ceiling(nc/2*(1+1/zoom)))
	image(xs[xsub], ys[ysub], (eval(call(fn, X))[xsub,ysub])^(1/gamma), 
	  col=col, asp=1, xlab="k_x", ylab="k_y", useRaster=TRUE, ...)

pick.sidelobe <- function(imagedata, logm=FALSE, gamma=3) {
	imagedata <- imagedata - mean(imagedata)
	npad <- nextn(max(nrow(imagedata), ncol(imagedata)))
	im <- padmatrix(imagedata, npad=npad, fill=0)
	if (logm) fn <- "logMod2" else fn <- "Mod"
	im.fft <- fftshift(fft(im))
	plot.cmat(im.fft, fn=fn, gamma=gamma)
	cat("Click on the desired sidelobe peak\n")
	peak <- locator(n=1, type="p", col="red")
	cat("Click on background filter size\n")
	edge <- locator(n=1, type="n")
	hw <- round(sqrt((edge$x)^2+(edge$y)^2))
	symbols(0, 0, circles=hw, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg="red")
	return(list(sl=c(round(peak$x), round(peak$y)), filter=hw))
mlpeck/zernike documentation built on March 28, 2024, 5:14 p.m.