
#' Perform (weighted) prediction averaging from regression [`Prediction`][mlr3::prediction]s by connecting
#' [`PipeOpModelAvg`] to multiple [`PipeOpLearner`] outputs.
#' The resulting `"response"` prediction is a weighted average of the incoming `"response"` predictions.
#' The `"se"` prediction is calculated from the (weighted) standard error of the `"response"` predictions and
#' (if the incoming [`Learner`][mlr3::Learner]'s `$predict_type`s are all `"se"`) the `"se"` predictions of all
#' incoming [`Prediction`][mlr3::Prediction]`s according to the following pseudocode:
#' ```
#' # response: vector of N "response" values predicted by different Learners for a
#' #   prediction sample
#' # se: vector of N "se" values predicted by different Learners for a prediction
#' #   sample
#' # weights: N weights set by $param_set$values$weights
#' norm_weights = weights / sum(weights)
#' var_prediction = sum( (response - sum(response * norm_weights))^2 * norm_weights^2 ) /
#'   (1 - sum(norm_weights^2))
#' if (previous learners have $predict_type "se") {
#'   var_prediction = var_prediction + sum( se^2 * norm_weights^2 )
#' }
#' se_prediction = sqrt(var_prediction)
#' ```
PipeOpModelAvg = R6Class("PipeOpModelAvg",
  inherit = PipeOpEnsemble,

  public = list(
    initialize = function(innum = 0, id = "modelavg", param_vals = list(), ...) {
      super$initialize(innum, id, param_vals = param_vals, prediction_type = "PredictionRegr", ...)
  private = list(
    weighted_avg_predictions = function(inputs, weights, row_ids, truth) {
      has_se = every(inputs, function(x) "se" %in% names(x$data))
      est_se = if (has_se) "both" else "between"

      response_matrix = simplify2array(map(inputs, "response"))
      response = c(response_matrix %*% weights)
      if (has_se || length(inputs) > 1) {
        if (length(inputs) == 1) {
          est_se = "within"
        se = weighted_se(response_matrix, simplify2array(map(inputs, "se")), response, weights, est_se)
      } else {
        se = NULL

      PredictionRegr$new(row_ids = row_ids, truth = truth, response = response, se = se)

mlr_pipeops$add("modelavg", PipeOpModelAvg)

#' * `est_se` :: `character(1)` \cr
#'   How to estimate standard error, if `predict_type` is `"se"`. Can be `"within"` (calculate SE from
#'   input SEs; input data must contain `"se"`-prediction), `"between"` (calculate SE from SE of
#'   predictions, does not need `"se"`-prediction of previous Learners), and `"both"` (square root of the sum
#'   of the squared `"within"` and `"between"` se estimates).
LearnerRegrWeightedAverage = R6Class("LearnerRegrWeightedAverage", inherit = LearnerRegr,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(id = "regr.weightedavg") {
        id = id,
        param_set = ParamSet$new(
          params = list(
            ParamUty$new(id = "measure", tags = c("train", "required")),
            ParamFct$new(id = "algorithm", tags = c("train", "required"), levels = nlopt_levels),
            ParamFct$new(id = "est_se", tags = c("train", "predict", "required"), levels = c("within", "between", "both"))
        param_vals = list(measure = "regr.mse", algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA", est_se = "both"),
        predict_types = c("response", "se"),
        feature_types = c("integer", "numeric")

    train_internal = function(task) {
      pars = self$param_set$get_values(tags = "train")
      data = self$prepare_data(task)
      n_weights = ncol(data$response_matrix)
      list("weights" = optimize_objfun_nlopt(task, pars, self$weighted_average_prediction, n_weights, data))

    predict_internal = function(task) {
      self$weighted_average_prediction(task, self$model$weights, self$prepare_data(task))
    prepare_data = function(task) {
      response_matrix = as.matrix(task$data(cols = grep("\\.response$", task$feature_names, value = TRUE)))
      est_se = self$param_set$values$est_se
      se_matrix = NULL
      if (self$predict_type == "se" && est_se != "between") {
        se_matrix = as.matrix(task$data(cols = grep("\\.se$", task$feature_names, value = TRUE)))
        if (ncol(se_matrix) != ncol(response_matrix)) {
          stopf("est_se is '%s', but not all incoming Learners provided 'se'-prediction", est_se)
        response_matrix = response_matrix,
        se_matrix = se_matrix
    weighted_average_prediction = function(task, weights, data) {
      wts = weights / sum(weights)

      response = c(data$response_matrix %*% wts)
      se = NULL
      if (self$predict_type == "se") {
        se = weighted_se(data$response_matrix, data$se_matrix, response, weights, self$param_set$values$est_se)
      PredictionRegr$new(row_ids = task$row_ids, truth = task$truth(), response = response, se = se)

# Weighted standard error. Depending on `est_se`, this is either
# ("within") the square root mean square  of `se_matrix`,
# ("between") the standard error of responses in `response_matrix`,
# or ("both") the square root of the sum of the squares of both.
# @param response_matrix [`matrix`] matrix of response values; not used for `est_se` == "within"
# @param se_matrix [`matrix`] matrix of `se` values; not used for `est_se` == "between"
# @param response [`numeric`] (weighted) mean of response values
# @param weights [`numeric`] weights
# @param est_se [`character(1)`] "within", "between", or "both"
# TODO: find a justification for this
weighted_se = function(response_matrix, se_matrix, response, weights, est_se) {
  assert_choice(est_se, c("within", "between", "both"))
  if (est_se != "between") {
    within_var = se_matrix^2 %*% weights^2
  if (est_se != "within") {
    # Weighted SE calculated as in
    between_var = (response_matrix - response)^2 %*% weights^2 / (1 - sum(weights^2))
    between_var[is.nan(between_var)] = 0
    within = within_var,
    between = between_var,
    both = within_var + between_var)))

#' tests
test_that("LearnerRegrAvg", {
  lrn = LearnerRegrAvg$new()
  df = data.frame(x = matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10), y = rnorm(100))
  colnames(df)[1:10] = paste0(letters[1:10], ".response")
  tsk = TaskRegr$new(id = "tsk", backend = df, target = "y")

  expect_list(lrn$model, names = "named")
  expect_numeric(lrn$model$weights, len = length(tsk$feature_names))
  prd = lrn$predict(tsk)

  lrn$predict_type = "se"
  lrn$param_set$values$est_se = "both"
  expect_error(lrn$train(tsk), "is 'both', but not all incoming Learners")
  lrn$param_set$values$est_se = "within"
  expect_error(lrn$train(tsk), "is 'within', but not all incoming Learners")
  lrn$param_set$values$est_se = "between"
  expect_list(lrn$model, names = "named")
  expect_numeric(lrn$model$weights, len = length(tsk$feature_names))
  prd = lrn$predict(tsk)
  expect_numeric(prd$se, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)

  df = data.frame(x = matrix(rnorm(200), nrow = 10), y = rnorm(100))
  colnames(df)[1:10] = paste0(letters[1:10], ".response")
  colnames(df)[11:20] = paste0(letters[1:10], ".se")
  df[11:20] = abs(df[11:20])
  tsk = TaskRegr$new(id = "tsk", backend = df, target = "y")

  lrn$predict_type = "response"
  expect_list(lrn$model, names = "named")
  expect_numeric(lrn$model$weights, len = length(tsk$feature_names) / 2)
  prd = lrn$predict(tsk)

  lrn$predict_type = "se"
  for (type in c("both", "within", "between")) {
    lrn$param_set$values$est_se = type
    expect_list(lrn$model, names = "named")
    expect_numeric(lrn$model$weights, len = length(tsk$feature_names) / 2)
    prd = lrn$predict(tsk)
    expect_numeric(prd$se, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)

  semeas = R6Class("MeasureRegrScaledRMSE",
    inherit = MeasureRegr,
    public = list(
        initialize = function() {
          id = "regr.srmse",
          range = c(0, Inf),
          minimize = TRUE,
          predict_type = "se"

      score_internal = function(prediction, ...) {
        sqrt(mean(((prediction$truth - prediction$response) / prediction$se)^2))

  for (predicttype in c("se", "response")) {
    intask = (greplicate(PipeOpLearnerCV$new(mlr_learners$get("regr.featureless", predict_type = predicttype)), 3) %>>% PipeOpFeatureUnion$new())$train("boston_housing")[[1]]

    # Works for accuracy
    lrn = LearnerRegrAvg$new()
    lrn$predict_type = predicttype
    lrn$param_set$values = list(measure = "regr.mse", algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA", est_se = "both")
    expect_list(lrn$model, names = "named")
    expect_numeric(lrn$model$weights, len = 3)
    prd = lrn$predict(intask)
    if (predicttype == "se") {
      expect_numeric(prd$se, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
    } else {

    lrn$predict_type = "se"
    lrn$param_set$values$est_se = "between"
    lrn$param_set$values$measure = semeas

    expect_list(lrn$model, names = "named")
    expect_numeric(lrn$model$weights, len = 3)
    prd = lrn$predict(intask)
    expect_numeric(prd$se, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)


test_that("LearnerRegrAvg Pipeline", {
  tsk = mlr_tasks$get("boston_housing")
  # Works for response
  # TODO: this is a bit of a deep problem:
  ## lrn = LearnerRegrAvg$new()
  ## single_pred = PipeOpSubsample$new() %>>%
  ##   PipeOpLearnerCV$new(lrn("regr.rpart"))
  ## pred_set = greplicate(single_pred, 3L) %>>%
  ##   PipeOpFeatureUnion$new(innum = 3L, "union") %>>%
  ##   PipeOpLearner$new(lrn)
  ## expect_graph(pred_set)

  ## pred_set$train(tsk)
  ## expect_true(pred_set$is_trained)

  ## prd = pred_set$predict(tsk)[[1]]
  ## expect_prediction(prd)

  lrn = LearnerRegrAvg$new()
  graph = gunion(list(
      PipeOpLearnerCV$new("regr.featureless"))) %>>%
    PipeOpFeatureUnion$new() %>>%

  glrn = GraphLearner$new(graph, task_type = "regr")

  # Works for probabilities
  graph$pipeops$regr.avg$learner$predict_type = "se"

  expect_error(graph$train(tsk), "'both'.*not all incoming.*'se'-prediction")
  graph$param_set$values$regr.weightedavg.est_se = "between"
  prd = graph$predict(tsk)[[1]]

  glrn = GraphLearner$new(graph, task_type = "regr")

mlr-org/mlr3pipelines documentation built on April 30, 2024, 6:21 p.m.