#' Remove markers from a map
#' This function creates a new map by removing markers from an existing one.
#' @param input.map an object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param mrk a vector containing markers to be removed from the input map,
#' identified by their names or positions
#' @return an object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} (default), the current progress is shown; if
#' \code{FALSE}, no output is produced
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @examples
#' sub.map <- get_submap(maps.hexafake[[1]], 1:50, reestimate.rf = FALSE)
#' plot(sub.map, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' mrk.to.remove <- c("M_1", "M_23", "M_34")
#' red.map <- drop_marker(sub.map, mrk.to.remove)
#' plot(red.map, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' @export
drop_marker <- function(input.map, mrk, verbose = TRUE)
## Checking class of arguments
if (!inherits(input.map, "mappoly.map")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(input.map)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.map'")
## Checking markers to be removed
if(is.numeric(mrk) & all(mrk >= 0)){
if(any(mrk > input.map$info$n.mrk))
stop("At least one marker position is not contained in the map.")
} else if(is.character(mrk)){
stop("At least one marker position is not contained in the map.")
} else {
mrk <- which(input.map$info$mrk.names%in%mrk)
## Getting new map
suppressMessages(output.map <- get_submap(input.map = input.map,
mrk.pos = c(1:input.map$info$n.mrk)[-mrk],
phase.config = 1,
reestimate.rf = FALSE))
if(length(input.map$maps) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(input.map$maps)){
suppressMessages(temp.map <- get_submap(input.map = input.map,
mrk.pos = c(1:input.map$info$n.mrk)[-mrk],
phase.config = 1,
reestimate.rf = FALSE))
output.map$maps[[i]] <- temp.map$maps[[1]]
if (verbose) message("
The recombination fractions provided were
obtained using the marker positions in the
input map; For accurate values, plese
reestimate the map using functions 'reest_rf',
'est_full_hmm_with_global_error' or
#' Add a single marker to a map
#' Creates a new map by adding a marker in a given position in a pre-built map.
#' \code{add_marker} splits the input map into two sub-maps to the left and the
#' right of the given position. Using the genotype probabilities, it computes
#' the log-likelihood of all possible linkage phases under a two-point threshold
#' inherited from function \code{\link[mappoly]{rf_list_to_matrix}}.
#' @param input.map an object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param mrk the name of the marker to be inserted
#' @param pos the name of the marker after which the new marker should be added.
#' One also can inform the numeric position (between markers) were the
#' new marker should be added. To insert a marker at the beginning of a
#' map, use \code{pos = 0}
#' @param rf.matrix an object of class \code{mappoly.rf.matrix} containing the recombination
#' fractions and the number of homologues sharing alleles between pairwise
#' markers on \code{input.map}. It is important that \code{shared.alleles = TRUE}
#' in function \code{\link[mappoly]{rf_list_to_matrix}} when computing \code{rf.matrix}.
#' @param genoprob an object of class \code{mappoly.genoprob} containing the genotype probabilities
#' for all marker positions on \code{input.map}
#' @param phase.config which phase configuration should be used. "best" (default)
#' will choose the maximum likelihood configuration
#' @param tol the desired accuracy (default = 10e-04)
#' @param extend.tail the length of the chain's tail that should
#' be used to calculate the likelihood of the map. If \code{NULL} (default),
#' the function uses all markers positioned.
#' @param r.test for internal use only
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} (default), the current progress is shown; if
#' \code{FALSE}, no output is produced
#' @return A list of class \code{mappoly.map} with two elements:
#' i) info: a list containing information about the map, regardless of the linkage phase configuration:
#' \item{ploidy}{the ploidy level}
#' \item{n.mrk}{number of markers}
#' \item{seq.num}{a vector containing the (ordered) indices of markers in the map,
#' according to the input file}
#' \item{mrk.names}{the names of markers in the map}
#' \item{seq.dose.p1}{a vector containing the dosage in parent 1 for all markers in the map}
#' \item{seq.dose.p2}{a vector containing the dosage in parent 2 for all markers in the map}
#' \item{chrom}{a vector indicating the sequence (usually chromosome) each marker belongs
#' as informed in the input file. If not available,
#' \code{chrom = NULL}}
#' \item{genome.pos}{physical position (usually in megabase) of the markers into the sequence}
#' \item{seq.ref}{reference base used for each marker (i.e. A, T, C, G). If not available,
#' \code{seq.ref = NULL}}
#' \item{seq.alt}{alternative base used for each marker (i.e. A, T, C, G). If not available,
#' \code{seq.ref = NULL}}
#' \item{chisq.pval}{a vector containing p-values of the chi-squared test of Mendelian
#' segregation for all markers in the map}
#' \item{data.name}{name of the dataset of class \code{mappoly.data}}
#' \item{ph.thres}{the LOD threshold used to define the linkage phase configurations to test}
#' ii) a list of maps with possible linkage phase configuration. Each map in the list is also a
#' list containing
#' \item{seq.num}{a vector containing the (ordered) indices of markers in the map,
#' according to the input file}
#' \item{seq.rf}{a vector of size (\code{n.mrk - 1}) containing a sequence of recombination
#' fraction between the adjacent markers in the map}
#' \item{seq.ph}{linkage phase configuration for all markers in both parents}
#' \item{loglike}{the hmm-based multipoint likelihood}
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sub.map <- get_submap(maps.hexafake[[1]], 1:20, reestimate.rf = FALSE)
#' plot(sub.map, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' s <- make_seq_mappoly(hexafake, sub.map$info$mrk.names)
#' tpt <- est_pairwise_rf(s)
#' rf.matrix <- rf_list_to_matrix(input.twopt = tpt,
#' thresh.LOD.ph = 3,
#' thresh.LOD.rf = 3,
#' shared.alleles = TRUE)
#' ###### Removing marker "M_1" (first) #######
#' mrk.to.remove <- "M_1"
#' input.map <- drop_marker(sub.map, mrk.to.remove)
#' plot(input.map, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' ## Computing conditional probabilities using the resulting map
#' genoprob <- calc_genoprob(input.map)
#' res.add.M_1 <- add_marker(input.map = input.map,
#' mrk = "M_1",
#' pos = 0,
#' rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
#' genoprob = genoprob,
#' tol = 10e-4)
#' plot(res.add.M_1, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' best.phase <- res.add.M_1$maps[[1]]$seq.ph
#' names.id <- names(best.phase$P)
#' plot_compare_haplotypes(ploidy = 6,
#' hom.allele.p1 = best.phase$P[names.id],
#' hom.allele.q1 = best.phase$Q[names.id],
#' hom.allele.p2 = sub.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P[names.id],
#' hom.allele.q2 = sub.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q[names.id])
#' ###### Removing marker "M_10" (middle or last) #######
#' mrk.to.remove <- "M_10"
#' input.map <- drop_marker(sub.map, mrk.to.remove)
#' plot(input.map, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' # Computing conditional probabilities using the resulting map
#' genoprob <- calc_genoprob(input.map)
#' res.add.M_10 <- add_marker(input.map = input.map,
#' mrk = "M_10",
#' pos = "M_9",
#' rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
#' genoprob = genoprob,
#' tol = 10e-4)
#' plot(res.add.M_10, mrk.names = TRUE)
#' best.phase <- res.add.M_10$maps[[1]]$seq.ph
#' names.id <- names(best.phase$P)
#' plot_compare_haplotypes(ploidy = 6,
#' hom.allele.p1 = best.phase$P[names.id],
#' hom.allele.q1 = best.phase$Q[names.id],
#' hom.allele.p2 = sub.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P[names.id],
#' hom.allele.q2 = sub.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q[names.id])
#' }
#' @export
add_marker <- function(input.map,
genoprob = NULL,
phase.config = "best",
tol = 10e-4,
extend.tail = NULL,
r.test = NULL,
verbose = TRUE){
## Checking class of arguments
if(!inherits(input.map, "mappoly.map")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(input.map)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.map'")
if(!inherits(mrk, "character")) {
stop("Please, provide the marker name")
if(!inherits(rf.matrix, "mappoly.rf.matrix")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(rf.matrix)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.rf.matrix'")
stop(deparse(substitute(rf.matrix)), " should contain the number of homologues sharing alleles.
Use 'shared.alleles = TRUE' in function 'rf_list_to_matrix'")
if(!all(c(input.map$info$mrk.names, mrk)%in%colnames(rf.matrix$rec.mat))){
stop(deparse(substitute(rf.matrix)), " does not contain all necessary information about 'input.map' and 'mrk'.")
## choosing the linkage phase configuration
LOD.conf <- get_LOD(input.map, sorted = FALSE)
if(phase.config == "best") {
i.lpc <- which.min(LOD.conf)
else if (phase.config > length(LOD.conf)) {
stop("invalid linkage phase configuration")
else i.lpc <- phase.config
## Checking genoprob
if (verbose) message("Calculating genoprob.")
genoprob <- calc_genoprob(input.map, phase.config = i.lpc, verbose = FALSE)
if(!inherits(genoprob, "mappoly.genoprob")) {
stop("'", deparse(substitute(genoprob)), "' is not an object of class 'mappoly.genoprob'")
if(!identical(names(genoprob$map), input.map$info$mrk.names)){
warning("'", deparse(substitute(genoprob)), "' is inconsistent with 'input.map'.\n Recalculating genoprob.")
genoprob <- calc_genoprob(input.map, phase.config = i.lpc, verbose = FALSE)
## ploidy
ploidy <- input.map$info$ploidy
## Number of genotypes in the offspring
n.gen <- dim(genoprob$probs)[1]
## number of markers
n.mrk <- dim(genoprob$probs)[2]
## number of individuals
n.ind <- dim(genoprob$probs)[3]
## number of genotypic states
ngam <- choose(ploidy, ploidy/2)
## the threshold for visiting states: 1/n.gen
thresh.cut.path <- 1/n.gen
## Indexing position were the marker should be inserted
if(!(pos >= 0 & pos <= (n.mrk+1))){
stop(deparse(substitute(pos)), " out of bounds.")
else if(is.character(pos)){
stop("The reference marker is not contained in the map.")
} else {
pos <- which(input.map$info$mrk.names%in%pos)
## Hash table: homolog combination --> states to visit in both parents
A <- as.matrix(expand.grid(c(1:ngam) - 1, c(1:ngam) - 1)[,2:1])
rownames(A) <- dimnames(genoprob$probs)[[1]]
## Indexing marker to be inserted
stop(deparse(substitute(mrk)), " is not in 'rf.matrix'")
dat <- get(input.map$info$data.name, pos = 1)
#mrk.id <- match(mrk, dat$mrk.names)
mrk.id <- mrk
## Adding marker: beginning of sequence
if(pos == 0){
## h: states to visit in both parents
## e: probability distribution (ignored in this version)
e.right <- h.right <- vector("list", n.ind)
for(i in 1:n.ind){
a.right <- genoprob$probs[,pos+1,i]
e.right[[i]] <- a.right[a.right > thresh.cut.path]
h.right[[i]] <- A[names(e.right[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
cur.map <- rev_map(input.map)
cur.map <- get_full_info_tail(cur.map, extend.tail)
r.test <- generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo(block1 = c(cur.map$maps[[i.lpc]],
mrk.names = list(cur.map$info$mrk.names)),
block2 = mrk.id,
rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
ploidy = ploidy, max.inc = 0)
} else if(pos > 0 & pos < n.mrk){ ## Adding marker: middle positions
## h: states to visit in both parents
## e: probability distribution (ignored in this version)
e.left <- h.left <- e.right <- h.right <- vector("list", n.ind)
for(i in 1:n.ind){
a.left <- genoprob$probs[,pos,i]
a.right <- genoprob$probs[,pos+1,i]
e.left[[i]] <- a.left[a.left > thresh.cut.path]
h.left[[i]] <- A[names(e.left[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
e.right[[i]] <- a.right[a.right > thresh.cut.path]
h.right[[i]] <- A[names(e.right[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
## Info to the left
map.left <- get_submap(input.map = input.map,
mrk.pos = 1:pos,
phase.config = i.lpc,
reestimate.rf = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)
cur.map <- get_full_info_tail(map.left, extend.tail)
r.left <- generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo(block1 = c(cur.map$maps[[i.lpc]],
mrk.names = list(cur.map$info$mrk.names)),
block2 = mrk.id,
rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
ploidy = ploidy, max.inc = 0)
## Info to the right
map.right <- get_submap(input.map = input.map,
mrk.pos = (pos+1):input.map$info$n.mrk,
phase.config = i.lpc,
reestimate.rf = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
cur.map <- rev_map(map.right)
cur.map <- get_full_info_tail(input.obj = cur.map, extend = extend.tail)
r.right <- generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo(block1 = c(cur.map$maps[[i.lpc]],
mrk.names = list(cur.map$info$mrk.names)),
block2 = mrk.id,
rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
ploidy = ploidy, max.inc = 0)
## Using left and right maps
r.test <- c(r.left, r.right)
r.test <- unique(r.test)
} else if(pos == n.mrk){
## h: states to visit in both parents
## e: probability distribution (ignored in this version)
e.left <- h.left <- vector("list", n.ind)
for(i in 1:n.ind){
a.left <- genoprob$probs[,pos,i]
e.left[[i]] <- a.left[a.left > thresh.cut.path]
h.left[[i]] <- A[names(e.left[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
cur.map <- get_full_info_tail(input.map, extend.tail)
r.test <- generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo(block1 = c(cur.map$maps[[i.lpc]],
mrk.names = list(cur.map$info$mrk.names)),
block2 = mrk.id,
rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
ploidy = ploidy, max.inc = 0)
else stop("should not get here!")
## gathering maps to test and conditional probabilities
test.maps <- mrk.genoprobs <- vector("list", length(r.test))
for(i in 1:length(test.maps))
## This sub-map is just to create a framework
hap.temp <- get_submap(input.map,
reestimate.rf = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
hap.temp <- filter_map_at_hmm_thres(hap.temp, thres.hmm = 10e-10)
hap.temp$maps[[1]]$seq.num <- rep(match(mrk.id, dat$mrk.names), 2)
hap.temp$maps[[1]]$seq.ph <- list(P = c(r.test[[i]]$P, r.test[[i]]$P),
Q = c(r.test[[i]]$Q, r.test[[i]]$Q))
hap.temp$maps[[1]]$seq.rf <- 10e-6
hap.temp$info$mrk.names <- rep(mrk,2)
test.maps[[i]] <- hap.temp
## States to visit for inserted biallelic SNP
mrk.genoprobs[[i]] <- calc_genoprob(test.maps[[i]], verbose = FALSE)
## Inserted marker
## h: states to visit in both parents
## e: probability distribution
h <- e <- vector("list", length(r.test))
for(j in 1:length(r.test)){
etemp <- htemp <- vector("list", n.ind)
for(i in 1:n.ind){
a <- mrk.genoprobs[[j]]$probs[,1,i]
etemp[[i]] <- a[a > thresh.cut.path]
htemp[[i]] <- A[names(etemp[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
h[[j]] <- htemp
e[[j]] <- etemp
configs <- vector("list", length(test.maps))
names(configs) <- paste0("Phase_config.", 1:length(test.maps))
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(h), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(names(configs), c("log_like", "rf1", "rf2")))
## Computing three-point multiallelic map using HMM
for(i in 1:length(h)){
if (verbose) {
if(i%%50 == 0) cat("\n")
if(pos == 0){
h.test <- c(h[i], list(h.right))
names(h.test) <- c("hap1", "hap2")
e.test <- c(e[i], list(e.right))
restemp <- est_haplo_hmm(ploidy = ploidy,
n.mrk = length(h.test),
n.ind = n.ind,
haplo = h.test,
#emit = e.test,
rf_vec = rep(0.01, length(h.test)-1),
verbose = FALSE,
use_H0 = FALSE,
tol = tol)
temp <- unlist(restemp)
res[i,1:length(temp)] <- temp
P <- c(test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P[1],
Q <- c(test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q[1],
names(P) <- names(Q) <- c(test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.num[1],
configs[[i]] <- list(P = P, Q = Q)
else if(pos > 0 & pos < n.mrk){
h.test <- c(list(h.left), h[i], list(h.right))
names(h.test) <- c("hap1", "hap2", "hap3")
e.test <- c(list(e.left), e[i], list(e.right))
restemp <-est_haplo_hmm(ploidy = ploidy,
n.mrk = length(h.test),
n.ind = n.ind,
haplo = h.test,
#emit = e.test,
rf_vec = rep(0.01, length(h.test)-1),
verbose = FALSE,
use_H0 = FALSE,
tol = tol)
temp <- unlist(restemp)
res[i,1:length(temp)] <- temp
P <- c(map.left$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P,
Q <- c(map.left$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q,
names(P) <- names(Q) <- c(map.left$maps[[1]]$seq.num,
configs[[i]] <- list(P = P, Q = Q)
else if(pos == n.mrk){
h.test <- c(list(h.left), h[i])
names(h.test) <- c("hap1", "hap2")
e.test <- c(list(e.left), e[i])
restemp <- est_haplo_hmm(ploidy = ploidy,
n.mrk = length(h.test),
n.ind = n.ind,
haplo = h.test,
#emit = e.test,
rf_vec = rep(0.01, length(h.test)-1),
verbose = FALSE,
use_H0 = FALSE,
tol = tol)
temp <- unlist(restemp)
res[i,1:length(temp)] <- temp
P <- c(input.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P,
Q <- c(input.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q,
names(P) <- names(Q) <- c(input.map$maps[[1]]$seq.num,
configs[[i]] <- list(P = P, Q = Q)
if (verbose) cat("\n")
res <- res[order(res[,"log_like"], decreasing = TRUE),,drop = FALSE]
## Updating map
output.map <- input.map
seq.num <- as.numeric(names(configs[[1]]$P))
output.map$info$seq.num <- seq.num
output.map$info$mrk.names <- dat$mrk.names[seq.num]
output.map$info$n.mrk <- length(output.map$info$mrk.names)
output.map$maps <- vector("list", nrow(res))
for(i in 1:nrow(res))
## Updating recombination fractions (approximated)
if(pos == 0){
seq.rf <- as.numeric(c(res[i, "rf1"], input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.rf))
} else if(pos > 0 & pos < n.mrk){
seq.rf <- as.numeric(c(head(input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.rf, n = pos - 1),
res[i, c("rf1", "rf2")],
tail(input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.rf, n = input.map$info$n.mrk - pos - 1)))
} else if(pos == n.mrk){
seq.rf <- as.numeric(c(input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.rf, res[i, "rf1"]))
output.map$maps[[i]] <- list(seq.num = seq.num,
seq.rf = seq.rf,
seq.ph = configs[[rownames(res)[i]]],
loglike = res[i, "log_like"])
output.map$info$seq.dose.p1 <- dat$dosage.p1[output.map$info$mrk.names]
output.map$info$seq.dose.p2 <- dat$dosage.p2[output.map$info$mrk.names]
output.map$info$chrom <- dat$chrom[output.map$info$mrk.names]
output.map$info$genome.pos <- dat$genome.pos[output.map$info$mrk.names]
output.map$info$seq.ref <- dat$seq.ref[output.map$info$mrk.names]
output.map$info$seq.alt <- dat$seq.alt[output.map$info$mrk.names]
output.map$info$chisq.pval <- dat$chisq.pval[output.map$info$mrk.names]
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