
Defines functions merge_maps

Documented in merge_maps

#' Merge two maps
#' Estimates the linkage phase and recombination fraction between pre-built maps 
#' and creates a new map by merging them.
#' \code{merge_maps} uses two-point information, under a given LOD threshold, to reduce the 
#' linkage phase search space. The remaining linkage phases are tested using the genotype 
#' probabilities.
#' @param map.list a list of objects of class \code{mappoly.map} to be merged.
#' @param twopt an object of class \code{mappoly.twopt}
#'     containing the two-point information for all pairs of markers
#'     present in the original maps
#' @param  thres.twopt the threshold used to determine if the linkage
#'     phases compared via two-point analysis should be considered 
#'     for the search space reduction (default = 3)
#' @param thres.hmm the threshold used to determine which linkage 
#'     phase configurations should be returned when merging two maps.
#'     If "best" (default), returns only the best linkage phase 
#'     configuration. NOTE: if merging multiple maps, it always uses 
#'     the "best" linkage phase configuration at each block insertion.
#' @param genoprob.list a list of objects of class \code{mappoly.genoprob} 
#'     containing the genotype probabilities for the maps to be merged. 
#'     If \code{NULL} (default), the probabilities are computed.
#' @param tol the desired accuracy (default = 10e-04)
#' @return A list of class \code{mappoly.map} with two elements: 
#' i) info:  a list containing information about the map, regardless of the linkage phase configuration:
#' \item{ploidy}{the ploidy level}
#' \item{n.mrk}{number of markers}
#' \item{seq.num}{a vector containing the (ordered) indices of markers in the map, 
#'                according to the input file}
#' \item{mrk.names}{the names of markers in the map}
#' \item{seq.dose.p1}{a vector containing the dosage in parent 1 for all markers in the map}
#' \item{seq.dose.p2}{a vector containing the dosage in parent 2 for all markers in the map}
#' \item{chrom}{a vector indicating the sequence (usually chromosome) each marker belongs 
#'                 as informed in the input file. If not available, 
#'                 \code{chrom = NULL}}
#' \item{genome.pos}{physical position (usually in megabase) of the markers into the sequence}
#' \item{seq.ref}{reference base used for each marker (i.e. A, T, C, G). If not available, 
#'                 \code{seq.ref = NULL}}                 
#' \item{seq.alt}{alternative base used for each marker (i.e. A, T, C, G). If not available, 
#'                 \code{seq.ref = NULL}}
#' \item{chisq.pval}{a vector containing p-values of the chi-squared test of Mendelian 
#'                   segregation for all markers in the map}                 
#' \item{data.name}{name of the dataset of class \code{mappoly.data}}
#' \item{ph.thres}{the LOD threshold used to define the linkage phase configurations to test}
#' ii) a list of maps with possible linkage phase configuration. Each map in the list is also a 
#'    list containing
#' \item{seq.num}{a vector containing the (ordered) indices of markers in the map, 
#'                according to the input file}
#' \item{seq.rf}{a vector of size (\code{n.mrk - 1}) containing a sequence of recombination 
#'               fraction between the adjacent markers in the map}
#' \item{seq.ph}{linkage phase configuration for all markers in both parents}
#' \item{loglike}{the hmm-based multipoint likelihood}
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #### Tetraploid example #####
#' map1 <- get_submap(solcap.dose.map[[1]], 1:5)
#' map2 <- get_submap(solcap.dose.map[[1]], 6:15)
#' map3 <- get_submap(solcap.dose.map[[1]], 16:30)
#' full.map <- get_submap(solcap.dose.map[[1]], 1:30)
#' s <- make_seq_mappoly(tetra.solcap, full.map$maps[[1]]$seq.num)
#' twopt <- est_pairwise_rf(input.seq = s)
#' merged.maps <- merge_maps(map.list = list(map1, map2, map3), 
#'                         twopt = twopt,
#'                         thres.twopt = 3)
#' plot(merged.maps, mrk.names = TRUE)                       
#' plot(full.map, mrk.names = TRUE)                       
#' best.phase <- merged.maps$maps[[1]]$seq.ph
#' names.id <- names(best.phase$P)
#' compare_haplotypes(ploidy = 4, best.phase$P[names.id], 
#'                    full.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P[names.id]) 
#' compare_haplotypes(ploidy = 4, best.phase$Q[names.id], 
#'                    full.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q[names.id])
#' }
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
merge_maps <- function(map.list, 
                       thres.twopt = 10,
                       genoprob.list = NULL,
                       thres.hmm = "best",
                       tol = 10e-5){
  ## Checking class of arguments
  if (any(!sapply(map.list, inherits, "mappoly.map"))) 
         " is not a list containing 'mappoly.map' objects.")
  if (length(unique(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$data.name))) != 1)
    stop("MAPpoly won't merge maps from different datasets.")
  if (!inherits(twopt, "mappoly.twopt")){
    stop(deparse(substitute(twopt)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.twopt'")    
  ref <- lapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$seq.ref)
  alt <- lapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$seq.alt)
  names(alt) <- names(ref) <- NULL
  ref <- unlist(ref)
  alt <- unlist(alt)
  ## Check twopt consistency
  s.temp <- make_seq_mappoly(get(map.list[[1]]$info$data.name), 
                             unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$mrk.names)), 
  check <- check_pairwise(s.temp, twopt)
  if (any(check != 0)){
    stop("There is no information for pairs: \n", paste(capture.output(print(check)), collapse = "\n"))
  ## For merging multiple maps 
  if(length(map.list) > 2)
    thres.hmm = "best"
  ## choosing best linkage phase configuration
  i.lpc <- sapply(map.list, function(x) which.min(get_LOD(x, sorted = FALSE)))
  ## Calculating genoprob if needed
  if (is.null(genoprob.list) | 
      length(genoprob.list) != length(map.list) |
      !identical(sapply(genoprob.list, function(x) names(x$map)), sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$mrk.names)))
    ##message("Calculating genoprob.list")
    genoprob.list <- vector("list", length(map.list))
    for(i in 1:length(genoprob.list)){
      r <- map.list[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf
      r[r<1e-5] <- 1e-5
      map.list[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf <- r
      genoprob.list[[i]] <- calc_genoprob(map.list[[i]], phase.config = i.lpc[[i]], verbose = FALSE)
  ## checking ploidy level consistency
  ploidy <- unique(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$ploidy))
  if(length(ploidy) != 1)
    stop("MAPpoly won't merge maps with different ploidy levels.")
  ## number of genotipic states
  ngam <- choose(ploidy, ploidy/2)
  ## Number of genotypes in the offspring
  n.gen <- ngam * ngam
  ## number of markers
  n.mrk <- sapply(map.list, function(x) length(x$info$mrk.names))
  ## number of individuals
  n.ind <- dim(genoprob.list[[1]]$probs)[3]
  ## the threshold for visiting states: 1/n.gen
  thresh.cut.path <- 1/n.gen
  ## Hash table: homolog combination --> states to visit in both parents
  A <- as.matrix(expand.grid(0:(ngam-1), 
  rownames(A) <- dimnames(genoprob.list[[1]]$probs)[[1]]
  if(length(map.list)  ==  2){
    ## h: states to visit in both parents
    ## e: probability distribution 
    e.first <- h.first <- vector("list", n.ind)
    for(i in 1:n.ind){
      a <- genoprob.list[[1]]$probs[,dim(genoprob.list[[1]]$probs)[2],i]  
      e.first[[i]] <- a[a > thresh.cut.path]
      h.first[[i]] <- A[names(e.first[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
    ## Second map
    tpt.temp <- make_pairs_mappoly(input.twopt = twopt, s.temp)
    rf.matrix <- rf_list_to_matrix(input.twopt = tpt.temp,
                                   thresh.LOD.ph = thres.twopt, 
                                   thresh.LOD.rf = thres.twopt, 
                                   shared.alleles = TRUE, 
                                   verbose = FALSE)
    w <- generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo(block1 = c(map.list[[1]]$maps[[i.lpc[1]]], mrk.names = list(map.list[[1]]$info$mrk.names)), 
                                                        block2 = c(map.list[[2]]$maps[[i.lpc[2]]], mrk.names = list(map.list[[2]]$info$mrk.names)),
                                                        rf.matrix = rf.matrix,
                                                        ploidy = ploidy, 
                                                        max.inc = 0)
    ## get test.maps and conditional probabilities
    test.maps <- p <- vector("list", length(w))
    rem <- logical(length(w))
    for(i in 1:length(w))
      test.maps[[i]] <- map.list[[2]]
      test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.ph <- w[[i]]
      r <- test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf
      r[r<1e-5] <- 1e-5
      test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf <- r
      suppressMessages(p[[i]] <- calc_genoprob(test.maps[[i]], verbose = FALSE))
    ## h: states to visit in both parents
    ## e: probability distribution 
    h.second <- e.second <- vector("list", length(w))
    for(j in 1:length(w)){
      etemp <- htemp <- vector("list", n.ind)
      for(i in 1:n.ind){
        a <- p[[j]]$probs[,1,i]  
        etemp[[i]] <- a[a > thresh.cut.path]
        htemp[[i]] <- A[names(etemp[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
      h.second[[j]] <- htemp
      e.second[[j]] <- etemp
    configs <- vector("list", length(test.maps))
    names(configs) <- paste0("Phase_config.", 1:length(test.maps))
    res <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(w), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(names(configs), c("log_like", "rf")))
    ## HMM
    for(i in 1:length(w)){
      #cat("testing", i, "of", length(h), "\n")
      h.test <- c(list(h.first), h.second[i])
      e.test <- c(list(e.first), e.second[i])
      restemp <- est_haplo_hmm(ploidy = ploidy, 
                               n.mrk = length(h.test), 
                               n.ind = n.ind, 
                               haplo = h.test, 
                               emit = e.test, 
                               rf_vec = rep(0.01, length(h.test)-1), 
                               verbose = FALSE, 
                               use_H0 = FALSE, 
                               tol = tol) 
      res[i,] <- unlist(restemp)
    for(i in 1:length(test.maps)){
      P <- c(map.list[[1]]$maps[[i.lpc[1]]]$seq.ph$P, test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P)
      Q <- c(map.list[[1]]$maps[[i.lpc[1]]]$seq.ph$Q, test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q)
      names(P) <- names(Q) <- c(map.list[[1]]$maps[[i.lpc[1]]]$seq.num, test.maps[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.num)
      configs[[i]] <- list(P = P, Q = Q)
    res <- res[order(res[,"log_like"], decreasing = TRUE),,drop = FALSE]
    ## Updating map
    output.map <- map.list[[1]]
    seq.num <- as.numeric(names(configs[[1]]$P))
    output.map$info$mrk.names <- c(map.list[[1]]$info$mrk.names, map.list[[2]]$info$mrk.names)
    output.map$info$n.mrk <- length(output.map$info$mrk.names)
    output.map$info$seq.dose.p1 <- c(map.list[[1]]$info$seq.dose.p1, map.list[[2]]$info$seq.dose.p1)
    output.map$info$seq.dose.p2 <- c(map.list[[1]]$info$seq.dose.p2, map.list[[2]]$info$seq.dose.p2)
    output.map$info$chrom <- c(map.list[[1]]$info$chrom, map.list[[2]]$info$chrom)
    output.map$info$genome.pos <- c(map.list[[1]]$info$genome.pos, map.list[[2]]$info$genome.pos)
    output.map$info$seq.ref <-  ref[output.map$info$mrk.names]
    output.map$info$seq.alt <-  alt[output.map$info$mrk.names]
    output.map$info$chisq.pval <- c(map.list[[1]]$info$chisq.pval, map.list[[2]]$info$chisq.pval)
    for(i in 1:nrow(res))
      seq.rf <- c(map.list[[1]]$maps[[i.lpc[1]]]$seq.rf, res[i, "rf"], map.list[[2]]$maps[[i.lpc[2]]]$seq.rf)
      output.map$maps[[i]] <- list(seq.num = seq.num, 
                                   seq.rf = seq.rf, 
                                   seq.ph = configs[[rownames(res)[i]]],
                                   loglike = res[i, "log_like"])
    if(thres.hmm  ==  "best")
      thres.hmm <- 10e-10
    output.map <- filter_map_at_hmm_thres(output.map, thres.hmm)
  } else { 
    ##sequential phasing
    ## FIXME: instead of computing genoprob for each round of block insertion$
    ## Inherit from previous rounds
    out.map <- map.list[[1]]
    for(i in 2:length(map.list)){
      out.map <- merge_maps(map.list = list(out.map, map.list[[i]]), 
                            twopt = twopt, 
                            tol = tol, 
                            thres.twopt = thres.twopt)  
    out.map$info$seq.num <- unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$seq.num))
    out.map$info$seq.dose.p1 <- unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$seq.dose.p1))
    out.map$info$seq.dose.p2 <- unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$seq.dose.p2))
    out.map$info$chrom <- unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$chrom))
    out.map$info$genome.pos <- unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$genome.pos))
    out.map$info$seq.ref <-  ref[out.map$info$mrk.names]
    out.map$info$seq.alt <-  alt[out.map$info$mrk.names]
    out.map$info$chisq.pval <- unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$chisq.pval))
    ##splitting to reestimate
    map.list2 <- vector("list", length(map.list))
    for(i in 1:length(map.list)){
      suppressMessages(map.list2[[i]] <- get_submap(out.map, mrk.pos = match(map.list[[i]]$info$mrk.names, out.map$info$mrk.names), reestimate.rf = FALSE))
    genoprob.list <- vector("list", length(map.list2))
    for(i in 1:length(genoprob.list)){
      r <- map.list2[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf
      r[r<1e-5] <- 1e-5
      map.list2[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf <- r
      suppressMessages(genoprob.list[[i]] <- calc_genoprob(map.list2[[i]], verbose = FALSE))
    temp.map <- est_map_haplo_given_genoprob(map.list2, genoprob.list, tol = tol)
    out.map$maps[[1]]$loglike <- temp.map$map[[1]] 
    w <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(length(map.list)-1)){
      w <- c(w, map.list[[i]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf, temp.map$map[[2]][i])
    out.map$maps[[1]]$seq.rf <- c(w, map.list[[length(map.list)]]$maps[[1]]$seq.rf)
    temp.map$genoprob$map <- cumsum(c(0, imf_h(temp.map$genoprob$map)))
    dimnames(temp.map$genoprob$probs)[[2]] <- names(temp.map$genoprob$map) <- paste0("M_", 1:length(temp.map$genoprob$map))
mmollina/MAPPoly documentation built on March 8, 2024, 2:04 a.m.