#' Recombination fraction list to matrix
#' Transforms the recombination fraction list contained in an object
#' of class \code{mappoly.twopt} or \code{mappoly.twopt2} into a recombination
#' fraction matrix
#' \code{thresh_LOD_ph} should be set in order to only select
#' recombination fractions that have LOD scores associated to the
#' linkage phase configuration higher than \code{thresh_LOD_ph}
#' when compared to the second most likely linkage phase configuration.
#' @param input.twopt an object of class \code{mappoly.twopt} or \code{mappoly.twopt2}
#' @param thresh.LOD.ph LOD score threshold for linkage phase configurations (default = 0)
#' @param thresh.LOD.rf LOD score threshold for recombination fractions (default = 0)
#' @param thresh.rf the threshold used for recombination fraction filtering (default = 0.5)
#' @param ncpus number of parallel processes (i.e. cores) to spawn (default = 1)
#' @param shared.alleles if \code{TRUE}, computes two matrices (for both parents) indicating
#' the number of homologues that share alleles (default = FALSE)
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} (default), current progress is shown; if
#' \code{FALSE}, no output is produced
#' @param x an object of class \code{mappoly.rf.matrix}
#' @param type type of matrix that should be printed. Can be one of the
#' following: \code{"rf"}, for recombination fraction or \code{"lod"}
#' for LOD Score
#' @param ord the order in which the markers should be plotted (default = NULL)
#' @param rem which markers should be removed from the heatmap (default = NULL)
#' @param main.text a character string as the title of the heatmap (default = NULL)
#' @param index \code{logical} should the name of the markers be printed in the
#' diagonal of the heatmap? (default = FALSE)
#' @param fact positive integer. factor expressed as number of cells to be aggregated
#' (default = 1, no aggregation)
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @return A list containing two matrices. The first one contains the
#' filtered recombination fraction and the second one contains the
#' information matrix
#' @examples
#' all.mrk <- make_seq_mappoly(hexafake, 1:20)
#' red.mrk <- elim_redundant(all.mrk)
#' unique.mrks <- make_seq_mappoly(red.mrk)
#' all.pairs <- est_pairwise_rf(input.seq = unique.mrks,
#' ncpus = 1,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' ## Full recombination fraction matrix
#' mat.full <- rf_list_to_matrix(input.twopt = all.pairs)
#' plot(mat.full)
#' plot(mat.full, type = "lod")
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @references
#' Mollinari, M., and Garcia, A. A. F. (2019) Linkage
#' analysis and haplotype phasing in experimental autopolyploid
#' populations with high ploidy level using hidden Markov
#' models, _G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics_.
#' \doi{10.1534/g3.119.400378}
#' @import fields
#' @export rf_list_to_matrix
rf_list_to_matrix <- function(input.twopt,
thresh.LOD.ph = 0,
thresh.LOD.rf = 0,
thresh.rf = 0.5,
ncpus = 1L,
shared.alleles = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
## checking for correct object
if (inherits(input.twopt, "mappoly.twopt")){
pair_input <- input.twopt$pairwise
marnames <- rownames(get(input.twopt$data.name, pos = 1)$geno.dose)[sort(input.twopt$seq.num)]
marindex <- sort(input.twopt$seq.num)
lod.ph.mat <- lod.mat <- rec.mat <- matrix(NA, input.twopt$n.mrk, input.twopt$n.mrk)
ShP <- ShQ <- lod.mat
#### UPDATE: instead of recovering the order from names, provide using the object 'input.twopt'
#seq.num.orig <- unique(sapply(strsplit(x = names(input.twopt$pairwise), split = "-"), function(x) as.numeric(x[1])))
#seq.num.orig <- c(seq.num.orig, strsplit(tail(names(input.twopt$pairwise), n = 1), "-")[[1]][2])
#dimnames(lod.mat) = dimnames(rec.mat) = list(seq.num.orig, seq.num.orig)
if (ncpus > 1) {
start <- proc.time()
if (verbose)
cat("INFO: Using ", ncpus, " CPUs.\n")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpus)
varlist = c("thresh.LOD.ph", "thresh.LOD.rf", "thresh.rf", "shared.alleles"),
envir = environment())
rf.lod.mat <- parallel::parSapply(cl, pair_input, "select_rf",
thresh.LOD.ph, thresh.LOD.rf, thresh.rf, shared.alleles)
end <- proc.time()
if (verbose) {
cat("INFO: Done with",
" pairs of markers \n")
cat("INFO: Operation took:",
round((end - start)[3],
digits = 3),
} else {
if (verbose) {
cat("INFO: Going singlemode. Using one CPU.\n")
rf.lod.mat <- sapply(pair_input, select_rf, thresh.LOD.ph, thresh.LOD.rf, thresh.rf, shared.alleles)
rec.mat[lower.tri(rec.mat)] <- as.numeric(rf.lod.mat[1,])
rec.mat[upper.tri(rec.mat)] <- t(rec.mat)[upper.tri(rec.mat)]
lod.mat[lower.tri(lod.mat)] <- as.numeric(rf.lod.mat[2,])
lod.mat[upper.tri(lod.mat)] <- t(lod.mat)[upper.tri(lod.mat)]
lod.ph.mat[lower.tri(lod.ph.mat)] <- as.numeric(rf.lod.mat[3,])
lod.ph.mat[upper.tri(lod.ph.mat)] <- t(lod.ph.mat)[upper.tri(lod.ph.mat)]
dimnames(lod.ph.mat) <- dimnames(rec.mat) <- dimnames(lod.mat) <- list(marnames, marnames)
ShP[lower.tri(ShP)] <- as.numeric(rf.lod.mat[4,])
ShP[upper.tri(ShP)] <- t(ShP)[upper.tri(ShP)]
ShQ[lower.tri(ShQ)] <- as.numeric(rf.lod.mat[5,])
ShQ[upper.tri(ShQ)] <- t(ShQ)[upper.tri(ShQ)]
dimnames(ShP) <- dimnames(ShQ) <- list(marnames, marnames)
} else{
ShP <- ShQ <- NULL
structure(list(thresh.LOD.ph = thresh.LOD.ph,
thresh.LOD.rf = thresh.LOD.rf,
thresh.rf = thresh.rf,
rec.mat = rec.mat,
lod.mat = abs(lod.mat),
lod.ph.mat = abs(lod.ph.mat),
ShP = ShP,
ShQ = ShQ,
data.name = input.twopt$data.name,
chisq.pval.thres = input.twopt$chisq.pval.thres,
chisq.pval = input.twopt$chisq.pval,
cl = class(input.twopt)),
class = "mappoly.rf.matrix")
else if (inherits(input.twopt, "mappoly.twopt2")){
rec.mat <- input.twopt$pairwise$rf
lod.mat <- abs(input.twopt$pairwise$LOD.rf)
lod.ph.mat <- abs(input.twopt$pairwise$LOD.ph)
ShP <- input.twopt$pairwise$Sh.P1
ShQ <- input.twopt$pairwise$Sh.P2
dimnames(rec.mat) <- dimnames(lod.mat) <-
dimnames(lod.ph.mat) <- dimnames(ShP) <-
dimnames(ShQ) <- list(input.twopt$seq.mrk.names,
if(thresh.LOD.ph > 0){
rec.mat[lod.ph.mat < thresh.LOD.ph] <- NA
lod.mat[lod.ph.mat < thresh.LOD.ph] <- NA
ShP[lod.ph.mat < thresh.LOD.ph] <- NA
ShQ[lod.ph.mat < thresh.LOD.ph] <- NA
lod.ph.mat[lod.ph.mat < thresh.LOD.ph] <- NA
if(thresh.LOD.rf > 0){
rec.mat[lod.mat < thresh.LOD.rf] <- NA
lod.ph.mat[lod.mat < thresh.LOD.rf] <- NA
ShP[lod.mat < thresh.LOD.rf] <- NA
ShQ[lod.mat < thresh.LOD.rf] <- NA
lod.mat[lod.mat < thresh.LOD.rf] <- NA
if(thresh.rf < 0.5){
lod.mat[rec.mat > thresh.rf] <- NA
lod.ph.mat[rec.mat > thresh.rf] <- NA
ShP[rec.mat > thresh.rf] <- NA
ShQ[rec.mat > thresh.rf] <- NA
rec.mat[rec.mat > thresh.rf] <- NA
structure(list(thresh.LOD.ph = thresh.LOD.ph,
thresh.LOD.rf = thresh.LOD.rf,
thresh.rf = thresh.rf,
rec.mat = rec.mat,
lod.mat = lod.mat,
lod.ph.mat = lod.ph.mat,
ShP = ShP,
ShQ = ShQ,
data.name = input.twopt$data.name,
chisq.pval.thres = input.twopt$chisq.pval.thres,
chisq.pval = input.twopt$chisq.pval),
class = "mappoly.rf.matrix")
" is not an object of class 'mappoly.twopt' or 'mappoly.twopt2'")
#' @rdname rf_list_to_matrix
#' @export
print.mappoly.rf.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
cat(" This is an object of class 'mappoly.rf.matrix'\n\n")
## criteria
cat(" Criteria used to filter markers:\n\n")
" Configuration phase LOD: ",
"\n Recombination fraction LOD: ",
"\n Maximum recombination fraction: ",
n.mrk <- ncol(x$rec.mat)
per.fill <-
round(100 * sum(!is.na(x$rec.mat)) / (length(x$rec.mat)-ncol(x$rec.mat)), 1)
## printing summary
cat("\n No. markers: ", n.mrk, "\n")
cat(" Percentage filled: ", per.fill, "%\n")
#' @rdname rf_list_to_matrix
#' @export
plot.mappoly.rf.matrix <- function(x, type = c("rf", "lod"), ord = NULL, rem = NULL,
main.text = NULL, index = FALSE, fact = 1, ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(inherits(ord, "mappoly.sequence"))
ord <- ord$seq.mrk.names
if(type == "rf"){
w <- x$rec.mat
w <- w[ord,ord]
if(!(is.null(rem) || sum(colnames(x$rec.mat)%in%rem) == 0))
o <- which(colnames(x$rec.mat)%in%rem)
w <- w[-o,-o]
if(fact > 1)
w <- aggregate_matrix(w, fact)
main.text <- "Recombination fraction matrix"
col.range <-
na.omit(rev(fields::tim.colors())[1:(ceiling(128 * max(x$rec.mat, na.rm = TRUE)) + 1)])
brks <- NULL
} else if(type == "lod")
w <- x$lod.mat
w <- w[ord,ord]
if(!(is.null(rem) || sum(colnames(x$rec.mat)%in%rem) == 0))
o <- which(colnames(x$rec.mat)%in%rem)
w <- w[-o,-o]
if(fact > 1)
w <- aggregate_matrix(w, fact)
w[w < 1e-4] <- 1e-4
w <- log10(w)
main.text <- "log(LOD) Score matrix"
col.range <- na.omit(fields::tim.colors()[1:(ceiling(128 * max(x$lod.mat, na.rm = TRUE)) + 1)])
col.range <- col.range[ceiling(seq(1, length(col.range), length.out = 10))]
brks <- seq(min(w, na.rm = TRUE), max(w, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 11)
brks <- round(exp(brks/log10(exp(1))),1)
} else stop("Invalid matrix type.")
col = col.range,
lab.breaks = brks,
main = main.text,
useRaster = FALSE,
axes = FALSE
if(ncol(w) < 100)
ft <- .7
ft <- 100/ncol(w)
text(x = seq(0,1, length.out = ncol(w)), y = seq(0,1, length.out = ncol(w)),
labels = colnames(w), cex = ft)
#' Select rf and lod based on thresholds
#' @keywords internal
select_rf <- function(x, thresh.LOD.ph, thresh.LOD.rf, thresh.rf, shared.alleles = FALSE)
if(shared.alleles){return(c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))} else return(c(NA,NA,NA))
if((nrow(x) == 1 || abs(x[2 , 1]) >= thresh.LOD.ph) &&
abs(x[1, 3]) >= thresh.LOD.rf &&
abs(x[1, 2]) <= thresh.rf)
y <- strsplit(rownames(x), "-")
return(c(x[1,2:3], x[2,1], as.numeric(y[[1]][1]), as.numeric(y[[1]][2])))
} else {
return(c(x[1,2:3], x[2,1]))
if(shared.alleles){return(c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))} else return(c(NA,NA,NA))
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