Man pages for momeara/MPStats
Tools for analyzing Morphological Profiling data

bayesplot_themeSet bayesplot theme to MPStat defaults
binomial_quantileQuantile of bayesian estimator for binomial trial with flat...
binomial_varianceVariance of Bayesian estimator for binomial trial with flat...
compute_qc_covariatesCompute important quality control covariates suggested by...
date_codecreate date code of the form YYYYMMDD inputs: d (optional):...
fit_brms_flat_score_by_dosebrms flat model for score by compound dose
fit_brms_hill_score_by_dosebrms hill model for score by compound dose
fit_brms_npos_nneg_by_dosebrms model for the counts of positive and negative cells by...
fit_drc_score_by_doseDRC 4-param dose response fits with bottom fixed = 0
fit_MuSyC_score_by_doseFit the MuSyC synergy model by dose
fit_MuSyC_score_by_dose_robustCombined: sample1 =
fit_principal_curvesfit principle curves
generate_hill_effectsSimulate hill model from the parameters
generate_MuSyC_effectsDrug Synergy MuSyC Drug Synergy model
generate_MuSyC_effects_robustGenerate MuSyC Ed scores using a robust functional form It...
GeomIndicatorggplot2 geom that adds a label to facet panes
get_database_connectionConstruct a database from database connection parameters
loo_R2_indicatorSummarize the loo_R2 as a plot indicator
model_cell_count_by_batch_vars_lmModel cell count by batch variables using a linear model
model_score_by_batch_vars_lmModel score by batch variables using a weighted least squares...
MuSyC_default_priorDefault priors for MuSyC synergy model
MuSyC_hi_to_siConvert from slope parametrization to the exponent...
MuSyC_si_to_hiConvert from slope parametrization to the exponent...
pairsplotCustomized pairs plot
plate_layoutget plate layout
plot_binomial_variance_by_cell_countA diagnostic plot for error analysis for binomial trials
plot_brms_predictor_residual_score_by_dosePlot the score as a function of compound dose for brms models
plot_brms_score_by_dosePlot the score as a function of compound dose for brms models
plot_cell_count_by_batch_vars_densityplot cell count by batch variables as a density plot
plot_cell_count_by_batch_vars_scatterplot cell count by batch variables as a scatterplot
plot_checkerboard_score_by_dosePlot dose-response checkerboard
plot_drc_score_by_dosePlot the score as a function of compound dose
plot_embedded_cluster_principal_curvesPlot embedded cluster principal cluves
plot_heatmapplot feature heatmap
plot_principal_curve_projectionsPlot embedded cluster principal cluves
plot_score_by_batch_vars_densityplot cell count by batch variables as a density plot
plot_score_by_batch_vars_scatterplot cell count by batch variables as a scatter plot
plot_score_by_cell_countplot score by cell count
plot_Zprime_by_dyePlot Zprime score by Dye combination
plot_Zprime_by_top_featuresPlot Zprime by top features
poisson_quantileQuantile of bayesian estimators for samples of a poisson...
populate_cdsPopluate a Monocle3 cell data set from cell features
prior_posterior_plotCreate a plot that compares the distribution of prior and...
rankplotCustomized rank plot
read_cell_featuresRead cell features
read_compound_moaRead compound mechanism of action table
read_well_scoresRead well scores table
read_Zprime_by_plateRead Zprime by plate
serialize_clustersWrite out clusters from monocle3 cell dataset
traceplotCustomized trace plot
umich_colorsUnivrsity of Michigan colors
well_id_to_columnExtract column index from well identifier
well_id_to_rowExtract row index from well identifier
well_index_to_columnExtract column index from well index
well_index_to_rowExtract row index from well index
ZprimeCompute Zprime score
momeara/MPStats documentation built on July 19, 2022, 3:34 p.m.